Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Teenage karate kicking demon fighters? This is just chock full of WTF?

This is absolutely sickening on a number of different levels.

Clearly these people asking for exorcisms are mentally ill. ("I have welts on my legs where they held me down and raped me." Those are not the words of a sane person.)

But instead of receiving the kind of help that they obviously need they allow their superstitions to convince them to spend their money on these charlatans.

Part me wants to laugh at the image of this girl band of demon hunters being taken seriously by ANYONE. But another part of me just feels sad that there are still so many people so easily manipulated by this kind of superstitious nonsense.


  1. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Why tag this with "Christianity?" This isn't Christianity in any way shape or form. Yes, yes there are those who claim it is, but it really isn't. You must have quite a group of freaks up there, because this really isn't any Christianity that I have seen. Oh yeah, we all look alike to you, right?

    1. HEY dip stick.
      if you had a clue about your "christianity" you would know that exorcism is practiced from the vatican down to the out house where you go to church.

      and this removing of demons and speaking in "tongues" is the mainstay of a large section of the idiots that think TV preachers are gods right hand man.

      in fact your idol old palin got her start in one of these voodoo churches.

      so inform yourself before someone runs after you with a big wooden stake wearing garlic bulbs around their neck.
      YA FOOL!

    2. Anonymous6:07 AM

      Wow, I don't know where you live but these christians are EVERYWHERE. Look at the nuts in PA that kidnapped the youth group to show them what is happening to christians around the world. Other people commenting on that article said that they have seen this happen in TX as well.

      Heck, my son figured that if his old youth group leaders had been given this idea that they would have thought it was really cool & would have done it in a heartbeat. I live in OH. Ask me why we are now atheists. We have seen & been through way too much to believe all that stuff now.

      Perhaps, YOU need to get out there & see what is really going on in christianity. It is downright frightening!

    3. The Church and Exorcism.


    4. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Yes yo do all look alike because the so-called true christian does not ever stand up to be recognized and call out the people you claim are not christian. The second your type of "good" christian puts down the "bad" christian is when I will start to respect you. Until then either get out there and make some noise or stay in church and hide.

    5. If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God ~ you are a Christian.

      Even if you're evil incarnate.

    6. Anonymous10:55 AM


      Not true.

      There are some Jews for Jesus who believe JC is the son of God.

      Also, if the Devil believes Jesus is the son of God,

      That makes the Devil a Christian?

      I bet that's news to him!

    7. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

      My guess, correct me if I'm wrong, that it's tagged "Christianity" is because the pastor is dressed in church elder garb, the only book in the clip is "the bible", and the props used are "holy water", "prayer" and crosses

      I don't see Hare Krishna saffron robes, "witch" costumes (with all respect to true wicca), prayer shawls, Buddhist shrines, pentagrams, black candles, altars with blood on them and stuff, etc.

  2. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Publicity whores?

  3. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Surely these are actors auditioning for the "reality show" that is going to make them "stars"?

    Their idea for a show is a little more interesting than that "trial marriage" one I heard earlier! *snort*

  4. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Let's see, what comes to mind?? Oh yea, Salem Massachusetts 1620's.

  5. Chenagrrl5:46 AM

    After your demon session, drop by and pick up an indulgence or two -- some for you and some for the family, living or dead. Bunkum!

  6. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Looks like the movies Clueless and Heathers all wrapped up in the documentary Jesus Camp.

  7. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Here's a sad tale of woe...

    A good friend of ours sister married & a short time later came home saying the marriage wouldn't work. Her father said she could spend ONE night at his house, but no daughter of his was EVER going to get a divorce.

    After years of being in this marriage where the husband belittled her (adopting two kids because she couldn't carry to term - not woman enough according to her husband & father) - she was suffering from extreme exhaustion.

    She was a stay-at-home mom, of course. Her husband wouldn't let her work outside the home. The doctor said she needed rest--he said she needed a break.

    Her husband didn't let her rest. He purposely kept her up because he said he needed company at night after the kids were asleep.

    She suffered a break-down.

    Instead of taking her to a doctor, he called the church group. They came and had an exorcism for her. They actually stood on the lawn outside her home so that the neighbors could see & prayed for her demons to come out.

    She killed herself shortly after - on her son's birthday - because she wasn't a good enough mother, she said.

    Very, very sad.

  8. Anonymous6:04 AM

    It's hard to take the girls seriously - even if I were inclined to, which I am not - because of the way the one smiles as if joking when she slings the holy water shaker at the woman and the woman starts screaming.

    Honestly, none of those girls - and even the man - seem believable. Those must be desperate people if they fall for these fakers.

  9. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Catholic priests are the only ones that can perform an exorcist.

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Unless it's a witchdoctor from Kenya in an evangelical church. Ask Palin.

  10. Replies
    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Reality Show celeb is the profession most strived for by the home skooled. It's all they're prepared for in life.

  11. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Maybe these girls grew up watching too many episodes of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Twilight, Angel, Charmed, Supernatural or played too many computer games based on these themes.

    They wanna-be Kristen Stewart/Charlies Angels and probably have posters of teen idol vampire Robert Pattinson on their walls. At least they aren't watching shows & playing video games that would influence them to shoot up the school and kill their classmates. Still this is STUPID.


    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Until, of course, some idiot TeaTHUGlican starts claiming that the teachers or the school are demon inhabited and indoctrinating kids- a la Santorum - then watch. Add in $carah's crosshairs and it will be another tragedy. And this is one time I will hate it when the prediction comes true.

  12. I'm a psych nurse. Seeing this just infuriates me.

    People who have a psychotic break, often have delusion beliefs that revolve around religious ideology.

    If a person has a delusional belief that there are demons inside of them, it is important to tell them that is not real. It is damaging to them to feed this delusion. They have a hard enough time trying to figure out what is real and what is not. For them, it is like being on a terrifying bad acid trip.

    When someone with a mental illness, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, has a psychotic break, they need to go to the hospital. They need to be treated by professionals and have their medications adjusted. They need to have labs drawn to check their medications levels. Body chemistry levels need to be checked, such as enzymes, metabolic panel and ammonia levels. If they are out of balance, it can cause cognitive impairment. If a person has cirrhosis of the liver, it can affect how their medication is being processed.

    It is amazing how quickly 'demons' will leave when a person has proper medical care.

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Tell it!

    2. Anonymous11:04 AM

      I agree.

      I didn't watch the clip but I don't need to, I know the deal.

      People using religion to PREY on others.

      It's about power over others, using their weaknesses against them to serve your purpose.

      This isn't an exorcism, and it just feeds into the belief that these people are linked with Christianity; they are not.

      I can't imagine how distasteful JC finds people who try on their GOD ROBES.

      And to hurt others in the process?


    3. Anita Winecooler6:08 PM

      Thank You, Next Chapter, for telling it like it is. It's time for people to face the facts about mental illness and remove the stigma. What upsets me the most is many health insurances, if not most, do not cover medications these people need.

      The problem with what's presented in the video is years and years of indoctrination by Churches of the belief that all that appears "not good" must be evil. The next logical conclusion of someone suffering a psychotic break is "something's not good with me, therefore I am possessed by the devil". Why bother the suffering of finding the proper doses of the proper medicines, when prayer, holy water, and abuse inflicted to dispel the demons may be the only option.

      I'm sure there's quotes in the Bible that speak to this and keep the practice going.

  13. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Dark Ages idiocy. Get 'yer Malleus Maleficarum here before it's too late!


    1. Anonymous11:05 AM


      Tithes for sale!

      Get your tithes today,

      Be in Heaven tomorrow! ;)

  14. Anonymous8:48 AM

    >>It is amazing how quickly 'demons' will leave when a person has proper medical care.


    Brain and body chemistry have a HUGE impact on everything we do, say, think and feel. Ask anyone who lives with depression when they are out of balance. It's like being another person, unable to access the 'real' you. But voila, medication allows for a balancing and all that 'deluded' thinking simply vanishes.

    Balanced brain chemistry has everything to do with one's mental health and any imbalance can result of in diagnoses of all sorts. Once balance is achieved, more times than not the antisocial/out of control/debilitating behavior simply ceases to occur.

    Nutritional aspects are also important since an imbalance of vitamins and minerals, especially, can be devastating physically and mentally.

  15. Anonymous9:47 AM

    ("I have welts on my hands where they held me down and rapes me." Those are not the words of a sane person.)

    They are not the words of Sandy at 3:11. She said "legs"—at least marginally more logical.

  16. Anonymous10:00 AM

    This is among the silliest things I have ever seen. It just goes to show ya, there's a sucker born every minute. I would advise these "demon exercising" girls to take an acting class so they would look more convincing, but then again, look who they are performing for. It's not a far stretch for them to have to be convincing for those folks. And another thing, leave it to ABC news to air a story like this. I'm not a fan of Sarah Palin at all, but I have to say, "the media is getting lamer every day".

  17. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Yet another reason for public education.

    What will be next a few drownings or burning at the stake?

  18. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Pat Robertson, Demon Hunter
    Televangelist Pat Robertson recently made headlines for suggesting that homosexuality may be driven by "demonic possession." In recent years, Robertson has labeled a wide (and frequently bizarre) range of things as demonic, including: feng shui, yoga, karate, horoscopes, Twilight, paintings of Buddha, television shows about ghosts, Halloween, psychics, young girls levitating their friends at sleepovers, and (sometimes) adopted children from other countries.


    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Pat Robertson needs to be Baker Act'd. He also needs to be stripped of his 501(c) tax-exemption.

      This type of "religion" is a mental illness that my mother is a causality of. It infuriates me to no end that Robertson and the rest of these assholes are allowed to scam vulnerable trusting people. I have tried for years to get my mom to see them for what they are to no avail. Burn in your hell Pat ROBBERson!

  19. Anonymous2:07 PM

    It's all about the $$$$. Wonder how much an "exorcism" costs ?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:13 PM

      I think the answer is "How much have you got?", I don't mean this to mock you nor your question, but most schemes to make money rarely leave any left, it's "the nature of the beast"

  20. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Script / Text of Act I Macbeth

    ACT I
    SCENE I. A desert place.

    Thunder and lightning. Enter three Witches
    First Witch
    When shall we three meet again
    In thunder, lightning, or in rain?

    Second Witch
    When the hurlyburly's done,
    When the battle's lost and won.

    Third Witch
    That will be ere the set of sun.

    First Witch
    Where the place?

    Second Witch
    Upon the heath.

    Third Witch
    There to meet with Macbeth.

    First Witch
    I come, Graymalkin!

    Second Witch
    Paddock calls.

    Third Witch

    Fair is foul, and foul is fair:
    Hover through the fog and filthy air.


    I call it Stupidstition.

    I disagree with Gryphen's atheism though not all of his/its reasoning, but I do acknowledge that much of Bible, characteristic of the era in which it was written reflects the stupidstition of the men who wrote it.

  21. Anita Winecooler6:37 PM

    Next Chapter's comment said it best.

    A society is judged by how it treats the weakest among them, and this is a superb example.

    These people need medical attention, not exorcisms. To make matters worse, they're thinking of offering this up as "entertainment" when they should be ashamed of themselves.

    I think it's time to start taxing all churches. Why should these people benefit from not having to pay taxes while making money off of the most vulnerable?

  22. Anonymous1:50 AM

    "But another part of me just feels sad that there are still so many people so easily manipulated by this kind of superstitious nonsense."

    This perfectly describes anyone who swallows and votes for the GOP/Taliban. Pure and simple insanity.

  23. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Lame, so i've been told growing up that ppl can be possessed by demons, i fail to believe that half of the population of the entire world is. They charge ppl for this sort of thing and encourage ppl to think that they are possessed. 1. they shouldn't charge for a service that is given by the church, accepting donations i could see. 2. telling ppl that they are possessed when clearly they are just stupid and easily misguided is just wrong. The community i've grown up in is very superstitious and i can see how something like this can happen yet i don't understand how no one has intervened and gotten ppl who believe this some help.


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