Saturday, April 28, 2012

Well this should make Sarah Palin's night. Update!

She got mentioned at the White Ho sue Correspondents Dinner by the President!

You just KNOW she is dancing around her crazy ass compound, overlooking the lake of the damned, in her leopard print Spanx and push up water bra filled with red Bull screaming into her Blackberry at RAM to "Get those chubby digits typing, and this time make me sound SMART dammit!"

By the way the President was on fire tonight, and was almost Colbert-fearless with his delivery.

That Newt Gingrich joke was awesome!  "Newt, there's still time man!"

I will have much more video up tomorrow, but for those that watched it live, what did you think?

Update: For those who missed it, here is the transcript of Obama's remarks  at the White House Correspondence Dinner.


  1. Anonymous7:00 PM

    His comment showed just how classless and crude she really is.

  2. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I thought it was great! Loved how he just took on all the dog jokes -- "the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull: pitbulls are delicious!" (and I say that as someone whose cherished family members have included generations of lovable AmStaffs).

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      As a "rill" hockey mom and grandma and a pit mix momma, I found it funny too!

    2. Anonymous9:17 PM

      I loved the menacing look on his face. I'll bet Uggie made a mad dash for the door.

  3. This Tweet says it all:
    Johnny Nguyen ‏
    I'm sitting behind the Fox News table and they are tighter than a girdle on grandma! #NerdProm

  4. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Peepond is in a tizzy over Press Obama's joke about Palin. I took the joke as a dig back at her for going on Greta and finishing her Obama bash with "as long as he doesn't eat the dog."

    I think that was some Obama bait. Palin will come out looking like she's thinking dirty if she responds. All he has to do is cite her Greta comment. She would have to cite her dirty thinking. He'll win.

    1. Anonymous7:38 PM

      The Peepond is crazy. They are a geriatric fan club for a faded celeb. That's it.

    2. Oh Goodness! You're right...the nuts at the Zoo are foaming and snarling over the pitbull remark!

      Yep...Baldy can't let this one go...she WILL NOT BE IGNORED! LOL!!

      First...she'll wait and see what FAKE News says in her defense...then by Monday or Tuesday she'll have RAM post something on Fakebook essentially playing the victim..."I'm glad the President can make jokes at a housewife from Wasilly, Alaska...I can handle it...but what about the (insert whatever talking point she's been given from her handlers) deficit...blah...blah...gas prices"...and by Wednesday she'll show that ugly mannish mug on Fake News spewing more shit into the ozone!

      And Beefy/Nancy will post soon after!

      Oh yeah one more thing...she's probably traveling back from that Women's when she hears about this...via her two Crackberry's...a tweet should show up sometime before the morning! LOL!!

    3. And she spoke about being "daughters of God" at that conference - are we all born of virgins? Does she think her mother is the virgin Mary? - I recognize my real father - seems Sarah may not want to do the same.

      Some sex education needed for that weird family.

    4. Anonymous10:16 PM

      OMG! It's dog-libel Sarah. Time to make another video if you can get enough donations!

    5. TS said;

      "And she spoke about being "daughters of God" at that conference - are we all born of virgins? Does she think her mother is the virgin Mary? - I recognize my real father - seems Sarah may not want to do the same."

      $arah is soooooo stupid!
      How stupid is she??

      Well, we are NOT considered "Daughters of God", we are considered "Sisters of Christ" if she insists on playing the So-called "Christian"!

  5. Anonymous7:16 PM


    And the point was not to stick it to Scarah but to take on the feeble attempt to compare a young boy that has no control over what is given to him to eat versus a grown man committing an act of abuse.

    Rethugs just don't get it!!!

  6. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Sarah just wet her panties.... if she still wears them!

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Sarah wears depends for old grannies.

    2. She wee-wee'd up? !!! I love that he takes the GOP Comments and casually zings them back. Classy man!

  7. Anonymous7:22 PM

    She is too stupid to even recognize the fact that she was insulted. Dumb Bitch.

  8. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Mrs. Obama looks stunning, as always.

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Stunning yes, but also shocked! Like, she couldn't believe he was saying that! It was hilarious and i loved it.

  9. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Sarah: Did you hear what that African American said about me?

    I betcha Sarah didn't use the word African American!

  10. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Can hardly wait for the other videos, Gryph. I didn't get to see it live. *sigh*

    1. Anonymous10:02 PM

      Here you go:

      That's the whole routine from C-SPAN's Youtube channel. Jimmey Fallen's routine is on the channel too if you are interested.

      -Nick. :-)

    2. They are going to replay it again, also too.

  11. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Tonight FOX news will be reporting how can the president attack a woman that has never said one bad word about him or his family.

    1. Anonymous3:13 AM

      Fox News is going to talk about Kim Kardashian?

  12. Anonymous7:26 PM

    well, i wouldn't have guessed that they were delicious. yikes. looks like michelle thought that was a bit beyond. i did love the call=out to Newt. what a crackup.

  13. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Okay drama queen Bristol, go ahead and have Nancy French post for you that the POTUS owes your mother a phone call.

  14. WakeUpAmerica7:28 PM

    OMG! Where is Patullo? I can't wait to hear her rant about the pitbull remark.

  15. Anonymous7:31 PM

    America should be relived that Newt Gingrich or Sarah Palin will never be on the dais doing jokes.

    1. Anonymous3:19 AM

      Mr. Stay Puft and Misinformed have become the biggest jokes in the GOP. And they have no one to blame but themselves.

  16. Anonymous7:33 PM

    He brought her up but his commentary wasn NOT complimentary! Gingrich, Christie, Cantor and Boehner all got nailed tonight too!! Great dinner and show - President Obama delivers his jokes beautifully and has fun doing it!! Kimmel did a good job - was tough on all with great humor!

  17. He is BRILLIANT! I can hardly wait until you get the rest of it posted. Loved Michelle's reaction!

    (I hope they don't snap anything or get their fair and balanced girdles in a twist there at that 'rill 'merican Fox News table, doncha know.)

  18. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Oh my, me thinks Sarah Palin will turn this joke into a fundraiser. That's okay, the more money people send her the less money they send to Romney. No need to think Sarah will share that money with the GOP. Sarah has cosmetic surgeries, botox shots, lipo and prostitutes for Todd to pay for as well as 24/7 nanny care, room and board for Trig.

    The president is attacking me! Send me your best to SarahPac!

    Let's show him he can't do this!

    1. Oh damn. I forget which blogs, but they were Progressive blogs, where they had posts up about SarahPAC today. They had both explained the same as you Jess. How much she took in and how much she spent, not donating a cent to any Candidates!! Maybe now, the FEC will investigate her...again!!

  19. Patience7:36 PM

    'pitbulls are delicious!", especially with sauce.

    1. Anonymous1:32 AM

      or with a side of Obama meat after the election.

    2. only in your dreams....

  20. awesome!!!! Thought the President was actually funnier than Jimmy KImmel. His comedic timing is spot on and the little skit before he came on was hilarious. I love that he can make fun of himself. By doing the whole pitbull routine, it was a shout out of sorts to Palin, like in "I know you're there but I still don't think about you."...loved that.

    Not only do we have one smart President, we have a funny one too. He is going to go down in the history books as one of our best ones.

  21. Anonymous7:40 PM

    What's wrong with what the POTUS said? Todd would agree with Obama. That's why Todd had a new girlfriend..... Shailey Tripp.

    We all know that Sarah's hygiene is not that good.

  22. Cracklin Charlie7:43 PM

    There just seems to be no end to the man's talent.

  23. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Todd is happy, at least it takes his name and prostitution ring story out of the posts for an hour.

    1. Anonymous9:32 PM

      So what's Todd doing now that Cat Woman Sarah is away in Alabamy? Burying his money on the back forty?

  24. Excellent! And he even nailed "the Donald" AGAIN! Three dimensional Chess against Candyland. President Obama wins every time. And Jimmy Kimmel's line about Marcus Bachmann having "pink slips" was priceless. As was Marcus waving to Kimmel with his diamond cufflink-bedecked wrist ALA Liberace. FABULOUS!!, said Marcus, who, like Larry Craig, says he is "not Gay."

    Remember, remember, the sixth of November. Landslide!!!

  25. Patullo was over at SPHASH. Give her time to get her talking points from RAM...

    1. Anonymous1:30 AM

      Speaking some truth I assume? Trolls are merely truthtellers in your book right? I mean, everything you've ever said cannot be proven so 1. it's pointless to say as it makes you look childish 2. the truth is usually the opposite what what some smallminded gossip says. That's pretty evident.

    2. Anonymous7:24 AM

      2:30 am~

      Get a fucking life, krusty, you loser.

    3. Anita Winecooler5:51 PM

      AnonymousApr 29, 2012 02:30 AM

      ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha "trolls as truthtellers" Have you SEEN the pics (it's easier than, you know, reading and stuff) Gryphen's been posting all these years?

      He sunk your battleship years ago!

    4. Anonymous3:53 AM

      "Trolls are merely truth tellers." No, I believe trolls are enablers.

      You have lined Sarah Palin's coffers and will continue to so regardless if it will benefit you or not.

      Please tell me what has Sarah Palin done to improve the lives of Alaskans, Women, or children with Down Syndrome?

      Actions speak louder than words, and her actions say that the only person that matters to Sarah Palin, is Sarah Palin.

      During the 2008 RNC convention, Sarah Palin
      "outed" her pregnant unwed teen daughter to quell rumors regarding a recent pregnancy/birth, so Sarah can continue to look good to voters. And we all know how that turned out.

  26. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I thought the President was so good... I love his smile! And the First Lady was stunning - so beautiful!

    1. Anonymous6:07 AM

      Michelle looked gorgeous, she was just radiant.

  27. Anonymous8:09 PM

    hahahaha President Obama got a good and hilarious slam-down (and with class as usual) on the jealous Fool From Wasilla. I just LOVED the expression on his face and the way he said DEEELIOUS! I gotta go back and watch that again.

    I also liked the joke about Obama being black, being white and Boner being orange. Good laughs all around.


  28. Jimmy Kimmel used to be on The Man Show. The Senate version of the Man Show: the hearing into women's reproductive rights. Game, set, match to Obama.

    He was hot tonight. Loved his open about the anniversary of destroying a notorious threat to America: Picture of Donald Trump.

    Must see TV for anyone who missed it live.

    1. I did too,nearly fell of my chair laughing.
      Especially that screen shot of Trump.

  29. Anonymous8:24 PM

    He got her good finally and in front of everyone. Payback time and with a big smile on his face.

  30. Linda Arizona8:25 PM

    Loved it, right after I thought he shouldn't have mentioned her. It just gives her Narcissistic Supply.

    On the other hand, she's so nasty that she might just get that he was letting her know that she is so inconsequential that he could eat her for lunch! Ouch. That's gonna rankle.

    She is so done. Ha! Even the President sees that she is a national joke.

    I just watched the dinner with the President's 'before' comments. Hilarious. You'll have fun gathering and posting clips. It was great.

    Kimmel did an excellent job. Really stuck it to the Fox creeps.

    1. Anonymous6:12 AM

      I loved that his joked dismissed her as not being as good as dog meat. How insulting is that? A man would rather eat bbq dog than sample the delicious Sarah Palin? The GOP's #1 Milf? You know she wants to hate fuck him (you know it!!!), and he thinks she is gross.

    2. Linda Arizona10:08 AM

      YES!!! Absolutely true! He. Is. The. Man.

  31. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Does Sarah think she can continuously trash Obama and not get a response from him? Now she will say something about him not liking Hockey Moms.

    1. Anonymous9:28 PM

      No, it's not that he doesn't like Hockey Moms, he just doesn't like to eat them. (because they are not delicious, like the pit bull.) Am I the only one with a too-dirty mind? Michelle's expression tells me she got it that way too and was taken aback, didn't feel it was appropriate. Kind of a boy-type thing, I guess.

      I do love how our POTUS tells a joke, and I do love how really beautiful our FLOTUS is.

    2. Kimosabe3:43 AM

      Ha, that was my first impression too, that hockey moms (one in particular) are NOT delicious. A little too raunchy for the POTUS to say about any woman. Then I woke up this morning and realized it was about the dog meat kerfuffel.

    3. Anonymous3:59 AM

      To quote the "not delicious" one: "Boys will be Boys."

  32. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Michelle fully got it right away. I had no idea our president would go for something that raunchy. He is still my hero, but I could do with a more polite joke in a public setting, even about SP. Or, I really liked the no-mention-at-all mode. Liked it a lot.

    1. Anonymous9:23 PM

      Your first nerd prom?

    2. Anonymous5:56 AM

      @ 9:30 you really are an idiot, aren't you. But that's to be expected from someone with a middle school mentality - like $carah.

      The POTUS was referencing a line form a) another politicians original joke, which that failed politician b) brought up again recently (and in a nasty, mean and vindictive way, as it criticized not President Obama, but the 8 or 9 yea old child the President once was)trying insult him.
      It's like watching a tennis match when the instructor plays the someone form the beginner class - they hit it as hard as they can, he, playing with with his "off" hand easily sends it back for a point.

    3. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Raunchy? It was a joke aimed at himself! And he was showing that he can give as good as he takes. In case you forget, SHE started this whole dog-meat blasting:

    4. Anita Winecooler5:59 PM

      Yeah, I think some people should get their mind out of the gutter. By "taste", he meant the cooked flesh - nothing to do with poontang or hooha services.
      But watch Ram make it mean something vile.

    5. Anonymous4:08 AM

      RAM's/Grifter's Facebook post will be brought to you by the letter "S"

      Sex, Scandal, and Subpoena.

  33. Just watched the rest of the President's hilarious speech at The Obama Diary. Still looking forward to seeing Jimmy Kimmel when that comes up.

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Like Gryph said, there were parts of Kimmel's routine that I laughed HARD at; definitely worth a view.

  34. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Hey Sarah THIS is where it is appropriate for us to say "Sambo owned that bitch"

  35. Anonymous8:32 PM

    My goodness our FLOTUS looks beautiful tonight!

  36. WakeUpAmerica8:50 PM

    "She got mentioned at the White Ho..."
    Freudian slip?

  37. Anonymous8:58 PM

    President Obama stole your thunder Palin while you were at the conservative women conference in Alabama delivering your word salad on how christian women should be. No breaking news for your grifter speech lol. Obama's joke is making 100 times the news than anything you could ever spew. He just made you look as stupid as what you said! ROFLMAO

  38. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Sarah Palin was a keynote speaker at women's conference during the WHCD. She was in Birmingham, Alabama, not Wasilla.

    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      Maybe she took the gig because no one invited her to come to the White House Correspondents Dinner. She wasn't invited last year, either, but that didn't stop her from attending some pre and post parties.

    2. Anonymous9:14 PM

      Who said Wasilla? You must be on the wrong page.

    3. Anonymous9:25 PM

      I wonder if she met up with Greg West while she was there.

    4. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Who gives a shit?

    5. Anonymous1:28 AM

      You repliers are SUCH happy people. I want to be just like you.

    6. Anonymous5:58 AM

      Like we care where the bitch is?

    7. Anita Winecooler6:06 PM

      Greta chose to take Lindsey Lohan and Kim Kardashian this year. Could have picked Sarah or Bristol, but she went with "real" fake celebs.

      Good going, Greta, Girlfriend!!

    8. Anonymous4:11 AM

      Greta has gotten tired and bored of her old BFF, Sarah Palin and has moved on.

  39. Anonymous9:05 PM

    A little soy sauce...

    Even Sarah Palin is getting back into the game, guest hosting on The Today Show — which reminds me of an old saying: What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? A pit bull is delicious. (Laughter and applause.) A little soy sauce. (Laughter.)

  40. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Sarah: TODD! Did you hear what Obama said about me?

    Todd: Sarah go fuck yourself.... you didn't get me a reality snowmachine tv show. Fuck off!

  41. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Wah Wah Wah

    I thought I would report for FOX News.

    1. Anonymous4:12 AM

      Sarah hasn't interned enough hours with Fox News to mess up and distort the news.

  42. Anonymous9:13 PM

    It was a good night for the Palins. At least nobody brought up jokes about the Palin prostitution ring.

    1. Anonymous1:27 AM

      What do the PalinS have to do with prostitution? That is Todd's business.

    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      @2:27 A.M. Todd runs the Prostitution Ring, the Family lived off of the profits, and knew about his exploits.

    3. Anonymous8:32 AM




      WHO said you could CONFIRM Todd's Prostitution ring??????

      Looks like you in trouble now, girl!!

  43. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Well that gave the bitch from Wasilla an extra 30 seconds before her times up.

  44. Anonymous9:24 PM

    the world can't help it if pit bulls are more delicious...

    ha ha ha ha
    The skank from Idaho, who pretended to govern is rather tasteless.

    1. Anonymous1:27 AM

      Where are your parents? I feel for them that they have to tak credit for raising you, if they raised you.

    2. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Fuck. off. Krusty.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:18 PM

      AnonymousApr 29, 2012 02:27 AM
      tak credit?


  45. Anonymous9:27 PM

    hmmm. Alabama. I believe that is where Greg West lives. did Todd go with her?

    1. Anonymous10:09 PM

      Brian Yager is Greg West in Alabama

  46. Anonymous9:29 PM

    The POTUS Obama was way smooth, ey snarah?
    Even managed to throw you a bone.Its a shame that it won't keep you quiet, quitty.

  47. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Christian Women's Conference in Birmingham serves undelicious Palin. Bwahaha

  48. Anita Winecooler9:37 PM

    Oh man, I watched the whole thing, it was brilliant! But this mentioning of Palin really had me rolling. First he marginalizes her influence by simply mentioning her name, then he uses her own line about hockey moms and pittbulls, to dis her AND the stupid comments about him eating dog.

    Our POTUS is a genius!

    I wish I could be at one of the after parties, can you imagine the conversation? And the laughs at Sarah's expense?

    1. Anonymous1:26 AM

      You're giving her too much here. I can guarantee you small talk at these parties don't revolve around Sarah Palin. I frequent them regularly. Sarah Palin isn't talking about in any capacity, except for the blogs. Sucks to be YOU.

    2. Anonymous8:35 AM

      I frequent them regularly.


      Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck...

      Krusty is DEFINITELY "off the deep end" here, folks.

      Gather round, should be quite a show.

      (What exactly is she trying to accomplish with these comments? confirming todd's prostitution ring? confirming noone talks about Sarah anymore (even tho it's total bullshit Krusty speaks to anyone outside of the Burger King where she works...)

    3. Anita Winecooler6:27 PM

      Yep. She frequents them regularly, there's like six of them once a year, and they let Krusty in. (eyeroll)

      Listen Troll, they DO talk about ALL the jokes, and Sarah is exactly that, a joke!

      Let me guess, you're a bathroom attendant and urinal mint replacer? Or one of the "help" that serves petit fours, pigs in a blanket and caviar?


  49. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Is there going to be a magical flight back to the valley like in 2008 when she flew back from TX? I hope they have a burn unit to go with that NICU in the MatSu cause that was a burrrrrrrrrrrn! Toasted. Oh wait... the valley hospital doesn't have either of those. wah wah wahhhhhh. You lose. Thank you for playing should we or should we not listen to the advice of the galactically stupid.

    1. Anonymous1:25 AM

      Take your meds.

    2. Anonymous8:35 AM

      You first, Krusty.

  50. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Why is Obama always stealing Governor Palin's jokes?

    1. Anonymous12:05 AM

      Not Governor, she quit, she quit on Alaskans and we've quit on her. That's why her approval ratings are in negative territory her in AK. You guys can have the "Governor" and keep her. And seriously, Obama stealing the quitter's jokes? His pinky toe has a higher IQ than quitter's meager 83! But wait, that's why you guys like her, because she's stupid like you are; sorry I forgot. Stupid people, unite under your Queen and give her all of your lunch money so she can live high on the hog!

    2. Anonymous1:25 AM

      Because he has nothing original or worthwhile to say?

    3. Because he is funny and smart!

    4. Why are you displaying your complete and utter lack of class and education by referring to the Quitter as "Governor Palin" but to our President as "Obama."

    5. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Bwahahaha 'GOVERNOR' that's a laugh, MADAME
      of the Prostitution Ring and GRIFTER is more like it.

    6. Anonymous8:37 AM


      name one. other. "joke". that the POTUS "stole" from Sp...


      Fuck off you two morons~ whoever you are, and krusty at 2:25am!

    7. Linda Arizona10:34 AM

      Because he found it fun and easy to spin gold from dirty straw. That's what accomplished, well educated Presidents do when invited to these dinners.


      And another thing, STOP calling her Governor! She doesn't get to be one for life--not even as a courtesy--after such a short term before quitting. She may insist on this, but it's WRONG.

    8. Anonymous3:30 PM

      If you think Sarah Palin WROTE those words originally in 2008, then you are woefully naive.

  51. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Extra crispy for me, please! Sarah, if you're reading (or having someone reading for you), you're fuckin' TOAST!!!!

    Go home and raise your family, ignoramus.

    1. Anonymous1:24 AM

      Um, she is home you douche. Fuck off.

    2. Anonymous5:34 AM

      Then STAY home and shut the fuck up!!!!
      When will she realize she is a damn joke!!!

      Maybe she can keep Willow off the pipe and Piper off the pole if she just dedicates herself to being a mom.

    3. Anonymous7:51 AM

      @2:24 AM So she lives in Birmingham, Alabama now? You don't even know where she is, TROLL.
      A little research would help, if you knew how.

    4. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Yo, Krusty?

      I. Tell. YOU. to.

      FUCK. OFF. Bitch!


      Fuck. Off. Bitch.

  52. I doubt the President knew the dumbass bitch couldn't hardly wait to throw that crude, juvenile dog remark into her word salad.

    I doubt he listens to that insufferable whore. It's likely someone else wrote that joke (as the majority of the jokes are) after it was explained it to him. But even if he did listen to the skank, he did it for laughs and a wink (as if he knows more.)

    Tomorrow Repugbaggers' Headlines:

    Told ya President Obama was a cannibal
    Where is PETA
    War on Women
    Sexual Response
    Poor me (mooseyak) and poor pitbulls.

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Only Fox News will have those kinds of headlines.

      Folks are getting tired of the "Sky is falling, the sky is falling" false alarms from Fox News.

      How many of you remember the Fox News Terrorist Alerts?

      Today's color is green, over a long holiday weekend it was raised to orange slightly red.
      Who can or wants to live in constant fear?!?

      That's when I decided to shut off Fox News, and never went back.

  53. Oh yeah I meant to add. This insufferable clown will now do anything and everything to get President Obama to respond to her stupid ass.

    her being the butt of a joke has to suffice in the phone call she, her skanky daughter and weird racist french are expecting.


  54. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Barack Obama Killed It At The Correspondent's Dinner

    Read more:

  55. Anonymous10:25 PM

    They're apoplectic at sea of pea and Business Insider. They can't take it that President Obama's dog joke was 100 X better and more clever.

  56. Sharon11:33 PM

    I guess I need to watch again as I didn't think he was as funny as last year. The opening bit was funny about the open mike, but some of the jokes just kinda died. Michele is so damn gorgeous and I have seen Jimmy a bit funnier. I am huge fan of I guess it's just me tonight. Being from NJ, anyone that mocks Christie and Trump is right on in my book, along with no talent Kim. Maybe the dog video was a bit low....I dunno, seems like everyone else here thought it was great.

  57. Anonymous11:47 PM

    I always enjoy the WHCD and this year was one of the best! Obama has been the brunt of so many jokes and lies and he graciously but shrewdly gets back at all of them. To those who think he is diminishing the office of POTUS, I say he is upholding a long tradition. This is an annual event and all our Presidents (at least for the last 90 years or so) have participated in it. Obama was hilarious, sharp, intelligent and gracious.......all at the same time.

    Tomorrow all the Faux News peeps and the RW Radio Talking Heads will attack him for taking part in this tradition. I say that tonight, our President, along with Kimmel, walked the tightrope of being funny, sharp, critical, and relevant and they both did a damn good job.

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      those who think he is diminishing the office of POTUS


      that's only the fucktards on fox.

  58. Anonymous11:50 PM

    President Obama was so funny Greta Van Susteren laughed out of both sides of her mouth.

    1. Anonymous6:10 AM

      Post of the day! Awesome.

  59. Anonymous11:53 PM

    The Man is in fine form. His lady is sublime. The economy is coming along in spite of Boeher's big gavel and Mitch's shell. Bin Laden's frolicking with his 76 sturgeons and Detroit has Clint Eastwood on their side. The birthers are even disparaged on Fox and Rush has been flushed. Mitt's knee deep in cookies and HamRove has been exposed as pink slime. We're with you Mr. President and ready to rock 'n' roll.

    Etch-a-Sketch Mittnocchio is toast.

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      Hey, where were you last night, 12:53 a.m. - that was good. Have to go pour another cup of coffee - minor computer spray.

  60. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Way to come out swinging and smiling Mr President!!

    Loved every minute of it!!

  61. Anonymous12:11 AM

    How could any rational person not like Obama? He's smart, charming, charismatic, articulate and has class that we haven't seen in the WH since JFK. Give the guy a second term already, what's behind door #2 is not going to be pretty.

    We all know that Obama is the right man for the job, he's just not the white man for the job. And that is the big dilemma for the GOP base. So they'll take mitt because he has the appropriate skin color, not that he could do a better job.”

  62. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Obama makes it look so easy. That's one of the reasons Republicans hate him so much. Bush could barely put words together to form a sentence. Obama can go out and tell jokes while commanding agents to kill terrorists, and be successful at both!

    It's so nice to have a president I don't mind listening too. Mittington grates, with his condescending rich-guy bravado. W was good at that too. President Obama is a guy with class and compassion.

  63. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Obama ROCKS!!!! Let the Republican whineathon begin and the river of jealous tears overflow!

  64. Anonymous12:17 AM

    I had to rush and cover my dog's ears when he told the joke about Pit Bulls being delicious. She's a 12 year old Pit Bull, and a rabid member of Dogs Against Romney. I didn't want to risk her packing her Milk Bones and defecting to Canada!

  65. Anonymous12:21 AM

    That takes a lot of guts and confidence to tackle head-on every single thing the right has accused him of. Right down to the dog.

    1. Anonymous6:10 AM

      Love how he turns Paylin's low life comment about the secret service and dog eating into a joke on her. She is the joke and he's taken her own self-identified avatar of sorts and rendered it hilarious.

    2. Anonymous6:19 AM

      ITA. He (always) comes out being so like able. I love having him as President. I just wish he'd get the credit for the good he's done.

    3. Anonymous8:32 AM

      How do you feel about his drone policy, 7:19? Or prosecuting courageous whistle-blowers? Or giving a pass to the Bush administration for its war crimes while going after medical pot dispensaries?

      IOW, Barack Obama might be a good standup comedian - I'll give him that - but as a politician he's a typical tool of the military-industrial-banks-pharma complex.

    4. Would you prefer the rightwing's Foreign Policy??
      Instead of Drones, we would be in a full scale war! With all the Country's that the right are just itching to bomb, it wouldn't be like Afghanistan, it would be the war to end all wars! It would be WWIII.
      I'm going to give you the same advice GOPer's used to give us during Bush/Cheney (who are War Criminals), "If you don't like it, leave it". Somalia would be a great place for the GOP. No centralized government there. You can all start from scratch!
      Now you can Fuck Off. I'm done with you.

  66. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Ain't no one more down home and quintessentially American than our President. Billy came close, but Barack is a dude of the highest order. This guy from stem to stern makes me proud. His intelligence, his dedication, his righteousness, and his humanity give me the faith that our country will remain in his capable hands until 2016! Let's give this man the CONGRESS he deserves and the CONGRESS we need. Register and Vote Democrat for the United States Senate and House of Representatives this November. God Bless Barack Obama, God Bless The Democratic Party and God Bless The United States of America. 4 more years !!!!!!

    1. OBAMA 2012!8:46 AM

      I think this is a "shot across the bow" that the Barackness Monster of 2012 is unleashed, and taking NO prisoners!!

      OBAMA 2012!!

  67. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Few presidents exude as much confidence; almost none can top him for humor. As the brunt of a wide range of 'jokes' from silly to outright racist, Mr. Obama has that rare quality in leaders - the ability to shrug off the wildest accusations and slams about himself while waiting for the exact right moment to spring something on those who've unfairly maligned him. Trump is the easiest guy to mock in the world, but try sailing a joke about Hillary Clinton down the aisle. He found one.

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      I think he was playing off of the popular meme "Texts from Hillary".

      It helped show Hillary in a fun light.

      There were also some funny ones of her texting Barack and Joe to "get back to work, boys" and such,

      so this was probably in that vein.

      It helps keep Hillary respectable (respected), but also shows she is a good humored woman.

  68. Anonymous12:30 AM

    OMG, the Pres. nailed Palin without saying her name. Think she will be able to laugh at it or as usual be the victim? She can't go on FOX without Obama bashing. FOX has really gone down hill, by keeping Sarah, with her tired worn out talking points. Never saying anything of substance. Only thing she does is bash other people. People are sick of her. She has become a joke.
    Sarah and family-just go away.

    1. Anonymous6:09 AM

      Yep, she's a drag on any ticket she attaches to.

  69. Anonymous1:24 AM

    I saw a comment somewhere the other day and loved it. I think most women can relate to being hatefully and falsely called a slut.

    "There's no such thing as a slut. That's just a term women use for people they're jealous of."

    1. Anonymous6:46 AM

      Are you calling Rush Limbaugh a woman? Seems to me the men on the right are mighty quick to start flinging around the "slut" label.

    2. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Dr. Laura must be the color green with envy. She cold not stop calling girls and women 'slut'.

    3. Anonymous7:40 AM

      Yeah, women are 'Jealous' of other women who Spread their legs for any and everyone in Wasilla.

    4. Anonymous8:49 AM

      2:24- is batshit crazy Krusty.


    5. Anonymous8:55 AM

      I think most women can relate to being hatefully and falsely called a slut.

      So what do you call a woman who is suppose to be reporting and working but instead takes a out of state college basketball player back to her sister's college dorm room for a one night stand while her boyfriend Todd is at home thinking she is working?

      I guess you call that a lady? A Lady dog?

  70. Anonymous1:39 AM

    While I doubt she could change things, HILLARY 2012. Anything beats Obama, ANYONE. When small talk in Manhattan, Chicago, Boston and Vermont revolves around that phrase, we're in trouble under him. Don't let democratic controlled polls fool you. Polls are fixed in every capacity or theyre useless. Not a new thing.


    1. Anonymous6:08 AM

      aint happenin. Hillary will run in 2016. Count on it.

    2. Anonymous6:10 AM

      You are delusional. Hillary 2016, sure. Obama/ Hillary should anything happen to Biden. Than Hillay/Warren beyond.

    3. Anonymous6:27 AM

      Oh please. Let me tell you, there are a lot of us out here who genuinely like President Obama, think he has done a great job, and are looking forward to voting him into a 2nd term. He saved this country from being like Greece and Spain with their 20%+ unemployment rate. If Mccain was pres, we'd be dead.

    4. Anonymous7:37 AM

      So Polls are fixed like Bristol's DWTS votes?
      We all know that Sarah Palin campaigned her Bots to vote 100's of times like the cheater she is.

    5. Anonymous8:49 AM

      2:39~ Krusty the fucking troll.


  71. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Love how people still tell her to go home. um, Sarah's been "home" basically all last year and this year. Jealous of her multitasking skills? Loser.

    The more you hate on someone in irrational ways, the more unbalanced you appear.

    Sarah uses constructive criticism about a person professionally. She doesn't personally attack, which is more than I can say for everyone here. You've never said one positive word about her. She's said several positive things about POTUS and FLOTUS as human beings. You either ignore it or cannot hear it you're so consumed with hate. Just like you either ignore or can't hear Obama lies.

    1. Anonymous6:07 AM

      Ha, yeah, I guess she "manned up", got a hold of her "cojones" and "big girl pants", after that "blood libel" against her, also and too, after she quit the tease of all teases, touring the country in her PacPaid bus wrapped "family vacation" fundraiser, tryin to crash Mitt's party in NH in her "I'm not running" campaign. And she gave how much money to those "candidates that will win the fight against Obama"??? Zero. Hahahahaha! Doesn't "personally attack"?? HAHAHAHAHA!

    2. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Sarah uses constructive criticism about a person professionally.

      Correction: $carah is a snarky, vindictive,lazy bitch who attacks children.

    3. AnonymousApr 29, 2012 02:50 AM
      ...Jealous of her multitasking skills? Loser.

      Sarah uses constructive criticism about a person professionally. She doesn't personally attack, which is more than I can say for everyone here...She's said several positive things about POTUS and FLOTUS as human beings...
      You are a liar. And obviously stupid to even consider these as a defense of Sarah's imbecilic, nasty behavior.

      Sarah, a multitasker? The same Sarah who had to hire a city manager because she couldn't handle governing a town of 7000 people?

      Sarah uses "constructive criticism" and "doesn't personally attack" people? really? The same Sarah so eager to call men "limp" and "impotent", and to accuse them of not having "cojones." That Sarah? The Sarah whose favorite attack is to accuse men of being rapists or pedophiles?

      And she has never spoken well of the President or of FLOTUS, but attacks both of them every time she opens her mouth.

      Palin is a vicious, stupid, America-hating harpy, and that you support her and don't call her out on her lies speaks volumes about your character and intelligence.

    4. Anonymous6:39 AM

      Go away you fool.

    5. Anonymous6:42 AM

      Who gives a shit?

    6. Anonymous6:44 AM

      She doesn't personally attack? Are you kidding me? She started this with her uncalled for slam at the President re the SS mess. She looks for any chance to slam him, even when it's out of context to the discussion She sounds like a child.

      Here's the Youtube of it:

    7. Oh wow, where to begin...everything you said is a lie and you know it. your delusional ass can't be racist unless you have lies to go with it. They go together like bustols and babies.

      I think this may be a snark post, because one person can't be delusional on all those points.

    8. Anonymous7:21 AM

      SOOOOOOOooooooo glad you made it over here, Krazy Kristy Patullo. We missed pulling your strings and making you dance. You are a complete riot!! Dance little puppet, dance, and spew the same old crap from your gaping mouth. LOL You really need some new phrases.

    9. Anonymous7:34 AM

      How's that Prostitution/Sex Trafficking Business treatin' ya? No comment? Why is Sarah Palin and Todd avoiding that issue? The Truth hurts?

    10. Anonymous8:12 AM

      "Sarah uses constructive criticism about a person professionally. She doesn't personally attack, which is more than I can say for everyone here."

      Krazy Kristy,
      You are a) mentally ill, b) a pathological liar, or c) both. I'm thinking both. Anyone who has to consistently and compulsively defend someone who is a proven serial liar and hateful must be needy to the point of pathology. Get some help.

      You are entertaining though.

    11. Anonymous8:51 AM

      I guess Krusty didn't like being called a

      LOSER repeatedly,

      and told to

      FUCK OFF repeatedly,

      cuz she had begun spouting it back to us.


      You fucking moron.

      Fuck. Off. Krusty.

    12. Anonymous8:51 AM





  72. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Since youre all the ones who say kids may read all this on the internet some day (though I doubt it. Isn't that a little vain of you?) why don't you walk that walk and NOT say hateful, untrue things just to try to prove you're the big dog in the fight?

    You're only proving you're weak and gutless. Think before you write. Don't judge. Be nice. Do you really want to continue being the person you rail against?

    1. comeonpeople5:44 AM

      Because we are not saying hateful untrue things??

    2. Anonymous6:04 AM

      Put a sock in it. We're going to keep speaking out so people NEVER forget. We're NOT weak and FAR from gutless, and that's what burns you, isn't it? This is our country too, sister. Your Queen deserves everything she gets and more.

      By the forgot "jealous."

    3. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Dance little puppet, keep dancing for us. ROFLMAO!! Krazy Kristy Patullo.

    4. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Trolling early this morning? What you read here is what we think about GRIFTERS. If you can't take the heat(TRUTH) stay out of the kitchen.

    5. "Love how people still tell her to go home. um, Sarah's been "home" basically all last year and this year. Jealous of her multitasking skills?"

      WTF?? If she is home, how is she multi-tasking?? That makes no freaking sense. She's never said anything bad about POTUS & FLOTUS??
      Only good things??
      She has never said anything good about anyone who isn't giving her money!! There are plenty of links to back that up!

  73. comeonpeople3:35 AM

    Loved everything except this part:

    And one of those traditions is represented here tonight: a free press that isn’t afraid to ask questions, to examine and to criticize.

    My comment, only sometimes and only when it suits their agenda.
    Perfect fu to Sarah though, way to go PBO. She is no more than gnat in his ear that he swats away..who falls to the ground..and then he steps on her as he is running the country.

  74. I love pitbulls, right next to the mashed potatoes!

  75. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Michelle Obama looked stunning....
    Just fierce...that woman is amazing.

  76. Anonymous5:34 AM

    I bet Sarah was so pissed Greta did not invite her. She was the only one not present.....

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      OH, trust me....she would have passed up the Christian women thing in a HEARTBEAT to schmooze with the "elite." She WASN'T invited by ANYONE. Just the well-deserved BUTT of jokes, along with her knocked up family and pimp "husband."

  77. Anonymous6:05 AM

    How come no one invited Bristol?
    Allen West got invited by CBS and he's a pariah. Poor Bris & sarry, not invited to the prom, #nerdprom

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      The flounder has washed up on the shore.

    2. Anonymous8:50 AM

      How come no one invited Bristol?

      Bristol was actually went there, but there was a sign at the door that no skanks were allowed so they had to tie her to a tree until the dinner was over.

  78. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Quite frankly,

    I don't think the "dog" joke was meant in ANY sexual context,

    but it would have been difficult to get the "eating" dog part across any other way.

  79. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Look what can happen to Adderall abusers

  80. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Yeh Yippeee President Obama finally mentioned my name.... I knew he loves me! It was just a matter of time before he came to his senses......



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