Saturday, May 26, 2012

Ever wonder WHY Mitt Romney has long had the support of Right Wing radio? Follow the money.

Courtesy of (I can't believe I am citing these people) Infowars:

Well, it turns out that Bain Capital is one of the primary owners of Clear Channel. Yes, you read that correctly. The company that Mitt Romney ran for so long is one of the “big bosses” over virtually all conservative talk radio in America. 

Of course Mitt Romney is not running Bain Capital anymore. He is a “retired partner”, but he still has a huge financial stake in Bain Capital. We’re talking about millions upon millions of dollars. If you doubt this, just check out page 34 of this public financial disclosure report. So if you have been wondering why so many conservative talk show hosts are being so incredibly kind to Mitt Romney, this just might be the answer.

Okay just so you all know, Infowars is a website run by Alex Jones who is a conspiracy focused nutjob, and a huge Ron Paul supporter. So of coure you have to take most of what he says with a huge grain of salt.

However I did some checking and this time he has his facts in order. Clear Channel was indeed taken private by Bain Capital and their partners, and that fact was even admitted to on the air by Rush Limbaugh.

Now the Right Wing talking heads that work for Clear Channel will deny that this has ANYTHING to do with their gentle coverage of Mitt Romney and their rather aggressive defense of Bain Capital.  However as we all know, the first thing that good radical conservative radio talk show hosts learn is to NEVER piss off their corporate masters.

Besides, in the immortal words of Mitt Romney, "Corporations are people my friend."


  1. Gee what a surprise... not! And Michael Savage's actual name is Michael Weiner.

    1. A dick by any other name is still.............

    2. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Wiener was trying to come off as a pit-bull. It's too bad he can't have access to lipstick. Or hockey. Or a bad sense of style and really messed up kids.

  2. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Gryphen, this is probably a slightly saner link - and the one that seems to have started all the fuss.

  3. Anonymous2:08 PM

    "I can't believe I'm citing this people." I thought you had an open mind, Gryphen. But I ove your blog all the same, have a great weekend.

  4. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Flashback 2008: Mitt Romney Subscribed to Glenn Beck’s Islamic Caliphate Extremism

    What does Romney know that Petraeus and Obama do not?

    In March of this year, Romney said, “A nuclear Iran is not only a problem for Israel. It is a problem for America, and a problem for the world.” Romney also said that there is no room for negotiation with Iran. “We do not have common interests with a terrorist regime.”

    Obama shot back, “Now, what’s said on the campaign trail — you know, those folks don’t have a lot of responsibilities. They’re not commander in chief. And when I see the casualness with which some of these folks talk about war, I’m reminded of the costs involved in war.”

    On this Memorial Day weekend, it is the cost of war that we should be thinking about. We need to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, while not failing to remember that one of these wars was entered into on a false premise. When we send brave troops to fight for their country, we ought to do it as the last resort. It ought to be a matter of grave contemplation. We need to ask if we can afford another war based on fear-mongering, much less based on something so absurd as Glenn Beck’s religious caliphate theory.

    Bill Maher Shreds Birthers By Becoming a Mitt Romney Wifer

    Bill Maher shredded the return of birtherism by becoming a wifer, and asking how many wives does Mitt Romney really have?

    Here’s the video

    Sure, the Christian Right Champions Religious Freedom – For Themselves

    ...So when Ms. Matalin claims that “This debate is about whether the full force of government can be used to force religious institutions to violate their own faith and pay for services and products that violate the tenets of their teaching” I can only stare in incredulity. No, what this debate is about is whether the full force of government can be used to force moderate Christians and non-Christians to violate or surrender their own beliefs (or non-belief) because government has surrendered to the extremist views of one particular religion.

    My religious beliefs do not oppose contraception; my religious beliefs do not oppose abortion; my religious beliefs do not oppose same-sex marriage; Yet you are telling me none of those beliefs matter because they offend you based on your religious beliefs.

    Republicans See a Win-Win in Increasing America’s Suffering

    ...Republicans are vile human beings for myriad reasons, but none as much as deliberately preventing Americans from receiving preventative care that is proven to be life and money saving. However, Republicans have demonstrated that they will starve 50 million poor Americans, restrict women, children, and the elderly from receiving housing and health assistance, and force birth on low-income women to prevent the rich from paying their fair share, so this latest episode, although egregious, is standard procedure for the party most likely to cause death and despair to protect their precious, wealthy “job creators.” One wonders how they sleep at night, but with no heart, no conscience, and no morals, they most likely sleep well.

  5. Anonymous2:21 PM

    He's playing chess again when the squawkers are playing checkers and dominoes.

    Why the President’s Right to Talk About Bain

    The meme of the day in journo-world is that President Obama has stumbled at the outset of the general election campaign. The evidence for this? Well, uh, there isn’t very much, really–except that a few Democrats have criticized his campaign’s attacks on Mitt Romney’s record at Bain Capital and that Obama’s fundraising is merely humongous, instead of obscenely humongous. The two phenomena are linked, of course: Obama isn’t getting the usual haul from Wall Street because he has outrageously–outrageously!–tried to regulate the bankers who did so much to crash the economy in 2008. The handful of Democrats squawking are people who either (a) get money from private equity firms or (b) have retired and joined Mondo Casino. But there is another side to this story:

    I suspect that these Bain attacks are working. Indeed, I suspect the reason that the Obama campaign–and the President himself in an extraordinary moment at the NATO press conference last week–are so adamant about pursuing this tactic is that it (a) lays the predicate for the anti-Romney campaign to come and (b) has been extremely effective with focus groups. And so, what we may be seeing here is the exact opposite of a stumble.

  6. Anonymous2:22 PM

    To secure his standing as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney has disowned every sliver of moderation in his record. He’s moved to the right on tax cuts and twisted himself into a pretzel over the health-care plan he championed in Massachusetts — because conservatives are no longer allowed to acknowledge that government can improve citizens’ lives.

    Romney is simply following the lead of Republicans in Congress who have abandoned American conservatism’s most attractive features: prudence, caution and a sense that change should be gradual. But most important, conservatism used to care passionately about fostering community, and it no longer does. This commitment now lies buried beneath slogans that lift up the heroic and disconnected individual — or the “job creator” — with little concern for the rest.

  7. Anonymous3:13 PM


    1. Hilarious! I'm surprised that she doesn't wince when she bites the portruding tongue. Too bad there's not a plastic surgery procedure for hiding insanity.

  8. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Thank you, Gryphen! This explains a lot. Although it's been reported on before, I totally missed this bit of information. It also explains why Rush Limbaugh breezed right through the Sandra Fluke situation.

    Romney will get free radio exposure daily from the Clear Channel talking-heads, which will transfer to their television appearances and/or shows, and the Republicans will have plenty of money to spend on additional media ads. Unfortunately, right-wing conservatives believe whatever lies fed to them.

    If Romney is successful, we, the Middle Class and the working poor are in for a very bumpy ride and all the progress we've made since FDR will be stripped away.

    God help us.

  9. Anonymous4:39 PM

    These are not strange bedfellows......just strange.

  10. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Wow. Just wow. So when we hit the general, does Romney still get a pass at Fox, or do they have to have Obama on too? Isn't there something about equal time, or did CU take care of that as well as any attempt at sanity over funding political races? We need public financing badly, and accountability over statements made. AND we need Rachel to moderate the debates!!!

  11. Good information! For all of his bleating about being squeaky clean, goody-two-shoes, Mitt does pal around with a some questionable characters. Druggie Rush Limbaugh and ex-druggie Glenn Beck although Glen's a very wealthy Mormon so I'm sure he's been forgiven for his past sins.

  12. London Bridges5:10 PM

    After the 9/11/2001 events, Cleasr Channel banned palyiong song liKe John Lennon'd Imagine and Tom Petty's Free Falling. They are sickos.

  13. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Don't buy the slant of the media, let your eyes and ears inform you.

  14. London Bridges6:02 PM

    Bain also owns a major hotel chain. It may be Marriott. Interestingly Marriott lets you rent porn-type movies in your room. Willard is only "moral" if it doesn't interfere with his greed!

  15. Anita Winecooler6:29 PM

    OT but here's a little of what "the Romster" faced when he visited a Philadelphia charter school in a poor, mostly african american neighborhood. (referred to in a previous thread)

    This is a cached copy of an article chrome couldn't load - check out how Romster "interacted" with the students

  16. Anita Winecooler6:48 PM

    Color me surprised! Like I was when Cheyney hired Halliburton

    The stimulus package President Obama got through rebuilt a train station in our neighborhood. Clear Channel owns many billboards in the area, the one closest to the train station advertises Fox Cable News and another nearby (and visible from the platform) advertises a "Gentleman's Club" on one side and "The Blessed Mother" on the other side weeping with the word "Pray".

    And Brancy's pissed about sexuality books next to a section on the civil war?

  17. Anonymous8:15 PM

    In 2008, Bain Capital acquired Clear Channel Radio and 850 radio stations for $24 billion, and records show 14 of the company's directors have contributed more than $700,000 to Romney's campaigns. Romney left the firm in 1999, but still rakes in millions from his sizable share of Bain investments and pays 15 percent tax.

    Romney's Bain Capital controls the board of directors of Clear Channel. These are people who started giving to Romney in 1994. This is a social and economic network that is deeply involved in Clear Channel and tightly controlled. These are Romney's friends and allies going back to the very beginning of his political career. And now they control Clear Channel Radio, America's largest and most powerful FM and AM radio station corporation. It operates 850 radio stations and reaches 110 million Americans.

    Clear Channel syndicates most conservative talk radio shows including Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Michael Savage. And what about all that "free" advertising that Romney gets every day on hundreds of radio stations across the country on these talk shows? What better way to control the message of conservative talk radio than to BUY it? Rush Limbaugh was given a $400 million contract in 2008 when Bain Capital purchased Clear Channel. He broadcasts on over 600 radio stations. Sean Hannity is heard on over 500 stations by 13.5 million listeners. Hannity also received a new and lucrative contract when Bain purchased Clear Channel in 2008.

    It's quite a propaganda budget...but if Mitt Romney wins the White House it's worth it, right?

    In a stunning article from Wayne Barrett of Newsweek and The Daily Beast from March 2012, Romney and Bain were outed as the money behind conservative talk radio. Bain bought Clear Channel in 2008 then took over its board of directors with the goal of influencing public opinion during the presidential campaigns of 2008, 2012 and beyond. With millions of dollars now being donated to the Romney campaign from Clear Channel, Americans should wonder just how much control Mitt Romney and Bain Capital have over conservative talk radio show hosts Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck. These shows reach tens of millions of listeners every day. Sean Hannity reaches even more viewers on his Fox News television show.

    Conservative talk radio show hosts rely on Bain Capital for their livelihood. That can't be good for fair and honest opinions on their shows.

    Read the Daily Beast article and spread the word:

  18. hauksdottir9:27 PM

    I can't believe that you didn't know this already. Clear Channel has been a Mormon mouthpiece for a long, long time.

  19. London Bridges2:32 AM

    Also too, Blackwater's Eric Prince's mommy made big donations in CA to overturn CA's gay marriage statute - psycho killers

  20. Hey I appreciate the fact that you're sited something from Infowars. Maybe Alex Jones is not a much as "a nutjob" as you think. Maybe, that could also be the biased media trying to minimize and marginalize him so the public doesn't start questioning things this this.


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