Monday, May 07, 2012

John McCain recently defended his choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate, but I think he let this true feelings show in this interview.

As I posted yesterday, when asked about picking running mates on ABC's "This Week," McCain refused to admit what a huge fuck up it was to allow Palin on the ticket, but in the above interview McCain could simply not control allowing that huge smile to cross his face at the very thought of his most hated political rival making the same choice.

Busted, you lying piece of shit!


  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

    McCain is a senile jackass. Let's move on to another topic.

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I can not decide if McCain looks better when he is scowling or smiling. Either way, he is one homely little toad. You would think with all his wife's money, he would at least have his yellow teeth cleaned and whitened since he is on TV so much. Doesn't the health insurance taxpayers pay for cover dental work?

    1. Thank you!


      Ugly, nasty little corn teeth!

      But he is vile for so, SO many reasons...

    2. Anonymous4:32 PM

      That comb-over is getting a little desperate also too there.

  3. Olivia9:58 AM

    He is definitely a piece of shit but I agree with him, Mittens should pick Sarah Palin. Everything she is involved with becomes a massive stinking pile of excrement.

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      I think Mitt's pile is already neck high, actually, and all of his own doing. I chuckle when I read righty reports that Obama is 'going negative,' How? By replaying the lies Mitt tells?

  4. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Perino and Palin: Bubble-head bookends.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:11 PM

      I saw Perino on a show recently, she's had some "fresh" work done to her face. Her lips barely meet when she talks, and she looks like she picked a Michael Jackson type nose. It's really obvious and unbecoming.

  5. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I'm always surprised this woman is kept in the news!

  6. Anonymous10:16 AM

    OT..Sarah was in Las Vegas this weekend as a keynote speaker. Was she paid? How come there is no media attention on this convention speech? I wonder how big the turnout was. I can get no information.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      It is the S.A.L.T. conference and it is NEXT weekend.

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Well by the looks of this video she was paid. Here's the details.

    3. Anonymous8:54 PM

      good grief. People are still buying her blather?

  7. Anonymous10:17 AM

    He could of tossed in the 'C-word' for good measure, it would have shown him to have some affection, like he does for wifey. No one is a bigger creep this year
    Saving face only makes him look more imbecile and sleezy. Reminds the public over and over what his military career actually was, how mafia family got him set up for a political career, how he treated women, the savings and loan diasters, how he bought drug addict wife out of jail, how he treated POWs and his endless ride on that faux military 'hero' mythology.

    Cindy would croak if he didn't win and he had live in Arizona more, but she deserves that. What ever happened to her half sister? She wanted a sister and to share some of their fathers inheritance. Cindy was cold as ice the last I heard.

  8. Anonymous10:27 AM

    McCain campaign....??
    900,000 hits...
    CNN: Is Obama the Anti-Christ?

  9. Anonymous11:07 AM

    He is glib, like a real psychopath. He has no conscience to care about GOP or the country.

  10. Anonymous11:20 AM

    If Mitt picked Sarah as his running mate and Mitt won the presidency, how much would that piss people off around here. Would Palin be a net gain for Romney? I think she would. And could Romney winn the presidency? There's a very good chance he will as the economy is not going to be in any kind of recovery. And America will fucking well deserve it!
    luv from Danada.

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Oh, I would love Mittens to choose her. There are so many nasty things in her life that we would learn the answers to if she were in the running again. You can only fool people so long and her time is nearly up.

    2. Anonymous1:01 PM

      You, are an idiot, 12:20.

    3. Anonymous1:04 PM

      12:20: net gain? Well, since his approvals are in the crapper, I doubt she will be much of an asset, as hers are there also too except among the unfaithful 'Christians' who allow her to spend THEIR money on herself instead of on anything benefitting society. Has she ever doanted any of her millions to anything? Nope.

    4. "luv from Danada".

      WTF is "Danada"???

    5. I do believe they meant "Canada",

      or as Homer calls it:

      America Jr.


    6. GinaM May 7, 2012 03:39 PM
      "luv from Danada".
      WTF is "Danada"???
      Hi GinaM,
      This is "luv from Canada", a troll. Perhaps this person thinks that we won't recognize his/her previous idiotic posts if she changes her name to "Danada."

    7. Nefer and Maggie...thank you for the we have a NEW troll in our mist eh'!

      See...I can speak mean Canadian! LOL!!

    8. Anita Winecooler9:20 PM

      Probably a "Newfie", like Palin.

    9. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Net gain? That's what McCain was counting on! Mitt knows better. He will keep her at arm's length.

  11. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I like her the best when she puts her tongue out and sort of licks her upper lip. That's one for the boys! I bet it drives the girls totally mad too! Specially the girls around this place!

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:03 PM

      Different kind of troll...

      Now we're not "just" jealous of Sarah,

      apparently we want her Sexually as well.


    2. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Reminds this girl of the pet chameleon I had as a kid, when my lizard caught flies.

    3. Anonymous2:11 PM

      12:24 That's sick. Her tongue antics are nasty/porn type antics. A secure person wouldn't be flicking and flaunting a tongue for votes.

      That comment @ 12:24 shows the sick/pervs who follow Palin.

    4. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Only a deluded loser like yourself gets your rocks off of an unsanitary, crusty, unbathed and smelly piece of trash. You're stinking up the place here...go masturbate somewhere else.

    5. AnonymousMay 7, 2012 12:24 PM

      Looks like Baldy's followers are now they are trolling anti-Palin blogs dropping their turds everywhere. This one looks like he's got some sexual fantasies to work out!

      Listen can have the nasty thing...we just don't want her mannish mug attempting to run for political office and stinking up the joint...okay?

      So beat it...and no..that doesn't mean you! LOL!!

    6. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Gina M.
      your picture must be attracting the bots that are attracted to your avatar.


    7. Anonymous1:39 PM

      As a guy I can tell you that, watching a nubile young woman do it yeah, its hot as hell. Seeing an over the hill granny do it while she tries to recapture her rapidly disappearing looks is sad. She's getting desperate and it shows. The skin on her jaw can't be pulled any more taut so I expect implants next.

    8. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Joe McGuinniss said it best: She has combined "raw sexuality with Christian platitudes." She exudes raw sexuality and it's vulgar. She wraps herself in Christian platitudes and it's blasphemy.

  12. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Tells you how he feels about Mitt. Sarah could only be wished on someone's worst enemies. John's so bitter, he'd rather share the poison than tell his GOP comrads the truth about Sarah. The whole lot of the GOP deserve each other.

  13. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Could Ron Paul pull the rug from under Willard and cause a brokered convention?


    Good think Sarah can't read!

  14. OverMountainMan12:02 PM

    Sarah said that she is for good competition concerning her Couric disaster ? Where was the competition ? Couric is a Professional while Sarah was/is a wannabe, Yo Sarah you want competition ? Take off your bra in front of a mirror and see which of your nipples points the furthest towards Key West.

  15. Anonymous12:29 PM

    The three hardest spoken words in the English language: "I was wrong."

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Only for the GOP...Democrats admit mistakes daily.

  16. Anonymous12:33 PM

    A bot thinks Romney will win? A bot thinks Romney will pick Sarah palin for his VP? A bot thinks people here are lesbians.

    Yeah, Ide cry foul if Romney wins, because he is a weasel. If he was stupid enough to pick Sarah Palin he will find he is doomed to the Palin Curse.

    Right now she is safe, if she is on the ticket, boy will there be a lot of fur flying, and secrets uncovered.

  17. Anonymous12:41 PM

    That is one of the very few times that she looks like she is clean, well at least her hair looks clean. Fox must have to work hard to get her cleaned up when she arrives on the site. But then, it could all be fake, a wig, her usual trickery.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      C4pee posted a link to the site that made Palin's pinwheel necklace and flag bracelet. It'called "beadiful jewelry by linda" on etsy. They are made to order.

      $1500.00 for the necklace, $850.00 for the bracelet--not exactly Joe Six-pack, fiscally conservative prices.

    2. Anonymous8:27 PM

      I guess bling isn't as cheap as it looks.

  18. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Fake, fake, fake, fake, fake. Go right ahead crazy ol fartty. She sunk your ship and keep right on saying she didn't. Once a loser always a loser. Wooden teeth.

  19. Anita Winecooler8:59 PM

    Can't make this stuff up. I'm not buying the senile excuse either- he's a pathetic excuse for a human being, and he knows it.

    What he did can't be forgiven nor forgotten. For Nicholle Wallace to abstain from voting speaks volumes. She WORKED to get him elected, and couldn't conscience voting for him.

  20. Anita Winecooler9:07 PM

    This was before he advised Romney to follow his lead and pick a "Qualified" person for VP.

    I know what he $aw in Cindy, but WTH was SHE thinking? I can't imagine sharing eleven homes with him, let alone eleven bedrooms!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.