Saturday, May 05, 2012

Minister decides that gays are not the ones being discriminated against, Christians are. So he steals their "It Gets Better" ad campaign.

I am not sure how this person justifies poaching this idea from a very successful program that has helped thousands of gay youth in this country, many of who are of course Christians, for his own selfish ends, but I personally find this pretty unfortunate.

To compare the treatment of Christians in this day and age to what the LGBT community goes through is insulting to the very real, and painful struggled of that community.

According to these same "downtrodden" people THIS is a Christian nation, where THEIR beliefs receive preferential treatment, and where VERY few politicians who create policies for the country are not members of their religion.

Our Presidents have all been Christian, our pledge contains a reference to the Christan God, as does the very money we spend to feed and clothe our families. Woven within the very fabric of our country is a built in acceptance of Christianity.

So how does THAT compare to the isolation felt by those who find themselves marginalized by their friends and family because of who, and how, they love?

How many Christians are contemplating suicide based on their faith in God?  

Oh that's right, none.

And let me remind you, if THAT were true, being a Christian is a choice, being Gay, is not.


  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Science: fact overruling faith.

  2. Anonymous11:15 AM

    What a good (?) christian he must be -- looks like he is able to sit there, on nothing else except pure air, for at least a little over 3 minutes. *UGH*

    Silly video, silly minister, silly and unnecessary message from him to whomever, whatever, whyever, etc. Wonder if *any, or *all of his followers will take note or even watch this. :o)

    (*any of them -- *all of them, or what not)

    He must have been a little bored when he made this, ya think? LOL

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      looked like they had digitally removed the toilet he was sitting on while practicing his little talk.

  3. Jeanabella11:33 AM

    This ad was so poorly done & insults people who know the word christian should be replaced with: women, gays, minorities, sex slaves, latinos, immigrants, blacks, etc.
    No one is "bullying" christians! That's why bris pretends to be one. The bullys pretend their the ones being bullied.

  4. WakeUpAmerica11:37 AM

    Oh yeah, it's exactly the same because Christians are being beaten to death, outed on Facebook, and run out of schools (eye roll). Christians are not one bit persecuted in this country, but there are quite a few (cough, evangelists) who are Christian in name only and should be run the hell out of town for what they are doing to this country.

    1. Boscoe3:08 PM

      Yeah, their desperate attempts to paint themselves as martyrs is so extreme that any time anyone does ANYTHING to protect the rights of others, they perceive it as "an attack on religious liberty". These are the same people mind you, who will openly protest the building of a Mosque.

      Or, as happened in Arizona, accidentally protest the building of a Christian Church because it LOOKED too much like a Mosque.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:49 PM

      The State of Arizona stopped funding Planned Parenthood, also too, because they perform abortions. Smart move, Jan Brewer, we'll use your mug to raise donations!

  5. Anonymous11:51 AM

    "...being a Christian is a choice, being Gay, is not."

    More than a few Teabagging Republicunts have argued the opposite (you listening, Sarah?)

  6. Anonymous12:04 PM

    I'm confused, why would a kid be suspended from school for expressing their inner Christianity? Oh, maybe they were showing intolerance for those in their Christian leader's (like this guy's) interpretation of the bible suggests are evil. Ok, my mind can't follow the kind of distortions this guy is pushing. Dude, it so does not get better with the likes of you out there. He gives me an icky feeling.

  7. Anonymous12:49 PM

    If you missed it, here is the first rally with Mr. and Mrs. Obama.

  8. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Gimme a break! This should have come with a puke warning. I find it interesting how liars frequently accuse others of what they are doing themselves, but this comes at that with a completely different angle.


  9. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Bullying exists on every platform. Anyone who believes, stands up for, or claims something as their personal truth or lifestyle subjects themselves to the possibility of being bullied by someone who disagrees. One stands up to say "I'm gay and I would like to marry whom I choose" is going to bullied, and the kid that stands up and says "being gay is wrong"....he's going to be bullied to. The point isn't WHO is RIGHT. The point is bullying exists, it hurts and it needs to stop, no matter what.

  10. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Its very interesting to me that we sit here and say Christians are not bullied, yet early the post of the T-re eating the Jesus fish got everyone rallying against what Christians believe. Obviously bullying exists no matter what you believe. The point is that bullying is always wrong.

    1. Christians need to be actually honest about their bullying.2:35 AM

      Oh please. The comments about the T. Rex eating the Christian fish weren't bullying.

      Enough of everyone's taxpayer public schools are now forced to teach the one USA majority and dominant religion's religious beliefs in non-science Christian creationism.

      Yet anyone who disagrees with this dominant religion is a bully. Nope.

      I'm tired of the false Christian and tea party narrative of other people do it too, or worse, or more often, equivalency.

      Enough Christians need to look in the mirror and see who the are real bullies: themselves.

      People who worry about everyone else, yet are these same Christians who are full of smoke and mirrors. Christians who are not honest, not truthful, have no integrity as they don't practice much in their bible. Yet want to force change onto everyone else in the hope of saving people for their Jesus.

      Bullying is wrong, yet most Christians don't see themselves as they are: bullies when they do bully. Yet they'll project anything they don't like as anti-Christian bullying even when it's not bullying. So they can always be in control via their own self-created victimization.

      If it weren't for enough Christians hypocrisy, your point might be more correct.

      Meanwhile, you are indeed right: bullying is wrong, even when Christians do it and don't see that they're doing it. Or when they cannot be honest about their doing it when they're doing it.

  11. he's got it set so it can't be rated and he approves comments. HERE IS MY COMMENT TO HIM: It got better for me: I ESCAPED the abusive, violent, shaming, hate-filled, racist, sexist, homophobic, small-minded, superstitious, ignorant, lying, evangelical, fundamentalist, Southern Baptist crap I was born into. I'm OUT! I'm Atheist, GenderQueer, Free Thinking, Feminist, scientifically literate, curious, happy, excited, engaged, activist. Love the audio mix of boring music, all screwed up and overpowering the vocals! Old man, what do U know about TEENS? ROFLMFAO!

    1. Marleycat2:25 PM

      Absolutely!!!! Couldn't have said it better myself!

  12. A. J. Billings1:33 PM

    WOW!!!. O/T, but really to the point on the hypocrisy of the Teaparty types.

    Want government out of the classroom, out of the boardroom? OK, but what about..

    *warning, NSFW for verbal content*

    Great video

    1. Anita Winecooler9:03 PM

      Thanks, I needed a good laugh! Funny Stuff!

      Five Stars (no pun intended)

  13. PS: There's a pro-atheism comment on the YouTube video. If we all vote it up, it'll swim to the top!

  14. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Did his congregation not require some sort of basic seminary training?

    A step-uncle of mine belongs to a "church" that doesn't and believe me, it shows. Like a slimey used car salesman (no offense to good used car salesmen), they sell themselves to a "flock," or the "flock" self-appoints a leader who will use his position as his own personal ego trip, often saying whatever the "spirit" or his own hateful heart says.

    Oftentimes, they don't have to prove that they can read or write - just have the ability to preach. I doubt seriously whether my step-uncle can comprehend the Bible - if he has even read it.

    I don't know if this guy is one of those, but he sure doesn't seem to have understood the teachings of Christ nor does he have the depth of understanding of our culture to know how stupid his contentions are.

    Mainstream Christians truly need to step up and denounce these faux pastors. They need to have some sort of vetting process whereby only those who demonstrate the ability to read, comprehend and live the faith get to lead. Otherwise, the faith will gradually die away as all things negative do - and this guy is sadly presenting the faith in a negative way.

  15. Anonymous1:57 PM

    If Christians are being persecuted, why are they pushing their beliefs on the rest of us?

    If anyone is being persecuted, it is the secular amongst us. I am fed up with this. Freedom of religion has long been interpreted to include the concept of freedom from religion.

    People like this sad excuse for a pastor are trying to impose their beliefs on the rest of us.

  16. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Real Christians are too busy trying to live as Christ asked to whine or browbeat others. They do not let their ego take over.

    They live humble lives, focusing on service to others, not condemnation of others.

    This man is not truly a follower of Christ. He wants others to obey and serve him.

  17. Anonymous2:04 PM

    It's the usual right wing nut GOP modus operandi since they have NO ideas. They ARE warring on women, so thus they turn around and say Obama/Dems are waging a war on women. They want to replace the constitution with their religious ideas so thus they accuse everyone else who doesn't agree with their ideologies as waging a war on religion. Of course stupid Sarah tried to start that war on Christmas thing because she was jealous of that elite dog Bo laying in front of the WH fireplace. So whatever they are caught doing wrong, no matter WHAT is is, they will ALWAYS twist it into the opposite. Now just like John Boner said last week. Aw heck just watch this animated video of what it was he said:

  18. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I don't know about anyone else but all the bullies in my life were christians. All the attacks were because they "hated" people who were not christians. I asked the people around me and they all said the same about christians being the problems.

    Also don't they have that "protection of religion" that means they can't have any of the suspensions, discrimination, or scholarships taken away. Everything he said was what the christians were doing to other people but no one does to them...

  19. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I am a high school teacher. I have never met, or heard of, any teacher who "makes fun" of Christianity or ridicules a student for his or her Christian religious beliefs. I HAVE seen teachers who have been insensitive to gay students and non-Christian religious students, such as Muslims. I have seen principals allow, and smile at, t-shirts with anti-abortion messages, but force kids to go home or turn their shirts inside out if they have a pro-choice message on them. There are stupid teachers who say inappropriate things to students, but never about Christianity. So, I don't know where this idiot is coming from, especially when he mentions teachers making fun of Christians several times in this sickening video. I could say that this video is a joke, but, I am not laughing. It is awful.

  20. Anonymous2:27 PM

    O/T: Romney Denying Palin A Prime Speaking Spot In Tampa The Ultimate Suicidal Insult

    Even a casual perusal of the comments section at the Palin supporting sites like Conservatives4Palin will see a recurring theme. The attitude to Mitt Romney runs from grudging support to outright hostility.

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      good on that. Maybe they'll stay home on election day.

  21. Anonymous2:35 PM

    My Christian relatives swear they are "the most persecuted minority" in this country, and nothing I say can sway them from this belief. They consider not being allowed to pray or teach evolution in public schools as religious persecution.

    Oh, and they believe being gay is a choice* but being Christian is not--God chose them, not vice versa.

    *They of course have no explanation for why anyone would choose a sexual orientation that opens them up for ostracism, rejection, and even suicide.

  22. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Palin Smoker? You Betcha!

    I just went through the pages in this forum where all the people a photo-shopping the Palin smoker that the teabaggers are upset about. Pretty funny!

  23. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Just because you aren't getting your way, or others don't share your viewpoint doesn't mean that you are being picked on.
    He feels that he has the right to defend his religious ideology, what about others rights?
    Again someone who feels they know better than everybody else...

  24. It doesn't matter if it's true- if they say it often enough, they believe it.

    Why do they always have that twang accent? They live in the US. They watch the same TV. They always sound illiterate.

    And incidentally, if he's using "it gets better" which is a public ad campaign, isn't that legally plagiarism or copywrite violation?

  25. Anonymous4:34 PM

    The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

  26. I edited a video response. You can see it here:

    1. Anita Winecooler9:23 PM

      Thanks, that was great!

  27. Anita Winecooler8:37 PM

    Very good post, couldn't agree more!

    This is really offensive. Matthew Sheperd, Tyler Clementi, and many other lives show REAL suffering and persecution.

    All it takes to be Christian is to call oneself a Christian, people aren't born Christian and can change their mind anytime they want.

    Are Christians confronted by hate groups? Denied housing and employment because of who they are and they love?

  28. Anonymous8:45 PM

    When parents indoctrinate a chile into christianity the child is a slave to religion for the rest of his life. When a dysfunctional home causes a dotter to become gay the child is a prisoner to the queer for life. More intelligent parents can't escape that truth and so try to make amends to their children for the way the child has chosen the queer and will suffer with it for life.

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      The things you know would fit into a thimble with room left over. "Slave to the queer?" Really?

  29. Anonymous3:55 AM

    This man must live on another planet. I have yet to meet the kind of Christian he is talking about. The whole reason he has to take his message to this extreme is because the people he hangs with are nothing he speaks about and the reason we are asking them to STFU.


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