Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Newt Gingrich suspends campaign, while calling it a "truly wild ride" and thanking Todd Palin. In other news, Newt Gingrich WAS STILL running for President!

"The secret to looking thin is to find someone fatter to stand next to. How am I doing?"
Today Newt officially suspended his campaign, which virtually NOBODY even realized was still active.

As you can see in the video linked here, Newt took the time to thank virtually EVERYBODY who ever helped him out, bought him lunch, or resisted the urge to tell him that he was an embarrassment to the party. Surprisingly this also included Todd Palin, who endorsed Gingrich and made those robo-calls for him in  Florida, which apparently confused voters who thought the soft feminine voice on the line was from a phone sex service.

Here is more from Politico:

Although he did not officially back Mitt Romney, he offered lukewarm words of praise for the man who beat him for the GOP presidential nod, saying that “this is not a choice between Mitt Romney and Ronald Reagan.” Given that it is a choice between Romney and President Barack Obama, Gingrich argued “the gap” between the two “is as wide as any point in American history.” 

He called the campaign a “truly wild ride.” (Really? Try flying back under the cover of darkness to fake a birth in Alaska sometime!)

Going forward, Gingrich said: “Callista and I are going to focus on a series of key issues…and try to educate and move policies in Washington, D.C. Probably central to this is a deep commitment to American exceptionalism.” 

He added that the couple would also focus on religious liberty and domestic energy independence, as well as traveling to college campuses to talk about saving for retirement.

So what Gingrich is really is that he will continue trying to get lobbying gigs, grift from religious dimwits, and attempt to talk college kids into buying into one of his get rich quick schemes.

Which means that, with the exception that there won't be any reporters following him around anymore, nothing has really changed.

I would like to say that I am going to miss Newt Gingrich, but that is kind of hard to do when I totally forgot he was still running. I mean don't people usually hang out at the zoo when they don't have anything else to do?

Obviously this is not a shock, I mean not only did Sarah Palin vote for him in the Alaska primary, but Todd made robo-calls for him.  The guy was doomed.


  1. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Good riddance. Now let us concentrate on a flippin' and a floppin' self entitled trust fund baby MittBot3000.

  2. Anonymous1:26 PM

    just read news, Bristol has sold her Arizona home.

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      44254 W. Sedona Trail, Maricopa AZ

      04/12/2012 Sold $175,000

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      She realized that residents of AZ were in no way supporting her mother! Time to get out and run! Will sister Sarah sell hers next?

      I so wish they would have lived in AZ vs AK! The majority (in AK) detest the Palin and Heath families and would so love to be rid of them. They've brought nothing but embarrassment to Alaskans and the Republican party (in Alaska)which is now all fucked up!

    3. Anonymous3:06 PM

      I wonder if it was paid for or if she just put a down payment on it. What about Sarahs house in Arizona? I guess Sarah must not be running for anything in Arizona. Sarah knows she is done...

    4. Anonymous3:24 PM

      So then she took about a $7500 hit on the place, after expenses. Nice fiscal management there Bristol! Wanna buy some swampland?

    5. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Why in the world did Bristol buy that place to start with? It was miles from downtown Phoenix, and Bristol had her heart set on a Hollywood TV/Movie career. Was the house supposed to be a cheap set to film the original Massey Brothers Charity show? Did Bristol think that she could buy a house and run away from her domineering mother? It never made any sense.

    6. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Now, Bristol should not, repeat NOT, get retirement advice from the Newt, but she should sit down with a fee-only financial planner to talk about starting an IRA (which will grow exponentially until she retires), as well as establishing a portfolio of a variety of investments, from which she takes only the income, not principal, to supplement her earnings. Or but the proceeds into a college fund for Tripp.

    7. Boscoe6:05 PM

      SCREW THAT, 3:45! AZ is screwed up enough without the Palin plague smeared all over it. YOU guys made her, you get to KEEP her! ;))

    8. Anonymous6:42 PM

      It's called money laundering. The Palins are now running scared. They are trying to convert their assets to cash, before the IRS investigations begin. Run little rabbits. Run.

    9. I think President Obama evoking the name of Baldy this past weekend was the beginning of the end for Baldy and Co. I say this because Baldy has NEVER gone this long without rearing that giant empty head of hers and spewing her nonsense! She's up to something or she's under something!

      Either we will hear something from the Wonky Eyed fool by tomorrow...via a Fakebook post or an appearance on Fake News...or she has finally...SAT DOWN AND SHUTTED UP! LOL!!!

      And I still think Levi is sending Beefy a message and I think he's using Sunny to do it! What if the story about Sunny getting pregnant is really the story about Levi and Beefy!!

      What if Beefy is the one who went to the cabin with him and "forgot" to take her BC pills...the same cabin that Beefy may have been hiding out in after giving birth to "Ruffles"!

      I think there is blood in the water and the Palins are being circled...who will be the first person to start the feeding frenzy? Levi?

    10. Anita Winecooler8:52 PM

      When I read the caption under the photo, I immediately thought of your Avatar, Gina!

      I think you're onto something, maybe the baby's name was one Briskette (that's french for "Beefy") may have chosen if it was a girl.

      And it answers the question people were asking about "Why mention forgetting the Birth Control"

      Come on, Levi! Sell it to Esquire or an appearance on "The View"

    11. Anonymous11:00 PM

      I think Beefy bought that house because Gino had a house close by at the time. Remember when she did that interview and it was taped, and when she gave the tour, her bedside table had a pic of Gino. I think that's the baby daddy from DWTS. She was feeling her independence with the money she got, and she thought she could live far away from mommy and do whatever she wanted. Just opinion.

  3. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Saving for retirement? I think most college kids can't do that until they graduate, get a job and pay off their Newt gets TONS os booking sto talk about retirement on campus. Good Lord. Is Liberty his first stop? The man is the male Palin...anything for a buck, no scruples needed.

  4. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I watched his entire presentation because I think it important to listen to both sides of the aisle (even though I'll vote for President Obama AGAIN!).

    What an ego!!! His government sponsored (tax payers) security was pulled a day or so ago and it should have been done long ago!. He still doesn't seem to realize he is out of the race and the majority are NOT in any way, shape or form behind him!

    He and his plastic wife are in this for the bucks and nothing more.

    Gingrich looks very unhealthy - waddles anywhere he goes - and tries to force his bullshit down our throats!

    Palins endorsed him (Sarah not as outwardly as Toad) and that was the kiss of death for him.

    He is arrogant in what he thinks he is and can offer the USA! Look at his record - he was devisive when in Congress - nasty - ugly - mean - and he is no different today! People that served w/him don't even speak well of him or support him!

  5. Anonymous1:49 PM

    A little O/T -- but still in reference to Mitt, and really needs to be seen and shared by everyone!! :

    from email message:

    "This one couldn't wait for the tipsheet -- I need your help getting a few important facts out about a negative ad that is so blatantly false, the Washington Post said the "erroneous" attacks were made "without any shame."

    "The ad was created by Mitt Romney's Big Oil allies, "Americans for Prosperity," and they just launched it in some important battleground states.

    I want to make sure you have all the facts you need about it, so I recorded a quick video - - here in the office. Can you watch it, then, more importantly, share it with your friends?"

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Willard is bought and paid for. He will do whatever Karl Rove, the Koch brothers, and Grover Norquist tells him to do. Oil money is king in this country, that is why they are trying to stop President Obama. They control the Supreme Court, the House, and are trying to get the Senate.

      You just wait and see. They will intentionally continue to spike the price of oil up, between now and election day. They know that the American people are gullible enough to believe that it is ALL President Obama's fault. They are counting on our knee jerk reaction to all of their propaganda.......FUCK THE GOP !

    2. Anonymous7:04 PM

      @Anonymous 04:30 PM,
      I am so sick of GOP that lately I feel I can't take it anymore. Part of it is because I have to listen to my mother spout off the bullshit she hears from them. But after Bush, I will never underestimate the gullibility, ignorance and stupidity of some Americans. It scares me. The repugs know their constituency and are masters at propaganda to manipulate them. Yes, Fuck the GOP.

  6. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Another Palin endorsement goes south.

  7. Hopefully $arah will endorse Romney soon. She's probably going to be angling for the Energy Secretary position since we all know she's an energy expert.

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      The 'energy expert' according to John McCain! What a fucking farce!! Sarah knows absolutely zero regarding oil and gas! Ask Perry in TX and others in the State of Alaska (except Parnell, who is as much an idiot as is Palin with the subject)! Parnell is on 'THE TAKE' and has unqualified people speaking for him as to the industry within his own administration!

      Thank God we have the Senate members in the Alaska Legislature! They have asked the correct and difficult questions of the Parnell people.

      The fat guy leading the House of the Alaska Legislature (appears like Gingrich - ready to fall over w/a heart attack and w/an ego to match!) is in Parnell's back pocket!

    2. Anonymous6:47 PM

      The Bitch could be The Secretary of Hoes. That is the only thing that she really has any experience at. Energy expert, yeah right.

    3. Anita Winecooler9:05 PM

      So consuming mass quantities of red bull qualifies her as an "energy expert"? Screw that.

      We need scientists to find a way to harness the flapping tongue's movement and convert it to electricity.

  8. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Hey, SP's supporting Mitt now, right? What a piece of luck for Democrats.

  9. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Well at least now we, the taxpayers, won't have to pony up that almost $40000 a day for his security detail. If any one would want to do him harm it would be because of his pomposity and arrogance, not his candidacy.
    As we used to say, "Thank God for small favors". Just do us a large favor and keep him GONE.

  10. Anonymous3:03 PM

    The Palin touch is toxic...

  11. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Todd must have promised Newt, that he would put a Whore house franchise on the moon, and put Callista to work.

  12. Anonymous3:25 PM

    He called the campaign a “truly wild ride.” (Really? Try flying back under the cover of darkness to fake a birth in Alaska sometime!)

  13. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Newt is leaving a slew of unpaid creditors in his wake. Among them... Moby Dick Airways. Great White Whale jokes, anyone?

    1. Boscoe6:02 PM

      C'mon everyone, some dick jokes at least...

  14. Anonymous4:26 PM

    OT, but Bristol was clearly jealous of the attention Levi was getting...

  15. Looks like Sarah's chance at getting another VP nod, just went down the toilet.

  16. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Bristol sells Maricopa home:


    'So grown up'! Bristol Palin posts new photo of happy and smiling three-year-old son Tripp

  17. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Sarah Palin Infommercial- Palin O's


  18. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Palin Shows Off Son After Johnston Breaks News About Second Child

  19. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Imagine that. Newt drops out, another Palin fail, and out trots Bristol! Could have seen THAT coming a MILE away!

    Could this trash TRIBE be any more transparent?

  20. Boscoe6:01 PM

    It's an interesting concept that one can "suspend" something that's been demonstrably dead for months...

    Is that like "you can't fire me, because I QUIT!"??

  21. Gasman8:02 PM

    That picture contains a big, fat, smelly, lumbering beast and an elephant.

  22. Paul - Minnesota8:28 PM

    Good. Now Newt isn't costing taxpayers $40,000 a day for Newt's secret service protection.

  23. Anita Winecooler8:57 PM

    Oh, the Palin curse rubbed off onto Toddy Two Toned! I almost lost it when he mentioned "Wild Ride", wonder if Newt's giving the middle finger to Sarah?

    Poor Callista, her man gets bit by a penguin, then concedes to Romney. Time to sell some of that jewelry and fancy helmets!

    Anyway, So long, Newt, we knew you.

  24. Anita Winecooler9:13 PM


    Just caught this on huff po

    A Christian Pastor condones child abuse on gay children.

    Warning, may be disturbing to most people.

    What a vile excuse of a human being.

  25. Anita Winecooler9:37 PM

    Sorry, I gave the wrong link for the Christian Pastor's Service

    There are others, it's fifty five minutes but here's a short exerpt

    This is the tamest, and he gives a lame excuse quoting the bible as using "hyperbole". Sick, Vile and disgusting

    Sorry for the mix up

  26. Anonymous11:10 PM

    There is no way Palin is on Romney's short list or even on his long list.

    When his people talk about how not to do what McCain did as far as picking a vp then you know Palin is outta there. No need to send in your resume.

  27. Anonymous4:04 AM

    "Grinch" to me, looks like me, he is very ill. Small piggy eyes,very fat or pufy face,Not healthy fat but more like alcohol fat. better be careful "Grinch" the grim ripper seems to be knocking at your door.


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