Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Study shows that Sarah Palin's "Hockey Mom" schtick failed to impress REAL moms.

Courtesy of Washington Secrets:

Here’s another reason why Sarah Palin failed as Sen. John McCain’s 2008 vice presidential running mate: The whole “hockey mom” thing that was supposed to win over soccer moms flopped. 

A new report from the authoritative American Politics Research journal finds that her story of being a mom of five hockey playing kids held no appeal to the rest of parents. “Palin fared particularly poorly among married mothers,” it said, because her candidacy “did not hold any special appeal to mothers or fathers.” 

And on Election Day, added the journal, “Mothers, like women overall, were a very solid Democratic voting block in 2008.”

You know during the 2008 campaign one of the tactics used to defend Palin from "attacks," were that they were coming from misogynist males on the Left, who simply could not stand the idea of a conservative woman being elected VP.

Of course first off I would have to say that if one were looking for examples of "misogyny" they would be FAR more successful looking over on the Conservative side of the aisle, but I would also say that the idea that Palin's major detractors were male is a false narrative.

As many of you know the Palin saga was unfolding, and of course falling apart at the seams, in real time all over the internet. Including here at IM.

And what I learned very early on was that the very FIRST people to call bullshit on Palin's narrative, were the women. The very first e-mail I received questioning Trig's birth story was from a female nurse, and from there it was pretty obvious that women were challenging virtually every detail of the Palin mythology from day one.

Women KNEW that she did not appear connected to her family on stage. 

They KNEW her response to the news of Bristol's pregnancy seemed unnatural and uncaring.

They KNEW that the way she held her supposedly newborn son felt wrong to them.

They knew!

And of course, THEY were right!

We have since learned that Palin was NOT the involved "hockey mom" that she tried to portray herself as on television. In fact, according to Sherry Johnston, she rarely attended games, and when she did she was always on her Blackberry or flirting with the dads.

According to a rather large number of people who spoke to Joe McGinnis, Geoffrey Dunn, and myself,  Palin was forever pawning her parental responsibilities off on just about anybody that she could. INCLUDING by the way the much maligned Mike Wooten, as he makes clear during his interview on Broomfield's excellent documentary "Sarah Palin-You Betcha."

No I seriously doubt that there were too many women fooled by Palin's transparent masquerade as a heavily involved, adoring parent of a hockey playing family of loveable misfits.

Good on you ladies. Good on you.


  1. Trig had no socks on his feet....enough said!

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Yes he did. I enlarged the photo and saw he had on blue sox and black shoes.

    2. Okay Ardiva...I wasn't talking about this bad. I was thinking of the photo where the baby blanket was spread all over Bristol and she was holding Trig. I can find a link if you need to see one.

    3. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Ahhh.. ;)

    4. Anonymous2:38 PM

      He was also sockless, capless, and coatless during the Going Rogue book tour....fall/winter time frame. Many, MANY, internet pics.

  2. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Really, we were just jealous.

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      If by jealous you mean insulted that McCain/ Palin assumed we'd fall for the bullshit Palin narrative. Having a uterus does not make us stupid. A few hours research told me her mayoral and gubernatorial records were all spin, no substance. And her Wild Ride a pack of lies.

    2. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Sure thing, Hon, that's what my uber-conservative ex-husband said in 2008..Now, he's too embarrassed to admit he supported Sarah Palin.

    3. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Why do you always say that, troll? We do not hate other women because they are beautiful, successful, or accomplished...look how the posters here love and admire our First Lady. We saw Sarah for the mean-spirited, whiny idiot FAKE that she was. Truth hurts.

    4. Olivia5:06 PM

      I am pretty sure that was a joke. Hence, "Really, we were just jealous" and not the trollish "You are all just jealous".

  3. Anonymous10:25 AM

    She acted a part, that is all. I remember reading about her gathering the kids about her to "pray" in front of her security team. One daughter (Willow I think it was) said "Why are you pretending to be something you are not?" Well, she did not fool most of the rest of us, either.

  4. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I knew there was something revolting about Screech the minute I heard her talk the day McCain introduced her, I thought, "Who does this broad think she is?" then "She's got a lot of confidence for someone with such a shrill voice." When it was exposed that Beefalo was pregnant a few days later, I realized this family was a bunch of deceitful fools because they had made Beef carry Trig with the blanket covering her up.

  5. Olivia10:30 AM

    Real moms were appalled that she would even consider leaving her 4 month old special needs child to take on this attempt at a vanity position. My first thought was that her baby and her children needed her more than McCain did. After we learned more about her, she became very transparent and it was easy to why she joined the campaign and easy to see what a spectacularly shitty mother she was.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Go back a few more months. It was completely unnecessary she take out of state gigs to feed her ego at the expense of her "gestational" health.

    2. Anonymous11:24 AM

      This is exactly how real moms felt about her. Sarah is only about how much more money she can make and the VP makes more than a governor. Her "poor little me" getting picked on by the lame stream media got old really fast. No one has ever had to take more crap from the media, the right wing blogs, etc. than Obama has. He has handled himself with a lot more composure than anyone else would have been able to under the circumstances. Sarah is an over rated fake. If this country wasn't so hung up with reality TV, her 15 minutes would have been over in less than 10 minutes.

    3. Y'know, I wasn't so concerned with a vice presidential candidate having an infant with down syndrome (or any other kind of special needs). Obviously you'd need a nanny for the occasions on the road where you'd be speaking, but I can't imagine not being ravenous to hold, cuddle, feed, and even just watch your son sleep. To let hours pass just talking and watching him.
      And in all the pictures, she did not seem grateful or blessed or thankful that she could be so close and share a moment with "her" son. She was always posing him to look out at the crowds (i ALWAYS carried my son close to my chest protectively for the first few months) or juggling him with a few blackberry phones.
      So I'm not sure if it was so much that "real moms" thought Scarah should have stayed at home in the kitchen and taken care of her brood (although given the circumstances, it may have done her family quite a bit of good)-- I think it's just that the evidence of body language, facial expressions, and the fact that to this day she has yet to come up with new adjectives for her little blessing... I think that's what pissed moms off the most. SH wasn't jsut posing as a good christian conservative-- she was posing as a Super Mom (and let's face it, the only thing more annoying than a Super Mom is a Fake Super Mom, lol)

  6. Anonymous10:32 AM

    For those who want to read the publication,

  7. Anonymous10:33 AM

    i cant help but glance over at c4p on a semi regular basis and laugh at the embarrassment that is the remaining sarah supporters. they really are on life support over there and are beginning to cannibalize each other over whether she is still running a 'stealth' campaign. my god man.

    well all i can say is that i hope they spy on this site from time to time and read this - after all the money they send and all the fawning they do for her... she has never done a damn thing for them and barely even acknowledges that c4p and its cadre of losers exist... she doesnt even like them. they are not the golden egg she is reaching for.

    i also wonder as the herd has thinned quite a bit over there... will there come a point in time when there will be only one remaining c4p loser still standing, all alone, posting to nobody, which one will it be?

    1. AnonymousMay 2, 2012 11:33 AM
      i also wonder as the herd has thinned quite a bit over there... will there come a point in time when there will be only one remaining c4p loser still standing, all alone, posting to nobody, which one will it be?
      Oh most definitely it'll be "Brian BigAnus" LOL!!

      Women saw right through Baldy the first weekend after she was didn't help that she threw her own daughter under the bus instead of showing Trig's BC and she's been going downhill ever since!

    2. ManxMamma11:25 AM


    3. Anonymous11:30 AM


      I can see the lone old long-bearded c4p fan sitting in some isolated bunker in the Arctic, or some lighthouse on an unmapped island, signaling morse code to the aliens, hoping they'll swoop down and show the world that Sarah IS the one.

    4. Anonymous11:41 AM

      I am in deep cover over there, steering the narrative to the craziness that is now the norm.

      Long ago during Sarah´s turkey pardoning debacle I posted this comment on her FB page: ¨I fully believe drinking Sarah´s bath water will cure cancer.¨

      I was expecting to get banned. Instead the comment recieved 23 ¨likes.¨

    5. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Anon 12:41 -- I stop in pretty regularly over there. I wish I knew your handle; it would add so much to the fun!

      I can believe the "likes" on the bathwater comment!

    6. Olivia1:05 PM

      Keep steering the narrative. Maybe you will be the last one standing.
      It would be so funny if the only ones posting were undercover.

    7. Jesus Christ GinaM!! Your new pic with RAM scared the shit outta me lol!

    8. MarzMay 2, 2012 03:01 PM

      HeHe! Sorry about that!

  8. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Maybe the men were fooled, including that first wink and blown kiss, but I thought she was a flirting' fake from the first week. as soon as I checked on Wasilla.

    A female here.

    Palin is a fake, fake, fake, fake, fake, fake, fake.

    Ditto bristol, the hypocrite wanna be.

    1. Anonymous11:20 AM

      I'm a female and I can tell you that the women I know can't stand her. We knew very early on that she was a fraud. A "rill" mother would have protected her daughter (Bristol)and not exploit her special needs baby. When I first learned about her "wild ride" I thought she was trying to miscarry the baby but upon further reading and seeing pictures knew she faked the pregnancy. Also, her stupidity was so transparent that the men and women I know were appalled that she would be picked to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Sarah Palin is one dumbass!

    2. Exactly. A true strong woman does not have to rely on feminine wiles to get ahead. Hilary Clinton always smiled diplomatically (at worst) and genuinely (at best).
      Sarah can't even smile without trying to give herself Fuck-Me Bedroom Eyes.

    3. One of my friends called me into the room to watch on television when John McCain introduced her. I was so horrified by the woman, I had to turn right around and leave. I never changed my mind.

    4. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Try being an Alaskan that fought tooth and nail against her campaign for Governor in 2006 only to see the "church ladies" that you thought were your friends, those that you tried to be friends with even though they were christians, help get this numbskull elected! I must say, Palin's campaign in 2006 taught me who my true friends are and suffice it to say, they are not the women who caved into Palin and her lies and "fancy pageant walkin'"

      Now they all have egg on their faces, so karma does work, it works wonders :-)

  9. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I actually was supporting John McCain BEFORE he picked Sarah Palin.

    I knew John McCain just hated the Bush family; and I had some problems with Barrach Obama - I wanted Hillary to have the nomination & I resented that he got it. I thought she deserved it & I wanted a woman in the White House.

    When McCain picked Palin (I heard at first the VP nominee was a woman & was excited), I quickly figured out that this was a ploy to get the Hillary supportors.

    Once I saw her, I felt manipulated & condenscended to - I'm not going to vote for someone JUST because they are a woman.

    I thought she was an idiot & a crazy. THEN I got to know that she really was an idiot & a crazy.

    Then I refused to vote for John McCain.

    Yup - I'm one of those Hillary women who would have voted for John McCain but didn't because of Sarah Palin.

    1. Don't you hate that? You're a sexist if you DON'T vote for her, but they're not sexist for making you vote for her for no other reason than she's a fertile (they wold have us believe) woman.

  10. comeonpeople10:44 AM

    Thank you.
    What is also notable is the amount of women who had a visceral reaction to Palin. Many of us have written ro spoken of this over the years. The first time I saw and heard her, I got physically sick to my stomach. I could feel her mental illness, deceit, pathology and was fearful of what she could do to our country.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Visceral is right. I remember saying, "My gut says she's nuts and vicious". Instant reaction.

  11. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Any woman who ever went to middle school knows the type of person that Palin is.

    Yup. That is why soccer moms couldn't stand her. They saw her & recognized her from their pre-teen years.

  12. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Here's what I find most interesting.

    Sarah gave her little 'talk' at the Extraordinary Women's Conference, she was spotted on a plane out that same night, Saturday, hitting the wine early on.

    And that was on the same night that President Obama gave her the huge smackdown at the WHCD.

    Since then there hasn't been a peep. Not a tweet, not a Facebook, not a Fox appearance, radio show...nada. It's unbelievable that she is not responding in her usual thin-skinned way, to the 'Pitbull' jab she got.

    Not even having one of her ghostwriters or Bristol's ghostwriter, or even her 'husband' Todd coming to her defense. It's been absolutely dead silent.

    So what is THAT about? Did she have a breakdown after her speech? She looked so dirty and ratty and nasty that night, maybe she was on the brink.

    I just thought it was odd that we haven't been subjected to some sort of diatribe from Smelly Sarah, though I'm NOT complaining, I'm enjoying the silence, actually.

    Gryphen, have you noticed this silence? What do you make of it? Anyone?

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Oh, give the Bitch her time.It is all strategic on her part. Right now, she is using the COW to run interference for her. I learned a long time ago, to never get into a pissing contest with a skunk. This skunk will be back, as soon as the anti-depressants kick in. Until then, let's just all enjoy the stench free air.

    2. Anonymous2:22 PM

      AnonymousMay 2, 2012 01:32 PM

      I like what you said....Hee Hee!

    3. It had to be disappointing that no one from Faux asked Sarah to accompany them to the WHCD. Even her BFF Greta chose Lohan as a guest. That had to hurt.

      Every time I turned on the TV, someone was commenting about Romney not making a mistake like McCain did in 2008 but I didn't hear anyone come to her defense. It was a bad week for Sarah. Maybe it's hitting home that she's over and done.

    4. Olivia5:14 PM

      She has probably been heavily drugged since then. Lots of bashes on her in the last week from all over the spectrum and BFF Greta chose someone else. You can see in that video she wasn't doing well.Poorly dressed, unprepared...oh wait, that is status quo for her,isn't it? All the family trolls are tending to her in her doped up state. Don't know what has happened to Kristy. Maybe she was finally committed this week.

    5. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Maybe Todd went "ice fishing" and put Sarah in the hole.

  13. Anonymous10:58 AM

    As I listened to her convention speech, little bells were ringing - something isn't right here. My brother was quite impressed with her and all I could say to him was that "There is something wrong with this picture" and lo and behold, there is / was a lot wrong with the picture of who and what Sarah Palin is and isn't...

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      When she lied in that speech and claimed that Barack Obama looked down on her experience as a small town mayor (when he'd never said any such thing), and then used that as an excuse to gleefully attack him, I knew then she was someone I wanted nothing to do with. Sick bitch.

    2. Anonymous4:51 PM

      A number of men saw immediately what a crazy nut she was, but so many were completely snowed by her flirting.

  14. Just look at the picture. Track is looking off-stage. Bristol's attention is on the audience, as is Levi's. Willow is looking at, but not interacting with Levi. Poor Piper is being ignored and is waving to the audience. No-one is looking at Trig. In fact, no-one is interacting with any other member of the family. If this were the type of picture drawn by a child having trouble in school; I'd be seriously concerned.

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Good observation. Notice, nobody in the family is interacting with HER!!

      You would think that they would be crowded around her.

    2. comeonpeople3:51 PM

      You are so right Elizabeth!!!

  15. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I didn't see her introduction in Ohio, but I did see her speech at the RNC Convention and she turned my stomach within a matter of minutes.

    I could feel the hate and mean girl and nasty bitch just oozing out of her every word, dripping snark and sarcasm and glaring disrespect for Barack Obama.

    My gut instantly contracted, trying to fend of the negative blast. I knew within seconds that she was a disaster on every level, but when she demonstrated her lack of connection with the infant she was crowing about, I was sure I was looking at some sort of con. Announcing Bristol's pregnancy, front and center, to the world, was reprehensible.

    And as we've all come to see Sarah is a fraud of the highest order, a grifting political con, wrapped in a flag, carrying a cross, pretending to be a 'mother'.

  16. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I had done a little internet research on her before the unveiling, and I have to admit I waas curious as to the buzz around this mother of 5 (I had heard she was breastfeeding, which I did for both my kids) and wondered how she would manage the time constraints, lack of sleep, etc and still nurse. She hadn't spoken for 5 minutes before I was cringing at her lies. I knew about the bridge, the plane and that all she was saying about Barack Obama was untrue. I finally had to leave the room.
    Then she started her campaign and the hatefulness increased daily. It was as if she could find nothing positive to say about herself (except that she was a governor who knew about energy) and had to spend her time as she does now, condemning people she had never met. Then there was the way she handed off Trig to the nearest child, often Piper. Had he not been Downs, that boy would have been crying for four months. And I doubt she ever nursed any of those kids. She didn't have the bust of a woman even weaning, let along dripping four months, a child may start cereal, but I think with the tongue issues on a Down baby, he is still on milk (formula.) She is a fake, and now she is a wealthy fake. I hope her flauting of the laws comes back to wrap her in a nice orange jumpsuit.

    1. Rover1:46 PM

      Agreed. I interact daily with a little girl with Down Syndrome. She didnt have a heart defect like Trigg but like all DS babies she had to be held very carefully due to an unstable neck. The way the Palins tossed him around like a sack of potatoes infuriated me.

      DS kids take alot longer to roll over or sit up. My DS friend has four therapist visits every week and at age one still cant eat from a spoon. I knew Palin was a fraud right away because a real mother of a special needs child would have put that child first and her career last.

  17. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I never thought Palin to be the 'real' thing when she ran for governor of Alaska! I'm not a fan of Halcro particularly, but he was far better than she in the debates and I didn't vote for her based on that!

    It's wonderful that people across the USA have finally awakened to the fact she is nothing more than a liar and fraud. She's been a horrid embarrassment to Alaska and to women in general.

    She's also known to be a terrible wife and mother. She had proven affairs on Todd - helped him run a prostitution ring within Alaska, taking the ladies across the borders and had children that were involved often with the police for wrongdoings.

    She also raised Bristol to be just like her which is going to be the downfall of Bristol as she moves along in life! It will be a sad thing to watch as the years move along.

    How would you like Sarah as your mother, wife or grandmother? You'd want to get away from her as fast as possible that is for damned sure!!!!!

  18. Flirting's fine, but you'd better have something to back it up. She didn't.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      She is the classic prick tease.

    2. Anonymous1:20 PM

      You know the difference between a flirt & a tease, don't you?

    3. AnonymousMay 2, 2012 02:20 PM

      You know the difference between a flirt & a tease, don't you?


    4. Anonymous5:22 PM

      How many men want to have sexy times with a mother of 5, unless she got stitched up tighter after each birth then a 47 year old mother of 5 would be a ride that would be barely felt, even by a well-hung man. Just sayin.

  19. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Sarah's only appeal was to the old, white Viagra users who saw "starbursts" when she winked at them, everyone else saw straight through her schtick, especially women, which is why McCain lost the women's vote by a higher % than his GOP predecessors despite having a woman on the ticket. They may have used the "she'll appear to soccer moms & upset Hillary voters" as an excuse to nominate an unvetted, inexperienced backwoods hick as VP candidate but it was never about women, it was only about the starbursts.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      I was a HIllary voter & the Palin pick pissed me off. Made me vote AGAINST McCain when I was going to vote for him.

    2. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Let me put that in an unfortunately more vulgar, but brutally honest idiom.

      When McCain and his campaign people (misogynists all) saw that Hillary supporters were upset that she wasn't going to be the Dem nominee, there was the chance that they would be more drawn to a woman on a ticket, even crossing party lines to vote for one. They instantly thought with their
      little head, like the guy in the bar who the pretty, smart girl has refused, and who consoles himself by thinking, as he takes home the homely, overweight, tipsy bar lush, "Eh, turn em upside down and they're all pink." they thought women would share that misogynist sentiment. We didn't, we don't.

  20. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Real moms don't brag. They mother.

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Yeah. Real moms are way to busy to spend time bragging. Or whining.

  21. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Not surprisingly, the only person who is still in the dark about all of this is Palin herself.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      and McCain -- :-)

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM

      No, McCain knows. But he's senile. Cindy and Meghan have likely both tried to tell him, Unfortunately, Cindy didn't learn her lesson - marry a guy who trades in for a 'Newer, undamaged model" and he's likely to ignore you as you age, too. Cindy is protected only by her money.

  22. Anonymous11:16 AM

    I knew when I first saw the footage of her saying she would consider the VP appointment if someone told her what exactly the VP did.

    Then tried to cover up her ignorance by lying about it.

  23. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Well naturally we are all just haters and not 'real' freedom loving patriot mom's.

    We are just jealous of Juicy's ovaries and super-brilliant-productive children. With god on their side. And happy.

  24. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Anytime a woman I meet says she likes my former half-term Governor, I know exactly what kind of person that is (one whose children will not be invited over for play-dates.)

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      I have the same reaction. And, you are right, protect your children from such idiots. You will never regret it.

    2. Rover1:49 PM

      I have a similar reaction when someone tells me that they watch Fox. I immediately put some space between us because they must have a screw loose.

    3. Jeanabella3:29 PM

      I feel the same! I can't tolerate right wingers. they're so fearful!
      There are so many studies now that show the difference in the brain between conservatives & liberals. It's all over the net, just google brain studies for cons. vs libs.
      if interested.
      The comments are great as usual!
      Gina et all thanks for all the laughs!

    4. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Personally. I love inviting over the Fundernut kids. And "just happening" to have on the TV when they're over with a science DVD on. Or using words like evolved etc. No, we're not mean, just going about our everyday lives and being interesting and interested and unafraid. Right now, I'm having a blast helping a former Jesus-camp type adult who rejected that lifestyle (before I met her) integrate to the real world - who knew it would be such fun shopping for pants.

  25. Anonymous11:23 AM

    The only authentic moment out of the whole clan?

    Piper licking her hand to wipe down Trig's cowlick.

    That was precious, innocent and normal.

    Everything else?


    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      That was just an example of how they were taught to bath by the Bitch.

    2. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Yeah? I thought that was gross

  26. From Gritzfeld's article:

    Before Palin was elected as Governor of Alaska, she was the mayor of the small town of Wasilla. While Mayor of Wasilla, it was discovered that the police department had been charging victims of rape, or charging their insurance companies (in which the victim paid the deductible), for the use of rape kits. Once Palin left to run for the Alaskan government, the next Wasilla governing body made this practice illegal and rape kits were paid through tax dollars (Byrson, 2008). Rape kits are imperative for the evidence needed to convict the rapist. According to Byrson, these kits cost upwards of $1200 when tests are conducted; if the victim could not gather the funds necessary to purchase this kit, then the guilty member could not be charged. This should enrage feminists, because forcing victims to pay for their own evidence-gathering victimizes them even further. It is unheard of to force victims to pay police officials to gather evidence in theft or assault charges, for example. This would be deemed as discrimination in the American legal system. Palin’s action of making victims pay for rape kits meant that rape victims in Wasilla were isolated as a group outside a general liberty of justice (Byrson, 2008).

  27. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Never had heard of Palin until the day she was selected as VP. The first time I heard her speak at the RNC convention, my womanly instinct told me right away she was a fake. She was just pushing the close-loving-family-squeaky-clean image too far. The campaign went overboard with her fake okey-dokey-isms and hockey, soccer mom okay-kids-load-up-your-gear-in-the-back-of-the-van gig.

    Her apparent use of Trig as a trophy was appalling. I couldn't understand why John McCain and his team didn't advise her that her use of Trig on stage (propping him up so he could be seen by audiences) was crass and exploitative. I couldn't believe they gambled on women accepting this spectacle. It was a turning point in my respect for campaigns in general.

    Then when her interviews showed a lack of knowledge on all fronts, and when she repeated and repeated the same old tired points, it started to dawn on me that she had extreme limitations. Again, I was ready to turn on the tv and expect to hear that McCain had dropped her from the ticket.

    After the election, her behavior started to become unhinged. Her rants, the writing on her hand, the repetitive acts of rebellion just to prove her detractors wrong, and her obsession with her image and the media's response to her made it more clear that she wasn't a doting mother, since she was pre-occupied with herself, getting into every camera glare she could from that point on.

    I am amazed at the women who still don't see through her yet in the lower 48. They probably don't read anything other than conservative blogs, which paint her as a saint all the time.

  28. Anonymous11:25 AM

    So many of the things from the Wild Ride, to the Bridge to No Where, to Willow's innate ability to id Downs Syndrome in a new born where so obviously untrue; I knew anyone that could/would lie soooooo effortlessly was one scary individual.

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      Yes, a teenage daughter with the ability to identifying a Down syndrome baby was over the top. That was the lamest lie ever. Right up there with the top Palin 500 lies. My two daughters who have graduate degrees laughed when they heard that, as they could barely identify a baby as a newborn let alone a medical condition! That Willow is one smart cookie!

    2. Jeanabella3:33 PM

      Palin lying about her kids accomplishments is sick! I don't believe any child would want their parent to make up something about them even if it makes them look good. They'll resent her for it.

  29. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I don't have children of my own, but I cringed every time I saw her holding Trig like a sack of rotten potatoes or when I saw the way he was (un)dressed on the book tour.

    That was NOT the behavior of a mother who cherishes her child or who has bonded with him in any way.

  30. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Sarah Palin is a terrible mother and a child abuser who uses her children as props. Of course this is nothing new to readers here. It's well established fact that she is unqualified to raise children.

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Because YOU know her? That's right, there's ZERO evidence to your comment and a whole lot to the contrary.

    2. Anonymous4:08 PM

      We've seen photos of her half dressed baby being dragged outside on a cold night. We saw her humiliate her pregnant daughter in front of the whole nation. How's that for a start?

    3. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Well, let's see. Her oldest was complicit in unplugging the heater cords of school buses and deflating their tires in 2005. That netted him a tenure in Michigan playing hockey, and then got him enlisted in the armed forces driving around the Brass in Iraq.

      The next child had no knowledge of birth control and admitted that she got drunk and screwed her boyfriend in a tent, of which the net result was Sarah Palin's second grandson. (Note: No one ever talks about when Bristol gave birth to Trig.)

      So then we move on to Sarah Palin's third child. She got drunk at a party in her friend's home and was complicit in vandalizing said home while the parents were away. That family happens to be named Morlock and the eldest son of that family is now serving a life sentence for blowing away innocent people in a foreign country while serving in our military. The daughter of that family hung out with Bristol in LA when she was dancing with the Stars (and being the only contestant that gained weight during her incredibly taxing 8 hour per day workouts)

      The youngest Palin was seen on the 2008 McCain/Palin campaign trail being unable to comprehend 2nd grade flash cards, when truly that kid should have been in 4th grade.

      So, I think we know her, and her family because she just can't keep their lack of normal behavior out of the news. This family is an absolute train wreck. I guess it's good that they believe in god because collectively if they pray hard enough they might pass as normal, and respectable! NOT!

    4. Anonymous6:00 PM

      And she has a husband and the father of her children going into the prostitution business, she should have kicked his ass to the curb!!!

  31. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Exactly. Palin could try to put on all the gimmicky appearances she wanted, but in the end, she would still only appeal to those who already wanted desperately to believe she was authentic. Everyone else, those who chose not to ignore their instincts and common sense, were able to clearly see what was underneath her thin facade (nothing much). To them, it was clear pretty much from the very beginning that she was a phony. She's a poor actress. And actresses with untrained talent such as her can't uncomfortable body language with false poise, lack of intelligence with cheap sound bites, lack of real patriotism with outsized flag pins, lack of affection with posed family photo-ops, lack of accomplishments with false narratives about your history, lack of true grit with cheap trash talk.

    Having said that, I am happy the circus is now over and Sarah is back to doing what she's probably been doing her entire life: desperately trying to get attention any way she can. At least she'll never again come anywhere close to taking position of those who actually deserve them. She can hang out with the rest of the nobodies at Fox instead.

  32. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Where is Tri-G's birth certificate?
    Why is he named after his medical condition?
    Why is Tripp named after a prostitute?

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Why are you a liar and a hater?

    2. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Please get a new schtick.
      Oh right, you can't as there is no positive way to spin that Tri-G is named for his Down Syndrome and Tripp is named for his granddaddies ho.

    3. Anonymous4:25 PM

      @2:55 P.M. Are you still writing that same old 'HATER' BS? Are you getting your advice from Piper?

    4. No, we are not liars, or haters.

      We seek the Truth. Something that does not exist in the Palin universe.

      Just show us Trig's Birth Certificate, and we'll be satisfied that she did indeed give birth to Trig.

      Otherwise STFU Anon 2:55PM ...or should I say Sarah?

      Where's Trig's Birth Certificate?

  33. Anonymous11:29 AM

    From the moment that I read about Sarah's Wild Ride, leaking amniotic fluid, in labor with a premature special needs child, and wanting to fly back to Alaska for 12 hours worth of travel, I knew that Sarah was a fake. Every woman who ever was pregnant-- every man who was associated with a pregnant woman, any of her friends and family-- they all would have said the same thing. "You're in labor and you're leaking! Let's go to the emergency room right now!" Then, we learned that Sarah already had two miscarriages, putting her at even higher risk. Her age was another factor. The story remains unbelievable.

    From that point, it was easy to see that Sarah had few qualifications to hold any elected public office or that appointed one to the energy commission. Her qualifications: She left Wasilla $25 million in debt. She quit her energy commission job, and she quit her job as governor. As a candidate. she did not prepare or stick to the program. Being a rogue is not always a good thing.

    Sarah continues to use her kids as her props, to identify herself. She uses Bristol Facebook in the same way that she wrote letters to the editor praising herself, using a fake name. In a recent speech, Sarah continued to tell about the arrival of Trig, a blessing in her life and a gift from God. But she never mentions how he continues to bless her life today-- how is therapy is going, the strides that he is making, nothing.

    When Sarah introduced herself as a hockey mom, her hockey player was already in the military. She also introduced herself as the mother of a soldier. (Could she have been the mother of a hockey playing soldier??) She uses running, Alaska, hunting, fishing or just about anything else as a false narrative. We saw what a good hunter Sarah was. Her father had to load her gun, and she missed the caribou enough times to make me realize that what a fake she is.

    We can tell by the way that Sarah speaks that little of her college journalism classes have influenced her. We know from listening to her that she has never learned or studied anything. Hockey mom? That is the least of it. Everything about Sarah is fake, sometimes including her hair.

  34. i'm a woman attorney and a femi-nazi. proud of it, too! i had 2 children - now grown - and worked during their entire childhoods, including traveling for 10 of their most formative years. their dad (now divorced) stepped in and did an admirable job of helping me raise them. we also had a good babysitter and friends (it took a village!). my kids are solid citizens having gotten college degrees and jobs - if they were ever dysfunctional, it escaped my detection.

    Anyway - all that to lead up to my reaction to Palin and her acceptance of the VP nomination when she had a 4 month old child with Down syndrome and a teenage daughter pregnant. Honestly -- even I could not believe that a mother would put her career over her children's needs like that. It was so abundantly clear that her children did need her to be a force in their lives. I said something to my right wing brother to this effect, saying that I would never embark on a new demanding job if I had children at these points in their lives. It was an uncaring thing to do. It was having your priorities completely screwed up. His response? The brother that had a stay at home wife and criticized me for years for having a career while raising children, told me that Palin should not have to give up career opportunities when she can delegate the care of her children to others. He told me I was being sexist!!!!!

    So, yeah, I have had major problems with Palin and not just politically. I feel sorry for her children for having to be raised by such a non-involved parent. Honestly, if anyone - man or woman - is not committed to being involved in their chilren's lives, why have them?

    OK, off my soapbox now.

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Probably how he met Calista.

    2. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Hear! Hear! Palin was simply unqualified and an obviously disengaged parent. It was the bloggers in Wasilla who saved the day by letting us know it was a ruse from beginning to end.

      Also, where is that gasline she said was underway?

  35. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Newt just suspended his campaign and thanked Todd Palin. How weird is that? Wonder if ole Todd's given Newt the hook-up.

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      I wonder if old Todd gave the whole GOP the whole hook-up, which is how she was selected in the first place. Bill Kristol?

  36. Anonymous11:45 AM

    She was all manufactured image and no substance.

    (I'm a female physician, wife and mother.)

    ...and from the evidence (or lack thereof), I highly doubt that she is the biological mother of her last child. Really, what was so difficult about just pragmatically laying the birth rumors to rest by providing documentation? Was it really more important to drag her family through the public gutter of rumors and speculation than to provide documentation? (Heck, I had to provide birth certificates for my kids when they signed up for local soccer because the league rules called for proof of age. Big deal.) It's her refusal to quash the rumors that really makes her story suspicious to many people.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      No mother I have ever met would expose their teenage pregnant daughter as Palin did. No way. There was something pathological about Palin's lack of empathy toward her daughter and her own out of her league ambition to be VP. Any caring and thinking person saw it immediately.

    2. Anonymous4:04 PM

      OK Doc, so what can we do about this. Seriously? I've complained to JCAHO, I've complained to the AAFP. How do we get DR. CBJ to talk? We need to write articles to expose this in our professional journals. The lack of attention to medical standards and regs as well as the fact that the pregnancy defies human physiology is the key to breaking babygate open.

  37. Anonymous11:48 AM

    There's multi-tasking, but you can't do that beyond a certain extent as a mother of five.
    I'm a sixty-three mother and know there aren't enough hours in the day to do all she wanted to do or claimed she did.
    I'm all for a woman as a major-party candidate, but not with the number and renegade children she has. She couldn't even fulfil her Constitutonal job as Gov/

    She wants celebrity and money over respect amd responsibility, as it turn out.

  38. Anonymous11:51 AM

    As a "rill" hockey mom I was offended by Sarah calling herself one.
    I have raised money for ice time, I have flooded outdoor rinks, I have hauled extra players and their gear, I have worked concession stands to raise $$$ for uniforms, I have "lived" hockey by giving up every weekend between Nov and into arch for different hockey tournies, and yes I have even run the zamboni. True hockey families know the time and commitment it takes. Hockey families LIVE the sport, not just showing up once in awhile--those are the kids WE haul around.
    Sarah tried to play the part and failed.

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Yes, sending the one hockey player in the family off to Michigan for a year hardly makes you a 'hockey mom.' But hey, the GOP thought we Hillary suppoters would leap at the chance to vote for a woman, any woman. And they still treat us like stupid fools, because you know, "there is no war on women." Right. See you in November, GOP.

    2. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Yeah, and the word in Wasilla is she sent Track Outside so he wouldn’t be an embarrassment. What a mom ...

    3. Anonymous1:54 PM

      She was a hockey manager. Why is this still news by the way? It serves no purpose. The Palins will always be close knit. Youll never change that.

    4. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Amen momma!!

  39. Anonymous12:00 PM

    The bubble boy has left the building (Newt). But before he left he thanked Todd Palin for all his hard work. Bwahaha

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Once again, the Palin touch turns things to poison.

  40. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I knew from the get go she was a fraud. Real moms know a fake mom when they see one. Call it mother's intuition because we just know when something is not quite right.

  41. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Women knew right away because we don't have to filter it through out naughty parts first.

    1. Anonymous1:12 PM

      I like this 100 x over!!

    2. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Yet when people meet them, they love them for their authenticity. I suggest you all stop lying. Choosing to believe people who were depicted as crazy on screen isn't exactly smart.

    3. AnonymousMay 2, 2012 02:53 PM
      Yet when people meet them, they love them for their authenticity. I suggest you all stop lying. Choosing to believe people who were depicted as crazy on screen isn't exactly smart.
      I base my beliefs about Sarah Palin on what she herself says and does, and how she herself behaves and how she herself treats other people. She herself has proven herself to be a liar, a fraud, a racist, a narcissist, unpatriotic, unethical, stupid, incurious, willfully ignorant, and to have an emotional age of about 4 years.

      Oh, and through her repulsive, disgraceful, classless, trashy sexual obsessions and accusations she has also proven herself to be a pervert very likely to have sexual abuse issues in her past.

    4. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Sarah Palin is a sociopath. Many people with experience dealing directly with a sociopath had NO trouble detecting Sarah Palin's mental state.

      Why some people wanted to believe Sarah Palin is a normal human being, still astounds me (and I agree naughty parts was a factor).

  42. Anonymous12:06 PM

    As WOMEN, I agree with everything said by other Women. Most women can spot a fake easily,male or female.I think i've said this before.The minute she open her mouth,the real Sarah came out, she was never put back in. Still hasn't been coralled and bound ,gagged and bound should be. Could be Sarah would like such treatment?
    This Nation escaped a real disaster, McCain, Palin in the WH.
    What Mother would ever,place her Preg. Daughter on a world stage and tell the world she was unmarried, but was going to be. What Mother would put their Daughter in such a position? Only a Palin. What 44+ women would wear such short shirts, with very high heels,wink wink,tease and expose self, but a Palin. she really got off on the tease she was using on Men. Poor souls did not know or care the were being used and teased every time she was on stage. Only a few ever caught on.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Not only that, but what woman would carry an infant off a plane in heels? Or parade him around in the December sleet with bare feet, as she did on her 'book tour?' She is a poor excuse for a human being, let alone a mother.

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Not only bare feet, but bare legs! Diapers! the poor little thing was wearing diapers in (judging from the winter-wear and postures of on-lookers) what must have been a very chilly night.

      WHO DOES THAT! And, how could those swooning on-lookers not have wondered about their "common-sense" queen after seeing that. Remember they were women too, so I'd say just as many women were dazzled and blinded by her as could see through her.

  43. Anonymous12:09 PM

    As a woman, I vividly recall my horror when she was introduced at the RNC.

    I voiced my dissatisfaction from the beginning and to this day am outraged that ANY woman, that questioned her abilities, was painted as being jealous.

    Like I would EVER be jealous of that skanky, ignorant, grifting, manipulative, lying WHORE!

    Thank you, I've been carrying that around for almost four years now.

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      I made my first and only political contribution the next day, $100 I couldn't afford. I was horrified.

  44. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Shep Smith Slams Gingrich: ‘I Don’t Know Anyone On His Side Of The Aisle Who Can Stand Him Anymore’

    smith call Palin!!!!!!

    Fox IDIOTS!!!

    1. Anonymous12:36 PM

      Shep is the only one at Faux I can stand. Good for him for speaking the truth!

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      1:36 same here, they hate him over at C4P even though they don't know

  45. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I loved it when they told us women we were just jealous.

    She is such a fraud and such a bitch. The men might think she is hot stuff, but I bet she is frigid as ice. Something is wrong about her supposed hot stuff pose.

    Sex is power,nothing more to her.

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      She's compensating for the early incestuous experiences she suffered, she's learned to use sex as a weapon of manipulation, not uncommon to those who have been violated at an early age.

      I believe with all my heart that Creepy Chuck had a sick influence on his children and Mama Heath just stood by and let it happen.

    2. According to Todd, she's not comfortable with the idea of friends, who are married and visiting them for a few days, having sex and using baby oil while doing so. This was in McGinniss' book. Todd told them they had to leave. The irony is that they weren't using the baby oil to have sex, the wife uses it on her dry skin in the winter after showering. Todd said that Sarah claimed they were having sex, rubbing all over each other with baby oil and found it disgusting. She came to this conclusion because she found a bottle of baby oil in their belongings. She's the type that flirts but never follows through, a tease, to put it nicely. All those men lusting after her would be so disappointed if they ever had the opportunity to get to know Sarah a little better.

    3. Anonymous2:07 PM

      So, that would mean that Sara is also the kind of hostess who looks through the belongings of her guests... misunderstands the intended use for a straightforward skin care product like baby oil, and - as if this couldn't get any worse - becomes offended that her married guests would commit the abhorrent act of using baby oil on their bodies during sex!

      OK, to summarize: Sarah is a snoop, a reactionary, and a prude. But wait, there's more: how ignorant of a woman's body must she be to consider BABY OIL as a suitable lubricant? And how slef righteous to take that kind of action... sending Todd to toss the guests out.

      This just might be the best glimpse into Sarah's pathologies on parade!

    4. That whole "Baby oil" thing screamed....Creepy Chuck! Along with the "not wearing drezzy's to bed"...Baldy got some SERIOUS ass issues and I betcha' (HAH!) Creepy Sr started it ALL!

    5. Anonymous2:47 PM

      She may be disgusting and I think Chucky probably abused her too. Tone it down a notch...incest or abuse is not to be laughed at.

    6. Anonymous6:22 PM

      A married couple having making love and possibly using baby oil is disgusting to her. But when Herman Cain's affairs became public her reaction was " boys will be boys"?
      Who snoops through the belongings of friends and houseguests ???? Creeps, that's who.

  46. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Yes, it's true, both for me and for the other commenters whose stories they have shared in the 4 yrs of blogging about this: we all intuitively grasped the whole ugly story mostly right away (yes, from no socks and lots of similar et ceteras!), and then some of us second-guessed ourselves, thinking it could not be so if it's not being reported in the MSM. So we looked for concrete proof to support our intuitive take. (Which we found in the Mar 14 and Mar 26 photos.)

    It is just hard to understand why this fooled so many people. I guess the same folks who thought the Hillary Clinton loyalists would just flock right on over to Palin thought no one would notice the hints and problems re SP's image vs the reality. Or perhaps the big-gun decision-makers were clueless themselves. Hard to believe, because it's all been so obvious all along.

    But clearly, it didn't matter. Just like the abysmal low quality of the klown kar kandidates in the GOP primary didn't matter. The GOP hopes to win this election via voter fraud and dirty tricks (even worse ones than the Palin Baby Hoax, the continued cover-up of which only emboldens the dirty tricksters). After all, they've been so successful up to now.

    Yes, we have the big boys protecting Palin's Hoax from revelation, and the cover-up will continue until it's safe for the enablers (McCain, Schmidt, MSM) to be tarred with it. If that time ever comes. Maybe in 50 years.

    1. "(even worse ones than the Palin Baby Hoax, the continued cover-up of which only emboldens the dirty tricksters)"

      (((sigh))) I'm deeply concerned that you're right.

  47. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Now she is the true definition of a SLUT. No one can argue that, right Limbo.

  48. She's the typical big fish in a small pond casualty. What worked and fooled many in the small populated state's voting bloc just wasn't enough in the big wide outside world. While countless women and to be fair, many men, saw only fakery in her cutesy folksy ways, her ghost written 'autobiographies' removed any scant shadow of doubt. The 'wild ride' my ass. How stupid she was, thinking that little tale would fool any woman who has been in the pending or post birthing mode. Or any red blooded male in their presence for that matter. Puhleeze Palin, back to the fish docks with ya! Carrying a big bad club is her most definitive and favorite weapon.

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      I can hardly wait for someone to spell the beans on the false issue of her giving birth to the retarded child! Will it be one of her kids? Willow perhaps (?) who has already indicated (on video) that her mother was acting out something she wasn't!!!

      Her money is going to run out eventually. Selling the house in AZ will give us a sign that funds are not coming her way to keep her fluid. She's going down folks and hell is awaiting her and her family members! (All liars and frauds!)

    2. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Bristol sold her house in AZ, is Sarah's next or did they ever really own it...

  49. Anonymous12:58 PM

    If you really are patriotic you don't need to wear a huge flag pin or a wonder woman cuff.

    If you really are smart the campaign doesn't have to hide you for 2 weeks to give you a crash course in being a human.

    If you are being interviewed by an anchor of the cbs news, it's not to talk about being a working mom.

    I can't get over how Screech ignores her kids when the cameras are rolling, ignores willow and boyfriend when she is on computer in SPA, ignores 3 of her kids when walking in LA, ignores piper when she is baking on SPA, imagine what she is like when the cameras are off?

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      You sound so ignorant, I wonder how you graduated 5th grade.

    2. AnonymousMay 2, 2012 02:51 PM

      You sound so ignorant, I wonder how you graduated 5th grade.

      Hello Beefy!

      Heard any good baby names lately? LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Is that all you've got?

  50. Anonymous1:00 PM

    FYI... Jealous Bristol is using her kid as a prop again.

    How disgusting. She's so bitter and jealous of Levi's new happy life she has to post private pictures on the internet. What a sick, mentally ill piece of shit Pigstool is. Are we supposed to believe the kid in that picture is 3 ?????

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Um, she's been posting pictures for 2 years now. Nice try twisting things though.

    2. Anonymous1:56 PM

      I thought that Bristol argued for custody because Levi would exploit Tripp for shameless publicity. Levi should get a good lawyer, and after he is married, he should show the judge that he is the one with the stable home-- as opposed to Bristol who wants to exploit the boy in a "trial marriage" TV show. Privacy and stability ought to outweigh Bristol's descire for a tabloid, public life.

      (Attention Levi: You might consider getting a VERY good lawyer to break whatever confidentiality agreements that you may have signed without adequate legal counsel when you were just a kid. Then, you should consult a good publisher to tell a truthful story. That should pay for the lawyer and get the Palins off your back).

    3. AnonymousMay 2, 2012 02:51 PM

      Um, she's been posting pictures for 2 years now. Nice try twisting things though.
      Um, she's been EXPLOITING HIM for 2 years now. Nice try twisting your panties in a bunch.


  51. Anonymous1:01 PM

    "Of course first off I would have to say that if one were looking for examples of "misogyny" they would be FAR more successful looking over on the Conservative side of the aisle, but I would also say that the idea that Palin's major detractors were male is a false narrative."
    You couldn't be more right about the misogyny. All you had to do at that point was go read what some of her supporters were saying in the blog comments about her.
    Palin's appeal was that a bunch of dudes got hard-ons and wanted to do her. They wrote about it graphically, suggestively, coyly, and blatantly. It was enough to sicken me. I really took a different look at the rabid conservative men after the 2008 election and since then, they haven't proved me wrong one bit.

  52. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Believe me, women on the other side of the world despise Sarah Palin too. I am one of them. Granted, I am an ex-pat American, but all the women I talk to Down Under, think she is a joke. An old stale joke that needs to be put in the bin.

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      I have friends in Europe and they say the same thing. They think we are absolutely nuts in America to have had her on the ticket. Doesn't speak well of McCain either!!! He agreed to her vs Lieberman, who was his first choice. Bet he is kicking his ass because he went along w/Sarah due to the abortion issue.

    2. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Lieberman is no gem either (I'm from CT) and he sounds like the guy in Alf.

    3. Anonymous5:47 PM

      I'm french. A woman. Sarah Palin is a joke in our country.

  53. Anonymous1:20 PM

    It was the winking during the debate that really did it for me. With that one gesture, she single-handedly set women back at least 40 years. She and the RNC want to dwell in a place where what a woman looks like is more important than her intellect, her education, her accomplishments, or her character.

    Previous generations of women in politics have had to fight against the sexualization of women in politics and in the workplace, but Mrs. Palin blatantly used her sexualization to get what she wanted. It is so depressing.

    We all know that if she looked like RAM, none of us would have ever heard her name.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      There were Republican women who had more experience and more qualifications than Palin. They did not have her looks. Guess why they weren't picked.

      If winking set off anon 2:20, Chris Matthews was turned off by Sarah Palin's wave. He called it the windshield wiper wave, a movie star wave. Let's face it. McCain gambled and he lost.

  54. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Yet her family is close and forever supportive/defensive of the lies told about their mother. It's easy to jump on the hatin bandwagon. Very easy. I suggest people stop judging people they don't know. THere's are far too many ignorant loudmouths out there. Read those Anti Palin books for evidence of this.

    1. What a stupid thing for you to say. It is easy to judge Palin because we do know her. She won't shut her ignorant, lying, trashy, stupid, incompetent, uneducated mouth.

      She is forever attacking others in the sleaziest ways with her sexual gutter talk. Palin is trash through and through as are her trashy, uneducated children and her bully of a husband.

      We do know them, through their own words, and their own actions. And they are trash.

    2. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Jane you ignorant slut!!! STFU!!!!

    3. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Read Sarah Palin's own book where she recounts endangering the life of a unborn infant with horrifying "wild ride". Yep, read what Sarah Palin wrote herself and you'll know for sure she is some that deserves hate.

    4. Anonymous4:06 PM

      But it's okay for the bitch to constantly insult, belittle and demean the President? One day she's calling him a thug, the next questioning his manhood and his intellect. Insulting his wife, even. Does she know them personally? NO, and he has never even mentioned her except for recently, when after four years of her shit, he dismissed her with a joke. This "everyone we hate is fair game but we're off limits" shit is WHY PEOPLE HATE THE PALINS. Can you comprehend that?

    5. Anonymous4:21 PM

      The amazing thing is that we DON'T need to rely on hearsay or rumor. She has exposed herself in speech and in print as a lying, hateful ignoramus.

  55. Anonymous1:50 PM

    BUSTED SHERRY JOHNSTON. 1. Sarah was the team manager. 2. She didn't have a blackberry until she became Governor.

    Don't lie people. It isn't becoming. ALL those people you referenced Gryphen aren't exactly good, objective sources. And you still ignore the many lies told by people who've probably never met Sarah Palin.

    That's what happens when the author of a book baits people. Joe proved with his own words that he leads people to a topic and helps to put words in their mouths.

    People who actually meet the family like them. Levi liked them before money called him and said, "hey being a hater pays a lot more." Sucks to be YOU doesn't it hater?

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      "People who actually meet the family like them."

      Ok, so I read the book Sarah Palin wrote about herself where she boasts of boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak with a premature Down Syndrome baby when she was high-risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriages).

      Sarah Palin herself told me that. And that is enough to make me dislike Sarah Palin intensely.

      You might want to give up on the "actually meet" angle because it makes no sense. Your logic is abysmal. Sarah Palin has published enough to ensure that any right thinking person would say "sucks to be Sarah Palin" and "sucks to be a Sarah Palin defender".

      You can never win. Sarah Palin herself says that she deliberately endangered the life of an unborn child. You can never make that go away. You can never make people forget it. Give up trying, because it will never work.

    2. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Sarah Palin's blatant unsuitably to run even a small town much less the United States was appalling. It was shocking that Sarah Palin was selected for VEEP solely on her physical appearance. It was horrifying that John McCain could commit such treason.

      But the very, very worst thing of all for me was to have men say to me "aren't you glad they picked a woman". The reason it was the worst is that my natural reaction was to instantly transform into something resembling a flame thrower... which was difficult to suppress. (grin).

    3. Sucks to be you. The truth is out as to what a low-life Palin herself has proven to be and her glory days of 2008 are long gone, with the crowds and the adoring worshipers.

      Palin is a loser. And so are her followers.

    4. Marleycat3:40 PM

      Not at all - when it comes to the Mama Grizzly and Pimp Daddy Todd Palin - I LOVE being a "hater", and pity their children!

    5. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Sucks to be you, Palin Troll. Fake Pregnancies, hidden pregnancies by her daughters(yes WILLOW TOO)and a PIMP for a Husband are not what America wants to represent them. GRIFTING is an occupation for the Lazy Criminals, and that is the only job that the Palins want.

    6. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Drink that Kool-Aid troll. Ah, did you get it all down. Need a refill? Hold on, the Bitch should be taking another piss soon.

  56. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Why do liberals feel the need to be hurtful with a bunch of lies? Are your own lives THAT unhappy? I feel for you.

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Karma is a Bitch ain't it. It's payback time.

    2. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Are you saying that Sarah Palin LIED about the wild ride? It's certainly true that her boasting about her "wild ride" makes people dislike her.

      Well, if you can get Sarah Palin to admit she lied about the "wild ride" then you might have a (tiny) hope of getting some one to at least tolerate her (liking her being totally impossible).

  57. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Yet they're healthy, down to earth, and close. They prove you all wrong every single day. There's a reason people have always gravitated to the Palins, there's a reason Sarah's a "cool mom" and adored by her kids friends. And all those reasons contradict everything hateful ever written about them all.

    The valley is known for being a place of lies and mistrust in general. Why would you choose to believe some person's account of something when that person has every reason to exaggerate and /or lie?

    Gryphen knows he ignores proof that contradicts his theories. Can't kill the Palinhater myth. That's pretty sad.

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      "...There's a reason people have always gravitated to the Palins..."

      All sane people will not "gravitate" toward a woman that has boasted in a book she wrote about herself that she endangered an unborn infant with her "wild ride".

      Sarah Palin said it herself. You'll have to fix that before you can get anyone to "gravitate" to her.

    2. Marleycat3:36 PM

      It may be that people "have always gravitated to the Palins" . . . before the truth became clear about the fraud known as Sarah Palin and her pimping husband Todd, but, NO MORE!

      All of the myths promulgated by the MSM and the GOP about the "wonderful" Palins have been thoroughly eviscerated - and the proof is in the pudding. Wholesome "Hockey Mom", just like you and me - hardly.

      My girls graduated from high school and college and no children, let alone SEVERAL, born out of wedlock! And believe me, if I had any grandchildren born out of wedlock I wouldn't be hiding them - I would be openly loving them and giving their parents REAL love and support, not using them.

      NONE of Sarah Palin's college aged children finished High School, and NONE are in college. All three of her childbearing age children have out of wedlock children, some of her grandchildren are hidden, not mentioned, or shunned - lest their existence taint her "image".

      In raising kids, mistakes happen - but when you have the pattern repeated over and over - that's evidence of chronic parenting neglect and abuse, not to mention serious psychological damage. In the case of Bristol - having multiple pregnancies speaks to the mental health/emotional dysfunction that is pervasive in that family. Piper, poor kid, will be next if "Hockey MOM" doesn't get her act together!

      Most of us don't have husbands that run a prostitution ring, or engage in profligate promiscuity with other women and men.

      Give it up - NOBODY is gravitating to the Palins, nobody is "jealous" of them, and most of us consider them a blight on the nation's standing in the world - we just want them to go away and STFU!

    3. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Of course she's adored by her kids friends, she lets her kids do what ever they and trash houses, take camping trips with boys,they don't go to school if they don't want to AND all the kids gravitate towards them because they are the rich and famous of Wasilla. They have to stay close as a family to keep the family secrets.
      How many rich 22 yr olds with a child would be staying with Mommy and Daddy instead of renting somewhere and living on their own, she couldn't even live on her own in Arizona, in her own house she bought with her own money. Remember the job at the radio station and going to college story ,what happened with that?

    4. Anonymous3:55 PM

      What is sad is the fact that you will not address Todd Palin's Sex Trafficking and Prostitution Ring. "BLAH BLAH BLAH The Palins are so close and Loving" is crap and you know it. They are a Drunken, Drug ingesting Wild Family of GRIFTERS and LIARS.
      They have the most active BABY FACTORY in Wasilla. They are Homophobic even though Todd is BISEXUAL.

    5. Anonymous4:12 PM

      They have the meth? The pot? The hos?

    6. Anonymous5:15 PM

      That's a spoof post, right. The Palins all rise at 6 AM, when the sun rises. After morning prayers, they raise the American flag on its huge pole. They salute the flag and sing the national anthem. Every day they celebrate the 4th of July by setting off fireworks and firing a cannon. They are the most patriotic, most American, most down to Earth, most loving and most inspirational family on the face of the Earth. Next to the flag pole, Todd plans to install a large cross so that after the Pledge and the Anthem, they will also recite the Lord's Prayer. The only books in the house are Bibles.

      Sarah, when Katie Couric asked you what you did read, why didn't you answer The Bible! Whatsa matter with you? Or, how about the Constitution of the United States. Did you forget?

    7. Anonymous5:49 PM

      "Sarah's a "cool mom" and adored by her kids friends."

      Um... nope. She's the "easy" mom. No one else's would let them get away with what she does. She's unaware of how much her angels are "doing", too busy basking in her "coolness" to care.

  58. Anonymous2:06 PM

    One of the reasons that women spotted Palin as a phoney is that most of us have known that girl in high school, when she was the mean girl who made other peoples' lives miserable. We recognized that voice, and we remembered the girl who lashed out at others because of her own insecurities and problems. Any women who survived a mean girl from school knows Sarah Palin. We recognized that snide voice and those sarcastic sneers and insults.

  59. Anonymous2:14 PM

    "...being a mom of five hockey playing kids held no appeal to the rest of parents"

    Sarah Palin has never had 5 hockey playing kids. So much for research!

  60. Anonymous2:41 PM

    "where does Putin go when he rears his head into American airspace?"
    That is why I didn't vote for her. I don't care about her religion, I want someone who is capable in office.

  61. Anonymous3:15 PM

    For me personally, it was the repulsive way she called people names, getting back at people who said things about her. She calls herself a christian woman, but does not show one christian fruit when she speaks. She calls herself a christian woman, but uses vengeance on her daughter's boyfriend by calling him out as Ricky Hollywood, an snarkly giggling. She was heard live on radio snickering and giggling when a host called her colleague a 'cancer'. That is NOT, I say NOT what a christian woman would do.

  62. Anonymous3:25 PM

    "As many of you know the Palin saga was unfolding, and of course falling apart at the seams, in real time all over the internet."

    A sure sign that the Palin saga was unfolding and falling apart was when the members of McCain's own campaign staff discussed what would happen if McCain did win. Could they allow somebody as ignorant as Sarah be the vp?

    It can't get any worse than that. If Palin's own people shuttered at having her as vp what evidence was needed that Sarah Palin was incompetent?

  63. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Hey Sarah, where's Pimp Daddy Todd been hiding out at?

    “Hey Todd, you been hanging out with hookers in Anchorage or Wasilla or .....?”

  64. Anonymous3:52 PM

    The Sarah Palin Curse doesn’t only affect Sarah’s endorsements.

    Look at Bristol’s life. Underage pregnancy, baby’s daddy won’t marry her, can’t get a reality tv show on her own, her father is a pimp and has a relationship with a prostitute, her son is named after a prostitute, she jumps from one sexual encounter to multiple encounters, no education, no talent or skills, has to have a ghost writer to write her books and blog, can’t get married, has to have a charade trial marriage, and the big one is that Bristol is the daughter of Sarah Palin.

    Ooooohhhh that Sarah Palin Curse is unforgiving.

    1. Anonymous4:56 PM

      and her multiple pregnancies, lest any one forget

  65. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I will not rest until I see Sarah in an orange jumpsuit.

  66. Anonymous4:01 PM

    The sea of pee pee-ers are swarming all over this now that they've visited here. Even one is making up lies and nasty comments about Gryph!

  67. Anonymous4:08 PM

    In a sense it was John McCain's choice of a sociopath for VEEP that made me realize how completely unacceptable he was for high office.

  68. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I am really angry at the Native establishment for allowing Todd to exploit their women. I think it is time for the Chief to deal out some Native justice to Todd on behalf of the Tribe. Being exploited by your "Brother" must be dealt with immediately.

  69. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Chucky creeps me out. I am sure in the backwoods, Dad vetted the kids. He seems way too interested in "bottoms," if you get my drift.

    These are small time bullies that God smited us with, probably to make George Bush look like a saint, which right now he does compared to Sarah. And, I was going to vote for McCain until Sarah came along and of course, when I heard that he called his wife a cunt.

  70. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I really thought Palin would have moved up to another "rich" man by now. Todd must know way too much!

    I wonder who killed Track's Dad and the nurse who was on duty during the pregnancy?

  71. Marleycat4:42 PM

    One good thing that has come from the whole Palin obscenity on our national conscience is that the majority of women in the US recognize the slap in the face given to them by the GOP AND the KKK Teabaggin' Fundie crowd when they presented HER as the ideal American female VP.

    Palin, along with her pimp husband Todd are the concrete face of the GOP's misogyny against ALL women! Palin is the proof of how little respect they have for the women in this country - half of the voting public! This disrespect became overt when she was introduced to the nation as a suitable VP.

    Since then, the GOP has worked tirelessly to undermine women's Constitutional rights and tear apart the supports for women and families (including fathers), designed to strengthen families, ensure healthy children, and promote equality for all.

    Every woman (and man) needs to remember this come November 2012, every mother needs to teach her daughters AND sons that all men and women are equal - and that the GOP means to destroy that! Come on people - let's get together and kick a whole bunch of sand in the faces of the Palins, et al, along with the GOP misogynists - Obama/Biden 2012!

  72. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Bristol sold her house in Arizona

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Someone up thread said this would be the first sign that the Palins are running out of money. How funny is it that it happens today? Like I said the other day...It's all over but the crying. It couldn't happen to a more deserving family.

      Thanks for the link!


    2. You mean the house that "Abstinence" paid for?

      Grifters gotta Grift!

    3. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Is Sarah's house next or did she really never own it...remember there was some kind of mix up in the paper work.

  73. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Is that Arizona Militia Minuteman J.T. READY a Sarah Palin supporter? He seemed like the AIP Type.

  74. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Michael K lends his unmistakable talent to the Levi/Sunny baby debacle....

  75. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Bristol is not the daughter of Sarah? Is she Sarah's sister/daughter? Is she Todd's surprise package? One never sees pictures of those pregnancies... I wonder if Sally hides within the church as a safe house from Chuckie... Chuckie probably had his way with Sally against her will. My parents are their age and pre-marital sex was not well thought of...good girls didnt.. Unless of course, Sally wasnt a good girl...hmm food for thought.

  76. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I couldn't agree more. Us real, engaged hockey moms cried "phoney" from the start.


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