Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Oh if ONLY the American media had followed Canada's example back in 2008.

Every time I see this clip I cannot help but imagine just how incredible it would have been if the MSM in this country had not been so cowardly, and had actually done their jobs of getting to the bottom of this bizarre fabrication..

Just imagine.

With Palin's career destroyed back in 2008, there would have been no Tea Party.

No "death panels."

No crosshair image placed over Gabrielle Giffords district in Arizona.

No crappy reality show from Alaska.

No clearly pregnant Bristol on DWTS.

But alas, such was not to be.  So instead it was left up to a few dogged bloggers, her own slips of the tongue, and a handful of books written by Geoffrey Dunn, Frank Bailey, Joe McGinniss, and yes, even Levi Johnston, to bring her down.

Well at least today she has been marginalized to the point that she is no longer an actual threat, though I am still anxiously awaiting the day when her ability to garner ANY attention has slipped through her clawlike fingers.


  1. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Canadians were just close enough, in culture and propinquity, to be able to step back and look at the evidence.
    Americans had never been called on to actually question a nominated candidate for the second-highest office in the land as a liar on this scale. It didn't bear thinking about -- surely she'd been vetted, the Alaska media and Democrats, McCain's people -- no one would have allowed such a fraud to occur.

    Top it off with the fact that she's a woman, and it all involved giving birth, and pregnancy, and her bona fides as a mother, and few wanted to get into those areas, especially males.

  2. And the media is still giving Palin a pass on so many fronts. Politico gave her praise yesterday for her 'maturity' as a political operative ignoring the fact that she is simply an opportunist desperate to stay in the news. The only thing I've read that correctly addresses Politico's fawning praise was featured in Esquire titled: "Things in Politico That Make Me Want to Guzzle Antifreeze, Palin-Is-as-Palin-Does Edition"

    Read more:

    1. OMFG...that article is LOL'd hilarious! Charles Pierce...the writer has a way with words! Love this passage...

      "She will not be... ignored!


      Scene One, The Romney White House, February 15, 2013.

      Fehrnstrom: Mr. President, she's out in the hall again, talking to the plants and stuffing the M&M's into her pockets. I think she may have stolen a towel from the bathroom.

      The President: Jesus H. Christ In Indian Country, Eric, put her on the two o'clock tour and get me the hell out of here.

      Loved the picture of crazy ass Glenn Close from the movie "Fatal Attratction" that he posted!

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...and he calls her "Princess Dumbass of the North"...LOL!!!


    2. GinaM -- Charles Pierce is a national treasure! "Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods" indeed.

    3. Charlie Pierce is the best! You can hear/see him on Stephanie Miller (radio)/Talking Liberally (Current TV) on Tuesdays.

      Stephanie Miller who has a wonderful show, actually coined the term Caribou Barbie.

    4. ITA about Stephanie Miller. I listen to her every day. Today, they talked about the new rumor that Mitt has sister wives stashed away somewhere. Big Love Campaign.

    5. Anonymous9:01 AM

      That is the best piece on Palin I've ever read. Absolutely hysterical.

    6. Anita Winecooler12:23 PM

      I loved that article, Mr Pierce doesn't hold back, I'm sure he's on Sarah's "punch in the neck" list...Bristol won't dare blog about this one, a little close to home.

      @ Meredithp

      I've been watching Current TV, and their Stepanie Miller's show is amazing! Spitzer's even tolerable. I think they're trying to give MSNBC a run for their money ratings wise, since Microsoft sold off their shares of MSNBC.

  3. Sharon4:46 AM

    If Trig is Bristol's and she was pregnant while DWTS.....and there is Tripp, are we talking 3 kids out there??? Where did Tripp get that cute blonde curly hair? Somewhere down the line I truly hope all this bullshit is exposed for the childrens sake. Life is hard enough without all these secrets...once they hit puberty the shit will hit the fan. Not to mention, if any medical issues come up where DNA is needed. That family is the disgrace of this great country.

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Wow Sharon, so many assumptions, so little time. The kids aren't living secrets that will impact them later on. They've obviously grown past their adolescent mistakes and it's evident in their happy demeanors at present. So Trig was adopted.

      People need to not believe something just because a blogger desperately wants it to be true. It is physically impossible for Bristol to have been pg during dwts. PG bellies do not shrink down to nothing. She basically sustained her weight, possibly adding a little due to eating habits. We've read that Bristol's a heavy eater naturally (emails and her own words)

      You cannot hide a baby in a small town, not when the family is active.

    2. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Sharon was talking about the Trig-Tripp generation, so, no, they haven't "grown past their adolescent mistakes."

      And, no, we're not buying the "basically sustained her weight" line, which you repeat endlessly here. Look at the picture of her in a vest looking like a blimp just after DWTS, and explain how you could possibly interpret that as "possibly adding a little." She's outright fat.

      And if you're going to make statements like: "It is physically impossible for Bristol to have been pg during dwts," then back them up with proof. In this case, provide a picture where we can clearly see her belly shrank down to nothing. I think the Spanx was purposely a little tighter that week, so you could try to sell the line that her abdomen was somehow flat. EPIC FAIL!

    3. Anita Winecooler12:47 PM

      9:09, I beg to differ, have you read Bristol and Nancy's Blog? Bristol has clearly "not" grown past her adolescent "mistakes", and people can hide their pregnancy in a small town. There's a Gal called "Sarah Louise Heath Palin, who "hid" a "pregnancy" with a high risk down syndrome baby until the 7th month, and she was a public figure in the whole entire state of Alaska, and guess what?

      She lives in the small town of Wasilla.

      Bristol most clearly was prgnant on DWTS. She holed herself up in a condo in Alaska, then moved to LA. The ONLY contestant to gain weight in the history of the show, have you seen the stills? The show? That wasn't "weight gain" from eating everything in sight. She also lived with Aunt Heather while recovering from monopregnantitis, and got traffic tickets during that time.

      Why is she wearing daisey dukes in Alaska where it's cold, and wore loose bulky clothes in Los Angeles where it's hot?

      There's a list on this blog of the most important posts, with photos. Take a "tripp" down memory lane, with your eyes open.

    4. Anita Winecooler 12:47 PM

      Another winner from Anita. "Monopregnantitis", indeed. Snort.

    5. Anonymous5:59 PM


      Wasilla is not THAT small and they aren't that active around here. They tend not to show their faces much. Chuckie and his wife attend HS basketball games and Bristol was going to Tuesday night fights (which should air on her show since cameras were there one of the times she was there), not sure if Willow still attends parties or not, but she did go to prom last month. Have no clue where Todd and Scarah hide themselves.
      I think Wasilla is trying to move on from this blight of a family.

  4. A. J. Billings4:57 AM

    My favorite scene in the movie game change was when $arah (played by Julianne Moore) is screaming at Nicole Wallace. She's saying "you have ruined me in Alaska".

    I wonder if at any time during the last 4 years whether $arah realizes that she brought all of that on herself by her lies, crimes, and throwing people under the bus.

    I'm hoping that the Shailey Tripp story will bring down the Palins for good, due to Todd pimping out folks to the Secret Service.

    1. Cracklin Charlie6:08 AM

      I don't think she is capable of taking blame for anything she does. She probably blames Nicolle and Bristol for her misfortune during the campaign. Todd will probably be her new scapegoat.

    2. Anonymous7:07 AM

      She still blames Nicole for setting up the Couric interview, for her performance and for Couric thinking the world revolved around her.

      Bizarre, backasswards thought process in the Palin brains.

    3. Anonymous9:05 AM

      My fave parts of GC were the obviously fabricated scenes that didn't happen in real life.

    4. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Sarah said she'd take the blame, on camera, on the tarmac, but everyone knows Bush and the econ did the GOP in.

    5. Cracklin Charlie12:11 PM

      Which scenes are those, 9:05?

      George Bush is not the reason McCain lost. He is a reckless, unintelligent clod, and everyone knows it. Especially after that disaster of a VP pick.

    6. Anita Winecooler12:50 PM


      Name one, and prove it.

  5. SuperPrayerWarrior5:05 AM

    Let us all pray that Sarah's pregnancy hoax is soon revealed to the world and she is sent to prison for fraud, tax evasion and/or misuse of PAC money. Little Trig deserves to know who his real birth mother is! The world deserves to know the truth about Trig! #prayerwarriorsactivate

  6. Beldar Rmoney2012 Conehead5:12 AM

    OT: Gryphen, I hope there's no hard feelings about my endorsement of Mittens Rmoney to be our next president. And I also hope you can share my excitement about winning the Campaign Slogan Contest over at

    My winning entry is

    For my prize, I chose "Having lunch at the same time as the candidate". So today, I'm eating lunch at 11:45, just like Rmoney does!!! How awesome is that???

    (SHIT!!! Just after I hit PUBLISH I realized I made a typo and now it's too late to fix it... Oh well. Good thing spelling doesn't count in politicks.)

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      Good one Beldar - you outdid yourself this time!

    2. Beldar, would it be waaaaay too forward to tell you again how much I love you?

      Well, done is done.

    3. Anita Winecooler12:56 PM

      Please don't stop. Reading your posts always makes my day!

  7. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Notice, you didn't see the "pillow" or the pregnancy belly until AFTER there were questions about her not showing.

  8. WakeUpAmerica5:16 AM

    Idiots with the "Where did Tripp get the blonde hair" mantra pay attention. Levi had blonde curly hair as a toddler. Did you all miss that picture? Track is blonde. All Sarah's siblings are blonde or were blonde. Sarah's father and perhaps mother is blonde. Sadie and Sherry are blonde. I don't know about Keith. Let the blonde hair conspiracy go already. Good grief. Better question is why is Sarah brunette when everyone else in her family was blonde?

    1. Cracklin Charlie6:10 AM

      I love your better question. I have been thinking about that one lately.

    2. Anonymous6:19 AM

      I've often wondered about that myself. She is the odd duck out in her family. Things that make one go hhhhmmmmm

    3. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Sally is a natural brunette. Track and Willow had fairer hair, and now take after th ePalin side.

    4. Anonymous11:05 AM

      "...why is Sarah brunette when everyone else in her family was blonde?" The same reason why she wears glasses: artificial intelligence; her idea of a smart person is a brunette with glasses.

    5. Anonymous2:17 PM

      ALL of the blonde women get their hair color out of a bottle. At the beauty parlor. NONE of them are true blonde. Not Sadie and her mother either.

      On the Palin side, they're all brunette with some natural blonde in the extended family. The brunettes tend to get naturally streaky with blonde in the summer. A couple of the black-haired ladies get that out of a bottle, too : )

    6. Cracklin Charlie3:31 PM


      Maybe if you know so much about everyone's hair color you might also know who is Sarah's father?

    7. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Oh I am SO sorry, Charlie. MY BAD. I thought it was an open forum. I didn't realize it's reserved just for you and your snark. I thought everybody could join in and play.

    8. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Sarah's true hair color is gray.

    9. WakeUpAmerica8:16 PM

      Even Sarah's parents have remarked about how all their children were blonde when they were little and then Sarah was the only brunette. That was said long before Tripp was supposedly born. We all know that blondes often turn dark as they grow into adulthood. Duh.

  9. Anonymous5:20 AM

    With Palin's career destroyed back in 2008
    there would be no president obama
    they needed her

    1. Anonymous5:32 AM


    2. Seriously?

      Obama would have crushed McCain with or without the "Lunatic from Lake Lucille."

    3. Anonymous5:20 AM

      With Palin's career destroyed back in 2008
      there would be no president obama
      they needed her


      WhoTF is "they"? Nobody "needed" that bald headed hillbilly and her family of who is this mysterious "they"?

    4. Cracklin Charlie6:10 AM

      Say what?

    5. Anonymous6:47 AM

      You wish they needed you Sarah. No one NEEDS you. Quite the opposite in fact. No one wants you. You aren't good enough for America. Just sit down and shut your diseased mouth. End of story.

    6. Anonymous6:48 AM

      Someone @5:20 A.M. has been drinking the Contaminated Lake Lucille's Water. Sarah Palin is a CYST on BUTTS of the American Populace,and will be removed very soon. PIMPING,Faking a Pregnancy,and GRIFTING is not the American way.

    7. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Sorry, it's the other way around. McCain was sinking fast and needed the Game Changer. Obama had already reached celebrity status following his tour of Europe, and the Republicans were desperate to find someone with the same kind of magnetism. The only reason that Sarah and Trump remain part of the party lineup is because they get headlines-- for all the wrong reasons-- but at least someone is paying attention to the Republicans.

    8. Anita Winecooler1:01 PM

      If anyone needed her, it was entirely for comic relief.

  10. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Because contrary to popular American beliefs, Canadians are not pussies. We stand up for what we believe in and our media is not scared or controlled by the giant American machine.

    1. Maple5:35 AM

      Absolutely right. Canada, you don't get to be a News station by spouting propaganda and telling lies.
      BTW, the CBC reporter Neil Macdonald is comedian Norm Macdonald's older brother.

    2. Anonymous6:09 AM

      Well you can lie these days now that Sun TV (Fox North) is on the air.

    3. Anonymous6:22 AM

      And I believe that the Canadian public stood up and said no way to Fox News in Canada because Fox does not tell the news, it makes up what it wants to "report", even if it is lies. The American Supreme Court approved Fox's position that the news did not need to be the truth. It is destroying America but Canadians refuse to listen to Fox's particular lies. Kudos to Canadians!

    4. Remember too that some of the great US newsmen came from Canada. There is still a reverence for truth in the Canadian media, although it has taken some serious hits lately. See: Conrad Black.

    5. abbafan4:47 PM

      6:22 A.M.- Fuckin'A Bubba! Don't forget that the CRTC, the Federal broadcast regulator, denied Faux News a licence to operate a news channel here in Canada! Canadians are too swift to be conned by grifters like the idiot Palin scum!

  11. She is marginalized but still damn annoying, like a splinter you can't extract.

  12. Anonymous5:56 AM

    As usual Canada rocks!

  13. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Thanks! I think this is alao the clip where you can lip read Willow saying"bullshit" when Sarah talks about birthing Tri-g . When williw and Bristol were talking .. If it is not this clip , there is video from somewhere suring this speech when Wilow clearly says "bullshit" . Im on my iphone and cant tell on small screen

    1. Cracklin Charlie7:09 AM

      Never seen that before.

      Can anyone find that video? Sounds like Willow and Bristol may be a mite bitter about Bristol doing the hard work, and Sarah waltzing in to take the credit.

    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Hard work? Sarah sets up everything for them. Bristol may have a job and work fulltime, but Sarah is her light to follow.

    3. Anonymous9:02 AM

      idk. Willow's the one who gets most hurt at attacks on her mother. She's also the one who is most enthusiastic about Trig.

    4. Anonymous10:17 AM

      OK, I'll bite. Willow can be "enthusiastic" about Trig while still calling bullshit on her mother's clearly fabricated and absurd story.

      And the Willow we've seen publicly doesn't get "hurt" at "attacks" on her mother--she turns into a rabid pit bull if anyone says anything remotely uncomplimentary. Eg the famous Facebook war--someone posting that he dislikes the show does not equate to an attack on Sarah. Nor should it provoke the sort of overreactive cyber bullying employed by both Bristol and Willow.

    5. Anonymous10:19 AM

      "Sarah is her light to follow."

      If you read your Bible more, you'd know Luke 6:39:

      Then Jesus gave the following illustration: "Can one blind person lead another? Won't they both fall into a ditch?"

  14. Amy in Juneau6:04 AM

    I may have missed a post, but I'm wondering what's going on with "Fred" and the supposed book?

  15. My husband and I were just watching a taped Daily Show which Michelle Obama was the guest.
    My husband looked at me and said, "Compare her to Sarah Palin. She is articulate, funny, nice and smart. And who did republicans pick? Sarah Palin. She can't answer a question or speak intelligently.
    That is the difference between Democrats and republicans".

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Diane, it sounds like you chose to marry a smart man. Either that, or you've done a great job of teaching him how to think critically! In either case, "you done good". So Kudos to ya!

  16. Anonymous7:05 AM

    It was appalling to read through the JournoList process where American journalists were deciding whether or not to pursue pregnancy stories on the unknown Governor turned VP running-mate.

    They could have pounded out some serious Pulitzer prize winning stories but settled for what instead?

  17. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I read that Katie Couric would be pleased to have Sarah Palin on her show and interview her. Couric has interviewed some of the royals and now has met her majesty Queen Elizabeth II for her 20/20 story on the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

    "Watching Katie Couric's 20/20 coverage of Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee is comprehensive and compelling."

    "Katie Couric quite rightly wears a hat to meet her majesty Queen Elizabeth II for her 20/20 story on the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. The man in the center illustrates that hats can be good reading material, too."

    I was imagining how funny it would be if Couric asked the tundra tart about Margaret Thatcher. And it's hilarious imagining what kind of hillbilly hat and outfit Sarah would wear if she were ever lucky enough to meet any royal or dignitary in Britain. I could definitely imaging "Perils of Palin" doing a skit on that lol.


    1. jcinco8:15 AM

      a minnie pearl hat, with price tag hanging in her eye.

    2. Colleen, Katie gets an extra star for interviewing the Queen. Always makes me remember the Beatles' tune that begins, "Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl, but she doesn't have a lot to say."

    3. Anita Winecooler1:09 PM

      I'd love to see Katie ask the Queen what book she's currently reading, or some other "gotcha question"

      Sarah's head's going to explode

    4. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Sarah should answer "Field and Stream" on the toilet.

    5. Anonymous2:22 PM

      McCain campaign baseball hat. Sun visor. Castro hat.

      "Queen...Queen?" "Oh, hey Quuueeen...I'm over'm right here..."

  18. Anonymous7:20 AM

    The CBC were thorough and not afraid to question American's curiosity and concern about vetting Palin and the reckless acts during her labor. Where was the American media?

    When was the date of that CBC clip of Palin with her black jacket and scarf on? That was her "maternity costume" and when she walked in that clip her jacket was flat in front. She had no bump. Was she "supposedly" 7 months pregnant then? That clip sure would refute that.

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      That is exactly what I thought. There is absolutely no belly at all there. This could be really important.

    2. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Isn't the outfit that Palin is wearing at the end of the video, an outfit she wore very close to delivery. The date of their clip may be very important. When she bends over, you can see that her stomach is as flat as a board.

    3. Anonymous9:09 AM

      When she bent over, there is no belly whatsoever in the clip. The smoking gun?

    4. The clip has never been dated. Sarah is meeting with her chief of staff Mike Tibbles, assistant COS Mike Nizich, budget director Karen Rehfeld, and an unidentified woman.

      MSNBC has also used the clip several times--Keith O. and Lawrence O'D.

    5. Anonymous2:24 PM

      It has been dated. A meeting that winter.

      The issue of the CBC video came up briefly, but kinda dropped off.

      I called and wrote to CBC. No response.

    6. Anonymous3:18 AM

      She wore this outfit in the Elan Frank video , the shot of her in her kitchen, before the tight abs part of the video. I think she is on the phone in the video and she unconsciously flattens down the scarf as she is talking. fool.

  19. Anonymous8:59 AM

    With Palin's career destroyed back in 2008, there would have been no Tea Party. - She had nothing to do with the start of the Tea Party

    No "death panels." The idea behind this was being referenced far before she wrote that post

    No crosshair image placed over Gabrielle Giffords district in Arizona. He was hating on Gabby long before anyone outside Alaska had heard of Palin

    No crappy reality show from Alaska. - wellll, she WAS considering it in 07 and she was attracting attention

    No clearly pregnant Bristol on DWTS. - still maintaining this lie?

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:58 AM

      I am not understanding where you are going with this.

    2. Anita Winecooler1:17 PM

      I can translate it for you, Cracklin Charlie.

      Some people watch their dog chase it's tail and ask themselves "Why"

      Some people watch their dog chase it's tail and ask themselves "Why not".

      Clearly this poster is in the second category. It's hard to watch, but entertaining as hell!

  20. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Umm Sharon 4:46 ..... try FIVE pregnancies likely for Bristol

    The three you mentioned plus

    - the 2006 "green sweater" picture where she clearly looks very young and has a baby bump (Google Palin Deceptions web site and green sweater)
    - the summer 2010 US Weekly cover in the wierd Grecian style baggy dress pregnancy. She was "reengaged" to Levi supposedly, but really had been living with a guy named Ben Barber (Google US Weekly and Bristol Palin engaged)

    Not sure those last two pregnancies continued.

    Five pregancies before the age of 20. There are some serious issues there that go way beyond the whole Christian abstinence schtick.

    1. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Probably a bit of an exaggeration to say five but three is not unlikely. The important point being raised though is that it's very likely Bristol is acting out against her mother by having unprotected sex with numerous young men. The reasons for that have been touched upon here in the past. There's little doubt that Bristol was forced to grow up to soon and the load of looking after Sarah's responsibilities was dropped on her. Hence, the rebellion and the babies out of wedlock.

      When, or if the whistle is blown on Sarah's faked pregnancy it's going to have to be by someone close to Sarah. Blogging just won't do it and so Bristol is the best remaining possibility.

    2. Dis Gusted1:53 PM

      IMO Bristol had her first child at the age of 15....the first Tripp if you will. He was born premature and frail. He is the Triggybear ruffles baby. Bristol was not pregnant in 2008.

      Another baby shows up in shots indian child with jet black hair.

      Then there is TriG - don't know who his parents are...and Grace...not sure who her parents are.

    3. Anonymous2:25 PM

      I still think Shailey Tripp has something to do with this.

  21. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Levi for one better be thanking his lucky stars John McCain's team chose Palin. Without that selection, he'd literally have nothing, his sister would have even less and his mom would probably be in jail still. I would bet Sarah had a hand in getting in under house arrest and not in prison. What shame. I think there were cops who wanted to make life difficult for Sarah. hence Sherry's arrest. The last thing Sarah needed was that connection.

    1. Cracklin Charlie9:55 AM

      Not likely. Todd had plenty of information that he could use to shut up those cops.

    2. Anonymous10:10 AM

      ahhhhhhh, OK Bristol or Krusty, stick with that story. Lets see who gave Sherry the phone?
      now go away

    3. Anonymous10:23 AM

      "The last thing Sarah needed was that connection."

      What about Diana Palin? That wasn't a good connection for Sarah--most people think it's pretty reprehensible to take your 4-yo with you when you burglarize houses--and the whole thing seemed to just kinda go away. Sarah and Todd made that disappear, but they've made sure the entire universe knows about Sherry's troubles.

      Besides, the timing of Sherry's arrest (and setup, if we believe Mercede, which I do) was damn suspicious.

    4. Anita Winecooler1:30 PM

      Still jealous of the Johnstons. Can't blame them in the least. Mecede always was and always will be beautiful, honest and loyal. Qualities Beefy thinks money can buy, but the Johnstons, warts and all, are better human beings than the whole Palin family combined.

      Yes, Sarah was behind it all, because she's got the most to lose when the truth comes out. If it wasn't for Levi, Bristol would be broke and stupid, instead of just stupid.

    5. Dis Gusted1:55 PM

      wish there was a time machine because I swear that when Diana was arrested it was first reported that she had TWO children with her...a 4 year old and an infant boy...I suspected TriG was her child at one point.

    6. WakeUpAmerica2:03 PM

      Your usual faulty thinking. If McCain hadn't chosen Palin, Levi would still be working on the slope, he and Bristol would probably still be together, Sherry wouldn't have been arrested, and most important, Trig would be with his birth mom. You're an idiot. Here's your sign.

  22. Anonymous9:33 AM

    The Palins don't understand that Abstinence means

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      "Abstinence"? What does that have to do with sex?

      Mamma told us that you caint get pregnant unless you are sick with an absess.

      abscess: An abscess is a collection of pus in any part of the body that, in most cases, causes swelling and inflammation around it.

      My mamma got good grades in high school, she is an expert and knows what she is talking about. See mamma's report card for yourself.

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      The Palins? Or the Heaths?

  23. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Also, it warrants mention that Peter Mansbridge and Neil MacDonald are highly regarded

  24. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I'd have more confidence in the media this election cycle if they'd done their job in 2008 to hold Palin accountable.

    Andrew Sullivan started asking for Palin's medical records on Sept. 1.

    Brian Williams asked (Oct 22 interview) and Palin's answer put the McCain campaign on the spot and under pressure to release the records.

    Anderson Cooper reported on the Williams-Palin interview.

    Kate Snow, ABC, doggedly followed up with the campaign on the status of releasing the med. records and wrote several articles after the Williams-Palin interview. Sadly, Snow may have been alone among corporate media reporters.

    Kate Snow now works for Williams' show 'Rock Center'. I'd love to know if the subject of Palin's medical records and her 'pregnancy' has come up since they've been working together. I suppose it's too much to hope they'd revisit the questions, even as a study in how campaigns avoid scrutiny and how the media needs to change.

    I don't think either Kate Snow or Brian Williams get enough credit. Williams' did a masterful job following up Palin's explosion of diversionary word salad with the focused question: "Did I just hear you agree to release your medical records?"

  25. carrieoki11:05 AM

    Jesse, you wrote, "Well at least today she has been marginalized to the point that she is no longer an actual threat,..."
    Sorry, but one never relaxes their guard when it comes to any sociopathic personality, Palin included.

  26. Anita Winecooler12:13 PM

    Canadian Media actually pursues their news stories with a more probing eye. I follow cable news sites and papers from eastern europe, while they usually do a pretty good job, even they didn't go after babygate. Palin, to them, has been a footnote since she was trotted out on stage, they hardly mention her at all. But they're totally enamored with the First Family.

    I'm surprised that CBC clip wasn't "scrubbed" by the McCain campaign, it was pretty damaging to leave it out there while the cowards kept Sarah underwraps trying to give her a crash course in "brains".

    And I have to disagree with your point that she's no longer a threat. Nut so sells, and she's a threat as long as she has a platform like Fox, facebook, Mini Me and Nancy French's blog.

  27. Anonymous1:38 PM

    She was described as a lamprey eel in Malia Litmans blog. That is pretty good. She latches on to anything she can suck some money out of and stays there till it is bled dry.

  28. Anonymous1:54 PM


    See for yourselves:

    Wait! Don't look!

    I posted the wrong link.

  29. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I don't see Trig being Bristol's baby. Not many Downs syndrome babies born to young mothers. I don't think Trig is Sarah's either. She knew of someone who was pregnant with a Down's Syndrome baby and wanted to adopt that child for political gain.

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      "She knew of someone who was pregnant with a Down's Syndrome baby and wanted to adopt that child for political gain."

      Or Trig could be the baby of one of Todd's sex partners or one of his prostitutes he got pregnant and it was better for Sarah's political career if she paid that woman off and adopted Trig as her own. That way Sarah can still claim she has a Christian Value family, but then Bristol fucked it up by being a high school underage pregnant single mother.

      Food for thought, Levi told us that Sarah wanted to adopt Tripp and no one would be the wiser. You see, Sarah the Barracuda is a basketball player. If a successful play worked before, what the hell, why not try it again? Why not adopt again?

      Look at how Sarah holds Trig. Sarah holds Trig like a politician holds a baby for a photo op and then hands off the baby back to its mother. We have never seen Sarah hold Trig like a loving mother.

    2. Anonymous2:40 PM

      She knew of someone who was pregnant with a Down's Syndrome baby and wanted to adopt that child for political gain.

      Now what is Sarah going to do with that adopted baby Trig since her political career went down the toilet?

      Starting a PAC and using those donated funds to pay for a nanny just may just do the trick.

    3. Cracklin Charlie3:20 PM

      It is just not accurate to say that young mothers don't deliver Down Syndrome babies. It happens. This is a genetic abnormality.

    4. Anonymous3:12 AM

      Please, google is your friend. Most DS babies are born to young mothers, as young mothers have more babies. The percentage of DS babies born to older women is higher because older women have less babies.

  30. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Ya gotta listen to this Joe McGinniss recorded interview, it is an eye opener.

  31. Anonymous6:16 PM

    And another thing....Seeing pictures of Trig makes me think that there is a lot more Native American in him than in the other children...

  32. Not What You Want to Hear8:20 AM

    Not to nitpick, but you're giving Paliin undeserved credit for the Tea Party. She had nothing to do with it, she only piggybacked off it.

    And either way, it'd still be with us, because it's not an actual party, it's just a bunch of Republicans who are too embarrassed to call themselves Republicans after they lost the 2008 election.

  33. Anonymous2:08 PM


    I think it's time to post again about Bristol's disappearing act when she had 'mono' through the wild ride story. Hammer away at the liars!!!! I think your blog has a lot of new readers who many not know the 'mono' story.

  34. Anonymous4:09 AM

    I am new to the discussion, although I come on this blog every now and then. I got familiar with "babygate" as I was looking online "palin lies" because of another topic: death panels. By surfing, I ended up on palingates and much later, here... So...
    I'd now say this: I've given birth twice (normal, active shape). My first pregnancy, I started showing at 22-24 weeks.. but second: 13 weeks. I certainly would never have flown; given a speech, etc. There is no way Sarah Palin was pregnant then. Her "abs" argument doesn't make sense.

    I have though few questions: After seeing some of the evidences concerning the fake pregnancy, do journalists understand it's a fake (off-the-record, I get that they won't touch this)? What do most of people say in Alaska? How can she hide this story; how come the MSM won't touch it actually? Wasn't there a 10K reward for a proof of Trig's birth?What happened to it?????

    What people have to say OFF-THE-RECORD is interesting.


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