Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sarah Palin again froths at the mouth over President Obama's plan to explain the Affordable Care Act, defends Teabaggers, and then endorses Orrin Hatch over Tea Party challenger. Wait, what?

The interview starts off with Greta asking Palin what her opinion is of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services plan to spend 20 million dollars to promote the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and provide an online tool to track the effectiveness of the health care system.

Gee, I wonder how she will respond?

"This is one of the stupidest things I have heard coming out of the Obama administration."

Wow, who could have seen THAT coming?

Asked about the fact that HHS seemingly ignored a letter from Senator Ron Portman, the top Republican on Homeland Security and Government Affairs Subcommittee on Contracting Oversight,  asking for details of this advertising plan, Palin responded thusly:

"The President can step in and tell his department head there, Sebelius, to answer the Senator's questions and let the public get to the bottom of this. So here again I'm going to go to the top, and I'm going to point the finger at President Obama who is an absent commander-in-chief, he is an absent CEO from our nation's capital, and he's not doing his job staying on top of his people whom he has put in place to oversee these programs, these contracts, in order to do the people's business."

Seriously? Okay so in Palin's version of being the President, there is no credit provided for killing Osama Bin Laden, ending the war in Iraq, or turning the nation's disintegrating economy around? However if he does not micromanage every response from a cabinet member to a disingenuous Republican trying to sabotage any attempts to explain what the President has actually accomplished, then he is a TERRIBLE commander-in-chief and deserves to be kicked out of office?

Here let me see if I can articulate an appropriate, yet polite response to that. "FUCK YOU!"

Well I tried.

Later in the interview Palin defends the Tea Party (Big surprise) and also defends her endorsement of Texas Teabagger Ted Cruz over Rick Perry's choice, David Dewhurst. (You may remember that some of Palin's robo-calls for Cruz kind of went astray.)

However just when you thought that Palin was all in for the Teabaggers she suddenly pulls a 180 and announces her endorsement for Utah's Orrin Hatch over HIS Teabagger challenger:

"Take for instance my endorsement, that I'll announce first hand here to you Greta, of Senator Orrin Hatch in Utah. I want him to win. I join Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin, and other conservatives,  who would like to see 'Mr. Balanced Budget' return to Washington. He's part of that one percent you hear about. Not that one percent that's mocked and criticized in the press lately, but the one percent of national politicians whom I believe should be reelected, sent to Congress, because of his commitment to see a balanced budget in the United States of America."

This announcement last night drew an immediate, and angry response from self loathing Asian Michelle Malkin:

Instead of staying out of the race, Palin has proactively sided with the ridiculous Beltway barnacle Orrin Hatch, who now poses as a Tea Party godfather while launching bitter diatribes against the fiscal conservative members of Freedomworks. 

I know it is evil but i kind of love watching the Right Wing learn the lesson about Palin that all of us in Alaska learned a long time ago.

Sarah Palin is not with YOU, You are with HER.

She does whatever she thinks is in the best interest of Sarah Palin, and nobody else. If she decides that endorsing a Teabagger is in her best interests, she endorses a Teabagger.  If she believes endorsing a Republican dinosaur like Orrin Hatch is in her best interests, than guess who gets that endorsement?

Trust me there is some kind of quid pro quo happening here, though it may not yet be obvious to the public. Palin is certainly getting SOMETHING for this, as are Hannity and Levin undoubtedly.

However it will ALWAYS be in Palin's best interests to attack President Obama because her hatred toward HIM is actually genuine, and she does not need to consider any pros or cons before going after the man she believes kept her from someday sitting in that Oval Office and launching her attack against Iran.

Which, by the way, is EXACTLY why all of the rest of us should continue to support the President, if for no other reason than that he made sure to keep that crazy person far from the reins of power.


  1. Cracklin Charlie8:10 AM


    That first picture of the two faux faces made my heart skip a beat!

    I know you like horror movies, Gryphen; but, you don't have to give us such a fright! They are scarier looking than Barnabus Collins.

    1. Back in the mid/late 1960's, Dark Shadows had me hiding under the covers every night until daylight. Scary stuff for a 5-6 yr old.

      Speaking of "scary", without her wig, this is what OUR Sarah really looks like:

    2. Cracklin Charlie3:58 PM

      My older siblings and I used to tell my baby brother (about the same age you were) that Barnabus Collins was in the trash can. That little boy wouldn't go anywhere near that trash can. We were rotten children.

      Last week I emailed my baby bro a picture of Johnny Depp as Barnabus. He sent back a profanity riddled email. I think I remember him making some suggestions about where I could put that trash can.

  2. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Orrin Hatch is about as old school as it gets, I suppose she thinks if she can capture him it will help her at the mall. She is flippin' all over the place. She does appear to have a new face.
    Senator Collins is now asking questions on Capitol Hill. "Not working for FARC" good to know...
    Things that make you go hmmmmm... FARC hookers are off the hook

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      What parts of the Convention does Hatch control?
      Can she get a semi-prime-time speaking slot by endorsing him?

  3. “…going after the man she believes kept her from someday sitting in that Oval Office and launching her attack against Iran.”
    And bringing on Armageddon. That’s the real difference between someone like Palin and someone like Jim Baker or Billy Graham; they were in it for money and glory. They were exploitive and cynical. She wants money and glory as well, but really believes she is a tool of God (dangerous!). I think it was an accurate depiction in Game Change.
    I keep pounding on this (sorry), but folks who weren’t raised with religious nuts don’t appreciate the danger.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      She is a complete and utter ASSHOLE! I'm glad Anchorbaby MM called her out.
      More Cons need to do this.
      She is nothing but a liar.

    2. Anonymous11:13 AM

      How did President Obama keep Palin out of the White House? John McCain ran for President - not her!!! She would only have been VP if they had been elected and that wouldn't have put HER in the White House!!!

    3. Anonymous1:32 PM

      @ Anon. 11:13 AM - - -
      §P and all of you 'bots' have always felt like POTUS kept her and her entire, very dysfunctional family out and away from the White House!! She was hoping to move herself and ALL of her dysfunctional friends and family, right in there.

      Of course most folks realize, and feel like her plans were, that within a very few months afterward, John McCain would have a terrible accident or come down with some terrible dissease, and pass away (think of at least 2 fires, air-plane accidents, water in gas tanks, etc.) - leaving her as the 'replacement' POTUS.

      Can anyone just imagine that dysfunctional family -- any of them, all of them -- in or anywhere near our White House? That could and would be so disastrous. *UGH*

    4. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Or she could be using the Palin Jinx on him so he will lose! Oh, she's a clever one. But will the Teabagger's listen to her? Will the GOP get a brain? Listen tomorrow for more Palin screw-ups. Same time. Same place!

  4. I saw the original Gretawire video of this blather last night, and speaking to Sarah Palin's appearance, I wondered "whose celebrity lips did Sarah want her own lips to resemble when she asked her plastic surgeon to tighten and enhance things? Goldie Hawn? Melanie Griffith? Joan Rivers?"

    Her mouth looks NOTHING like it did 4 years ago, as evidenced by the difference between the image in the video compared with the campaign picture above.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

      I thought the same thing re: new lips. Melania Trump was my first guess, but any of the three you mention would do.

      She has no sense of self-awareness nor shame.

  5. Anonymous8:25 AM

    It's reported that Perry cannot stand Sarah Palin.

    And, I so hope President Obama IS reelected - it'll drive Palin fucking nuts and perhaps then FINALLY we can get her put in API in Anchorage, AK where she assuredly already belongs! She'd enter the institute and they'd throw away the key HOPEFULLY!

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Sarah actually NEEDS President Obama to get re-elected, without the "scary black man" in the WH she can't grift from the baggers.

      Little Rabbit

  6. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Have been saying this for 4 years: Sarah doesn't make any decision based on facts or reason. She makes them based on how it affects her personally. It's about the individual, not their agenda, that she chooses to endorse. If the man/woman she endorses did anything, small as it may be, to support President Obama, or may have said something critical of her, she bases her decisions solely on that.

    It's not 'country first' with Sarah. It's all about her vendettas.

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Hate to say this, but you've just figured this out about Palin? She's a liar and fraud and has always been! And, a friggin' idiot to boot!

      Wouldn't it be horrible having her as a family member? Cannot even imagine.

  7. Anonymous8:28 AM

    yea he is a great guy, wants to sell public lands in Utah to cover the debt or more like to make his friends richer.....

  8. I am seething. She calls him an absent Commander-In-Chief, an absent CEO in our Nation - WTF? This from a Governor whose constituents in Juneau sported "Where's Sarah" bumper stickers during her "tenure?" Our President is the most hands on President I can ever remember; he is everywhere. Meetings in D.C., trying to work with Congress, addressing the nation frequently, hosting the Summit meeting; and the NATO meetings, making appearances at significant graduations; making a surprise in-the-night visit to Afghanistan to talk to and meet the troops and sign a treaty ... the list goes on and on and I would like to type it on stone and bash someone's head (geez, wonder who) in with it if that would knock some sense into her, but alas it would be fruitless except to maybe make me feel better (and make you feel better too Gryphen)!

    1. hedgewytch8:56 AM

      But see, she's like a 2 year old who hides her face in her hands and say's "you can't see me". If she refuses to see and hear any of the accomplishments our President has done, then they didn't happen in her reality. Simple as that.

    2. She is mentally ill! Look up "transference" in a psychological dictionary and you will understand her craziness.

    3. Anonymous11:02 AM

      The bitch needs to be strung up by her toes.

      I so, so hope President Obama is's going to piss off Palin and Limbaugh so much that they aren't going to know what to do with themselves.

      Can you imagine, saying nothing but negative things about President Obama since before his election? Their hearts are black and they are sick, sick individuals. Fuck them!

    4. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Sarah is just a tool used to spout the GOP talking points trying to discredit Obama. They all know that he has accomplished a lot more than most other presidents. However, in typical GOP style, they continue to repeat a list of lies hoping that something will stick in the minds of their knuckle-dragging right wing voters. It is entertaining watching the obviously surgery enhanced mouths of both Greta and Sarah.

    5. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Sarah is, again, confused. It was President Bush (the second) who was on vacation all of the time. President Obama works hard and has done so much for so many Americans. I thought it was wonderful that he attended the Joplin High School graduation. His approach to people is just lovely to watch.

  9. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I feel I just lost 2 hours of my life listening to C-Span and the 'dance.

    My 'hope' I had -- was totally stomped on. Could Collins not at least referred to her office having received info by either named individuals or by whistleblowers and which was being investigated.

    Please don't say the old 'told ya so' as I know I should have known better but there is that 'hope' of something actually being done right for a change.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Unfortunately, I expected this. Our country is very sick and it all has to do with corruption. These people ALL care about one thing- protecting their OWN interests. There are very few exceptions to this.

    2. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Its far from "Over"....
      After the hearing was over, Lieberman and Collins, speaking to gaggle of reporters, said that they were concerned about Sullivan's insistence that it was an isolated incident. But Lieberman said they will not be calling for his resignation.

      Collins, in quite a damning summing up, said: "I think he [Sullivan] has a difficult time coming to grips with the fact that he has a broader problem than just this one incident."

      Lieberman said that we have still to get to the bottom of what happened in Cartagena and thought it was significant that the acting inspector-general Charles Edwards announced he is to conduct a separate investigation, and will talk to all agents involved, beginnning with two this afternoon.

      Instead of losing "hope" I will be buying popcorn...the show is just starting...

    3. Anonymous10:57 AM

      I'm not so sure - don't trust them is what I came away with. Lieberman didn't project being negative when on the committee to me. I thought the entire thing a bunch of bullshit!

    4. Cracklin Charlie11:05 AM

      The wheels of justice grind slowly...but they grind hard.

    5. jcinco2:10 PM

      I believe the second line is "but exceedingly fine"

    6. Anonymous5:10 PM

      You can't bring a criminal in front of a bunch of criminals, and expect justice. This country of ours is doomed. Democracy has been replaced by Oligarchy.

  10. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Sure looks like she's had lip implants (notice the straightened horizontal line of her upper lip) and lots of filler in the lines from her nose to the corners of her mouth. Also a mini face and neck lift with lipo under her chin and a bit of filler, maybe implants, in her cheeks. All on the low side of invasive, about two weeks of recovery, which would explain her absence.

  11. $arah hates President Obama because he doesn't want to fuck her.

    Heh heh.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Yep. And he also doesn't fear her. If she can't hold something over someone, she hates.

    2. Anonymous11:37 AM

      He doesn't even THINK about her. That's what really gets her goat. No matter what she says, he ignores it.

    3. Anonymous5:06 PM

      The POTUS knows that you never get into a pissing contest with a Skunk, or a Bitch.

    4. Anita Winecooler7:16 PM

      "the dog is delicious"
      Did you hear that, Sarah?

      Everyone else did, and they're still laughing!

    5. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Wash your stinking rancid ass, you nasty Bitch.

  12. Anonymous8:48 AM

    She's just gaming the system. She needs to put something in her "wins" column, so she's going with the sure thing. Crass, but predictable.

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      She is a disgusting person with out one oz of integrity!

      And she looks like Joan Rivers.

    2. Anonymous5:03 PM

      She looks like Jan Brewer.

  13. Anonymous8:54 AM

    What many of us have assumed to be projection by Sarah - ascribing to her "enemies" those attributes of which she is often famously, outrageously, blatantly, laughably guilty - may something much, much simpler. I believe she's so dim that she just takes these ideas and runs with them. Of course, she'd have to be completely lacking in self-awareness, but no surprise there. I think we give her too much credit. She's got a cold, reptilian kind of instinct, nothing more strategic than that.

  14. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Sorry but her face looks ridiculous. Was she going for the ventriloquist puppet look?

  15. Virginia Voter9:09 AM

    Sarah goes to bed every night simultaneously cursing the president and prreelection is reelection. If Romney somehow pulls this off, Sarah's career is over , she is a one trick pony who's entire schtick is bashing the President and the media. She won't be allowed to bash Mitt, and quite frankly she is incapable of rational intellectual discourse at an adult level.

    BTW, Sarah is rapidly morphing into Joan Rivers

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Joan Rivers is beginning to look like an asbsolute freak. Her face looks like a mask - before long Sarah will too.
      Pat Padrnos

  16. Anonymous9:09 AM

    She looks like the "Octomom." Next stop for Sarah: Autostimulatory How-To Videos!

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Great comparison!

  17. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Giant forehead...check.
    Mannish chin...check.
    Giant buck teeth...check.
    Um Sarah? You might want to ask for a refund for all that surgery you look worse now. Isn't plastic surgery supposed to make you look better? Fail!

  18. Grey Lensman9:13 AM

    O/T, but just a bit:

    Katie Couric had the moment of a lifetime when she met the Queen of England for the first time on Tuesday.

    How's that meeting with the Iron Lady Thatcher coming along, Sarah?

    Sarah? You there?

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Can you even imagine the hillbilly, idiot from Wasilla, AK meeting with the Queen of England? Makes me howl just thinking about it!!!!

    2. Must REALLY hurt dear Sarah that Katie Couric gets to go places where Sarah just ain't welcome - hahahahaha - I have a mean sense of humor where Sarah is involved

    3. Anonymous9:47 PM

      Ohhh...that's gonna leave a mark.

      The world has moved on, Sarah.

      You just weren't good enough.

  19. Maple9:13 AM

    According to several reports, Newt's businesses are declaring bankruptcy and his campaign owes millions. Guess he fell victim to "Touched by a Palin" disease. Will hatch be next?

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      It was reported before Newt dropped out of the race, that he had transferred all his 'holdings' in the various businesses -- therefore, he showed on paper as having no interest in them. \

      I suspect, in Romney fashion, his interest was technically bought out -- aka all equity transferred to some possibly blind account to which he will have access to now that he's out of the campaign.

      Therefore, the bankruptcies don't show his name or reflect on him. It was after he 'sold' out. You know -- that same BS of Romney.

      I don't know whether they were transferred to his Stepford Wife or whether hidden under some 'numbered' like company that's so easy for scam appearances.

      He planned the bankruptcies as if it truly was a 'Palin' disease, he would still have had his name on it. Newt's like the others -- corrupt as all hell.

    2. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Newt is playing the system!!! Bankruptcy! Are we surprised? He probably hid some of his assets too!

  20. Anonymous9:13 AM

    It looks like she's trying rilly rilly hard not to breathe like a drug addict. She must be listening to our feedback here.

  21. Of course she endorsed Hatch. He's a Mormon, like Romney. I'll bet she thinks that now Romney will say to himself, "Hey, Palin doesn't have a problem with Mormons! I'll make sure she's invited to the convention and I'll make sure that she is the headline speaker, and I'll pick her for VP!I can use her enormous popularity with, well everyone, to win!"

    Her endorsement of Hatch was a message to Romney. As others have said, it's all about how it affects Sarah.

    1. Is she that smart? I think she endorsed him cause he is going to win. She waits until it is a done deal before she endorses anyone.

  22. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Sarah makes no sense. Everything she says is a lie. She projects all of her many faults onto President Obama because she is inferior to him. Sarah is so bitter about 2008, she will never let it go. She'll be talking about President Obama when she's an old wrinkled senior in a few years.

  23. Anonymous9:17 AM

    I'll be voting for President Obama just to annoy Sarah.

  24. WakeUpAmerica9:20 AM

    She is endorsing Hatch because she needs a win. It's been a while. Absent commander-in-chief? You mean like a governor who came in late, left early, and went shopping at Nordstroms or went home to lock herself in her bedroom to watch reality shows? Like that person?

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      That was my thought, too. Hatch is a severely conservative Mormon in a severely conservative Mormon state. He's been in office for 36 years.

      One hardly needs a crystal ball...

  25. All I got is:
    "Got Joker?"

    Geesh women pay money to look like this, strangely bizarre human behavior.

  26. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Her mouth looks ridiculous.Bristol must be taking an at home course in Aesthetician training.Surely no competant plastic surgeon would do that on purpose.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Todd likes those types of lips. She is trying to keep pace with his other Hoes.

  27. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Any positive response from Hatch regarding her endorcement? How is he taking this?

  28. Anonymous9:38 AM

    It's common for people who have work done to their face to gage their recovery by how much less swollen, bruised, asymmetrical, etc they appear as they view their own reflection in the mirror. What they miss is how different they appear from before the procedures which, if you think about it, is why they had the procedures - to look different: fuller lips, fewer lines, etc.

    The point is that she went on TV too soon, seemingly unaware of how noticeable the work is. The swelling will continue to subside over the next few weeks.

    However, she was incapable of staying out of view, raging narcissist that she is.

    I wonder if she has yet grasped the ever-more-frequent maintenance schedule she now must adhere to, given that she's just turing 50. Won't be cheap, and it won't be pretty, just more and more extreme on her bone structure. In 5 years she'll look like a transvestite who's had too much work done cheaply.

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      "In 5 years she'll look like a transvestite who's had too much work done cheaply."

      I think that is what she looks like now.

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Imagine how confusing it must be for Trig. Every time he sees her (which I know isn't that often) there's a new face but with that same horrid screech-voice coming out of it. Poor little guy. Maybe that's why she put off getting his glasses.

    3. Cracklin Charlie11:09 AM


      What the hell is swollen? She looks like a stick figure! If she gets any scrawnier she'll fit through a mail slot.

    4. Well, whatever. She could save herself a lot of money if she would just clean up. Even new wigs have to be washed and combed and arranged. What happened here? Sarah sarah sarah. Your messy appearance detracts from your message. Oh, wait...

    5. PalinsHoax1:53 PM

      Ol' $carah's turning just 50? Holy Moly !! She looks over 60 and Ol' $carah's facial expressions always convey that her Depends need to be changed.

  29. I agree with everyone who said her lips look funny, personally I think they look like a cross between Goldie Hawn's and Melanie Griffiths. Agree? And GVS's: in one word, hideous. Those are lips?

    1. Anita Winecooler7:46 PM

      Greta, at one time, looked normal, I always refrained from commenting on her mouth, thinking it was the result of a stroke, She left CNN and wanted to "look hawt like all the other Fox babes, but according to this site,

      "Van Susteren received a well-publicized surgical face-lift to remove "bags" from beneath her eyes, bringing again into question the issue of whether news anchors were professional journalists versus glamorized entertainers." Sadly, she's neither.

      In any case, her eyes look Maaaaahhhhhhhvelous!

  30. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Didn't I read somewhere that Orrin was sitting next to Sarah in a car and she had on a really short skirt and she was giving off "teh sexy" vibe? I think that's why she's endorsing him...he's one of the few that still thinks she's hot!!!

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      That was Arlen Specter.

    2. Anonymous10:52 AM

      Isn't Orrin another Mormon?

    3. Anonymous10:53 AM

      If she lives that long!

  31. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Sarah and Greta . Two examples of plastic surgery gone HORRIBLY wrong. These two are scary looking. I watched with the sound off (didn't want my ears to bleed) and I noticed $arah's top lip goes oneway and the bottom lip the other when $arah's talking .You know $arah pac paid for the surgery. Fools.

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      It wasn't very long ago when Sarah actually looked falsely "perky" for an old broad. Now she is beginning to look more like a Moray Eel, gasping from her pie-hole. Is stuttering Greta a secret smoker? You could strike matches on her forehead. She has that "androgynous Pat" look about her.

  32. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Perhaps what Palin is getting in return is Senators who are willing to bury the Dept. of Homeland Security' active investigation of Todd Palin's pimping. Gotta' protect McCain's severely damaged reputation after the disastrous Palin pick, also too!

    1. Anonymous11:03 AM

      That is more like it. She has every reason to listen to McCain now.

  33. Anonymous10:29 AM

    She's got some serious crazy lady eyes. Is she on drugs?

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Most likely some form of speed, diet. Also medicines for her mental health.

  34. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Sarah expected blind allegiance to herself, but she won't devote it to anyone else. She's maverick, she's rogue, she's not to be trusted because there is no rhyme or reason to her self-serving logic.

    Were Reagan around today, she'd be chucking spears at his head also too. Just wait until Hannity slips and she lets him have it. Gutless wonders, both of them.

  35. She's still blinking constantly, which is very strange. Once you notice it, it's all you notice.

    It seems likely she's reads here and tries to correct things criticized, so eventually, while trying to keep her breathing even and her eyes from blinking, and a perky smile on her face, being able to talk should get tricky.

    But perhaps that won't be noticeable as her word salad is incoherent anyway.

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Rapid blinking while talking demonstrates the person is lying. I looked it up on Google and several different "Body Language" sites said the same thing. Liar!

  36. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Did you watch the Lawrence O'Donnell show (Martin B. subbing for LO) last night? Big smackdown of Palin from Steve Schmidt for bringing up the Rev. Wright nonsense.

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      God bless Steve Schmidt. He is trying to rectify the horrible mistake of putting Palin out there in the public.... If only John McCain would admit his mistake instead of continuing to cover for the Palins.

      John McCainm, worst Senator ever.
      Sarah Palin, worst person ever.

  37. AJ Billings10:52 AM

    $arah Paylin doesn't do much without a selfish interest involved. My bet is she's trying to curry favor with the dreaded GOP establishment as the convention nears.

    Maybe Orrin Hatch can get her a speaking gig in the prime time in Tampa, or she's delusional enough to think that she can run for President in 2016 and have him and the Mormons in her corner.

    That woman is not only an idiot, but an ugly screeching treasonous harpy

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Incest will do that to a Bitch. Blame Chucky for that, he screwed her up (literally) for life.

  38. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Sarah, who punched you in the mouth? If someone offered you $1 million cash to STFU for one month, would you? I though so. So I hearby implore some of you horny old fans of Palin to make an offer. If 12 of you signed up, we'd have delicious silence for TWO YEARS!!! Sure, it would be pimping herself out but isn't that what she already does?

  39. She better not agree to go on Anderson Cooper's show displaying all this new plastic surgery. His false umbrage would sink her false outrage in a hot second.

    I think she changed the direction of her bangs based soley on Gina's comments about those dirty wisps hanging in her eyes. More proof that she is a faithful reader of IM.

  40. That voice ruined my computer speakers. Fucking bitch.

  41. That insufferable bitch never says anything of substance so I'll talk about enhanced face.

    her cheeks look like inflated triangles. her face has taken on hard lines, void of curves. Squares, rectangles, diamonds and triangles. What a clown.

  42. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I don't like the looks of this. I think Daddy Ailes is giving Mrs. Palin another chance to clean up her act before he renews her contract. She now appears more "mature" almost matronly. The content doesn't change of course, but why the sudden all "professional" look? Nothing has changed but her appearance.

  43. Notice how both ladies now have prominent "Adam's apples" like Ann Coulter?
    That is a result of the neck jobs....stretching the loose skin to the back of the neck.

  44. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Don't comment at Malia's blog, but for those interested in today's investigation committee, Fox News interviewed Joe Lieberman and he says he is recommending a separate investigation on this case. So, it appears that it isn't over.

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Why "don't comment at Malia's blog"....

    2. Anonymous3:39 PM

      No anonymous comment option there?

  45. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I find it rather odd, that C4P has not mentioned a word abt Lego Hair endorsing Orrin Hatch!!! What's up?

  46. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Palin does not "explain" anything: She rants and bleats like some rabid sheep (and badly at that).

  47. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Isn't it pathetic that, at her young age, Sarah Palin looks so much like a caricature of herself? She was much more attractive before she entered the national realm of politics. How she has wasted her money!

  48. OMG. I just caught sight of palin's mouth on Bashir. Yall aren't lying her mouth does have that joke look. There isnt any going back to a normal mouth, it just gets worse.

  49. Anonymous11:40 AM

    it looks like screech has duck lips now

    1. how fitting,

      cuz she's a


      wanh wanh wanh...

  50. Anonymous12:07 PM dare this retarded bitch sit there calling President Obama stupid and blaming him for everything that is wrong with this country. Who the fuck is she to "point the finger" at anyone as if she is judge of all. Fuck you, Sarah Palin, it's we the people who will decide whether not Obama deserves a second term, not you. How can you talk all that shit about bipartisanship when you can't even show President Obama the slightest bit of respect as a human being. You talk about him like he is scum of the earth and everything he does has the foulest possible motive - why, because you don't like his politics? You need to grow the fuck up, you're the saddest excuse for a human being I've ever seen in my life. You're so mean and bitter and small, and no one loves you except other mean, bitter, small people. I wish you'd disappear again and stay gone. You're a curse on humanity.

    1. you just said so well what many of us think .....TYVM!!

    2. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Yea, and Sarah Palin is a 'christian' NOT! Give me a fucking break! The woman is so evil and other on the earth like the bitch.

      I'd love to run into her somewhere - I'd tell her what a fucking idiot she is!

    3. Anonymous6:57 PM

      It's called jealousy. She has a major inferiority complex. She knows that the POTUS and the First Family, has everything that she will never get, namely RESPECT. She has no self-esteem, so she desperately tries to attack the self-esteem of others. This is her feeble way of trying to level the playing field.

      Think about it, this fool is almost 50 years old. Yet she is emotionally still in high school. Trying her best to ostracize the other kids, that are smarter, prettier, and better than her.

      This is what frustrates the Bitch about President Obama. She can't bully him, he is exceedingly smarter than her, he is loved the world over, and most importantly, he does not give a shit about her. He has Michelle, who is infinitely prettier, and classier than her. Malia and Sasha, oh my, compare them to her brood, NO CONTEST !

      So rant on silly rabbit. No one is listening to your bullshit, other than those like minded LOSERS like you. Stay in high school, soon Piper will be one of your classmates.

  51. PalinsHoax12:21 PM

    Whoa !! For a moment there I thought that Greta's guest was Bay Buchanan; then I thought, no that looks more like Charlie McCarthy (Edgar Bergen's wooden dummy).

    Until THE SHREW spoke and I knew then I knew that Greta's guest was not Charlie, for Charlie is much more intelligent, humane and handsomer than the shrew with the mannish jaw and black heart.

  52. Anonymous12:34 PM

    She loves putting on her bulldog face.

    And my, her chest heaves and heaves. Why the heavy breathing? A little too invested in your hatred of the man who beat you fair and square? What a putz she is.

  53. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Palin had a thin upper lip full lower. Then had her lips tatooed, then had the new tatooed lips filled with collagen, then the tatoo removed, and now she is edging towards the Joker look.

    God But Greta looks even scarier than Sarah.

  54. Anonymous12:38 PM

    john fukin' mccain sux

  55. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Did she think that by wearing lipstick instead of her normal teenage gloss that we wouldn't notice the change in the lips??

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      I've been suggesting for months that Sarah put some color on those lips. Now I am sorry. Ugly.

  56. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Sarah is looking like Taylor Armstrong of Housewives of BH..Fish lips!!

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Talk about fish lips! Bristol in her glam pose for Candies - after her plastic surgery. Didn't she look sexy? NOT. She looked like a fish.

  57. Anonymous1:06 PM

    It is a pity that Sarah spends so much money on her face and neglects her hair. What a stringy mop. Her wig collection could use an update.

  58. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I had to watch but with the sound muted as usual. But what the HECK did she do to her lips? Did she have her mouth widened so she could fit both feet in now?


  59. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Gryphen, can't you guys in Alaska put her on a slow boat to Russia and let her go entertain Putin? I'm about ready to sue McCain for emotional abuse for putting this wretch in the public eye. That screeching would make anyone want to kill themselves. No wonder Todd the pimp had to solicit sex.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Let's make it a class action suit for setting political discourse back at least 150 years!

    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      I'm with you Beaglemom. Someone needs to pay for the damage that she's done.

  60. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I think the Us of A should sell Alaska back to the Russians and pay them extra to take the Palins in the deal.

    1. Anonymous11:16 PM

      NYET! We don't want that bitch in mother Russia, we don't need any more pimps or babies born to unwed teenagers.

      We can see Sarah Palin's house that she had built for free from our homeland and that's punishment enough.


    2. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Sarah, you are nekulturny.

    3. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Anon at 11:16 Nyet - That was really funny! Thanks for the laughs.

  61. Anonymous5:05 PM

    HI Sarah, I have someone I want you to meet. She's royalty, a duchess, as a matter of fact, and very, very, rich. She's married to a much younger, handsome man (yes, yes, have you seen Todd? but he too will age, and then you may want a newer model.) Dr. Plastic can keep you young, forever Sarah. The Duchess of Alba is so rich and royal, she doesn't even have to kneel before the Pope. This is your future Sarah:

    1. Anita Winecooler8:18 PM


      It! It's perfect! The future of Sarah Palin.

      Hi Sarah,
      next time you're on the tee vee machine, wear one of these mantilla thingy's over your oiled road kill wig! It'll soften your face, give you greater gravitas as a pundit, and dang it, it'll drive the guys crazy! You can point at it, like you did on "Oprah" when you went rogue and teased your roadkill wig into curls, using saliva as hair gel.
      Tell Brissy too, she needs a man in the worst way.

    2. Anonymous5:10 PM

      I think Brissy does need a man in the worst way too. Her latest teevee tease - "I don't have a significant other" will surely be interpreted by some as an invitation to apply for the hm.... vacancy. I bet she is hoping to get some offers from that. But the fine print says...."for Tripp." Oops!

      That would eliminate both potential contenders. Who would want to be Bristol's baby bag and stroller carrier? That's Willow's job (I assume she is being paid. Palins don't do nothin for free.)

      Bristol, hormones rage in the twenties too - I remember..... and the 30s and 40s and 50s and 60s.... I know! If you liked sex in your teens you are expecting more of the same throughout your life. Yet, you are telling young teen girls that abstinence works, yet you admit it doesn't! You are condemning others for doing wh at you did naturally! Just ignorantly!

      Bristol, sex is good for you. It mellows you out. Rounds you out in body and soul. Can't be cranky after a good lay.

      There is a reason sex is fun - God made it that way so we would procreate. At 15 most young women are ready to mate, and in most cultures, they do. You aren't so special in this regard.

      It's just that most modern young women at age 15 know about birth control and use it.

      Bristol you are still trying to justify your life by pinning your dreams on celebrity. "I fucked up but I am successful because I made lots of money." It's just not going to happen because folks are onto your thing.

      There's nothing wrong in Plan B and it may actually be the one that makes you really happy.

      As a celebrity wannabe, Bristol, you will only be criticized and ridiculed. It will be painful until you build up such a think shell around you to avoid the pain.... that you are frozen in time.

      Don't do to your children what your mother did to you.

    3. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Speaking of meeting royalty.... Katie Curic meets Queen Elizabeth! Eat that Sarah.

  62. Anita Winecooler6:47 PM

    Dear Greta, there is no such word as "obstructionalism", and parrot Sarah that goes to you too, As people who are journalist or graduated with a "degree in journalism", you're held to a higher level. The word is "obstructionist".

    She's really seething in her own juices (pun intended). Notice the "lie detector" background and how it remains the same when she clenches her lobster claw while calling out the President, the fake adderal smile sarah pac just paid for, and even with the face and neck work, the vinegar filled veins in her neck still strain against the surface.

    She's nailed her foot to the floor and is spinning on stupid. That's one heaping helping of vintage Sarah!

    Can't wait to see her head explode as Obama takes the oath of office again.

    O/T Colon Powell reaches in and hands Hannity his spleen while being interviewed and defending President Obama and chiding Meh Romney.

    There's a fox news link as well, when he speaks fondly of Regan while Sean gets this "mc dreamy" daydream crush of Ronald Regan, watching a squirrel eat a nut which Regan had placed outside the window, so he could entertain himself.... You know the look, the same one when Sarah Palin's on his show.

  63. Anonymous11:13 PM

    If Sarah Palin thought about the welfare of her family instead of ME ME ME SARAH PALIN then there would of been a better chance that her husband wouldn't be pimping, Bristol wouldn't of been an uneducated underage pregnant sexually active girl, Track wouldn't of had to be sent to Michigan and the town wouldn't have to repair school buses and Track wouldn't of had to get married because he had a baby on the way, homophobic Willow would of stayed in high school for her final two years instead of getting her GED or being involved with breaking and entering and poor Piper wouldn't of missed so much school and had problems with simple math.

    If Sarah worried about her family instead of running for jobs she was not competent enough to handle then the little town of Wasilla wouldn't be in debt and the state wouldn't have to pay the Palins for filming in Alaska and the United States citizens wouldn't have to finance the Palin summer vacations through SarahPac. The state would of hired a competent agriculture expert instead of Sarah's incompetent high school bff and there would of been no Alaskan Trust Fund slush fund.

    Is there any hope for Tripp or Piper?

  64. Anonymous7:43 AM

    If you google past images of Palin, you can really see the face changes due to cosmetic surgery. Her mouth and neck mostly. The corners of her mouth were turning the corners turn up in a Joker snide-grin way. No more turkey neck either. When she's out of the limelight for a while, then everyone knows she's having something surgically taken care of.

  65. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Damn, have you seen the new lips on the Bitch? A tootsie roll pop would not stand a chance against them. She looks like Jack Nicholson as the Joker, in the Batman movie. That doctor did a number on her. We all can't stop LAUGHING at your dumb ass.

  66. Anonymous6:21 PM

    I don't like her new look. She looks like a school marm (ick) but it's the same old mean girl schtick.


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