Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hey, want to see video of the first time that Sarah Palin ever held a rifle? Actually you may have already seen it.

I know what you are thinking, "Gryphen, this CAN'T be the first time Palin ever held a rifle, remember she's a life long hunter!"

Well yes of course I know what the Palin mythology says, but this video says oh so much more.

Palin immediately presses the stock against her cheek, which NOBODY with ANY experience holding a rifle would do.  If she had pulled the trigger before this was corrected, the weapon would have flown out of her hands, or shattered every bone in her shoulder.

In fact if you look carefully you can see that she initially resists the instructor's attempts to move the assault weapon into the proper placement against her shoulder, which further indicates that she has NO idea what she is doing.

I have to imagine that it was probably sometime after this that Palin asked Levi to show her how to shoot the gun stored under her bed.

If this footage is not convincing enough than I invite you to watch how completely uncomfortable with weapons Palin remained even during the filming of SPA.

I know for many of us this is old news, but somebody sent that video to me today, and after watching it I was once again struck by what a complete fraud, in essentially every way, this woman is.

When people ask you how you can believe that Sarah Palin faked her pregnancy, just tell them that as far as you can tell she seems to have faked EVERYTHING about herself!


  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    The woman is and always has been a liar and fraud! She is no more a 'real' Alaskan woman (hunter/fisherman) than is Sean Parnell's wife! Give me a friggin' break!!!

    Sarah Palin couldn't fight her way out of a brown paper bag!!! She is the laughing stock of Alaskans!

  2. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Because she is a big fake.
    But as I look at this photo Gryphen. It seems to me that Sarah had some work done before McCain invited her onto his ticket.
    Maybe someday you can post older pics of Sarah before any facial surgery and then photos of her current Joan Rivers face.

    1. Anonymous9:54 PM

      Someone's already examined her past "work." See this site where they describe in detail all the work done:


    2. Anonymous10:01 PM

      Thank you very much for the link!

      A fellow Texan :)

    3. Anita Winecooler10:30 PM

      Thanks for the link!

      These comparisons are similar to those done by a former blogger, Bree Palin. And the conclusions are exactly the same. Sarah's had tons of work done to her face over the years.
      So obvious, even without the photoshop or paintshop programs. Gryphen's even covered some in earlier posts, but seeing it again on yet another blog leads me to know it's true.

  3. Anonymous5:37 PM

    What a complete putz. She couldn't even reload in SPA. McCain's recent Obama attacks are reall pissing me off. I hope someone nails that coward before full dementia or worse befalls him. Useless fuck, John McCain, rot in hell.
    That dude should have letSP fire away; straighten that pesky eyeball glen rice knocked out of whack.

    1. Anonymous6:17 AM

      McCain was probably told that he had to defend Sarah until the end of time per the blackmail agreement between him and Bud Paxson ("put Sarah on the ticket in 2008 and support her politically, always).

      "Don't support Sarah? I'll ruin you with this:"

  4. Anonymous5:49 PM

    The only thing Sarah Palin is qualified to shoot, is her mouth. And even with that her aim is off. She is an angry spiteful woman who once had promise, but has evolved into a total disgrace.

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      She can shoot dirty looks at people, something she and Todd passed on to their daughters.

    2. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Anonymous5:49 PM

      You are right on target until you stated she

      "...once had promise..."??? When was that?

      She was always a conniving, inept, ignorant, self-serving fraud.

  5. Anonymous5:52 PM

    The clip that followed looked like Miss Sportscaster Palin. Was it?

  6. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I don't know anything about guns or the difference between guns, but what about the picture from her baby shower in 2000? She's wearing blue and is at Grouse Ridge. What about when she went hunting as a child? Those stories are real.

    1. WakeUpAmerica6:31 PM

      My veterinarian goes hunting with her husband, but she doesn't shoot a gun. I went hunting with my husband and shot my camera. Doesn't mean a thing. Also, how would you know if the stories were real? I doubt anything is real about the Wasillabillies. The fact is that a hunter doesn't forget how to shoot or re-load a gun. Not ever, no matter how many years have passed. NO hunter would EVER put the butt of the gun next to the cheek. NOT EVER. So give it up fact-free troll.

    2. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Oh Krusty...would you like some cheese with your whine?

      Give it up...Baldy is a FAKE! Everything about her is FAKE...FAKE...FAKE! When you finally realize that...we may see you in a court room in Anchorage getting sentenced to a residential half way house...hey...we can only hope...right?

    3. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Who told you they were real Kristy? You are a hoot:)

    4. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Says who?

    5. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Nothing about Palin is real. If she hunted as a child, it was probably with a slingshot, or Chuckie handed her a gun at age 6 and should have been arrested for child endangerment. And unless you are Chuckie or Sarah, you cannot state that 'those stories are real." No, they are stories, lies, and fantasies to appeal to the NRA, the AIP and the violent arm of the GOP. Sarah, big bad grizzly momma. But she is nothing more than a scared bully.

    6. Anonymous7:33 PM

      ¨I don´t know anything about guns...¨

      Neither does Sarah. Did you watch the video? Poses with a rifle does not make you a marksman. I bet Sarah doesn´t even know how to ride a bicycle.

    7. Anonymous7:40 PM

      I actually think it's a point in Sarah Palin's favor if she's never actually killed an animal.

      I hate animal killers -- IMO they are murderers.

      I'm a vegan.

    8. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:16 PM


      Much like they say Charlie Manson never actually killed anyone himself,

      he was responsible for numerous deaths.

      While Gov., Sarah approved shooting wolves from helicopters.

      She is also responsible for putting CrossHairs over Gabby Gifford's district;

      And she is responsible for NOT taking it down after GABBY GIFFORDS requested it.

      Sarah Palin has led a chorus of ignorance and hatred that has only gotten louder as the days pass,

      and the Violence that has Shattered the homes and offices of our politicians who are attempting to serve their country...



      She gets NO "points"!!!

      She is a plague on our country!!

    9. Anita Winecooler10:36 PM

      HA HA HA! The only funny thing about Krusty is how transparent and shallow she/he is.

      Even if you don't know a thing about a gun, no one would believe the myths she puts out. Anyone remember the "Sarah holding moose eyes" story?

      Uh, Sarah, eyes aren't wrinkly and hairy, just sayin!

    10. If Palin had been taught anything about hunting and had actually handled a gun as a young girl, she would NEVER have grabbed a gun from her father with her finger on the trigger. One of the very first rules you're taught about gun safety is not to put your finger on the trigger until you're actually ready to shoot. I remember when she was handling the rifle her father had handed to her, my husband who has actually been hunting since childhood remarked that she handled the gun like a novice, not like someone who was raised around guns. When we heard Sarah ask, "does it kick?", it was a flashing neon sign above her head that read "fraud"!

    11. Anonymous6:18 AM

      Stories. Period.

      There is no denying that video - its crystal clear that she doesn't know WHAT the hell she's doing. Period.

  7. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I don't even understand WHY she'd lie about being a hunter in the first place. Are Republicans required to know how to shoot a gun? Did she think that she had to lie about shooting to seem more against gun control? That's ridiculous. Shooting and hunting is a hobby, nothing more.

    1. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Seriously, how long have you lived in this country? Guns are worshiped by rightwingers. They would rather there be regular massacres by crazed gun men at hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and convents, then that the biggest lunatic in the country be prevented in any way from getting his hands on a gun. They consider the carnage collateral damage that is just the breaks that comes from the ownership of their precious instruments of death that let them feel like MEN. They like to pretend that gun size denotes dick size. That's why they are so determined to open carry.

      I know some women feel this way too. They are sick, brainwashed, pathetic idiots just like the men.

    2. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Sarah does what ever will get her attention and money. And yes, being seen with guns does help her conservative cred.

    3. Anonymous10:20 PM

      She has a history of lying all the time and the majority of it isn't even needed! I believe the word is 'pathological liar'!!! She's an idiot on top of it to think that we all believe her bullshit!

    4. Anita Winecooler10:38 PM

      She pretends for the NRA yahoo voter contingent. She even said Trig was short for Trigger in one of her mad ravings.

    5. Anonymous5:51 AM

      Fred Thompson put that nail in Sarah's coffin when he said she could field dress a moose. She can't. She once held warm eyeballs from a Moose that her dad dug out to show to his class. In Sarah Palin land, that makes her an expert hunter.

      The contrived tough-as-nails Frontier Woman persona the Palin/McCain team shoved down America's throats escalated to unmanageable lore. If Sarah had enough grace to be properly embarrassed, she wouldn't have even offered a hunting segment on SPA, only to reveal she didn't ask Levi to come to her bedroom to help her load a rifle, Grandma Palin needed to flirt with the cute young redneck.

      Much like remembering technical jargon like "fungible commodity" from her brief stint as an Oil & Gas Commission member made her an expert on energy.

  8. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Anon @ 5:19p What you said, plus as a lifelong subsistence hunter, (hunt to put meat on the table), I was personally offended by scarys claim to be a hunter/harvester of game for food. I harvest the animals that are found locally, never fly to reach herds of game Thats how it is done in rural Alaska, with gas prices approaching 7.00 dollars a gallon. We eat fish when it is available, caribou if we are lucky, and moose when we are really lucky.I was loving a huge ptarmigan influx this spring. Fuck scary paylump with her blatant phony alaskan personna.

    1. Anonymous9:27 PM

      Know many are totally against guns. But thousands of men in our country are avid hunters.

      My husband started shooting when he was a young boy. Has hunted all his life. He was president of Lockheed's Hunting and Fishing Club and is an honorary lifetime member.

      He has competed in competitive shooting for years. Was an instructor of Hunter Education for 30 years and headed up the Handicapped Shoot for Paraplegic Vets and taught over 6000 students (Kids and adults).

      He has taken 3 moose in CO. On his last moose hunt, he was fighting 4th stage cancer. They set him up at a table with sand bags to rest the gun on. The others worked the moose within his range and he got it! The rest dressed it out and hauled it home and butchered it for us.

      We have eaten everything he shot but one old tough wild turkey that the dog finally buried in the garden! We went from over 25 serious injuries or deaths per year from hunters to Zero with the hunter education program! Most of the deaths are from heart attacks at our high altitude and one was killed when the gun was propped up on a tree, fell off and discharged. Do you know how many skiers are killed on the slopes each year?

      It is a hobby and one way for the Fish and Game to cull the herds each year. We had over 32 elk in our yard everyday because they were in a protected area from hunting. These animals are bigger than horses! They eat everything and in lean years or heavy snows they die from starvation!

      They allow hunting in areas that are over bred for the health of the herd. The money from the license pays for controlling and feeding of the animals.

      Not all people with guns are crazy people who think their guns make them macho and run around like idiots at political events.

      He has gone into intercity areas and taught gun safety. The deaths came down drastically with kids shooting each other. Good hunters are safe hunters. As the bumper sticker says, when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

      Good hunters turn in poachers and those acting crazy in the field. Thousands of men, women and children go hunting in CO every year! He owned 25 children sized rifles to teach these kids how to shoot safely. Good parents can buy size correct guns for their kids to use to hunt so they will be safer. Guns are heavy and if you don't want accidents, you buy them smaller guns to be safe.

      Our kids went along 2-3 years before they ever got a license to see just how much work it was and a good way to bond with their father! He failed 2 of his own kids because they didn't think their Dad would flunk them. They learned real fast, he was serious.

    2. @Anon 9:27--
      While I don't hunt I respect those like you and your husband who eat what they kill, exercise safety and promote sound wildlife management. Thank you for sharing the story of your husband's inspiring efforts.

    3. Anonymous12:22 AM

      Animal killing is a disgusting hobby.

    4. Anonymous5:03 AM

      12:22 - thanks for playing. You can get off your soap-box now cause its obvious you ate tone deaf.

  9. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Oohh, that was great Grypen, best laugh I have had all week. Loved it !! You should send this to Bill Maher.

  10. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Uh huh, checkout her trigger finger placement...and the nervous look on her face!! Sheesh!!

    1. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Yes indeed. The nervous look on her face is telling.

  11. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Anybody who who is dumb enough to believe Sarah Palin knows how to handle a rifle is probably dumb enough to believe

    Sarah Palin is an energy expert.
    Sarah Palin is qualified to be the vice president of the United States of America.
    Sarah Palin birthed Trig.
    Sarah Palin did not have sex with Glen Rice, Curt Menard or Brad Hanson.

  12. Anonymous8:42 PM

    I enjoyed watching Chuck reload Sarah's gun for her on SPA. She proved on that show, after missing the caribou four or five times, that she was not a hunter. What Sarah proved was that she (and her sisters) got hunting licenses or tags for Chuck to build his pile of bones. People who were hunting experts commented that Sarah waved around a loaded rifle, a no no.

    Sarah is a fake. She tried to bluff her way as a VP candidate....until she was asked her opinion of The Bush what regard, Charlie? It was not a gotcha question. That damned doctrine got us into a war with a country that did not attack us on September 11, and Sarah had no idea what Charlie Gibson was talking about. She couldn't bluff, either. After that interview. Sarah was so sure of her ability to bluff people that she couldn't tell Katie Couric what she read-- not even when asked three times. That wasn't a gotcha question, either. As such a religious person, Sarah didn't mention the Bible. Michele Bachmann would have said that she read the Constitution. George W. Bush read three Shakespeares. Sarah couldn't even remember that she posed for a photo with the John Birch Society Journal. What a fake!

  13. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Way off thread but just wanted to pass this along--Texas Democrats elected the first Hispanic Dem Chair, Gilberto Hinojosa, at the recent 2012 Convention and came up with the most Progressive platform in a generation.

    I hope RWNJ's/Palin cringe at Tx Dems progressing forward like we should be. Hinojosa is great and we also have a Dallas Representative named Rafael Anchia they call "the Hispanic Obama" who people will hear about in the future. These are two to watch.

    Sorry to go off thread but Dem progress and news is good and I thought I'd pass it along.

    Also, Palin's pick for senate Ted Cruz was challenged to a debate by David Dewhurst in Spanish. Cruz is supposed to be the "Tx Rubio". Well, Cruz says he speaks "Spanglish" and it would be better to do in English. But, Dewhurst speaks and knows Spanish. How's that for turning the tables? The one ,Cruz, with the pushed, gloated Hispanic family story can't speak it much but the one without the story can because he learned it while working!

    1. Anonymous5:47 AM

      Yeah. . .that Spanglish thing is going to bite him in the burrito.

      Good to hear that Ted Cruz is much more celebrated than he deserves, much like Sarah Palin and Marco Rubio.

  14. Anita Winecooler10:52 PM

    Thanks for a trip down memory lane! What a hoot!

    The obviously dazed caribou mixed with stock footage (I mean, really, who looks through binoculars and sees two round circles surrounded by a square of black during DAYLIGHT?) The animals within sight, yet isn't startled nor runs off when the gun goes off over and over again.

    Newsflash, sound travels faster than Chucky can release the clip, insert the bullet, and cock the barrel) And Sarah never has to focus the site!
    Spare me.

    The first clip is really funny. My dad was a hunter, and I learned to shoot beer cans off a fence with a 22 caliber shotgun, even that pos "kicked". Later, during handgun training, rule number one was never, ever, put your finger on the trigger unless you mean to shoot. The gun is in the hands of wonkeye Baldy, and a cameraman is in the danger zone. Even if it's confirmed the gun isn't loaded, it's bad form.

  15. Anonymous12:02 AM

    In SPA, she whines about the guns kicking, she can't load her own ammo (Creepy Chuckie does it for her)and after missing the caribou from the prone position with the small game rifle (you can tell from the kick it wasn't the type of weapon to take down a large animal), she gets up on both knees, is handed another rifle and proceeds to sight the caribou as she lowers herself still in the kneeling position to sit on her heels. WTF!!! This is a very awkward, unstable shooting position. A definite rookie mistake for someone who claims is a lifelong hunter. Eventually, both men start piling up knapsacks to rest the rifle and for her to get back into the prone position. The second rifle is handed to her ready to shoot as advised by her father's hunting partner. She grips the rifle and immediately places her finger on the trigger! WTF!!!! Newbie mistake!! This fake bitch is dangerous!

    Busted!! She doesn't know a damn thing about guns yet she coins the motto don't retreat, reload.

    What she's trying to sell is that she's a "still" spined, forged by wilderness, tough as nails female Davy Crockett that can shoot the dick off a mosquito at 300 meters all the while looking like a sex-starved insatiable librarian who can haunt your dreams in the bedroom.

    Gag a maggot BARF.

    She claims she didn't look pregnant due to her tight abs and managed to carry a baby almost 20 hours with a leaky pussy with nary a whimper.

    She puts up cross hairs to flaunt her "lifelong hunter" cred then cries victim when she's called on it. "No no, why are you guys persecuting me with this witch hunt? They're not crosshairs, they're surveyor's marks. I'm not like that at all"

    Fucking fraud.

  16. AuntieRuth5:54 AM

    Is she also the big-haired bimbo waving the pistol around in the next video? That one is even better! I can't bear to turn the sound on just in case it is Her Screechness.

  17. lostinmn6:09 AM

    She holds that weapon with as much gusto as she must hold toad's willie - ewwwwww!

    If she'd pulled the trigger the recoil would have taken it over her shoulder or driven the point of the butt into her scapula, snapping that scrawny osteoporotic bone like a dry twig

  18. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Everything she claims about herself is a lie.

    PS- Where's TRIG??

  19. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Whoa she really aged rapidly since 2007!!! I've only ever seen Presidents age that fast. But sarah has no responsibilities. What gives? I guess all the lies really do eat a person up!

  20. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Fucking wonky eyed retard.

  21. she's a fraud, folks12:19 PM

    Palin: Liar. Quitter. Hypocrite. Coward. Incompetent. FRAUD.

    The world knows it.

    It's only brain-dead Palin panty sniffing sycophants who still bother defending her at this point. By definition.

  22. My personal interpretation of the 2nd amendment is this: Anyone US citizen can own, carry and use as many different firearms as they like, provided they are the kind of firearm that was available to the general US public in December of 1791.

    Her nervousness just looking at the rifle pretty much "shot" down in flames her claim to being a hunter.

  23. Thanks for posting my video here, Gryphen. I made it after I saw the original posted on Youtube by some Palinbot as an example of her "gun cred," if you can believe that!

    The woman is a complete fraud.


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