Saturday, June 09, 2012

If Catholic priests took confession as seriously as they expect their parishioners to take it.

What I still have trouble understanding is why women have such a difficult time recognizing this?


  1. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Stockholm Syndrome.

  2. Olivia7:13 PM

    I agree! Some people have a really hard time facing facts. Maybe it's a romantic thing. I am sooo done with all that shit.

  3. Anonymous7:25 PM

    EDUCATED women do not have a have any trouble understanding this. Unfortunately, there are alot of women that are not allowed to be educated.

    The real question is why do men insist on keeping women ignorant and uneduacated?

  4. The only women who have trouble understanding this are the ones with their heads stuck in the sand.

    It's like how I picture all religious fanatics when confronted with facts and reason; covering their ears saying "Nyah, nyah can't hear you!"

  5. Beldar Tufnel Conehead8:18 PM

    Gryphen, when are going to stop bashing people you dont know personally? There are a billion Catholics in the world. Do you know them all personally? If not, STOP BASHING THE CHURCH!!! And if you don't stop, I see very little hope for your spending eternity in Heaven. VERY little hope!

    Anyway, you're really messing up that which would otherwise be an awesome moment in church history. With the acquisition of the spectacular and gaudy megabucks megachurch Crystal Cathedral from the bankrupt Evangelical Shopping Network, Inc, the Catholic Church can finally declare fulfillment of the Apostle Buford St. Hubbins' last entreaty to the faithful before accidentally setting his papier mache mardi gras headdress on fire in 1361: "Ostentacio Architectorum Gloria Estefan Deum Ol Tomato!" which is, of course, latin for "Ostentatious Buildings are God's Ultimate Glory!".

    You have so much to learn, dude.... so very much....

  6. Hallelujah, Brother! Tell it!

  7. If my last comment didn't pop up in the right place, it was for Monsignor Conehead.

  8. WakeUpAmerica10:33 PM

    What makes you think women don't understand that, Gryphen? Are you out of your mind? That's a big "Duh!!"

    1. Anonymous12:49 AM

      If we all understood it, there would not be a female left in the GOP, and obviously, that is not the case. Duh.

    2. WakeUpAmerica5:57 AM

      There are those who are not one issue voters. Those are the ones who buy all the othe GOP crap. And of course there are those who are mentally ill and beaten into submission by their husbands. I wasn't counting those. Also, I do believe I addressed my remark to Gryphen.

  9. Anonymous1:05 AM

    I've always thought women in general (I deleted "on the whole" as too strange for this sentence) were much smarter than men in most things.

    Politics, not so much...and I think it may be due to having been told one too many times to stay out of a "man's" game.

    The more I learn about politics, the more I see ugly, dirty, greedy shit abounding from it, so that may be another reason the fairer sex feels its not so wise to get close to any of it.

    However, as things have become more and more important this last while, educating one's self about what should be done, and who to vote for, is a DUTY, of both sexes.

    When I see a "woman" ("puppet" is what comes to mind) trying desperately (but not convincingly) to poo poo the "war on women" I want to wring their neck. Its okay if YOU wish to believe the obvious lie, but its criminal to try to con your sisters into it.

  10. Anonymous3:58 AM

    I figured out the hypocrisy of the church about women when I was 15.

    Why should I have continued going to "confession" and revealing my most intimate thoughts and actions to just another guy? Esp a guy who really could "control" me with mumbo-jumbo?

  11. I live in Southern Mo., there are many religious sects here....Mennonite, Amish, Baptists, Mormons etc. These kids are schooled either in their own private segregated schools or at home. Mostly education ends at 10th grade. Children then work in fathers' trade, young girls work at home with mother or if they are lucky enough to be able to go to college at home via internet. So from birth to adulthood these kids are controlled and educated to believe church and parents or get kicked out and shunned.

    No one adheres to child labor laws in these sects as no one having young girls marry and bear children is normal. Now do you think they know about the pill, or IUD or condoms or even how to use them? And just whom outside these sects is able to even speak with these children without one.

  12. Anonymous5:47 AM

    When it was first explained to me why I needed to go into a private, tiny room with a priest, I was scared, nervous and a little horrified. And that I had to manufacture sins to 'confess' to so that I could get over with the ritual. . .

    It's bullshit. Maybe this kind of mental purging is a good exercise for some, but it is just a way of usurping God's authority and capitalizing on it.

  13. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Absolute control, indeed, but not just women, the whole world. Google Satanic Vatican at youtube for information regarding the church of Rome. Here's one short clip, but there are many more that support this clip.

    New World Order, The Devil in the Vatican, Part 7, Book of Revelations.

  14. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Yikes! I'm having flashbacks of when midwives and herbalists were hung and burned as "witches"...

  15. Anonymous9:17 AM

    "Just Love" by Margaret Farley has sold out on Amazon; used copy prices are shooting through the roof ($500+). It has recently been put on the Catholic "banned books" list. Top "heretical" points:
    - masturbation normal
    - gay people capable of moral behavior

  16. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Its way more simple than that.If people stop doing as they are told,the money dries up.No donations means using the stock pile of art/money/collectibles etc. stashed in the Vatican and elsewhere.No money means no power.No power means less donations.Less Catholics born and raised as Catholics because of birth control or gay partners means less donations.Its all about the Benjamins.

  17. Randall10:59 AM

    What I have trouble understanding, is why ANY woman (except self-loathing, masochistic doormats, of course) would accept Chrisitanity as their religion - since women are treated as nothing more than property throughout the Bible.

    ...unless, of course, they haven't bothered to READ the Bible.


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