Saturday, June 09, 2012

Sarah Palin pops up on Fox to lie about the President again. Another day, another poorly fitted hairpiece.

This is yet another quick hit job interview from Sarah Palin, spitting venom at President Obama while he struggles to remember if she even exists anymore.

However the generic token brunette chick (Hired to demonstrate that Fox doesn't discriminate against those who are not of the Aryan race) asked a very leading question that I found ridiculous but suggestive that Palin is again trying to reinvent her personae. (Now she is a sympathetic shoulder for the "average" American to cry on about their economic problems, and how much they  blame them on this President.)

Generic brunette: "I know that you speak to a lot of people, you know, across the board every month, and people who are really suffering and hurting and looking for leadership in this nation and that's something you're really concerned about. Can you tell me what you're hearing from the voters out there when it comes to the question of leadership?"

Okay first off if the interviewer is going to frame the question in such a way that it leaves no doubt as to what Fox wants as a response, she just might as well just go ahead and answer it herself.

And second just WHO in the hell does this lady think Palin is speaking to "across the board?" Palin is locked in her compound most of the time, and when she leaves she is surrounded by sycophants and family members.  I would suggest that the ONLY information she has on how people are feeling in this country is through the filter of Fox News, tabloid magazines, and the various liberal and conservative blogs  she visits to make sure people are still talking about her.

So do you think she had an answer? Well of course she did. The answer arrived in her email box HOURS before the question left generic brunette lady's lips.

"Well it's not just the hard core conservatives, fiscal conservatives in the Republican party, but it's many, many independents and just..uh..good patriotic Democrats who are understanding that President Obama's policies are failing this country. When you have twenty three million Americans underemployed, and unemployed, and millions more on food stamps and those..uh..having to rely on government, or feeling invited to rely on government instead of their own work ethic in order to survive. So many American are understanding that we DO need a choice come November. Do we need to continue down this..downward trajectory in our economy, based on President Obama's felled (sic)policies, that are kind of modeled after felled (sic) Socialist nations, or can we go another direction, and can we allow the private sector to grow and thrive? That's what I'm hearing from Americans (ie family members and employees) is that great concern.

Apparently Palin did not read her script well enough and forgot the "Obama slam du jour" about Obama's supposed, taken out of context,  gaffe in which he stated that "the private sector was doing fine." So the generic Fox brunette bimbo reminded Palin about it.

Here is her answer: "Oh, absolutely out of whack comment. But very indicative of his thinking about what it's going to take even to get our economy back on the right track. If he truly believes, until somebody dinged him and said 'get back on front of the camera and explain yourself a bit better' and gave him some talking points. But for him to truly believe that the private sector is doing okay, in this time of economic woes is quite indicative of he being out of touch with what the normal working man and woman is feeling today in America."

I swear that everything Palin said in that last paragraph is the result of her projecting her own out touch lifestyle onto the President. Does anybody REALLY believe that independents and "patriotic" Democrats are reaching out to Sarah Palin?

Of course not, yet this imbecile knows she is talking to the elderly shut ins who STILL believe that Fox News actually provides "news."

Here is my answer to Palin's contention that President Obama's policies have "felled."

That does not look like a failure to me, but just imagine how much better it could have been if the President was not working with a bunch of sabotaging assholes from the Republican party, and a cable entertainment channel, passing itself off as a news outlet, telling the stupidest Americans still drawing breath that he was an America hating, Socialist, Muslim, who was born in Kenya and shipped to America to destroy the country?

So in closing just let me say, Fuck you Sarah Palin!

(H/T to Mediaite for the video.)


  1. She says the same thing every time. Nothing.

    1. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Yes, and it takes so many words for her to say it. Paragraphs and paragraphs and all that comes out is the same nothing. She has gone beyond word salad. We need a new term.

    2. emrysa6:30 PM

      precisely! a broken fucking record.

      the appearance makeover is hilarious, tho. can't wait till romney pics his vp choice and the quitter falls further into the hole of obscurity. whothehell wants to hear from vp candidate 08 when they can hear from vp candidate 12? lol adios, quitter fraud.

    3. Anonymous4:57 AM

      Wash that dirty ass wig Bitch!!!!
      I think they are putting her with Young women on fox to show how old and skaggy she looks...

  2. Smirnonn5:20 PM

    "So in closing just let me say, Fuck you Sarah Palin!"


  3. Bonsai-Jay5:24 PM

    OMG! Is Sarah trying to look like Rachel Maddow?
    Does Sarah think those glasses make her smarter?

    Too Funny! Major Fail, Sarah!

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      That's exactly what I was thinking. Memo to $arah. Dr. Rachel Maddow got her degrees from Stanford and Oxford, unlike you who took 5 years and 5 colleges to get a Communications degree.

    2. Anonymous7:53 PM

      She probably finished her college online. Has anyone ever seen her diploma or her graduation pictures?

    3. Nope, can't even get the last attended college to back her up. That's why she and her little playmates spend so much time asking for the President's transcripts in an attempt to deflect attention away from hers. She has no college degree, just a long list of half ass college registrations. That is one of the biggest reasons she has backed off running for any office. She couldn't handle having yet another one of her big lies surface. Her best grade was that 'D' in economics, the only one she is proud enough of to discuss. Was it Macro or Micro $arah or did you bother to ask. I earned an "A" in both and still wouldn't be able or willing to discuss world econ with the big dogs and yet she feels 'qualified' to give them advice. GAG!

    4. Anonymous3:01 AM

      I think she's trying to copy S.E. Cupp's look, not Rachel's. She so desperately wants to be one of the young, hot conservative women.

      Memo to Sarah: Give it up. You're a middle-aged, uneducated, unintelligent, delusional, narcissistic, white trash conservative woman who has absolutely no self-awareness, who's had repeated work done on her face and body, who glories in her "celebrity redneck" role, but who hilariously flops around in too-big high heels in public, and who makes a complete ass of herself every time she appears on Faux News or any other venue.

      Sarah Palin is fed everything she says, every speech she gives, every opinion she has. Every talking point, every TV appearance, every speech has to be repetitive, repetitive, repetitive because, as was made abundantly clear in the movie "Game Change," she's just an "actress" and has to be fed "lines." Seriously, does anyone think that major dumbass hick, Sarah Palin, had ever heard (or learned) of the phrase "blood libel" before one of her "advisors" (probably Randy Scheunemann) fed it to her after Gabby Gifford was shot? Which, of course, she then used to make it ALL ABOUT HER, as usual.

      It must be so stressful to be always "acting," always pretending to be something you are not, always pretending to have intelligence you do not have, pretending to have "experience" you do not have, even pretending to have huge breasts that you don't have. Always playing the sex kitten because, frankly, it's really all you've got. But the "sex kitten" thing won't work for too much longer, no matter how many more face lifts you get or how much botox is injected in your face, or how much you starve yourself to be "thin." Then you'll have nothing to offer because you've never bothered to actually educate yourself, never bothered to care about anything but your looks. And Hillary Clinton will be the first female President while Sarah Palin will be just this pathetic, looney, old conservative scold like Phyllis Schlafly.

  4. Anonymous5:27 PM


    Pl. fix the typo:

    Here is my answer to Palin's contention that President Obama's policies have "felled."

    1. Ailsa6:27 PM

      It's not a typo. Clue: " "

  5. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Obama is an America hating, Socialist, Muslim, who was born in Kenya and shipped to America to destroy the country.
    That's why I voted for him!

  6. I swear...I can't get past her newly Botoxed forehead. Good grief. She'll be wearing her "hair style" sans bangs for a bit until the relaxation sets in again further down the road.
    Have to show it off NOW!

  7. Virginia Voter5:33 PM

    Like a few posters said the other day when Sarah debuted her new look, I think she is definitely trying to channel an SE Cupp vibe with those ridiculous glasses. I find SE incredibly annoying and she doesn't come across as terribly intellectual, but she is much more attractive and younger than Sarah.

    This look is such a fail...AME holy shit, that face does. not. move. Ever. Sarah's face looks stuck in a permanent scowl. Hey, but at least we know she listened to us about the bangs, y'all...he, he...we own that bitch.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      It looks like even the bangs were fake since you just don't make bangs go away..... I know, my mom used to cut my hair with bangs and I hated them.

    2. Boscoe7:01 PM

      I didn't get much of an SE Cupp vibe so much as an Emily Litella effect.

      It actually looks like she's wearing magnifying lenses to make her eyes look larger... she's simply demented at this point.

  8. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Doesn't even look like her

  9. I'll see your "Fuck you, Sarah Palin," and raise you a humongous "FUCK YOU, JOHN McCAIN!!!" Traitors, both. And those 'unibrow' glasses make her look like the joke she is. Oh, and how's that marriage to "Toddy Tutone" goin' you sad excuse for a woman? According to Mitt Romney's religion, you will rot in hell just like any other non-Mormon. Think on that (if you can actually think) when you "endorse" him. And, given the Palin curse - Oh PLEASE endorse Mitt the mendacious psycho-bully. Birds of a feather and all that ...

    Remember, remember, the sixth of November. Democratic LANDSLIDE!! And cans WILL fly!

  10. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I watched and don't know why. She is an idiot.

    June 19 is Bristles show. So is Game 4 of the NBA finals on ABC at 9p.m. HA!HA!

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Perfect! The Palins have incredible timing, and there are NO coincidences.

  11. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Love the way her blouse falls off her left shoulder... SOOO sexy coy....

    1. ...With no bra strap showing...

      Oooo, la, la. Naughty librarian, fly-me flight attendant, Mad Men sex object -- what's the new look supposed to emulate?

  12. Boscoe6:10 PM

    ROFL I *LOVE* the fantasy of $$arah™ out there every day, wandering the streets and towns of Rill 'Mercia, tirelessly meetin' and greetin' all those 'Rill 'Mercians and having heartfelt connections with their stories of woe and pain at the hands of the evil Kenyan Muslim usurper and his felled socialist policies...

  13. Anonymous6:13 PM


    Sarah looks like ET when he came crawling out of the closet in the wig! Phone home, Sarah!

  14. angela6:16 PM

    Blah, blah, blah Obama.
    Blah, blah, blah Me, Sarah.
    Blah, blah, blah patriotic Americans.
    Blah, blah, blah--simple minded woman.

  15. Anita Winecooler6:19 PM

    Ok, after laughing my ass off to the verge of tears, I actually clicked the video, and she was asked about her upcoming keynote address on a Right Wing propaganda pod cast, and her answer was "I should be... "quite impacting". Quite Impacting??? What a maroon!

    Hey Crazy Lady, makeup called and the hairdresser wants her shoulder drape back, but by all means keep the wig glue.

    I'll meet your "Fuck You", and double it.

  16. Anonymous6:22 PM

    She's trying to look smart at being stupid.

  17. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Honestly Uncle Jesse, why do you bother with her infantile attacks? Most anyone withe a brain can see them as such.

    I know that you mean well, but if Sarah is as much an observer of your disdain for her as we know her to be, does it not occur to you that you are in some measure fueling her attacks, and by extension, exciting her base?

    Truly, though, I do commend your efforts, but perhaps it is time for a different tactic. Sarah thrives on attention, I think it is best that we starve her of this vital nourishment. She will die for lack of it soon enough.

    1. I've had similar thoughts too. Once she realized that her words would never reach or impact Pres Obama, she had to aim her lies and insults to his supporters. She and her speechify writer are glued here big time as evidenced by the wardrobe/hairstyle changes she makes from time to time. We laughed at her sheepdog bangs the other day and voila!, we get her botoxed forehead. The only photo of this prick-tease tart that I ever want to see is the one with a row of numbers across the area where we usually see the belmont girls.

  18. Anonymous6:48 PM

    This "growing government" and relying on more government accusation that Sarah and Republicans keep repeating keeps them contradicting themselves; especially when they pretend they are so concerned about food stamp users and social program recipients; and their seeming fake concern for poor and middle-class, small business-owners from keeping their heads above water.

    Sarah sits there spouting off, yet without one solution. She doesn't want government to interfere in rescuing those caught in unfortunate circumstances, in layoffs, or in low-paying jobs living in unaffordable housing. There are many scenarios of why people find themselves in financial stagnation. Some people make poor choices, make mistakes, or find themselves in situations where they have no control. Thank God they have a safety net to fall into; otherwise there would be thousands more homeless, on the street, living in hospices, shelters, becoming destitute, disillusioned, and living in tent cities right in these "conservatives'" back yards. Is this what Sarah wants?

    Chaos would ensue if all these unemployed down and out families had absolutely NO means, no sanctuary, no socialized helps. If the need is there, and the need is greater than the decade before, then like the ancient Hebrews, will have to open the granaries during famine times to feed the starving people, as in ancient Israel. Should they wait a few years until the private sector thrives and grows, like Sarah suggests, before becoming charitable? How are citizens going to get back on their feet and adopt a good work ethic without food and water and shelter and expensive necessary health treatments?

    People like Sarah NEVER detail the various goals of government and which governmental departments she would like to see shrink in order to save money. What areas of government would Sarah like to see decrease in spending? Is it always the social, health, humanitarian programs that must always get cut? Conservatives who call themselves christians are a shameful crew who complain because their President feels responsible for treating the basic needs of the people.

    Sarah has no clue about the suffering and hurting. She can't even see how insane the system is when they pay her $100,000 for a one-hour speech, while moms somewhere are stretching their salary for treatments and medicine for their sick child on their $30,000 a YEAR income.

    It's intolerable to hear her speak.

    1. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Empathy is an unknown human feeling to Palin. She doesn't care about anyone else. In her small, warped mind it is all about her and how much she can benefit financially and garner the attention she so desperately needs.

      People who are psychopathic prey ruthlessly on others using charm, deceit, violence or other methods that allow them to get with they want.

      The symptoms of psychopathy include:
      -lack of a conscience or sense of guilt,
      -lack of empathy,
      -pathological lying,
      -repeated violations of social norms,
      -disregard for the law,
      -shallow emotions,
      -a history of victimizing others.

  19. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Uh, didn't Papa Bear McCain say the fundamentals of the American economy was strong during the big reveal of the staggering collapse on Wall Street?

    What would she say to that? Don't ding him with his verbiage?

    This is a woman, with an admitted D in Econ 101 from one if her 5 colleges, said she'd have the budget balanced in the first half of their ticket's term.

    This woman, who lets everyone elevate her prowess and leadership on the basketball court but has never been seen with a basketball since State, is going to be dry heaving to this article :

  20. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I think that Sarah's real calling would be to sell her wigs on one of the shopping channels. Now, you can look just like Sarah... maybe she will include her glasses, makeup, and those sexy sexy shoes. No, seriously, Sarah, think about it. I think that you could make more money hawking stuff on TV, and you wouldn't have to ask Willow about Syria.

    I'm just wondering why Bristol deserves a TV show for having a baby without getting married. It's not as if she has to struggle every day to pay the rent, buy food, worry about doctor bills, worrying about taking off of work if the kid is sick or if there is a parent conference at school. No, Bristol doesn't have any of these worries, so why does she deserve a TV show? I think that it was part of the original package that Sarah got when she negotiated Sarah Palin's Alaska. The only thing to wonder about (it it really isn't that hard to figure out) is why Bristol continues to be rewarded with houses, TV programs, a book, hmmm, what DID Bristol give to Sarah to deserve such a handsome reward?

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Sarah is a perfect example that you cannot buy class. You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but she will always be trash.

    2. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Time to take out the trash! It's rotting and it stinks.

  21. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Washingtonpost on the President's love of basketball, starting from his days in Hawaii.

    Now the former pt guard for the Wasilla Warriors is going to accuse him of forging his sincerity of a game he honestly plays every week since his youth, stealing it from her, this American pastime.

  22. Anonymous7:06 PM

    How'd she go from not having an iota of sympathy/empathy for Wisconsin pro-union folk to remembering to pretend she cares about middle Americans

  23. I don't know how anyone is able to click on the play button anymore. Just the sight of her face is nausea and cringe inducing enough for me. Never believed in the existence of an anti-Christ until she came on the scene although Limbaugh had me wondering a bit. The king and queen of hatred out to destroy the peace and well being of America with their savage lies and poisonous intentions all for the gold they can cram in their gaping maws. GAG!

  24. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Not one person wears that hair style anymore. It is at least 10 years old. More straight or short is in. This will not make her look younger, just outdated. And what is with the Sally Raffelle glasses. She looks like an old school teacher we had in school. Who is advising her hair styles these days? She continues to look worse every time she is on Fox.

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Well, she's obviously trying out some new variations. Bangs? gatto go. Long curls? Can't remember when that was in. But Sarah is mature (?) now... should look accordingly. Maybe Bristol and/or willow are trying to come up with a Sarah hair-do that they can trademark and market? Ya think?

      If Sarah had something of interest to say, she wouldn't have to rely on the "latest" look.

    2. Anonymous5:03 AM

      Piper probably advising her!!! LOLOLOL!
      What a flippin idiota she is!!!
      Palin is a mad woman!!!

    3. Anonymous12:08 PM

      This latest hair-do is just inappropriate for lots of reasons.

  25. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Are those glasses supposed to make Sarah look smart? Attention, Sarah, it's what's inside that makes you smart-- not the wig, not the glasses, and not the mean girl remarks.

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Smart is not in her DNA.

  26. She's trying to channel the Pearle Vision "Naughty Librarian" girl in this TV commercial:

    "You've got a LOT of late fees due mister... maybe someone should teach you how to return your library books on time..."

    - KAO

  27. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Sarah is so SKANKY that she doesn't even try to hide the 2 textures of hair mounted on her head. The Glasses only bring more attention to her WONKY EYE.
    Juan Williams' comments about her Appearance with those Hideous Bangs and That WIG the other night, must have caused her to try to change her GRANNY look.

  28. Beldar J Conehead8:29 PM

    "So in closing just let me say, Fuck you Screechy Wretch(tm)!"

    Gryphen, the ability to craft a brief declarative statement that encapsulates a mountain of meaning is a mark of a skilled writer. Well done, sir.

  29. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Those who hate President Obama can get a fix every time Palin opens her mouth. There is zero chance that she will not carp, ”Obama this….Obama that” as if she has deep knowledge or any policy expertise whatsoever to render an informed opinion.

    Also, too, I agree with other commenters: The new eyeglasses are not a fashion statement, they’re the latest prop meant to convey intelligence, even scholarliness. Ha!

    1. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Yes, well said. I agree.

  30. Anonymous9:20 PM

    We told her the bangs looked like shit, so of course she took our advice. You know, I think Sarah would look really great with red hair - how about the rest of you?

    1. Anonymous9:45 PM

      She doesn't have bangs most of the time. But thanks for trying to convince us your life has meaning.

    2. Anonymous9:46 PM

      One day, you'll learn all that you believe about the President are lies. You'd could learn it now if you knew how to seek an objective news source or just read the facts.

    3. Anonymous10:14 PM

      I was thinking an electric blue stripe would make her look more fashionable and appeal to young voters!

    4. Anonymous10:19 PM

      She needs shorter hair. Palin looks like a Fox news clone.

    5. Anonymous10:47 PM

      She needs shorter hair. Palin looks like a Fox news clone.

      Sarah is getting too old looking for FOX. That's why she is trying on different hairstyles and wigs.

    6. Anonymous3:20 AM

      I'm just amazed that her bangs grew out in less than a week. And her blonde highlights faded, too. I think she would look great as a platinum blonde and very short. And her glasses should be much larger and black. :-)

    7. Maizen Blue5:03 AM

      @9:45 and 9:46,

      Très clever. Write an original steaming pile and then quickly follow it up with a boilerplate c/p steaming pile. Awesome job! You've won yourself a seat at the Fuck You table.

  31. Anonymous9:38 PM

    You would think at her age (isn't she well into her 50's?) that someone would have told her not to use words that she doesn't understand, and not to make up words that sound "smart".

    "We're gonna recalibrate America back to what our Foundling Fathers also wanted America to be when they envisualized this country and wranglered it away from them Britainers and sent Paul Revere down up the mountains to informulate to them that they sure weren't gonna be taking our right to fire bare arms away from the good Patriots that formulated the starting up of America!"

    1. Anonymous6:00 AM

      Cute. But way over hear head also too.

  32. Anonymous9:44 PM

    You know, WIllow's doing her hair this week for school. And Sarah's a pretty active person and enjoys physical activity. I don't understand how you can claim this: "Palin is locked in her compound most of the time, and when she leaves she is surrounded by sycophants and family members."

  33. Anonymous10:18 PM

    My pet turtle is quite impacted, also, too. I'm trying mineral oil and warm soaking baths.

    Wild Tortoise

  34. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Does FOX need to hire somebody to dress Sarah Palin?

    Why does Sarah dress trashy on national tv by letting her clothes fall off. Here she is a multimillionaire with her blouse falling off of her shoulder.

    Sarah take a look at the other lady and see how her clothes fits her? Your clothes should fit you too.

    One more thing, IM bloggers has been telling Bristol to do something with her big ass bulbous forehead and now look at yours. What's wrong with you people? Don't you have any pride?

    I guess not if Sarah is still married to a pimp.

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Money can't buy "class", as Palin proves over and over again.

  35. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Do you think Sarah is trying to get Todd interested in her again by changing her looks?

    Well honey, that look aint getting it either and by the way, next time tell your cosmetic surgeon not to tighten up your neck so much. Your adams apple is bobbing up and down. It is very distracting.
    WTF does anybody really care? If its not your adams apple bobbing up and down, it would be your wonkie eyes that's distracting.

  36. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Looks like she's trying to channel Tina Fey with those glasses. You know....somebody smart.

    Ain't workin'

  37. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Its Sunday morning, how much do you want to bet those Christians In Name Only won't be in church this Sunday.

    Sarah probably doesn't even know who Todd is doing right now?

    If Gino came back, Bristol is most likely doing him about now. She should be out there looking for Charlie, Tripp, Trig, Ruffles and the DWTS baby.

  38. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Idiots. The economy sucks and Obama has no plan to help except for hire more union lackeys. One word for you: Wisconsin.

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Oh thank you for your reasoning and insight!

      OBAMA 2012

  39. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Sarah has zero, ZERO sense of aesthetics. Other than when the pros were dressing her for the 2008 ticket (and she did look very good then), she seems to latch onto any fad or fancy that she thinks might be "cool" with.....someone, somewhere. Pathetic is the only word for her attempts to visually appeal to whoever she thinks her public is.

    It would not necessarily matter if she possessed other notable talents, but as it is, her lack of style and the capriciousness of her attemps,just really expose the fact that she has no authentic CENTER. And (also) contrary to Palin's previous statements about the arts in schools (elitist money-wasters), the arts are extremely important to a vibrant and healthy economy and culture. Innovation thrives in a culture that values and respects the arts, and her personal style (lack of) loudly proclaims her as someone who could never appreciate the importance of the subtle arts.

    1. Anonymous5:59 AM

      She is an artless, dowdy person. Explains her appearance and the lack of warmth and personal touches in her home.

    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Well said. Thank you!

  40. Anonymous3:11 AM

    Looks like Juan Williams bangs comment hit Palin a bit too hard. He mocked he on a panel and now nothing over her forehead. Juan has more control over Palin, than Palin has over her own kids!!

  41. Anonymous3:43 AM

    If the republicans are so concerned about the economy why do they spend all their time crafting legislation that does nothing but infringe on the rights of women?

  42. Anonymous4:23 AM

    She'll try to stage a coup of sorts from her strip mall headquarters in Tampa -- of course the press will love it. But, by the time Romney and his VP have flown off to start their campaign, Palin will really, finally be old, old news, and will either be one in a thousand of the voices supporting the Republican ticket, or she'll sow dissension by "going rogue." Either way, her future is as an obscure footnote to history, very, very soon. She won't be "impacting" the national debate in 2012 or thereafter.

  43. In your closing statement...You took the words right out of my mouth.

  44. Anonymous4:35 AM

    If I tallied up the times Palin has given me heartburn... and made me vomit in my mouth, it would astound even me. Is there no end to this virus? To those of you who have been sexually aroused by her in the past: THERE IS NOTHING LEFT BUT HER NON-EXISTENT MIND! She has lied to you and swindled you, asking for your hard-earned money any chance she gets. Do yourselves a BIG favor and move on. She offers you nothing and cares absolutely nothing about you. Look at the kind of wife and mother she is (absent, indifferent)- does she care more about you than Todd and the kiddies?

  45. They will use her to spread their propaganda.
    When she is no more use to them, they will cut her loose.
    She will be upset, but...
    She will laugh all the way to the bank.

  46. Our lad4:50 AM

    For a person whose stock in trade was being sexually alluring and desirable I am at a loss as to just what in her current state of disrepair she would find even minimally marketable. Jesus, she looks like absolute hammered shit. She couldn't get laid at a WalMart full of lifelong bachelors.

    1. Anonymous6:45 AM

      Agreed. And now with the endless parade of wigs, hairpieces, and extensions; she has become a walking-talking experiment for a hair academy.

      I'm wondering what will she wear next: a Farrah Fawcett Flip, an Afro, Flapper Curls?

      And since she and the GOP want to take this country back, I'm placing my bet on a white powdered wig!

  47. Anonymous5:00 AM

    You're not a patriot if you support the President, doncha know. She's a traitor for saying that, alone.

  48. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Hate to say it, but she really should have just stuck with her same old, same old banana hair clip up-do style from her Gubernatorial days, the way she felt made her look. . .Gubernatorial.

    She's been desperately trying stuff every day since, especially this goodie:

  49. Anonymous6:12 AM

    What happened to this failure? She was so hot as Palin's hairstylist? After her dumb "Big Hair Alaska" she went missing. Under a bus? Bristol has not learned from this or Sarah Palin's Alaska?

  50. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Where did she get those horrible big-ass ugly glasses from?

    They stick out so far away from her empty head.



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