Monday, June 18, 2012

Louisiana tax dollars go to fund fundamentalist indoctrination of school children.

"the [Ku Klux] Klan in some areas of the country tried to be a means of reform, fighting the decline in morality and using the symbol of the cross... In some communities it achieved a certain respectability as it worked with politicians." - from Bob Jones University Press American history textbook

Courtesy of Talk 2 Action:

This 2012-2013 school year, thanks to a bill pushed through by governor Bobby Jindal, thousands of students in Louisiana will receive state voucher money, transferred from public school funding, to attend private religious schools, some of which teach from a Christian curriculum that suggests the Loch Ness Monster disproves evolution and states that the alleged creature, which has never been demonstrated to even exist, has been tracked by submarine and is probably a plesiosaur. 

The curriculum also claims that a Japanese fishing boat caught a dinosaur. On the list of schools approved to receive funding through the new voucher funding, that critics warn could eventually cut public school funding in half, are schools that teach from the Christian fundamentalist A Beka Book, Bob Jones University Press, and Accelerated Christian Education curriculum.

So did you get that? Thanks to Governor Jindal's refusal to respect the separation of church and state, and the constant undermining of the value of public schools, now tax payers in Louisiana get to pay to proselytize a fundamentalist belief system to young schoolchildren.

But hey, how bad can it be?

Thanks for asking.

Like the ACE curriculum, A Beka and Bob Jones textbooks promote Young-Earth creationism, are heavily laden with political bias, and at times verge on racism. As shown in the following video, among the dubious, factually incorrect, politically tendentious, and racially and culturally insensitive claims in A Beka Book and Bob Jones University Press textbooks are the following: 

- Only ten percent of Africans can read or write, because Christian mission schools have been shut down by communists. 

- "the [Ku Klux] Klan in some areas of the country tried to be a means of reform, fighting the decline in morality and using the symbol of the cross... In some communities it achieved a certain respectability as it worked with politicians." 

 - "God used the 'Trail of Tears' to bring many Indians to Christ."

- It "cannot be shown scientifically that that man-made pollutants will one day drastically reduce the depth of the atmosphere's ozone layer." 

 - "God has provided certain 'checks and balances' in creation to prevent many of the global upsets that have been predicted by environmentalists." 

- the Great Depression was exaggerated by propagandists, including John Steinbeck, to advance a socialist agenda. 

- "Unions have always been plagued by socialists and anarchists who use laborers to destroy the free-enterprise system that hardworking Americans have created." 

- Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential win was due to an imaginary economic crisis created by the media. 

- "The greatest struggle of all time, the Battle of Armageddon, will occur in the Middle East when Christ returns to set up his kingdom on earth."

Here is a video that should essentially scare the crap out of you.

So Climate Change is false, the Great Depression was a Socialist plot, labor unions are full of anarchists, Reagan was a patriot, and President Clinton only won his election through trickery.

And just like that, Dominionism takes yet another giant step forward.

To learn more just click the Talk 2 Action link at the top.


  1. Beldar Rmoney2012 Conehead5:01 AM

    O/T: Gryphen, as you know, after my recent unexpected endorsement of Millard "Mittens" Rmoney for president, I was privileged and honored to be asked to write the official Rmoney campaign slogan*.

    I have to say it's been a daunting task. Afterall, this is a guy who says he'd "do everything the opposite of Obama on Israel", "the middle class deserves a fair shot", "every town counts" among other meaningless statements and then attempts to school his opponent that "talk is cheap".

    I do respect Rmoney's proposal that all future presidents should be governors for at least 31 months prior to running. (I know THAT must have made at least one wrinkly old lady in Alaska pretty happy) And he may expand that proposal to require that future presidential candidates also should have run successful hedge funds and be worth in excess of 250 million dollars. I think the founding fathers would have agreed with those prerequisites.

    I have to say it's very difficult to capture in a single catchy slogan this man's essential wealthiness, his detachment from ordinary people, his handsomeness, his social awkwardness and his relentless ambition in the face of evidence that he's a rudderless dinghy carried effortlessly by the winds of wealthy supporters and the unpredictable currents of realpolitik. But, by George (Rmoney) I DID IT!!!

    So, without further ado, I am proud to unveil on IM the OFFICIAL RMONEY campaign slogan for 2012 (and 2016, also, too, if this bid fails...)

    "If You Think Things Are Bad Now, Elect Mittens!"

    And here's what makes it the BESTEST slogan ever:

    It works even better as an Obama slogan.

    *It's absolutely true that I was asked to write the campaign slogan, but I don't want to imply that I was asked by anyone affiliated with the actual Rmoney campaign.

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Beldar Rmoney2012 Conehead

      "If You Think Things Are Bad Now, Elect Mittens!"

      Thanks for the laughs!

    2. Anita Winecooler6:04 PM

      Well Done, Mr Beldar Rmoney2012 Conehead! A bi-partisan campaign slogan that says it all! Who could be against that?

  2. Anonymous5:36 AM

    OMG, I know a lady that homeschools her children and she's used both Bob Jones and A Becka curriculum. I think she uses Bob Jones now. That's just sad.

    That part about the Lockness, though, that really isn't true, is it? Sounds like a The Onion article.

  3. Anonymous5:43 AM

    I wonder if Gov. Bobby Jindal is smart enough to realize that his family would have been targeted by the Ku Klux Klan less than a hundred years ago if they had lived in Louisiana or in any state where the Klan was active. My father remembers crosses burning in our neighborhood during the 1920's. And we lived in suburban Philadelphia!

    1. Gasman10:25 AM

      Hell, the KKK would gladly string up Bobby if they had the chance. The KKK is still racist to the core.

  4. Ailsa6:20 AM

    Well then, I believe that the existence of Batman, Spider Man and all the super heroes provides irrefutable evidence of evolution.

    I refuse to be scared but I'd kind of like to know how many of these lunatics are out there and are their numbers increasing? I first read about this curriculum a few years ago in an article about education in the UK so it doesn't appear to be only a US issue.

    At least in the UK they can take the children to see the plesiosaur in Loch Ness. (eye roll)

  5. This is child abuse. I would hope that People for the American Way or some group in Louisiana would take this to court because of the use of tax dollars.

  6. Anonymous8:32 AM

    I don't know if I posted this before but,,,,

    I was working in an office as an engineering draftsman. Born and bred republican. All of my relatives were republicans to the core, etc.

    About a couple of months before Clinton's first election win one of the engineers and I had a little political discussion.

    He told me that the Christian right was going to try to take over the country. My reply was "Ya sure, there is no way that could happen".

    He then said "I'm not going to tell you any more except to pay attention, look and listen. you'll see that I'm right." I did look and listen and pay attention even though most people including me(and doctors) considered him as a paranoid schizophrenic.

    Son-of-a-gun, he was right. And twenty years later it's even worse than I feared.

  7. Anonymous8:33 AM

    $$$Deluded, hateful small-brained faux christians preaching against everything Jesus taught. It's just mind-boggling that so many people are just plain dumb...lazy...ignorant...gullible... ignorant and just plain stupid!

    These nonthinking people obviously cannot think independently without some slick, slimy, self-deluded, self-aggrandized preacher misinterpreting the bible for the love of money$$$

  8. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Governor Payush "Bobby" Jindal's family reportedly still adheres to the Hindu faith.
    I respect them for remaining true to their belief. I am sure they are not happy with their son's conversion.
    Governor Jindal is a typical example of a convert to another belief system. In order to prove how totally he has absorbed the new doctrine, he goes overboard in his piety... arrrgh... I am sure he would not be too happy if that voucher money were to go to Islamic Madrassas, even though Islam is an Abrahamic religion, one of which he seems to have so fervently embraced.

    If I were a believer I would ask God, whoever She may be, to constrain these political opportunists! But of course, I know better.

    Thanks Gryphen, for the chance to vent...ftd

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Bobby Jindal participated in and bragged about exorcising demons through his church. Tell me again why someone this looney is taken seriously?

  9. myj589:14 AM

    I have used A-Beka years ago, I have admit it is 2 to 3 years a head of public school text books... The History books are one sided.. When you teach from it, you have to some make corrections and add a few things, like black history. Their english and math are advance and really good.. ACE.. is better because the child work independent at his/her level and pace...

    Most of the good private schools are not going to accept vouchers, unless the child is in 5K or 1st grade. They are able to kick a kid out of school at anytime for any reason... What going to happen to the rejected kids? How many kids are allowed in a class?

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Let's see what you didn't learn from teaching A-Beka:

      "History" should not be capitalized.
      "English" should be.
      "are advance" should be "are advanced"
      "the child work independent" should be "the child works independently"
      "What going to happen" should be "What's going to happen"
      One period at the end of a sentence is sufficient.

      I won't even start on the paragraph construction.

      Yep, looks like a terrific "english" curriculum.

    2. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Oh, and "a head" is not the same as "ahead".

    3. myj587:29 PM

      The didn't teach English, I did registration and accounting for the school. I ordered all the books and supplies. The 7th thru 10th grade English and history were on videos, they had a teacher for math and science. I examined all the books and curriculums... K4, K5 and 1st grade had dozen of reading books. Most of the kids were kicked out of school for bad behavior or their parent pulled them out to avoid bullying. Those who consider themselves Christian refer, Christian private schools, even if they go to church or live a Christian life.

  10. Was it a coeleocanth that Japanese fishing boat caught?

    One of ten fish species that date from prehistoric time. Coeleocanth were thought to be extinct until one was caught in the 1930s.

    Of course, that doesn't make them correct. You know what they say about lies. They're more successful if they have a grain of truth.

  11. Gasman10:22 AM

    I think that Gov. Jindal and the good citizens of Louisiana are going to be surprised when their graduating high school seniors have their applications to universities in other states rejected because their high school diplomas are worthless. If these goobers can't see how this is economically suicidal for their state then they truly are morons.

    I guess when the KKK is burning the cross, they are just sharing the "light" of Jesus, nest-ce pas?

    These folks are not representative of Christianity, just stupidity.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:10 PM

      Thanks, Gasman! Excellent observations. I always appreciate your comments.

    2. Anonymous1:06 PM

      They will go to Bob Jones University...or Liberty...or do an online Christian college program like the Duggar kids. These hard line Christians would never allow their children to attend a real college which is much too dangerous.

  12. Anita Winecooler6:23 PM

    The "curriculum" is being used in Pennsylvania as well. Governor Corbett has slashed funding for public schools and is gung ho on "vouchers", so this pornographic propaganda can be taught with our tax dollars.
    We had one teacher in my kid's school, pass out mimeographs from "New Earth Creationism" to substitute Evolution in a public school, he argued that it's a matter of "conscience" and threatened to sue, but there isn't a "conscience clause" in his contract, like Pharmacists have (YET).
    We're currently shopping colleges, and as Gasman's comment states, none of these students would fare well on the University level.

  13. Anonymous5:41 AM

    if you think about our society was much better when things like this were taught! Just because you have a different world view does not make this bad! We still have a free country, ( although, probably not much longer) parents should have the right to educate their children in the right way, not the LEFTEST anti God way! May some day your eyes open to the truth!


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