Monday, June 18, 2012

Remember parents, only YOU can prevent thinking.

I still remember my high school philosophy teacher with much fondness.

Mr. Lowery was a rabble-rouser who LOVED to shake people's faith and challenge their perceptions of why they believed what they believed.

My favorite days were the ones that sent some poor Bible student running for the door before they accidentally heard something which might shake the foundation of their belief system.

I took his class twice.

Today when I reflect on my experiences in that class I am always reminded of the words of the Buddha as written in the Kalama Sutta:
  • Do not believe anything on mere hearsay. 
  • Do not believe in traditions merely because they are old and have been handed down for many generations and in many places. 
  • Do not believe anything on account of rumors or because people talk a a great deal about it. 
  • Do not believe anything because you are shown the written testimony of some ancient sage. 
  • Do not believe in what you have fancied, thinking that, because it is extraordinary, it must have been inspired by a god or other wonderful being. 
  •  Do not believe anything merely because presumption is in its favor, or because the custom of many years inclines you to take it as true. 
  • Do not believe anything merely on the authority of your teachers and priests. But, whatever, after thorough investigation and reflection, you find to agree with reason and experience, as conducive to the good and benefit of one and all and of the world at large, accept only that as true, and shape your life in accordance with it. 
  • Do not accept any doctrine from reverence, but first try it as gold is tried by fire. 


  1. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Yep, public education had been under serious attack since Reagan. The idea is to give money to fundamentalist "schools" via vouchers. Lots of us have been screaming about this for more than 20 years. The goal is to defund public education because students might actually learn something - like critical thinking.

    Welcome to our nightmare several decades later. And someone seriously thinks there isn't a difference between Romney and Obama? Bush and Gore?

  2. Anonymous4:34 AM

    The way I see it:
    Doubt is the Mother of Change, and Change is the only Constant in the Universe.

    This may seem a fallacious notion, but what is reasoning other than doubt-induced willingness to examine thoughts and beliefs to keep them from flying off into the realms of unquestioning fanaticism.


    1. Anonymous5:58 AM


      Every time I see your name I think of Long Beach California.

    2. Anonymous6:40 AM

      Anon @ 5:58: Explain please? Why Long Beach?
      I am not familiar with the area, other than its dominance as a maritime powerhouse.

      My moniker comes from two different angles:
      1. I am geographically diagonal from Alaska, which provided the first impetus, and
      2. I was born in Germany at the beginning of WWII and survived the massive bombing in 1944 of Bremerhaven, another port city of importance in that country then and now, and the aftermath of that war. Thus I come to many conversations from experiential and philosophical angles which may be different from the norm.

      Now, your turn to explain?

    3. Anonymous7:11 AM

      Dear "From the Diagonal", thank you, as ever, for your postings. Your explanation gives me even more respect for your views. In general, we need more historical and global perspectives.

      Thank you- AND WHERE IS YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE, also, too-!

      Wild Tortoise

    4. Anonymous9:00 AM


      When I lived in Seal Beach, CA many years ago, I always got confused when driving in Long Beach and ending up on the Los Coyotes Diagonal.

      Your explanation is much better though.


    5. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Los Coyotes Diagonal... love that! Thanks!


  3. Terrific graphic! Made me LOL!
    I just texted it to my "baby" daughter, who turns 41 next month. We both remain 15 in our obstinacy and insistence on reasons and dissatisfaction with the status quo.

    Isak Dinesin: "To love God you must love change and love a good joke, as those are the true nature of his being."

  4. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Wild Tortoise, I truly appreciate your comments, and for the record, both my Bremerhaven issued birth certificate and my Certificate of Naturalization are in a safe deposit box where the birthers cannot access it...:)... but jokes aside, I have hiked a long distance along this path we call Life, and try to explain some of the lessons I have learned in the process without being judgmental.
    Love and Peace... fromthediagonal

    1. It is comments like yours that give me hope for humahkind. Thank you for your perspective (and yours also Wild Tortoise).

  5. Anonymous9:27 AM

    OK, Three's a Coven... of Witches, Freethinkers, Rationalists? Whatever, but let's just keep going! ftd

  6. This seems similar to many of the Buddha's comments. Bravo!

  7. Mr Lowery was one of the best teachers at AJDHS! They don't make em like that anymore, pity.

  8. Anita Winecooler5:55 PM

    I love the graphic!
    I had my first "Mr Lowrey" in High School, and I can't tell you enough what a life-altering experience it was for me and many others. He wasn't always easy to get along with, but we always came away with a healthy respect for humanity.

    My daughter had a wonderful Public School Educator who helped expose young minds to Buddhist and Taoist principles while encouraging students to share their interpretations and POV's. We need more "Mr Lowreys".


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