Saturday, June 02, 2012

Mercede Johnston's response to Bristol Palin complaining about having to raise Tripp all by herself. Update!

Last night Sadie posted this on her Facebook page. (And yes she told me I could post it here as well.) ‎

"It’s not fair to him that he has no one here except for me.” -Bristol 


You failed to mention the fact that my whole family would give up anything in this world to see our sweet Tripp! He has a Father who misses, loves, and wants to see his son every single day, and who wants to have his son be a part of his soon to be born sister's life as well. 

He has a Grandma who cries regularly over Tripp, a Grandpa who is dying to teach Tripp the tricks of the outdoors, a Great Grandpa who sees Tripp as the light of his life, and MANY cousins,family, and friends who miss him desperately. Not to mention ME, who loves Tripp with all my heart, and I will never give up trying to have a civil relationship with you for my nephew's sake. 

Your son deserves to have us in his life. You're punishing him based solely on your unresolved feelings toward our family, and it has nothing to do with anything he, or we, have done. 

All of us, any of us, would take him in a heartbeat, but there is no pleasing you. We have done everything you've asked and you still refuse to let us be a part of his life. 

So I guess because our last name isn't "Palin" that we aren't worthy of being in Tripp's life? 

The image that you're portraying, of being a single mom with no one else to help you, in order to attract viewers to your new reality show, is such a disgusting lie. 

There are COUNTLESS people who love Tripp JUST AS MUCH AS YOU DO and who want him, JUST AS MUCH AS YOU DO! We would LOVE to take him so you can have a break and do whatever it is you want. Why does a nanny get to spend that special time with him when we're shedding tears over here? 

If I was a single mom I would be offended that someone who has millions of dollars, an unlimited supply of resources, and a nanny, is being paid to sit on her reality show and bitch about how difficult her life is. You have no clue what a lot of real single mothers have to go through!

You can lie to as many people as you want, after all YOU have a reality show, but this is the truth and we are never going to stop repeating it: “We love and miss you Tripp Easton Johnston".

I am hoping this is just the beginning of the Johnston family starting to fight back and letting people know that what is being said about them is completely false, and that Bristol is damaging Tripp's relationship with them purely for the profit and fame she believes she will receive by painting herself as a struggling single mother.

Bristol's ENTIRE show is based on bullshit, and I think it is up to us to keep reminding the American people of that fact.

Update: Just another reminder of how Bristol is trying to erase the Johnston family from Tripp's life here is how his name is tagged on Brancy's blog.

Bristol attempted to do this legally, and in one of the few times that Levi seemed to stand up for himself, he refused to allow it.

This is not the first time that Bristol has labeled Tripp as a Palin rather than a Johnston either.  Perhaps some of you remember THIS picture from Christmas of last year.

 Can you imagine how confused this poor kid must be? If this keeps up soon he will become as screwed up and self loathing as the REST of the Palin family.


  1. Olivia6:26 AM

    Mercede's words need to be copied and posted in the comments on every website with a story that promotes that show.

    1. I love how Mercede let it be know that Beefy has NANNIES!

      Yes...Beefy we ALL know that your lazy ass is not taking care of none of em' kids you birthed! So that single mother shit is more Palin lies and the idiots (*looking hard at Krusty*) that believe that, should wonder what the fuck is wrong with their life that makes it hard for them to see that they are being taken for fools!

      The Palins LAUGH at the idiots who send them their pitiful checks...meanwhile Wallow and Beefy will be portrayed on this Unreality Show as two lazy cows who are spending OPM to sound like two uneducated, empty headed other words...they are "just like YOU"...LOL!!!

      PS...And how gorgeous does Mercede look in this picture? Beefy will have to go see Baldy's dentist to get some new teefus because she's probably ground her fangs down to a nub!

      FYI Beefy...try to stay away from the Bucky Beaver look (*waves at Wallow*) and please...don't ask for the Chiclet teeth either! HeHe


    2. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Love the Nanny part. How many? You would hope one of them can cook.

  2. Anonymous6:31 AM

    How 'bout a new reality show called:
    Family Fued: The Palin's & The Johnston's
    How 'bout that $arah?

  3. How much do I LOVE this girl for incorporating Sarah Palin's all time fail "any of 'em, all of 'em" into this passionate and obviously truthful message?!

    Also, too- Gryphen, have you noticed on Bristol's blog in her "tags" she has started putting "Tripp PALIN"? She used to simply put "Tripp", so this is yet another way she is pouring salt in the Johnstons' wounds over missing Tripp.

    I know Kristy Patullo will be all over this post- seeing the beautiful and sympathetic Mercede puts her into a state of rage on behalf of Bristol whom she is clearly obsessed with. I hope you send her comments straight to the bin.

    1. Hey Nyah....I see you picked up an admirer in the other thread!

      Congrats Girl! You got your own HATER!


    2. Anonymous9:00 AM

      With good reason.

    3. Anonymous9:00 AM

      *speaking in my Nelson voice*


    4. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Kristy Patullo has an unnatural and unhealthy attachment to Bristol Palin. Kristy Patullo seriously needs to re-examine her life and get help.

    5. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Really the paylins ought to pluck her out of RI like they did with the Christies and put her behind bars for quite a few months, or just put her in the booby hatch!
      Nothing like a Alaskan jail manned by Baldy's ex lover Joe "I did her" Schmidt!

    6. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Who the is Tristan MacManus Yawn?

      Another Tristan?

  4. Anonymous6:49 AM

    The first rule of a divorce or break-up involving children:
    never, ever, NEVER, bad mouth the mother or father of your child -- to the child especially. Keep your problems within the confines of the lawyer's office, or the psychiatrist's.

    Now that Bristol has written a book about how Tripp is a "mistake' (!) and what a terrible person his father is, there is written proof for this child to read, as well as his hearing the toxic comments he must grow up with every day.

    All of Bristol's acting out is childish and meretricious. Her son will either end up never trusting her, or as screwed up as she is.

    Imagine becoming twelve or thirteen and stumbling upon Bristol's confessions? Imagine having your mother tell the world you weren't wanted, that your father was a rapist, a no-good loafer who never wanted to see you, and on and on.

    This cherubic child will be hurt, angry, confused, and -- then maybe petition the court to be allowed to live with his father. Watch out, Bristol! You're playing with someone else's life.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:51 PM

      Excellent Post!

      LOVE your kid MORE than you HATE his dad.


  5. Anonymous6:57 AM

    What a disgusting POS family, that Palin tribe. Every last one of 'em.

  6. Anonymous7:00 AM

    If anyone wonders what lengths the Palins will go for fame and fortune all you have to do is Google or You Tube Balloon Boy / Richard Henee. Even Henee's kids were in on the balloon hoax. The Palin kids know their mom didn't conceive or give birth to Trig.And what 16 year old actively looks to get pregnant? To fulfill Sarah's goals of fame and fortune.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      They didn't know, hell, her husband didn't even know. Having no marital relations and having your tubes tied makes a 'pregnancy' pretty surprising.

      But they are complicit in the ruse after the press informed them.

  7. I gotta say, I just dont give a shit anymore. All I want to know is who built $arahs house, and when are they going to prison for it.

  8. Anonymous7:10 AM

    The sad thing is now that it came out publically that Levi pays no child supports, has not had much contact with Tripp and is flat broke living with his parents, it does not look good for Levi. After hearing all this and his new pregnancy and the new babies gun name, I have lost all respect for Levi. He had a chance to change all this and did nothing.

    1. Anonymous7:21 AM

      LEvi is not broke. He and Sunny have a new, smaller home they just moved into.

    2. Anonymous7:22 AM

      "screwed up and self loathing"

      Keep fabricating lives for people. Does no good for you and doesn't affect them.

      Tripp will be eternally happy no matter what. I'm sure one day (maybe soon) he will be allowed to visit his father. Until then, there's no use in making his mother's family sound like people they are not just to provide more hate on the internet.

    3. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Bristol is making $$$$$$, far more than Levi makes. The child support payments are unequal and unfair. Levi needs to go to court and get this straightened out.

    4. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Anon @ 7:22 a.m.

      "There's no use in making his mother's family sound like people they are not just to provide more hate on the internet."

      Look at it this way, this is exactly what the monied Palin's do with all the incredible resources, (including mass publicity outlets) at their fingertips - as opposed to the Johnston's who just struggle and have the majority of the population read 'fabrications' about them.

      How would you like them after you? Especially if they don't 'know you.'

      The reap and sow discord on the Internet everyday. They live it, everyday.

      What is your advice then? Pious assjack.

    5. Anonymous8:33 AM

      too bad nobody believes your lies anymore, anonymous....

      Levi and Sunny are happy and healthy and are expecting their new child to join them in their new house.

      keep suits you....and we don't expect anything truthful from a palin or a palinbot

    6. Anonymous7:22 AM

      "screwed up and self loathing"


      Hey KRUSTY! I see you are labeling yourself again! LOL!!

    7. Anonymous8:37 AM

      "Tripp will be eternally happy"

      The best kept secret at the Palin house is that sugar is a drug. The high wears off and the vicious cycle goes on and on. Oh, I bet he is so cute and well behaved when bribed with sweets. Good luck with the fake and or ignorant narratives.

    8. Evidently the "source" who said the part about Levi living with his parents was lying (hello, Bristol) because his parentS are not living together anymore -- Keith Johnston divorced Sherry Johnston a few years ago.

    9. AKRNHSNC10:08 AM

      Anonymous @ 7:22 most of us don't even come close to speaking about Sarah and her family in the way they should be talked about. I'll try, though. They are despicable & shameless. They USE people & discard them. None of her employees stay. She has to pay people to LIE for her as they did for Game Change BEFORE they even saw the movie. They lie because she pays them tens of thousands of dollars a month in an attempt to make her look as if she has a clue as to what she's talking about. Everything you sign your name to is written by someone else.

      Bristol was too illiterate to write her own blog so she had to get Nancy French, her ghostwriter to do it. The overdone religious tones were a big clue especially coming from a girl who's so freakin' Christian yet doesn't have time to go to church on Sunday.

      You're known as a pitiful mother who neglected her kids and farmed them out so she could do what she wanted with her life. Why did you have so many when you didn't want to take care of them?

      Worst of all, you've taught Bristol to be as hateful as you are. Rather than working with Levi to have a relationship where they can parent together, you made sure from day one that not only wouldn't they stay together as a couple but that they wouldn't get along with each other in order to be good parents. You're a mean, evil woman, Sarah, and you've proven it by depriving your grandson of a father who loves him. Guess you think you're smart, paying off his attorneys? Ever hear of "karma"? Well, bitch, it's going to catch up with you sooner or later. You won't last too long in prison, Sarah, neither will your new facial work. Your pretty boy husband might like being around all the other boys, however. He'll probably be grateful to get away from you. You trash Levi, yet your married to a fucking PIMP! What a poor excuse you are for a mother!

      Your daughter is just like you, jealous, mean, hateful and can't hold onto a man. You got Todd to marry you because you were knocked up. Nobody is going to put up with Bristol & you unless you pay them enough and I'm not sure you have enough money to pay off a potential husband. You're not making anywhere near as many speeches as you used to. Your real estate purchases aren't exactly increasing in value. Nope, you're not exactly making good use of all that money you grifted. Your last book was a flop. Bristol's did even worse, selling less than a thousand copies on Amazon so more books aren't going to fill your coffers. So what's a mother to do? Pimp out her daughter and grandson for a new reality show or should I call it what it is, pure trash?

      There are far too many people who are wise to your lies & deceit. You stab everyone in the back, no matter who they are and how they've helped you. Look at your latest friend who became an enemy, Rick Perry. Or was it his coming to realize you were certainly no expert on energy or anything else that made him turn on you? Either way, Sarah, you will get what's coming to you.

      You may think you've fooled a lot of people but they laugh at you, not only behind your back but to your face. TPTB in the GOP know you're a joke. They thank President Obama everyday you're not in the White House as V.P. or they wouldn't have had an opportunity for another few decades considering the mess you'd create and leave behind.

      It's going to be so sweet watching you go down! Whatever money you have left will go to attorneys' fees. Nobody is going to be clamoring to send you any donations this time around. They saw how a multi-millionaire used her PAC for a vacation, face lifts, care for Trig, etc.

      It will be interesting to see who will sell each other out first, you or Todd. Should we all take bets on who it will be?!

    10. AKRNHSNC10:08 AM

      DAMNYUM...AKRNHSNC! That was BEAUTIFUL! This was so nice I read it....TWICE!

    11. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Gina, Agreed!
      AKRNHSNC The truth spoken is a beautiful thing.
      If only the main "stoopid" media would pick up on the palin lies, they would have FAR many clicks if that's what they want.

      I hope Everyone continues to blow on this house of cards b/c its about to FAIL!
      We know the Homeland Security knows about Tawds prostitution ring√
      Now the media knows of Bailey's involvement with Cox, AK Militia √
      Todd + Joe Miller + Shcaffer Cox√
      When is the news going to ask Hard questions?
      Oh and also ignore the paylins I'm sick of hearing "The paylins are not news anymore" but then they report on every FART they do!!! WTF?

    12. Anita Winecooler8:06 PM

      Yes AKRNHSNC, The truth will eventually slap them upside the head.

      We all have faced trying times and realized we're stronger than we let ourselves believe.
      The Palins have lived what I call "An unchallenged life", when reality hits, none of them have what it takes to cope.

  9. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I've always said Brisdull does not know how hard most single mothers have it.
    she has never had to worry about having healthcare for her child!
    She got a job she wasn't quailified for, so it had to be a friennd of her mothers or a cronie.My own g dau went to apply for a entry receptionist job, a college degree was needed.
    How many teenagers have nannies to help, and are always around? That's not takeing sole responsibility for your child.
    How many mothers are allowed by the court to keep a child from a father? They go , if they want to or not. It should be brought to the courts attention what she has done moving the child out of state without permission. That she has lived with several partners. Having him parts of several reality shows. All the money she has made off a child.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      "she has never had to worry about having healthcare for her child!"

      Or herself! Real moms, single and otherwise often give up their own health/healthcare to be able to afford it for their kids. Obviously, Bitchtol has given up nothing.

    2. Anonymous2:46 PM

      She has never had to worry about feeding that child, diapers, clothing, nannies, heat, electricity, protecting him from the lowlife that are so often a part of ones life when funds are limited... She has had absolutely no problems with raising this child other than dealing with her crazy ass family and the imposition it may have had on her teenage trysts, which, by the way are actually attributed to her choice of grifting lies. She chose to re-virgin and that is what has so drastically cut into her social life. The kid is just as easily dropped with a family member or nanny for those overnighters as anything. Ultimately, she would be of no interest if it were not for the hypocrisy of Ma Griz showing up to the convention with a pregnant teen. Bristol knows this kid is her meal ticket and used him aptly. The whining is more in-your-face attention seeking that is this families' hallmark.

  10. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Just like everything else Sarah Palin has touched - and she has been intimately involved in this - it has turned sour.

    Dairy farmers and processing plants need to have guards to ensure that Sarah doesn't come close to fresh milk. She is that toxic.

    I have long wondered if Bristol was so damaged that she would do anything to get her mother's attention and love. I doubt seriously is she will ever had Sarah's love because the woman seems incapable of loving someone else (probably because she is damaged herself), but she has found a way to ensure she has Sarah's attention. The reality shows draw Sarah to her like a moth to a flame.

    I wonder, if Bristol did have these tools are her disposal, whether Sarah would have anything at all to with her.

    After all, on the campaign trail, Sarah's "best bud" was not Bristol, it was Piper. When Piper's acting out put off the public and the press, and Bristol's dancing on TV drew attention, Sarah weened herself off Piper and clamped onto Bristol big time.

    At least that's how it seems. Both daughters have suffered because of Sarah's attention and needs. Willow has, perhaps, suffered most of all because she seems hard and old beyond her years. Her offensive behavior is probably just the result of trying to keep Sarah at arm's length. It seems to work.

    Just my musings about a family I would never, ever want in my neighborhood or city (okay, even state for that matter).

  11. Anonymous7:18 AM

    If only Levi would get a real lawyer and sort this out once and for all, he could if he really was fed up with this foolishness. His seeming inactivity is puzzling beyond all bearing.
    M from MD

  12. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Someone help me out here...looking at the photo, I see his feet facing toward the tree, but the kid's face looking toward the camera. ??? It's like his head is on backwards???

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      The Exorcist.

    2. Anonymous8:09 AM

      The next time she labels Tripp as Palin, the proper response is who is his dad? Toad or Track? Followed by an incest investigation.

    3. Anonymous8:42 AM

      You got me. The Klondike Kardashians also use photo shop. They just don't have good quality or good taste.

      The only reason I might watch the (un)real reality joke of a show is to see how the editing went and all the tricks of the trade they use. If they can pass anything off to the public they are duping.

    4. Anonymous7:21 AM

      LOL!! I love this picture of's like photo shop gone WRONG!

    5. Anonymous11:17 AM

      No... his face is turned, and his upper torso, too, but you can't see it because of the bad lighting and his dark clothes. :)

    6. Anonymous11:25 AM

      The fake christians, people she has bribed, can blackmail or the low info crowd will write glowing about the POS show. I do want to see for myself for what they will sell their souls. I am not a Nielsen family.

    7. Levi needs to capture screen grabs of each and every instance where Bristol, or someone / "her agent" / a person on her behalf diminishes his father by calling him Tripp Palin. Its too consistent in its past applications to not have been directed by her.

      The court system does NOT look favorable at a custodial parent that seeks to depreciate the father's time / influence from said child's life.

    8. Anonymous1:19 PM

      It's to make Tripp appear younger than he really is. This whole Tripp thing is going to explode one day.

    9. Anonymous2:22 PM

      There must be many natural cute pictures of the child at Christmas. I don't get why switch his head around.

    10. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Anonymous1:19 PM

      Do you mean they put a head on a body? In order for him to look younger? Do they not see how strange that is? How much more mental illness problems will they document?

  13. Anonymous7:33 AM

    PRIOR: What a disgusting POS family, that Palin tribe. Every last one of 'em.

    It seems to me that after some bad decisions, Track has calmed down and not joined the craziness. Willow doesn't seem particularly compassionate, but does not seem to have sought the spotlight and has to survive in that household. I feel so badly for Piper who seems very needy, and isn't old enough to be very responsible for her public persona. And Tripp and Trig are just too little and too cute to cast aside as POS.

    I understand the anger and disgust. I wonder if some compassion and support for the kids, to varying degrees depending on their level of responsiblity and maturity (with such compassion for Bristol barely hanging on and Willow's waning)
    might be more useful, for our own perspective.

    1. How much "compassion" do you think the Palin's have for anyone other than their own?


      So I agree with the previous poster:

      What a disgusting POS family, that Palin tribe. Every last one of 'em.

    2. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Willow's been hiding with her new child - that's why she's not in the public eye.

      Track...who knows? He's unemployed and shows up for army reserves once a month. Maybe daddy can give him a job fishing.

      Britta moved back home with her parents.

      TriG moved back home with his mom and grandparents.

      Bristol - is making $ lying and misleading the public. She is her mother's daughter.

      Todd - drugs, prostitutes, gambling - nothing new there

      Piper - sullen, uneducated and almost the age of Bristol when she started having sex.

      Sarah - retarded - some thing's never change.

    3. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Love this info! Tell us more!

      And do you know who Trig's mom is?

    4. Anonymous6:00 PM

      9:32 knows nothing, is just parroting the speculation that's been posted here. Don't get all excited.

    5. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Piper WILL have to do something BIG to EARN some attention; especially with her new niece/nephew on the way.

    6. Anita Winecooler8:58 PM

      I'll give unconditional compassion, the day they show one iota of unconditional compassion or forgiveness, until then, "Pior" was right.

      They're affecting an innocent child's life and that of his extended family. Demonize Levi every chance you get, Bristol. Call him a rapist, gnat and deadbeat. Bite the McCain's hands that opened the gravy train for momma, then whine about the haterz who hateziz you because your're better than a palin, you're a child of God.

      Everyone else can sit on your middle finger and spin, because the world revolves around you.
      "Gee, Bristol, I think it's time for an Adventure!"

  14. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Very well said by Mercede and I hope she keeps it up. I so wish that Levi would get a good lawyer (not one being paid off by the Palins) and really fight for Levi and Tripp.

  15. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Olivia, that is my goal this morning. I suggest posting these comments over and over by everyone for every article. I have a good friend who has been denied access to his children for 6 years because his ex-wife, after dumping him for an old boyfriend accused him of child abuse. She was so successful with her lies that it almost destroyed my friend. He finally got the nerve to battle and an now everyone is starting to catch her at her lies and he is seeing his kids again. The state made it very clear that her behavior, her lying and preventing him access to his children was a form of child abuse and that she was going to loose her children if she persisted! He found a better lawyer (huge) who put him in touch with a sympathetic social worker. He is doing what he needs to do which is focus on what is good for those kids. State has laws and dads have rights. Levi need to grow up and get it his shit together. As far as I'm concerned his lack of action and demand for his rights and the rights of his son are his own fault. Spending money on guns and ATVs is foolish when he needs to focus on his son. Bring this to the public's view is just more of the same sensationalism for monetary gain... the same thing the Palins are doing if he is not seeking help from agencies in charge of family law. I don't give a rats ass if he and Brissy want to play their games and gain off all the drama between the Palins and the Johnstons (wow- great reality show shit, huh (puke)) but I am so sick of seeing this little kid stuck in the middle. You have a lot of support here Levi! Man up.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:28 PM

      While I agree in general with your post, who put the story out that Levi spent his "fortune" on guns and atv's?
      Bristol made tons of money off of Tripp, how much of that went to Levi or was credited on his behalf for child support? Tripp is half his, no?
      Levi does need to contest the child support agreement, but since he didn't listen to Gryph, his dad's divorced from his mom, and friends with Todd, and Levi got taken to the cleaners by his "lawyers" and the Palin machine. (could it be that Sarah paid his lawyers MORE to get his "confession" clearing her of any wrong and painting himself as a liar?)
      Both Bristol and Levi need to grow up and sort this out once and for all.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:52 PM

      OK, I'll bite,

      And the reason your baby daddy left is?

  16. Anonymous7:44 AM

    I wonder if Tripp is even Levi’s. DIdn’t Brisdull text him when pregnant that she hoped he wasn’t his? This is the only scenario I can imagine as it is simply too bizarre to withhold the Johnson family from engaging with this sweet little boy.
    I think the McCain camp jumped in too soon in an effort to keep the non-dysfunctional family myth alive. Brisdull was in trouble in Juneau even before Sarah was done with the inaugural balls around the state. She was beyond all reason out of control. The Palins are liars and frauds. They just keep making it up. C’mon Sarah, where are those incredible grades you said Brisdull pulled in high school? No way, she partied continuously.

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Remember, public school isn't hard. Dont rewrite Bristol academic transcript because of your weird assumptions. She was a good student.

    2. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Bristol said that she was angry when she found out that Levi was Tripp's father. That sounds as if there were other potential fathers out there. How did Bristol "find out?" DNA test? I wonder if it was the famous Dr.CBJ who did the DNA test (snark).

    3. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Remember, public school isn't hard. Dont rewrite Bristol academic transcript because of your weird assumptions. She was a good student.

      *GinaM lets out an amused giggle* this thing on? Stupid ass Krusty...those rose colored glasses need a new prescription. Your seeing ain't so good! LOL!!

      And Krusty...that's all you can defend Beefy on is her "academic transcript?" Um...what do you have to say about Beefy...having to use "Spin the Wheel" to figure how who is Baby Daddy to Tripp?


    4. Anonymous9:12 AM

      8:00 AM

      Nice try. It was already established by those who tried, that is tried, to teach her that she is challenged in the smarts department.

      ESTABLISHED and verified by observing her. Her show will be more proof that she does not have what it takes.

    5. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Bristol couldn't function in public school. She earned her GED on line because it only required 100 credits instead of the 125 required by public schools. She was allowed to walk at graduation just like thousands of other kids who earn their GED as an alternative to public education.

      Sarah didn't lie when she said Bristol graduated with her class, but she was not on the up&up either. Bristol slid through online courses where the finals include an open book multiple choice test.

    6. Anonymous12:21 PM

      "Public school isn't hard?" That's quite a generalization. I guarantee that our public high school is more academically challenging than most colleges.

      MatSu public schools aren't that hard, perhaps, which makes it that much more pathetic that the Palins couldn't hack it.

    7. Anonymous1:06 PM

      If high school is so easy, why did all the Palin kids get GEDs? Most responsible insist that their children get at least a high school EDUCATION.

    8. Anita Winecooler9:33 PM

      Yeah, Krusty, don't rewrite history. Bristol was absent from school with monopregnantitis for five months, and got traffic tickets during that time. More telling, is Levi never had mono, so tell us again why she "hoped Levi wasn't the father with the Tripp pregnancy?

  17. Anonymous7:46 AM

    As a single mother myself, let me add what I'd be hoping for with my son's paternal family:

    -i'd be wishing his father actually had plans to gain employment and live within lucrative means
    -I'd be wishing his siblings followed suit and gained perspective in life
    -I'd be wishing the "for appearances only" talk would cease and they've put their money where their mouths are and actually try to mend fences without accusing me of weird things I did not or would not do (like breaking people up)

    Levi may have worked in LA for the past couple years on and off, but can he claim he was stable like Bristol was? That matters to a young son. It's not just Levi's words and inteviews that will confuse Tripp. It's his actions. Actions he made in accord with his LA friends. No one made him choose that. He does have friends there. It wasn't a Tank plan, though Tank tried to hitch a ride.

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Single Mom @ 7:46

      Just what are you trying to articulate here? Your inner dialog isn't coherent when you put it in words for us to see.

    2. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Oh shut up - remember, Levi was gainfully employed on the slope - until being near Palin screwed that up. And Levi's daddy took the fall for it.

    3. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Getting visitation has NOTHING to do with Levi having a job or whether his sister is working or not! Bristol has brought all of this on herself and she will regret it one day when Tripp is older and it will be HIS choice to see his father...I have a X- daughter in law just like Bristol and now that his girls are over 18 you should hear how they feel about their mother ..she's a narcissistic control freak and the girls are seeing her for what she is and how she kept them from their father all these years. Their father is the one they go to for problems and who they can talk to without judgement.

      So stop the BS Kristy P because Bristol is being found out little by little and it's really driving you crazy and this show is not going help and make her look good to the public. Besides that you don't REALLY KNOW HER....

    4. Anonymous8:54 AM

      You are so effing crazy.

    5. telah9:06 AM

      As a matter of fact, a three-year-old child could give a shit if his father gains employment and lives within lucrative means. That is completely irrelevant to a very young child, and has no bearings whatsoever on the matter. If he is not paying child support then that is a separate matter from whether he has the right to see his child. I think what happened is that Tank and Rex tried to get him to sign away his rights so that his back child support payments would go away. if true, and when that fell apart, they then went to the media saying he was $38,000 in arrears to justify her behavior. But there truly is no justification, unless the child were abused physically or sexually by the parent, which is not the case.
      They really should be hiring a new attorney right about now, or petitioning Child & Family Services or some other organization to find an attorney willing to work pro bono or at a reduced rate, if they haven't sought out an attorney already.
      The Alaska Bar Association has pro bono services, information here:

      Alaska Legal Services Corporation (ALSC)
      Volunteer Attorney Support
      Contact: Erick Cordero, Director of Volunteer Services and Community Support
      1016 West Sixth Avenue, Suite 200
      Anchorage, Alaska 99501
      907-272-9431 or 800-478-9431

      Alaska Legal Services Corporation (ALSC) Volunteer Attorney Support program responded to a call to action over 20 years ago to the civil legal needs of low-income Alaskans in need of legal assistance. Their efforts are rooted in improving the quality of life for children, families, the elderly, disadvantaged and ultimately, our communities.

      And the Alaska Justice Forum, here:

      Here is a Family Law attorney who does "hundreds of hours of pro bono work":

      Google: pro bono family law Anchorage, here:

    6. Anonymous9:10 AM

      This stinks of Nancy French.

      You are no more a single mother than the man in the moon.

    7. Anonymous7:46 AM

      Whatever you were trying to articulate in this poorly constructed paragraph...EPIC FAIL.

      Please hang up and go to school..then try again!

      "-i'd be"...WTF!!!

    8. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Op, there is so much wrong with your post but one thing is really driving me nuts: look up the definition & use of the word "lucrative". You misuse it every time, like an uneducated oaf who heard a shiny new word but is clueless how to use it. Sheesh!!

  18. Anonymous7:54 AM

    The Johnston Family needs to hire a lawyer, maybe someone who does not live in Alaska and isn't part of the Palin Pack. While Bristol starts to publicize her fake reality show, the Johnston Family needs to publicize Mercede's wonderful letter along with setting up a Legal Defense Fund: We Love Tripp, Too! If George Zimmerman could collect over $100,000 on line, the Johnstons could collect the funds to afford a lawyer.

    Every episode of Bristol's program needs a public rebuttal, on Mercece Facebook-- or start a new Facebook, What's Not Real about Bristol's "Reality" Show. Mercede should contact all of the tabloid magazines offering to review the Bristol programs. She will need photos, screen grabs, any kinds of documentation to disprove what Bristol says on TV.

    The judge in the custody hearings warned both parents about publicly disparaging the other. Bristol has insulted Levi in public repeatedly. She teaches Tripp to stick his tongue out at photographers. It's too bad that is what that Single Immature Teen Mother does. (I know that Bristol is 21. She acts more like 13). There are real single mothers with real problems that are being trivialized by Bristol's lame show.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      start a new Facebook, What's Not Real about Bristol's "Reality" Show.

      I LOVE this idea! I would definitely "like" and read it.

    2. Balzafiar11:21 AM

      "The Johnston Family needs to hire a lawyer, maybe someone who does not live in Alaska..."

      Lawyers, like many other professionals, must be licensed to practice in the State of Alaska so it is unlikely a non-resident lawyer would have the prerequisite license to help Levi.

      There are probably many lawyers in the state, though. Levi just has to find the right one.

  19. Anonymous7:57 AM

    The balls of steel the Palin's have in putting "forgiveness" as a tag in their post.

  20. Anonymous8:00 AM

    to Bristol,
    have a heart,

    Good day,
    From England, UK.

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Bristol eats hearts for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

      You show Bristol any kindness she sees it as a sign of weakness and will try to take your last penny from your pocket.

      Mamma has taught her well.

  21. As you can imagine the Palin Family Fairy tale Troll is highly agitated over this post.

    I have let a few of the more innocuous comments through, but damn the girl is losing her freaking mind!

    Oh and people can STOP trying to make this feud out to be a publicity stunt for Bristol's show, that both the Johnstons and the Palins are working on together, because THAT is ridiculous.

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Where are the troll comments?

    2. Anonymous8:18 AM

      It's agitating when people believe lies instead of seeking an objective, informative opinion.

    3. Gryphen8:04 AM


      *waves at Krusty who is screaming in rage that Gryphen won't post her drooling drabs of rage*


    4. Anonymous8:18 AM

      It's agitating when people believe lies instead of seeking an objective, informative opinion.


      Yeah...sure Krusty...whatever you say! LOL!!

    5. Gryphen,

      It might be interesting to create a post out of the crazy comments that you won't let through the normal commenting system. I'd love to see how truly crazy this troll is

    6. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Anonymous8:18 AM

      It's agitating when people believe lies instead of seeking an objective, informative opinion.

      Thanks for encapsulating our entire issue with the Palins in once sentence (even though I think you meant "objective, informed opinion." You communicate almost as poorly as Sarah Palin does).

    7. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Oh c'mon Uncle Gryph let us play with the troll!

    8. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Thanks Gryphen for holding them back!
      I've had enough with psycho krusty as well as the whores palin!
      If all the blogs would censor her, she would be forced to talk to herself on her own blog :)
      Also the stoopid media has to quit reporting on the paylins unless its their arrests, then I expect FULL fucking coverage!!!

    9. Anita Winecooler9:58 PM

      It's a thankless job, but thank you for doing it!

      Waves at Krusty and Brancy


  22. Anonymous8:12 AM

    You know that screenshot of the text Leviposted on facebook? During that time, Bristol had just gotten back in Alaska from driving from AZ. Tripp was still in AZ.

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Anon 8:12 - Is that you Bristol or Willow? If not - how do you know what Bristol was up to at that given time? Also, it seems to me that Bristol is always leaving Tripp somewhere/with someone while she goes off to try and grift more $$$$.

      As a single mom myself (and paralegal) - Bristol really needs to take some parenting lessons and Levi really needs to get some good legal advice. Bristol, by keeping Trip away from his father, is in contempt of the law and could easily face jail time.

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      8:12 : How do you know? Also, too... You just admitted that Bar$tool has at least ONE caregiver for Tripp...

    3. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Did Levi KNOW Tripp was in Arizona? Cuz it doesn't sound like Bristol keeps him in the loop.

      Oh, and since we know Bristol lies and says they're out of town sometimes when Levi is supposed to have visitation, maybe Tripp wasn't really in AZ after all.

  23. Anonymous8:24 AM

    I just don't care about any of these people anymore as long as Scarah and Toad go to prison.

  24. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Tell Sadie to do three things: 1. Send this letter she wrote to Lifetime. 2. Have Levi contact Lifetime and threaten a lawsuit if they allow Bristles to badmouth him any more. 2. CONTACT GLORIA ALLRED. Tell her the entire story, the TRUTH, and ask for her help.

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Right. Because Gloria Allred isn't a whore ambulance chaser of the first magnitude.

    2. Anonymous9:13 AM

      "whore ambulance chaser of the first magnitude."

      Hmmmm...where did I hear that before?

      *GinaM snaps her fingers*

      Oh yeah...this....

      Greta Van Sustern Biography

      "Her lawfirm got in trouble twice for active soliciting, commonly known as "ambulance chasing".The second time was after the ValuJet disaster. She showed her arrogant attitude in her CNN show (read the transcript). In other reactions, the argument brought by her lawfirm was mostly that "other lawyers are just jealous".


      Link to transcript...

    3. Anonymous10:10 AM

      Whatsa matter Brissy, Gloria Allred too scary for you? She knows how to get publicity just like Sarah does-- it's a fair fight.

    4. Anonymous6:10 PM

      You people really don't get out much, do you? This has zip to do with ol' lopsided-face Greta.

      GinaM, I used to think you were funny, but you really need to pull back and try to inhale in a whiff of something other than the ass of Kristy. It's getting to you.

      Gloria Allred is NOT a respected lawyer. She is a publicity whore who beats the bushes for lowlifes to represent like Tiger Woods' willing whores. The instant she scents that big bucks are to be made from a fellow publicity whore who's willing to endure the ridicule of having Gloria as a lawye, she's there in front of the cameras showing off her own bad PS.

      Levi Johnston needs a real, serious, non-publicity whore lawyer who will put his interests ahead of getting her ugly mug plastered all over TMZ.

      Also I highly doubt that Allred is a member of the Alaskan Bar.

      So there go your cherished dreams of her dragging what's left of Levi Johnston's reputation even farther through the mud.

    5. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Like clockwork...the punk ass anonymous troll has to show up full of old lady bitterness and spewing shit in all directions!

      Poor thing went after Nyah and took all day to lick it's nasty wounds and now after a few shots of alcohol has finally come up with some kind of comment!

      And as far as your venom towards Gloria Allred...maybe that "red" you're seeing is from the alcohol haze. Get some help old biddy! So much bitterness can't be good for the old ticker...don't ya think? LOL!!!

  25. Anonymous8:29 AM

    The Johnston Family needs to:
    1. Start a legal defense fund, get a good lawyer and go to court to protect Levi's parental rights.
    2. That should involve a court ordered DNA test, conducted at a place outside of Alaska.
    3. Bristol took Tripp out of state
    4. Bristol publicly bad mouths Tripp's father (if Levi is actually the father)
    5. Bristol is rolling in dough and Levi isn't
    6. Mercede needs to set up a Facebook post "Life is not a Tripp" where she debunks all of the lies in Bristol's programs on a regular basis, following each show.
    7. Mercede needs to set up contacts with the tabloids who feed on this stuff, sending them tweets and updates, debunking Bristol's program
    8. Bristol claimed that Levi would exploit Tripp by selling photos of him. Now, Bristol is exploiting Tripp by putting him on TV.
    9. Because Tripp is a working actor appearing in a TV video, he is entitled to be paid a salary-- in his own name and in a protected bank account. (Jackie Cougan Law). Neither Bristol nor Sarah can have access to that account. If anything, the state has to look after Tripp's interests since he is a minor. Film was shot in California which has strict rules concerning the amount of time a child spends before a camera. California Child Welfare authorities need to be contacted. (Don't bother with any authorities in Alaska. I think that the politics in that state might be crooked. It's just my opinion).
    10. The only person with legal standing regarding Tripp is his father. Levi has to step up, get a court ordered DNA test, set up a legal defense fund, hire a good lawyer-- and make all of this public so that the Palins don't pull another fast one on him.

    Look, Levi. You may have signed confidentiality agreements when the Palins cut your hair, bought you a suit and put you on the stage. You were probably a minor, and that makes the contract void. I doubt that you had legal representation, what with all of those stars in your eyes at the time. You did not sign away your rights and your life. It's too bad that you have told so many conflicting stories in the past, but this is the time to step up and set the record straight. Do it for your family and do it for Tripp, if he is your son.

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Stop calling it the Jackie Cougan law. It's COOGAN.

    2. Anonymous10:31 AM

      This is excellent advice, anon 8:29. I hope someone from Levi's family is reading this and gets on it. It's what he needs to do, yesterday.

    3. Anonymous11:49 AM

      I'm not 100% sure, but I believe kids in so-called "reality" teevee shows don't have the same work restrictions. There might be special laws in Alaska.

      Bristol is the same as Dina Lohan and Kris Kardashian, living off her child. The difference is, Bristol got in when poor little Tripp was just a bump under her ill-fitting dress. Dina Lohan wishes she had that kind of foresight.

  26. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Well, Mercede has just given Sarah and Bristol what they wanted. Attention.

    Levi obviously needs a different lawyer and court-ordered enforcement of his visitation. The problem is that Bristol and Sarah are attention whores and the more they fight this, the more attention they receive. There is no reason for them to cooperate. Mercede's not only wasted her time describing her family's anguish, she's given them what they want and a continuing reason to oppose them.

    Either the Johnstons have to go public with everything they know, or they need to lie low and fight this on the Q.T. Publicity just feeds into the Palin insanity.


  27. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Note to Bristol: You are a disgusting, putrid, seething, vindictive excuse for a human being. One day, Tripp Johnston will Google his name and find every single article out there where you have denied him access to his father.

    Your entire family is so filthy to continue this recklessness. YOur son will HATE you.

    I vow from this day forward to write Tripp Johnston's full name so it is embedded in every article I comment will be on the internet forever, Miss Bristol, you POS!

  28. Virginia Voter8:50 AM

    I think Kristy Patullo is more obsessed with Bristol than fact I think she has a very serious and very real crush on Bristol, because why else would anyone defend this lying grifting self serving media whore? Single white female part deuc

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      I agree completely. Kristy Patullo's twit-ter is now just a running PR feed for Brancy's blog.

      This is a fixation, sad for Kristy Patullo, scary for Bristol.

  29. PL - MN9:19 AM

    Bristol certainly follows in her mother's footsteps. Doing evil while raking in the cash. Plus being a untrustworthy person due to her constant lies. She's also a major hypocrite along with being a douchebag celebrity and a dickhead abstinence queen because both pay well.

    Someone who studies Psychopathy (psychopaths and sociopaths) would have a field day with the Palin family. Sarah has raised her kids well, ahem, Stockholm syndrome, that they emulate her to the max, if not potentially in the future to x2 or x3. I wonder how many bodies they have buried in their quest for their cheap tin-plated and now chipped and tarnished fame.

    What a petty evil little family who should have never been brought into USA politics. Sarah should have remained a failed governor of a great state. Er, she should have remained until people elected someone better for governor of a great state. Plus regardless of what she says, she's a quitter and always will be a quitter, except when she sees an opportunity for making more cash and puffing up her ego. When she can get attention from the wrong people for making maps with gun sight marks, er, surveyor marks (yeah, right) on her enemies and then taking no responsibility or showing any actual remorse for stirring up bad people to do bad things, or for her mistakes and hate, she says a lot about her lack of character, class, civility and integrity.

    Palins are very pathetic people. More awful white trash than any other people who are or fit the stereotype of white trash. In comparison, other white trash people are educated, have skills, are civil and more, as they work hard for what they have compared to the Saks and Nordstroms, flying only first class or private planes, waaaah, it's always about them, Palins.

    They live well while scamming the few loyal minions who still believe in the Palin family as something good or worthwhile.

    Ugh, a nasty and toxic family. Who are at 27 minutes and long past any fame. They'll live though quite well in the annuals of history as being infamous, which will suit Sarah.

    At least she got her name in more print material and forever. Gosh, 'ya betcha, she did nothing great yet she'll believe she did so. The delusional wrongly righteous fool and her equally dim followers who'll do anything for their tea (false patriot) queen.

    Yeah, something to be really proud of Sarah, America dislikes you and laughs at you. Not because we're mean, you are, we're just quite weary from your scamming antics and then saying it's something quite godly Christian. It is not. Get a clue.

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      ' Someone who studies Psychopathy (psychopaths and sociopaths) would have a field day with the Palin family. '

      SO TRUE. Universities also have studies on pop culture. Once you could take a class on Madonna. Not saying Palins have talent or positive to contribute but what happened and how they get by with so much, even in pop culture is worth a study. Also how the propaganda works.

    2. Anonymous11:54 AM

      I have studied psychopathy at the doctoral level and I can tell you that Sarah Palin exhibits numerous signs from what we've seen and read and heard (in her own words as well as the words of others).

      Most psychopaths aren't dangerous. Most live a life of tenuous ties to others, lies, and petty crime. Sarah Palin has elevated that to the national level.

  30. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I wish the best for Tripp and the Johnston family. The Palins if they ever make sincere amends.

    It will really help out a lot if the Johnstons, most of all Levi, start to make sense. Mercede has possibilities. All the bad publicity the Palins have thrust on them and out to the public. All the things Levi has said and had to take back or ignore makes the public not give a hoot about any of them. They can say FU to the public and just go for a righteous lawyer but since this is so public already, good to have the best agent. Johnston family needs a public relations. So much is tried in the court of public opinion. Sorry about that, I don't make the rules, it is just the way it happens. As I understand the Palins own the Alaskan courts. It would not hurt to have the public less confused and respect them by giving them the truth. The Palin clout with the courts may be bigger than the public but at least there is a chance with public opinions.

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      The English in this post is incredibly bad.
      Is it your second language?

  31. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Mercedes' post was poignant and so true!

    What maybe the Johnston's don't know is how extremely cruel and determined and revengeful a disordered narcissist can be. And it seems to run in the Palin family.

    Bristol's reality show isn't about her making money, to her at all, IMO, it's more about yielding power and vengeance about her as a constant victim (that she believes she is). She has a public forum (show) to publicly humiliate anyone that has done her wrong. She can make her self pity-party references about who has done her wrong in this show. There are no confrontations. It's a one-sided perfect way for her to whine and cry; no one can debate her; it's at the camera. No one is on the other side. Narcissists hate confrontations where they think they'll lose the argument. But they love to be martyrs. And they can't keep personal friends, they need masses that they can control and fool. This is what seems to be Bristol's problem. If she doesn't get help, she'll be living her relationships through a camera, a facebook page, a fantasy world: But, without the responsibilities and consequences of her actions.

    It's sad, perplexing, that a concerned extended family of (Bristol) doesn't get her out of that confined narrow-minded world in Wasilla. Unfortunately she's made her bed and no man woman or child will have anything to do with this family. If she doesn't try to move far far away, she may never break free from this bind.

    As for little Tripp, there's no reason he shouldn't be able to share time with his other grandmother and family. Kids are smart. They know. At least the laws protect children when they turn 18. At 18, I pray Tripp will take every opportunity to bond with his other relatives.

    This is a sad sad tale. But the only good news here is that this first episode of "Life's A Tripp" is going to expose Bristol and her mother for the con artists that they are. It will come home to roost for the Palins.

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      "Life's A Tripp" is going to expose Bristol and her mother

      I AGREE.

    2. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Excellent comment!

      I know some folks are saying not to watch Beefy's show...but I am not one of them!

      I will be sitting front and center with a huge bag of popcorn and maybe a wine cooler (H/T to Beefy) laughing my ass off at the clueless, dumb bunnies...babbling and making themselves look even more HILLBILLY..ISH (is that word?) all captured on TV to be looked at and laughed at for years to come! YEEHAW!

      And since I'm not a Nielsen Family my viewing won't it's all good! I've marked my calendar and I look forward to getting my laugh on thanks to "Life is a fucked up Tripp!"

    3. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Gina record it and put it on the Youtube.
      So we can all Laugh our asses off at the stupidity and attention whoring of the paylin family.

      Tripp Johnston!
      Fuck you Barstool, Levi can have Tripp DNA'd if he already hasn't...and you can't keep Tripp away from his father.
      In fact when all the info about the whoring and lying and griftin comes out you will be lucky to see him once a year.
      You know when Levi brings him to visit you in JAIL! Yep maybe even Goosecreek. Close to your Homes! Bwhaaaaaaaaa!

    4. Virginia Voter2:37 PM

      Gina, you need to live blog it, I always enjoy your commentary on Sarah's Fox appearances

  32. Anonymous9:38 AM

    If Tripp's eating habits are as the Palins advertise we know he is doomed to a life of difficulty. The Palins brag about hunting, they must have moose stew and all that. Does Tripp get any? Why would they not show him eating the better foods the Palin family prepares? If he was able to have consistent time with the Johnstons he might have a day or two each week with a better diet.

    I know his nutritional needs don't seem to matter much right now, but it is his foundation. These years his brain is forming he needs nutrients. There is nothing a child needs in most packaged products. Perservatives are only to keep products looking good in order to sell them. No food value. Infact, most cause disease. Most sweets are empty food and habit forming, very wrong for young children. I hope he has his family squabbles taken care of soon so someone can do something about his diet.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      It's called product placement. I would hazard a guess the Palins got buckets of that shit as freebees so they'd place it in the stupid show.

    2. Anonymous11:39 AM

      "It's called product placement."

      Those are the folks that should get lots of mail. It is bad enough the Palins poison their own kids but it should be stopped when they are reaching out to damage so may other kids. Next they will be harping that Michelle Obama is a Marxist that wants to take candy from babies and how awful that is. The Palins pushing cigerettes onto underaged kids is the same as addicting them to that garbage in cans and all the sweetners that are costing health care systems so much money.

      The Palins do not need to worry about health care costs. They can afford to spend for any hospitalizations they will need. No wonder they take product placements like that.

    3. Boy...I can't wait until some Entertainment show does a "Where Are They Now" on the Palin Klan in about 10 years!

      Can't you just see Beefy as one of those housebound 800 pound women who are just a giant head and a big blob body...wearing a caftan...laying in a bed with a poking stick that she uses to retrieve various food items stationed around her super size bed!

      Her chin that BaldyPac paid thousands of dollars on...has melted into her neck...but her one vanity is her long, dark hair which is draped over her beefy shoulder.

      Yep...I can see that...keep on eating that cheese out the can Beefy and that's your future!

    4. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Basic white trash food. Just the demographic they know is theirs.

  33. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I think that Lifetime should be made aware of the fact that Tripp is being used as the pawn in an emotional war between his two parents, and airing Bristol's side of the story does the other parent a great disservice. Lifetime will be seen as taking sides in a custody battle that belongs in court, not on TV, swaying the court of public opinion.

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Isn't Lifetime a so-called Christian channel? They would know what is going on and be alright with the Palin brand. I doubt they care about children that are already born. They would be about protecting the unborn, with the except of Trig. They clearly know and approve of the Palin's flight from Texas with an at risk unborn. Those are the things that have the Lifetime seal of approval. If they are buying a product and it has a message, then they approve to broadcast whatever it is. If not, they need to have a warning. I think even Jackass does that much.

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Something stopping you from contacting them?

  34. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I have a 3 1/2-year-old nephew whom I adore and am fortunate enough to see regularly. Knowing how much joy he has brought me, my heart breaks for Sadie. She would obviously overwhelm that little boy with love and fun, and allow him much more freedom than the smothering, secretive Palins. I hope someday she can be part of his life, for both her sake and his. She would be nothing but very good for him.

  35. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I know that Sadie means well but I recall that chocolate bunny. Neither family have shown values that consider things like eating right. It is very difficult when you are the family that has little and uncertain time with an offspring. I hope that the Johnstons won't get into a competion by feeding him the chocolates and cookies that look so cute on film. If they are able to see him in the future that is. I am sick of all the TV or media that are showing how much fun it is to eat wrong and have bad basic habits. No one wants to be told that 128 ounce cups of soda are banned, but when any drug gets out of control and causes so much harm, drastic steps will happen. I have friends that have lost a foot, another lost eyesight. Thankfully the newest Palin's Alaska program will fail yet they will be on the tubes teaching the world how to live and eat wrong. Please, any Johnston that may get a clue about this don't up the ante {if you can see Tripp} and show how cute he is when he eats more non-foods.

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Good grief. Like a chocolate bunny once a year is going to kill a kid. I'm totally in favor of good nutrition, and we grow our own organic food, but be realistic. An occassional treat doesn't hurt.

    2. Let's see: We have Bristol Palin illegally and immorally preventing her son from access to his family and lying about her efforts in national media. Let's focus on the issue at hand.

      Why are you trying to distract us by setting up the straw man of what the Johnstons might do if they had the access which they do not have?

      NIce try.

    3. Anonymous10:44 AM

      "Paragraphs" my friend...they are not the enemy.

    4. Anonymous2:47 PM

      I agree an occassional treat is alright and one huge chocolate bunny is no big deal. I may be wrong but my impression of that group of Alaskans is that they have certain toys and likes that are important to them. It is a very competive atmosphere. Bristol has shown more than once she likes feeding her son confections, the family is known for junk food perferences. It is adorable to some people to see children who love sweets and watch them enjoying the treats. I suppose if the Johnston's ever see Tripp they will want to celebrate with a big cake or something, it may be an occassion. I was just hoping someone related to the boy could show another side of life. It could start to look like competing for the cutest junk food pictures and as if there are no adults in his life. The whole situation the Johnston family is in is sad and difficult. I can understand they would want to please him with huge treats and show how happy everyone is.

      If Levi and Sunny have not seen him since January, it doesn't look like they will have the opportunity to feed him anything. Not until Levi is able to find what he needs to secure time and stability, for Tripp, with the Johnstons.

  36. Just wait until they enroll him in school as Tripp Palin. And refer to him as Tripp Palin his entire life.

    Then the shock of when he has to get his birth certificate to get a passport, enlist or whatever and suddenly finds out his legal name isn't Tripp Palin.

    And asks his Mommy...who is Levi Johnston?

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Tripp will be home schooled. It's the only way they can "contain" the lies....

  37. Anonymous11:48 AM

    This is sort of OT but not really. Bristol posted this on Brancy's BS blog:

    "Well, my recent post defending Hillary Clinton raised some eyebrows, but I definitely believe that we should try to be less obsessed – and critical – of the way we look. That’s easier said than done, of course, with so many commercials trying to get us to buy the very latest beauty product and so many magazines airbrushing out the very imperfections that make us human."

    Seriously, that is really disturbing coming from someone who has had cosmetic surgery and suffers from body dysmorphic disorder, which by the way, is a MENTAL illness, Bristol.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      It is hard to keep a perspective b/c it is not Bristol who is writing. Nancy, to my knowledge, has not had surgery. That post just shows how destructively crazy they all are. The sooner they are gone, the better.

      The Chin has no clue that she has a body dysmorphic disorder. No clue about any mental illness. Good that you and others continue to call them out on everything.

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Oh good grief.... Doesn't Nancy French know (really!) that Bristol has had numerous cosmetic procedures on both her face and body!

      Bristol so hated the natural face and body God gave her that she completely altered it to look like Kim Kardashian, who also has had numerous cosmetic procedures.

      Good grief. Bristol you have no credibility left... and this is even before the Unreality Show.

    3. Anonymous5:27 PM

      WTF? You are kidding me right?

      Sarah and Bristol are Alaska's poster children for cosmetic surgeries.

  38. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Lifetime did get a copy of "Boys Will Be Boys" by Shailey Tripp. They have weighed all the information and will have Todd Palin on with Tripp and the others?

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      I am wondering what "role" the Pimp Daddy Todd will have....

    2. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Yup, that episode will be called

      "Pimp My Tripp"

  39. Anonymous12:12 PM

    How many ways can Palin child abuse be counted? Let us document the ways.

  40. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Levi needs to put Lifetime on notice that if they allow this show to be a slander machine against him, that a lawsuit is in their future. They are violating a court order, that neither side is to slander the other. GET A DECENT LAWYER!! I think the reason the Palins do not want Tripp around the Johnsons is because he just might do what kids do, tell the truth! He might talk about his baby brother (Tristan) and about Mommy's overnight "boyfriends". $carah wants executive control to be sure no clues get through. The "F" words will be deleted from all of the characters in this farce. I think Bristles MUST be mentally challenged. How many reality shows have been declined so far for lack of interest? You are not interesting, Bristles, get over yourself.

  41. Where's Gino12:26 PM

    Didn't Bristol ask Levi to be a part of the show at one time and he said no? I was glad he said no at the time, because I felt she would try to make him look bad. Now she's double pissed because he wouldn't do it and now has a baby of his own on the way. Jealous much?

    Funny how there haven't been any photos of Gino since the anonymous poster who said they broke up. he was probably pissed about her reaction to Levi's new baby. The new man generally doesn't like t you to still have feelings for the old man. Either that or he started to look in the mirror and see Levi and decided to get the hell out of there before Bristol pregnant and he was trapped for life.

  42. Has bustol answered Sadie on her little fake all around blog yet? Does bustol have some fake "woe is me" or "I'll tell President Obama a thing or two or "How dare he ignore my mom" post?

    Bustol understand, you, your dysfunctional family and your mom are jokes. It becomes even weirder when you mock yourself. The Beverly Hillbillies are smarter than your hokey family.

    Finally, Sadie why won't Levi go to court and expose the liar?

  43. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I have a feeling that Bristol's "show" will "show" more than she intended.... If it's out there, as "reality" then we certainly can comment on the Palins lies with the truth. Not everybody who watches will fall in love with Bristol.

  44. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Sadie is young and life has dealt her a tough deck. At her age, I could not have handled myself as well as she has. That said, I would advise Sadie to limit her public statements to re-iterating her and her family's love for Tripp and their wholehearted wish to be part of his life. Pointing out Bristol's (the other Palin's) faults, however well-deserved, does NOT contribute to Tripp's welfare.

    Tripp (and every child) needs to feel love that does not involve denigrating others. Nothing we have ever seen from ANY Palin/Heath makes me think that Tripp can get that understanding from them. Sadie and all the Johnstons need to be BETTER than the Palins. They need to stay positive and let the world see in the contrast the evil being done by the Palins.

    The shameless exploitation of this very young child by the Palins is a disgrace. Of course, I am not privy to the legal goings-on but it seems to me that Levi must have SOME control over the child being used as a money-maker in the reality TV scene. Perhaps he can focus on improving at least that part of Tripp's life.

    Seeing Tripp's name changed to Palin on Bristol's blog sent a shiver through me. That is the act of a parent that does not have their mental/emotional act together. Not a good sign for the child's welfare.

    1. Yes don't start trouble, and take the high road.

      That is EXACTLY how Palin manages to roll over everyone. She viciously attacks them, destroys their reputation, and then expects them to fear fighting back because she is a woman, or because she is using her children as shields.

      Those of us living in Alaska know that tactic well.

      But with the Palins you don't win by staying above the fray, you win by beating them at their own game.

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      I agree with you here, Gryphen. The Palins are in this way just like the Arabs - if you hesitate, they interpret it as weakness on your part and steam-roll all over you...

    3. Anonymous5:16 PM

      " seems to me that Levi must have SOME control over the child being used as a money-maker in the reality TV scene."

      Not so much.

      Check out the custody agreement.

    4. Anonymous6:43 PM

      I think the blame is to be laid on the lawyers, it is said they are controlled by Palins. Levi would need to assert himself and he is too young and without a good father figure. He doesn't have a mentor or any guidance. Nothing has gone well for Levi so far. We are pulling for his day to come soon.

  45. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Poor Brisdull can't do anything without her mommy.

  46. Anonymous1:31 PM

    All your lies are coming home to roost, Bristol, and you are the one providing them. "Oh what tangled webs we weave when we practice to deceive."

    We will be watching and we will be responding. Are you really ready for that? You can't cry victim anymore because it is clear you and your mother have set up two very very big lies - a ginormous hoax on the American public. It will come out.

    Thanks for the present, Bristol. Can't wait to see what goodies are inside!

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Why watch that crap, and give Bristol validation.

  47. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Unless Bristol raises Tripp in a cacoon, he will eventually find out about his early childhood and his father and his father's family. Did Bristol ever consider what this might do to Tripp and his relationship with her? Apparently not.

    Bristol is mean-spirited to the core. Just like her mother. I feel so sorry for Tripp and for Levi and his family. Bristol is a bitch - big time bitch.

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      There's going to be a day when Tripp will speak out at school or on the playground while mommy is walking around Wasilla with her ME ME ME film crew.

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Yeah, Bristol is just as nasty and mean-spirited as her mother.

  48. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Is it possible to get copies of the non-disclosure agreements Bristol has everybody sign when she "performs?" I'm curious why she has everybody sign forms that prevent them from telling the truth about Bristol. What did she have to hide on DWTS? Her obvious pregnancy? Where is that baby?

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Just tell me exactly how to do it, and I'm sure I can.


  49. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Gryph, could you have someone report on each episode so we don't have to watch it ourselves? I don't want to give the show any more "hits" than necessary. An organized way to respond would also be nice.

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      PS Oh and Gryphen? Could you wipe my ass for me too? I'm just too delicate to do it for myself.

      Signed, 1:44PM

      (Note to 1:44 -- obviously you have no clue how the ratings are determined and it didn't occur to you to research it since you expect everybody else to do the dirty work. Unless you have been contacted by the Nielsen company in advance to be part of its sample audience, no one will EVER KNOW you watched Bristol's show.)

    2. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Anon @ 5:56

      Your superiority complex doesn't suit your coloring.

    3. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Wrong. If you watch the show whether you have Nielson or not, You give it hits and revenue. Sponsors are aware.

    4. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Um, smug anonymous should realize the OP was asking Gryphen to publish a report of the show.

    5. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Wrong 6:38.

    6. Anonymous9:22 PM

      Network ratings are (used to be?) determined by Nielson. Cable (like TLC), not so much. They can track how many are watching.

  50. RE: the comment by Anon @ 1:4 PM, I sincerely hope NONE of us tune in on that show except a "designated driver".

    Let the Palinbots be the schmucks that waste their time on it, don't give in to curiosity because that will give a false "public interest" head count.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Oh please. Unless you are a Nielsen family, you won't be counted.

    2. Anonymous9:22 PM

      Not true. See above.

  51. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Can you find the photoshop fail in that picture of Tripp? Good grief....

  52. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I hope that Bristol realizes that if she publicly trashes Levi on her TV program, she will be violating a court order from an early custody hearing. Alaska judges in Sarah's pocket? Try this one on for size: Levi can sue Bristol for knowingly lying about him and spreading false disparaging statement about him in public. There must be many lawyers who take on a case like that for 1/3 of the judgement against Bristol.

    Isn't Willow's birthday coming up in July? Would someone give her a globe so she will learn that 1. Syria is a country 2. Where Syria is located. I guess that means that there still aren't any newspapers in the Palin house, or she might have known what Syria was.

  53. Anonymous4:08 PM


    (No disrespect towards the Johnston family.)

    Skanks use their vaginas to to wield power and get things they normally can't get on their own.

    Bristol uses Tripp to try to control the Johnston family.

    Skanks takes pictures of their vaginas and sells them.

    Bristol takes pictures of Tripp and sells them.

    Skanks let their lovers kiss all over their vaginas.

    Bristol has posted pictures of Gino kissing Tripp.

    Skanks use their vaginas to get dates, dinners and movies.

    Bristol uses Tripp to get the one thing she wants, a reality show.

    Skanks controls who plays with their vaginas.

    Bristol in the past has already voiced that she does not want Levi's girlfriends with Tripp and has to have it her way if Levi wants to see and play with Tripp.

    Skanks prostitute their vaginas out.

    Bristol keeps using the "I'm a single mom" bit and prostitutes Tripp out.

    Skanks claim their vaginas are smaller than they really are.

    Bristol claims Tripp is only 3 1/2 years old.



    Let Tripp visit, spend the night and play with his family the Johnstons. Being a parent means that you need to be mature and raise your child to be a productive and respective person in society instead of teaching Tripp to stick his tongue out at strangers. Being a mother means giving Tripp a family identity besides parading Tripp out for magazine photo ops and reality tv pay days.

    Bristol, it doesn't look like your mother or your siblings has a relationship with your father's family for some reason, but Tripp has a whole other family waiting to shower him with love.

    Bristol, your son is not a vagina!
    Stop using Tripp to get your ways!

    Whatever problems you and Levi have, keep that to yourselves. Tripp is not a Pawn in a chess game and you are not the Queen of the chess set with the most power. Remember, better chess players has defeated the Queen.

    Bristol, how about you extending an olive branch to Tripp's grandma and let him grow up knowing his grandma before it's too late. There's going to be a time when Tripp will read about your junior high tantrums and he will find out that it was you who kept him from his Grandma Johnston, his Auntie Merceds and his daddy Levi.

    Believe me, Tripp will find out some day!

    Best wishes to you all......

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      "Remember, better chess players has defeated the Queen."

      Can you spell O.B.A.M.A.?

    2. Anonymous5:02 PM

      It makes sense now, Sarah has been using Tri-G as her vagina to get sympathy which leads to donations.

      Sarah pimps out Tri-G
      Bristol pimps out Tripp
      Todd pimped out Shailey Tripp

      So Todd, Sarah and Bristol are all pimps!
      Pimping, a Palin Christian family business.

  54. Anonymous4:09 PM

    What the Johnstons have endured is heartbreaking. Bristol witholding the child is painful loss that is compounded by her public deceit falsely accusing them of her guilt. Bristol evidently has no conscience and takes pleasure getting away with it and manipulating her victims are set up to be punished for her cruelty. Meanwhile Bristol manipulates sympathy, rakes in cash, gains support, and bonds Tripp to her deceiving him she alone loves him. She exhibits pathalogical behavior trained by master liar. This is all self serving for the Palins.

    The teaching to stick his tongue out at people is a tactic to poison the child's mind against her targets. In reality Bristol has little to offer by herself so she must win by orchestrating tragic loss for the child amd others. Bristol profits by conning people twisting this around.

    My ex did this so I can relate to Sherry weeping. He died and gradually I have relationships with my offspring and grandchildren.

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      "The teaching to stick his tongue out at people is a tactic to poison the child's mind against her targets."

      That sounds like something Sarah teaches Piper and now Bristol is teaching Tripp. Is that a Heath tradition passed onto Sarah from her parents perhaps?

      Hopefully Tripp and Piper won't grow up with the Sarah mentality of putting rifle cross hairs on their enemies head.

      One Palin Blood Libel video in our lifetime is one too many.

  55. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Tripp will one day be the living example in a book entitled "PARENTING FOR DUMMIES WHO AREN'T READY TO BE PARENTS" where doctors will use Tripp to show what can happen to kids that has a jealous controlling mother. What happens to a kid who lives in a locust cocoon isolated from his relatives.

    Plus side to this is that there maybe some money in this book for Bristol.

  56. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Bristol, I read an earlier comment and want to know if it is true that there will be a "Life's A (Shailey) Tripp" episode entitled "Pimp My Tripp" where Todd Palin will make a cameo appearance?

  57. Anonymous4:47 PM

    "Can you imagine how confused this poor kid must be? If this keeps up soon he will become as screwed up and self loathing as the REST of the Palin family."

    Too late!

  58. Anonymous4:48 PM

    If Bristol could read...

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      If Bristol could read...
      If Willow could read...
      If Piper could read...
      If Track could read...

      I'm thinking something is wrong with the schools in Wasilla?

      Does everybody's kids have problems with schools in Wasilla?

  59. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Frightening, right now the only man in Tripp's life is a man who walks around Wasilla with a pocket full of used condoms wrapped in face cloths.

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM


      What do you mean you have to call the Anchorage Police Dept?

      Ohhhhhh forget it.

  60. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Bristol why is Tripp being home schooled?

    Bristol: Because he knows too much and he is now speaking out and that is the only way I can contain the situation until Tripp signs the Palin Confidentiality Agreement.

  61. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Mercede's hair looks very nice in that picture you posted.

    I betcha Willow, the soon to be dropout of the impressive Wasilla Hair School For High School Droputs didn't style it? That's if she ever enrolls.

    If Willow would of cut and styled Mercede's hair, I'm sure it would look like a rat's nest like the Willow signature style we seen in Washington DC.

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      So sad, Willow was very proud of how she styled her hair that day.

      Bless her heart.

    2. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Who did Willow's hair for her friend's Wasilla High School prom she was invited too?

      Please don't tell me Willow did it?

  62. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Mercede is so beautiful, Brisket not do much. Even with plastic surgery she still has a horse face. She is just like her mama, ugly from the inside out.
    I can't wait for the day that the truth comes out about everything. I wish Levi & Mercedes would spill the beans.
    I feel so bad for the Johnston family. They share the same blood as Tripp, they deserve to be a part of his life.
    Mercede is a lovely girl. Smart, kind, polite, gorgeous, loving, loyal, talented & humble. I can't say the same for Buffalo girl.
    Please keep an eye on Mercede & keep her safe.

  63. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Can you imagine the day Tripp decides to google his name? There is NO way I would put my kids through that. Whether deserved or not, I would have whipped my kids out of the spotlight for their own good.

    Palins, what is WRONG with you people?

  64. Anita Winecooler7:39 PM

    Before I slog though the comments, The first thing that struck me is how Mercede and Bristol are close in age, and how much more mature and articulate Mercede is, especially when the topic is so emotionally wrenching as the love for an innocent child who's related to you by blood.
    As a mother of three kids, the oldest is a 21 year old young woman, I can attest that getting to that point, is no small feat, and shows that The Johnstons are better parents than the Palin$.

    One shows her heat's in the right place by example, the other shows her immaturity by the fact that she expects "Forgiveness" (as mentioned in the word cloud) yet is incapable of showing for the target of her hate, Levi, Mercede, and the rest of the Johnston family, including Tripp.

    I hope Mercede knows how many people understand and support her and her family.

    We have a similar situation in our family, my sister was an unwed single mother (when it wasn't "in vogue" and was stigmatized). She and the child's father had a bitter custody fight, she won, he won.

    For years, his monetary support was "spotty", at best, but money isn't everything

    She allowed him to see my niece, faithfully, twice a week (and more during the summer). They attend family functions with their new spouses, get along royally, and our whole family is better for it. My niece is planning her own wedding, and both her stepfather and father are giving her to the groom.

    Grow up, Bristol, walk the walk and stop being a hypocrite. Tripp deserves better.

  65. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Gino Paoletti, Tripp Johnston and Bristol Palin in "Life's a Tripp"
    Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp picture gallery 17 PHOTOS
    Bristol Palin • Christopher Massey • Kyle Massey
    How old is this?

  66. Bristol's Real Chin8:55 PM

    "There's going to be a time when Tripp will read about your junior high tantrums and he will find out that it was you who kept him from his Grandma Johnston, his Auntie Merceds and his daddy Levi. "

    And then, I think we'll see some behavior like Track got into when he was dealing with finding out about his biological family, the Menards.

  67. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Poor Tripp
    What has happened to television?
    "Haters gonna hate." "special juice"

  68. Anonymous9:30 PM

    I'm not impressed with the subject of Levi Johnston anymore. He is as much a loser as Bristol is. They both made celebrity money. For all I know he was paid off to keep his mouth shut on any secrets he might know within the Palin family. I also think it was a staged set up when he and Bristol got back together, just for the money and the magazine spread. To me, Levi is a little bastard just as much as Bristol is a little bitch. And to be quite honest if Levi is broke...GOOD! Enough of this young idiot making money off of this stupid nutcase Sarah Palin. And I can't wait to see the failure of Bristol in this her new reality shit show. This entire family needs to go away forever...the sooner the better.

  69. Ferry Fey10:00 PM

    Tripp's feet are facing the tree. His head twirls round like an owl.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.