Saturday, June 02, 2012

President Obama lays the blame for the bad jobs report right where it belongs, on the do nothing Congress and the obstructionist Republican party.

Courtesy of the Campaign for America's Future:

One cost of conservative obstruction is the loss of 28,000 construction jobs. Those are workers who would likely be on the job if the House had at least adopted a transportation spending bill that was passed by the Senate earlier in the spring. Instead, that bill is stalled in a House-Senate conference, and hundreds of state transportation projects are being stymied because there is no long-term federal funding commitment. 

Also in May 13,000 public sector jobs were lost, including 8,000 state and local government jobs. The Wall Street Journal noted Thursday that if state and local government payrolls had remained stable since December 2008, the unemployment rate would be 7.1 percent today instead of more than 8 percent. 

The austerity policies that congressional conservatives hunger to impose on the United States continue to be an epic failure in Europe. The unemployment rate in the Eurozone was reported Thursday to be 11 percent, a record high. Governments imposed a harsh regime of government budget cuts in an effort to lower deficits, and all those cuts did was put people out of work, making it even harder for those governments to close those deficits. 

With congressional Republicans continuing to vow that they would oppose any effort to increase government spending to put people back to work—House Majority Leader Eric Cantor dismissed any new government initiatives this morning on CNBC—we are in effect repeating the Eurozone failure. It's not to the same degree, but it is still the same wrong direction. 

When Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney says today's jobs report reflects the failure of Obama administration policies, remember that even the Recovery Act that President Obama did get through the Congress was mortally compromised: It was not nearly big enough to address the crater left in the economy by the Great Recession (or as Paul Krugman calls it, the Lesser Depression) and half of the stimulus took the form of tax cuts that had less stimulative effect than the direct spending. 

Today's real lesson is that the de facto austerity that is the fruit of conservative obstruction is choking our economy just as it has choked the Eurozone. The faster that America can end the trip down this conservative austerity road, the better.

There is little that pisses me off as much as watching the GOP hamstring this President's efforts to turn this economy around, and then use his perceived "failure" to do so as a political weapon against him.

It is just about the ugliest thing I have seen in politics, and the truly horrific part is that there are REAL Americans who are losing their homes, their livelihoods, and their opportunity to provide a future for their children all in the name of partisanship and the desire to retake the White House.

As I have said before, what is happening today is NOT politics, it's a hostage situation. And we the people (Yes WE can use that phrase too!), are the hostages.


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    As far as I'm concerned all of the Republicans in the House and Senate are traitors to this country. All their talk of patriotism and love for America is just so much pissing into the wind.

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I don't know if you caught Rachel Maddow's segment on "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs" Boehner talking about how he said the first they they were going to address at the start of Congress was jobs but instead the first piece of legislation they tried to pass was another abortion bill. I forget the total number of abortion bills she said had been introduced, but it seemed "jobs" were kind of low on the list.

  3. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I am so disgusted w/the Republican party as a whole across the nation. Everywhere you look they are causing nothing but chaos!

    As many as possible need to be voted out of office this next go around. It amazes me that President Obama has been able to have the success he has in spite of the jerks!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  4. Gryphen Baldy was on with John Stossel last night babbling about oil drilling and ANWR!

    Here's the link...

  5. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I wish Obama would say:

    "We have to increase spending in a depression. And I have reluctantly reduced it some, because so many people are demanding it, using the false belief that national debt is like family debt. It is not. All the decent economists say 'spend more in a depression/recession; spend less during prosperity.' So I'm going to, now. It's the right thing to do."

    And in turning on the spending faucet, we don't even have to decide WHAT to spend it on: so much needs restoring! (All those gov't jobs that have been cut!)

    The Repub do not want to save/improve the economy (their actions tell us, in contrast to their words). They want to reduce services. And they are doing really well with that.

    Also, re the bad numbers just now: trends do not move in a straight line. The line zigzags up and down. So we want to look at 3 mo of data, 6 mo, 12 mo. Not just one downward moment.

    Important to remember this re climate change, too: it will get AND hotter and colder, more AND fewer v severe storms -- but it's the aggregate data over a longer period that count. One swallow does not make a summer.

  6. Sharon12:59 PM

    To further your point, I believe this is nothing short of treason. The Congress are traitors...they are destroying this country in the most blatant way and have the balls to go on tv and blame Obama. I was watching the Ed show last night and that Susan Delpursio (sp) actually had the nerve to whine that congress has 30 job bills being stalled by the senate, and I have heard Bohner whine about it. I also read a post which explained exactly what these 30 "job" bills actually were...and there was nothing, I mean nothing to do with jobs. I wanted to scream at Ed...don't you know this??
    Obama needs to get on tv and scream about his job bills until something happens. The DNC needs an ad that shows every speech Bohner and Cantor made yelling jobs...then show how many days spent on abortion.

  7. hedgewytch1:16 PM

    Unfortunately, it seems far too many Americans are too dumb to realize that they have Stockholm Syndrome.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Agreed...the emotional abuse began with Regan era.

  8. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Great, now if the voters will finally see the reality of the last 3 years maybe they will finally see through the BS the Republicans have been saying. I can't believe how gullible and stupid right leaning voters are not to have seen through their talking points.

  9. Just finished watching the interview and all I can say is...

    "Oh how the Baldy has fallen"

    First...NO ADVERTISEMENT for this shit and second...John Stossel looked like he was taking a dump EVERY time Baldy started speaking!

    I did love the blurry night time city lights on in the background...I guess the Toad didn't have time to fix the focus!

    Her mouth is stuck on crooked and the voice is struggling to keep the banshee shriek at bay! And it looks like the face lift has settled and Baldy is left with the hard man now her BFF Greta and her can officially be called twins!

    Watch out John're going to have a hard time telling them apart! Let me help you out...the one with the giant head and incoherent babble is your wife and the one who looks less mannish is Baldy!

    The neck comments must have REALLY gotten to her because she's wearing some kind of scarf that does not match the ugly pinkish jacket she's wearing. And it looks like the scarf is held together by some kind of medieval looking broach with a third eye in the middle of it! Her "cloths" (Hi Toad!) choice must have been left up to Beefy...because nothing MATCHED!

    My guess is Baldy must have forced Fox to let her on and babble about being an "energy" expert especially after Perry said publiclythat folks like Baldy need to STFU and mind her own dirty business and leave his alone!

    To be honest I can't listen to Baldy talk "energy" always sounds like Charlie Brown grownups talking....and I'm sure whatever she was saying wasn't true! So I figured why listen too hard to whatever the fuck is coming out of that crooked ass mouth...she will never be called on by anyone legitimate to explain WTF she's saying anyway!

    All in all it was 8:36 seconds of her usual bullshit...the funniest part of all is the lack of advertisement...even at the Aslyum!

    So who knows how they figured out that she was going to be on...maybe someone was channel surfing and saw that big pumpkin head talking and realized that..."Hey Gov Baldy is on"!

    Which prompted all 10 of them to head to the Dayroom and huddle around the black and white TV to watch Baldy carry on! LOL!!

  10. FYI...just saw that Baldy taped the Stossel interview back on May 24. So it's an old interview that FAKE News had in the can(right where she needs to be!) and trotted out at the last minute.

  11. Beldar Rmoney2012 Conehead1:59 PM

    I dunno, Gryphen.... How come President Obama's solutions to problems always require DOING something about them? I have to say a MAJOR reason why I have endorsed Mittens Rmoney for president is that all of HIS solutions for Amercia's problems only involve magical thinking - like tax cuts for the wealthy creating billions of new jobs - which takes a LOT less effort than anything your precious Barack HUSSAIN Obama wants to do. And Rmoney's solutions will take effect on DAY ONE of his presidency. Obama's solutions always involve waiting weeks, months or even years to show results. Why should Amercia wait for solutions when instant gratification is so much more satisfying?

    Rmoney 2012!!!
    For Awkward Problems, Amercia Needs An Awkward Man

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Amercia, Amercia, I'm looking for you everywhere.

      Lyrics by John Ashcroft.(revised)

    2. *GinaM getting down on one knee and presenting a big "rock" to Beldar*

      Dude...even though I'm married (25 years to be exact) I would love your "internet" hand in an "internet"'s similar to a "trial marriage" only difference...I promise to stay faithful to YOU (whatever that entails...I'll have to get back to you on the details!)and ignore your Rmoney fixation!

      I just can't stand the thought of you sharing your words of wit and hilarity with any other "internet" commenter and since I am the FIRST to actually "internet" propose..."rock" included...I hope you will join me and our friends here (*waves at Krusty and other various trolls*) and accept!

      *with bated breath GinaM awaits Beldar's reply*

      PS...and for Baldy who's reading here....the "rock" I'm presenting to Beldar is NOT CRACK OR back off Bitch!


    3. Anonymous3:25 PM

      If you are for real as you can't read emotion on a screen and therefore you could be BSing or you're for real.

      If real -- you do realize that those tax cuts for the BS job creators that never created jobs for almost a decade they were getting them under Bush -- those said tax cuts have been unpaid for but in reality it's the mainstreet middle class that pay for them while the greedy scum of Wall Streeters and their 1%er ilk -- pay fuck all towards it. It's on our backs.

      Have they created a job because of those cuts - NOT ONE FUCKING JOB unless you live in India, China, Pakistan etc. They've shipped those 'created jobs' out of the U.S.

      So, if your are for real -- get your head out of your ass.

    4. Anonymous3:51 PM

      The Senate threw up another filibuster in early May on the Student Loan interest rates -- thereby blocking that.

      The House added provisions that it be paid for with the preventive health care fund -- which President Obama said he would veto.

      It makes you believe that what came out of Romney's mouth that he was in favor of keeping the student ;oan interest rate low -- was total BS. He was playing it for appearance sake and actually was a flip-flop when you hear him answering a question by a student about loans and Willard's reply was borrow from your parents.

    5. Umm....Anonymous @ 3:25pm

      Beldar is using satire.

    6. Beldar Rmoney2012 Conehead4:57 PM

      Awww, Gina Baby, you know I love you. But, girl, you knew how this was gonna be when we started this whole crazy thing. I told you I could never internet marry you. Not during an election year, baby! You know I'm internet married to the campaign. C'mon, give ol' Bel an internet kiss and let me get back to work. That's a girl! (**patronizing swat on the internet butt**)

      Anyway, I misunderestimated how much work the Rmoney campaign was going to be. I should have realized that a guy who takes every position on every issue is going to need 3-4 times as many TV ads, radio spots, bumper stickers, and giant "we're # 1" foam hands, as a principled campaign would need.

      For example, on the issue of racial tolerance and diversity, we're doing 2 different ads to run depending on local demos. One, called "The Pied Piper of Washington" will have the candidate surrounded by hundreds of adoring youngsters of all racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds to show he's a man of the people. Of course, given the "200 yard minority-free zone" around him, we couldnt use actual dark-skinned children so we're compositing in left-over CGI characters from The Polar Express movie. It's really quite convincing in an "uncanny valley" kind of way.

      And the other ad, called "The N-word" is pretty much just 60 seconds of still pictures of the president with a female voiceover who sounds like the "I want my country back' whack job from 2008, screaming "N*****R!! at the top of her lungs. I know, it sounds somewhat offensive, but, before anyone accuses us of being insensitive, please know we're trying to get permission to use some Miles Davis music for soundtrack to avoid any pushback from the African-American community. Trust me, this ad's been focus-testing off the charts with older rural southern white men, serial killers and mental defectives. Needless to say, among older rural southern white men who are serial killers AND mental defectives, our man is polling just a hair over 99.9%!

      Now, I'll tell you what, baby. Let's wait until after the election and see how that goes. If my man Mittens is the president come January 2013, I'll be renouncing my citizenship and moving to a barren island north of the Arctic Circle to drink myself to death. But hey, if there's a broadband connection on the island, let's Skype together. That'll be fun, won't it!

    7. Come on 3:25 PM, Conehead is, well... Conehead. Your SATAR (you know, that piece of equipment that picks up satire) must be turned off. After all, Conehead came up with the Screechy Wretch(tm) meme.

    8. Beldar Rmoney2012 Conehead4:57 PM

      *GinaM bravely holding back tears*

      Okay Beldar...I understand...the campaign comes first...I can't get in the way of your service to your country and Meh Rmoney!

      Those ads and I look forward to NOT seeing them during the campaign! the event of a complete disaster...Rmoney winning the election of course...I"ll wait for your "call" via Skype!

      *GinaM completely dejected now*

      See you around......homie!

    9. hedgewytch9:17 PM

      Bwwaaahahaahahahahahaa!! snort, cough, choke, bwahahaahhaaaa! Oh, shit..... I need a drink .... and a smoke!!

  12. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Jobs reports are getting more dim because there's no one in DC who cares about increasing jobs. That is the truth, plain and simple.

  13. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Seems to me that I read about a meeting of conservative CEOs/owners. It was sometime in this last year. Now why would conservative corporate bigwigs need to have a "club" and meet? Could it be that they were planning strategies to influence the jobs picture? Wouldn't surprise me one bit.

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Right after BHO got elected...and was sworn in, and when the Repubs started showing their true colors, I saw many comments on blogs to back this up.
      Comments like "I own a company but I won't hire any one who has been laid off or out of work until this president is gone"
      "I won't hire anyone, until this president is gone"
      And many of the you can see GOP puts "Country First...." NOT!!!!

  14. Randall4:19 PM

    So in November when it's time for the election - WHY won't the Democratic candidates just list the facts???

    It should be SO EASY for the Democrats to win this time - all they have to do is list the facts.

    Don't have to argue - just list the facts.

    1. hedgewytch9:19 PM

      They have been, but it seems that many die hard conservatives are factually challenged.

  15. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Any working class person who votes gop needs a psychiatric exam. They are only for the wealthy, not working people. By the way, the gop calling for attacks on Syria, where is the money supposed to come from to send ground troop in? The firefighters are short of water carrying planes in THIS country, yet McCain and the other old coots want more warships and fighter jets. They WANT the country to fall apart. Charity begins at home. Let other countries solve their own problems, we have enough trouble right here. Watching the disaster in DC, why would another country want a government like this one? I am just plain disgusted with gop and hope they all get voted out of office, even though we will be stuck paying for their pensions and healthcare.

  16. Anonymous6:51 PM

    So shut the f..up and get out and other vote....and stop the whining.

  17. Anonymous7:35 PM

    You know, I graduated college two years ago now. Like many others I have still been unable to find gainful employment; not even an internship to build up my credentials.

    Instead I'm 24 years old, living at home with my parents and unable to pay my bills. So much for that American dream.

    I wish the Refubs would WAKE UP. Start helping with job production instead of worrying about lining their own pockets.


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