Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who will instruct me when I fall, who can I expect to take my call? Uh, oh!

Both born of privilege, both known for the love of pranks, both following in the footsteps of their fathers, and both come from a "background in business."

Personally I see little difference, and, in my opinion, neither will the country.


  1. Michele2:55 PM

    FRAT BOY! Bad in 2000. Bad in 2012.

  2. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I'd add McCain to that list, too. He wouldn't have been a "hero" pilot if it hadn't been for daddy's influence. Plus -- little known fact -- he went to PRIVATE school. Moc

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      I meant to add -- McCain's mom came from money, I think.

    2. Anonymous10:13 PM

      Wow. How stupid and judgmental are you? You'd NOT vote for someone based on upbringing and status in society?

      NOW I fear for this country.

      Who the freak cares if someone was born into money. A leaders a leader, regardless of anything. Damn, this blog proves daily that liberals and just jealous aholes.

    3. Anonymous3:45 AM

      No, not jealous. We THINK. THAT is something repubs. do not do, evidenced by the many people who have been fooled by Palin and actually sent her money which she uses to maintain her lifestyle. Watch children's reaction to our President, compare to how they act around Mitt and even W. Working class people who vote repub. should be given a FREE mental evaluation. If it makes you feel better, pay for the examination. Name one single idea Palin has put forward that would benefit the country. She has none, just slam, slam the President.

    4. Anonymous3:50 AM

      Calm down, Sarah. We care if the rich person has a state trooper's uniform, puts a red light on his car and pulls people over. THAT is what Romney did. If I am not mistaken, several serial killers did the same thing. Having people hold the young man down and cutting his hair should have been a warning to anyone that Romney is dangerous. What is there to be jealous of, he is an empty suit. I'd rather be intelligent and just getting by, than dumb as a stump and disliked by EVERYONE who knows you, but they kiss up to you because of the money your father made and handed down to you. Look at W. He has money, yet can not leave this country for fear of being arrested for war crimes. What a HELL of a way to live.

    5. Anonymous4:50 AM

      To Anon at 10:13 pm. The problem isn't that someone comes from a wealthy family, the problem is that Bush, McCain and Romney are all wealthy people who never learned to care about anyone else. That is not always the case with wealthy people but, unfortunately, it is often the case.

      Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy were certainly exceptions but both of them were staunchly Democratic and had endured personal challenges that helped open them up to the conditions of ordinary people and both were far more intelligent than any of the current Republican crop: certainly far more intelligent and sensitive to the plight of those around them than Bush, McCain or Romney. McCain might have learned from his prisoner-of-war experience but I don't think he did. There were times when he has pretended to go all "maverick-y" on the Republicans but his voting record has always been pretty staunchly conservative.

      No, liberals are not just "jealous wholes" as you so rudely put it. But we do expect our leaders, whether from wealthy backgrounds or not, to care about the American people, all of them, not just the wealthiest. Remember George Bush telling a fundraising dinner that they, the wealthy attendees, were "his base." The rest of the country were not on his radar, ever. So keep defending those who couldn't care less about taking care of sick people, giving children a good public education, providing decent employment and civil rights for all citizens. You may not be personally part of the 1% but you're doing their dirty work for them and that's just what they want you to keep on doing.
      Beaglemom, proud Democrat

    6. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Well said Beaglemom, proud Democrat!
      Thank you.

  3. Dubya was our first MBA president. And that worked out SO well for us...NOT. Please America...I don't want to see another headline on the BBC asking how 55,000,000 people can be so dumb.

  4. Anonymous4:07 PM

    PUKE! I just ate dinner!

    I never thought the sound of anyone's voice could repulse me as much as Bush's but I just heard Romney do his fake laugh in an interview, and I am officially more repulsed.

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Romney's voice makes by flesh crawl.

  5. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I can't stand either of them.

  6. And neither of them can even measure up to their daddies.

  7. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Actually, I think there is one small difference between Shrub and Mittens. Shrub's awkward and inappropriate sense of humor came from stupidity, and he was easily manipulated by those in his cabinet, especially Cheney and Rumsfeld.

    Mittens is also stupid but there's a real deep mean streak in him that I don't think Bush had. Romney actually enjoys hurting people and that's a VERY frightening quality to have in a President.

    1. Anonymous2:56 AM

      Oh Bush had a mean streak, yes he did. Just look for that college photo of him playing sports and the punch he throws to an opponent. He also was one of those "take my ball and go home" playmates to his cousins. I do think he grew out of it, while Rmoney did not and won't. It is part of his upbringing and superiority complex (from his religion in a big way). He thinks and truly KNOWS all of us who do not share his wealth and faith are second class humans.

  8. Nikogriego8:44 PM

    GW used to blow up frogs with firecrackers. And I don't think he was as stupid as he allowed people to believe.

    1. I don't think George W Bush was innately stupid. He was intellectually lazy, lacked curiosity and he never questioned his assumptions on anything. I think those characteristics can be more dangerous.

  9. As much as I dislike the Bush's, I still wish them a Happy Father's Day. I am the luckiest girl in the world to have my dad, who is the greatest man on this planet! BTW, Happy Father's Day to you Grif.

  10. Anita Winecooler9:20 PM

    Speaking of Romney, he was in Quakertown, PA today, and Ed Rendel and his evil cohorts caused him to change course. The news showed protesters with kennels on their cars, anti romney signs, and speeches by Ed Rendel, if the local news posts the clip, I'll add a link.

    Funny stuff!

    video here:

  11. Anonymous6:11 AM

    No, not Bush. Romney's allegiance would be to his church over any political party. He holds a high seat in his church.

    Cartoon of doctrine of his church

    The Bible vs. The Book of Mormon

    Smith is an occult video

    Another video about the Mormon Church

    Both Palin and Paul studied Birch materials in their youth. Not sure about Palin, but Paul, his wife and their daughters are members of a secret society like Romney.

  12. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Both were cheerleaders


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It just goes directly to their thighs.