Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mitt Romney's economic plan: Good for America? Just ask Massachusetts.

This of course is a political ad, but it is also quite reflective of Romney's disdain for the public sector work force. And just WHO are these public sector workers?

See for yourself.

Educators, firemen, policemen, health workers, THOSE are the service providers whose contribution to our country Mitt Romney finds less reason to support than the contributions of corporations, who just so happen to be his biggest campaign contributors.

I guess in Romney's world contributions to political campaigns are worth more than contributions to the average American's education, safety, or health. 

"Corporations are people my friend." Oh, that's right. I forgot.

I have a question, how did we go from idolizing firemen, police officers, and emergency workers after 9-11, to suddenly vilifying them as a drain on our economy in just three and a half years? Are they not STILL providing those essential services?

I have to say that if the Republican's are seriously planning to adopt the Wisconsin model for controlling spending than I truly fear for our future.


  1. angela7:26 AM

    Its funny 'cause Walker kinda stepped on Myth's talking points about Wisconsin getting rid of firemen etc. Scott is pretending he's somewhere in the middle now.

    Romney is disgusting and shameless. He's sell his wife for a vote.

    1. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Myth! I love it. That's a keeper

    2. angela, thank you for that..Myth! How wonderfully succint!

    3. Anita Winecooler11:05 PM


      Loved the "he'd sell his wife for a vote"

      So true, but who could afford Ann? She seems spoiled and entitled.

  2. Anonymous7:49 AM

    O/T - FYI

    Joy Behar announced she is getting another show. On Current TV. She's filling in for Spitzer next week I believe & her show starts in fall or sometime.

    Why'd she quit her HLN show? Guess she saw her bank account wasn't growing anymore when she was double dipping the salary pool.

    I'm tired of the bitch as she thinks everything is a 'punch line'.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Well, "laugh and the world laughs with you; cry, and you cry alone". Life's a trip.

    2. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Everything is a punch line?

      Um, she's a comedian. Duh.

    3. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Anon 10:05

      The fact I picked the word 'punchline' would be a clue to anyone with intelligence that I knew she was a comic. See you missed it & understand why

      Duh back at you ditz

    4. Anonymous12:36 PM

      Oh 10:18 (Kristy, I know it's you from your awkward phrasing)...

      The word "punchline" in quotes could mean a number of things, including that you don't think she's funny, or that you think of her commentary as a punchline even if she doesn't. Get some of that mythical thick skin Bristol keeps blabbing about.

      Regardless,your comment is completely off topic for this thread, random, immature, and just plain weird.

      Joy Behar is a liberal and an outspoken critic of the Palins, which is why you dislike her. You probably adore every punchline that comes out of the mouth of...some conservative comedian. Is Dennis Miller still stinking up any studios?

    5. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Anon 12:36

      You think you're so good at guessing who it is. You aren't. You're so off base it's hilarious.

      Second -- You say it's off topic for the thread -- Hey Bozo - Note the comment said O/T or do you not know what that means. Guess not

    6. Anonymous3:44 PM

      I can't stand Joy Behar ever since she admitted she would LIE on the stand to protect her family. At the time she was speaking about the Casey Anthony case and that everyone SHOULD LIE to protect their families.

      that's when I realized she is just scum.

    7. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Oh, is THAT what OT means? This is my first day on the internets and I was wondering why someone would post something so completely irrelevant. Is it for our information?

  3. Anonymous8:11 AM

    The scary thing is that Romney,aka: Robme, has support from anyone other than the divisive, lying, hate-filled Republicans-in-name-only. The dumbing down of America is dangerously alive and cancerous.

    Romney is not at all concerned about the people's or the country's best interests. He will drive this country to ruin if elected. As a 1%-er, he has only one priority...himself. OK, well, maybe also his magic underwear and re-baptizing dead people into the Mormon religion.

    There are waaaay too many people who are buying Romney's lies. They are blaming President Obama for everything and anything. They are unwilling, or maybe too stupid, to see that the Republicans in the Senate and House have been on a coordinated mission to impede and cripple his effectiveness.

    Please check out this. Republican's plotting against Obama from the beginning of his presidency:


  4. Now that we already have two states that are under Fascist dictators (Michigan and Wisconsin), another leaning over the edge (Florida), another just a vaginal probe away - Virginie, and now Mit trying to close down everything funded by any form of FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL government, pretty soon, we'll all be there and can just change our names to the Stasi... We'll AL be secret police!!

    Easy, hey?

  5. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop about what Mitt and his Republican friends will do when they've gotten rid of the teachers, firefighters, policemen, etc., etc. I think there's greedy corporations - the "job creators" - just waiting to snatch up all the services in order to make them "private industries" rather than the scary, horrible government services. They want to privatize everything from schools and prisons to public transportation, parks, roads .. everything.

    While they bitch and complain about the excesses of union demands costing too much, just wait until they own everything with only profit and the bottom line in mind. Remember Mitt's line about foreclosures? "Let the foreclosures hit bottom and let investors come in, buy the properties and offer them as rental property". What an SOB.


    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      The only people who deserve to have their house fires put out are those who can afford it, donchaknow.

      You'll have to key in your credit card number before speaking to a 911 operator.

  6. Anonymous10:19 AM

    It's a good thing a highly divisive figure like Sarah Palin uses her dull and emotionally and educationally ill-equipped child to be her defender.

    She could use her PAC money or Alaska Fund Trust dollars to hire professional attack dogs instead?


  7. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Word Salad Junior:

    “I think if someone's going to talk poorly about my mom, I am going to pick and choose my battles and a battle like that, I chose to confront him and see what the real problem was,” she said.

    “I’m excited for viewers to see the real me in that, because I’m sitting there all tough and shaking and I’m acting tough and instantly when it’s over, it’s like, ‘OK, there’s the real Bristol,’ because I am calling my boyfriend, I’m calling my mom. ‘Ah, get me out of here,’ like, people are going to see the real Bristol in this show.”

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      "Word Salad Junior"

      Perfect new mantra for the littlest kardashin
      'cuz that is some messed up verbage.

    2. Anita Winecooler11:11 PM

      Yeah, she picks her battles like she picked her chin. What a fraud!

  8. Anonymous10:29 AM

    The West is on fire! Does Romney think he can come to CO and try to sell cutting firefighters? Is he really that stupid? YES! We have been bomb-barded with his campaign ads this week. Lies, lies. lies. Fires are very expensive to fight, not counting all the loss of life and property. We are affected a hundred miles away with health risks from breathing the chocking smoke. Many of those expensive get-a-ways are owned by the 1% and I'm sure they don't want to lose these homes, just as the poorer don't want to lose their homes. None of us resent paying taxes for firefighters. Just as we need teachers, policemen and EMT people to come to our needs, need decent pay too...and know they can get their pensions paid when they retire. I doubt these people have off-shore accounts to help them in their old age.

    Mit Romney's economic plans are NOT good for the country, just the privileged top percent. Wake up America before all your hope and dreams go up in smoke!

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      I went for a hike this morning and smelled the fires from the Ft. Collins area. Fire-wise, this summer is looking to be even worse than last (I'm in Boulder).

    2. Anonymous1:36 PM

      Remember some time back on MSNBC where the story was about in some town having to pay $75 fees so that the fire department would respond to your call of a fire. Remember the pics and videos of a house that burned to the ground and the firemen watched because the $75 wasn't paid to the town or state or whatever government office was inflicting this BS.

      Every which way you look -- they are gaming the systems in that when you pay property taxes, you're paying for services.

      Romney, while Gov in MA -- set up fee paying for everything. Property taxes weren't enough. Another way of gouging every nickel & dime as the fee paying didn't work either. MA was #1 on the list of debt and #47 job creation.

      There were segments on Morning Joe this morning wherein they included the fee paying charges Romney added in MA instead of 'raising taxes'. One comment said he charged fees from haircuts to everything else.

    3. Anita Winecooler11:25 PM

      Clueless, Ruthless, Rich, and heartless are not qualities I admire in anyone, especially in a POTUS. Every single time I hear his "laugh" or watch his eyes darting back and forth, my skin crawls.

  9. Anita Winecooler11:18 PM

    They've been all over this on manbc and current. Mitt is totally clueless, he took half a million in federal money to keep Mass. solvent by hiring more firefighters, teachers and Police. Now he says it a "state" matter and the federal Government shouldn't foot the bill.

    Yeah, ask any kid what they want to be when they grow up. Hedge Fund Manager and business flipper millionaire is the FIRST thing out of their mouths.

    Obama/Biden 2012 The only sane choice.

  10. Rmoney and the right don't want less teachers, firemen and policement. They want more. Many more.

    But they don't want to PAY for more.

    They'd like all of the teachers, firemen and policemen to work for HALF of what they make now, so they can hire more and still reduce the cost of education and public safety.

    The "job creators" are all about getting something for nothing.


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