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Resplendent in a wig weaved together from bits and pieces of hair left over from Willow's beauty school classes, Palin demonstrated a Red Bull fueled laser like focus on her arch nemesis.....intelligent responses to questions.
Greta starts of by waving a piece of raw meat in front of Palin's cage door:
VAN SUSTEREN: Very well. Governor, that's about 140 characters or less as to how you feel about this decision today. Now tell me, given more chance to amplify it, your view of what happened today.
PALIN: You know, I received a lot of messages about this one today and a lot of the emails and texts used the word "treachery" in the messages. And I tend to agree with that term used to described what happened today.
But you know, we got to be optimistic about it. Basically, what Chief Justice Roberts did for us, for the American people, was put this issue "ObamaCare" and the individual mandate back in the hands of the people via our representatives. (Translation: I am going to stomp the crap out of these lemons until I get some damn lemonade!)
So now back in Congress's hands, Congress has opportunity to act on this tax, as this has been deemed a tax, as opposed to Obama's insistence that it wasn't a tax. And after the July recess, I expect Congress to come in and rescind this tax. They have the power to adopt and enact a tax. (Did everybody get that? It's a TAX, TAX, TAX!) They also have the power to rescind it. I want to see that done in July.
"Treachery" huh? Well now I certainly did not get to read ALL of the responses to Palin's tweet, but the ones I did read were not EXACTLY sharing her poisoned point of view.
Greta, who actually read the bill, is not so sure that Palin is using the correct verbiage, and risks a possible rabies infection in an attempt to correct her.
VAN SUSTEREN: All right, you know, President Obama has said this is not a tax. It was Chief Justice Roberts and the majority that has decided, has deemed it a tax, which is, of course, their privilege. They are the Supreme Court. I'm curious, is this a tax or not?
PALIN (Leaning in and fixing Greta with the stare of a predator cornering a small helpless mammal): Absolutely it's a tax. It's nearly a trillion dollars worth of tax via levies, fines, tariffs, if you will, whatever anybody else wants to call them. This is a penalty. It is a tax on the people. It's a tax on states. It's a raiding of Medicaid funds which will result in states having to find other funds to supplement their Medicaid budgets.
Overall, this is about a trillion dollars more tax put on the American people. Do people think, Greta, that there really is anything such as a free lunch? There is no such thing as a free lunch. (Unless you're a Palin of course. But you're not, now are you?)
And the 50 percent of Americans (Poor people) who are paying their taxes today are going to get hit with even more tax to pay for now this mandate of "ObamaCare."
The other 50 percent who are thinking that perhaps they're going to get a free ride and get some free health care, they're not. They're going to have less availability of health care. They'll have fewer choices. They'll have less efficient, more bureaucratic health care, and it will be rationed. To say otherwise really, truly defies economic and common sense to say that health care with more enrollees in the programs will not have to be rationed. (Death panels! That's right you heard me bitch! Death panels!)
So people who are thinking that this is going to be a free ride for them, the 50 percent of Americans who aren't paying taxes today (You know, the poor who are too impoverished to afford any taxes.), they got another thing coming! (By the way, and I hate to correct a lunatic in the middle of a nervous break down, but I do believe the term is "another THINK coming." Carry on crazy lady.)
I don't often give Susteren props but the fact she doesn't just drop her mic and run off the sound stage at this point is a testament to her intestinal fortitude, or perhaps just her fear that Palin would hunt her down like a wounded animal and finish her off if she did.
Palin continues her rant, throwing out the words like "tax," "Obamacare," "mandate," and "common sense" willy-nilly throughout the rest of her televised tantrum. But then she arrives at the end of her allotted six and a half minutes of crazy time, where the shit gets very real.
PALIN: Many, many states are not going to be able to afford expansion of Medicaid and these exchanges that are going to try to be forced down states' throats through "ObamaCare." I would like to see governors be tough and opt out of this and exert our 10th Amendment rights and tell President Obama, who does not understand the Constitution -- he even being a constitutional lecturer and supposed scholar in our Constitution, not understanding and probably never reading or absorbing the 10th Amendment to understand that states have rights.(Yes that's right, it's the PRESIDENT who DOES NOT understand the Constitution. Which is why he was smart enough to write the Affordable Care Act in such a way that the Supreme Court was able to uphold it. THAT is clearly the sign of a person who simply does not understand the laws of this land or the documents on which it was founded. Nice try moron!)
We are sovereign states that can make up our own minds about our budgets and how to prioritize the dollars that we have and the dollars that are shared by the federal government to the states. I'd like to see constitutionally conservative governors opt out of have Obama is going to try to do to the people of America through mandates on top of what the states already have to provide.
Wait, did Palin just bring up the "Tenth Amendment" AND "sovereign states?" Aren't THOSE the same talking points rattled off by sovereign citizen groups and anti-government militias like the ones that recently convicted Schaeffer Cox belonged to? Why I do believe they are.
Careful there "Battle boobed Barbie," you just might give your true alliances away.
Update: Just in case there are a few who may, for reasons that escape me, feel that Palin has a point about the Affordable Care Act raising taxes here is a repudiation of that point courtesy of Think Progress:
We found that an estimated 28.6 million Americans will be eligible for the tax credits in 2014, and that the total value of the tax credits that year will be $110.1 billion. The new tax credits will provide much-needed assistance to insured individuals and families who struggle harder each year to pay rising premiums, as well as to uninsured individuals and families who need help purchasing coverage that otherwise would be completely out of reach financially. Most of the families who will be eligible for the tax credits will be employed, many for small businesses, and will have incomes between two and four times poverty (between $44,100 and $88,200 for a family of four based on 2010 poverty guidelines).
In addition to these tax credits and the fact that more than 30 million Americans will have new access to health insurance, the health care law will help create millions of jobs.
So there crazy lady, put that in your hash pipe and smoke it!
i love the first two comments the best, especially the first one. We should ALL retweet that one.
ReplyDeleteShe should just lay off her daily dose of Glenn Beck. I hear all of this BS from another Glenn Beck nut job - there is no brainpower in any of this argument.
ReplyDeletePalin was so busy reading her tweets and e-mails that she may have overlooked the details of the 193-page decision handed down by the court.
ReplyDeleteShe's basically saying that five Supreme Court justices, including John Roberts, were treacherous -- betrayed our trust.
The Republicans thought Roberts was in their pocket, and, surprise, maybe he wasn't. There are so many variations of what Roberts was doing, eliminating the Commerce Clause provision and admitting the taxing ability of the gov't, that the debate, and its implications, will go on for a long time -- just long enough for people to understand the astounding benefits of the ACA. See the stock market -- hospital stocks closed up. The insurance industry is still unclear how it will affect them....but small businesses (which can employ one, or 1,000, people, depending on the industry) now know the guidelines they will follow.
The House GOP will be able to rattle their swords all they want to, but the Senate won't go along, and neither will the President, so getting rid of the "tax" that will affect very, very few people (and none of the Palins or their friends), is a pipe dream. By November, the electorate will know how much they've benefited from ACA, and it will be a non-issue.
Obama/Biden 2012
Yesterday was a good day for our country.
DeleteRe-watched this shit again today only because I had notice something on Greta VanManFace last night and wanted to see if I was correct....Greta has a mustache!
DeleteNot sure if FAKE News makeup division was cutting back or Greta was trying to "pass" as a feminist! Whatever...home boy GOT. A. 'STACHE!!
So last night that interview was of one mildly irritated man and a VERY pissed off man talking about NOTHING! Anyone else notice that Baldy's speaking voice is even starting to sound like a MAN! She might want to lay off the testosterone...because I swear the next interview she's going to sound like Barry White!
According to the patients at the Asylum...Baldy is going to be on The Five and Sean InSannity tonight! I guarantee she'll have on a different pelt than the one she wore last night!
That's it! I thought maybe they both had more work done, and I noticed something going on with Greta's lip (had to divert my eyes from Skreechy Fromm, ya know- those cold dead eyes ick!).
DeleteBaldy's seriously drugged up, maybe a combo of testosterone and whatever drug cocktail she's on.
Wow. She's looking bad and could hardly keep her eyes open. I can't really comment on her commentary because I can't stand to listen to her. Thanks for the review Gryphen.
ReplyDeleteI didn't watch it because I value my stomach lining, but boy did she look bad in that screen shot. She looked like some dumpy old lady with that pathetic wig. Honestly, it looked like she aged twenty years; no sparkle, no pizazz, just washed out and used up.
DeleteBTW, I love her command of the English language: "we got to be". I'll say it so you can understand, Scarah: we got to be sick of you.
Just yesterday, a friend told me with tears in his eyes about his 53-year-old brother, with brain cancer, who was denied further treatment by his insurance company for very expensive chemotherapy. The corporation decided it wasn't a good expenditure of money. The man's now in a coma.
ReplyDeleteI can't argue the good or bad medical aspects of this decision. He has the same galloping, incurable brain cancer that Teddy Kennedy had. Probably, in many ways, the insurance company was right, and was within its rights.
I'm mentioning this because Sarah Palin is crazy if she thinks that third parties don't already make life and death decisions. She was dead wrong about what she pretended "death panels" are -- but she should be aware that, if Chuckie gets old and incurable, no insurance company is going to pay to keep him going indefinitely. That's the reality of the world.
For the rest of us, the Affordable Care Act will give millions and millions of people preventative and other health care rights. Alaska is one of the top-ten states with an uninsured population. That's something Sarah could have addressed during her nanosecond as governor. It's a legacy she left to her successor. Now the Federal government wants to help care for those that the states don't want to deal with.
I believe that one of the provisions of the new law is that the insurance companies can no longer have lifetime caps on benefits. Those caps are the true 'death panels' and many companies already deny coverage they feel is not 'cost effective'.
DeleteShe's an idiot.
Mmmmmm...just love the smell of Palin in the morning, all snide and sniveling and stupid. Ha ha, bitch. Take your idiocy and your militia crowd and go do your thing. You're a loser and you always will be, and you're an ugly bitch to boot.
ReplyDeleteWhen will Karl Rove finally squeeze this pimple on the ass of politics so she can just dry up and go away?
ReplyDeleteRove must squeeze the festering putrid pimple that sits on his neck first.
DeleteGreat analogy!!
DeleteHam Rove has a much bigger problem than Palin right now. I read an article yesterday about his relationship with a male lobbyist(?) that has recently been revealed. The article was from Legal Schnauzer. Sorry, I don't know how to post a link.
DeleteWEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 2012
DeleteKarl Rove's Bisexual Affair Might Have Sparked His Bizarre Rant on Fox News
Is the lobbyist name Craig Spence or Larry King? One is dead, but he surely provided for his friends.
DeleteThat's way beyond the squeezing stage, that sucker needs to be lanced!
DeleteRove swings both ways? How drunk or stoned did his paramour have to get? That's one pug ugly fat man!
From what I'm reading on Facebook, the villagers are reaching for their pitchforks, after Fox and friends have misinformed them, that a new deduction will show on their weekly paychecks, to pay for the upheld Act.
ReplyDeleteIt kills me that they try such whopper lies, which their viewers will see soon enough is untrue.
Whether or not they conclude they've been punked, and should no longer watch such malarkey on TV, is the true test of intelligence.
ReplyDeleteUgh, that wig and backdrop are hideous. She looks like she is recruiting for a religious cult! She's done, so long, grifter.
ReplyDeleteI think she's trying to look like dana loesch, deranged bagger queen who comments on loser CNN. What a bitter snarky hag she is, she so wants the president to acknowledge her. I burst out laughing when she started a sentence with "By July I want to see..." "You want to see"? Who the fuck are you? A failed, surgically enhanced birdbrain has been.. Go wash your hair hag...
DeleteI can’t top those responses. If she’s considered a spokesperson for the Republicans, let her keep talking.
ReplyDeleteYes. I am ok with her as the face of all things Republican. To me she is also Fox News. All one in the same, going to the same old place. PLEASE MAKE IT SOON.
DeleteYet MSNBC still refers to her tweets and "opinions" like she was some kind of relevant voice. I just don't get it. Of all the righty whack jobs out there, they defer to Sarah Palin?
DeleteMy Republican relatives have no idea she is the voice of the party, and this is not a good thing. They get her lies filtered through layers of e-mails and friends and gossip and Rush Limbaugh. So when I tell them Sarah Palin is an idiot who started these lies they're spouting, they deny the info has anything to do with Sarah Palin. My mom even thinks SP is an idiot and has no idea how many of her own talking points originate with SP. When I try to explain, she says things like, "Well, I don't know whether that's true," or "You obviously have too much time on your hands if you're researching this stuff."
DeleteSarah Palin may not read any and all of them, but she is the psychology test book example of transference. If Palin has a serious flaw, she tried to blame her arch rival, President Obaama for it. It's hard to imagine that after going to 5 different colleges and universities, Sarah actually got a degree in journalism-- she speaks so badly. Yet, she accuses President Obama of not having read the constitution. It's Sarah who doesn't read or understand anything. Obama taught constitutional law at the graduate level.
ReplyDeleteGood Lord, she looks like hell. What's going on with her? Does she not own a mirror? Does her family not check her out before she sits her butt in front of a tv camera?
ReplyDeleteBesides mental illness which is very apparent now, what else is wrong with her? Her physical appearance is suffering quite a bit. She looks like she may have some sort of physical disease progressing rapidly. Poor thing. If her family loved her, they'd try to help her.
If her family loved her, they'd try to help her.
DeleteHow true. Betty Ford went through a hellish time. The Ford family did not ignore her. Denial is a phase, the Palin family moved in and they are making it a permanent home. She is doomed. You don't let those things fester without consequences. The worst is yet to come.
Will they continue to hide the melt downs or will a big one be televised?
Having dealt myself with a family member with a serious mental illness, there is only so much you can do if the person is not willing to admit there's a problem in the first place. In my family's case, the person accused everyone else of being mentally ill and steadfastly refused to admit there was anything wrong with her. I have no doubt that Palin would walk barefoot over hot lava before admitting that she needs psychiatric care.
DeleteI also suspect that the family's priorities are still strongly influenced by the financial aspects of her 'career'. They can continue to put up with The Crazy as long as the money keeps rolling in.
I agree, I have a brother who is bi-polar. It's crazy making on steroids sometimes. Up is down, down is up and the rest of us are making shit up according to him. I finally had to sever ties as it was exhausting dealing with it. Life is much more peaceful now.
DeleteThe history between her and her family members shows she doesn't let anyone ahead of her in importance; all about $arah. If they've tried to mellow her, calm her or direct her I'd bet she flips out and starts throwing, cans and punches. Toad has shown us where he stands, down low and behind her. She isn't going to take any advice from family, hired help (as she sees advisers) or G-L-O-R-I-A.
DeleteOf course she owns a mirror. It's is just that she does not cast a reflection in the mirror.
DeleteTalk about projection. There was another tweet from $P later than the one above, which was a lot of nonsense and ended with "Obama is insane." I couldn't believe it. I tweeted her back that she was wrong she should look in the mirror.
DeleteIn addition, the false information about the ACA being transmitted out there by the right is so egregiously wrong, it hurts my head. All of us need to become really well versed in the main points of the bill, so we can counter their foolishness. WRT the "tax" remind them that it only applies to people who don't have insurance. Low income people will get subsidies to purchase and/or fall into the new Medicaid category and working people mostly have insurance already and high income people either have insurance or pay-as-you-go, which is a personal choice. The latter of those would be taxed, but the amount is very low - under $700 eventually and much less than that in the early years.
Insofar as the talking point about small business people cancelling insurance, Dr. Howard Dean said yesterday that,yes, that is possible. However, the employees will have low cost health care available to them which is no longer tied to an employer, making them much more mobile and not shackled to a bad job, as so many are today.
My 10cents. Overall, it was a wonderful day and a shame that $P tried to rain on it.
Trillions of dollars? I wish just one of these assholes could really think. With large groups of uninsured who do they think is actually paying for that health care? We are. Through taxes and increased health insurance premiums. And what is the alternative Sara? Death? You bitch about death panels but you are more than willing to just deny health care to the uninsured and let them die on the streets (because they'll become homeless trying to pay for their own medical care). Why not read some of the real life accounts - people denied health care because of pre-existing conditions, people who lose everything because they've reached their "lifetime" limits on health care. Why don't you call that a death sentence? Stupid woman. And yet she waves the Belmonts and talks about God and these dim-witted flock to her. Thankfully she's become such a laughing stock that some of the flock have lost interest but she'll always have that core of idiots following her around.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the story about the people who died when Palin was governor? It were 200 something disabled that died when they couldn't get their needs met. It was due to Palin's poor executive and leadership skills while she was head of the state in Alaska. Wasn't she the death panel for those disabled and elderly?
DeleteI will never, never, never forgive Palin for this reckless disregard for human life, for the suffering she caused the Kuskokwim villagers, for the hell she inflicted on Wootan and Monegan, for the deaths and suffering she instigated in Arizona.
DeleteWell, it's real easy for Palin to ignore that when she gets gvt medical care.
Delete8:25 I agree with you! And, she really (?) thinks she has a shot at the White House in her future.
DeleteGo ahead, Sarah, in your future - just stick your nose out there and we'll hasten to chop it off! She has waaaay too much baggage and would be crucified upside down that is for sure. So would her family members!!!! Too much crap out there about ALL of them!!!
We'll be here to make sure she doesn't forget her luggage(baggage) on her trip to Washington.
DeleteFor the love of God, Gryphen, will you stop beating that woman with the stupid stick. Exactly how retarded do you want her?
ReplyDeleteLook at her! That´s what you did with the ugly stick. Look at what you did. If you had an angstrom of decency in your heart, you would put down the ugly stick before you knock all the makeup off what´s left of her head.
I doubt the stupid stick will make much of an impression. It is hard to dent something that is already super dense. I applaud Gryphen's efforts though.
DeleteThe Lunatic from Wasilla is really insulting our President by questioning his knowledge of the 10th amendment.
ReplyDeleteShe probably didn't even finish college, has never had ONE class in constitutional law, but feels entitled to slam Mr Obama for being ignorant.
WHATEVER poison comes out of $arah's mouth is the exact opposite of the truth.
When a Paylin says anything, you can bank on the EXACT opposite being the truth, or close to it.
$arah your ignorance showed perfectly through during your "interview" with Greta. The only folks listening to you and nodding their heads are just sad cases
Sarah Palin is a proven liar and fraud!!! Ask Alaskans!!!
DeleteI suggest you folks read the following books that were written about the evil Sarah (all proof sourced and very well done, by the way!):
"Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin" - written by 3 authors to include Frank Bailey (worked w/her on her campaign and then served in her administration when she was the 'quitter gov!) - Ken Morris and Jeanne Devon (Alaskan resident and well known blogger - Mudflats)
"The Rogue - Searching for the Real Sarah Palin" - Joe McGinniss
and "The Lies of Sarah Palin" which is the untold story behind her relentless quest for power! By - Geoffrey Dunn
You will get to know the totally messed up Sarah!
Her husband, Todd, is a proven pimp now too - Shailey Tripp is the author/prostitute that worked for the Todd and serviced him! Proof sources are in this book too.
You know what I want to ask one of these "Constitutional conservatives" who keeps screaming about healthcare being unconstitutional? Immigration quotas aren't in the Constitution either, yet all the red blooded patriotic Americans are screaming about enforcing them. How does that differ from healthcare?
DeleteThe only answer I've gotten to that question is that "times have changed since the Constitution and we have to address new issues." Apparently that doesn't apply to healthcare. Maybe we can all just go back to the barter system where we pay the local doctor with eggs and butter from our chickens and cows. /snark
If Palling Around Palin is in a big city, why can't she find a decent stylist?
ReplyDeleteshe doesn't want anyone to know that she has very thin hair on top of her head and she trusts no one, too afraid they will talk.
DeleteSo, instead, she shows up to be viewed by millions of people with a different awful, ugly, mostly dirty wig each time she appears.
DeleteSo, instead of one hairdresser talking, millions can judge with their own eyes and realize that there's nothing under the wig -- either hair, or brains.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but while the Obama White House was behind getting this bill passed,
ReplyDeletedidnt' the House of Reps & the Senate have to both vote & pass this bill?
And now the Supreme Court said its ok?
I don't thing B. Obama is the only one responsible for this bill.
But, but, but...he's black!
DeleteSince her Family receives free Health Care, she could care less about everyone else. Why does FAUX NEWS continue to let this Witch spew on their Network?
ReplyDeleteHow's that REALITY SHOW THINGY treatin' Ya, GRANNY GRIFTER? How does it feel to live with PIMP DADDY?
Appears we ALL need to contact FOX - specifically Greta's show - and tell them we don't want to see 'the idiot' anymore on their network. Remember, the numbers count to all of them.
DeleteStop watching FOX and CNN folks. Turn your dial to MSNBC and Rachel Maddow, The Ed Show, Chris Matthews and Lawrence O'Donnell. Rachel is the best - provides facts and history on all the subjects currently in the political news. A true learning experience is to be had.
"The other 50 percent who are thinking that perhaps they're going to get a free ride and get some free health care, they're not."
So this useless, ignorant, hateful, un-American harpy thinks that Americans who work hard every day of their lives at low-paid jobs and who contribute to their communities and to America in countless non-monetary ways, and who also get a refund of their federal income tax (not all the other taxes they pay!) are lazy moochers expecting a free ride on everybody else's dime.
Fuck off and die, you low-life piece of shit. Also, too, you silly bitch? You are a liar. At last those people you write off will have better, less-expensive health care resources. You are your very own walking, talking death panel for wanting to take that away, aren't you?
Right on, Nefer.
Delete"You are your very own walking, talking death panel for wanting to take that away, aren't you?"
DeleteThis, a thousand times this.
Great comment and so true! This bitch is a selfish idiot!
DeleteWe should all tweet what you wrote. As someone who has been denied treatment many times by private, for profit insurance companies? I say FUCK YOU Sarah. Karma baby karma! It's coming for you and if you think you look like a bitter angry dried up constipated prune now, just wait!
Is anyone else sick to death of her worn out, false and misleading catch phrases? What the hell is a constitutionally conservative governor.
She is such an idiot. She does not care about people at all.
Not one bit. God, I can't wait until she is canned from Fox. It WILL happen.
Those getting a free ride? Like her kids and grandkids getting free healthcare from the IHS - and herself when she was preggers? WHat a fuckign hypocrite. As long as any of her family accepts any IHS care, she should shut her mouth on healthcare for the rest of us.
DeleteTime heals all wounds? She isn't trending anywhere on the net. I see that as a very good thing. The only ones reacting to her are the bots and us. I say we give it a rest. It will drive her even crazier.
ReplyDeleteTime does not heal all wounds. Bristol has been carrying her grudges around, letting them get worse and worse, building up inside of her until that is all that she can talk about.
DeleteBristol follow's Sarah's example. Sarah thinks that she personally lost to Obama, and she has been yapping at him ever since, like a dog who chases a car, barking at the car's wheels. Her yapping has the same effect, too.
I'd prefer the "time wounds all heels" in reference to you know who! After all, the more she's out there spouting pontifications of no value, the more time she spends tying herself up in crazy-hood-ness.
Palin looked like she had been on a drunk last night. Guess all the bad news is really getting to her FINALLY. I noticed that no one is covering her on Greta last night except for Mediaite which only had her up briefly.
ReplyDeleteCourse those at C4P are still waiting for her to rush into Tampa and take over the ticket. Those people have to be the dumbest, most gullible people in the world.
She will take over in Tampa. Wait and see. God is on HER side. HE has chosen her, and she is the one, to lead us. She will lead not only our country, but all TRUE believers. This is FACT. Deny it at your own peril.
DeleteWhy do you think Jessie here keeps writing about her? It's Gods plan. Romney will not prevail at the convention. Certain facts will soon come to light that will prevent this. And that had been the brilliant plan all along.
Wow. You could hurt yourself, so be careful. And get some rest.
DeleteAnonymous8:52 AM
DeleteShe will take over in Tampa. Wait and see. God is on HER side. HE has chosen her, and she is the one, to lead us. She will lead not only our country, but all TRUE believers. This is FACT. Deny it at your own peril.
Why do you think Jessie here keeps writing about her? It's Gods plan. Romney will not prevail at the convention. Certain facts will soon come to light that will prevent this. And that had been the brilliant plan all along.
WOW! The CRAZY is strong with YOU!! Err...I think you've wandered a little far from the funny farm...and I also think you forgot to take your dose of medicine too Baldy!
Jessie writes about you because you are ENTERTAINMENT! You will NOT be leading NOBODY except your crazy ass family to further ridicule!
LOL at you taking over Tampa...how are you going to do that at a strip mall with a table set up to sell your wares...your two awful books...Beefy's trash fest and other trinkets that BaldyPac is paying for with it's last little bit of change that you STOLE from the brain damaged idiots at Crazies4Palin!
No wonder you look so bad last night...all this bad news has made you SNAP! Call up one of those handlers of yours and tell them that you need money for another plastic surgery...hopefully the cheap doctor you get this time doesn't fuck you up to badly!
Please, tell us more, 8:52. And, also, too, prior to the announcement of the Republican nominee, angels will pull Romney up to the heavens by the waistband of his magic underwear, while a bright star from above casts a glowing light on Sarah, the Anointed One. She will gracefully ascend to the stage, as if on gossamer wings, while the True Believers see their heavenly plan unfold; the one they've only dreamed of until this day. Hallelujah!
Deletelol 8:52
DeleteLMAO..if she is the chosen one, why hasn't she tossed her dirty wig into the ring by now? It's been how many months since Iowa?
DeleteShe will take over in Tampa.
DeleteYes, there are her delusions on roids. In reality it may be a public meltdown or pre-melt. I hope they don't get her out of sight before she really loses it. We only see her best side. I know that is hard to grasp. Seriously what they allow us to see is her best.
A more neutral interviewer would have challenged her on many of her statements that are incorrect - like more bureaucracy - and point things she neglects to include because they'd weaken her argument - like that states have the right to create their own plans.
ReplyDelete" Shh, the grownups are talking " I love that!
greta is a pathetic ass kissing hack with a weak character and no moral compass. as with simple minded sarah she is only driven by her greed...
DeleteSomeone had an eyebrow lift!
ReplyDeleteyep! I thought I was the only one who noticed.
DeleteIndeed. Her brows are now touching her Lego wig. If you look at photos of her during the campaign, only a bit of the arch of her brow was above her glasses. Now, the whole brow is 8 inches over the top of her glasses. The funny thing is that the more surgery she has done, the more manly and unattractive she becomes.
Deleteshe looks absurd with that 1/2 witted "surprised" look on her face...she's gone beyond the point of no return regarding the surgical deformation of her face.
DeleteShe'll be dabbling with Sharpie Pens to do her brows soon. This woman used to be somewhat attractive, what a shame.
DeleteShe looks like Seinfeld's Uncle Leo after his eyebrows burned off and Elaine drew them in with a Sharpie!
DeleteTotally. I do miss the tarantula-like eye makeup, though. :-)
DeleteAt the end of the day, the GOP replied with class to the HCR ruling, whereas the Dems reacted like babies to the Holden ruling.
ReplyDeleteI don't necessarily think HCR is a bad thing. I think that bill has MAJOR problems. And Eric Holder got what he should have.
Class? Really? Palin was at the end of the day, and couldn't have been more classless. Go away.
DeleteFail. You obviously drink the RWNJ koolaid and don't have a clue. The Holden thing is a witch hunt orchestrated by political hacks. The GOP lies about the ACA. Is that your definition of class? What a buffoon, go back to the pee pond and spew your ignorance there.
DeleteSeriously? You think boo-hooing that they are going to run off to Canada (um, socialist healthcare, you idiots), threatening armed insurrection, and calling their own buttboy Roberts a homosexual traitor is "classy"? In what alternate universe.
DeleteAnd I'm not even going to bother trying to educate you about the Fast and Furious. Turn off the Fox, lemming.
The GOP acted with class? Cong Mike Pence, who want to be governor of Indiana, compared the ruling to the tragedy of 9/11. Senator Rand Paul, declared the Suprememe Court ruling invalid by a handful of "people", not the highest court in the land. Cong. Phil Gingrey almost had a complete breakdown on the Capitol steps, and Michele Bachmann went all crazy eyes, The GOP is collectively and very publicly losing their fucking minds, and I am loving every minute of it Kristy....go bang out some more posts on a site which actually gives a shit about your inane thoughts.
DeleteYou must be listening to the wrong news - all I've seen and read is outrage and calls for impeachment of SCOTUS - add in the hand wringing of ruining the country and the screetch and I think it's more like the GOP reacted exactly like a two year needing a time-out
DeleteI think you are watching too much Fox if you believe what you wrote! It's do removed from reality, I pity you. Try reading from a variety of sources and have an open mind. Your comment is frightening. Holder got what he deserved? Fuck you, you racist hick! It's obvious that you don't even understand the Holder story.
Deletelol, try pulling your head out of your anus and taking a deep breath moron.
DeleteClass? like Mike savage who blamed Roberts epilepsy meds?
DeleteThe Holder contempt vote is going nowhere. The republicans in Congress haven't told you, so I will. The next step in the process is for the U.S. Attorney to empanel a grand jury. this is not going to happen because the president exercised executive privilege. Furthermore, the contempt charge loses all of its ability to hurt AG Holder once this session of Congress ends. It's very important to seek out unbiased sources of information before making claims and declaring victory. If the House votes for civil contempt and it passes, the case goes to a federal judge who will decide whether AG Holder can be bound over to appear in court. There's little chance of this happening. AG Holder released all of the documents he was legally allowed to release. The others can't be released because they relate to active cases. I think once the federal judge reviews the material in the case and considers the fact that neither AG Holder nor the president knew about F&F upon taking office, he/she'll throw the case out. Also, Issa has already admitted this in public on national TV. He only wrote the letter to the WH after spilling the beans on national TV and receiving calls from other republicans chastising him for having loose lips. The Fortune Magazine piece exposed F&F for what it is--a witch hunt, based on a conspiracy theory created by the NRA being pushed by Issa and republicans in the House. The charges don't match the material documenting what actually occurred during the time F&F was operated under the Obama Administration. Fox and RW pundits and radio entertainers are terrible sources of information on any issue related to government. This is why it's very important to read unbiased material on the issues.
DeleteIt's a good thing that Boehner didn't spike the football in the end zone, the way he was planning.
DeleteI predict that her hissy fit tweet will get a great deal of comedic attention. Let the fun begin!
ReplyDeleteDid you notice how she said, "in July, I expect congress" like she's running the country and Congress. Idiot.
ReplyDeleteShe really is stupid.
DeleteYes, did indeed notice. Had urge to strangle.
Delete"By November...it will be a non-issue." And so will Palin, fate willing.
ReplyDeleteYou know, it's stunning that a decision that would see millions of people more able to enjoy the promise (and freedom) of America by way of an improved quality of life would be taken as an act of "treachery."
Then again, this is "Blister Sarah" we're talking about: A woman so ugly, demented, and cruel as to delight in the horribly misguided, quasi-eugenic notion that denying some 40 million individuals of care an act of patriotism. THAT is treachery and moreover, a fundamental betrayal of most every normative right imaginable.
Sarah, you are finished.
Obama/Biden 2012 (by a landslide)
Sarah is truly a one-trick pony.
ReplyDeleteAnd, like a stripper that only has ONE bump-and-grind move, as that move gets tired, boring even, she has no other new trick - so she can only bump-and-grind ever harder and harder.
At first its kind of funny, but quickly becomes sad and eventually becomes disgusting to witness.
When Sarah's on TV doing her nasty bump-and-grind, imagine David Rose's song "the Stripper" -- only at a slowed-down speed, as though it's being played on an old phonograph with the motor slowly dying.
Time to sit down and shut up Sarah. You're goose is cooked. We win. You lose. America wins, YOU LOSE! Hahahahhahahahahaha!!
ReplyDeleteOh, is she gonna be pissed this comin' November!!! Can hardly wait to see it happen!
DeleteOBAMA/BIDEN 2012
This fool has no idea about anything related to the Affordable Care Act - in fact she doesn't understand how government works.
ReplyDeleteShe should just say a prayer of thanks that Joe Biden is such a kind & honorable man and didn't wipe her off the floor when she was running for VP. Can you imagine her in a debate with ANY democrat in the current administration - what an absolute dumb fool she is.
I think cancer is in her karma. With no health insurance.
ReplyDeleteI think Sarah is going to die a very painful death. She is so damned evil and has been projecting it for almost four years now nationally. Alaskans have had her in their midst longer than that and would gladly escort her, and hers, from their state!
DeleteI suspect some form of cancer is awaiting her - perhaps of the throat and mouth? Evil will come back to haunt you, sister Sarah!
Gotta love green screen. Love the "big city" background.
ReplyDeleteA lunar landscape might have been more appropriate.
Right on the money, G.
ReplyDeleteThe moment I heard "10th Amendment", I immediately thought of the AIP. Our own Governor Rick Perry (TX) is just as off-balance as Sister Sarah. We have to listen to his "10th Amendment" pandering every few months.
Much like Sarah (well, when she was actually had any importance in politics), he declares "Sovereignty" while holding his hand out for every Federal dollar he can grab.
and since teaching critical thinking skills is a no-no in the TX Rep party, there's no one to argue with him, I'll bet
DeleteSarah is looking more and more like a man. With her hair out of her face and voluminized, she features no longer look attractive. She is too thin, yet her face which should have a bit more fat on it to round out her features, looks bony and square and mannish.
ReplyDeleteThe transcript doesn't convey the vehemence with which Sarah Palin (AIP) hissed out "We are SOVEREIGN states. I saw the ghosts of Joe Vogler and George Wallace standing behind her.
ReplyDeleteThe dogs, they are whistled.
As one who lived through the violence icited by Wallace and Ross Barnett and others, I hope the FBI has this dangerous demagogue on a watch list.
On a lighter note, I was shocked to learn that President Obama rammed healthcare down our throats! I could have sworn this was legislation passed by both houses of Congress!
I was also shocked to learn that if we just had tort reform and got rid of anti-competitive measures, each of us could just "shop" for affordable health insurance! Well, until we, you, know, got sick.
Just think about this. We organize our thoughts via language. Wa$chilla DeVile's lack of language skills belies her subpar thought processes.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, when I hear her "speak" she sounds borderline retarded to me. I challenge any English major to diagram this "sentence":
"I would like to see governors be tough and opt out of this and exert our 10th Amendment rights and tell President Obama, who does not understand the Constitution -- he even being a constitutional lecturer and supposed scholar in our Constitution, not understanding and probably never reading or absorbing the 10th Amendment to understand that states have rights."
What she says is stupid. The way she says it is retarded. Fuck you, McCain and FUCK YOU, SARAH PALIN!!!!
I have a master's in linguistics. I could diagram that sentence. The problem is, it is not complete. The verb 'tell' requires both a direct and an indirect object but there is no direct object. She never completes her thought (that's probably not the right word) of what she wants governors to tell President Obama. She just goes off on her hate-filled rant, and it apparently distracts her from completing the sentence.
DeleteThat woman is an idiot.
Yep, it isn't a sentence; it's a sentence fragment.
DeleteI finally parsed it out. "...tell President Obama [long interlude] states have rights." So it is a sentence, albeit a long, convoluted one.
Delete"Why Obamacare Is A Tax Cut For Millions Of Americans"
Sarah doesn't seem able to read very well - or if she does, she sure doesn't understand. Many Americans will get a tax CUT from the ACA - a few weaalthy folks will pay a small additional tax IF they don't have health insurance - and the reality is wealthy folks DO have health insurance - unlike some - they can afford it.
Exclusive: Lifetime Bumps "Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp" to Late Night
ReplyDeleteBy The Futon Critic Staff (TFC)
LOS ANGELES (thefutoncritic.com) -- Lifetime has bumped its new series "Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp" back an hour to Tuesdays at 11:00/10:00c, the network confirmed this morning.
Just 506,000 viewers on average tuned into back-to-back episodes this past Tuesday at 10:00/9:00c (including a 0.2 rating in adults 18-49), down from its premiere of 726,000 viewers on June 19.
Encores of "Dance Moms" will instead fill the 10:00/9:00c hour on Tuesdays, following its original broadcast at 9:00/8:00c. 2.125 million viewers tuned into the most recent episode of the series, including a 0.8 rating in adults 18-49.
(I think Lifetime has played a huge joke on the Palins by airing this show. Maybe Lifetime is doing to Sarah Palin what she paid Tank to do to Levi except that she actually did it to herself. ha ha)
Well, a second day of good news! One day Obamacare goes legit, the next, Bristol gets kicked to the curb. Loves it!
DeleteLet me get this straight. The network will air RERUNS ("encores") of another show instead of new episodes of Bristol's stinkbomb. Reruns apparently drawing more viewers.
DeleteToo funny!
One of the greatest examples of "spin" was when the Soviet Union's 'news'paper, PRAVDA, reported on a car race between a Russian and an American. The American won the race, but Pravda said (without saying there were only two in the race) that "the Russian came in second" and the American came in "next to last." Frank Luntz would be proud.
DeleteBut Sarah will probably spin the "Dance Moms" replacing Bristol's joke-of-a-show by saying that because of Bristol's (sad and embarrassing) stint on DWTS, that she's a "Dance Mom," too and this is a tip o' the hat to the Palins!
And, just when we thought FOX couldn't look any MORE stupid and out of touch after falsely reporting yesterday's major SCOTUS news, they trot out an old mental patient in a bad wig to 'comment' on Constitutional law. Rupert can't break FOX into enough pieces to hold it together. And Sarah will forever be known as the ugly face of their failure.
OBAMA 2012!!!
If it wasn't the middle of summer, they would have cancelled it by now.
Deletelol, hahahhahahahhaha, gotta love that karma thingy...
DeleteHave they mentioned Bristol and her tv disaster? They may not bother to spin. Dead silence and let it pass?
Palin is just stupid enough to miss the whole point. The problem is, you've been snookered by the Repubs. You're trapped between the high cost of insurance due to the insurers not kept under control and the obvious need for affordable health care for all citizens. And then, the baggers who are just ordinary poor and middle class have been brainwashed into doing the right's biddinig!
ReplyDeleteYesterday's socalled victory was more like a defeat that was engineered by the 1%.
luv from Canada.
Oh you poor dear. You've wandered onto the high speed Internet again! You could hurt yourself, or innocent bystanders. Let me give you a lift home.
DeleteWhy do you say this? I won't insult you!
DeleteAre you saying this because of how much new business the health insurance companies will get? Our Medicare Part D plan was/is a HUGE rip off of our citizens. And anyone who thinks it really benefits seniors/disabled people is mistaken. It will be a little bit better when the doughnut hole closes but still not what it should be. Big pharma wins with Medicare Part D.
And with ACA, insurance companies get a huge number of new healthy subscribers.
Still, in our divided country, it is a huge step with many benefits. It isn't true universal coverage but I believe we will get there eventually.
We have to really get out the vote this fall and keep the senate, retain the house and reelect the President. I agree even many Democrats are bought and paid for by the 1% BUT there is no comparison to the GOP.
What do you think Canadian?
9:13AM...don't waste your time talking to "luv from Wasilla"! The idiot has been on here since yesterday howling in the comments like a beat dog! We just pat the pitbull on the head and keep on going!
DeleteI think I want to BE a Canadian with its "socialist" (I say humanist) leanings.
DeleteIt must really burn Greta Van Suckup, a lawyer, to have to sit there and ask the opinion of Wasilla's Village Idiot about a Supreme Court decision. Yet somehow I just can't feel sorry for her!
ReplyDeleteWhat I noticed in watching the tape is that at the beginning, Sarah has EXACTLY the same look on her face as she did up on stage when McCain was giving his resignation speech. She looks as if she's holding back tears. Now, some might have interpreted those as tears of disappointment, but we know that she was actually FURIOUS with the McCain people for refusing to allow her to give a resignation speech, too. So what we are seeing here is Sarah holding back tears of rage. She obviously is very, very angry.
Part of it may be her fury at seeing Obamacare ruled constitutional; she was paid well by you-know-who to fight it from the beginning, and she took that opposition and made it her signature crusade. But I wouldn't be surprised if she's also furious because the whole country is now laughing at the Palins, thanks to Bristol's flop of a TeeVee Pity Party.
Sucks to be you, Sarah. Oh, yeah; I'm so jealous. Tee hee.
They told her that she couldn't say "death panels." She was told to stick with what was in the teleprompter. If she went rogue, she would have been cut.
DeleteGrover Norquist?
DeleteRalph Reed?
Oh, wait, I've got it: Rupert Murdoch!
How could I be so dense?
I did a little search about President Obama and his teaching law and the University of Chicago (one of the most prestigious law schools in the country).
ReplyDeleteSome right-wing nuts have alleged all sorts of nefarious lies about the President. Actual lawyers corrected these lies, but it's easy to see why a know-nothing like Sarah and her peepers believe the lies.
Let it just be said: the President is a graduate of Columbia University and of the Harvard Law School, where he was elected president of the Law Review.
When he was in Chicago, he taught constitutional law at the U. of C. for several years.
So, he not only studied the Constitution in law school, he taught it to others.
Sarah Palin: when you show us your college diploma and transcript, then you can demand that the President show his. When you can show us your credentials as a legal authority, we will consider your arguments side-by-side with other legal scholars.
Until then, you're an unemployed, middle-aged has-been from a large state with a tiny population, who somehow, by the hand of fate, is still being broadcast on national tv with your views about the world.
I would rather listen to my next-door-neighbor, who actually teaches political science ( a Ph. D. elitist) talk any day, or, actually, any one of the people in my small town, most of whom have advanced degrees and all of whom know how to read and think.
Please go away. One more plastic surgery and we won't even recognize you, except for your screech.
There is also something called performative proof. $carah claims to have been a journalist Watching her on TV and listening to her screeches, she cannot perform either function - communicating or relating news.
Delete1) Her voice is a screech
2) Her command of the English language is at about 3rd grade level (see above analysis - she doesn't speak in complete sentences.)
She is neither a journalist or a communicator, unless one puts the adjective "failed" in front of either of those.
The next time that Katie asks that gotcha question, I hope that Sarah is ready with the answer, "I read the Constitution every day, Katie."
DeleteShe embarrasses herself. Or, well, she would, if she had any shame. Which she doesn't. Clearly.
ReplyDeleteIf Sarah had her way, she and her cronies would be the only ones who could enjoy their freedoms and rights. She promotes selfish greed on Fox. How does she know what each governor of each state is hearing from his/her constituents? They may want this new Affordable Care Act.
ReplyDeleteShe sticks her nose in other states' business. For all those families listening to her speak, how many are relying on and welcoming this new change, given that many couldn't find appropriate insurance that accepts pre-existing conditions? Does Sarah ever consider others? Is it so wrong to want to share the load even if the middle class have to pay more taxes? How does she expect them to cope? What is wrong with a little sacrificial giving towards a better cause?
It's not as if Sarah has any financial worries herself. Yet she would try to rescind this new law if she could. Cruel, uncompassionate, paranoid, greedy, selfish, unkind and unchristian. Those corporate masters of her won't suffer from this new law either. What kind of sick person is she, who claims she is for the people, when she would turn away a sick child because it might infringe on HER rights? This isn't about the Constitution, or Amendment rights, it's about human decency.
No honey, lying is telling the American people that Iraq had WMD's, while being told by the CIA that there was none, and by NATO who couldn't find any.
ReplyDeleteBTW, did you know that MORmONS, believe in "lying for Jesus"?
Something is seriously wrong with a woman who wears a different hairstyle every time she is on TV. Really, how many people do we know in our daily lives who look so different every time we see them? This is not normal. Occasionally, we all change how we look but not every freaking day.
ReplyDeleteI wish someone with better computer skills than me whould put together a chronology of her hair. I don't need to hear a word that comes out of her ignorant mouth. Just seeing how she is constantly changing her appearance tells me all that I need to know about her mental state.
A heartbeat away... YIKES! If I may plagiarize anothe IM poster for a moment.."Fuck you, John McCain!!!
I think your comment is so interesting. I would also like to see a video montage of the completely different PERSONALITIES she displays--sometimes the chatty schoolgirl, sometimes the flirty, murmuring tease, sometimes the angry teenager, sometimes the attempted professional businesswoman role...the list could go on and on.
DeleteAll you have to do is type the words "Sarah Palin" into Google Images, and you will see a good assortment of Sarah's hair stlyles. Then, change the words and Google: Sarah Palin bad hairstyles. Here are some examples:
Warning: In this photo, they forgot to anchor her wig securely: http://cdn.thegloss.com/files/2012/01/Screen-shot-2012-01-03-at-9.57.13-AM-640x425.png
This is her serious, schoolmarm hairdo:
Sarah Palin's bad hair day: http://malialitman.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/palin-bad-hair-day.jpg
Now you know why Willow wants to go to beauty school.
This idiot is so popular with her low-information-voter base because she is their most beloved fantasy come to life: something for nothing, winning big, striking it rich, scoring the good life with no qualifications, no education, no real effort - but just because! It's like winning the lotto. She's just like them! And she gets to thumb her nose at all those people who look down on her, like they're better than her.
ReplyDeleteShe has tapped into the deepest well of resentment, blind anger, and ignorance and uses it to meet her own needs and for her own personal gain. She's just a poseur, an imposter with a bad script. For that alone she's got a special place in hell.
+1 !
DeleteWow she can barely hide her true secessionist heart under that thin skin of hers. If she hates America so much she aught to go ahead & move out. I love the fact that especially since the Palins have decided to go whole-hog reality tee vee overboard that no one NO ONE takes her seriously anymore. She's managed all by herself to make everyone sick of her and the Palin "brand".
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing better than watching the trash take itself out!
"There's nothing better than watching the trash take itself out!"
"There's nothing better than watching the trash take itself out!"
DeleteYou got that right Colleen!
This is the summer of my dreams...........
"Sovereign states..." HAHAHAHAHA
ReplyDeleteTipped her tea-bagging, secessionist-lovin' hand with that one!
Nothing much has changed!....
In just that short snippet, look how many references $arah (and then Tina) make to "health care reform which is needed"!!
DeleteClick image to watch video
Where the warning?
This could be hazardous to your health.
If you have a 6th grade education or higher.
Just two weeks into its run, Lifetime Television has bumped Tuesday docu-series Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp from 10 p.m. in primetime to 11 p.m. in late night. Back-to-back episodes this Tuesday dipped 30 percent from an already disappointing 726,000 in premiere week to 506,000, according to Nielsen. Encore telecasts of Dance Moms will fill the time period until further notice.
Who didn't see that coming? I wonder if part of the NE report was based on screetch knowing that in advance? I wouldn't have wanted to be the poor gnat who had to call Sara and tell her Brisket was getting bumped from prime time - and for reruns? Hahahahahahaha
DeleteTripp is going to grow up famous for being that kid whose mother abused him on her docu-series. "how weird is that" ?????
DeleteNice to think how irrelevant she is now, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteAll of you - Stop! You're missing the brilliance of Sarah's commentary on Greta because your minds are warped from recent exposure to 'Life's a Tripp.'
ReplyDeleteFrom the National Enquirer:
"“Sarah worries how seriously she will be perceived if her kin are always out there doing goofball things and turning up on reality shows,” revealed an insider."
“Sarah’s tried to tell her clan to cool it, but it didn’t take,” said the insider. “It’s become a circus.”
Let the mind games begin! I'm hoping against all odds that this will wake Bristol up to how viciously Sarah has used and abused her.
You know damned well that sister Sarah IS very involved w/Bristol's current, horrible reality show.
DeleteSarah has no one to blame but herself. No one would EVER want her as president of the United States. She's spread so much hate throughout the country with her racist attitude - uneducated rhetoric - untruths, etc. Plus, she and Todd are horrid parents (look at how the kids have turned out!) - Todd is a proven pimp - and Sarah will go down in Alaska's history as their worst gov on record.
Pure and simple - Sarah will NEVER be in the White House. President Obama will be reelected and she's going to continue spreading her hate until someone stops her within the Republican party!
Sarah is trying to pretend that she had nothing to do with Bristol's show because the reviews have been so bad. Of course she was the power behind Bristol getting on DWTS and developing a reality show with the Massey Brothers. There are documents that have been shown on the internet that show that Helping Hands was both the name of the charity that Bristol and the Massey Brothers were supposed to work for, and it is registered as an LLC. The lawyer who did the paper work is Sarah Palin's lawyer, and she applied for Alaska film credits since they would shoot some of the film in Alaska.
DeleteThe reviews for Bristol's show are so bad that suddenly Sarah doesn't want to have any part of it. She must know how badly Todd would do, too, or else she would be singing his praises. And who was the first one who thought that a reality show was going to be a great idea? Why, it was Sarah Palin herself, star of "Sarah Palin's Alaska," which showed that she couldn't shoot and her family values involved smashing Piper's face in a birthday cake.
This IS NOT the America I truly love. That country was in the past when both parties worked together to come up with solutions that were good for everybody and not just wealthy. I loved the America that had NO reality shows. I loved the country that cared more about real people than about corporations (yeah, talking to you SCOTUS and Teabaggers). I loved the America where most of the news media wasn't owned by one person, Murdoch. I loved the America we had before drugs were destroying it. I loved the America that would have squashed the ignorant, hateful likes of Sarah Palin like the poisonous bug she is.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree 9:15 a.m. Could not have said it better myself!!!
DeleteYou had me until you got to the drug part. More people are misusing prescription meds and alcohol than illegal drugs (they are easier to get). If this country had it's head out of its ass, it would legalize all of them and tax the shit out of them. No more gateway drugs, no more arrests for an ounce of grass, and legalize non-hallucinogenic hemp production (read energy that is truly renewable and grows ANY where.)
DeleteBy the way, the drugs you talk about have been available in one form or another for centuries.
anon @ 9:57
Delete"More people are misusing prescription meds and alcohol than illegal drugs (they are easier to get)."
How can you think that with legalizing pot then (which will make it easier to get) will be any less of a problem than alcohol or rx drugs?
Not arguing, I just really am on the proverbial fence with this one. I don't like the idea of even more people running around or driving high. Too many of my friends from high school have gone on to be drug addicts, and yes, they started with pot.
unlike alcohol or tobacco, marijuana is not addictive
Deletenobody has ever died from inhaling too much marijuana
OTOH - Marinol (the fake stuff the government sells as a substitute) is addictive, and people have died from overdoses
It is not good to drive under the influence of many substances. No one is advocating driving on marijuana. If it was legalized they would tax the heck out of it and the people who can't afford it would turn to crime. They could allow medical marijuana patience to grow their own. A community garden could help the low income.
DeleteBIG PHARMA is at the center of much that is wrong in this country.
Sugar is a drug and should be handled as such. I have summer guests from out of state. The sugar they consume is shocking. Not really talking politics but heard them say that Obama was going to tax the sh-- out of them now that Obama Care past. I will try and let them know how they will need it one day. The good news is that Scarah is scaring more and more people away from Fox and all things Scarah. Thank you Bristol, also, too.
Todd and his AIP buddies are prolly itching to join up with the Michigan militia, for a good old armed insurrection. Sarah, would embrace that idea I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteTime for a tip of the hat to the late Ted Kennedy for all his work to help make this day possible.
ReplyDeleteWonder what he would have to say? Or who he would say it too!
what.has.happened.to.her.face?!?!?! she is not even recognizable. she looks so much older than she did just 4 years ago.
ReplyDeleteOh, stuff it Sarah. Go buy a wig or something.
ReplyDeleteWe have been facing a crisis in health care in the USA since the 1980's when the HMO for-profits really starting jacking up the prices so their CEOs could make 50 million a year.
ReplyDeleteAside from all the constitutional issues, the so-called Teaparty is fomenting fear and uncertainty by claiming that "our nation is lost, and we can't get it back". Or the other meme is "we need to reclaim our country, it was so much better in the old days"
A lot of the Paylin/Teaparty sentiment is nothing more than masked racism tinged with religious prejudice
The USA has faced many crises over the last 200 years, and we always managed to survive as a nation. The 3 branches of government tend to balance out over the years.
So $arah, do you want to go back to the 1950's? Segregation sound good to you? Should we exclude blacks from restaurants? Are there too many Asians for your taste in Hawaii?
Women could not even GET A BANK LOAN without their husband's signature in the 1950's. Women's income wasn't even counted for mortgage purposes.
AJ, women had no control over their own bodies in 1950. No woman could use contraceptives of any kind without permission from her husband.
DeleteWomen couldn't get their tubes tied without their husband's written permission in the late '70s. Yeah, let's go back to the 'good old days.' NOT.
DeleteDearest AJ:
DeleteThe answers to paragraph four are YES, YES, and YES.
lots of women got really good at forging their husband's name
DeleteI just watched Lifes a tripp episode 4, (it was worse than I thought) they show a preview of sarah's CPAC speech and I think she was having a hotflash when she was talking to big hair Willow, she was fanning herself hahaha
ReplyDeleteI would love to run into the ugly broad and verbally abuse her! She IS disposable and it cannot happen fast enough! Alaskans especially don't want her (or her family) residing in their state!
ReplyDeleteKeep your white trash mouth shut, Palin!!! As usual, you know NOT what you say. Try studying and reading about the subject before you open your trap! You do nothing but embarrass yourself and poor Greta. I'll wager she hates having to have you on her show all the time.
Why don't you take a long swim in the dead lake in front of your house?
Palin will continue to get out there and lie and spin. Her pathetic opinion no longer is paid attention to by many intelligent people throughout America. She has already proved what a real loser she is. and how ignorant she really is. Guess it just now takes attention away from Bristol's pathetic show, though.
ReplyDeleteWe'll see what happens with it all these next few months. My heart breaks for little Tripp, as I see how this can try to divert and distract about what is really going on with it all.
Sarah will continue to get out there and lie and distort, and spew her appalling hatred towards President Obama. Yet, she hopes no one will focus on HER and her dysfunctional family. Sad to see, because it looks like the little kids in that family are the real losers in it all.
My favorite film of all time is Frank Capra's "Lost Horizon" with the great Ronald Colman. In a scene where he leaves Shangrila with his brother and a young woman, the brother notices that the woman has suddenly aged by about 60 years. And why does this totally remind me of a certain vile, failed, mentally ill, half-term Governor of our least-populated state? Watch at the 55-second mark to see. Hahahaha! Pay attention, kids! That's what happens when you sell your soul.
Lost Horizon! My mother made me watch it as a little girl and I have loved it ever since. Such a great film. It's a good antidote to Palin to remember the beauty in the world and appreciate the work of talented people.
DeleteA "harbinger of things yet to come", I suppose, in order to distinguish it from a harbinger of things to come that have already happened?
ReplyDeleteGryphen, how's about you lighten up on The Screechy Wretch(tm)! She isn't very bright and apparently English isn't her first language and I'm frankly rather impressed with how close she actually comes at times - tho not often - to expressing herself almost coherently. If you insist on criticizing her in the future I have to demand that you provide proof that you know her personally because it's a known fact that you shouldnt criticize anyone you don't know personally.
But I came her not to attack you, Gryphen, but to delight in the English-like gibberish that glorps out of her mouth like evidence of intestinal distress from a elephant.
I especially enjoy the unnecessary extra additional supplementary words, those phrases and also the sentences and the paragraphs that she amends and also adds to the ignorant, ill-conceived, unthoughtful, less than insightful statements, these admonitions, those threats and the warnings that she publishes daily and weekly, but also monthly and sometimes occasionally.
She write like the 7th grader of less than average intelligence who fills a 500 word essay with 100 words copied from wikipedia and 400 words of foolish flourishes they misguidedly believe makes them look smarter than they are. Just like Sarah Lou, they fool no one. Actually, it's rare that as much as 20% of her text makes as much sense as a Wikipedia article.
She isnt alone in such wasteful wordery: look at all the unnecessary words I just used to say what a more skilled writer could say far more concisely AND accurately, also, too:
That woman is an idiot.
What you said and stated there was, for Americans who love their country and want it to be as proud and strong as it used to be, and who never want to give up what God gave them, which is their right to own guns, and also to live free and sovereign, and not to pay a tax that traitors and so-called law professors want to impose on them, people who have never even glanced at the tenth amendment, a statement that was true and honest, like what Ronald Reagan would have said.
DeleteThat woman claims to have a degree in journalism, and she cannot speak in simple complete sentences. She reminds me of someone from our high school. When he saw that the teacher was closing her book and getting ready to give us a quiz, his hand shot up with some kind of question. It didn't matter what he was going to say. We knew that he could keep going until the bell rang. He was a master at stalling for time by not saying anything.
DeleteNot only does Sarah fill the air with needless expressions and phrases to cover her lack of intelligence, she puts unusual emphasis on the wrong words. That means that while she may be reading topic points from a teleprompter, she has no idea what she is talking about. She may have used that technique to dazzle the people in Alaska, but when it came time to sit for a real interview when she was running for VP in 2008, she could not bluff her way at the national level.
@Anon 1044am
"unnecessary extra additional supplementary words" - LOL! I heart you Beldar!
DeleteBristol says on ep 3 of her horrific show that she sold the ring Levi got her at a pawn shop, she also let Trig get so sunburnt when he was in LA
ReplyDeleteShe's lucky she got a ring at all.
DeleteHope she put the proceeds into a savings account or CD for Tripp. Something good should come out of this whole sloppy mess for the little boy.
Well, that's my hope, anyway.
Obviously no one told the trashy skank that the proper, classy thing to do is to give the ring back! Just when you think they can't sink any lower...
DeleteShe sold Levi's ring? Wow, the right thing to do would have been to return the ring not sell it...that's the right thing to do.
DeleteBecause a ring is a "promise", that ring should have been given back. But, Bristol is a skank, afterall.
DeleteOh, damn. They moved Bristol's show to 11 PM (10 central time): http://www.thefutoncritic.com/news/2012/06/29/exclusive-lifetime-bumps-bristol-palin-lifes-a-tripp-to-late-night-189305/9848/
ReplyDeleteI was really looking forward to the episode when Willow visits Beauty School:
Cabin Fever
Willow tours Trendsetters Beauty School and contemplates her future; Bristol, Gino and Tripp spend their first vacation together.
I am sure that it's Willow who is doing Sarah's hair and makeup. Oh, and if Bristol and Gino are going on their first vacation together, I wonder how that chastity thing is working out. If going camping with a guy was not a good move, going on a vacation says that they are having sex.
SP should be pleased, fewer people to witness the destruction of her "brand". What a fucking clown.
DeleteThat should be doing Sara's wig - I doubt she has much hair left from the stress.
DeleteEven the seaopee used an old pic on this interview, that current one shows her as she really is old and haggard looking. If Willow is doing her hair, she's getting vengeance for all those times Scarah favored Bristol or wouldn't let Andy visit Willow in her room.
DeleteBut there will be two queen beds in the hotel rooms. They will say their prayers, throw an air kiss, roll over, dream and fart the night away, in celibacy.
DeleteShe's just pissed about all the rest of the things going on in her miserable life and is taking this opportunity to vent...what a pitiful creature. Go away you snake, crawl in a hole under a rock and never show up again!
ReplyDeleteThis is priceless... RAM typing as fast as her fingers will move and Monkey Lips are flappin... So you gotta ask yourself, does Cluster Fox actually send her the questions AND answers to those questions BEFORE she gets to put on the little fright wig??
ReplyDeleteSounds like fingernails on a blackboard...
Is her back drop Phonix or fictional?
DeleteI don't want to be too superficial, but, Sarah, a middle part doesn't suit you. Is your wig just crooked?
ReplyDeleteAlso, your eyebrows now appear to be halfway between your eyes and your hairline. I have not seen this before, except on Joan Rivers and Co.
Better to leave well-enough alone. I think you passed that point a year or so ago, but, still, time to just let nature take its course. You probably would have looked better as an older you than as a plastic, realigned you, with only a few remainders of what you used to look like.
O/T Levi got a puppy for the "kids" who will both be there soon!
What happened to Brancy? She likes to work in scync with mama bear and support her 'political' rants. How is Brancy doing with Obabma Cares?
DeleteNice pictures of Levi, Tripp, and Sunny on his FB page. Levi is just one handsome dude. He is very photogenic. So is Sunny. They make a handsome couple. They seem down to earth, loving, gentle and kind. So glad he is over Bristol. She's nothing but heartache.
DeleteObama is doomed
ReplyDeleteHe was just america's token black president
I'm surprised he lasted a 1 term
11:55 AM TROLLING is habit forming. Your dedication to FAUX NEWS is showing. President Obama has OUTSMARTED you REPUGNANTS at every angle. Ignorant BIGOTS will always go against the BEST PRESIDENT EVER. The only TOKEN in 2008 was Sarah Palin as a VP candidate. We all see how well that worked out. BWAHAHAHAHA.
Deletego fuck yourself sawah.
DeleteSort of O/T, but I live in Colorado Springs. President Obama is visiting today to see the destruction from the fire. I love that he came and think it's exactly what a chief executive should do. But many people here (in this hotbed of conservative bullshit) are furious. He is taking attention away from the fire, taking resources needed for the fire (even though he isn't, and this fact has been widely disseminated), he travels too much and shouldn't waste taxpayer money, blah blah. Because he is Obama, he can't do anything right. If he was Jesus himself, he still wouldn't be good enough. But then, these so-called evangelical Christians would probably criticize Jesus, if they encountered him today, for his Jewish nose, his compassion for poor people, his emphasis on rich people giving to the poor, and his advocacy of peace rather than NRA membership.
ReplyDeleteRemembering the heartwarming images and stories that came from President Obama's visit to Joplin, MO, last year, I am eager to see what comes from this visit. I am thankful he is here.
Hello neighbor, I'm in Manitou & knew the racist buybull thumpers in CS would act like the intolerant bigots they are...I know some good people in CS unfortunately with FOF, new life and the other grifting h8ful christian organizations in town there are also a high % of wack-a-doodles. I stay in Manitou to keep away from them. I have had my car keyed there most likely because of my Obama bumper sticker. I'm embarrassed to admit I live by CS and that sniveling doug "tarbaby" lamborn is my congressman. Did he make an ass out of himself at the news conferences or what? I noticed of late he hasn't been asked to comment...
Deletego Levi!!
ReplyDeleteDEFINITELY had some eye work done... ya think she's gettin herself all gussied up for her tampa takeover? lol
ReplyDelete"He continues to spend millions of dollars perpetuating falsehoods, Shame on you, Barack Obama," says Hillary Clinton.
ReplyDeleteHaven't read the comments yet, but this particular "interview", to me, showcased Crazy Lady's vast comprehension of reality. Where does she come up with her numbers? She's seriously psychotic, and is fixated on her venom for President Obama.
ReplyDeleteThere's something weird going on between Great Van Mush Mouth and Rabid Crazy lady. Was it me, or did Sarah seem high as a kite? Her voice didn't have it's usual modulation and ear drum irritating effect. They both look like they had more work done, some kind of dermabrasion or spackling, and what's with Greta's upper lip? Is that a caterpillar or a stache?
I loved your entire interpretation, especially the sovereign nation part. At any rate, she's completely gone off the deep end. It's a penalty, Sarah, kind of what's happened to your career because of your hoaxes, grifts, lies, racism, and hate.