Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Republican Congressman in Pennsylvania admits that the voter ID law has nothing to do with stopping voter fraud, and everything to do with stopping President Obama.

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You know I had earlier decided to avoid Hardball after I became irritated with Tweety's habit of talking over his guests, and his trumpeting of certain GOP presidential hopefuls, but lately he has been doing some very impressive pieces on the Republicans and I now find myself looking forward to what he comes up with next.


  1. Anonymous4:15 AM


    Question: Is Levi consistent in asking for Tripp? I mean, he hunts and goes out sooo much and pretty regularly. I know that screenshot of the text they posted was from May but at that moment, Tripp was in AZ. Bristol wasn't even there.

    I feel like this show (episode) is pretty accurate.

    1. Anonymous5:55 AM

      You are pathetic.

    2. Anonymous6:17 AM

      Fuck. Off.

    3. Anonymous6:31 AM

      So you're confirming that Bristol takes the child out of state in violation of court orders. Share that with the judge.

    4. How you "feel" is inconsequential.

    5. Anita Winecooler7:41 PM

      Whatever you just spouted off, the answer is no, so why bother? You're giving stupid people a bad reputation, I'm starting to pity your family.

  2. Sharon4:44 AM

    I agree with you about Chris...he has ADD and it has to be hard to be a guest when he never shuts up. As you stated he has been very deliberate lately as I think he is really pissed off at this Eric Holder debacle and the escalating lies. We got the transportation bill, student loans, Holder in contempt....and of course the Obamacare ruling on Thurs...lots for us to contemplate. The Republican problem is they have so many really stupid people telling the truth....we all know its about voter suppression. I didn't realize that Jeb Bush did the same thing before the 2000 election with some 10,000 names being erased, and that went under the radar. When you realize Gore won that election in Fla by 527 votes...jeez, what worked before needed to be done again. This time we are awake to the fraud.

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      Where were you, Sharon, in 2000? The RNC made a hash of the recount; those "protesters" were young Republican activists from Washington, D.C., posing as irate Floridians. it was a national disgrace. Gore wanted a recount of the whole state but the Democratic Party agreed to just the immediate counties and then the fake protesters arrived. Scalia should have recused himself when the case came before the Supreme Court because his son was representing the Republicans in Florida. The election was stolen, pure and simple. Just think, 9/11 might not have happened. The Iraq war might not have happened. The foreclosure/bank disasters might not have happened. The years between 2000 and 2008 are what happens when one political party steals a national election. We cannot let it happen again.

    2. Anonymous9:09 AM

      You are so right. Are we stronger, more vigilant now? I hope so. I fear not.

      Yes, the voter fraud doesn't have to happen nationally -- just in a key place or two.

      Now, in retrospect, I am thinking if Sarah Palin had been VP (and then POTUS of course) during the Bush terms, could we have done any worse? I'm saying that Bush was a puppet president too, serving those same masters (who have impoverished the middle class, enriched the 1%, given us Citizens United, the wars, etc., etc.)

      And now we are heading for the election of puppet Mitt. The better Obama does, the more they want him defeated: not only because he is black (although that is enough for the know-nothings) but mainly because he is the force for fixing the 1%/99% problem, which will fix gov't spending and the economy -- and a prosperous economy will give us the chance to fix the debt.

      OR, it could all go the other way, just like under puppet Dubya.

    3. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Well said 9:09 am.

  3. Anonymous5:08 AM

    We Dems already knew this is what the Repubs have in mind, with all these knew voter restrictions they are trying to implement. Their intent has always been voter disenfranchisement.

  4. A. J. Billings5:09 AM

    Politics and legislation in the USA has now turned into nothing but character asassination, and hard core partisan war.

    If it continues like this, it does not bode well for our future.

  5. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Chris usually is to be taken in small doses!!

    But he has been hitting on some things that others are not. Too many are 'ADD'd on basically the same thing each day while so much other info passes by. Chris is talking stories others aren't and we'd never have known. I would have missed it & IMO - it's big.

    Chris a few day ago did the story of Mittens, while at Bain, making a 'big deal' and connecting him with Michael Milken who did 'time' and is better known as the 'Junk Bond King'.

    Chris did the segment he called 'a triple hit' as it referenced Bain for - Outsourcing - Making money while companies failed - and more importantly, Mittens tied to Milken.

  6. WakeUpAmerica6:33 AM

    The guy telling voters who don't have a gov't. issued Id to go to a website that will help them is a complete dipshit. Most of those people won't have a computer or have any idea how to go to a website. What a maroon. We're talking mostly about the elderly and the poor. I sense another voting cycle where we dems snatch defeat from the jaws of success.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Those who don't have computers most likely have friends and relatives who do, who can help them. There are computers, laptops, and smart phones, and iPads, iPhones all over the place.
      If those who are in need of that web site do not have a computer, they certainly know someone who does, and can help them.
      Also there is the public library, computers are there for use, free.

    2. Anonymous7:12 AM

      WakeUpAmerica6:33 AM

      Why don't you channel all that anger you are displaying on this blog, and go out there in the field, in you community to help get Dems registered, maybe you will find someone who needs assistance in registering.
      You obviously have a computer, go help those who may not have one.
      Tell others on the internet to look for those Dems in their community who may not have access to computer, and help them register. Stop complaining and do YOUR part.

      Your moniker is WakeUpAmerica, BUT are you awake?

      You are condemning other Dems, BUT WHAT ARE YOU DOING to see that we have that victory in Novmeber? W

    3. Anonymous9:36 AM


      And that is why I am volunteering EVERY WERE I can in helping to get the vote out. The "dipshit" might be speaking to us, those that can help the poor and elderly, or those without computers to get the id and papers they need. I will use that website to get things rolling in my community.

      We cannot assume that Obama will win, remember Walker? Never forget it.

    4. Anita Winecooler7:54 PM

      How do people know Wake Up America isn't doing their part? Seriously, folks, the point he/she makes is valid.

      I live in Pennsylvania, and we have been mobilized and actively taking people to the DOT to get their photo id's, getting them ready to vote, and even hooking folks up with rides to the polls. I live in the suburbs of Philadelphia, in a traditionally "republican" voting area, but the city usually votes Democratic, and yet we're double checking and calling to make sure everyone is compliant.
      OFA is all over the state doing the same thing, this guy just helped our cause by exposing the truth.

  7. "At the recent GOP presidential debate in Florida, Romney professed that the Declaration of Independence is a theological document, not specific to the rebellious 13 colonies, but establishing a covenant “between God and man.” Which would suggest that Mitt Romney views the American presidency as a theological office."

    Does Robme's religion also profess to accrue an exorbitant amount of money then carelessly, without warning, repeatedly fire employees when closing down companies?

    Robme is nothing more than a modern day robber baron. He has nothing worthwhile to offer America or its citizens. The BIG money and cronies backing him want to buy the presidency to accrue even more wealth at the expense of Americans.

    Robme blithely lies and flip-flops so frequently in his speeches; however, the racists, low-information dregs, Fox's non-thinking contingent, and probably Robme himself just doesn't care. All they want is the BLACK guy out of the WHITE House.

    OBAMA 2012!

    Another interesting article at Salon:

  8. I don't understand how this isn't illegal. Maybe I'm naive, but it really seems to be along the same route as 'Jim Crow' laws.

    And if it is about voter identification, what do they have against student id cards?

    I really wish some of those people who are working to enact these laws could face some punishment. One of the stupidest things Congress did was to get rid of Acorn after the James O'Keefe fraudulent video.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:03 PM

      I wholeheartedly agree. I live in Pennsylvania, the republican governor has re-districted, raised taxes, cut tax rebates, slashed education, and put this voter id law into motion.
      A lot of elderly and non drivers don't have a state issued photo id, we're calling students from out of town to get them compliant, as well as working on campuses. A lot of folks rely on public transportation, so it's just another hurdle, but even the Republican voters are up in arms over this id law!

      My biggest fear is the diebold issue if it's close and a recall is ordered.

  9. It is interesting that the Republican solution to "voter fraud" is always to purge people from the voter rolls. They never seem to have any interest in going out and registering people properly.

    That to me says they care more about power and control than freedom and democracy.

  10. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I think it's FINALLY sunk in with Chris that the republicans really DO hate the poor, and that seems to have greatly offended something within him. I hope he keeps it up because his show has become much better for it.

  11. vegaslib10:09 AM

    I hope this encourages people in these states with voter ID suppression, to get their boots on the ground and knock on doors asking if people need help getting the proper ID and rides to the voting sites. If they can set up funds to pay for the illegal "poll tax" which amounts to having to buy ID's then so be it.

    We need to fight back before this entire country is taken over by bat-shit crazy right wingers and supposed Christian right nutbags.

  12. Har.. and this clown got bitch-slapped out of the park today....!!!! Har....


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