Sunday, July 22, 2012

A very reasoned and well informed statement from actor Jason Alexander about the Aurora shootings.

I have to admit that I am suffering from a little Colorado shooting overload, and have turned off the news to give myself a break. However this statement from one of my favorite television actors, from one of my favorite television shows, managed to get through my filter.

It one of the best take downs of those pro-gun, NRA assholes who flip out everytime anybody even suggest that perhaps it is time to address the fact that there too many guns in this country, that I have ever seen.

Here judge for yourself:

This morning, I made a comment about how I do not understand people who support public ownership of assault style weapons like the AR-15 used in the Colorado massacre. 

That comment, has of course, inspired a lot of feedback. There have been many tweets of agreement and sympathy but many, many more that have been challenging at the least, hostile and vitriolic at the worst. 

Clearly, the angry, threatened and threatening, hostile comments are coming from gun owners and gun advocates. Despite these massacres recurring and despite the 100,000 Americans that die every year due to domestic gun violence - these people see no value to even considering some kind of control as to what kinds of weapons are put in civilian hands. 

Many of them cite patriotism as their reason - true patriots support the Constitution adamantly and wholly. Constitution says citizens have the right to bear arms in order to maintain organized militias. I'm no constitutional scholar so here it is from the document itself: 

As passed by the Congress: 

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." 

As ratified by the States and authenticated by Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State: 

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." 

So the patriots are correct, gun ownership is in the constitution - if you're in a well-regulated militia. 

Let's see what no less a statesman than Alexander Hamilton had to say about a militia: 

"A tolerable expertness in military movements is a business that requires time and practice. It is not a day, or even a week, that will suffice for the attainment of it. To oblige the great body of the yeomanry, and of the other classes of the citizens, to be under arms for the purpose of going through military exercises and evolutions, as often as might be necessary to acquire the degree of perfection which would entitle them to the character of a well-regulated militia, would be a real grievance to the people, and a serious public inconvenience and loss." 

Or from Merriam-Webster dictionary: 

Definition of MILITIA 

a : a part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergency 
b : a body of citizens organized for military service 

2 : the whole body of able-bodied male citizens declared by law as being subject to call to military service 

The advocates of guns who claim patriotism and the rights of the 2nd Amendment - are they in well-regulated militias? For the vast majority - the answer is no. 

Then I get messages from seemingly decent and intelligent people who offer things like: 

@BrooklynAvi: Guns should only be banned if violent crimes committed with tomatoes means we should ban tomatoes. 
OR @nysportsguys1: Drunk drivers kill, should we ban fast cars? I'm hoping that right after they hit send, they take a deep breath and realize that those arguments are completely specious. 

I believe tomatoes and cars have purposes other than killing. What purpose does an AR-15 serve to a sportsman that a more standard hunting rifle does not serve? Let's see - does it fire more rounds without reload? Yes. Does it fire farther and more accurately? Yes. Does it accommodate a more lethal payload? Yes. So basically, the purpose of an assault style weapon is to kill more stuff, more fully, faster and from further away. To achieve maximum lethality. Hardly the primary purpose of tomatoes and sports cars. 

There is much more, and if you liked this (And how could you not?) then feel free to click this link and read the rest.

This the conversation that we ALL should be having right now.  However as you have noticed virtually NO politician will address this in a serious manner, and only a few cable news stations are spending any real time on the issue. (MSNBC to name one.)

Here Alexander does the job that our leaders, and most of our media types, are too timid to take on.

Simply put there is NO fucking reason that most of the people in this country need to have a gun, none! And there is ABSOLUTELY no reason for a person living in this country to own an arsenal of weapons, I don't care HOW small your penis is!

And don't give me that "It's my right to bear arms" bullshit, because that just means you lack the reading comprehension required to understand the second amendment, and you are too stupid to read, you are too stupid to own a gun.

It is time for some serious, and by God I mean SERIOUS, gun control legislation to be introduced in this country. And just how many more innocent victims have to lose their lives before that takes place?

I and why isn't the loss of these lives enough?


  1. Anonymous2:24 PM

    We have a well regulated militia. It is call the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, and the Coast Guard. (I'm sorry if I left anyone out). They are armed, it is their job to protect our borders and our country if we are under attack.

    The people who started this 2nd amendment business were the Survivalists who were afraid of the lack of government that would follow a nuclear attack. Back then, during the Cold War, that was a possible danger. They build bomb shelters and stocked them with provisions. They were prepared to survive at all costs, even shooting anyone who was hungry and might knock at their door. They had no sense of charity or caring for others. They were prepared to shoot to kill.

    When we were a British colony, each town had its militia, which operated like the volunteer firemen. In those days, they were supposed to fight off attacks from Indians, the French, Spanish, or anyone else who threatened their borders. Then, they became a well organized milita, The Continental Army led by George Washington was our militia. It was the forerunner of the US Army.

    We do not need citizen soldiers patrolling the borders; we have US Border agents. (I guess they belong to the militia, too.) We do not need people taking the law into their own hands, deciding that some guy didn't show them his papers. We have US Immigration and Customs agents who perform that service. We have a well regulated militia. What we don't have is law and order. What we have are too many people killing too many people.

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

      This is what the people that think Obama is wrongfully taking control of the country believe is their right, no, DUTY to follow. They don't think they are misinterpreting it at all. And that is why they think they are being so patriotic.

      They kind of forget that taking the law into your own hands is not legal. Taking their judgement to the President of the United States is treasonous.

    2. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Anon@2:24, how about the National Guard?
      I am not an expert by any means, but are they not the "descendants" of the militias or old?

      I have questioned the use of National Guard units in Iraq and Afghanistan. I always thought they (and the Coast Guard) were only to be deployed beyond the borders in case of total war. Am I wrong? Can you enlighten me?


    3. Anonymous6:25 PM

      I agree regarding the miss use of the National Guard including the Coast Guard to fight overseas. (Thanks George W. Bush!) It the best of my knowledge, these organizations were created as the "militia" to protect the USA at home from disaster relief to rescuing citizens from sinking ships. Who do you think ORIGINALLY established and maintained the numerous light stations, bouys and other markers that protected seafarers and the US coasts? I seem to recall that there USED to be actual provisions in the constituion PREVENTING the Federal government from using the USA Army, Air Force or Navy against USA citizens. Didn't the Patriot Act do away with that protection?

    4. onething7:40 PM

      Anonymous @3:27

      No one ever said it was a duty, just a right. Taking the law into your own hands may not be legal, but self defense is. And if you cannot defend yourself, how are you free?

      It's funny how much paranoia is out there on the net about the coming of fascism and mistrust of government, but this is precisely what the second amendment is there for. As for a duty, it is indeed the duty of American citizens to REVOLT if their govt gets bad enough. Some of you commenters here might try reading what some of the founding fathers said about the right and duty to fight a tyrannical government.

      For example, the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, which was a joint decision by the Queen and the Catholic Church hierarchs, to open fire on the citizens of Paris, and which spread to the countryside and lasted for months. The people were unarmed, you see.

      The militia was armed of course, since that is what a militia is and does. To think that the second amendment gives the right to bear arms to the militia is like giving cooks the right to use pots.

    5. Anonymous9:43 PM


      And who is it that will make the decision that the govt has gone bad? You? Me? It would be like the Hatfields and McCoys- Dems against Reps. Who is right?

      The founding fathers gave us The Right To Vote. But if your guy loses, you cannot start a war.

    6. onething7:19 AM

      Sure, nobody thinks we should start a war over that. People are actually very patient and take a huge amount of abuse before thinking of revolt.

  2. While I agree with you, I think I have a better chance of being struck by lightening and winning the lottery on the same day than any gun control legislation has getting through congress. They are so beholden to the NRA they will do nothing. It doesn't matter how many mass shootings happen. They're too afraid of the NRA to do anything. We MUST get money out of politics to neuter the NRA, Grover Norquist, etc., and take OUR government back. It's supposed to be 'by the people, for the people.' Not by the big donors for the big donors. Until then...nothing will change. Nothing.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      I hate to say it but Dems will cave on this too. For example DiFi who was made Mayor of SF after the assassinations of Mayor George Moscone and City Supervisor Harvey Milk. Today after the shootings she is calling for a "sane" conversation of gun control. This would be good except she is hypocritical and carries a gun herself. A gun for me but not for you. :(

  3. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Wonderfully reasoned piece by Jason. I just scammed the responses on his Twitter feed.

    USA, I am glad I live in Canada.

  4. Beldar Torus Klaatu Conehead2:35 PM

    Gryphen, I hate to break it to you, but the gun fetishists in this country see such loss of life as only mildly unfortunate collateral damage but more importantly it's powerful evidence that gun rights are well protected and freely exercised in the country. While you're crying about the 12 dead and 70+ wounded, the gunsters celebrate their victory.

    "when even paranoid schizophrenics can buy assault rifles with drum magazines and thousands of rounds of ammunition, we KNOW the average citizen's rights to bear arms is secure"

    Watch the sales of Glock handguns shoot up again as they did after Gabby Giffords was shot...

    The battle over gun control is essentially over and the NRA has won. Not only won't there be any 'SERIOUS gun control legislation' resulting from this hideous massacre, there won't even be a serious proposal made to tighten existing 'gun laws'.

    Very sad...

    1. emrysa7:27 PM

      "The battle over gun control is essentially over and the NRA has won. Not only won't there be any 'SERIOUS gun control legislation' resulting from this hideous massacre, there won't even be a serious proposal made to tighten existing 'gun laws'."

      agreed! people are in love with their fucking guns due to social conditioning. that 2nd amendment is one of the things that holds this country back from evolving. gun proponents have selective interpretations of the 2nd amendment (they ignore the well-regulated militia part), and they will not be rational about it.

    2. Anonymous3:27 PM

      I hate to break it to you friend, but we are not an enlightened people. I mean that. I have seen what happens when the lights go out. People turn on eachother and feed. You are a fool to think that they won't. At least if you are armed you can protet yourself.

  5. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I think that when advocates for gun control focus on the evils of "assault rifles" they're doing a disservice to their arguments. Assault rifle is simply a style of rifle. The style doesn't in and of itself affect functionality. Large clips affect functionality, obviously. Bullets designed to rip massive holes in their targets, these affect functionality. $69 Saturday night specials, easily available to any angry ex-husband at any corner pawn shop after a simple background check with no waiting period to anyone who has not yet been adjudicated mentally ill or convicted of domestic violence (and which no self respecting sportsman would be caught dead with), these are an issue. But when you make an argument singling out assault rifles as the problem you're simply telling the gun nuts that you have no idea what you're talking about.

    I used to work at a pawn shop, and I can tell you from personal experience there is no nut like a gun nut. These guys would come in and fondle these guns, drool forming at the corners of their mouths, trembling with anticipation as they waited to touch the cherished object. I swear to god it made me ill. I would have people call out of the blue to commiserate with me (it was assumed I was on their side) over the progress of the gun grabbers. Paranoid delusional is their baseline.

    It's also worth noting that at the time the 2nd amendment was penned all firearms were muzzle loaders. Muzzle loaders aren't even categorized as firearms today.

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      These people scare me and Alaska is full of them.

    2. Durham4:03 PM

      Most guns back then were also used for hunting game. Hunting now is mostly done by shotgun which are seldom used in crime. Long guns are only used for large game, which are used much less frequently except for places like Alaska where large game is frequently hunted in large open area's. There is no reasonable reason for anyone to own a semi-automatic assault rifle.

      Even the NRA can't give you a reasonable need for assault rifles other than you would be restricting the right of ownership if they were banned. It's amazing how much power the NRA has over our politicians.

      Maybe the best way to settle the issue over control of assault rifles is to put it up for election. I can't imagine how much money the NRA would put into first trying to prevent the issue from going to the voters, and second if it did get that far how much they would spend to prevent it gun controls from being passed.

      Maybe a citizens signature drive to get the issue on the ballot in at least one state is the way we should pursue reasonable gun control such as on assault rifles. I wonder too on how many people would be threatened by those who oppose to gun control. Many of them seem as out of control as the shooters who have commit multiple murders, like we have seen recently.

    3. onething7:30 PM

      Maybe we should also put the 14th amendment to a vote.

  6. eclecticsandra3:13 PM

    When guns and ammunition are free to anyone who wants it, there will be no money in guns. Sort of like drugs. Of course who would promote free guns for any man, woman, or child? Guns are big business, and this means money for donations and lobbying.

    Also, there is a sacred ritual in this country of presenting every male child with a gun. This makes him a "man." Pretty difficult to take that one away.

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      Really? Not in my part of the country. Oh - I live in the rural west.

    2. Anonymous9:33 PM

      Sacred in some places. Not my home.

  7. I'm a Liberal firearm owner and ANY gun can kill - and they do.

    Those who single out the AR-15 have probably never used one. It's very fun to shoot and has almost no recoil. Girls can shoot just as well as anyone with it. Plus, it's truly an American gun.

    Banning it would be like banning the Corvette. Who needs a car that can go 190 mph when speed limits are over 100 mph less than that?

    If you outlaw guns only the outlaws have guns.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      If an individual were to use a banned weapon during a crime, life in prison would be the sentence. If he/she caused a murder, the death penalty would be the only available sentence.

    2. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Why do some people have an issue with being told to buy medical insurance and scream its a big government intrusion, but feel the government should tell all it's citizens they need to buy a gun?

    3. emrysa7:29 PM

      "If you outlaw guns only the outlaws have guns."

      well of course if you outlaw guns, then ANYONE who wishes to keep their guns will be an outlaw. DUH.

    4. Anonymous9:27 PM

      They don't kill as fast as this gun did with such a large magazine!

    5. Anonymous9:32 PM

      So your fun gun shoot em times are more important than the rapid succession shots of killing someone. You are so full of shit. You aren't a liberal or a female, Lisa! Your statements about even a girl can shoot one make that clear. While I appreciate that you luv yose some shooting, I don't give a shit. Your shooting jollies aren't worth murdering people in rapid succession with one of these guns.

    6. Anonymous9:38 PM

      If you outlaw guns the mentally unhinged don't have them.

  8. Anonymous3:17 PM

    If guns are so 'evil' why are they used in many Olympic sporting events?

    Heck, you can win a gold medal with a gun and they'll even play your National Anthem for it!

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Say, what? Because there are well regulated Olympic events that involve guns you seem to think this justifies using guns to kill people?


      Ever consider that here is a difference between shooting PAPER Targets and KILING people?

    2. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Oh lord, they've let out the NRA paid posters to invade all the blogs.

  9. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Thanks for letting this one through and for posting it here. This is so messed up; from the shooting all the way through to our weak leaders and bullying gun rights groups. We must also include the severe lack of care for the mentally affected. The coffee house shooting in Seattle a few weeks ago was blocks from my house. The father of the killer was interviewed and was very distraught that all his attempts to try to get help for his son, who he know was capable of violence, were dead ends. The Arizona shooter's parents tried to keep their son stable but seemed to have few options. From the initial reaction from Holmes' mother, this was not a total shock for her either. Limiting access to guns is very important, but we are also woefully incompetent in identifying and stopping individuals with the capacity to follow through on these behaviors. Instead we react in shock and horror and label them evil as if this were to explain their actions. This blog continues to tout education and awareness over blind faith in any religious teachings. If an atheist does not believe in religious dogma, i.e. the good in the world is provided by a god and evil by a devil, then how does and atheist account for these tragedies. I'm just curious(not challenging) because I believe people all have the capacity for good and bad, and that these inclinations come from our self image and esteem. Life events are part of our make-up, but the brain is an organ and subject to biological alterations. Things go wrong and behavior in affected. What went on in this person's life prior to this event; what avenues were open to him to prevent this outcome. Believe me, I am not overflowing with compassion for this person, but understanding his life is the only way we are going to understand why these shootings happen. We have to be open to ideas such as alterations in brain chemistry from diet, stress, injury, etc. can alter a person's behavior in a very drastic ways. I hope we don't, again, explain this away as some evil force acting through this person.

    1. Anonymous11:27 PM

      Precisely Anon. The assailant is seriously ill. The mental health system in this country is seriously flawed. This guy plotted and planned this attack for at least two months according to news sources. If an assault rifle hadn't been available to him he would have used another method to annihilate. His goal was to kill as many as possible. Grenades lobbed into the packed theater would have likely killed more. It was by shear luck (and fate) that the girl who went up to his apt to tell him to turn down the TV decided not to open the door. Had she opened the door it's quite possible that the building would have gone up potentially killing more than those in the theater.

      While I believe the assault rifle ban should be reinstated because the sole intent of an assault rifle is to kill people I think more attention should be given to the root cause of why someone like this guy snapped and what could have been done to recognize and treat.


  10. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Romney Returns to Sleazy Tactics

    Romney unloads a dumpster full of sleaze, and some heavily edited comments from the president in his latest attack ad.…

  11. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Down the Rabbit Hole With Fox News’ Latest Obama Gun Conspiracy

  12. Beldar3:34 PM

    those pictures are pretty hard to look at. so many innocent young people...

  13. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Krugman: Romney Believes Rules Don't Apply to Him

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      You don't give the key to the nuclear cabinet to such an untrustworthy moron!!

  14. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Dude, where's my $10 trillion?

    With the year-end expiration of the Bush tax cuts and the looming "sequestration" of $1.2 trillion they agreed to during their debt ceiling hostage-taking last summer, the message from Republican leaders is the same as it ever was. Taxes (especially for the rich) must not go up, defense spending must not go down, and the increasing national debt is all Barack Obama's fault.

    The coming "fiscal cliff" brought Dick Cheney, the same man who as vice president boasted that "Reagan proved deficits don't matter," back to Washington this week to get Congressional Republicans "ginned up" to prevent the $600 billion Pentagon sequester. Meanwhile, the GOP leadership team of Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Jon Kyl (R-AZ), John Boehner (R-OH) and Eric Cantor (R-VA) sent a letter to President Obama to demand a replacement for the defense cuts, one which of course must not include "tax increase proposals that face bipartisan congressional opposition." And on the campaign trail, would-be Romney running mate and former Bush Office of Management and Budget Chief Rob Portman (R-OH) warned that "we're going broke."

    Of course, the United States is not going broke. But thanks to the Bush tax cuts and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, by 2020 the U.S. Treasury will be roughly $10 trillion poorer than it would otherwise have been. And these guys supported all of it.

    As you'll recall, George W. Bush entered the White House having inherited a balanced budget and CBO forecast of a $5.6 trillion surplus over 10 years. Noting that "'the federal budget will have the second largest surplus in history," President Bush moved forward with the massive tax cuts of 2001. But even as the World Trade Center site was still smoldering, Bush, in the wake of the September 11 attacks, told the American people not to sacrifice but to go shopping and...

  15. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Here's their latest excuse for why they feel they must stockpile arms:

    They seriously think President Obama is behind the Colorado shootings. Check the comments. This is why we will NEVER get their AK-47's away from them. In their words, "only if we pry it from their cold, dead hands."

    These people make me sick.

    1. Anonymous4:28 PM

      Fucking assholes! President Obama is not behind anything - it is the crap that is spread by the extreme right - Limbaugh, Palin, Huckabee and on and on.

      I hope folks are paying attention and get out there and vote for President Obama in November. These Republicans need to be taken down throughout the nation.

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  16. Anonymous3:48 PM

    In my opinion, gun ownership will eventually dwindle because "us" as a society will eventually label it as unacceptable and uncool. Remember back in the day when smoking cigarettes was cool and you could smoke everywhere including airplanes and restaurants? It's taboo now, and most people would be very upset with you if you lit up in a public place. The BEHAVIOR is taboo now. Look at drinking and driving. Totally a taboo behavior to do. Yes, people still engage in it, but as a society, these behaviors are no longer acceptable. Through very savvy public service campaigns, we have changed our society's behavior. We can do the same thing with some of our citizenry's bizarre attachment to owning high powered weapons. We don't have politicians on our side in this matter to change laws. Lets start a PR campaign that makes owning weapons a taboo thing. Maybe some high profile celebrities like Jason Alexander will lend their names to this effort.

    1. I totally agree with you. Society can change itself without the government's support. I am hoping that you are right that in time, gun ownership won't be seen as some kind of "status symbol" to so many. (It is not at all to me or anyone I associate with!)

    2. I totally agree, TM. Society has and hopefully will again change its standards even without the help of the government. I hope you are right that gun ownership will become the new "smoking" and lose its "status symbol" rating among so many people. I have never understood that mentality, but I know it exists.

  17. Olivia3:55 PM

    The slaughter in Aurora is a demonstration of the other side of the phrase "freedom isn't free". We must learn to accept the fact that the occasional massacre of innocent people is the price we will pay for the exaggeration of second amendment rights.
    We must look so odd to the rest of the world. "Pro Lifers" see nothing wrong with killing people to prevent abortion and apparently "Pro Life" means a six year old's right to life ends where an insane person's right to have assault weapons begins.

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      I agree, the nut jobs will kill to prevent a woman from having a child even if it would kill her to carry the child to term, yet they have no interest in carrying for that child once it is born. It is unbelievable that human life...including the life of an innnocent child...could possibly be trumped by everyone's so called RIGHT to own an assualt weapon is INSANE. This is nothing more then greed.

      So anyone outhere know the Name(s) of the US dynasty that made the family fortune selling arms to foreign nations? Are they still making money off war and the sale of weapons?

  18. Anonymous4:04 PM

    This is the problem with America, rampant gun abuse. If we don't like it we can move elsewhere to more peaceful Democratic Nations. If a person has skills to offer professionally, then Australia will allow you to attempt citizenship, same with Canada. One doesn't just "up and move" to these more peaceful nations; first you must have a desirable skill or professional training, and second, you must study and pass their citizenship tests. America is broken in many ways and gun control is but one of those broken facets of our country. If you are able, choose another place to live, outside of America. Plenty of Americans become expatriates each year and those that I know couldn't be happier.

  19. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Why is a civilian allowed to possess such an arsenal. Why are civilians allowed to purchase assault weapons and bullet proof vests? That should be a red flag right there. It only means he is up to no good.

    Until the American people put a stop to civilians being able to own assault weapons, and bullet proof vests, these kinds of mass killings are going to continue.

    1. onething7:23 PM

      What kind of meds was he on? Was he on any meds? Because psychotropic meds have caused these types of crimes. Why is it that this is a new type of crime that no one did before? I am suspicious.

    2. Anonymous8:31 PM

      It's being reported and they're interviewing that he wasn't a 'loner' like the usual profile. Had friends he went out with, for dinner, for a drink.

    3. onething7:29 AM

      He has a very nice picture, had nothing but good references. He was also very poor and yet had 20 thousand worth of weapons, and a cannister of tear gas. He calmly turns himself in and warns police his apartment might be booby trapped.
      Yes, I'm a conspiracy theorist. I believe 9-11 was an inside job and the Murrah Federal bombing as well. If those were inside jobs, why not other events? It has now been admitted that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was fabricated, yet it got us into war. I find it strange, these mass killings are stepping up, becoming more common and have now spread to other countries.

  20. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I didn't know Jason Alexander was the final authority on Constitutional law for, despite what he argues about the well-regulated militia phrase, the Supreme Court has ruled otherwise.

    For a better commentary, see this by your fellow Alaskan, Jim Wright:

    1. emrysa7:59 PM

      he's not the final authority on constitutional law, however, your link "The Seven Stages of Gun Violence" is no final authority on constitutional law, either.

  21. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Sen Ron Johnson of WI has been defending the constitution right to own these. There was a post on Huffington.


    The architects of the Constitution did not have in mind this assault rifle with high capacity magazines -- hell, way back when they were using muskets. These killer guns didn't exist and they had no idea what would ever be invented.

    That's where I draw the line -- to defend these because it's your constitutional right -- bullshit. Buy a musket. That was the right they signed.

    It confirms further for me the Baggers are devoid of brains. It's totally 'airspace'. Nothing between the ears. Shoot a water pistol at the 'airspace', fill with water and drown them. Couldn't happen to nicer people.

    1. onething7:22 PM

      It's true they didn't envision assault rifles. They also didn't envision law enforcement with tasers, and spraying sitting girls and 80-year-old ladies with pepper spray, and surveillance drones...

  22. Anonymous5:58 PM

    We also know that this guy is not the only one with a massive stockpile guns and ammo. We know the whole time that Obama has been office, the bullshit lies spewed by the morons on the extreme fringe which includes Fox, Beck, etc. -- have said that Obama was going after their guns -- which has never happened. But the total morons then raised sales which has been reported of guns and ammo.

    There are many will these numerous guns and thousands of rounds in their home because they are a brick short of a load in the head.

  23. Anonymous6:36 PM

    The key words in the consitution are "well regulated" militia ...."well regulated" does not suggest that everyone is guaranteed the right too own whatever firearm they clearly states that the militia will be REGULATED. Laws and RULES folks...LAWS and RULES.

    I believe it is called "civilization" as opposed to "anarchy." Get over it.

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      The people are not the militia. Try again.

    2. emrysa7:56 PM

      yeah 6:36 you get it, thanks for being rational.

    3. emrysa8:08 PM


    4. onething7:38 AM

      No, the people were not the militia. Sure, you could join up in the fight against the English with very little fanfare, at which point you became part of the militia.
      We really need to parse this sentence. Which I did lower down. It makes no sense to say that a country has the right to have an army which bears arms. What army does not bear arms?

      The use of the word "state" and "militia" may throw people off a bit. State means country, and militia means army. So the 2nd amendment says that because any country must defend itself with an army, therefore the people shall have the right to bear arms too, so as not to be defenseless if a rogue govt oppresses them. When a govt goes bad, who do they use to control the people? The army.

      We cannot discuss the 2nd amendment if we don't know what it means or why it says what it says. Why do the founding fathers talk of the need to revolt against a tyrannical govt if the people have no means of self defense?

      Again, what sense would it make to make an amendment to a constitution, (which amendments tend to create rights for the common man) and say that the country has a right to have an army? Or that the army can have guns?

      No sense at all. But to say that the people shall not be defenseless against the army, that makes sense.

  24. Jerry7:14 PM

    Let's try and keep things in perspective.

    Although the tragedy in Aurora is horrific, these kind of mass shooting events are still extremely rare, maybe once or twice a year with maybe a dozen or two fatalities. In a country with more than 300 million guns that's just not that many statistically.

    Far more lives could be saved if current gun owners would simply take the time to properly secure their weapons and ammo in their own homes and always exercise proper firearm safety procedures.

    Far more people and kids are killed by the gun already in their own home than by some random crazy person shooting randomly.

    1. Anonymous9:22 PM

      Perspective...many of these people didn't have to die. If it was my son or daughter, there would be no perspective. Senseless is the word I would use. Unnecessary is another word I would use. Completely avoidable is another description I would use.

      Perspective...our gun laws are the most lenient of any nation. We have the gun death statistics to prove it.

    2. Anonymous9:25 PM

      One country under guns, with liberty and justice for none.

  25. Anonymous7:18 PM

    The actor says:

    "So the patriots are correct, gun ownership is in the constitution - if you're in a well-regulated militia."

    Boy am I tired of this shit! The history behind the second amendment, and the many very clear comments of the founding fathers show that it is not the militia who has the right to bear arms - name any militia in the history of the world who didn't - but the PEOPLE. Just like it says.

    The PEOPLE. And why? Because when the govt goes bad it uses the militia to suppress an unarmed and helpless populace, as happened in the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre. THAT is why we have a second amendment - so that the people are never helpless against tyranny. Think about it! Does it really make sense to have a constitutional amendment to allow the army (well regulated (trained) militia) to bear arms???? Really???

    Try reading the second amendment again. Insert the (implied) word "because."

    Because a well regulated militia (army) is necessary to any free state (state means country), the rights of the people to (also) bear arms shall not be abridged.


    1. emrysa7:53 PM

      "The PEOPLE. And why? "

      because at that time the PEOPLE were the militia. there was no professional army. they relied on the citizens to defend the country from whatever threats du jour. DUH.

    2. onething7:44 AM

      No, no, no. The people might become the militia if they joined it, just as our own soldiers do today.
      The wording is a bit archaic, but the meaning of the whole sentence pits the rights of the people in RELATION to the militia.

      Please think about it! We are all American citizens, and we should know why the second amendment says what it says. Until we do, we cannot have a discussion. It makes no sense to have an amendment allowing the country to have an army or allowing the people to join it.

      We are all aghast at this type of killing, but how aghast would be we if the same type of shooting took place, only this time it was government/police goons against American citizens going about their business? And you had no recourse, no avenue to complain?

      History repeats itself. This amendment did not come out of a vacuum, but out of bitter experience. Your founding fathers lovingly tried to protect you from such tyranny. At least give them that.

  26. emrysa7:24 PM

    that's always been my position, gryphen - guns serve the only purpose of doing harm. everything else serves another or multiple purposes. guns only do harm. I got in a fb argument earlier about this whole thing - some people trying to make the case that "if there had been one person in that theater with the ability to carry, it could have stopped this from happening" - well that's just wishful thinking. what if there had been 10 people in the theater who had guns, with the ability to carry - what if none of these people saw who fired the first shot, and they all started shooting at each other? how many people would have been caught in that crossfire?

    these people are essentially making the argument that we should devolve to the time when everyone had guns and carried them in public - without thinking of the result and why gun laws came about in the first place! I guess in their minds they are part of some "well-armed militia" even though we have a professional army. they're nuts and easily swayed by their irrational subconscious.

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Besides...a hand gun is going to take down someone with bullet proof garb in a smoke filled theater with hundreds of people...bullshit.

    2. onething7:46 AM

      Nonetheless, there have indeed been times when an armed bystander or a store owner stopped events such as this. But even a gun carrier is not likely to bring his gun to the theater!

  27. Anonymous8:27 PM

    America, where one has the freedom and Constitutional right to die in a hail of gunfire, .....whether you want to or not.


  28. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Exactly what everyone needs - an assault rifle with high capacity magazines to go out and hunt a deer for food. Ooops -- deer hit so many times, the meat is in tidbits and not rendered enough to feed the family as not enough of the deer left to eat.

  29. Anonymous9:15 PM

    George I love you!

  30. Anita Winecooler9:57 PM

    I've been avoiding the media coverage of this tragedy, though I did tune in a few times to learn more about the victims and to see President Obama speak after meeting privately with the victims and their families.
    Thanks for sharing Mr Alexander's eloquent and touching commentary. He's absolutely right.
    Mayor Bloomberg said the same thing, we need to have this conversation, we need to fight the false narrative the NRA has put out about gun rights.

    My daughter had a good point. They're so hellbent on the war on women and Birth Control but consider assault weapons "Gun rights" and are "Anti Gun Control".

    I'd really love to see both candidates do speeches on their stance on Gun Control and their reasoning behind them, preferably before the election.

    The meme about people in the audience being armed would have saved lives is bullshit. This guy had full body armor and was packed for bear.

  31. Anonymous10:51 PM

    A semi auto assault rifle shoots just like a semi auto hunting rifle - as fast as you can pull the trigger. It doesn't shoot farther or more accurately or faster. If we want meaningful regulation that still allows hunters and marksmen to do their thing, we should ban all semi - automatic guns - including hand guns, as well as large capacity magazines. Yes, it's "FUN" to go bang, bang, bang quickly, but is it worth the carnage??? We already ban full auto (machine guns), just need to take it one step further.

  32. Anonymous5:05 AM

    The young generation is dying so the old fucks can cling to their guns. If you need an assault rifle to hunt, you aren't a real hunter, you are a coward. Shame on ANYONE who supports assault weapons.

  33. Anonymous7:18 AM

    This should be required reading for every American in the country. His statement was informed and eloquent. It was also very needed at this time in history. Too bad conservative will look at it as just another liberal prattling about matters that will "take away their freedom".

  34. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Isn't the Hamilton statement saying to force people to be in a militia in order to own a gun is a burden? Therefore he is in support of gun ownership for the general citizenry. So this citation does not support the argument he is trying to make.

  35. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Coming from a country were guns, let alone AR-15's are thought of as hardly needed by civilians, I can't understand the obsession with weapons in the US. Though as a young man I was fascinated by all things military and even learnt how to shoot, it didn't give me the need to have a gun in my home. Perhaps that's because of the society and culture I live in. There's (of course relative) safety, our society is geared for interaction and 'socialism' and our history has shown that when non-military people have weapons, a lot of accidents are going to happen.

    That's why militia were formed: to train amateurs in the discipline and knowledge needed to defend their fellow-citizens (in the absence of a real army) and to have them act with (legal) authority instead of behaving like a mob.

    The famous Dutch painting by Rembrandt called 'The Night Watch' is an early example of a militia as it was meant by Hamilton. Those participating had to put in work, time and often their own money to have the right to bear arms and use them if needed, all for the good of the people (and thus themselves). And I can imagine the need for some kind of militia, even the 'right' to bear arms as a civilian. That's why there's the National Guard, Territorial Army or whatever military-civilian 'people's army' is used.

    Therefore, hearing the American Gun Nuts, it sounds as if guns are a sacrament from He himself, given to 'Real Americans' by way of the Founding Apostles and if you don't agree you go to Hell. It has something Frontier-like, which a lot of people confuse with Freedom: I guard what's mine and the rest be damned.

    Let's hope that Aurora shines some new light on the need for guns in society.


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