Sunday, July 29, 2012

CNN plays Pink's "Stupid Girls" while introducing segment on Sarah Palin's visit to Chick-Fil-A, and in other news the chicken sandwich shop is losing customers by the bucket load.

 Courtesy of Mediaite:

CNN anchor Randi Kaye teased the segment by saying, “Sarah Palin is apparently hungry for chicken and controversy.” Palin stopped at Chick-fil-A to show her support in the midst of national attention on its founder’s anti-gay stance and the chain’s donations to anti-gay groups. 

Well it certainly is going to be difficult for CNN to devolve in "Fox-lite" with THAT kind of attitude.

In what I am sure is a completely unrelated coincidence, Chick-Fil-A has taken a significant hit among consumers recently.

This according to You Gov:

Chick-Fil-A's perception with fast food eaters nationwide has taken a significant hit in most regions of the US, including the South where most of its restaurants are located, since president and COO Dan Cathy's perceived anti-gay remarks on July 16th. 

Chick-Fil-A was one of the top five best perceived QSR restaurant chains in the U.S. over the first half of this year, according to YouGov BrandIndex data. 

Chick-Fil-A and the Top National QSR Sector were measured with YouGov BrandIndex's Index score, the company's flagship brand health measurement. The Index score is an average of key scores measuring quality, impression, value, reputation, satisfaction and willingness to recommend. All measurements were filtered for adults 18+ who have eaten fast food in the past month. The Top National QSR sector average includes such brands as Pizza Hut, Arby's, Papa John's, Domino's, Taco Bell, KFC, McDonald's, Burger King, and Long John Silver's. 

On July 16th, the day the Baptist Press published its Dan Cathy interview, Chick-Fil-A's Index score was 65, a very substantial 19 points above the Top National QSR Sector average score that day of 46. 

Four days later, Chick-Fil-A had fallen to 47 score, three points below the Top National QSR Sector average score of 50. This past Wednesday, Chick-Fil-A had a 39 score compared to the Top National QSR Sector average score of 43. 

YouGov BrandIndex respondents in the South took Chick-Fil-A from an Index score of 80 on July 16th to its current 44. Chick-Fil-A's biggest drop took place in the Northeast, where it went from 76 to 35, a difference of 41 points.

Yeah, but like I said I am sure it is nothing more than a coincidence. Unless you don't believe in that kind of thing. Right Sarah?


Earlier some snotty troll wanted to know how our little boycotting chicken sandwiches idea was going. I gotta tell you, it looks pretty good to me.


  1. National disgust is not a boycott. It is what it is!

  2. Anonymous3:42 PM

    The Palin touch of death claims another victim!

    1. Apparently that's being balanced out by conventional wisdom saying that teapartier,
      Ted Cruz, in Texas she was campaigning for is practically a shoo-in for the GOP nomination.

  3. Anonymous3:43 PM

    In case anyone has missed this being posted on other forums and blogs... ...I made these Friday for supper and they are VERY, VERY tasty (probably because there's no bigotry and hate in the seasonings, ha ha).

    Peace, my brothers and sisters...


    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Yes and email it to your friends too!

      Chick-Fil-Gay Sandwich

      ha ha ha ha ha

    2. Anonymous5:45 PM

      I notice the "H8'rs" on there sound just like Krusty...are all cons "retarded"?

      Thanks for posting that recipe!!! Tweeting and facebooking it out.
      You know how libs love to cook anyway and don't like unhealthy take out foods.
      Hahah make your own without the Hate, love it!

    3. From the copycat recipe:

      I’ve used peanut oil, coconut oil, vegetable oil, and grapeseed oil all with fine results. Peanut oil is what CFA uses, I believe."

      If CFA really does use peanut oil in cooking those little chicken heart attack morsels, I guess they don't care about killing customers who have nut allergies.

    4. Anonymous9:58 PM

      There are many kids, like my grandson, who are allergic to both peanuts and/or coconut -- So I will not use either peanut-oil, nor coconut-oil, only for that very reason.

      But I am sure going to give this recipe a try -- it sounds yummy, and chicken is one of my favorites. :o)

  4. Anonymous3:43 PM

    QSR has nothing to do with sales - just perception on these measurements:
    quality, impression, value, reputation, satisfaction and willingness to recommend.

    Sales figures are yet to be announced, and unlikely to be publicized anytime soon. A "dropping sales" company is unlikely to admit anything related to losing customers, especially since it's a self-inflicted wound.


    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      One will likely lead to the other. Why would anyone spend money at a place where their perception of it is low and getting lower? And where people are not recommending it to others?

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM

      I would like to see more reporting and information on the nutrition and MOST OF ALL THE ADDITIVES. Like MSG. Wake up! Poverty is also part of the junk food story.

      Fast-Food Nation

      Homemade is yummier.

  5. honeybabe3:44 PM

    it would seem that most americans are not in favor of prejudice of any flavor and vote with their wallets accordingly. i like that.

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      I put my money where my mouth is. It may not make a difference to the vendor I boycott, but it makes me feel better.

  6. Anonymous3:49 PM

    G- I heard one of CNN's head honcho's recently left...
    maybe they are going "libril"?
    Stupid girl, that is AWESOME & TRUE!

  7. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I enjoyed some chick filet waffle fries once in awhile, but not any more. I refuse to give my hard earned money to any homophobic entity. I'll stay healthier now, too. Chick filet chicken has way too much salt and fat for this girl.

  8. Anonymous3:53 PM

    "Earlier some snotty troll wanted to know how our little boycotting chicken sandwiches idea was going. I gotta tell you, it looks pretty good to me."
    For the Trollie:

  9. Anonymous3:53 PM

    I've been boycotting their homophobic asses for 10+ years!

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      I did not hear of them until recently, I was born to boycott their ass-backward thinking and their wicked corporate Ways.

      The food is not that great or good for you. Can make you sick. The man who did their public speaking just up and died. He was not that old. Breitbart did the same. They go real fast. Once the damage is done, they may try and clean up their life, it is too late for some angry, twisted dudes.

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM

      I've been boycotting their theistic bigtory fro about the same amount of time. For some reason, a side helping of Fauxtianity makes anything taste bad.

  10. Anonymous3:55 PM

    One can only speculate how (that) this little stunt will impact Bristol's reception when she returns to DWTS.

    Betcha didn't think of that, did ya ABC?

  11. Anonymous4:00 PM

    DH is watching a 2 1/2 men rerun,and I just realized where Toad gets his clothes!!Alan Harper must have had a yardsale!

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      I wasn't sure what show you were talking about but just googled Alan Harper 2 men and it's that Charlie Sheen show. I love Jon Cryer and didn't realize he was on that show. We watched Pretty in Pink a few weeks ago and he was so great as Ducky. Now I'm going to have to go look up this new show he is on.

    2. Anonymous7:08 PM

      I had no idea he was Ducky! Now I have to watch again,I loved Ducky.

  12. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Looks like Dude has to carry her chicken as well as her purse. I wonder if he also has to taste her food
    first. He must be getting some kind of payoff for being her lapdog. does this woman do one damn thing for herself other than dress like an aging alcoholic hooker and incessently proclaim her victimhood?

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Actually, I think patty the daytime hooker dresses better...

  13. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Oooooh, the Palin endorsement again. More proof that everything she touches turns to moose chit.

  14. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Dogg Plz direct me to positive part of ur post. Mission St8ment Fail. Well B prayin 4 U 2 Grow the Flip UP 1 of these decades

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Poor pitiful mixed up redneck trash!
      I see Wallow's illiterate ass is still hanging around and posting shit that only a Wasillabilly can understand!

      Uh Wallow dear...nobody can understand your 3rd grade might want to ask Piper to help you out on your "book learnin"...then get back to us fatty! LOL!!!

    2. vegaslib6:58 PM

      This isn't twitter, you don't have to type like that. And what the hell are you trying to say anyway? Good old fashioned gibberish.

    3. Anonymous7:00 PM

      lol. OMG that was hilarious! I still say what's her face looks like Broomhilda. Doesn't that avatar give you nightmares? ;-)


    4. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Dude...R U Retarded?
      R U flippin retarded?

      or just that stoopid? Ya, haters will hate, bla, bla, bla
      EPIC FAIL Trollie!

    5. Anonymous7:03 PM

      there is a dust storm in AZ must of flown into her flippin brain also,too!

    6. BabyRaptor7:07 PM

      Expect to have your prayers ignored. God doesn't speak Retard...She requires petitioners to have an IQ high enough for elementary English.

    7. Anonymous8:05 PM

      4:11 PM You never should have dropped out of High School. Your Posting shows that HOME-SCHOOLING has taught you nothing. All of your Talent is shown when you are LYING on your BACK with your Legs Spread. Even that is no longer in demand. How does it feel to have to BUY YOUR FRIENDS? Good people don't hang around with BIGOTS.

    8. Anonymous10:50 PM

      Damn.Who let Trig near the computer?

  15. I am chortling at this. The nits without wits attract more ridicule daily. It is all good.

  16. Anonymous4:17 PM

    After Sarah childish, immature, nasty middle school girl display, I bet Chic fil A lost even more customers.
    Don't you just tremble at the thought of a VP of our country with the mentality of Sarah Palin.

  17. Anonymous4:27 PM


    "... on Sarah Palin's visit to Chick-Fil-A, and in other news the chicken sandwich shop is losing customers by the bucket load."

  18. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Their building one in my city and you can bet I'll never go there.

  19. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Next: boycott Domino's Pizza, which was bankrolled by Bain Capital, and has contributed to anti-gay, anti-abortion groups.
    The pizza's terrible, too.

    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Domino's Pizza is horrible, but even if it wasn't, I'd have spent the last couple decades boycotting them.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:21 PM

      Domino's has been on our "list" for years, but I didn't know about the bain connection. The son of one of my friends worked for them when they had the "ten minute delivery guarantee" and was involved in a minor car accident. I just found it unconscionable for them not to cover his damages. He had to report it to his insurance company, and his rates went up.

  20. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Here is another family we can boycott. All Koch products, including Chevron Oil. Buy their competition.

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Koch: Angel Soft and Brawny products as well.

    2. more Koch blockers !!
      Vanity Fair paper plates
      Dixie paper cups and plates
      Mardi Gras and Zee napkins
      Soft n’ Gentle or Angel Soft bathroom tissue
      Quilted Northern bathroom tissue
      Sparkle and Brawny paper towels

    3. Anonymous3:27 AM

      I use Marcal 100% recycled paper. No old growth forest cut down and they don't use cancer causing chemicals to bleach their paper. You can also find recycled paper products at CVS.

  21. I had never even heard of Chick-fil-A, but I definitely wouldn't go there.
    Google has an add for a coupon for there right below this article! At least on my computer.

  22. Virginia Voter4:42 PM

    Alright, once Sarah Palin enters the fray, a controversy has officially jumped the shark.

    Since y'all know I live below the Mason Dixon line, I am very familiar with Chick-fil-a. I must say, we don't frequent them often, but if you ever walked into one, their ant-gay stance is not shocking...they post information about their founders, their faith, and their weird camps and charities right on the damn wall. Doesn't take a genius to figure out they're fundies. With that said, they run a tight ship...their franchises in my area are clean, the cashiers are exceptionally polite, and service is fast, friendly, and accurate which is way more than I could say for any other fast food chain.

    The public has the option of patronizing them or not...that's our power as consumers, we can talk with our wallets. But keep in mind there are many, many more right wing extremists who fund their pet causes and politicians with their companies' profits namely Carl's Junior, White Castle, Dominos Pizza, Staples, Home Depot, etc. Many sports owners are huge Republican donors like Jerry Jones (Dallas Cowboys), Bob Kraft (Patriots), and Dan Snyder (Wash Redskins...ugh don't get me started on that one ).

    My biggest pet peeve is when people bandwagon for or against a cause just because it's the issue du jour, I'm talking to u Sarah. In general I usually try to avoid companies that I don't agree with, but if I want to eat some waffle fries and a chicken wrap once in a while, then fuck is too short to live your life boycotting everyone and everything you don't agree with.

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      It's not been an "issue du jour" for many of us; we've been boycotting them for years. Partially because of their politics and religious beliefs and partially because many people simply do not eat fast food!

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Wow, we don't watch any sports in my household but your comment makes me even more glad that we participate in many sports, tennis, soccer, golf, but really don't support any teams or tune into televised games! I suppose it is not too surprising that the Republicans (wealthy GOP) have such a hand in the sporting industry. I felt really bad accompanying my dad to the Master's golf tournament this year because Augusta is pretty racist and misogynistic club. However, I expect that with golf, and while I don't overlook it there are many things in this world that will take time to change. Looks like it is the same with football. Rich old white guys rule the roost!

    3. Yep. What you said. But in reality, it's tough to boycott Chik-Fil-A because there just aren't that many of them around, outside the South. I've only had their chicken sandwich one time, and it absolutely sets the standard for a good fast food fried chickent sandwich. Don't know about any of their other food products, but the sandwich is outstanding. Still, I won't be searching for Chik-Fil-A anywhere.

    4. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Disagree. No one, NEEDS to eat that crap - indulgence, sure. A 4 week dry-aged, steak from my local farmer - oh yeah!!!! with a bottle of really good wine - shiraz or merlot, some organic chocolate, or some fair trade espresso. Maybe some ice cream - homemade from the milk & cream from one of our cow shares, some great lettuce from our garden and some homemade french bread.

      Difference is I can look at myself in a mirror the next day without retching. Have I ever sold out a principle for something desired - yes, but for a chik filled with a-holes sandwich? You have to be kidding

    5. Kimosabe6:30 PM

      Owning a sports team is about as close as you can get to being a slave owner. Which is what they REALLY want.

    6. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Anonymous6:19 PM
      I'm going to your house for dinner :)

      "chik filled with a-holes sandwich" PRICELESS!

    7. BabyRaptor7:10 PM

      You were believable until the "u" and the whole equating peoples' rights with a minor annoyance thing. Try again later, troll.

    8. Anita Winecooler9:49 PM

      I agree with you, Virginia Voter. We have a few in our area, and they are clean, polite, and well run. We rarely frequent fast food establishments to begin with, but Chic Fil A's around here are mostly in the malls with very few free standing stores, so it's hard for me to boycott a place I don't frequent in the first place.
      Your point is a valid one, if you desire their waffle fries and a chicken wrap every once in awhile, Sarah Palin's attention grab shouldn't stop you from fulfilling that desire.

    9. comeonpeople6:03 AM

      It's not a new issue. I've known about their fundie anti gay stance for years. But, sure, if I was on a road trip and was hungry and the only thing until the next stop in 200 miles was a chil-fil-a...I'd probably eat their food.
      And you are right, offering friendly service and making correct change is a lost skill in the US. A few years ago at a McD, I stood in front of the counter waiting for the girl to ask "can I take your order?" I stood there and stood there, staring at each other........long awkward silence...finally I said to her "OH, Can I take your order?" and she gave me this very dirty look. I left the store. It's pitiful as this was probably the only job she could get. I'll admit that I don't always correct them when the incorrect change is given to me, especially if the person is not paying attention to their job. American exceptionalism lol.
      I am tired of going to the grocery and "bagging my own" or "Self checking out" while people getting paid at the store are talking to each other, texting, watching us FOOLS do all the work, while they stand around doing NOTHING. It costs a bit more, but now I frequent only local merchants with better produce, meats, etc , who know my name and who offer excellent service. That is the power of My dollar and my choice.

    10. jcinco9:51 AM

      The closest grocery store to my home is safeway. Nothing makes me angrier than the fact that not only do I have to take my purchases out of the basket and put them on the conveyor, than 9 times out of 10 there's no baggers & I end up doing it myself. In my area the Kroegers is King Soopers, they empty your basket, they always have baggers, the produce is far superior, greater selection and the employees don't act like they hate their jobs the way safeway employees do. Most telling of all is the fact that I see most of the safeway employees shopping at king soopers. :) I drive the extra two miles unless I need 1 or 2 items.

    11. Anonymous10:58 AM

      I also go to the supermarket with a bagger. I like the workers to bag my groceries. I just pick stuff and pay. I don't like the 20 cashier stations and only 1 or two are open though.j We should have a red go button to push when we are behind one customer and a cashier and bagger are open for service immediately!!! LOL.

  23. melissa5:03 PM

    Wow, Sarah Palin is looking physically unwell (more so than usual). I wonder what's going on under her sunglasses?

    1. Paul - Minnesota7:34 PM

      Zombie eyes?

    2. Anonymous5:29 AM

      The real Sarah Palin is currently comatose from too little nourishment and too much rage. The sunglasses are to hide that this is really a Palin impersonator.

      (In the next few days we'll be sure to see a picture without the sunglasses to disprove my theory.)

    3. Anonymous10:59 AM

      She doesn't look nice at all with different colored hair. Not at all.

  24. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Come on, Sarah, let's here you plug Todd's show and Bristol's appearance on DWTS. You do have the magic touch-- everything that you promote turns to ....

  25. Anonymous5:16 PM

    When will people learn to distance themselves from the Palins?

    Shailey Tripp, Jeremy Linn, Tim Tebow, Palin's little diseased buddy Kim Jong Il, Levi, John McCain, Christine O'Donnell, Joe Miller, Track Palin and everybody else learned the hard way.


    Dumbass Gino who was thrown out of Bristol's car is learning this the hard way!

    Stay away from meth.. that dumb meth head Gino is reported to be crying after her (or her money) and wants back in.

    1. vegaslib6:54 PM

      Bristol meth proved what a bad mother and horrible person she is by leaving that kid in the middle of nowhere. I would never in a million years do that to someone. I guess we know what kind of shit Levi had to put up with. And she was being filmed and still thought this was OK to air on TV.

      I guess the whole rotten, hillbilly family is proud of the hate and meanness.

  26. chikfila is heart attack and cancer food5:24 PM

    There is a nice timeline of the Chik-Fil-A controversy at bilerico. There is a comment which I reposted below, can't figure out how to link direct to the comment.

    "Forget boycotting the restaurants, you know what would be the best way to protest their anti-gay policies? Imagine if every LGBT person local to where there's a Chick-fil-a started filling out applications to work there? Think about it: If a given Chick-fil-a got, say, five hundred applications from LGBT people but didn't end up hiring any of them...what would people say if those applications and whether or not the applicant got the job were tracked, and the results were made publicly known?

    So, you create a situation where Chick-fil-a's management has three choices: Hire enough of these folks to avoid the appearance of anti-LGBT discrimination (which is already illegal in many of the states they operate in), set the company up for a charge of violating state anti-discrimination law, or close up shop and move into states where the political climate and the law are more tolerant of anti-LGBT bigotry.

    Now, say this were to happen in every state with an LGBT-inclusive anti-discrimination law, all of them. How long before A) this cost the company a pile of money to defend and/or pay off these lawsuits when they're found guilty, B) their restaurants boasted as high a percentage of LGBT employees as any business out there, or C) they decided to close up shop and move on to more bigoted shores?

    Seems like a win-win-win to me."

    I got a laugh, but they probably only pass out applications through the church pastors they give free food to (in return for sending their congregations to make some homophobes rich).

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Yes those bastards take care of their own.
      You ever see any unemployed at a church?

      Only if a liberal stumbles in.
      They take care of their own. All have jobs Trolling or chikfill aholes!

    2. Anonymous9:51 PM

      Eating Chick-fil-A Doesn't Honor the Body

    3. Anita Winecooler9:59 PM

      I don't think it'll work. Can they ask people what their sexual orientation is? And in a lot of states, one can get "fired at will", which means they can fire you for no reason.

      Take Todd in that photo, his manager might not like his shirt thinking it's "gay" and fire him without having to give a reason.

  27. To tell you the truth I had never noticed their postings ... and my hubby and I are (were) big fans of the Chick fil A sandwiches, but we are now not! And all I can say is the cows must be getting happier .... "where's the beef?"

  28. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Remember, Grandma & Grandpa's grandson did not use a homophobic slur on his reality tv show.

  29. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I like to say a word for the racists and bigots. They aren't appreciated any more, not the way they used to be. I live in the North. Traveling the back roads in the South used to be the same thing as visiting a foreign country. Even after lunch counters and drinking fountains lost their segregated signs, it took a long time for the South to desegregate. Some people are still fighting The War. (We always called it The Civil War; they called it The War Between the States. Most recently, the name has changed to The War of Northern Aggression. I know who fired the first shots, and it wasn't the damned Yankees.)

    There is a chain of BBQ restaurants in a southern state, and the owner was famous for his political views. He wasn't shy about displaying some of the most ugly, racist literature in his restaurant. Hate-filled would be a polite word to describe the book section. On a recent visit, we were surprised to see that the book store had been "cleaned up." I don't think that his views have changed, but the display has. At one table, an African American and a White man ate together. Times have changed. Or, times are changing.

    If Mr.Chicken Bigot is against gay marriage, he would now be part of a minority. Today, more than 50% of the population has nothing against same sex marriage. All of the polls say the same thing. (Don't let the folks at Fox tell you differently.) Gradually, people are changing their views or at least becoming more exposed to diversity and differences. Mr. Chicken Bigot isn't alone; he has ugly company. And, if people don't like his point of view, there are plenty of other places to get chicken. Just as he has a right to express his opinion, people who don't like what he has to say can express their opinions, too.

    As for the Palins, they never met a photo op that they didn't like. It's for the attention and publicity.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      You must be talking about Maurice's in Columbia, SC. Never got to the restaurant, but I surely did love that mustard-based BBQ sauce. Was sad to see Krogers and even Walmart pull his delectable creation from the store shelves, but he brought it on himself.

      And it's pronounced "Wo-ah of Naw-thren Aggression." Of course, I do live in the part of Virginia where the word QUIT has 3 syllables--ka-WEE-it!

    2. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Anon 7:26 You nailed it! The first time that these Northern eyes saw Maurice's literature we kept poking each other-- did you see this one? Look at that book! Lincoln should have been declared a traitor to the United States was the mildest self-published book. In those days, cell phones did not have cameras. When we returned recently, I made sure to have a camera to take photos but Maurice had changed. He still flies the Confederate flag, y'all, and the only books for sale were popular best sellers from both parties. Something must have happened to Maurice! And yes, he has places all over SC, but we went to the one in Columbia!

      Your pronunciation of "Tha Wo-ah" is also right on! I confess that our favorite BBQ is tomato based, and the best Southern BBQ that I've had was in Atlanta, a chain of places called Old Hickory House. We like the original place that had the big fire pit where the ribs were slow cooked for hours. They also made a delicious Brunswick Stew. Good Memories!

    3. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Yep, I bet it's Maurice's. I was stunned by what they sold when I was there a few years ago. I'm glad it has changed, at least on the surface.
      What I am surprised that people whine about someone's freedom of speech is that it really means that the government can't restrict your right of free speech. Your boss can can your ass, your friends can cease to be your friends, etc.. You can say what you like, but there also can legally be repercussions. A lot of people (including SP) don't seem to get that. They whine: what about my freedom of speech?

  30. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Sarah, as usual, you are ignorant and on the wrong side of history.

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Not to mention going out of her way to be an asshole.

  31. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I'm in Texas. Along with Chick-fil-a, we have KFC, Church's, Raising Cane's, Popeyes, Babe's, William's... and those are just the chicken restaurants that come to mind. Other places, like Grandy's and our local grocery store make pretty good fried chicken.

    It's VERY easy to change brands, and VERY easy to give up a brand permanently.

    Of course, I could cook it from scratch, but like I said in my first sentence: I'm in Texas. Do you have any idea how HOT it gets in a West-facing kitchen in the middle of the Summer?

    I won't miss a dry overcooked chick-fil-a two-limp-pickle sandwich.

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Raising Cain's!! Yumm

    2. Anonymous8:28 PM

      yall need summer kitchens!

    3. Anonymous3:39 AM

      BBQ, you'll never go back to fried again. If we can BBQ in January in Indiana, you can do it in TX.

  32. Anonymous6:34 PM

    It's been a long time Gryphen since I've posted. Been busy living life. ;-) However......I saw this on the net and I KNEW you would have a great comment.

    That biggoted hobag and perv wouldn't know good food even if it jumped up and bit them in the ass. (Which BTW I'm hoping a moose will do one day.) She doesn't even cook for christ's sake! It's pretty pathetic, but we all know Pathetic Palin is
    pathetic; that she uses any excuse to show the fucking, small minded biggots of the world that she wants to be their queen.

    On another note...what in the hell is that wanna be Snookie Bitchtel doing on TV?

    Peace and love to all the old posters and you G.


    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Bristol is aiming to be the next Kardashian sister.

  33. Anonymous6:53 PM

    U People shood love this place. Perfect $toner food perhaps they dont take food stampz

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Uh Wallow! Didn't I tell you to put down the booze! Now you're talking about getting high and your mama paying off folks with BaldyPac "postage"!

      Put down the IPhone and the METH...pick up your abandoned baby and read to the poor little babe...don't follow in your trampy ass sister's footsteps...we're counting on you Wallow to write that blockbuster hit!



    2. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Precious, put down the pipe and pick up a book instead. Only stoners use the word stoner. Grow up and get an education.


    3. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Is that why Sarah and Todd are there?

    4. Anonymous10:58 PM

      Willer?Gino?Which meth-head is posting?Or is it Trig?Gobble gobble blip blap ooga chaka?

  34. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Well, you know how Sarah fils about Polls. . .and we know how Todd fils about 'em too. So long as Bristol sticks to cages, we'll all be good.

  35. Sharon6:57 PM

    There is such a wonderful diversity when you see the US Olympic teams....every nationality, every color. It is only a matter of time before those old white dinosaurs die off, our children are so beyond this bullshit, the GOP will die with them. Palin is paid to hate and lie, Robme is paid to steal and destroy, karma is a bitch....hope it happens soon.

    You know Sarah couldn't eat that krap even if she wanted to...her body would throw it up.

  36. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Chick Filet is posting a new sign as I am writing... Chick Filet has limit the number of customers in their restaurant to provide space and comfort while you eat. Do not believe anything you hear about a boycott, we are not being boycotted -- and we also too are the ones who rejected the Muppet toys.

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Oh dear...all those morbidly obese red neck patrons have over run "Shit-fil-a"! I hope they have enough room for the giant size motorized scooters and oxygen tanks...because those fat red necks "sho can eat y'all"! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous7:48 PM

      If you are going to promote them, at least spell it right, DUMMY.

  37. This is REALLY off topic, but I was watching (sort of, I don't usually watch idiotic-plot chick flicks) the 2006 movie "Failure to Launch" with Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker just a bit ago.

    MCConaughey's character's name? "Tripp"

    I wonder if THAT'S where they got the kid's name...?

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      I'm still going the Shailey route. It's just too much of a coincidence (and we all know what Sarah says about coincidences...or the lack of them).

    2. Anonymous7:46 PM

      You know that TRIPP was named after Todd Palin's "YOU LIGHT UP MY LIFE" Prostitute. The License Plates are no coincidence. Todd purchased those plates way before TRIPP was even thought of.

  38. Paul - Minnesota7:25 PM

    I recently went on a date with a man who grew up in Houston, TX. He knows (and does very well) southern (and other styles of) cooking.

    He said amongst many of his great specialities is his fried chicken.

    As Minnesota has two locations for Chick-Fil-A, one of which means having an airline ticket to get to their location at MSP, I'm going to ask my new friend, hopefully new boyfriend, sometime hopefully to make me his fried chicken.

    I'm sure it'll be light years better in taste and quality than some fast food Chick-Fil-A chicken (and I'll be giving no money for Chick-Fil-A's supporting various anti-USA hate groups).

    I can buy local chicken which comes from local farmers. Clean, fresh, wholesome, perhaps organic or free range. Rather than eating Chick-Fil-A's factory farmed, chemically enhanced, antibiotic filled yet bacteria laden chicken product.

  39. I was reading a blog called "Field Negro" (on G's Blog Roll Call) about the subject and he stated he wasn't going to boycott chick fil a because they don't actually out right ban gays. Meaning they serve gays.

    Well I disagreed with that because if one buys the product one is contributing to the bigotry and hatred it causes.

    I also believe if cathy could get away with not serving perceived or obvious gays he would in a heartbeat.

    I knew the insufferable bitch would be on the side of hatred, intolerance, ignorance and stupidity. Ain't nobody telling her old angry ass or anybody else they should marry their own sex.

    Same sex marriage doesn't take from me and it adds to other folks' happiness unlike the baggers who want to invade and take over ALL women's vaginas.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM


      Thanks for your insight and information.

      I wonder if Field Negro would be okay if other kinds of people went to another (theoretical, as I don't not know of any) family run company that would serve African-Americans. So they're not banning African-American.

      Yet the owners of that company gave monies to hate groups, such as groups that were white power oriented hate groups.

  40. melissa2:57 AM

    In other Chick-Fil-A news it's now being sued for gender discrimination as a female employee, with a record of satisfactory to above satisfactory performance, was allegedly fired by her manager so that she could be a stay at home mother. Apparently Chick-Fil-A has a track record, according to this article, of firing female employees and replacing them with male employees. Just one more reason why Chick-Fil-A is bad for Americans!

  41. Anonymous6:12 AM

    stupid is as stupid does and boy, is she STUPID!

  42. Anonymous10:00 AM

    I am offense intended....but every picture I see of Todd sets my Gaydar off. That promo photo of that silly show he is "starring" in particularly.

    We do not have a Chick-Fil-A in our area. There was one in the nearest mall, but since we only seem to be able to go shopping on Sunday, we have never gone there. Now we never will. Between their stupid policies and now knowing that Sarah and Todd eat there, I wouldn't go if it was free.

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM


      I hope Sarah endorsing Chick-A-Fil is another of her endorsements of death.

  43. You are better off eating plant-based food instead of chicken.

  44. Anonymous10:30 AM

    So a PIMP and a HOOKER are welcome at CHIK-FIL-A? BWAHAHAHA. Do those 2 DYSFUNCTIONAL IDIOTS have any clues as to what REAL AMERICANS care about? We all know that Sarah's favorite food is a GLEN RICE HAWT DOG, and that TODD would enjoy one too.

  45. Anonymous10:49 AM

    cluck, cluck, head...

  46. Anonymous10:50 AM

    sp don't use the wash cloth Toaddy give you!

  47. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I don't eat there because it's too expensive, and on the one day a year where you get free food for dressing up like a cow.... no thanks. I'm an adult. But they do have killer diet Lemonaide. I wish for once, we could keep politics out of our TV programming and out of our fast food. I'll still buy my lemonaide there, but not because I support this stand or that stand. But because it's good lemonaid.

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      and your money will go to fund hate.


  48. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I'm more shocked that Palin and her purse carrier were seen together.

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      It's really tough to stay together for the money when you can't stand each other!
      those damn "fans" insist on seeing the "happy couple" together!


  49. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Maybe the food is for Rebecca M. Didn't she gain massive weight?

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      I've never seen her when she wasn't the size of a planet.

  50. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Before Palin oozed into the debate I didn't care too much about this fast-food shop. NOW, I'll never eat there!

    How's that Hope and Change workin out for you Chick-fil-A?


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