Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Prince of Darkness tells the obvious truth about Sarah Palin.

Courtesy of TPM:

Former Vice President Dick Cheney said that John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate in 2008 was a “mistake” in an interview with ABC News. 

"I like Governor Palin. I’ve met her. I know her. She – attractive candidate. But based on her background, she’d only been governor for, what, two years. I don’t think she passed that test…of being ready to take over. And I think that was a mistake."

You know this would not exactly be news if it was not said by the man who has NEVER admitted that George W. Bush was a "mistake" as well, and who is famous for keeping his negative comments about Republicans to a minimum.

Gee, first Sarah Palin is repeatedly used as the yardstick for measuring just how poorly the choosing of a VP choice can go, and now one of the most hated men in America takes a giant dump on her.

Hmm, I wonder if she is still living that "happy life" I keep hearing so much about?


  1. Ratfish1:36 PM

    An "attractive candidate" who was a mistake?

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Translation: "Palin was tits, ass, legs, and nothing more."

  2. vegaslib1:39 PM

    This just goes to show you that you cannot continually say mean and hateful things and not reap what you sow.

    I can't think of one, not even one thing the Palins have done that benefited anyone but themselves. That's pretty damn sad if you ask me.

  3. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I love Cheney just for his "balls." He doesn't play games like Obama and Romney. He's just a successful man doing his thing.

    Question: I know it's your blog and I know your biggest posts are the ones where people can write nasty things, but why aren't you highlighting the incompetency of everyone in DC right now? Why write democratic propaganda that is only hurting the country because it's not true?

    1. The Democratic Party didn't have a meeting the night of President Obama's election where they plotted to keep millions of Americans out of work to put one man out of a job.

      Capiche, now?

    2. Oh STFU Krusty! I betcha' you do love Cheney's "balls" nasty thing!

      Cheney knows Baldy like the back of his hand....she's a raving lunatic that is in the process of destroying the Republican party....I am glad that he's called out the bald headed one from the shores of Dead Lake Lucille.

      Question: Why is a fat shut in worrying about "democratic propaganda" instead of getting out of her bed...getting to her psychiatrist appointments and taking her medication? Why are you trying so hard to sniff the dirty panties of all the Palins? They are AFRAID of you Stalker!

    3. Olivia2:07 PM

      Question: What isn't true? You keep saying this and you never give examples. Put up or shut up! Every time someone asks you to elaborate, you disappear.

      Republicans are hurting the country. They have been blocking everything the President and Democrats have tried to do. That was their goal and for the most part they were successful.

    4. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Question? Why did Bristol name her son after her daddy's prostitute?Why advertise for her daddy the pimp?

    5. WakeUpAmerica2:20 PM

      You either live in a vacuum or you are stupid beyond belief. He doesn't play games? OMG! I suppose you think he didn't out Valerie Plame or lie about WMD either. That bastard should be sitting in prison waiting for trial on charges of treason. I mean, who outs a CIA operative because you don't like something the spouse wrote? Fucking bastard should have his knee caps shot on the way to the gallows.

    6. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Gross incompetency in DC right now? Agreed. John Boehner is the worst Speaker in modern American history and before you babble on about Nancy Pelosis plane, I'm gonna tell you right now to stuff it. When Nancy becomes speaker again -- and she will, if she brings this country to the absolute brink of ruination, over a totally ridiculous issue in a totally avoidable way, there is no comparison -- NO COMPARISON. So, you're right, for once. But even a broken clock is right twice a day, so don't slap yourself on the back TOO hard.

    7. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Please cite specifics -- facts, dates, names.

    8. vegaslib2:42 PM

      G does write about it. Especially where the Repubs cock block every decent thing the Dems try to do.

    9. AJ Billings2:54 PM

      Ballsy post, no doubt, but let's review some facts, shall we?

      Ok, here are some non partisan FACTS taken from the CBO and the Congressional Record:

      Ronald Reagan started the downward spiral of America by cutting cap gain taxes by a huge amount in 1980's. By doing that he increased the deficits a gigantic amount. It did bring interest rates down, but at what cost considering the interest that we then owed to Japan and England, who were buying our bonds back then? What were the long term consequences going to be?

      Cheney once said "deficits don't matter", as though that statement could offset the tsunami of debt that would engulf us 30 years later.

      Regans's policies ended up gutting the economy long term, because you can't keep putting debt on the credit card forever.

      George HW Bush, (Dubya's father ) called Reagan's plan VOODOO economics, and he was exactly right; More prophetic words have seldom been spoken by an American President

      Clinton started us down the road of NAFTA, outsourcing, and repealed a lot of the tarrifs that protected our markets in former days

      That caused 50,000 US factories and businesses to ship operations to China, Mexico, and India.

      That gutted our industrial base, and has forced us to become a slave to the titanic interest payments over the last 20 years.

      Congress repealed Glass Steagall act, allowing the big banks to play Casino games with the public's accounts, setting the stage for the biggest theft of public funds in history

      Then, George W Bush started two unnecassary wars after his dismal failure to keep the country safe after 9/11. Worst of all, he not only put those expenses on the credit card, he also CUT taxes at the worst possible time.

      Under his watch, he ran up more huge debt from stupid policies, and the walls came crashing down in October of 2008.

      There in just a few paragraphs you have the reason why both Repubs and Democrats are ALL GUILTY as charged for running our country into the financial ditch.

      Along comes Mr Obama, the veritable Janitor in Chief trying to salvage whatever he could after 30 years of graft, corruption, incompetence, and blind allegiance to the titanic failure of fiscal and policy decisions of all those years of our Congress making horrifically bad decisions

      None of this is simple, and the details are far beyond the scope of this blog, or my posting

      But trust me please on this one statement.

      IT"S NOT JUST DEMOCRATIC propaganda that is "hurting the country"

      It's a fucking 30 year legacy of failure and living beyond our means, and Repubs and Dems are all guilty as charged!

      You can't just throw out bumper sticker slogans like Palin does and expect a rational and informed audience to take your partisan pablum seriously

    10. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Cheney made a mistake too, a really, really, really big mistake. He said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Of course Cheney has to talk up other peoples' errors, because he is terrified that someday someone will make him pay for the WMD disaster.

    11. Virginia Voter2:58 PM

      WHAT. THE. FUCK. are you smoking? If you love Dick Cheneys balls so much why don't you go choke on them if he actually has anything left. Dick Cheney is nothing more than a chickenhawk neocon who was perhaps the most dangerous VP in history. He is a war mongering, loathsome little man and war profiteer who was responsible for the epic disaster known as the Bush presidency.

      Dick Cheney will burn in hell for leading thousands of American soldiers to their deaths in a needless war. Successful my ass. Go crawl back under your literally made my skin crawl with that comment.

    12. Anonymous3:08 PM

      You wouldn't know the truth if it was a fire up your ass. Get help and use google at a minimum fool! The truth will truly set you free!

    13. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Whatever are you talking about? Have you been nursing at the Fox news teat again? My grown kid can have health insurance while he's looking for a job, my husband won't need to worry about preexisting conditions. My IRA is back to where it was before it tanked. Osama bin Laden is dead. Check this out and then get back to us.

    14. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Bless your heart anon @1:40. Please provide some links to that dastardly democratic propaganda that is hurting the country (links to RWNJ sites, Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, Savage et al. don't count). By the way, this post is about Cheney saying the pick of Sarah as the VP candidate was a mistake. It is a no-brainer for folks with a functional intellect. Is this the democratic propaganda you were referring to.

    15. Anonymous3:46 PM

      His nickname in DC is BIG DICK Cheney. Really. And it has nothing to do with his personality.

    16. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Thank you, thank you, Gryphen, AJ Billings and all of you in the above posts who did the hard work of describing in detail the past decades of regressives' domination.

      All of you have my sincere gratitude, because the more I read your comments, the more I am confident that we aren't going "To Hell In A Hand Basket", as one of the old sayings goes. Let's keep educating. It's the only Forward we can choose.

      Love fromthediagonal

    17. Anonymous5:03 PM

      You don't read and you are uneducated on political issues. No one cares what you think here because you don't add to the conversation. You repeat hollow talking points with nothing to back them up.
      On top of that, you are an extremely disturbed person. I pity you that you spent so much time here. You are obsessive, delusional and sick.
      Get help and get a life. You are a very unhappy lonely pitiful woman who lives vicariously through a stranger 20 years younger than her and who gets her jollies from conflict. Your behavior on here is very disturbing. You need help because clearly you are very unhappy and isolated from reality.

    18. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Cheney's 'balls' got us into a needless war that ended the lives of thousands.

      FUCK YOU SCUM !!!

    19. Everyone in D.C. isn't incompetent. That's a storyline invented by people who don't read or think about much except what's for dinner.

  4. Personally, I think he's fucking with Romney by saying this. Romney has to choose whether or not to invite SP to Tampa to speak. The Tea Party has already said she must - in the form of Newt and others. Now the Republican establishment is basically saying she was a mistake best ignored and forgotten.

    What's a poor Mittens to do?

  5. Anonymous1:43 PM

    His new heart must be from a sane liberal ..

    Bet it would easy to find 2008 videos where Dick sang her praise.

    Sarah ..that was the GOP bus running over your flat ass.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      I thought he didn't have a heart that works. He is Darth.

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      He and every other GOP praised her like she was as good as the invention of sliced bread.

      Hyocrites all!!

  6. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Why would Cheney even bring up Palin today of all days? He's not even mentioned her hillbilly ass before!

    Is it to divert attention AWAY (from the media coverage) from the middle east tour of Romney and his war mongering?

    It is assured that the majority of Americans do NOT want to see us in any more wars! And, the main, besides the killing of our young men and women, is that we CANNOT afford it! The taxpayers are finished w/paying for wars!!!

    Where, on the other hand, the likes of Romney, Cheney and others INCREASE their personal incomes by being in more wars.

    We need to go back to the 'draft' and include the Romney sons in fighting a war. Then, we'd see how quickly Mitt the Twitt would declare war if elected President (god forbid!).

    President Obama is doing a terrific job and I say 'thank you' every day he represents us throughout the world.

    Do not forget that many administrators that served w/Bush are currently advising Romney. All they want is war!!!! And, Romney is nothing more than their puppet.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    1. WakeUpAmerica2:17 PM

      He would just send his sons on extended missions to France.

    2. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Sarah Palin is a nightmare for many Republicans. They have no freedom of speech when it comes to her. They would like nothing more than for her to be erased. They also want McCain to be able to save face. Cheney can say how nice she is yadda yadda but the lady wasn't Mayor or Governor that long. HA!!! Romney will handle it somehow and Sarah will be Sarah.

    3. Anonymous4:31 PM

      I remember some comedian (Carlin?) Williams? who had this plan - they would put the names of every congressperson and their family in a giant fishbowl. Whenever a soldier was killed or injured, a name would be drawn form the fishbowl, and the same fate would be inflicted on them. Wars would cease immediately.

  7. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....old Darth Cheney is person nongrata at the Asylum today! They are whining and carrying on in the dayroom something awful! The idiots have taken so much medication (Palin koolaid) that they REFUSE to see that when the old VP says that Baldy was a MISTAKE....she was a MISTAKE! The fact that the REPUBLICANS have FINALLY admitted that they made a MISTAKE is ENORMOUS!

    I can't stop laughing at the nuts...between the article about Kathy Griffin and now this wonderful post from Cheney....some of those fools are going to commit sideways by the time the Convention arrives!

    One of the head nuts over there was talking about Baldy's "announcement"...and the others asked him "what announcement"...the fool says...Baldy mentioned at the NBC party that she would have an answer about the convention in "a couple of days" was last week and the only announcement made was Beefy's funky face being on DWTS! I tell ya'...the hilarity of those nuts never end! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous2:30 PM

      You just watch GinaM! Sarah WILL be President in 2012! And Alan West will be her VP pick! She's given us these cryptic clues that you can only hear if you're wearing a ginormous US Flag pin and Wonder Woman cuffs.

      She's just like Joan of Arc.. somehow. Oh yeah, they're both female, so what does that tell you, huh?

      She leads a Christ-like life. Christ had kids who slept around and got knocked up and never got married. You won't find that info in the Libtard KJV Bible, it's in the new *TRUE* Patriot Bible (available soon at SarahPAC for a hefty donation). She has love and compassion in her heart for ALL Americans, be they White or Caucasian or WASP or Tea Party folks or rich or wealthy. She even married a MINORITY, and had sex with a black dude, so you certainly can't call her racist.

      You're just a jealous librul socialist marxist commie! You want to take MY money and give it to the common people, you want ME to pay for YOUR contraception, you want things like clean air and non-poisonous water and healthcare. Well let me ask you this: People who started this country and were true Frontier Patriots didn't have healthcare or the government making sure their air and water was clean... and some of them that survived childbirth lived well into their 30s. So there.

    2. Anonymous2:41 PM

      "what announcement"

      I thought that was going to be any day. Soon?
      Did she have to get that baggy knee surgery or something? It must be important if she is delaying her BIG DEAL ANNOUNCEMENT.

    3. Anonymous4:19 PM

      2:30 PM - After reading your post, I had to double check your "anonymous" as I thought I was reading Beldar. hahaha

      I, too, await the BFD announcement.


    4. Anonymous4:29 PM

      I think she was expecting on getting an invitation for the Republican convention, and when that didn't arrive she had nothing to announce.

  8. "...I think that was a mistake"

    Gryphen, with all due respect to The Screechy Wretch(tm): ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

    I guess the old adage is true: "if you REALLY want to be a powerful, well-respected leader on the world political stage, choose which cheesy reality shows to star in VERY carefully." At least, that's the approach believed to have propelled German chancellor Angele Merkel to power.


  9. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I don't think this is news. Near the end of "Game Change" there's a scene in the hotel bar on Election Night with Woody Harrelson's Steve Schmidt, the campaign manager and the speech writer. The speech writer says that Cheney told people Palin was a mistake and then makes a crack to the effect that if Dick Cheney thinks you fucked up you must have really fucked up.

    Sarah Palin's chances of speaking at the Republican National Convention are about as good as mine. Wonder if McCain will be given a speaking slot or if they want to erase 2008 from the history books.

    A Fan From Chicago

  10. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Just to be fair ... Cheney did say he would vote for Bristol on DWTS.

  11. Anonymous2:22 PM

    To the person who loves Cheney's balls:

    The reason so many of the insane things reported on the Fox channel, make it to shows where comedians show them as clips, and the audience howls with laughter, is because most of it is absurdly juvenile propaganda--without even an attempt to disguise it.

    I've noticed that each awful thing the rightwing nutjobs are up to, end up being pointed to, as if its the NORMAL PEOPLE, doing them.

    One of these ridiculous attempts, was in calling the President the one who flip flops. Even Gretchen Carlson of Fox, could not "report" that with a straight face, so it was dropped.

    But for you to try to imply that its the PROGRESSIVES who are spewing hateful lies and propaganda, in an attempt to "hurt the country" is just as absurd as the flip flop thing.

    For confused folks like you, I always want to point out that you must "FOLLOW THE MONEY" to deem what is truth, and what is manipulative bullshit.

    Just who will PROFIT from it, if women's rights are upheld, and each woman is able to decide for herself, what happens to her body?

    Where's the money to be made, if gays have the equal right to marry?

    Who stands to cash in, if yet another war is started?

    If the already very rich, secure even more tax breaks, how is it that common folks like you and I will benefit?

    That is only a small list of the evil things the Republican agenda is pushing. Are YOU one of those who stand to get rich, by supporting them?

    I doubt it. So, etch-a-sketch your mind, and start afresh, being suspicious whenever something comes along you are asked to root for. Find out who benefits, and who paid for the information to be sent to you.

    That's the only way any of us can make our way through the backed up sewer of misinformation spilling everywhere.

    1. Anonymous2:39 AM

      Cheney has $80 MILLION invested in private prisons. He wins when the country goes to war, or when jobs are so scarce people break the law to feed their families. His evil daughter, Lizzie, is getting into politics, with his help no doubt. She is just like him, EVIL.

  12. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Politicusuas spells it all out as well as saying that Romney was a half term governor like palin without the official quitting

  13. lostinmn2:41 PM

    Between Cheney and Russel Brand it's been a bad week for Baldy. She gets called out for being nothing more than a wet dream fantasy and being incompetent - ouch

  14. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I would have never thought I'd agree with anything "War Criminal" Cheney ever said. but...He's correct ..... For once.
    she must be livid...HahahaHahahaha...who's got your back now stinky wig?

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      If this comment by cheney is just now making the quitter queen livid, she's a lot more out of touch than anyone ever imagined. I really doubt if scary gives a rats ass about what anyone says or thinks because, you know god and all that. The only way to keep people like this out of power is to defeat them at the ballot box. And the margins must be decisive due to the high possibility of cheating. That is my greatest fear. Ex cat

  15. Anonymous3:03 PM

    So unfortunate nobody unplugged his battery charger before the transplant.

  16. angela3:04 PM

    Why does Cheney always look like he's trying to pick the bones of newborn kittens out of his teeth?

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Best laugh all day! Thanks!!!


  17. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Guess Cheney won't be accepting an invitation to hunt in AK! He's very aware of what could happen in a shooting accident being he's guilty of same. He's just lucky the person lived. Might not be the case should the roles be reversed on an 'invited shooting trip in AK'!!!!

    1. Anonymous2:41 AM

      Well, $carah can not shoot straight, plus creepy Chuckles has to load her gun for her, so Cheney might be safe hunting with her.

  18. Anonymous3:15 PM

    He is one frightening looking guy! Think he needs work on his teeth. He has a new heart but it is pretty evil and black!!

    1. Lord that picture of Cheney gives me the willies! How would you like to wake up to that face every morning!

      And those "teefus"...he's got government run healthcare...shit he got a heart...why can't the man get some new "teefus"??

      What...does he think he'll wake up with teeth like that bad guy from the James Bond movie??

  19. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Romney can’t handle the press, just like Palin. Romney doesn’t seem to be able to open his mouth without inserting his foot, just like Palin. Romney repeatedly answers questions with a “you don’t need to know” defense hiding his lack of policy knowledge. Romney plays to the worst in America just like Palin. Romney is a coward, just like Palin. Romney has no specific policy ideas, and fills up that empty space with lot of negative things to say about Obama’s very existence, just like Palin.

    And just like Palin, Romney nurses what he sees as unfair wounds by the press by doubling down on secrecy and bunkering at Fox News.

    Dick Cheney is the same as he’s always been: a puppet master in search of weak people he can control. He and Grover Norquist agree that Mitt Romney is that weak person who will do as he’s told once elected.

  20. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Wow. I can’t type fast enough to keep up with Romney’s yellow jello tour. Today, Mitt Romney, who doesn’t apologize for America but does let the British tell him to apologize, let the Israeli Prime Minister boss him around. Romney had a 1:30 meeting with MK Shelly Yacimovich, the leader of the Labor party, that he canceled at the last minute after meeting with Netanyahu.

    Romney can’t even meet with the opposition? MEET, not agree. Meet. It’s protocol to meet the opposition. It’s called statesmanship.

  21. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Is this American exceptionalism, Romney style? He criticizes Obama for “apologizing for America” – something President Obama has actually never done – implying that Obama is a weak person, and yet Obama as a young senator was able to meet with opposition Netanyahu on his visit to Israel. He didn’t let anyone else dictate his policy, let alone his meetings.

    This is not, after all, a matter of policy – it’s a matter of protocol. It’s a meeting. Is Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee, not allowed to meet with the opposition because a foreign leader doesn’t want him to? How does that serve America?

    Why is Romney so utterly devoid in spine? All he had to do was explain that it is protocol to meet with the opposition and while his loyalty lay with Netanyahu, he is required and duty bound to meet with the opposition. Instead, Romney let Netanyahu be the boss of him.

  22. And he has a new government heart. fuck you dick. We knew $arah is a fuckwad. Apologize for your crimes.

    1. vegaslib3:54 PM

      We need to ship his criminal ass to Malaysia and let them take care of him.

  23. The Big Dick now becomes a nonentity to Sean Hannity.

  24. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I wonder what type of dent the family sized can of creamed corn will leave in the refrigerator.

  25. Anonymous3:31 PM

    This couldn't be some type of "subliminal" message to
    Princess Sparkleburst about her prospects for attendance at the RNC... could it?

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Princess Sparkleburst???? That's hysterical!!!

    2. jcinco9:02 AM

      she's as thick as a brick & won't catch the hint from the big dogs in the gop to sit down and shut the fuck up. Darth and canned ham head have been directed to deal with the "sarah problem". If she doesn't agree they'll have to rough her up a bit...Go ahead sawah, go rogue why don't you, silly bitch...

  26. Anonymous at 1:46, I agree that Cheney talking about Palin (and admitting a mistake) might be a cover, a distraction to keep us from focusing on RomneyShambles today, but I disagree with you on reinstating the draft and sending Romney's sons to war would have him singing a different tune. The man tied his dog to the roof ... to the roof of a speeding car! He'd send his sons to war happily, laud in their patriotism and pocket his money. After all this is the man who is claiming to not be interested in his wife's horse being in the Olympics - the horse, the sport that helps her with her MS (supposedly)! Heartless, yes, I think so.

    1. Anonymous2:45 AM

      Horses can't vote YET, so Mittens could care less about his wife's hobby horse.

    2. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Hear that, nancy?

      Horses can't vote.

      This means you.

  27. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Cheney probably thinks Romney should pick him for his vice-presidential nominee.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      He knows he can't do it but he would offer his daughter. She's a Cheney pitbull with as much experience as Romney -- ZIP. So therefore Dicky would again be the shadow President & VP -- the same as Toad was the shadow Gov.

    2. Anonymous2:49 AM

      Plus, Lizzie has all the charm of her father - zipp.

    3. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Liz actually said po inherited a victory in iraq.

    4. jcinco9:06 AM

      lizard is another conservative brood mare. instead of sticking her pointy little nose in the business of the country she should be at home watching her spawn..shades of sarah. Holds no political office and yet deems it necessary to interject her personal opinion on any national dialogue...they both need to fuck off.

  28. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Gryph Doggy Dawg, I musta missed the part of ur post that left a positive impact on those u encounter (translation=never met) along ur whey. Whatever Gotta put some H2o in GinaZzz dish. Poor Thing L8r H8rz

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Gryph Doggy Dawg, I musta missed the part of ur post that left a positive impact on those u encounter (translation=never met) along ur whey. Whatever Gotta put some H2o in GinaZzz dish. Poor Thing L8r H8rz

      Totally incomprehensible comment.

      Hello Wallow!

      How's it going fatty! Are you working on how to sabotage your sister's...SNORT..."career" on DWTS yet? Get on it Wallow...shit you got only have hair school 3 days a lazy cow!

      And that baby you gave birth to and gave away isn't in the get er done hillbilly! LOL!!!

      PS...stay away from Dick Cheney's "balls"...ask Krusty...she'll fill you in! HeHe!

    2. Anonymous4:23 PM

      Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

      Note: That would mean the door is closed -- therefore -- don't come back you slimball.

    3. Anonymous5:09 PM

      So clever, NOT. Yawn...

    4. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Geena All that H8 iz Jacking up ur Dome Hey minion$ That Goe$ 4 U people 2 Whateva Make her stronger

    5. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Gibberish...pure gibberish. Please go back to school...complete your education and try that comment again...Wallow!

      This time...leave all your weapons at home...close your legs...stay away from the vandalism and maybe this time you'll make something of yourself other than being retarded Beefy's handler...maybe you'll graduate to her purse carrier like your pimp ass daddy!

      Good luck Wallow and let us know how you progress...although we'll be able to tell by your comments that include proper punctuation...correct spelling and the correct grammar...I'm not holding out hope though! LOL!!!

      PS...some advice...if you're planning on posting more comments tonight...please put down that bottle of booze...your comments are starting to sound like your alkie of a mother's...HeHe!

    6. OH SNAP!! I think 4:07 and 6:31 is that crazy ass Exxodus who got banished from "Crazies4Palin"!

      Her crazy ass lives on Twitter posting her incomprehensible gibberish to other crazies!

      My apologies to was so easy to get the two mixed up...go back to sleep Wallow! LOL!!

  29. Anonymous4:28 PM

    This is going to put everyone at Fox ill at ease. Liz Cheney is their girl and is occasionally a guest on Hannity and has even filled in for Hannity's show several times. She's now a contributor or something. So how is Sean going to like Liz's dad dissing his precious Sarah?

    This is going to be interesting this week. I expect Greta will have Sarah on asking her how she feels about this? Expect a nasty rebuttal from Sarah. Get out the popcorn.

  30. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I think the real reason Cheney has spoken up is to send a subtle message to Mrs. Pretend Politician Quitty Pants TV Celebrity. Don't forget Mitt met with Cheney behind closed doors. Mitt was wetting his pants worrying about how to handle Sarah because she has been planning since early April to crash the clown show & suck up ALL the oxygen so Mittens had to ask Big Lord Daddy Darth what to do and to protect him. Makes you wonder what kinda deal they worked out - what will Cheney get in return if Mitt is president? As for Sarah, she will just have to settle for her own side-show clown act in the kiddie tent at the strip-mall space she rented for grifting.


    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      I totally agree with you, Colleen!


    2. Anonymous9:21 PM

      thank you and very well put Colleen!! I agree!

    3. jcinco9:17 AM

      she's so pathetic. like the girl not invited to the big beach party, she keeps driving by and honking. soon she pulls up to the next available strip of public beach and flops down on her towel to eavesdrop and check out the other girls (competition in her twisted mind). Mitt's there with lovey and not even giving her a second glance even though she purchased those oversized

  31. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Has Palin said anything yet?

  32. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I dont think Sarah is happy. She craves adulation for her physical appearance. Sadly, she does not know gracefully when to leave the fair. As I have said before "Mutton trying to pose as lamb." I have nothing against plastic surgery to look good but she has nothing else to think about besides how she looks. These people are Alaskan "Crackers." I sure wish they would come down on her like they did JoePa.

  33. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Why's this guy still alive? I guess if he has to be, I'm happy he's talking down Palin.

    Has anybody calculated the health care costs that have gone into Cheney's out-lived body? All the research, hardware, software, surgical skills, medications, nursing care, etc etc? Just to keep a sack of shit alive, one with excellent insurance coverage, probably no lifetime limit on how much he can spend on his useless ticker (oh that's right, he doesn't have an actual heart any longer, just metal and plastic and wires and pumps).

    1. Anonymous5:45 AM

      No , he got a heart transplant, also too.
      I promised my kids a cake when he finally dies. Isn't he dead yet??
      And why does he get to have a voice on anything anymore. He is not elected to any office. He's f#$%^&* lucky he is not on trisl for war crimes. Maybe someday (dream sigh).

  34. Anonymous6:00 PM

    "Based on her background, she was only governor for two years, I don't think she passed that test of being ready to take over. And I think that was a mistake," Cheney said in an interview with ABC News.


  35. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Are you saying that Sarah Palin even with her new titties is not good enough to be vp?

    I concur!

  36. Anonymous6:06 PM

    If Cheney is The Prince of Darkness then Sarah Palin must be the The Joker of Darkness.

  37. Hey! I figured you'd be interested in this if you hadn't read it already: it mentions she who is best not named:

  38. Anita Winecooler8:41 PM

    A lot of Katie Couric's interviews during 2008 got obscured by the viral "gotcha" questions, but there was some great stuff that got overlooked:
    Couric asks Joe Biden and "The Unperkey One" what they think of Dick Cheyney:

    My opinion, Joe was being generously reserved, The Word Salad Shooter was clueless.

  39. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Isn't Cheney dead YET?

  40. Anonymous10:10 AM

    ooh, Cheney youve gained .0000001 of respect from me!!!


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