Friday, July 06, 2012

Did Rush Limbaugh accidentally tell the truth about how the Right Wing feels about women voters?

You know that did not sound like he was joking to me.

And yes I know that the conservatives have plenty of women in their ranks, like Michelle Bachmann who famously said she had to remain submissive to her husband, but that really doesn't mean anything.

Do any of us really believe that if the opportunity arose to repeal the voting rights of women and non-whites that the vast majority of male Republican lawmakers would NOT rush to the floor of House to cast their vote in support?

And if you do doubt that perhaps you need to really pay closer attention to what is happening in America right now.

(H/T to Think Progress)


  1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:41 AM

    "Do any of us really believe that if the opportunity arose to repeal the voting rights of women and non-whites that the vast majority of male Republican lawmakers would NOT rush to the floor of House to cast their vote in support?"

    This. And don't forget that it would then be a short step to the very basic Dark Age concept of "wealthy land owners" only having the right to vote, while the rest of us lowly serfs bow in obedience.

    The number of dummkopfs who are motivated by nothing more than resentment of the Scary Black Dude in the WH never fails to amaze me. So they'll sell out to the Neocons and give up any hope of a positive future for their kids, grandkids and great grandkids. CeeMePee and its related fansites have become support groups to validate their narrow-minded mental crapfests.

  2. Jeanabella3:42 AM

    song "Go away Sarah Palin, Go Away" for her enjoyment!

    Our National Joke!

    1. Anonymous5:47 AM

      I hadn't saw that before, that was too funny.

    2. Love the video!

    3. Anita Winecooler7:33 PM

      Thanks! Tom Chapin did a great job!

  3. They certainly long for the plantation days…

    A lot of American men don’t function at a very high level. If a good life was their birthright, then they wouldn’t have to compete and frequently lose. They could just be buddies with the other white guys, which is what they excel at anyway. I’ve seen a lot of that.

  4. A. J. Billings5:00 AM



    Keep blurting out bullshit lines against women, and you'll turn off women by the millions, and Pres Obama will get another 4 years!

    1. Anonymous5:34 AM

      Forgive me if my words are not good. I am only a woman. I know I am only as good as my vagina. I am only worth what my vagina is worth. I shouldn't talk if my vagina can't talk.

      I know my vagina is the only important thing about me.

      *end snark*

  5. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Now THIS is how I like starting my day, G-Man! Look at the utter joy in that baby's face! Love me some President Obama!

  6. Anonymous5:18 AM

    He wasn't joking.

  7. Anonymous5:31 AM

    FYI - Looks like Romney isn't the only bully willing to assault another person.

  8. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Hey - so Brad Pitt's mom is a raging homophobe! Willing to vote for a "moral, businessman" like Romney who opposes abortion and homosexual marriage,

    versus Barack Hussein Obama who believes in abortion and homosexual marriage.

    I know BP can't be held to his mom's views, but I would love to see a BIG public display of BP putting some major $$$$$ toward some Pro-LGBT cause.

    It's not about "disrespecting" his mom; I believe it's about SHOWING his RESPECT for those being discriminated against.

    This woman is NOT a Christian. She's loathsome.

    1. Anonymous6:02 AM

      What about mom respecting her son? She is riding her son's famous coattails in order to get attention to her message of hate. No one would be paying any attention to what she had to say if she wasn't Brad's mother. She should think about how she raised Brad throughout his childhood, and when he grew up - he came to his own conclusions and rejected her values. Considering her son has publicly stated that he will not get married until all people have the right to get married -- she is fighting to keep her son and his partner from legally marrying.

    2. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Great points, 6:02!

    3. Anonymous7:19 AM

      I thought the paper admitted it goofed in IDing the letter writer as Brad's mom. Brangelina is now engaged BTW.

    4. Anonymous7:28 AM

      From Dlisted:

      PITTS 4 MITT

      Jon Voight just fell in love and is texting Angie Jolie for some home wrecking tips.

    5. Anonymous7:19 AM


      "Editor’s note: To clear up earlier confusion, the News-Leader has verified the letter writer is the mother of actor Brad Pitt and local businessman Doug Pitt."


      And engaged is not the same as married.

  9. Anonymous5:42 AM

    What is the fascination with this asshat? He is one of the most disgusting creatures. How lucky are we that he never reproduced?

    There's something really creepy about him. I never listen to him, just the sound of his voice trips my gag reflex.

    1. Anonymous6:07 AM

      How lucky are we that he never reproduced?


      Word on "the street" is that the ladies don't "pitch his trouser tent" - he goes to a faraway land and seeks young male victims.

  10. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Seamus is against the improved mileage standards because it means half the stops for gas.

  11. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Limpballs doesn't joke.

  12. I don't think Rush Limpballs was joking...when that asshat on the phone was babbling about reading the Constitution and saying 18 years olds shouldn't have been allowed to vote...Limpwrist was all set with his anti woman voting thing...but then the guy started talking again and probably "Snerdly" held up a sign that said...."Tell them you're joking and then go to a break"...the folks who work for Limppants don't want another Fluke controversy and Limpass doesn't care...he gets paid no matter what!

    Limpfarts needs to go the way of Beerfart....and soon!

  13. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Absolutely. It surprises me how many men still think women shouldn't have the right to vote because we just don't deserve it. When I was in high school back in the early 70's I learned that the reason Warren Harding was elected was because that was the first election in which women were allowed to vote and we voted for him because he was an attractive man. That's how John F. Kennedy was elected, too - we women found him so attractive. Yeah, that's just how we roll. It's the same problem with black people - they just aren't smart enough to vote for the right person.

    But let's not take this too personally...

    A Libertarian explained to me a few years ago that the reason we elect our president by an electoral college rather than popular vote was because not even all white males could be counted on to vote correctly. Poor white males don't know any more than blacks or women, so even though they legally were able to vote, there had to be a way to insure that they didn't vote against the interests of the white male property holders. They had to give them the right to vote but make sure that it didn't really count.

    Remember, the Constitution was written by, for, and to protect the interests of white, male, property owners. Rights of the common man were not important enough to be included in the original document, but were added later as a Bill of Rights. The framers had to at least acknowledge the common man so they didn't gather the pitchforks and go all Magna Carta on them, but not give them too much so that couldn't be kept in line.

    Now, the white, male property owners have fulfilled their original Constitutional objective and corporations are people, my friends. Women, blacks and other minorities have the right to vote but we still can't be counted on to vote correctly and we must still be kept in our correct social order. They can't take away a woman's right to vote but they can still deny her say over her own body. They can't take away a black person's right to vote but they can restrict poll access. They haven't quite figured out yet what to do with the damned Latinos though.

  14. Anonymous6:35 AM

    is he broadcasting from Costa Rica now?

    bill in belize

  15. Anonymous6:41 AM

    He certainly was serious...

    I love it when someone says something insulting and follows it with "Oh, I'm only kidding". Of course they aren't.

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Next best thing to a back-handed compliment.

  16. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Limpy was NOT joking. He is a racist, sexist, xenophobic, loud mouthed piece of shit. Period.

  17. Randall7:18 AM

    Yes, and the idiot Sarah Palin has said many times that she wants things to go back to the way they used to be...

    yeah, Sarah, like when - not only couldn't women VOTE - they couldn't hold office, either. An office like say... Governor for example.


    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Sarah, as usual, knows nothing about the history of women!!! She is the absolute worst example that any other woman would want to follow. In fact, she's a horrid embarrassment to all of us that ARE professionals!

  18. Beldar MegaDittos Conehead7:28 AM

    Gryphen, what? Now you're against Rush Limbaugh??? Man, it's hard to keep track with you these days. It just sorta feels like, sometimes, I dunno... it's like you're opposed to EVERY douchebag conservative there is without any regard to their individual charisma or level of obesity. They are human beings and deserve to be assessed in their totality, not just for a few bombastic statements. (Obviously this doesnt apply to Ann Coulter)

    I'm guessing you don't know Rush personally. He's actually done a lot of work behind the scenes he's rarely given credit for. for example, I think I read somewhere that it was his idea to distribute those bumper stickers you see reading "Legalize Oxy! When Oxycontin is illegal only criminals have Oxycontin!" So, that's kinda cool, right?

    And he's a big proponent of children's rights. Surprised to hear that, aren't you? Who do you think is behind the campaign to lower the age of consent to 11 in third world countries with good Western hotels and reliable international air service? Wait... Ok... I was just informed by my producer the campaign's target age is 9, not 11. Sorry for that slight error.

    I'm just asking that you try to do a little homework before you criticize the man who's affectionately known to many of his listeners (but mostly non-listeners) as "America's First & Foremost Favorite Fetid Fat Fuck".

    I hope I've helped you see him in a more favorable light. Carry on.

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      ALL great, Beldar, but this:

      "I dunno... it's like you're opposed to EVERY douchebag conservative there is without any regard to their individual charisma or level of obesity."


    2. Anita Winecooler8:21 PM

      Ha Ha Ha!

      Rush Limaugh, Excellence in Broad bashing is given the "Beldar" treatment.

  19. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I think he throws those things out there to see if it sticks. He did it with Fluke. He found that his listeners liked what he said, so he doubled down. I'm curious to see if he continues this rant. I think that jerk Peterson on Hannity a few months ago or the National Review guy, Derkenshire, or whoever his name is are testing the waters. I would bet that they would do it if they could. So by little bit here and there, it will eventually be okay to say out loud. In a few years, it will be on their platform. They use Limbaugh to say what they really feel inside. Women shouldn't work, vote, or speak. There's only two things a woman is good for in their sexist world.

  20. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Limpballs is just a bloviating bag of fetid wind.

  21. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I just keep waiting for this asshole to have a major heart attack and leave the face of the earth! It's literally amazing the hate he spews daily!!! He has one black heart, that is for sure!

  22. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I wonder how many pills he's consuming a day to get to his rage lunacy.

    Also, isn't Rush the Anti-Christ?

  23. Radical Girl Scout10:58 AM

    I can understand why Rush would not want his wife to vote, she did after all pick him as a husband.

  24. Anonymous1:03 PM

    A gold diggers perhaps? There would be no other reason to marry that fat ass with the black heart!

  25. Anita Winecooler8:03 PM

    Of course he was kidding! What a waste of perfectly good cochlear implant technology.

    If ever there was a case FOR denying them, it would be him.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.