Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Here is your feel good story of the day. Gabby Giffords on top of the French Alps.

Courtesy of Mail Online:  

Smiling at the camera and with the mountains providing a stunning backdrop, these photographs of Gabrielle Giffords atop the French Alps provide one of the clearest signs yet of the remarkable recovery the former U.S. Congresswoman has made since the Tuscon shootings. 

Leaving the U.S. for the first time since she was shot in the head by a gunman in January 2011, Giffords today braved the elements to join her astronaut husband, Mark Kelly, hiking in the mountains near Mont Blanc. 

Wrapped up and wearing hiking boots, the couple were snapped at an altitude of 3,842 meters (12,605 feet) with incredible views of rest of the Alps behind them. At times, Kelly turned to help his wife, who still uses a wheelchair much of the time, reach the impressive summit. 

I thought it would be nice to take a break from politics for a little bit and celebrate this amazing woman's remarkable recovery, as well as this breathtaking achievement. 

I swear that if they could bottle whatever it is that is running through Gabby's veins, we could completely do away with coffee and energy drinks altogether.

P.S. There are more great pictures at the mail online link.


  1. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I am so impressed! Now compare that feat to sarah's grunting, groaning and cursing in her measly climb on sarah palin's Alaska.

  2. Anonymous10:16 AM

    That is AWESOME! What a beautiful and inspirational couple!!!!


    The President is trying to push back on Romney's attack.

    Obama pushes back on 'you didn't build that' attack
    Speaking to a crowd of 2,000 supporters in Oakland, Calif., the president slammed his Republican challenger Mitt Romney, accusing him of “knowingly twisting my words around to suggest that I don’t value small business.”
    “When folks just like, omit entire sentences of what you said, they start kind of slicing and dicing… he may have gone a little over the edge there,”

    Not that Brancy is making a big difference but she is keeping Sarah out of the false narrative attack. Brancy is so proud that I built video is going viral. It is the greatest thing since

    No surprise that Bristol Palin is getting all the credit, as if she is writing the blog and organizing the project.

    "Organized by Bristol Palin, daughter of 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, the video features dozens of photos from a variety of businesses.
    'Since the President doesn’t understand how our economy works, let’s take a moment to explain how small businesses are created,' Palin wrote on her blog. 'More importantly, let’s show him the businesses we’ve made and who has made them.'"

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Well, brancy and bristol need to cultivate some critical thinking skills. Not only did they take what he said out of context, they haven't the brain cells to realize his meaning.

      I hate the dumbs.

    2. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Don't forget

      "If events like the Aurora and Giffords shootings don't facilitate an adult conversation about enacting those common-sense gun laws, then what will?"

    3. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Obama pushes back on 'you didn't build that' attack

      Hardly anyone seems to have picked up on what the intended antecedent of "that" was, namely "this unbelievable American system". One person on another site looked as far back as "roads and bridges" and said that the President should have said "you didn't build those." Many others on that same site claimed that he was saying that "the government" did it all. Painful.

      For the next few months, perhaps the President should stick to simple sentences for simple people—less of this fancy pronoun stuff…

    4. Our work is never done! Brancy! I'm typing slowly in hopes that you can grasp what I'm going to tell you.

      Remember getting in a truck, driving down a road, getting drunk on wine coolers in a tent - all to make your beautiful income-producing child, Tripp? Remember all that?

      Wellll, that truck was built by a whole bunch of other people, the road was built by a bunch of people, somebody besides you made the wine cooler - not to mention, somebody else poured it down your innocent little throat - even the tent was made by someone else AND (thinking back to your wonderfully successful book), you wouldn't have gotten pregnant if Levi hadn't raped you after all that other stuff happened!

      So! See how it works? Even Tripp stands on the shoulders of other people in order to be...uh..produced.

    5. Anita Winecooler9:00 PM

      Yeah, Bristol's a true entremanure! What "business" did Bristol "create" on her own?

  3. Anonymous10:22 AM

    If we could bottle whats in her husbands veins it would be wonderful too.

  4. Thanks for bringing that picture forward, especially after last week's tragedy.

  5. Anonymous10:42 AM

    O/T but really good article on exactly what they did to America:

    How Republicans Sabotaged the Recovery

    The economy didn't jump. It was pushed.


    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      a longish article, so well worth the 10 or so mins to read it. will make your blood boil, etc so be forewarned.

      Gryphen, thank you again for attracting the readers you do...such a great base for ideas exchange...wish we could have a side bar space for posting, like the left hand bar does.


  6. She hit the jackpot in the husband department.

    1. Anonymous1:12 PM

      I was just saying this very thing. She really has a good husband.

    2. Paul - Minnesota2:03 PM

      +1 to both of your comments.

  7. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Captain Mark E. Kelly, USN, Astronaut and 1986 graduate of the United States Merchant Marine Academy was the speaker at the 2012 graduation ceremony.

    There are youtube videos showing Mark and Gabby at the Academy.

    Yes, she is doing well.

    How many college graduations has Sarah or Todd spoke at?

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Could you imagine Sarah speaking at even a high school graduation?

      The students would be looking at each other trying to make sense of the crazy lady's nonsense.

      Stay at FOX Sarah, their viewers are entrenched at the middle school level.

    2. Anonymous12:03 PM

      How many have they been in? Their children? Any family members?


  8. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Blood is still on your hands Sarah. We won't forget.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Bristol mentioned the Aurora tragedy, where are Sarah Palin's condolences or whines? Her bizarre reactions to national tragedy is notable. What a relief that a Palin will never get a 3:00 AM call.

      Sarah Palin and `blood libel'
      Note the word "purport." Finally, Palin, wholly unapologetic all the way, ridiculed those who have called on her to tone it down, and even cited Gabrielle Giffords's reading of the First Amendment on the House floor to bolster her case.

  9. There's so much stated just by the way Mark is looking at Gabby.

    I get the notion he's in love with her :)

  10. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Those False Evangelical Frauds(Nancy French and the Palins) have no clue about how to run a Small Business. Unless they consider BLOGGING UNDER A GHOSTWRITER as running a Small Business. Bristol could not even understand a Spreadsheet nor can she read one. Just another diversion from Bristol's FAILED UNREALITY SHOW. How is that new BABY, WALRUS?

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      The one legacy sarah palin has left her children: they are loathed by America.

    2. Anonymous1:12 PM

      Anon 12:05 the funny thing is they claim to have "millions" of supporters but those millions aren't anywhere to be found defending those ignorant lazy skanks, brancy's "controversial" posts garner a couple hundred comments half of which are from c4p.

    3. Anonymous2:32 PM

      What about Todd's business venture? Would that count? Tell us about Todd's prostitution business. Did he get a start up grant from the Feds?

    4. Bristol's Real Chin3:09 PM

      Hammer, I was about to say the very thing about how Mark's looking at Gabby. Notice how close they are, and his arm is around to support her. When do we ever see Sarah and Todd like that? Never.

    5. Bristol may have been eligible for a small business loan for her vagina. It certainly has been productive these past few years.

    6. @Bristol's Real Chin ~



  11. Such a beautiful couple! Thanks for posting this Gryphen! Needed some good news after the past week.

    Obama/Biden 2012!!!

  12. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Here's a "feel bad" story: http://www.sonyclassics.com/insidejob/

    It the award winning documentary on how the economy was tanked by a bunch of corrupt assholes and we need for everyone who votes to watch it.

  13. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Watch "Inside Job" free on Vimeo. http://vimeo.com/25491676

  14. Anonymous1:09 PM

    She sure has a good husband. He just stuck by her side all the way. She is so fortunate there.

  15. Anonymous3:11 PM

    She has a mom who is very active in her religion who has been by her side praying. You can't discount that, even though it doesn't rank high in opinions around here -- each to his own. But her testimony about this experience is truly inspiring.

  16. Linda Arizona4:11 PM

    Thank you for sharing this about Giffords. It is good to see. We are still recovering emotionally right along with her here in Tucson.

    After the shooting in Colorado, some of us are having some PTSD-like symptoms. But, we tell ourselves that the world is mostly a good place, a safe place. Her optimism is a reflection of that.

    By the way, the name of our town, Tucson, was borrowed from the Tohono O'odham name Cuk Ṣon.

    The correct spelling is: T u C S o n. Lots of people switch the letters.

  17. Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly are incredible people. Who would have thought that Gabby could accomplish to much since that horrible day. Thanks for posting the photo.

  18. I know that I'm very late in commenting on this beautiful post, but as a reminder, it is very difficult to breathe at 12K feet, and even harder to hike at that elevation.

    So if anyone claims this is "faked," you can't fake breathing at that altitude.

    I notice a difference between 9K and 10K, here in the California mountains southeast of Lake Tahoe. It's gorgeous to hike, with the most astounding wildflower blooms this side of Alaska. I'm OK at 9K, but as I get close to 10K, can really feel (breathe) the difference.

  19. Anonymous8:26 PM

    She is a hero in my book.

  20. Anita Winecooler9:13 PM

    There isn't an adjective that adequately describes Gabby and Mark. She's truly an inspiration.

  21. Wow! That just shows that with enough determination, anything is possible.


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