Friday, July 13, 2012

I love MSNBC, but I REALLY can't stand S.E. Cupp!

Okay you know I do try to find something to like about just about everybody. Admittedly I don't always find it, but I do try.

So I have watched a few episodes of the new MSNBC show The Cycle, and really thought that this fairly young group had some good energy and have really enjoyed a few of their segments.

However there is one member of the panel that I simply cannot find anything positive to say about, And that is their token conservative, S.E. Cupp.

Before this gig I had seen her several times on other MSNBC shows (Most notably "Now with Alex.") and was able to take her in small portions without wanting to bang my head against the desk.

But now that she is a permanent part of the panel on "The Cycle," and they are letting her speak longer without reaching over and slapping her for interrupting the grownups, I am simply going to have to start skipping this show altogether so that I don't go to a local mall with a high powered rifle and open fire on innocent shoppers.

I know you think I am overreacting, but you are wrong. My first episode of "Cycle rage" was when S.E., while claiming to actually BE an Atheist, said just about the dumbest thing about atheists that I have heard in my entire life.

But I thought, "Hey Gryphen perhaps you are just a little overly sensitive about how Atheists are perceived and are letting this get to you more than it should." So I thought, "Good point, voice inside my head." and moved on.

But then in yesterday's episode S.E. introduced a discussion of those bullshit Voter ID laws and I..I just about...well take a look and you tell me if I am overreacting.

Okay did you see it?  Was I wrong?

She literally pretended to be so hung up on the idea that 86 people might have voted illegally that she used THAT as a talking point for excusing the possible disenfranchisement of MILLIONS of patriotic Americans who might not be able to get the needed ID in order to vote. And she KNOWS she is making a ridiculous point, and simply does NOT CARE, just so long as she can drive home the GOP talking point.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, you lady!

God that pisses me off! You know this is exactly what the point of Aaron Sorkin's HBO series ("The Newsroom") is all about. Sometimes there is NO alternate point of view, because only ONE SIDE is right!  And clearly in this case anybody with a handful of working braincells should know which side that is.

My advice to MSNBC is to get S.E. Cupp the hell off that program so that it can finally be the show that it seems to want to be, one which actually discusses important topics in an intelligent and energetic manner, WITHOUT feeling the need to invite the booger eating retard across the room to chime in with their opinion.

And by the way if that fucking idiot really is an atheist, then that must mean the mildew stain on my shower curtain truly IS the miraculous depiction of the little baby Jesus. But it ain't and neither is she.


  1. I can't stand her either. She brings absolutely NOTHING to the table except the daily GOP talking points. Nothing.

  2. Just a bit annoyed there Gryph.
    I have been following your blog from Western Australia since 1996. I got there when googling Bush. Keep up the good work
    Cheers, Peter

    1. 2006, I typed 1996 and corrected it. Somehow 1996 crept through.

  3. Dis Gusted5:04 AM

    around here, she's referred to as Sippy Cup.

    She's an ignorant child that is led by the nose. Love when Bill Maher has her on, because he just slams her.

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      I was going to say Fruit Cupp, but Sippy Cupp works just fine. Or even C.Cupp is O.k. too.

  4. And her mean girl friend Susan Del Percio was obnoxious on The Ed Show. Cannot accept that their candidate or party is a bunch of repressive liars. Del Percio was trying to defend RMoney's lies about his association with Bain.

    I understand that MSNBC wants to have dissenting opinions, but these two become like harpies when challenged.

    1. physicsmom12:29 AM

      So true. They all have been to school to learn how to keep talking without taking a breath, so they can just bulldoze over anyone else who wants to interject a comment or ask a question. However, before MSNBC gets rid of Cupp and DelPercio, they absolutely need to stop booking Ron Christie. I change the channel or at least mute the sound when he shows up.

  5. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Booger eatin retards like S.E., Sarah, Michelle, Tucker, Sean, they all need love also too, and a place on the teevee. To be fair. And balanced. And represent low bar deciders. Like Bristol. And perhaps Willow also too there.

  6. Anonymous5:17 AM

    I have a name that has nothing to do with my bra cup size but it's fun when guys think of it that way.

    I wear big glasses like Sarah Palin to show how serious and smart I am, cause she's set such an awesome example.

    And also too, I am sorta like a pretty pundent and am not afraid of life or telling it like it is.

    The point is I'm kind of pretty, and smart and wear glasses and am very important talking on teevee and whatnot about good conservative values. Even though I am an atheist. Cause that makes me sound fair and balanced. I dabbled in witchcraft in college like Christine O'Donnell.

    1. Perfect! And C-Cup is an atheist like she's a Constitutional Conservative. Funny talking point from those teahadists, that there line "Voting is a privilege." Actually it's a duty, for anyone who wants the government to derive its power from the consent of the governed.

      Also too have they a funny idea of fun.

    2. Anonymous7:14 AM

      .. I try rill, rill hard to be the Rachael Maddow for Conservatives... but words fail me.... thoughts fail me... god knows I've got no string to tie it all together.... so I'll just sit here and look pretty and perky because my audience is only interested in how white my teeth are. All the while I pay a PR firm to saturate the media on telling the world how smart I am.

  7. Sally in MI5:27 AM

    OK, that was typical GOP crap. Don't listen. Interupt. Refuse to hear the other side. And for heaven's sake, don't admit that requiring voter ID is a true hardship for many people, either physical or financial. The answer is to make ID simple and free, but then the GOP says people just want 'free stuff.' They truly want only rich white folks to vote, and preferably, rich white male. When they get their contraceptive bans in place, and women are preganant or nursing or both, then the number of women voting will decline. When they get their picture ID's in place, then the number of elderly, people of color, and college kids voting, will decline. And who's left? Why the only group that counts with the GOP. I do have a question for Cupp. Where do the Romney's vote? I doubt either one of them drives themselves anywhere. And with three homes in three states, just which is their 'residence?' Do they do absentee votes in three places? I think Ms. Cupp ought to think about that, because the only instances of voter fraud I have seen have been GOP.

    1. Anonymous5:51 AM

      Mittens has already admitted he voted in MA by using his son's house as an address. Isn't that voter fraud?

    2. Anonymous6:38 AM

      he has five lakeside mansions just in NH alone.....

  8. Anonymous5:28 AM

    If voter ID laws were in the Constitution ... George Washington would have received NO VOTES.

  9. Anonymous5:28 AM

    There's some weird stuff going on behind the scenes at MSNBC. Maybe they are trying to be like FOX getting attractive idiots who are clueless. Her voice grates me, so I can't even listen. Isn't she just an irrelevant blogger? Did they hire her for her face or for her contributions? All she is, is a right-wing talking points machine.

    They need to get rid of Mika on Morning Joe, too. Another pretty head, but no spirit. If they think she is balanced with Joe, they are crazy. She always gets talked over by Joe, and she just shuts up when he interrupts her and rolls her eyes and smiles in the camera instead of fighting for her point and/or her turn in conversation.

    1. IMHO, Mika should be given her own show. She's pretty good when left to do the show by herself. During the 2008 campaign I watch Morning Joe a lot, and early in the year I notices she was quite spunky but about the middle of that year she shut up. Something happened. And she's been the same ever since.

  10. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Cupp = Breitbart in drag

    Therefore to be fair -- check under to see if she's wearing 'a cup'. You know what I mean.

  11. jkarov5:31 AM

    Cupp's statement is just breathtakingly myopic in scope, and certainly for an "atheist" , and I think she's simply pandering to the 98% of all Teaparty members who barely tolerate someone not toeing the line of church, faith, and allegiance to G_D"

    I'd have loved to be there to ask her if she believes in the Constitution:

    Article 6 paragraph3

    "Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States

    Anyone swearing allegiance to our country has to literally face the implications of the "no religious test clause" and abandon their religious prejudice in favor of the clear wall of separation that the Founders laid down in the founding document

  12. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Poor S.E., a public figure, was depicted in a raunchy spoof in Hustler, as tends to happen in the public arena.

    The Magazine published a fake photo of S.E. Cupp in a sexual act with what appears to be a penis in her mouth. The pictures is published under the headline “Celebrity Fantasy,” and the text beside the picture asks, “What would S.E. Cupp look like and a [d**k] in her mouth?”

    Here is what Hustler had to say about S.E.:

    “S.E. Cupp is a lovely young lady who read too much Ayn Rand in high school and ended up joining the dark side. Cupp, an author and media commentator, who often shows up on Fox News programs, is undeniably cute. But her hotness is diminished when she espouses dumb ideas like defunding Planned Parenthood. Perhaps the method pictured here is Ms. Cupp’s suggestion for avoiding an unwanted pregnancy.”

    A disclaimer follows: “No such picture of S.E. Cupp actually exists. This composite fantasy is altered from the original for our imagination, does not depict reality, and is not to be taken seriously for any purpose.”

    She and the conservative talent cadre demanded that groups they regularly target - NOW, Planned Parenthood and other women who didn't want to burn in hell, should defend the public figure from misogynist attacks.

    Nothing riles up conservative women more than being criticized, when their viewpoints and behavior is as 'horrifying and disgusting' as any satire thrown their way.

    1. Not What You Want to Hear6:43 AM

      I heard about that picture; it was disgusting. And it was just about as disgusting for rightwingers to demand that NOW and Planned Parenthood defend Cupp's honor, fresh off the heels of the rightwingers' disgusting jokes about Sandra Fluke. I don't recall any of these rightwing women defending Fluke, in fact, I believe Sarah Palin went on TV to defend Rush Limbaugh's right to free speech.

    2. Anonymous8:04 AM

      That pic: just desserts for propping up her legs on her desk and flirting coyly with the horny white old cons. (Google is your friend) Just sayin'.

  13. Anonymous5:32 AM

    When Cupp started appearing as one of the panel on Martin Bashir's show -- it was a 'WTF' is Martin thinking. Common for her on NOW. It made me start questioning a number of them as they let her get away with the bullshit -- confirming how so many times you want to scream 'Dems, grow a set'.

  14. She's a Baldy fan...that's enough right there! I wish somebody would serve S.E. a STUF Cupp! As soon as I saw the line up with S.E. I knew I wasn't going to watch this show!

  15. I agree, G. That's just part of SE's shtick, just like her "little school-girl" outfits and naughty-librarian glasses that have become her trademarks. To me, the way she has packaged herself distracts from her ideas.

    I do like the fact that MSNBC sees the need to put a conservative voice on the panel, but SE is not up to the task of carrying the minority opinion on a 4 person panel, IMO.

    I'd rather the network get some articulate, attractive staffers or former staffers from Congressional Hill so there would be more substance in the discussion. Steve Kornacki is good and Chris Hayes would be great for policy discussion; Alex Wagner, too, when she's serious and prepared would be better than Toure'. Crystal Ball is good but can't tamp down her party bias. Mike Smerconish would be a good addition for a more conservative voice.

    But it's both Toure' and SE Cupp that make it more of an entertainment venue instead of a serious discussion. In that slot, I know that MSNBC wants an entertainment format, but they have some talent already that could make it a strong contender in that slot by re-tooling and repackaging with a couple of new faces and changing to a more substantative format.

    As it stands, I DVR the program, but seldom watch much of it later because it doesn't have much umph. Just my 2 cents.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      I caught part of two episodes and realized that it was all fluff: just four cute young people talking and talking about the issues that had already been discussed by other people on earlier shows, although S.E. Cupp's 'cuteness' is cancelled by her smug air of conservative righteous entitlement. She's never worked a real job in her precious life, I'll wager. She's a poor addition to the MSNBC stable. Maddow could take her apart in seconds with pure logic and reasoning.
      M from MD

  16. Anonymous5:37 AM

    I agree with you 100%, she really think that show is for her and who in the hell she think is? Someone must have tolded her that she is cute ( not ) she like to pose side way.MSNBC please take her off, untill than I will not look at the cycle.

  17. Anonymous5:39 AM

    2Girls1SECupp is a paid shill for the Koch brothers. She's nothing more than a token conservative spewing debunked right wing talking points. All rightwingers are liars.

    1. Love the nickname for SE! I'll have to borrow it tho I seldom type her name since she's such a lightweight, IMO.

      I never saw the 2girls1cup vid, but I did see their reaction when Daniel Tosh showed it to his live audience on Tosh.0, and that was enough info for me.

  18. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Stephanie Miller, who has been on several shows with her, calls her Sippy Cup.

    A Fan From Chicago

  19. Anonymous5:45 AM

    "I've got nothing else." Truer words were never spoken.

  20. WakeUpAmerica5:47 AM

    She obviously is no atheist and only an inch deep.

  21. Anonymous5:58 AM

    I saw Ms. Cupp on Bill Maher once and she reminded me so much of Kelly Bundy -- without Kelly's mindless charm or sparks of intelligence.

  22. So, why is this person dressed like a bad Sarah Palin impersonator. Is this what Repubes think is sexy nowadays?

    When I heard this name, I though S. E. Cupp was a dude.

  23. Walela6:27 AM

    I agree completely!! "MSNBC get that Palin bitch out of there so we can have a good program" The others are great & I'd watch the show if she wasn't on it. We should send complaints to MSNBC.

  24. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Being an "atheist conservative" is her shtick -- she's more marketable that way. Toss in the sexy librarian look and the GOP was sold.

    This way the GOP can say "look, even atheists can be conservative!" while dangling a little eye-candy at their old white male base, a la Fox News.

    Other than that... she has no real debating skills. I've never seen any true journalistic abilities from her. She's just another talking head, spinning the discussion into whichever direction she's being paid to spin it. I change the channel when I see her on TV, as I do with Michele Malkin and Dana Loesch. It's pandering... might as well be watching Fox News if that's the kind of crap you want to watch.

  25. In 2011, she was hired as a writer and commentator for Mercury Radio Arts, the organization owned and operated by Glenn Beck. Shortly after being hired by Beck, she was given her own show, "S.E. Cupp" on the Insider Extreme broadcast found on That show has since moved to GBTV.
    After that program I tweeted Krysto; Ball and MSNBC that I would no longer watch or PVR the Cycle" because of Cupp's lunatic rant.....I will be e-mailing them as well...I have never done that before over a program host, never i n my life, I just turn them off...but...the rest of the panel is great and I think it a shame to throw the baby out with the bath water.

    I thought I would give the program a shot, but I knew from some of the remarks she had made on Alex Witt's program that it would be just a matter of time....that tactless lunatic rant she went on...did you notice that TWICE she said that those 86 voters were "illegal aliens" as she was shouting over their guest? .

    That was her premise of course...that "illegal aliens" are the sneaking in votes like they sneak across the border, dontcha know?

    When i found out that the about her being on the new program, I thought I would check her when I found out she ...WORKS FOR GLENN BECK!!!....she still does...MSNBC have NO SENSE WHATSOEVER HIRING HER EVEN TO BE A GUEST.....AND THEY DO NOT DISCLOSE THIS FACT!!!

    OH...BTW Gryphen...she also said this...don't spit your coffee or go off shooting....

    On July 5, 2012, Cupp said on The Cycle that she "would never vote for an atheist president." When asked to explain, Cupp said she felt that a president must not represent only 10 to 15 percent of the American populace and that faith served as a "check" on presidential power.

    She should stick with that other lunatic Glenn Beck ....where she belongs...

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Great comment, she worked for Beck. I also have been tweeting them to get her off the show.

      Gryphen, I saw the exact same 2 shows and I was just as mad as you. She says the stupidest things constantly and tries to overtalk the others when they are making good points. I don't understand why some shows feel like they have to have a token right winger, I think it just ruins the show.

      Look at Chris Hayes and Melissa's shows on the weekend. They don't feel the need to have a right winger and their shows are great without the constant talking points and interruptions.

    2. S.E. for Beck!!.....they NEVER disclose this.

      Small wonder....she would be laughed off of any program at the mention of Becks she REALLY has no credibility...WHY she there? the heck out of me!!

      There should be a twitter movement to get rid of her...; )..wanna start one?

  26. Anonymous6:40 AM

    This exchange reminds me of my fourth grade debate class. On the other hand she was great in Two Girls One Messy Cupp.

  27. All this over 86 isolated cases, including more than a few of which involve Republican politicians lying about where they live. I refuse to believe that anyone could be that stupid to assign merit to this argument. Even Sarah Palin isn't that stupid.

    Therefore, S. E. Cupp was merely playing the part of the school-yard bully.

    Sadly, this is what passes for "the news media" in 2012. It is nice to see these tactics exposed for what they truly are on the NewsRoom episodes. Hopefully people will start paying attention to the fact they are being lied to with all of this false equivalency crap.

  28. Not What You Want to Hear6:41 AM

    Voter ID laws are another way to disenfranchise women from voting. I've studied the data in my own state and county; by and large it's women who would be most affected by Voter ID legislation.

    So for any woman to get on tv and actually call for such a travesty of a law is just shameful.

    By the way, what is it with prominent rightwingers having such silly names? Newt, Rush, Grover, S.E. Cupp...

    1. The silly names is an old money preppy tradition that reaches generations back, Muffy
      Buffy, Missy, Bitsy, Bootsy, Bunny, Tiffy, Skip, Scooter, Kip, Mitt, Bif, Win etc.

    2. Anonymous9:51 AM

      White Trash losers have funny names too: Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, Trig, Tripp ...

  29. In 2011, she was hired as a writer and commentator for Mercury Radio Arts, the organization owned and operated by Glenn Beck. Shortly after being hired by Beck, she was given her own show, "S.E. Cupp" on the Insider Extreme broadcast found on That show has since moved to GBTV.
    After that program I tweeted Krysto; Ball and MSNBC that I would no longer watch or PVR the Cycle" because of Cupp's lunatic rant.....I will be e-mailing them as well...I have never done that before over a program host, never i n my life, I just turn them off...but...the rest of the panel is great and I think it a shame to throw the baby out with the bath water.

    I thought I would give the program a shot, but I knew from some of the remarks she had made on Alex Witt's program that it would be just a matter of time....that tactless lunatic rant she went on...did you notice that TWICE she said that those 86 voters were "illegal aliens" as she was shouting over their guest? .

    That was her premise of course...that "illegal aliens" are the sneaking in votes like they sneak across the border, dontcha know?

    When i found out that the about her being on the new program, I thought I would check her when I found out she ...WORKS FOR GLENN BECK!!!....she still does...MSNBC have NO SENSE WHATSOEVER HIRING HER EVEN TO BE A GUEST.....AND THEY DO NOT DISCLOSE THIS FACT!!!

    OH...BTW Gryphen...she also said this...don't spit your coffee or go off shooting....

    On July 5, 2012, Cupp said on The Cycle that she "would never vote for an atheist president." When asked to explain, Cupp said she felt that a president must not represent only 10 to 15 percent of the American populace and that faith served as a "check" on presidential power.

    She should stick with that other lunatic Glenn Beck ....where she belongs...

    1. "On July 5, 2012, Cupp said on The Cycle that she "would never vote for an atheist president." When asked to explain, Cupp said she felt that a president must not represent only 10 to 15 percent of the American populace and that faith served as a "check" on presidential power."

      I think she's a phony. From the link to the other show:

      "Cupp: I don’t but I don’t think people are crazy. I understand the allure of religion. I really do I’m just not going to be dishonest and say that I believe in something that I don’t yet."

      "yet" my sweet ass.

      And btw, I can't bring myself to watch that clip again, but I'm curious how it went from 86 cases to 87 cases and no one challenged it? I guess I missed that and refuse to watch it again to see how that happened.

  30. Sharon6:44 AM

    I love this post....I agree with every comment. I already ranted on the original Huffpost announcing the Cycle crew. She is a legend in her own mind along with that bitch Del Percio, I am watching her now defending Romney's SEC docs..which we all know are lies. I knew I was never going to reminds me of the view with that moron Elisabeth, although she has toned down a lot. I think even she doesn't like ole Mitt. I really had to laugh at all the descriptions of SE, great minds think alike.

  31. jcinco6:57 AM

    she's a fucking idiot. whenever she's on Bill Maher she tries to monopolize the conversation with her insipid insights...I always wish Bill would turn to her and say "well, if you would shut the fuck up for a minute maybe the other panelists could get a word in edgewise"...that hack daryl issa and pj o'rourke are the same way...

  32. Replies
    1. She's all yers!

    2. And that's the REAL reason she's on tv :)

  33. I agree with a poster above, the whole sexy girl next door conservative atheist thing is a shtick. The only time I ever have the stomach to watch the little twit is when she's on Real Time and Bill Maher calls her out for being the idiot she really is.

    She's too dumb to be an atheist. And she's way too dumb to be on TV, because unlike the blonde wenches on Faux News who just pretend to be stupid in order to relate to their audience, this girl is the real thing - dumb to the bone.

  34. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Nice to see I'm not the only one with that kind of reaction to her. Too bad she has such a cool name.

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      "Too bad she has such a cool name"? Really? Surely you jest.

  35. Anonymous7:15 AM

    I agree with you about her. Felt she had an attitude - not watching the show either.

  36. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Ugh, S.E. is so smug and immature I just want to smack her. Sarah Palin is smug and immature, but S.E. has her beat. S.E. looks like Marcia Brady, and I hated Marcia Brady. I don't know what it is about the right that their women are obnoxious toadys/ball suckers/men wannabes. On the left the women are bossy bitches, but they don't slob along aping what men tell them to say.

    1. A. J. Billings9:26 AM

      Your generalizations about women might play well in a misogynistic bar or locker room,
      but to bring that pejorative horseshit into the light of day is disingenous at best.

      Being a guy, I could also say that liberal men are pusillanimous pussies, with no guns, no trucks, and a wimp personality, but that might not always be true, right?

  37. Anonymous7:26 AM

    This woman is a real battleaxe.

    I can't understand how she and others with the same conservative talking points on this topic think it makes them look. It's like trying to reason with a an infant. It can't be done.

    Love the guy from the Nation who really pointed out the flaws in their thinking and Toure, also, who is on to it.

    By the way, when I first heard the name S.E. Cupp, I thought she was a comedienne; I thought it meant SuperExtra Cup, like in bra cup size.

  38. Paul - Minnesota7:26 AM

    Same. My reaction to her. She's like watching Nancy Grace, yuck, I turn the channel or turn off the TV before I take in too much of her toxicity.

    Another bullying self important hack.

    Plus I think she's just doing her atheist schtick because it's trendy within her age group. She might have been some kind of Buddhist a decade ago.

  39. Anonymous7:54 AM

    So relieved it isn't just me who cringes when she comes on the screen. Her voice grates on my nerves, her analysis is faulty, and her attitude is condescending and cold.

    I am not a real fan of the show, though I could be if S.E. were not on it. She is just a loud-mouthed, conceited wind-up toy.

    BTW, I agree with a couple of people above, but would combine their comments. S.E. Cupp seems a merging of Sarah Palin and Nancy Grace - egads, what a disaster.

    My husband and will no longer watch this show as long as she is on the panel.

    BTW - what is with their routine - the other day there was a wrinkled tablecloth, today they are all standing around that silly smoked-glass round table. Who wants to see their legs and shoes. Let's concentrate on what people say. This show is in search of a style and a focus. Getting S.E. off the panel would be a great start.

  40. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Where were you in the 90's? S.E. isn't some flash in the pan.

  41. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Your reaction is exactly why she was hired by msnbc.

  42. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I have never believed her lies about being an atheist. I can assure you I've never met an atheist who thought the religious in our country were getting the short end of the stick. Somehow this little lying fraud felt so compelled by the Christian "discrimination" that she had enough material to fill a whole book on the matter. As an atheist myself, I find whenever I have the misfortune to see her spouting her lies on the TV, I just want to slap her and whomever thought she'd be an intelligent addition to a discussion on politics.

  43. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Why do all right wing women talk over everyone else on a panel or over the guests? I have noticed this for a long time and it is really annoying as well as being extremely rude. Did they all take some kind of right wing talking course??? The eye rolling from the likes of Dana Loesch is also very juvenile!

  44. Yeah, that pissed me off too, Gryph. 86 potential cases of fraud versus millions of disenfranchised voters. It's statistically insignificant, yet she would not let that logic prevail. That's typical RWNJ talking point lockstep bullshit.

  45. IF I wanted to get a daily dose of Cluster-Fox stupidity and and rapid injection of the green Cheeeney-Aide they pass out over at the hogg network, I'd change to the hogg-network. There are not many folks that I would be tempted to smash in the face with a 2x6, but she's on the list. Maybe number 2 behind glenn beck...

    I've written a 'strong' letter to the President of NBC letting him know about MY feelings regarding this thing, but YOU can too !!!

    Let Phil know how YOU feel... what a

    1. This is the copy of the letter i e-mailed and I tweet daily that i will not watch until Cupp is gone.:

      I have never done this before....but....I have to let you know that I will never watch or PVR "The Cycle" until S.E. Cupp is removed from the program.

      Ordinarily...I just stop watching what I do not like...but...the other hosts are too good to throw the baby out with the bath water, so I am complaining to you.

      I cannot Imagine what you were thinking as Cupp has worked for and continues with Glenn Beck.

      Glenn Beck is such a lunatic that even FOX could no longer tolerate him and now Cupp projects these lunacies on MSNBC.

      Cupp's ridiculous... fact-less...rant about voter ID really sis it for me.

      Her "premise" that " should illegal aliens be allowed to vote" was absurd in itself and when it was pointed out to her that in 10 years theere were only 83 or 86 cases of voter fraud, she, cut off the guest and jumped in with "you said it yourself ...83 illegal aliens have voted" , now that is simply racist to the core....the guest FINALLY was able to say most of the cases were unintentional and of course NONE of them involved "illegal aliens".

      When she wasn't shouting over the programs guest, she was cutting him off and not allowing him to speak...which she does on a regular basis..THAT is NOT why I or my friends tune into MSNBC.

      And I am actually quite horrified to find out that you can pick up tweeted news FROM MSNBC ..ON A GLEN BECK BLOG PAGE!!!!

      Give your head a shake Mr. Griffin....really....this voter ID rant is being complained about all over the internet with the consensus of tuning out "The Cycle", all because of S.E. Cupp.

      It is not fair to the other hosts, for this show to lose ratings because of your poor decision, to hire a fellow Glenn Beck lunatic and employee.



  46. Boscoe10:25 AM

    It's amazing how intent the right wingers are on quashing non-existent "voter fraud" via ID laws, yet never make a move toward investigating the proven security weaknesses of the Premier Election Solutions (formerly Diebold, and subsidiary of Haliburton) machines with their lack of paper trail and, in some cases (like Maricopa) unsecured wireless data output.

    I wonder why that is?

    And in case those reports are too "ancient" for you, or you believe the reports that the exploits have been "patched", here's more from last year:

  47. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Gryphen, Don't even joke about taking a gun to the mall. That kind of thing got Schaeffer Cox in trouble.

  48. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I can't stand her either. To me she's just fake and out to make money. She's a conservative because it pays well. She's young and attractive, something that's missing amongst conservatives so she fills a much needed demographic. Being an atheist also Makes her a "different" kind of conservative so she can market herself that way too. It's all about the money, hence the ridiculous big black glasses. It's her brand.

    If I had no scruples I'd become a black female conservative and spew all kinds of crap and make a shitload of money. Write a few books, start a website etc. It would be marketing magic and would take almost no effort. Look at Michelle Malkin, Anne Coulter, Megan McCain, Breitbart,Herman Cain, Michale Steele, Limbaugh. They're all conservative because hating pays well.

  49. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Gryph check out Cenk Uygurs takedown of Cupp on TYT, She hung up on him. What a coward.

  50. I can't stand her either...smug, righteous & talks over others....S.E. Cupp is why I know wait until 4:00 to turn on MSNBC!

  51. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I hear her speak and automatically think, "Fuck you, John McCain!" She must be pushing my Palin buttons.

  52. Preppy Palin hoping to rake in the $$$ making stuff up like her role model. She has about as much appeal as the gal in the 'naughty librarian' eyeglass commercial so doubt she'll appeal to Palin's good ol' boy droolers.

  53. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Pretty funny take down of Cupp by Alex Pareene:

  54. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Y'all are overlooking the Coulter factor. Only the look is inspired by Sarah Palin. The hate, rudeness and right wing idiocy is all Ann Coulter. Even the cadence and phrasing are the same. If it wasn't for the difference in voice, I'd swear I was listening to Ann Ihateliberals Coulter.

  55. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I can understand the fingernail on chalkboard reaction to S.E. Cupp. If you close your eyes she almost sounds like Theresa Obermeyer.

    You probably have to be Alaskan to know what I'm talking about.

  56. They need to get rid of her! She's full of hate and contaminated the rest of the panel on the cycle. Where is that petition we can sign to get her off?

  57. I can't stand her know it all cocky attitude! She needs to be kicked out of the whole network period. Where can I sign the petition to get her off the show?

  58. Maxine Blecher11:29 AM

    Many are complaining about S.E. Cupp. Okay, let's do something about it! How about a petition to MSNBC. I've written several e-mails already

  59. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I'd love to watch The Cycle but, I cannot stand S.E. Cupp. MSNBC, what is the point? She just turns intelligent discussions into bickering!

  60. I agree with every comment made..I don't understand why MSNBC thought any of their loyal viewers would remotely be interested in hearing anything that comes of out this stupid little Glen Beck loving sheep's big trap! I tried watching the show a few times and although I love the other members, Cupp opened her mouth and that was enough for me....I cant stand anything about her...yuk!

  61. Anonymous8:59 AM

    please get rid of her. I also no longer watch because of her.

  62. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I've only seen her on Bill Maher and I can't stand her..

  63. You're NOT wrong. Cupp makes the blond bimbos on "FoxNews" look like Geniuses. Okay, that may be a stretch but she IS equally dumb as them. I just heard her say that the retirement age should probably be increased to 70. That alone disgusted me. Apparently, she thinks the middle class should have to work until they drop dead, so corporations can benefit in as many ways possible. I have one question. Where are the moderate Conservatives who have common sense and compassion? And Republicans don't realize WHY their party is going extinct?! Look at the ignorant/out of touch policies and what they say.

  64. I will also stop watching "The Cycle" if she is on there. I can't stand her lies. I can't find a place to complain about her at MSNBC? She is almost as bad as Glen Beck.

  65. Anonymous11:22 AM

    LOVE The Cylcle - but cannot stand HER! UGH. So so so ARROGANT. Like nails on chalkboard.


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