Friday, July 13, 2012

Is it possible that Bristol Palin is not yet finished embarrassing herself and her family on television?

I have no idea if this is accurate, and there are some who doubt that it is:

It’s roughly seven weeks until the first rehearsals, assuming the September 24 start date rumor is for real. I would have to go back and look, but I don’t think we got legit-sounding rumors until 3 weeks or so before rehearsals the last couple seasons. 

 So, as I told my friends on Twitter, it is much too early for legitimate cast leaks coming out of DWTS. Of course, that said, this isn’t a normal season, is it? While I’m still inclined to think Ted’s got it wrong, you do have to admit that some things may not follow normal patterns this season. So….real or not real? I think that Bristol would do it in a heart beat. Despite her claims of missing her beloved Alaska and acting oh so superior to all those low class Hollywood types, she’s hardly been shunning the spotlight, what with her lawsuit causing reality show and all. So sure, Bristol would do it. But have they actually signed her or did they just talk to her? I would bet the latter – it’s all stars, they are probably talking to everyone. But I think they will wait to sign the tops of their list before going for people like Bristol. After all, the Palin stock has dropped rather precipitously since she was last on the show. I don’t think she’s a big “get” any longer. 

So yes we understand that, just like her mother, Bristol is a an emotionally vacuous fame whore, but seriously WHY would ABC even consider letting this no talent moron back on TV after her last two shame filled appearances?

Is it just to mock her? Because, even though I am usually down with that, at this point isn't it time to turn our backs and simply let the Palin family slip into obscurity with as little attention as possible?


  1. must mean she is knocked up again.

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      She's skinny Bristol these days, of course she wants to show her body off with the new chin and postpartum weight loss.

      I was just going to say, she's got at least seven weeks to get knocked up and stick her girthing up body at us (America) like a big fat middle finger.

    2. Kristy P11:29 AM

      She had only had one child. Can you prove otherwise? No, because it's lies. Stop making things up and maybe you would be happier.

    3. Kristy P11:29 AM kicked off the Lifetime post huh Krusty?? I see you've finally came out from under the covers! And now looking at your various insane looks like you've truly cracked!

    4. Kristy P12:41 PM

      Here is the true Gina, mean and rotten to the core.

  2. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Why doesn't anybody talk about a real ex governor Jennifer gran holm from Michigan doing real news on current tv instead of word salad on fox news

    1. Anonymous9:06 AM

      And none of Jennifer Granholm's children caused any embarrassment to the family (or the nation) on tv and Jennifer Granholm served two full terms as governor of a much more populous state than Alaska during a grave economic downturn. She also has a Harvard law degree. Much better creeds for appearing as a news analyst or commentator than Sarah Palin could ever dream of having. I had the pleasure to meet Governor Granholm during the 2008 campaign when she visited our local Obama headquarters. Quite an impressive lady. I wish she were still our governor!

    2. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Governor Granholm is the real deal - intelligent, informed, articulate, and very attractive. Eat your shriveled heart out out Sorry Sarah.

    3. Anonymous10:20 AM

      The fact that she wasn't born in this country is the only reason why someone like her shouldn't be VP/POTUS material.

  3. Olivia7:06 AM

    Maybe she is pregnant again and needs to pretend she isn't.
    Or maybe she isn't pregnant but really wants to do it again just to prove how much weight you can gain while dancing 10 hours a day.

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      LOL! Wonder how much food she will have to eat to get as beefy as she did last time.....when preggers.

    2. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Look for Mark Ballas to quit the show if Beefy is chosen, rather than him having to abuse his poor back again moving that heffer around on the dance floor.

    3. Anonymous8:43 AM

      what was it she claimed? She had to eat for the stress? one of the excuses for porking up. does this mean we will be seeing her stuff her face in the place she had to leave? remember the saddleback, bristol? the paps you hate and had to teach a 3 year old to stick out tongue? or will they do this somewhere else?

      she is a robot. if they give her enough meds and diet pills she will do anything. her memory is on the wane, all they have to tell her is how she won third place.

    4. Anonymous10:10 AM

      She'll need to stop lounging on the beds and sofas we've seen her lying around on during her latest show and get up and get moving if she's going to be in even half-decent shape to just start rehearsals. That dancing is a hard-core workout, and not something that can be picked up and dropped like an old wig or a used-up boyfriend.

    5. Anonymous10:34 AM

      She's gonna tip over that chin first dance set.

    6. Anonymous10:48 AM

      I agree about Mark. If he announces that he is taking the season off - then yes, Bristles is in. Now they have changed the voting system, her mother's bots will not be able to vote multiple times. That could be a wake-up call that she is not popular like she thinks she is. Plain, ordinary, untalented blob. Right now she blames "all the haters" for her show tanking. Well, if there were a decent number of viewers, it would not have been shoved to late, late, late night.

    7. Kristy P11:31 AM

      I bet you are all fat and ugly and that's why you sit around poking at and talking trash about a girl you don't know and never met. Dems are the meanest

    8. Kristy P11:31 AM

      Get some help Krusty! Someone needs to call your family!

    9. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Kristy P - you, after all the horrible things you have written about our President under 1,000 pseudonyms have the nerve to say "Dems are the meanest?" Pot meet kettle (and Sarah Palin, look that one up, hon)

  4. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Honestly, considering it's an election year, I could see DWTS booking her. It's all about the ratings. Right about the time the show should air, the right-left bashing should be going strong, and who better to represent the Radical Right than a Palin?

    I don't watch DWTS, not because of Bristol, though. It's not just anything that interests me. It's not "beneath" me, so don't think I'm being all elitist or anything. I'll probably be watching whatever movie TCM tosses at me that night... or MSNBC or Comedy Central. You know, I can't think of a single traditional network TV show I watch regularly. I like The Bogias on Showtime, but that's in hiatus right now... The Newsroom is good, too... but those are cable shows.

    But I digress...

    If they do book Bristol for DWTS at least I can laugh at the commentary on here... or at the peepond. They're always good for a chuckle. Of course, they'll try to rig it like last time. Should be interesting to see how that works since the number of Palin supporters has diminished greatly.

  5. Anonymous7:20 AM


    I will not watch if she comes back on. Palin Peepots will ruin it for another season.

  6. As someone else said, they keep hurling things at the wall to see what sticks. None of them are real professionals, so they don’t have that to fall back on, plus they have time on their hands that a real professional would lack.

    I remember looking forward to three days off in a row; the Palins aren’t holding steady jobs… ever.

  7. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Yes, please! Will you be first? What the Palins do or don't do really doesn't matter any more. Short of discovering the proof behind her and her family's big lies, I see no reason to carry on the Palin posts. You've done your job there. Let's all move on.... please?

    Your writings and the comments that follow are much more interesting and thought provoking when the subject matter has nothing to do with the Palin family. I, for one, am really tired of the immature and catty comments that some seem to relish in when the discussion goes Palin.

    1. New tact, Skankerbelle? Fail. Again. Still.

    2. Anonymous9:31 AM

      I disagree!! Someone has to do the dirty work until these morons are off TV. And some of them belong in orange jumpsuits.
      Gryphen does this job well and so do Malia and a few others. So if you don't like the comments, don't read them.

    3. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Not until the world knows the truth about Tri-G. You know how she stole her daughter's first born then faked a specials needs pregnancy for political purposes? Yes, that really happened and the world needs to know about it.

    4. Uh...7:22AM So why come here? And why post on a Palin post if you are "tired of the immature and catty comments"?

      Glutton for punishment?


      You secretly LOVVEE the "immature and catty comments"!


    5. Anonymous10:03 AM

      I like how the catty comments burn Sarah at her own game.

    6. Kristy P11:33 AM

      See how dems are? They rip apart their own just for having a different life. How sad and lonely and whatnot you all must be.

    7. Don't like the posts here? Goodbye. Head over to SeaOPee. You might find it more to your liking.

    8. Kristy P11:33 AM

      Krusty....get some help....NOW! You are disassembling in real time! This shit ain't funny no more!

    9. Anonymous12:25 PM

      God, Krusty, you are one creepy bitch!

    10. Kristy P12:44 PM

      Gina learn to spell and write normally and maybe you would make sense.
      I am giving my opinion like other people do. I'm not sure G, why it's allowed here for others to go off topic only to call me names. I'm sticking to the topic. Gina isn't in this case

  8. Anonymous7:28 AM

    For the scathing albeit humorous reviews that gave her "reality" show, one has to wonder if her presence is for pure comedic purposes alone.


    1. Kristy P11:36 AM

      That makes no sense. They came to her. This can be proven. They know she has lots of fans. It's just single moms are tired after a long day and don't stay up late to watch tv. I bet if you counted all the DVR recordings watched, Bristols show would be a big hit.

    2. Kristy P11:36 AM are truly SAD! You sound so pitiful! Nobody watched Beefy's show because Beefy is a talentless loser and all around nasty person!

      Get some HELP!

    3. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Fairy Tale Troll - You live in a land of fantasy. That's like saying: if missed free throws counted, we would have won the game. #logicfail

    4. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Oh, Kristy, Bristol is a bigger fat ass than you. Bristol has shunned you. Come to the light, to our side, to reality, to kindness, to wonder.

      Life is a joy!


    5. Anonymous12:22 PM

      They DO count all the DVR recordings.... that's included in those ratings.

    6. Kristy P12:46 PM

      Again more personal attacks instead of the issue at hand. None of you have the real watching statistics. And Bristol does have fans. There is no doubt about this no matter what you say. Calling me crazy doesn't change that.

  9. Anonymous7:30 AM

    It's all about the ratings, so yes I can see them booking Palin. I can also see them booking Massey. That would be amusing to see them interact.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Bristol's reality show doesn't get ratings. Her book didn't sell. Maybe the public is tired of her.

    2. Kristy P11:37 AM

      What's to see? They are still good friends with the masseys. The producers are the problem.

    3. Kristy P11:37 AM

      Krusty...Beefy is getting SUED! the Massey's! Your delusions are getting worse!

      Get some HELP!!!

      N O W!

    4. Kristy P12:48 PM

      Gina, I think you are the one who needs help. I'm not attacking you. You are off topic.
      The Masseys are not suing Bristol. Know your facts before stopping to immature tactics.

  10. Anonymous7:31 AM

    O/T Very powerful article: "Paterno the cowardly lion"

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      ot but co-relates to Toad situation and all cover ups.

      Vulnerable young women and single mothers in dire straights that end up with a pimp don't get the sympathy that child abuse gets. That doesn't make their enablers any better.

      Until people in Alaska and elsewhere can open up, we don't really know how much child and/or sex abuse happened.

      Dillingham and Wasilla on the face of things welcome with open arms the so-called wonderful hard working commercial fishing family televised for the world to see and known as the Palin family.

      Smart business folks to get those film credit tax relief.

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      I don't know if Shailey Tripp is the rill dill or not, but I do want an investigation. Especially if she recognized a Secret Service agent assigned to Palin's detail during the 2008 campaign.

      Exploited people are used and abused, and it sounds like Todd smelled opportunity and vulnerability to take advantage of.

      If he's a pig, as Sarah Palin like's to say, there should be consequences to bad behavior, even though she's never called on her own.

    3. Kristy P12:50 PM

      Shailey works for Dial a Star Now. Does that sound reputable? If Bristol worked there there would be 500 comments trashing her. Hypocrisy much dems?

  11. " this point isn't it time to turn our backs and simply let the Palin family slip into obscurity with as little attention as possible?"

    Kind of like you're doing here...right?

    Of course, if it's a choice between religion bashing and Palin bashing, I'll be happy to take the latter.

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Paging the 'rill Lynne! Someone stole your avatar surely you didn't type that snarky thumper comment...dissapointing.

    2. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Lynne dear, don't worry IM's religion "bashing" won't make a dent in their multi-billion dollar empire nor deprogram the masses of glazed eyed puppets such as your fine self.

    3. Anonymous8:16 AM

      What a stupid ass comment, Lynne. You're better than that.

    4. Anonymous9:10 AM

      religion "bashing" ?

      Religions have been "bashing" and starting wars forevr! Thin skinned? Can't they take a little critique? How about pointing out that they are all based on myth and fantasy. I am not against faith but seriously what is it that most people who profess being religious put faith into?

      Someone tells them some tales about tablets and old book interpretations and those that follow blind are sheeple. Others are just the devil and doomed.

      GRYPHEN. DON'T STOP. Someone needs to keep on the Palin bull and help get some light and transparency out into the world. Same for the 'religions' bull.

      Appreciate all you do. PLEASE KEEP UP BOTH.

    5. Sorry...that was me. That was my opinion.

    6. WakeUpAmerica10:25 AM

      Good point, Lynne. Also, many here still have trouble distinguishing between the unChristian evangelical posers and the people who really try to follow the teachings of Christ. We all get thrown under the bus together.

    7. Sally in MI10:32 AM

      Lynne, I am a Christian and a member of a peace church. I find the Catholic adulation of a POPE and a statue of Mary hideous. I find the coverups of sexual abuse in the church heinous. I find the proclivity of the so-called findies to deny the rights of women because they care so much about the unborn they can't bother to feed or educate them after birth particularly hypocritical. Not to mention their love of war, the death penalty, and demonizing anyone not Christian or not American.
      So yes, the things Grypen writes need to be printed.

    8. Beldar Torus Klaatu Conehead10:40 AM

      Lynne, perhaps your comment was misunderstood. If I understand your thinking, I share your opinion that The Screechy Wretch(tm) & Family is grossly over-exposed and far too much attention is paid to them. I wouldn't turn my back on them and am grateful to Gryphen for his vigilance, but I would be happy with lots less Screechy News in the world.

    9. Sally, I agree with you totally about the abuses. They are ugly. I have a very dear male friend who is like a brother to me. He was an alter boy in a San Francisco area Catholic Church, and I'm sure he was a sexual abuse victim. He's middle aged now, still carrying the crippling emotional scars even though he's never talked about it to anyone that I know of.

      I also like the point that WakeUpAmerica makes. I know some wonderful, true & loving Christians, one of whom was a nurse before she retired and lent me some money to pay for an abortion many years ago when I was a young, single (and at that point very desperate) mother of two.

      Thank you both!

    10. Anonymous10:58 AM

      This blog is like watching TV. If you don't like the program, change the channel or turn it off. If you don't like Gryphen's topic of the day, move on. You can also bash as many hypocrites as you want. Unlike hunting and fishing, there is no bag limit.

    11. Kristy P11:39 AM

      See bashing your own. Live and let lie. Lynn's a good person. Dems show their true colors here on Jessie's blog. It's a site that proves this.

    12. I would love the Palin family to "slip into obscurity." But first, they have to quit jumping in front of every teevee camera they see.

    13. Kristy P11:39 AM

      Krusty....GET HELP!!

    14. Kristy P12:53 PM

      Jessie, please stop Gina from attacking me for no reason. I was supporting Lynne. That means I need help? Gina, you need help. And judging by your photo you need to eat healthier and maybe then you wouldn't act so constipated toward other people.

  12. lostinmn7:44 AM

    Well, she's due to calve another child and what better place to get knocked up than DWTS? Will we get to see the incredible weight gain? Will we once more be subjected to her getting dry humped on national TV? Is DWTS prepared for her to run through the competition because Sara's mindless drones stuff the ballot box - while Brisket is getting hers stuffed? Will her next visit result in what should have happened the first time? She might not make the first or second cut unless Palin can rally her mob and what better way to judge how far the Palin star has fallen than to see how long Brisket waddles her way around a dance floor once more? I for one would love to see it happen. I don't watch the show but the chance to watch her and her family make utter fools of themselves again is just too much to pass on. I await the weekly updates. Perhaps this time Brisket will wear crotchless panties so we can all be exposed to some actual penetration on stage. I'm sure that would beat Octomom and her masturbation video.

    1. Kristy P11:41 AM

      Calve a child? Why so judgmental and aggressive. How sad to be you. Maybe you need a vibrator or something?

    2. Kristy P11:41 AM

      "vibrator" poor that what you do under the covers? YUCK!!

    3. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Kristy - you are too crass for this blog and that's saying quite a bit.

    4. Kristy P12:53 PM

      Jessie, please stop Gina from attacking me.

  13. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Bristol is the best dancer in Hollywood since Ginger Rogers...

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      You are joking of course, aren't you?

    2. WakeUpAmerica10:26 AM

      ROFLMAO!!! Satire, right?

    3. Sally in MI10:34 AM

      HAHHAHAHHAH. Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did backwards and in 6 inch heels. Bristol wore gorilla suits and laid on the floor while Mark danced around her.

    4. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Hey Bristol, you are the bestest dancer in since Ginger Rogers!

      [dull stare, slack-re-aligned jaw, lack of recognition]

      You know, the dancer from classic early Hollywood films!

      [dull stare, slack-re-aligned jaw, lack of recognition]

      She was celebrated around the world, graceful and synonymous with being a good dancer.

      [dull stare, slack-re-aligned jaw, lack of recognition]

      It's a compliment.

      [blink blink] oh, that's cool and whatnot.

    5. Kristy P11:42 AM

      She does have great moves and great legs. And she is a hard worker and was popular at DWTS set

    6. Kristy P11:42 AM

      Keep on dreaming Krusty! What color is the sky in your world? Oh that have no idea...since you never leave your BED!!

    7. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Kristy - no one can stand her on the DWTS set. Do you know anyone on the DWTS set? What do you think of Todd's position as a secessionist pimp?

    8. Anonymous12:30 PM

      eeewwww, Krusty, you sound like you want to DO her!

  14. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I would watch a homo drag her fat ass around the dance floor.

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM


    2. Kristy P11:43 AM

      Are you against gays? Using the word homo? Dems are such hypocrites. Here you see it again right here on Jessies hypocritical two faced blog.

    3. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Kristy or whatever your name is today - are you the IM Blog Police now? If so, look in the mirror to see the old two faced vision of hypocrisy

    4. Awww Damn...Krusty done SNAPPED! Hey...y'all remember that show on LIFETIME? It was about women who lost it and killed Krusty! LOL!!

  15. Anonymous7:58 AM

    But listen to the beginning of the gvs interview, palin says we don't have to worry about whether the vp pick is pro life or not. (Here's the part she has to read very slowly to get right) "it's not the president or vp that legislates, it is the congress"

    HahhHa, she didn't know THAT when she was running, did she?

  16. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Why don't they ask Sarah to be on DWTS? She would do it in a heartbeat just like Bristol would do DWTS All Stars. Then we could laugh at both of them!!

    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Sarah P is still playing the role that she is a serious politician. DWTS is beneath her.

    2. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Sarah IS a serious politician. This you can't deny. You are writing and talking about her and news stations all quote her, no?

    3. Kristy P11:45 AM

      Sarah is a great dancer. Running has prepared her. She's a true athlete

    4. Anonymous12:23 PM

      "Kristy P" - did you just post 3 times in a row?

    5. Kristy P11:45 AM

      Krusty...Baldy is an ALKIE! The only running she's doing is to the liquor store!

    6. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Anon at @11:27 - What office does she hold? Sitting on your ass ranting at Sean Hannity about how much you hate the President doesn't make you a politician.

    7. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Sarah IS a serious politician. This you can't deny. You are writing and talking about her and news stations all quote her, no?

      Baldy is a JOKE! If she's's so we can all LAUGH at how stupid she is...Baldy's mannish mug can only be shown on FAKE other station will have that walking...talking...DRUNK on their it?

  17. All stars? Seriously?

    What's her claim to DWTS fame? The ONLY contestant to GAIN weight during the run of the show?

    I think the track record of the Palins shows that they don't boost ratings and in fact can have the opposite effect. So why would DWTS even consider bringing her back?

    She sucked. And was not pleasant to work with.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      DWTS is very classy about not badmouthing their competitors, but it's easy to see that they did NOT like Brisdull.

      And they clearly did not like how her mother's supporters gamed their voting system because they changed it afterwards.

      I would be very surprised if they had here back.

    2. Anonymous11:05 AM

      It was obviously forced to have The Situation make a 'move' on Ginormica Mathra in that Candies PSA. Yo, B Palin. . .yikes. . .you'd have to have really bad aim to not hit that. . .

    3. Kristy P11:48 AM

      She came in third. That's all star. And it isn't true she wasn't liked. There were a few jealous but most talked about what a nice down to earth girl Bristol was. The staff was also surprised how sweet Sarah was and how handsome Todd was. Some of you just make things up. Your life's must be boring if you do this.

    4. Anonymous12:24 PM

      They are "nice" if you like mental midgets.

    5. Kristy P11:48 AM

      Beefy came in LAST! And the Beefy you are describing only exist in that crazy mind of yours! The Toad a...uh...a no he's not handsome unless you like your men covered in warts!

      Obviously your living in bed and posting crazy comments about that gargoyle family has pickled your for the 50th/11th time....GET SOME DAMN HELP!!!

  18. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Bristol's too busy being a full-time single Mom. to do DWTS. Plus, she was so weary of all of the Hollywood libruls in LA who are just so image-conscious all the time. Also, being on DWTS again would totally disrupt her routine with Tripp's preschool schedule.

    Here's an article as a reminder of why Bristol Quit Hollywood just 6 months ago in order to pursue her goals for herself and her son's life in Alaska.

    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Thank you.

    2. Anonymous9:59 AM

      "Bristol's too busy being a full-time single Mom. to do DWTS."

      On her tv show, we have all seen how she seems to spend very little time or attention on her unfortunate young children. She spends most of her time complaining about them and complaining about how no one else will take care of them for her.

      "Plus, she was so weary of all of the Hollywood libruls in LA who are just so image-conscious all the time."

      Clearly, she is obsessed with seeking fame and would love nothing more than to be a Hollywood A-lister. She is as image conscious as any of those she hypocritically and jealously criticizes.

      "Also, being on DWTS again would totally disrupt her routine with Tripp's preschool schedule."

      She doesn't give a rat's ass about her son. Have you seen her on her tv show? Get a clue.

    3. WakeUpAmerica10:28 AM

      Oh thank you so much for enlightening us. What would we do without you?

    4. Sally in MI10:38 AM

      So someone not 'image conscious' gets plastic surgery, more than once? Someone who loves her children signs up for invasive reality TV shows...more than once? Someone who is busy parenting hops a plane to Hollywood and Arizona and Alaska...every few weeks? Someone concerned aobut their child's education is never shown teaching them anything but bad behavior, then punishes said child for doing what he was taught? Nice try, but we have eyes and ears and working brains. AND we have all raised our own kids in loving homes, so we know exactly what Bristol's child's environment should be.

    5. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Ummmm, anon @ 8:05 was posting a glaringly obvious hypocrisy of Bristol even considering this 'career' move.

      The Palin's are and remain inexplicable. Head thumping audacity and stupidity.

    6. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Thanks for posting that article. How many times has Bristol said she was going to do something and then doesn't? It's past time for Bristol to critically assess her "talents" and make a decision about what she wants to do with her life, and then just DO IT! She can't make a career out of DWTS, or reality tv. She can't apparently make it on her own without Mommy Dearest who pulls all her strings.

    7. Beldar Torus Klaatu Conehead11:32 AM

      "she is obsessed with seeking fame and would love nothing more than to be a Hollywood A-lister."

      so true and yet by all indications - absent any noticeable talent, skill or charisma - she'd cheerfully settle for being a Hollywood F-lister or G-lister, also, too.

    8. Anonymous11:57 AM

      I hope you're right 8:05. Nobody wants to watch a real dancer drag Bristol Hollywood's talentless lazy ass all around the stage on tv again (except for the cheating peebots - what's left of them). And yes, she SHOULD stay home, take the binky out of her mouth, stop whining and crying and try being a real parent for a change before her kid needs a child psychologist. The least she could do as a mother is listen to some parenting books on tape since she probably has a hard time reading.

    9. Anon 8:05 may be joking. Note the spelling of liberals. :-)

  19. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I agree with 7:21am....
    I have a feeling there is a huge target on the Fridgedare up there in Wasilla...
    It has several things on it....
    "Willow gets Knocked up"
    "Do a Reality Show...again"
    "Plastic surgery"
    "Exploit Trig for attention"
    "Say, "Properly Vet Obama" over and over on Faux news"
    "New Wig"
    "Slam Levi"

    Sarah stands back, grabs the closest can of DelMonte green beans and hurls it. What ever it lands on is what the Palin family goes after that particular week.

    Its how they roll.

  20. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Expose the Palins and you will send a message.

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Best message of all.

    2. Kristy P12:29 PM

      Most of what you think needs exposing is from the imagination and fabrications of lonely dem bloggers

    3. Kristy P12:29 PM

      Most of what you think needs exposing is from the imagination and fabrications of lonely dem bloggers

      BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...says the crazy stalker of all Palins who's "imagination and fabrications" of the gargoyle family keeps Krazy Krusty searching far and wide for ANY negative articles written about that family of liars!

      Who's lonely again?

    4. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Krusty, you are the loneliest loser on the internet. Damn, all you do is hit up forums arguing with people who don't like this stupid family. I love President Obama but I'm sure as hell not making up multiple names so I can go to every anti-Obama site and scold and insult them for every post I don't agree with! I would indeed have NO life if I did that. Why do you waste your time? Does it ever get old? Why am I trying to talk sense to you? Now I'm wasting MY time! You are just pathetic. Go take a walk, it might do you some good.

  21. Beldar Torus Klaatu Conehead8:20 AM

    "isn't it time to turn our backs and simply let the Palin family slip into obscurity with as little attention as possible?"

    YES, YES, YES!!! If there's a God in Heaven, YES, it's long past that time!!!!!

    In fact, even if there ISN'T a Gott Im Himmel, it's still past that time.

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      I guess Gryph should just drop the Palins because there is no more child abuse. Trig and Tripp will live happily ever after. YES THEY ARE POLITICALLY IRRELEVANT. They continue to be frauds and the cover up on child abuse is not different from Penn State.

    2. Anonymous9:42 AM

      NO, NO, NO!!!!!! If there is a Goc in Heaven, NO.

      The only way the Palins must exit stage is in orange jumpsuits.

    3. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Exactly, 9:42 AM. I shall not cease my snark until I see multiple Palin mugshots.

    4. @9:42--
      ITA. Or, to butcher TS Eliot:

      "We shall not cease from ridicule
      And the end of all our ridiculing
      Will be to arrive where we started
      And see the Palins in jumpsuits
      For the first time"

  22. Anonymous8:29 AM

    OT, but here's a link to an article about McCain and Palin visiting Michigan to discuss veterans' issues. From the comments, it doesn't look like anyone is happy to see her.

    1. Anonymous8:37 AM

      The American public should file a class-action lawsuit against John McCain for regurgitating this human vomit on the country.
      While I appreciate Steve Schmidt for his candor AFTER the fact, nothing speaks to the Republican dogma MORE than him admitting that WINNING was more important to EVERYONE in the McCain camp than was Country. And the irony is, "Country First" was his campaign slogan.

    2. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Frankly how dare they? President Obama and Vice President Biden have done more for military veterans than all previous Republican administrations combined. Remember the terrible conditions at Walter Reed when the Iraq War soldiers came home injured? Remember how little President Bush and Vice President Cheney did to help them? Remember how President Bush and Vice President Cheney put so many American soldiers in harm's way by invading Iraq for no reason? Veterans' issues are subjects that the Republicans should steer clear of because of their shameful behavior while in power.
      PS It really irritates me that Sarah Palin will be in Michigan tomorrow. Grrrrr! We're going to see our Democratic senators in the morning though. That should be lots of fun.

    3. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund

      Is that one of the good ones? How much will wounded soldiers benefit? What does Palin get paid to get some good PR? Or is she like so many other RW ass clowns that use soldiers for their own self promotion and gain?

    4. Anonymous9:34 AM

      John McCain is a traitor to our country! In SO many ways. Screw him and Palin.

    5. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Sarah's girls made her look like a bad grizzled mommy dearest bear. Todd needs attention now. Time to play the military card. Track has failed her, also, too. That darn weird wedding gig and out pops a baby like they were having sex before marriage. No wonder they always say he wants privacy. He is terrified what would be revealed if anyone vetted Track Palin.

      Andrew McLaren is HOT! HOT! HOT!

    6. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Wow, the comments on that article are brutal and the author has to keep responding to the outrage.

    7. Anonymous10:44 AM

      John McCain is a worthless sorry excuse for a Senator. I live in AZ so I know. He'll go to his grave covered with Sarah's stink.

    8. Without all that disfigurement, definitely. With it? (Shudder!)

    9. Kristy P12:31 PM

      You criticize this but veterans by a big amount supprt Romney and this Sarah. Wake up dems. Very few patriots love Obama and for good reason.

    10. Kristy P12:31 PM

      Oh took your medication! WHEW...Krusty I was getting real worried about you there for a minute! Thank heavens your medications are delivered right to your BEDROOM! LOL!!

  23. Anonymous8:39 AM

    OMG do we have to endure another round with brisdull? I will not watch. I can't stand Mark B because of it. I liked Katherine(his partner) this past season but Mark reminds me of a mime. Really everyone was so good this past season, it just shows how bad brisdull was. I think I'll have to boycott. For someone who talks about how fake hollywood and CA is, she sure runs there every chance she gets, doesn't she? Please brisdull just get lost some where. So, we will never see your face or hear you voice again! You were and still are just an unwed knocked up untalanted person. All this shows is that you don't have any morals no matter what you say.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      The thing about B is that she always EPIC FAILS. It is as close to consistency that the Palins do. She is also an amusement. The gorilla suit image is still funny and says so much truth about her and the family. She has done more to reveal truth about the Palins. Sure she is disgusting, boring, a major child abuser and pathetic and we all need a break from time to time.

      Most of all Gryph. Thanks for everything and do get your breaks and vacation times.

  24. Virginia Voter8:40 AM

    OMG, you guys this will be fantastic...Bristol comes crawling back to evil librul Hollywood, grubby little hands out grasping for cash, with constraint flashback videos of Bristols huge belly, old chin, old lips, and bloated face...good times

  25. O/T, but has anyone covered this, yet?

    WTF is wrong with these people? And why target FLOTUS?

  26. betsy s8:50 AM

    "Simply let the Palin family slip into obscurity'? I haven't been following all the Palin Outrage blogs for four years to just let them all disappear. I want some real denouement action: a birth certificate for some DS baby maneuvered by Dr Soandso, a birth certificate for Tripp, why Tripp is called Tripp, an arrest in an arson murder of Ms Miller, a photo of SP without any wig, admissions of conspiracy from dozens of people, an apology from John McCain, some evidence of SP college attendance, reversal of guilt of that guy who hacked into SP's computer (Bristol committed perjury), explanation of the Photoshop running photo and who produced it, identity and real ages of various DS prop babies, extent and predictable end of SP's Fox contract. Etc etc.

    1. lostinthemidwest9:42 AM

      I agree with you. I still have a lot of pent up anger over not only what she got away with during the last election, but before and AFTER.

      When Karma hits, and it will, I want to see it on the front pages of the media. Not a short paragraph at the bk of the Inquirer.

      And you can skim over the religious posts if you don't like them. There is no blog law that says you have to read every post is there? Where has the real Lynn gone?

    2. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Me three!

    3. Kristy P12:34 PM

      You won't be statisfied ever then because most of it is lies and false narratives and if you really new them you would know this. Do you always believe all that you read?

    4. Kristy P12:34 PM

      You won't be statisfied ever then because most of it is lies and false narratives and if you really new them you would know this. Do you always believe all that you read?

      Ummm...Krusty...what page is that on in your script book?

      Anywho....what are YOU going to do when the shit hits the fan about that family of gargoyles that you are desperately defending?

      Will you FINALLY get out of your bed and join the world...or will we read about YOU ending up like your soul brothers...the Christy's?

    5. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Yeah, right, Krusty, and obviously your motto is "Nothing is true unless it came out of a Palin's lying face!"

  27. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Remember what $arah said: She'll never ignore a door of opportunity that's opened before her. And that goes for the whole fam damily. Grifters, plain and simple.

  28. OT also but GREAT comment on Mitt Romney last evening:

    Comment of the Day: Mitt Romney Can ‘Partake in the Finest Selection of Horse Penises’

    1. Cracklin Charlie10:17 AM

      Oh, I hope Stephen Colbert sees this article. Maybe he'll wear that horse head and hooves when he covers it.

  29. Anonymous9:00 AM

    If she does do DWTS again, we can see if she loses or gains weight this time.

    1. Cracklin Charlie10:16 AM

      There's still time for her and Gyno to conceive another little Palin before she goes on DWTS.

    2. Kristy P12:37 PM

      Her weight only changed a small amount. It was the costumes, make up and lighting effects. Why do dems just make things up. She gained like 5 pounds max with no baby. Would a doctor really let her dance pregnant? Use your brains

    3. Kristy P12:37 PM

      Her weight only changed a small amount. It was the costumes, make up and lighting effects. Why do dems just make things up. She gained like 5 pounds max with no baby. Would a doctor really let her dance pregnant? Use your brains

      Man...I can't wait until that time release works in your medication and then you'll go sleepy bye bye and we'll get a break from your rantings!

  30. Anonymous9:02 AM

    What I want to see on "Life's a Tripp" is all the basketball & whatnot she does to keep slim.

    I mean, she gained weight on DWTS because the ten-hour-a-day dancing routine wasn't as rigourous as her basketball & being a single mom routine back in Alaska.

    Now she is off DWTS and slim - so where's the footage of her awesome workout?

    1. Sally in MI10:41 AM

      Yeah, she could have her own workout show, or at least market a video along with her diet pills!

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      she's yo-yo[weight]ma

  31. Anonymous9:04 AM

    You know, Bristol is on a track of really screwing her life. She's put herself into a corner. If the lawsuits against her win and she is forced to pay out of her own pocket, she'll have to accept ANY offer that comes along. It may be that the 'the world is the Palins' oyster' season is over. The world is no longer their oyster because of their blind greed to grab any and all offers without a single thought of abiding by the rules and laws, they find themselves in a mud pit of misery.

    So, with that, Bristol may not have wanted to involve herself again with DWTS All Stars, but she'll accept it, no doubt about it, because she knows she's got to keep the money rolling in to replace all those legal fees and fines she may be charged with.

    If this cycle doesn't end, it wouldn't be surprising if she accepted an offer to do Playboy.

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Playboy does not/would not/will never want Bristol. She isn't attractive.

    2. Anonymous9:45 AM

      The lawsuits are not against her personally, so she won't be paying anybody.

      She'll just stick around as long as people are willing to comment about her.

      Yeah, makes me sick and guilty too.

    3. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Bristol is not Playboy material.

      Think Hustler.

    4. Anonymous10:39 AM

      She's not nice enough for Hustler, think Cherry or Beaver. That way no one will have to see her face.

    5. Anonymous10:41 AM

      I think she'd love to do a Playboy "spred." She's been practicing her poses with Gino - remember the daisy dukes? Oh yeah... I remember photos of Bristol's very best "come hither" looks.... dry humping? noooo problemo here.... Of course they would have to airbrush out all those stretch marks from her pregnancies.... and clean her up a bit. How about some nude bull riding? Yeah, Playboy could do her..

    6. Anonymous11:02 AM

      actually yes - BRISTOL is being sued directly by Steve Hanks.

    7. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Bristol is not Hustler material. Hustler is class compared to anything Palin can put out.

    8. Or that new mag, "Skank Supersized."

    9. Anonymous12:22 PM

      lol Playboy is too good for Brisket.

    10. Kristy P12:38 PM

      Only 2 of the 3 suits involve her and you will see, they will be thrown out because she did nothing wrong

    11. Kristy P12:38 PM

      Only 2 of the 3 suits involve her and you will see, they will be thrown out because she did nothing wrong

      I don't think your stalking case will be thrown out so easy Krusty!

      See...the Christy's for your future!

    12. lostinmn1:08 PM


      You got a direct line to the judge?

  32. Anonymous9:23 AM

    If this is true, I will boycott the show.

    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      I will too. I enjoy DWTS but including The Chin is too much of a travesty.

      Has anyone checked the DWTS site where people can choose who they want in the fall show to see if B'dull is gaining votes? I'll check it out and report back.

  33. Anonymous9:25 AM

    OT -
    Check this one out!
    Romney‬ holding $50K a plate fundraiser in Jerusalem‬. U.S. passport required. @mozgovaya:

    The link top the invitation is above. I do not know who took this photo, but another thing that makes you go hmmmmmmmmm?

    Maybe Willard has some side business to deal with in the Confederation of Helvetia aka Switzerland? Just sayin' (grin)

    1. Sally in MI10:42 AM

      He's going to make Obama look bad, of course. The GOP is all in favor of Isreal wiping out Palestine with our money and weapons.
      And Iran too, if they want.

  34. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I am in favor of this, as long as Bristol wears the monkey suit full time..

  35. Anonymous9:58 AM

    So what? She can give the middle finger to America like she did the first time.

    And mama Palin can come back to be booed once again.

  36. Anonymous10:01 AM

    NOOOOO, I don't want to see that dancing cow again!!! Please send protests to DWTS!

  37. Anonymous10:02 AM

    When I don't care for a subject I ignore those posts. I don't expect everyone else to stop getting info or have a place to vent when I am sick of something. I don't usually bother to comment where I have zero interest.

  38. Hate to interrupt this broadcast of Beefy's possible next pregnancy appearing on DWTS...but Krusty the Krazy Stalker has CRACKED!

    She's on the BLAT Lifetime website ARGUING with the moderator! LOL!! See for yourself...Oh yeah... Krusty is Asian now(no discrimination for ole Krusty sock puppets!)

    "LifetimeKaren Moderator 2 hours ago in reply to KuanYin

    I understand that you find the negative comments about the show and the Palin family distressing. However, this is not a private fan site for positive comments only. I'm sure there are sites like that and I encourage you to seek those out as participating there would be less stressful for you.

    Krusty DID NOT like her screaming from her bed she has this to say...

    KuanYin Moderator 2 hours ago in reply to LifetimeKaren







    Well...that told that old moderator...or did it?

    LifetimeKaren Moderator 2 hours ago in reply to KuanYin

    Please note that there is nothing in the TOU that says participants must be fans or even watch the programs on Lifetime. Of course, we would love to see only compliments and raves, but that simply isn't a realistic expectation for any program. This is the portion of the site terms that has been most frequently abused on this board:

    restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying any of the Websites, including without limitation, by disrupting the flow of Forums with vulgar or obscene language, abusiveness, bullying, griefing, "spamming" or "flooding" (continuous posting repetitive text);

    If the comments contain no personal attacks or derogatory assumptions towards another MEMBER, they will remain. We do not remove comments because someone doesn't like the content or the person posting it.
    Also, please note that we frequently remove comments in response to a post removed for violations. Also, a post can automatically be removed because the on site filter determines it is in violation.

    I hope this gives you a better understanding of how the site is moderated.

    OH SHIT! Krusty must have shoved the bedpan to the floor and threw her breakfast tray across the room because she wrote this...

    KuanYin Moderator 1 hour ago in reply to LifetimeKaren

    So...posting from brbr, miss, gerald, jeb...You don't find them bullying me?

    You don't find them personally attacking me?

    Where have I stated I wanted them removed, because I do not like them?

    LifeTime is a business, ratings are important. The viewers who support that business should be a value. Terms of Use are to protect the use of blogs and websites for the Better not the Worse.

    I have not asked just for positive comments to be allowed, you are making a claim that isn't true.

    You have allowed disruption of the flow of positive comments by deleting them and allowing bullies to overrun this site.

    Again, please provide me with contact info to your supervisor.

    A long time supportive fan of Lifetime's the link for the rest of the fireworks...

    1. That same person has been stalking me as well...creepy funny though, but in a dark-palinish I live off of Red Bulls and type crap to anyone that criticizes my quitter-queen of mean.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Kuan Yin is the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion in Eastern Buddhist tradition. Krusty is crazy.

    4. Anonymous11:25 AM

      You ROCK, GinaM -- please keep your posts coming!

    5. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Sounds like Exodus found a new home.

    6. GinaM, you are a treasure. How do you find these delicious nuggets of nonsense?

      I love the supervisor comment. Too fucking funny.

    7. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Funny, but I wished I would have heard about it earlier. That way I could commented and made her more angry.

    8. Anonymous1:07 PM

      I used to laugh at this person, but she's really starting to get scary!

  39. I hadn't visited Wonketter ( in awhile...discovered, whoa, they are not fans of any Palin. And the comments on Palin 'stories' are priceless.

  40. Anonymous10:23 AM

    There are many rogue (Palin like) police, military, SS and all kinds of agents and employees. Why it is critical to expose all the nuts. Palin and connections with her militias, Cox like folks.
    Who knows about Track the undeclared or independent (AIP? with a mom whose front is Repuplican). Who knows about Todd who was 8 years AIP and a shadow gov. He has never been upfront and honest. Now he is making up military type cred on reality TV with a former marine, police officer and contract worker.

    Cop’s alleged threat against Michelle Obama being investigated by Secret Service

  41. Anonymous10:26 AM

    OK folks, sing along with me: (My apologies to Sammy Cahn and the Chairman of the Board)

    To the tune of Love and Marriage:

    Beefy and Gino
    Beefy and Gino
    Go together like
    flatulence and Beano
    This I tell ya brother, you can't have one without the other
    Try, try, try to separate's an illusion
    why, why, why because of their delusion...

    Andy and Wallow
    Andy and Wallow
    Go together like
    humping and swallow
    This I tell ya brother, you can't have one without the other
    don't, don't don't separate them...oh, what the heck..
    why, why, why because we all like to see a train wreck...

    Todd and Sarah
    Todd and Sarah
    Go together like Alaska and Russia
    This she tells the media, you don't see one without the other
    Try, try, try to separate won't happen honey
    why, why, why because their together for the money

    Thank you, thank you very much. I'll be at the Fairline Lodge all weekend

    1. {{{{{ STANDING APPLAUSE }}}}}
      {{{{{ THROWING DOLLAR BILLS }}}}}

      $arah and Tawdry are no Al and Peggy Bundy.

      Who here thinks Peggy would have been a better governor of Alaska than $arah?

    2. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Brilliant! But I spewed my coffee all over my keyboard! Worth it.

  42. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Wait just a minute here.... What about Tripp? She said she left all that Hollywood glamour stuff behind - she is now a long-suffering single mom with a little hellion on her hands. I predict Bristol will take the next opportunity (any of them all of them)to get back in that spotlight. So what about Tripp? Will she drag him and her enabler Willow back to LA?

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      She gave up on Tripp. He is out of control and the family sees him as a brat. What a quitter and loser if he won't pollute Alaskan air with those cool toys she will buy him. What a cool hockey mom. Does Tripp appreciate all she does for him? He will when some toughie comes along and he sticks his tongue out and the bad guy runs away. Tripp will know how right she was to teach him all that. Nothing is more winning than telling your family you hate or don't like. If he ever grows up he will thank Bristol and Willow with the tools of survival they give him each day.

  43. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Bristol wants to show the world that she is a great dancer when she is not 7 month pregnant!

  44. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Have they even looked at the terrible ratings that Bristol's show gets? Yes, the first time around, people tuned to see the Amazing Actress, Dancer, Public Speaker and Super Teen Mom strut her stuff. She was awful. Her book didn't sell well. Her reality show is in real contention for Worst Reality Show Ever. Why would they want her when Bristol lost what little following she might have had. Have of the posts on her blog look like they are written by the same person. (Sarah used to do that too, sending in multiple letters in praise of herself when she was governor).

  45. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Maybe they are floating Bristol's name out there to see what the reaction would be-- kind of like the way that Condi Rice as VP was a rumor that didn't go anywhere.

  46. Bristol Can't Dance11:10 AM

    I hope she does it so that we can all give her the finger and vote her off the first week!

  47. Anonymous11:30 AM

    OT: Gryphen, have you seen this?

    Now we know the secret behind those hard-hitting Greta Van Somethingorother interviews.

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Ha! That's too funny! There was a scene in her $arah Palin's Alaska show where she's shown just getting off her computer (next to the kitchen) and I think it's Wallow that asks her what she's doing and she responds in a very telling way: "I have an interview later and I'm just anticipating what they'll ask." Oh really, $arah? More like getting the questions emailed to her and then her Googling some answers to spew.

  48. Anonymous12:08 PM

    11:26 am

    you know dipshit you really should bathe more than once or twice a month

  49. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I hope she does.Maybe at some point the cult members will figure out their false God is not going to shoot lightning bolts and take over the run for POTUS.The hand wringing and teeth gnashing would be extreme.

  50. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Uh...Krazy already posted this up thread! Turn your big ass over before you get bedsores and turn the page in your script book dummie!

  51. Anonymous12:41 PM

    When the going gets tough, Bristol quits, just like her mother. Don't the producers of DWTS remember that Bristol bailed on the DWTS tour after she got to 3rd place? Don't they remember how the Palin bots rigged the voting to keep her in in spite of her awful pathetic dancing? Are they not aware that the Massey Bros are suing the Palin producers for stealing their "show?" Have they not read about her "show" and how no one is watching it? Have they asked Mark Ballas if he would be willing to go through another round of dragging her fat ass all over the stage? Geez Louise Sarah. If they pick Bristol, they are scraping the bottom of the barrel.

  52. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Another example at 11:26 of how badly our educational system is failing. Unlike the undereducated people who generally readably accept what they've been told if it's something what they want to believe, the more educated individual will usually question something they've been told before accepting it. It's not the amount of information they process, but it's how they deal with new information. For new information to be accepted, the more educated require proof to its validity. To back up this bit of new information, if it is in fact new to you, I simply ask that you examine or recall the educational level of Fox viewers and those who claim they are Tea Party members. For additional support, examine the educational level of those who support Palin.

    Sarc, but true.


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