Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mitt Romney relentlessly booed at NAACP event earlier today.

 Essentially Romney seemed to be unaware that he was talking to a crowd of people unlike any other he had spoken to before, you know the kind of people who think having a dancing horse and a car elevator is less something to aspire to, and more something to point and laugh at.

For that reason Romney did not seem aware that attacking the Affordable Care Act, while derisively labeling it with the name of the first African American President, might not go over too well.

In desperation Romney also tried to convince the crowd that HE would be a better President for their people than, you know, one of their actual people.

"You take a look?" You know at this point you almost have to wonder if the Secret Service weren't thinking to themselves, "One more stupid remark by this asshole and he's fucking on his own!"

Of course Romney tried to save face by going on the GOP's propaganda site, Fox News, and claiming that he KNEW he was going to get booed:

In a friendly-territory interview on Fox Business Network, Romney told the Republican-fond host Neil Cavuto, "I think we expected that, of course."

Gee ya think?


  1. WalterNeff2:07 PM

    "…we expected that, of course."

    Follow-up: Why did you expect that and why "of course?""

    1. So, now he's saying 'Obamacare' is 'free stuff'? Yesterday he said it was a huge tax. Which one is it, GOP? Either way, it's exactly the same as Romneycare. This arrogant dweeb is unbelievable.

  2. Olivia2:13 PM

    And like the 12 year old he is, Meh later said that many African American leaders talked to him privately and said they really support him but they don't dare say so publicly.

    Also, I am sure we will see lots of ads now with him using the NAACP members as a background props.

    What a putz!

    1. Sally in MI2:59 PM

      Oh, yeah, cause real leaders of the black community never say what they are thinking publicly. And gosh, Mitt, if a few African American leaders do vote for you, that still won't cancel out the millions who will not. Nor the millions of women, the poor, the elderly, and everyone else you have screwed over, or want to.

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      The equivalent of saying he has a Black friend.

    3. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Yes, maybe Donald Trump can introduce Meh to some of "the blacks" he knows.

      If that doesn't work, Meh can always call Rick Santorum for some tips on how he can get the "blah" vote.

    4. DetroitSam10:18 PM

      Mitt Romney Tried to Rig NAACP Crowd by Flying in His Own African Americans via @politicususa

      Also, too, one of mitts flacks admitted that this was just a photo-op.

  3. Cardboard Man is lucky he was only BOOED! I'm sure every person was checked for tomatoes and lettuce...cause I swear Meh act is worthy of a Vaudeville show!

    Glad he didn't take his campaign managers advice and act like a merry prankster and come out in BLACKFACE! LOL!!

    O/T I just watched Beefy's car crash show ON Demand...I have quite a bit to say about it too!

    Stay tuned....HeHe!

    1. Girl, you are having altogether too much fun. Sure that's legal?

    2. hrh3:20 PM
      Girl, you are having altogether too much fun. Sure that's legal?
      Yep...I sure am! LOL! Posted my recap on the latest Baldy thread and had fun with it too!

    3. Anita Winecooler7:35 PM

      Mitt just painted himself in corner BIG TIME... he spewed in an interview about "Those people" thinking they're going to get a free lunch, then they know who to vote for.

      Stay tuned, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.... for Meh!

    4. Anonymous7:49 PM

      I can totally see Meh coming out and singing "Mammy...Mammy", and then in his most sincere East Coast elitist voice say, "Hey, any of you good fellow 'unemployed' folk need a job? I've got 8 homes and I need someone to operate the car elevator in my newly renovated mansion in La Jolla, CA. No benefits (you people don't need health insurance!)included.

  4. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I disagree Gryphen. I don't think he was unaware that comments against the ACA wouldn't be received well. I think he was very aware of that and those comments were intentionally said to elicit that very reaction. He even said he "expected" that reaction which shows it was just a political ploy.

    His speech to the NAACP wasn't to outreach to the African American community, it was an outreach to all the racist teabaggers who will be fired up after seeing him get booed.

    1. I agree with this assessment.

    2. Ding ding ding!! Bingo!!

    3. Anonymous3:02 PM

      I agree 100%.

    4. You could have a point, which would make this guy just about the most underhanded, racist, piece of garbage that the Republicans could have picked as their candidate.

      In other words, the PERFECT candidate for them.

    5. Exactly. This was a set-up to show how those fill-in-the-blank-with-whatever-racist-term-you-want show disrespect for the man who will be their next massa-er-president.

      Red meat for the red necks in the red states.

    6. That's EXACTLY what he did...he wasn't speaking to that room...he was USING them to speak to his base ...a big ..F.....U... to the NAACP AND the entire black community....the MINUTE he called the Affordable Care Act ...."Obamacare"...this was obvious.

      He may as well have flipped them the bird from the podium.

    7. And, in Montana, he clarified the reaction of the NAACP crowd saying that if they want to continue getting free stuff, to vote for the other guy. Yes, it was all pandering to the racists who are his base. See? These black folk want everything for free. That's why they booed me. Because they know I won't let them freeload any longer.

    8. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Yep, now watch how this pops up in Romney and all those PAC ads to get their racist base all whipped up because poor wittle Romney got booed.
      M from MD

    9. Anita Winecooler7:37 PM

      Crystal, that just broke on Rachel's show... can't wait for the news tomorrow. Meh's got some serious issues!

  5. Anonymous2:29 PM

    "I think WE expected that, of course."

    Oh, the total disconnect of "I think" expectation versus the certainty expressed in the "of course".
    All I know is this: Amerenglish is a difficult language for some...
    Do I make sense? fromthediagonal

  6. Anonymous2:34 PM

    I laughed my ass off when I saw this earlier this morning. What a jack ass he is.

  7. Anonymous2:37 PM

    "Dancing Horse and a Car Elevator". Priceless!

    I loved the way he looked so proud and positive as he told the crowd he was going to ruin many of their lives. Good job mittens, you POS!

    1. WakeUpAmerica3:16 PM

      He and his wife have certainly given dressage a bad name. Dancing horse indeed. What a crock of poo!

    2. Anonymous6:41 PM

      I'm beginning to feel sorry for their horses. They're just trophies and investments.
      M from MD

  8. It is bizarre that he even went to speak to them...of course.

  9. Anonymous2:45 PM

    "Why don't you peons like me?!" - h/t to Wonkette;)

    Loved the hysterical spin later on about his 'secret black supporters.' Come on Mitt, with your money you can delude yourself into thinking you have 'super duper' secret black supporters!

    This man is a dangerous joke.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Secret black supporters, huh? Let me guess: Allen West, Herman Cain, and Alan Keyes?

      Yep, Meh and the Holograms!

    2. lostinmn3:52 PM

      He's thinking of Al Jolson - he was a secret black supporter

      and speaking of black supporters I wonder how Glen Rice voted in 2008?

  10. Dinty3:05 PM

    "Secret black supporters"? Oh, right. Michael Steele and Alan Keyes. Forgot about them.

  11. Virginia Voter3:14 PM

    Well, the NAACP delegates were much more respectful than Joe, "you lie" Wilson, or old crone finger pointing Jan Brewer, and even head shaking Justice Alito. I could go on, and on with all the disrespectful antics of the GOP.

    I listened to the speech, and shorter Mitt for me so I can give more breaks to the wealthy who will give you a job, if you're lucky, and I'll take away any chance of affordable health insurance, and make you all enter lotteries so your kids maybe have a chance to go to a here today, gone tomorrow charter school run by my for profit education lobbyist friends.

    I know I shouldn't put it past him, but for that slimy bastard to turn right around and then bad mouth his audience on Fox is just beyond disgusting.

    1. vegaslib4:32 PM

      I don't remember Romney speaking up when the idiots and the GOP debates booed a US soldier. He's a piece of work.

    2. Anonymous6:44 PM

      And don't forget that one of his sons is behind one of those education for profit charter school companies. It's all about making him and his family even more wealthy and powerful than they are now or have ever deserved to be. FDR and Teddy Roosevelt would have dismantled him, especially Teddy.
      M from Md

  12. lostinmn3:29 PM

    I'm sure his speech was about as well received as the plantation owner calling together his slaves and telling them he was cutting their rations by half so he and the missus could afford a trip to France.

    I'm with the troops here - he went so he could fire up the haters without having to say anything hateful. Clever but it won't work.

  13. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I'm visiting relatives in Florida. There is a scary anti-Obama ad from Romney during EVERY commercial!!! It's ridiculous. After awhile does anyone listen to these ads?

  14. Anonymous3:44 PM

    @ Anonymous 2:28 PM
    Right you are...!
    Romney knows he couldn't 'win over' any significant numbers of African American voters, and could afford therefore to 'appear tough' and tell them directly (in-person) what they 'did't want to hear' in order to 'claim' "he is not a politician" -- all for the benefit of his 'base' of course. Romney's 'real test' would be to stand-up in front of his own base and explain his endless 'flip-flops' on too many issues of significance to list... :)

  15. "I think we expected that, of course."

    There is SO much wrong with Mitt's structure of that statement. 'I think' implies wiggle room in this particular context; 'of course' implies certainty in context.

    I think, of course, there is also an evil hidden agenda implied in Mitt's sentence.

    (In my context of 'I think' and 'of course' i imply "how else could i think?")

  16. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Todd Palin to earn his 'Stripes' in NBC show
    CNN (blog) - ‎Jun 20, 2012‎
    Track Palin had to join the Army to stay out of jail. Sarah's father is a vigilante. All Todd and Sarah have done successfully is suck money out of their brainwashed supporters to support their lifestyle.

    Todd is in better shape than Sarah but has no style. His resume is sure zoomin.

  17. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Hey, it gets worse. Ed Schultz just had one of the leaders of the NAACP on, and he said - get this - that he had been given a list of black leaders who were being flown in by Romney AND these guys were not active members or even members of the organization!

    He said that apparently Romney wanted to bring in his own cheerleaders, people who would sound off in the crowd to make it seem that the group was supporting Romney. That's bad enough, but there's more.

    Romney went on Fox News afterward to comment on the booing and said, "the crowd was more with me than against me."
    Then, he said he met (in secret) meetings with African American leaders afterwards and they told him they supported him and his policies.

    Ahem, the leader of the NAACP on the Ed Schultz show said that he knew of no member who met with Romney so it likely just the people Romney had flown in so he could then claim that he had meet with some African Americans.

    Romney is a phoney and a liar. Pure and simple.

    I wish someone could have wiped off that sh*t-eating grin he wore during the booing. He was happy about it because he knew he had staged "secret" meetings afterwards and the booing would only create sympathy with his racist base. What a creep.

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Man, we'd better turn out in serious force to keep Obama in office AND to put more Dems and Progressives in office in this election. We need also to make sure that people do not lose their right to vote. Romney is counting on the disenfranchisement of voters to get him into office.
      M from MD

  18. Anonymous4:25 PM

    See -- to me, what he said on Fox, sounded like one of the most racist things I've ever heard.

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      My thoughts exactly

    2. Ditto. It sounded the same to me. Very ugly.

  19. The man cannot handle any kind of dissent. Wealthy business owners are used to the underlings fawning all over them - yes sir, no sir, whatever you say sir. Anyone who argues is fired.

    The speech was designed to alienate that audience. if that was the plan - this is not a person that wants to be President of all USA. This is the 1% President and he made that glaringly obvious - no health care and charter schools - "booing for Jesus" seems to be the right response.

  20. Romney wanted to be is the only reason he went to NAACP in the first place, so he could criticize Obama, (a man that this group love and admire and are, rightfully, so very proud of), and top it off by speaking about repealing ACA, that is such a blessing to the average American, but ESPECIALLY the African American community and other minorities.

    What Romney did was nothing but a big F.......U to the NAACP

    Romney's good at that, even Rupert Murdoch tweeted about how Romney disrespected the Latino community ....this is much worse however.

    Can you Imagine Obama going to a T-party group to slam Ronald Reagan and and then brag about ACA and other programs they hate?......neither can I........

  21. Anonymous5:01 PM

    This pathetic POS was reading off a teleprompter and read "end of Quote".I just saw this at Dependable Renegade.This man(and I use the term lightly) scares the HELL out of me.

  22. Anonymous5:05 PM

    This is too good - Romney shipped in his own African Americans to the speech today to have some support in the crowd. What a putz --

  23. lostinmn5:31 PM

    And now the reports are coming in Mittens brought along his own slaves - er blacks - who aren't NAACP members who were there to cheer for him and give him a standing ovation at the end. What balls!

  24. Anonymous5:36 PM

    OMG! This is going to be a land slide for the President in November....Holy Crap! This idiot keeps digging himself in deeper and deeper. Apparently Obamacare is working for the average American, even Mitts audience didn't like it when he said he would repeal it. So the BIG games now begin, and I don't think that Romney is playing in the big games! He will fail at it. Let the ultra rich go down once again! They are just to ignorant to understand the average American and their struggles.
    I really hope to see that this GOP party is done, once and for all. 2016 will lead a great path for the next president after Obama is done being in office. He has lead the best path for Americans.

  25. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Pelosi: Romney wanted to be booed by NAACP.

  26. Grey Lensman6:02 PM

    "For every one of us a particular person comes to mind, someone who set a standard of conduct and made us better by their example. For me, that man is my father, George Romney,"

    GR released twelve years of tax returns, because one might be a fluke.

    Show us the money, Willard!

    You are nothing like your father.

  27. Anonymous6:25 PM

    If this turd somehow wins the election, its going to be so weird that our President will ONLY show up on the Fox channel, for anything...fearful that questions posed to him from any other channel, would reveal him to be the buffoon he is.

  28. Anonymous6:47 PM

    The more we "learn of my heart"-Romney, the more we find it is hard, cruel and unyielding.

  29. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Our good friend Willard has promised to replace the dreaded "Obama Care' with a program that provide virtually the same coverage that he claims is not provided by the Affordable Care Act. My bet? If elected, Mittens and the mob will NOT repeal the affordable care act. They will merely rename it and take credit for it.

    That just they way they roll...cheat & lie...

  30. Anonymous7:14 PM

    CHEATING BASTARD!!! Robme plants African-Americans in the NAACP crowd!

    Many of Romney’s claims were debunked by Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy and the Director of the Washington Bureau of the NAACP, Hilary Shelton who said that the only African Americans Romney met with after his speech were those that he brought with him. Mr. Shelton explained that Mitt Romney flew in his own African-American supporters who were not affiliated with the NAACP, in order to have some people in the crowd cheering for him.

    Romney did not meet with any of the convention rank and file after his speech, and only met with the African-Americans that he planted in the crowd.

    This isn’t the first time that Mitt Romney has had to bring his own supporters with him. On numerous occasions during the Republican primary the Romney campaign bused in Mormon college students to fill out the candidate’s crowds.

    It is hard to believe that same crowd who booed Romney for 15 seconds would give him a standing ovation at the end of his speech. Mitt Romney is thoroughly incapable of telling the truth, but it is amazing how brazen the Romney people are. They actually tried to trick America into thinking that African-Americans will support Romney by stashing plants in the audience.

    Mitt Romney’s NAACP appearance has gone from a disaster to an insult to African-Americans and voters everywhere. Things just keep getting worse for Romney.

  31. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Mitt Romney NAACP African American Photo Op Results In Total Disaster

  32. Gryphen you gotta add these pictures as an update! I haven't been able to stop laughing! The looks on my peoples faces are fucking HILARIOUS!

  33. Anonymous8:27 PM

    After watching Lawrence O'Donnell tonight I think there is a good possibility the whole thing was planned by the Romney team.

    Lawrence O’Donnell: Did Romney Campaign Want To Get Booed At NAACP To Appeal To Racist Voters?

    Wow the GOP/Romney is really doubling down...make that quadrupling down. They have no choice but to do so anymore since they've exposed themselves for what they are. And for back-up they are going all out now openly representing big money & corporate welfare, disenfranchising voters like the lying, cheating, racists, they are hoping that big money will buy the presidency. I just hope that American ignorants who don't pay attention to politics get the word and become interested.

    My son's girlfriend has voted Republican all her life but she couldn't answer why she did except that it was a family tradition. That is the 2nd person I personally know who has said this. She is a nurse and works long shifts & hasn't paid attention to politics UNTIL 2 MONTHS AGO! Son told her what was going on with the R party & she couldn't believe it! Paced the floor wondering what happened, etc. Well now she is googling stuff herself like the R war on women & now taking away people's rights state by state & shoving their religious ideology down other peoples' throats. Yes now son & I talk about politics as often as we can in front of/with her. I think we just gained another liberal.

    This is what it's going to take people when Obama says talk to your neighbors, the people you know, etc. etc. It's just amazing how many people out there do NOT pay any attention at all to what is going on in the political world. I admit, I used to be like that when I was busy raising kids and working...when the news was SO bad that I just gave up and turned off the tv when I heard it. I have a friend like that. She gets so upset hearing any political news that she doesn't even want to read about it yet she complains about this and that the government is doing. I'm working on her now talking to her about why she should care, why she should listen, that she would feel much better if she became informed, yes she's even beginning to let me talk to her about issues and I've known her 35 years!

    This is where it starts & nothing will change until each one of us do our part in however big or small our sphere is. Obama needs us and we need Obama.

    Don't forget the lady in the purple hat - fired up? Ready to go!!

    PS sorry for any misspellings. I don't have time to check anything. I'm hitting the publish button anyways!


    1. Anonymous5:38 AM

      Colleen, You go girl!
      I am about to decide that this site is where I come first thing every morning for significant news. Keep it up Jesse. You are one smart man and so are your readers. How about we organize a PAC?

  34. I can't believe he said this...

    "By the way, I had the privilege of speaking today at the NAACP convention in Houston and I gave them the same speech I am giving you. I don't give different speeches to different audiences alright. I gave them the same speech. When I mentioned I am going to get rid of Obamacare they weren't happy, I didn't get the same response. That's ok, I want people to know what I stand for and if I don't stand for what they want, go vote for someone else, that's just fine. But I hope people understand this, your friends who like Obamacare, you remind them of this, if they want more stuff from government tell them to go vote for the other guy-more free stuff. But don't forget nothing is really free."

  35. Anonymous6:12 AM

    If he "expected to be boo'd," he should have told his face.


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