Wednesday, July 25, 2012

She's alive...She's home...Protect her.

(May I suggest full screen?)

Courtesy of the YouTube page:

This is a non-commercial attempt from to highlight the fact that world leaders, irresponsible corporates and mindless 'consumers' are combining to destroy life on earth. It is dedicated to all who died fighting for the planet and those whose lives are on the line today.

No matter what our differences, whether political, religious, or geographical, they are barely perceivable when compared to all that we have in common. Together we can save our home. But ONLY if we work together.


  1. Anonymous4:21 AM


  2. Anonymous4:26 AM

    You should read this, then, Gryph.

  3. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Wow! Thanks, Gryphen.

  4. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Anonymous4:26 AM

    Definitely. It's probably already too late--the planet we knew 50 yrs ago is already gone. 50 yrs--think about it.

  5. PL - MN5:59 AM

    Thanks for the video. Sad to see that it's more than the USA 1% and their bought and paid for tea minions doing harm and evil in the world.

    USA, USA, USA, Drill, Baby, Drill, bullshit.

    It's enough tea taliban Christians who, if they muck everything up a lot, hope they'll get their apocalypse, fantasy rapture into a sky faerie heaven. Reality is, they'll be stuck in the hell on earth they created with the rest of us who didn't want to create their hell on earth.

    I wish their gawds were real, so what or whom ever is their gawd, it'd come back more often and bop some people on the head for mucking up their gawd's gift to them. Yet as there is no gawd other than some higher power or universal force beyond our understanding, if enough people muck up the planet, so we all die, there isn't going to be another gift to us to replace what we had, misused and abused, fucked up.

    Sorry tea kids and others, your Daddy Dom sky faerie isn't going to replace what you break.

    Plus, if he were real, no way in heaven would he let the tea party hoi polloi and the upper bracket fuckwads pulling their puppet's strings into gawd's home to also fuck it up.

  6. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Awesome! And the music is too.
    Thanks for posting this, if needs to be heard, seen & felt.

    The problem is all Cons see are $$$.
    Frontline had a show on the Pebble mine, and they are salivating over that.
    It would totally DESTROY Bristol Bay and the salmon that spawn there. Watch all the lies and & Platitudes being throw around.

  7. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I remember reading an article in the Wall Street Journal about fishermen using sonar to track the anchovie runs far past their usual fishing grounds. And how the anchovie population, as a result, was being decimated. That was some 40 years ago. Then the first gas crisis. Then the second gas crisis. We're only now producing the kind of cars we should have manufactured in the 60's; and the new cars are priced out of reach of the people who would really benefit from the financial savings from using less gas. I find myself ordering a lot of my food online because I feel ill in the mega grocery stores. How many kinds of potato chips and paper towels do we need, anyway? We are so f*cked.

    I'm going to go watch my hummingbirds before they, too, disappear.

  8. hedgewytch10:03 AM

    Wonderful production. Love the soundtrack. And I thought it was a great reminder of those environmental heroes who gave their lives to protect our Mother. There are so many other heroes out there who are working every day in small ways and large to change the way humans impact our world. I applaud all these un-sung heroes too.

  9. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Thanks Gryphen for another beautiful and inspirig video
    ... a fan from New Zealand

  10. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Heavy Sigh... and i thank you... all of you who are moved by this... fromthediagonal

  11. Anita Winecooler7:56 PM

    She's all that and a mother to many. The film is beyond amazing, the heartbeat, respiration, voices singing her praises in stark contrast to the human hands raised in praise followed by the pollution caused by human hands raised in "I want" greed, and it's greed that's the root of the problem.
    The ending, with the tributes to her stewarts who've passed on - who's stepping up to fill their shoes?

    A thousand thank you's.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.