Sunday, July 15, 2012

Spot the difference.

This is how our President spent yesterday.

This is how Mitt Romney spent yesterday.

I'm just saying.


  1. Anonymous5:12 AM

    What, Mitt wasn't doing laundry?

  2. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Romney took a day off from campaigning. This is comparing apples to oranges.

    Today the president has no scheduled events.

    Let us not sink to this level.

    1. You're right it IS comparing apples to oranges.

      Hardworking, freedom loving, reaching out to average Americans, apple vs unrelatable, money hungry, made his millions outsourcing jobs and closing down factories, orange.

      Seems fair to me.

    2. WakeUpAmerica7:12 AM

      I agree.

    3. majii8:58 AM

      It's not, not when every time President Obama takes a small amount of time to recharge his batteries, he is vilified by the Right. I don't believe everything should be tit for tat, but Romney loafing instead of campaigning should be noted and commented upon. I have thought for years that one thing democrats don't do enough of is play hardball on some issues from time to time. We've been very patient with the republicans, and I think that we need to change the way we deal with them by going on the offensive rather than always having to defend ourselves and our politicians.

    4. Sally in MI10:03 AM

      If the President has 'no scheduled events,' you can bet he's chest deep in policy discussions, updates on Europe and the Middle East, and hey, playing with his girls. Maybe picking veggies in the garden. He is NOT riding around on a $100,000 speedboat on a private lake somewhere.

    5. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Romney is taking more time off to regroup and figure out (w/his advisors) how he is going to handle all these questions and the continual Bain situation.

      I suspect he and his group are hoping things will calm down regarding Bain, but doubt seriously that they will. He has a lot of answering to do as to his many, many back and forths/lies!

      I want to see more of his tax returns and see them analyzed thoroughly. I suspect Romney to 'work it' as to all the rules/loopholes of the IRS. Would be interesting to see what he pays his accountants/CPAs annually!

  3. Anonymous5:24 AM

    OMG! Look at the utter joy on these people's faces! They are WILD about our president. And that little girl...just awwwwwwwwwwwww to the nth degree!

  4. EmKay5:25 AM

    Speaking of who did what yesterday:

    Secretary of State Clinton met with the new President of Egypt.

    Ex Half-term Governor Palin? Well, we all know what she did yesterday.

    1. Anonymous6:14 AM

      Yeah, she spoke to a crowd who got in for free, threw rancid meat at them, and they cheered. Woooweee. Sarah for VP!
      What was really funny on the site I visited were the number of people wanting West/Palin this year, and 2016. Talk about two ignoramuses on the same ticket. (I guess the plan is to get those Hillary Dems this year, as well as the liberals disenchangted with the black Preisdent?) The GOP hasn't learned much in 4 years.

  5. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Not one of the grandkids wants to be with him? The character of the man is explained in the way he treats his wife. She has MS, and is supposed to avoid stressful situations, yet he continues to run for a job that (in his estimation)pays peanuts. He has her appearing on TV to support him, which HAS to be stressful. Does anyone think he would be any more considerate of the rest of us, when he treats his wife this way?

    1. Anonymous6:28 AM

      Be assured that his wife does as is expected as to her husband's crappy campaign.

      I have MS and I'll tell you that hot weather is NOT good for it! She was out in the hot temps w/him walking recently which was reflected on T.V. I watched her closely and thought her face looked stressed, which also isn't good for it.

      I agree that she needs to make appearances w/him, but there are easier formats for her to handle.

    2. Anonymous8:40 AM

      She will smile and play the role of the dutiful Mormon wife.

    3. Anonymous8:43 AM

      She seems to either have the mildest case of MS I have ever seen(I know 3 people and the parent of one of my DD closest friends)or she has access to some treatment not available to others.

    4. Sally in MI10:01 AM

      Why yes...her million dollar stable helps a lot...and I do think she is in remission for now. I have an acquaitance with MS, and she rarely shows it at all.

    5. Anonymous3:44 PM

      she has MS like symptons because she is addicted to diet coke and displays a reaction to phenalalanine (aspartame). She does not really have MS.

  6. Anonymous5:47 AM

    30 Pictures Of President Obama's Rain-Soaked Campaign Speech

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Wonderful pictures!

      I'm always so impressed at the genuine looks of admiration and excitement on the faces of Obama supporters. You just don't see that with Mitt (or even Sarah) supporters.

      And the way President Obama connects with the people -- all the people -- not just one segment of society like Mitt.

      Related: I looked at MANY photos of Sarah's Tea Party event in Michigan yesterday. For an event practically situated in Detroit of all places, finding a person of color or any non-Caucasian background was daunting. I finally found one... ONE African American woman and her child. It's like a sad version of "Where's Waldo?".

    2. Sally in MI9:59 AM

      I went to a pro-Sarah site to hear a minute of the hate speech (all I could stand of her shrill lying) and the commentor who was there insisted the crowd was 'massive.' Then I heard today it was about 400 people...and free, because the Citizens for American Prosperity (at least for white males) paid for it. Yeah, good old grassroots Sarah.

    3. Anonymous10:15 AM

      And Fox will show highlights and it will look like 100,000 there, after all their fancy editing.

    4. I read an article [link below] by a local beat writer who attended (for the Detroit News) who estimated the crowd as "at least 400". Next, I saw a tweet from someone who was 700 miles away that said "there must've been 1000". Then, "at least 1000, maybe 1500". Shortly, it was "Over 1500". It's been a few hours now, so the total must be approaching 50K.

      But we won't know that it was the largest assembly in the history of mankind until C4P releases their crowd confirmation totals next week, which will then be revised upward based upon reader input from Sarah fans 3 states away who heard larger crowd estimates for other fans 4 states away.

      You know, because credibility is so important when providing facts and offering opinions.

  7. Virginia Voter5:55 AM

    Au contraire, 5:14, the point is not about Mitt taking a day off, in fact he took the entire 4th of July week off, just less than a week ago, but goes to the bigger picture, and him unwittingly playing into the narrative created about him by the Obama campaign.

    A smart politician and campaign would have never allowed these pictures to be taken. Mitt just faced a shitstorm about his tenure of three years as an absentee CEO , owner, and managing director of Bain Capital while drawing a salary in excess of $100,000 for said three years. The last thing he should be filmed doing is sitting on the beach and driving his speedboat around a lake. He just perfectly played into his increasingly unelectable stereotype. Is it fair? Maybe, maybe not, but it just goes to show you how tone deaf Mitt is.

    1. Exactly- the campaign is still ongoing, even if you're stopping to take a breather. The narrative on Mitt's life and business background is being defined by Axelrod & Co., and it's not going to get any prettier through the dog days of summer here.

      Mitt and/or his advisers choreographing his messaging "just flat out don't get it" that everybody who is engaged in the political process is watching him, even those more passive voters who don't pay close attention consciously until Labor Day, and forming opinions about his values and ethics. The reason that everybody knows a cliche' about "first impressions being so important" is because every person formulates these everyday, and we tend to think more favorably of those who recognize human nature and at least make a passing attempt to meet those expectations as being appropriate for the situation, especially if that person "wants something from me". Folks who seem to ignore those unwritten rules of behavior by being aloof or obtuse are easily dispatched as "clueless" and undeserving of support, IMO.

      It's no mystery why "common folks" understand the message conveyed in these photos of a "hard-working president, while promoting a populist platform that will actually help so many who don't have a staff of a dozen tax-attorneys to maximize their personal wealth, isn't going to let the rain or campaign fatigue keep him from doing his job for the people" VERSUS "Mister Romney taking a day off, took the time to put on his Mom pants (but left his hair uncombed for that 'natural, comfortable look'), but can't wait to get on his laptop to see how much money he made overnight with his overseas Pacific Rim Asian currency swap accounts". I realize I'm just making up my own narrative, but that's what we all do when we see a photo of someone of interest. The fact that Romney would allow this message to define him is an implicit message to me that he really is arrogant to think that it doesn't matter what message he sends to people who are looking at the substance of his behavior as well as his platform. The stance he has taken on NOT releasing any more tax returns only intensifies the message of his arrogance: When he was being vetted for VP in 2008, he thought that his potential boss, John McCain, was worthy of reviewing 23 years of his tax returns; but now that he's asking all the folks in the U.S. to "hire" him by voting for him, WE don't deserve the same deference on the matter.

      Mr Romney, I really didn't give a damn how much money you make as long as you paid what was due legally. But now you've made the matter an issue that's going to hound you regardless by giving the appearance that you have something to hide.

      Politics ain't beanbag, Mitt.

    2. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Uh, yea, Barack Obama has two jobs right now - POTUS and candidate Obama. Mitt and one and he's taking time off from that. Typical privileged white male.

  8. Anonymous6:04 AM

    But there's a twist!

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Minor correction - Rafalca is a mare - (girl horse). No stud fees, but they could deduct those expenses from a stud fee and the sale price of any foals - and since those foals will be likely $000,000 figures...

    2. Anita Winecooler8:16 PM

      This is a chart comparing the average "American Family" and the costs involved in comparison to "Rafalca", the Romney's "Hobby" horse.

      Crazy, Right??????

  9. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Perfect comparison... while our President is out seeing his constituents and just being REAL, Mitt is sitting on his butt trying to find a way to make himself human. Then, of course, the king is taken out on the water to view regular humans from a distance. Just sayin'...

  10. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I really dislike Romney and don't trust him at all. Hopefully, the majority feel the same when it comes to voting in November.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  11. Anonymous6:25 AM

    There's a hefty anti-Romney (anti-Mormon) chunk of the Republican "base" that is hoping Romney will flame out before the convention so they can make their demands in a brokered convention.

    But by the time Romney is forced to release tax records they'll be "fixed" so it will look like his tax rate was 99%.

    Romney's campaign is going to be even more dismal than McCain's because the base is heading for the exits. Romney is desperate for a rock star veep choice. Especially because anyone with an IQ higher than Palin's is going to demand huge payback to take part in the coming debacle.

    Starting to look like the end of the two party system in the good ole US of A.

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Read this article by Geoffrey Dunn. It's an interesting take on Palin's 'objective.'


  12. Anonymous6:36 AM

    No Bain, No Gain

    There is, predictably, a mini-backlash against the Obama campaign’s focus on Bain. Some of it is coming from the Very Serious People, who think that we should be discussing their usual preoccupations. But some of it is coming from progressives, some of whom are apparently uncomfortable with the notion of going after Romney the man and wish that the White House would focus solely on Romney’s policy proposals.

    This is remarkably naive. I agree that the awfulness of Romney’s policy proposals is the main argument against his candidacy. But the Bain focus isn’t a diversion from that issue, it’s complementary. Given the realities of politics — and of the news media, as I’ll explain in a minute — any critique of Romney’s policies has to make use of his biography.

    The first point is that voters are not policy wonks. They do not go to the Tax Policy Center website to check out distribution tables. And if a politician cites those distribution tables in his speeches, well, politicians say all kinds of things.

    Nor, alas, can we rely on the news media to get the essentials of the policy debate across to the public — and not just because so many people get their news in quick snatches via TV. The sad truth is that the cult of balance still rules. If a Republican candidate announced a plan that in effect sells children into indentured servitude, the news reports would be that “Democrats say” that the plan sells children into indentured servitude, with each quote to that effect matched by a quote from a Republican saying the opposite.

    Remember, Republicans have already voted for a plan that would convert Medicare into a system of inadequate vouchers bearing no resemblance to the program we currently have — yet FactcheckPolitifact declared Democrats’ claim that this ends Medicare as we know it “lie of the year”.

    1. majii9:06 AM

      I think the president's emphasis on Romney's time at Bain is justified. Romney is the one who decided to use his experience as a businessman to sell himself as having all the answers to what ails the nation. As far as I'm concerned, the president's liberal detractors can take a short walk off a shorter pier.

    2. Anonymous11:02 AM

      What policy proposals?

  13. Anonymous6:38 AM

    The Boston Globe is not backing down.

    Following Mitt Romney's television blitz on Friday, in which he dismissed the assertion that he stayed at Bain Capital past February 1999, the Globe is out with a new report pointing to more regulatory filings, reports and quotes from the candidate that suggest he was involved with the firm past that time:

    "Romney’s own words, along with other documentary evidence, appear to challenge his campaign’s assertion in a recent financial disclosure that Romney had “retired” from Bain in 1999 and “since February 11, 1999, Mr. Romney has not had any active role with any Bain Capital entity and has not been involved in the operations of any Bain Capital entity in any way," the Globe report states.

    The report, which was blasted out to reporters late Saturday by the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action, is further evidence -- if any was needed -- that both the media and Team Obama intend to keep the issue at the top of the news cycle well into next week, if not longer.

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      And Ed Gillespie of Rmoney's staff now claims that he "retired retroactively."

    2. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Well, If they can baptize dead people retroactively, then I guess a retroactive retirement should be no big deal. Ex Cat

    3. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Willard better return all the cash he collected retro-actively and PROVE it.
      Besides how can you retro-actively retire from something you claim you were not involved with AND that you signed documents proving you were? Talk about a serious cluster fuck of lies.
      Willard has told so many of them he is now in the position of being sunk under their collective weight. This is what happens to liars when there are people who call them on it. So sad no one with a national voice did this with Palin, but then again I think people went soft on her in part because they were afraid they'd get smeared with the sexist brush. Willard has no such cover since he is the ultra in privilege (white, male, super rich). His shameful WATB* behavior is an embarrassment to all white, rich males. Hell even some of his own highly placed party members are telling him to release his freaking tax returns.
      * whiny assed titty baby

    4. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Uh oh, Mitt. You're the republican candidate and you haven't been afforded the requisite media blackout for your dirty dealings?

    5. Sally in MI9:54 AM

      Yeah, the best the 'war on women and the poor' party can come up with is that it is the President and the 'Democrat' Party that is waging class warfare. Yeah, I'm sure you can get a few Foxheads to believe that. Hell, they may even be registered to vote.

  14. Beldar Torus Klaatu Conehead8:17 AM

    Hail to the chief!

    Ok, not hail, maybe, but I'd sure stand in a pouring rain without hail to express my support for President Obama.

    Somehow, I find it difficult to imagine Mittens getting soaked to the skin to engage his unpaid supporters... or any of his unpaid supporters wanting to stand in the rain to cheer him on.

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      No, Thurston Howell the thief would never stand out in the rain. Might muss up that fancy hairdo of his.

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Hail Yes! We may be able to see through the President's blue shirt to his under-tee, and that is just fine with me, but that corporate emperor has no creditable coverage and that suits me.

      Retroactively Retired Regressive/Repressive Romney should try to spend more quality time with his extended family, but that might just leave an opening for Jeb Bush, and that does not do it in the least.

      Onward mormonish//christianist/corporatist soldiers it is, I guess? fromthediagonal...

    3. Anonymous10:07 AM

      OK Beldar, one more thought: Your monikers have me scurrying to find explanations and disambiguations. Love it. Keep going.

      Third thoughts:
      Hail to the Chief becomes Fail to the Thief or Hell to the Thief in a heartbeat from where I am looking.
      If I weren't so old, I probably would be at one of the designated protest zones in Tampa reporting fromthediagonal

    4. Anonymous1:54 PM

      He might for the photo op - look over his shoulder though, and you'll see the rain is coming from a heated shower head, and there's a valet with a heated towel, and a fresh pressed silk shirt waiting in his gold plated limo/bus.

    5. Beldar Torus Klaatu Conehead4:21 PM


      On second thought, as Fox Mulder would say: "The truth is out there"

      He would also say "We'll be right back after a word from our sponsors" but that would have no relevance in the context of your comments...

  15. You're So Bain is the new song for RMoney'

    I'm still wondering about fraud in RMoney's case regarding his legal residency when he ran for governor of Massachusetts. He claimed that he spend a lot of time in Utah because of the Olympics, but came back to Mass. often for visits and board meetings. Then he showed his voting residence as the basement of his son's home in Mass. I would imagine that RMoney owned no property in Massachusetts at the time he ran for governor

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Why doesn't a journalist sit down and outline all the things Romney has said and done since he ran for Gov of Massachusetts?

      There are so, so many things he has said and done that seem to have misled Americans for a number of years now. He is finally being called to task and well should be!

      What about his residency between Utah and Mass.? Review his lies and back and forth positions - outline them so that we can see all of them. Obtain proof of documents regarding Bain and publish them for all to see.

      How much influence did he really have w/the Olympics? Did he really 'save' it and if so, how did he save it? Don't forget that others were in that group and might have had more influence and hard work than Romney. He appears to have one huge ego!!!

      Details, details needed. Could he be prosecuted for any of these misdeeds? SEC - residency - where did he really live and for how long?

      He appears to be very deceitful. I think he should release more of his tax returns so they can be analyzed too!

    2. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Encouragement fromthediagonal to Boston Globe.
      They are doing exceptionally well in today's polarized political climate.
      Pulitzer nomination? I hope so.

  16. "Somehow, I find it difficult to imagine Mittens getting soaked to the skin to engage his unpaid supporters"
    Well now, Beldar, that's because he has a nice raincoat, not a plastic one like the peasants wear:

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Nefer, maybe if his father had one on before siring him, we would all be better off.
      Yeah, I know, that is out-of-character for me, but I shall not go anonymous... fromthediagonal.

    2. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Yep, "wrap that rascal".

    3. Thanks, Nefer.

      Amid all of Mitt's other inanities at the time, I missed his little condescending comment about the guy's rain wear.

      Fuck Mitt. I'd think more of him if he'd offered HIS raincoat to an older lady he'd noticed that was reluctant to come out of the concession area because it was raining and she didn't want to get her hair wet.

      But it's obvious that Mitt ain't looking for opportunities to do something nice for someone else, even in front of a crowd or when our cameras are on him. He's so damn clueless.

  17. Anonymous9:56 AM

    The question that I have about this entire situation is how much tax payer money was used to bail out the pensions etc of the workers of the companies Bain ripped apart and remade. What burden did the decisions that were made by bain have on the federal government who had to step in and help the workers involved?

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      You have raised a great question as to the collateral damage to the average wage earner.

      Unfortunately, it will probably be addressed in much the same manner as the "collateral damage" wrought upon civilian casualties in any conflict, if at all. Writing to the Boston Globe about this angle may encourage them to look into this, if only to bolster their assertions. It may be worth a try.


    2. Anonymous10:51 AM

      It's funny that conservatives want small government yet they abuse the federal governments responsibility to protect the common man in order to make outrageous profits.

  18. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Good lord, mitt has a gimungo head. Like, it's seriously way large. Poor Guy Smiley, gets compared to Mitt Romney. What'd poor Guy do to deserve that??

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Oh noes, not Guy Smiley. Chuck Woolery yes, Guy Smile, no.

  19. I hope Mitt didn't burn out reading his twitter feed yesterday because today his name has been tweeted over and over not to mention his favorite word #retroactively is Trending to the #4 spot. Mitt's an innovator in addition to being a job creating offshorer.

  20. Seeing Mitt relaxing worries me. I was also worried that, up until Friday, he felt no need to respond to any attacks. He's as calm as if he knows that the Koch brothers and hackable voting machines have already decided this election for him.

  21. Anita Winecooler8:31 PM

    The dissonance is palpable in this comparison.

    Is it just me or does it seem like Romney's not comfortable with himself, even on vacation?

    President Obama is at his best when he's "outside the bubble" of the White House, You can tell he enjoys rubbing elbows with real people and communicates while engaging the audience.

    Romney needs to "bus in" the people he wants to appear to connect with.

    Obama/Biden 2012!
    A caption for the Romeny photo-
    I'm running for office, for gripe's sake, I can't be photographed playing "Angry Birds" on my I pad!!!


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