Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tony Soprano explains Bain Capital.

There, youse still got any questions?

I din't think so!


  1. Actually, I think Ray Liotta in "Goodfellows" explained it even clearer than Tony.

  2. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Axelrod Sharpens Tax Attack on Romney

    David Axelrod sought to sharpen a line of attack against Mitt Romney on Sunday, accusing him of paying less than his fair share of taxes by using "every single conceivable tax shelter and loophole."

    "I'm not suggesting that, based on what we know, that he's done anything illegal," Obama's top campaign adviser said on CNN's State of the Union. "I'm not suggesting that. But what I am suggesting is that he's taken advantage of every single conceivable tax shelter and loophole that we can see."

    Axelrod's comments come as pressure mounts on Romney to release more than the one year of tax returns he's provided to the public. He said on Friday that he would be releasing this year's returns once they're ready, but declined to release any other years, saying that he's fully compliant with the law and doesn't feel it's necessary. That stance has brought him criticism for what some consider an attempt to hide money-saving accounting practices, which could turn off middle class voters who don't have access to the same sort of tax breaks.

    Axelrod sought to frame the tax issue as one of class, arguing that Romney wouldn't be the best man in the White House because his stance on taxes and other economic issues are out of alignment with those held my most Americans.

    "Is he the guy who is going to clean up our tax code and make it advantageous to average taxpayers and the country, or is he going to look at it through the lens of his own experience?" he said.

  3. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Globe: 'Evidence mounts' of Bain ties

  4. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Here's What I Think Romney Is Hiding By Refusing To Release His Tax Returns

    Read more:

  5. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Attacks begat other attacks. Blood will have blood and all that. The problem is that if the attack from the left is warranted and valid, then that's when you start the theatrics of acting offended and demanding an apology because you lack the ability to strike back.

    They're definitely not done attacking Obama but here's the real problem for the right: They went so batshit insane the first time Obama ran that they fucking shot the wad in the year leading up to that first election. They don't have anything left! They've tried the, 'he's a muslim, he's a kenyan, he's a witch doctor, a socialist, a creator of death panels, pals around with terrorists, etc.'

    They know that that narrative got old and people got desensitized to it all and even going back to those makes them look desperate. Romney is fresh blood...the same reason he didn't get nominated the last election is the same reason he will lose this election: He genuinely isn't fit to be president and there is a lot of evidence to support that amid a huge class war, he is 110% on the side of the corporations and ultra wealthy.

    And everyone knows it and will know it even more when they see his tax returns (if he has the balls to release them like a man) and realize that even though he is a billionaire, he pays a lower tax rate when it's all said and done than most middle class Americans.

    And I think even at this point, republicans are smart enough to realize the implications of something like that. Outsourcing jobs, busting unions, helping to destroy the middle class. I know republicans are pretty dumb...they've proved it...but even I have a tough time thinking that they're that dumb.

  6. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Kristol: Romney 'crazy' not to release tax returns

    1. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Kristol knows crazy. After all his Sarah Palin boner is legendary (I think the swelling has gone down some).

  7. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Here's One Of The Clever Financial Tricks Mitt Romney Used To Become Dynastically Rich

    Read more:

  8. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Romney went on a blitz of negative campaigning when he was in the primary races. Now that he's up against a formidable competitor with significant campaign funds (President Obama), he can't seem to take the heat. He can't handle being president if he's going to ask for apologies every time people ask him questions about his business dealings.

    He has sharp elbows and a thin skin.

    Lying sack of s--t is busted on this one.

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Palin & Romney -- Check under the hood as they both cry 'victim' but habitually toss the bombs themselves. You hit the nail on the head -- both totally thin skinned. If you watch -- that's a characteristic of 'Baggers' - they toss bombs but can't take it back without crying!!!

      Newt called it carpet bombing from Romney in the primaries.

  9. Amen to that!! The video says it all. I'll be passing this around-- thanks for sharing.

  10. Anonymous7:25 AM

    The issue of whether Romney was or was not the Chairman/President/CEO of Bain Capital in the early 2000's has taken a bizarre twist in some of the media. The argument now put forward is that titles and officials statements mean nothing. You have to have evidence that he acted in those capacities. Is this same standard to be applied to all other Chairmen/Presidents/CEOs. Is Jamie Dimon really the CEO of JPMorgan? Where's the proof? And whatever proof you might provide only applies to today. What about tomorrow, or the day after? Will the media continually update us on the actual status of the people who purport to head our nation's major corporations?

  11. Anonymous7:25 AM

    MITT ROMNEY: I'm NOT Releasing Any More Tax Returns

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous9:16 AM

      my guess is he did not pay any taxes for a few years on the income he got while he was unemployed.

  12. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I'm old enough to remember any interest ove 21% was considered loan sharking they went after the mob for that how did they allow banks finacial insitutions to haave such high interest. This whole mess could have been helped if they cut interest. Helping with paying their mortages would have helped the ppl and the banks would have gotten their money. They do nothing that seems logical.The banks are loading up ppl with debt again, so they can get more bailouts. they are going all actross the world doing this scam.

  13. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Mitt Romney Bain Capital Document Lists Him As 'Managing Member' In 2002

    A corporate document filed with the state of Massachusetts in December 2002 -- a month after Romney was elected governor -- lists him as one of two managing members of Bain Capital Investors, LLC "authorized to execute, acknowledge, deliver and record any recordable instrument purporting to affect an interest in real property, whether to be recorded with a Registry of Deeds or with a District Office of the Land Court."

  14. Virginia Voter7:35 AM

    he, the Good Fellas first rule of economics 101, Fuck you, pay me, just like the Bain business model, nothing but legal organized crime

  15. Anonymous7:40 AM

    “Why is Mitt Romney running away from his company, Bain Capital, like a scalded cat?” Durbin said on NBC’s “Meet The Press.” “Because there’s abundant evidence that under Bain Capital, they were exporting American jobs to low wage countries. And he doesn’t want to be associated with it.”

  16. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Willard and his campaign are also 'passing' or should I say 'dancing around' answering the question with regard to the 'outsourcing' of the US Olympic Team apparel. Guess they think facts can't be found!!

    Why not answer the question -- Cause the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics United States Team apparel was made by ......... Roots, which fyi included a 'beret'.....Roots, a Canadian company, manufacturing base in Toronto, minimal stores in US. Outsourcing!!! Roots also produced 2004 US Summer Olympics team apparel.

    "Certainly, the looks caught on and, to a degree, this got Roots scrambling. Because most Roots stores are in Canada, a sudden surge in demand was largely handled via the Internet and phone orders, but adding fulfillment capacity was almost an afterthought, noted Mark Layton, senior partner and ceo for PFSweb. Roots contacted the Piano, Texas, business process outsourcing provider just days before the Olympics began, he said, anticipating a degree of interest from the United States that couldn't be handled in its handful of U.S. stores and the limited number of additional outlets that were carrying the company's Olympic lines."

    "The company has two plants in the Toronto area, one dedicated to leather goods, the other to fleece. During the Olympics, the company devoted the fleece plant exclusively to beret production. What it couldn't do itself, including some beret production, was outsourced."

    One thing I credit Roots with that stands heads and shoulders over companies -- "Roots not only sponsors the official 2004 Olympic team but provides free outfits to the 2,000 plus athletes of the Paralympic team"

    So if Romney ever answers he's against it, it's another 'add' to the flip-flop list!!

  17. Anonymous8:30 AM

    The not so subtle theocratization of America would intensify multifold if the GOP had its way. Yet, it has nothing to do with religion per se, or about advocating piety. This is exploiting religion in the name of not only gaining power, but preserving it. It’s also about wrapping policies that would be otherwise offensive in the Bible. Perhaps the most offensive of all is the reality that Religion itself is altered to match conservative ideology.

    Keeping women barefoot, pregnant and ideally mindless has nothing to do with the sanctity of life, as claimed by those who seek to humiliate and degrade woman with transvaginal ultrasounds. If life was the value, they would value the lives of women, who for them are nothing but procreation machines. But, they wrap a denial of access to healthcare, family planning and other reproductive rights in the Bible. If you really have faith, then you’ll see the merits of government intervention on matters that the rational person would recognize are private. If you are a true Christian, you’ll see the merits of paying women much less than men for doing the same job because a: women should be married and having babies b: women who are working only do so because they are selfish.

    Of course, this overlooks the reality that even if one subscribes to the traditional family unit, sustaining that family today takes at least two incomes. It takes two incomes to provide things like shelter, food, clothing, healthcare and education. It also takes two incomes to provide all that welfare that the top 1 percent claims they need to create jobs that they don’t create.

    Aside from exploiting religion to justify the war on the women, conservatives use the Bible to justify homophobia, in some cases, to the point of proposing concentration camps for gay people. The less extreme version merely calls for brainwashing the gay away. Of course, conservatives deny that they are homophobic, rather they justify their hatred by pointing to the Bible.

    They do the same when it comes to denying access to affordable healthcare, justifying policies that literally take food out of the mouths of expectant mothers and children.

  18. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Romney would never buy a company if he was only shown one years worth of taxes.

    Why should anyone "buy" and vote for him seeing only one years worth of taxes?

    1. Perfect analogy. And I will use it elsewhere if you don't mind.

  19. Anonymous8:42 AM

    The fact that the rightwing nutjobs want to reward Romney's financial crimes, by electing him as their President, is proof that the morals of Americans have deteriorated to the level of mobsters.

    What is jawdropping about it, is to watch how they were rooting on opponents like Newt Gingrich, as he bleated time after time about what a crook Romney is, and now, such a short time later, they have etch-a-sketched that out of their memories, and whine that the Democrats are the ones now saying the exact same thing.

  20. Anonymous8:49 AM

    In private, Romney is shaking his head in disbelief. He doesn't see anything wrong in what he did. He has an obvious disdain for the working and middle class (and doesn't even thing about those living in poverty).

  21. Anonymous10:00 AM

    The key to the Bain attacks is to force Romney to disclose his tax returns. If he could show 23 years to john mccain why can't he show them to the American people? Did Romney do anything illegall? Very doubtful. His tax returns will show how decades of tax benefits will allow a member of the 1% to accumulate hundreds of millions of dollars with out even getting his hands dirty and only paying 15% or most likely lower at the same time..not to mention not taking responsibilities for business decision that directly made him money. Even if bain wasn't being actively managed by Romney he still made tens of millions of dollars from the company made deals that offshored jobs. He still profited from it and he can never run from that especially if his tax returns for the time are in the public eye. Obama's team wants to split the lower middle class blue collar voter from the republican party fold and romney being a symbol of the benefits of the 1% could do it.


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