Friday, July 06, 2012

The baby whisperer strikes again.

I tell you if this guy were allowed to run eighteen years from now all of these smitten babies, who would then be old enough to vote, would send him back to the White House in a landslide.


  1. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Pure gold.

    I wish I had voted for him in ´08.

    I won´t make that mistake again.

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I'm starting to think that his advance people select the cutest infants for the front spot closest to the cameras.

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      All babies are cute....and smart. Have you seen those still shots taken from episode 6 of Brizzdull's teevee show? At Screech's surprise party, not one baby wanted to get close to Granny! "Trig, what wuz you thinkin'?"

    2. Anonymous6:02 PM

      They're particularly cute when they're happy. If you want to argue that his "advance people" select the happiest babies, take another look at this:

    3. Irishgirl10:36 PM


  3. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I always find my face hurts after watching these-then I realize its because I am smiling so hard.

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Me too. BIG SMILE.
      M from MD

    2. Anonymous6:14 PM

      I think baby's face hurts as much as ours does!

    3. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Ditto! :)

  4. Anonymous10:45 AM

    and more...

    I love our president so much, and the way he responds to children and they to him is so uplifting and hopeful, isn't it?

    I declared myself an Obamacrat today.

  5. Anonymous10:52 AM

    That is adorable. President Obama has a connection with babies, and that's because he's a good dad. One can tell that his daughters really connect with and love their dad.

    I sense that President Obama was always 'real' and makes people feel like equals; listened to his speech in Ohio today and again, it's obvious he connects to people, but not by fakery and charm, but by genuine good nature.

  6. How CUTE was that! That baby looked like he wanted to go home with the Prez! Love it!

    Also, too cracking up at the fools over at Brad's! And that's all I'm going to say about that! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      I thought he looked disappointed when he handed him back to his Dad.

  7. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I just smile every time I see a video clip or pic of our President Obama. :)

    Little Rabbit

  8. His warmth always in evidence.

    Off subject, didn't know where to put this, and couldn't find your email, but here's a HuffPo piece that shows how even Republicans view Sarah Palin, and highlights just how she's set back the cause of women. That she really doesn't get it is proof of her delusion that so fascinates me.

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      No, it's not off topic and thanks for sharing! What's so funny is she goes on Faux News and talks about how the Rethug party really, really needs to vet the next candidate because Obama was vetted! You can't make that hilarity up!

    2. Anonymous12:16 PM

      So, so true about Palin! And, she's going to the convention but is NOT being included in it. She's not even staying on site where everyone else is. Really tells you how UNCOMFORTABLE she is w/the group.

      You go, Sarah - you flaming idiot!

  9. sorry, my link was actually a USNews%World Report article posted today on HuffPo...attribution & all that...

  10. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Hey, here’s that enthusiasm gap again……

    It's god awful blazing hot, it's Ohio, it's Friday afternoon of a holiday week...and LOOK at this!

    (put your mouse on the image, hold down the left click and pull to the right or left to see the entire scene)

  11. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Our President is so easy and comfortable with children and them with him!! I so love these photos!!!

    We have an absolutely wonderful President doing a heck of a job in spite the Republicans trying to stonewall him every step of the way!

    DONATE (if you can)and VOTE for him in November!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  12. Anonymous11:21 AM

    That is one happy baby with our President! His parents are surely going to vote with their son's newest best friend :)

  13. Anonymous11:23 AM

    he is amazing. i am forever in his awe.

  14. Beldar Rmoney-Palin2012 Conehead11:24 AM

    Nice try, Gryphen, but the agile Rmoney campaign has already used this video against the President by claiming that in the time it took Obama to hoist a single potentially disease-ridden baby above his head, Mittens flew his corporate jet over Toledo, Ohio to the "enchanting delight of THOUSANDS of babies and toddlers". Did you get that, Gryphen? "Enchanting"! Read it and weep.

    That's the problem with Obama. He thinks small while future-President Millard Mittens "Mitt" Rmoney thinks BIG.

    Furthermore, a devastating poll was released today showing that 75% of all children between the moment of conception and age 6 months believe Mittens' 3 point economic plan - reduces taxes on the wealthy, reduce regulations, repeal Obama/RomneyCare - has the best chance, in their own words, of "gah gah goo goo ah feeeeeee....".

    Obama doesnt stand a chance.

    1. Anita Winecooler10:51 PM


      Beldar strikes again! "enchanting"

  15. Anonymous11:25 AM

    How sweet. Meanwhile, Mittons was out zipping around a lake in a very expensive water craft vehicle and not wearing his Mormon underwear!

    1. Hahaha, of course Mitton has an excuse for taking off his magical Mormon Underwear out of "respect" for the garment because he was jet skiing with his wife.. On the other side, Obama is a man who really has sweetness in him. No wonder babies love him

  16. 8tseven11:44 AM

    I just left his rally in Pittsburgh. 100 degree weather. Awesome croud. Awesome speech.
    Out the door tomorrow to knock on doors on his behalf. He certainly knows how to inspire.

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Thanks for giving us a first hand account and for helping with his reelection!

    2. Anonymous3:56 AM

      well done!

  17. Anonymous11:47 AM

    The man's a master!

  18. Anonymous12:02 PM

    SOME O/T

    Is Ted Nugent an ass....

    The nuge is back
    Huffington Post - ‎1 hour ago‎
    Hollywood Reporter -
    Mediaite - ‎
    Opposing Views - and on and on. News?

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Is Ted Nugent an ass.

      You really have to ask???
      The answer is absolutely!!!

  19. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Mittens cannot even name the great lakes for God's sake. He loves little lakes, trees, people with money and corporations are people too my friend...ugh!

    Obama is a human not some automated jackass who switches opinions more times than a girl getting dressed for school

  20. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Obama seems to like children. Those of us that don't enjoy them find that the little people pick up on that very quickly, and they don't like us either! There are "kid people" and "not kid people". The kids pretty much let you know that you are not a "kid person".

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      So true! I used to not be a kid person because they would scream & cry when I came near them. I was just afraid they would throw up on me- I didn't really have anything against them. LOL. But yes, they really do pick up on that.

  21. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Awww, warms the heart to see him with babies. Big smile.


  22. What a happy, cute baby and what a terrific man!

  23. Obama has a beer with a bunch of regular people; RMoney has vanilla ice cream with his entitled children and grandchildren after spending the afternoon on a watercraft that cost as much as some people's houses.

    How can anyone in the middle class vote for Thurston Howell III?

    1. That's some of the only money Mittens has spent in the US!

    2. Anita Winecooler10:56 PM

      Some ski doo, huh? They probably wrote it off as "Therapeutic Water Ballet" for Ann's MS.

      Did anyone see money exchange? They got freebie's just for the publicity. Same as the hardware store where his "impromptu break from vacation" bash the POTUS two minute speech on the job's numbers.

  24. carollt1:30 PM

    The babies all loved Jesus and the babies all love President Obama. Just saying.....

  25. Anonymous2:10 PM

    I am not an emotional person most times. I tend to hold my feelings in. I have to say I tear up when I watch this. No amount of political bull can make a baby trust someone. The smile on that baby is genuine. He had my vote already but this just makes me love him more.

  26. It looked to me like that baby had a "Wait! Why did you give me back?" look on his face when he ended up in mom's arms again.

  27. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I've often noticed that when the President holds a child he makes direct eye contact and holds it. For that moment, nothing and no one else exists except for that child.

    Most other politicians focus on the nearest camera and often hold the children either away from their bodies or facing outward.

    BIIIG difference in approach, and the babies know it.

  28. Sharon5:40 PM

    What Obama has in can't fake, it's the invisible glow around him, babies and animals can sense it. I watched his speeches in Ohio and speaking from the heart, you know it's so true how he relates to us. What is so amazing to me is how little he has changed, just consider what he has accomplished in his short lifetime. Romney isn't fit to shine his shoes, how can this man possibly be compared to our boggles my mind.

  29. Anonymous7:03 PM

    All of those babies will always know that there is a something better..:)

  30. Anita Winecooler10:59 PM

    These interactions can't be faked. I saw some of it on television, and you could see instant connections.
    President Obama is a "baby magnet", and deserves the title of "baby whisperer"

    Four more Years!

    Obama Biden 2012!!


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