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"Remember me? I used to actually be more than just a punchline. At least I think I was!" |
Dick Cheney is just the latest conservative icon to join the chorus of voices who recognize that the selection of Sarah Palin for vice president was a major-league mistake. The man who first brought Palin to John McCain, Steve Schmidt, famously came to that conclusion before the 2008 campaign even ended. Now Team Romney doesn’t even want her to be seen at the same podium in Tampa. And in perhaps the unkindest cut, Mindy Meyer, the Legally Blonde-inspired 22-year-old conservative New York State Senate candidate known in the tabloids as “the Magenta Yenta,” dismissed Palin by saying, “She's just so oblivious to the issues.”
There’s a reason for this broad-based cooling of affections. In the past four years, something like an organic consensus has emerged. Doubts that began with talk of “death panels” only grew with mutterings about “blood libel.” Over time, the reflexive Republican impulse to defend her honor became replaced with exhaustion and embarrassment.
Even some of the most devoted Palinites are left wondering what they were thinking.
Take David Kelly of Colorado Springs, the one-time treasurer of the Draft Sarah 2012 committee. In 2009, when I interviewed him, Kelly believed that Palin “represents the silent majority of this nation ... she invokes what conservative America’s all about: God and Country.” Now he’s come to a different conclusion.
“You may be shocked to hear that I am no longer a Palin supporter,” he told me over the phone. “I think what attracted me to her in the first place was the fact that she’d say things that you’d hear at the Thanksgiving table when your relatives are there and go, ‘There’s my crazy aunt, but she nails it every time.’” (Yeah, and who DOESN'T want their crazy aunt to run the country?)
But now? “I realize that she’s another Republican talking head,” says Kelly, who is today a proud Ron Paul supporter. “I don’t think she has the caliber to make a great leader for this nation in these times ... She’s off my radar. It’s a sad statement.”
Yes, it’s been a bad breakup. But signs of trouble were there for a long time. In December 2010, just one month after the Tea Party triumph, an ABC poll found that “59 percent of voters said they wouldn’t cast a ballot for Palin and only 8 percent of Americans said they’d ‘definitely’ vote for her.”
Almost a year later, in September 2011, a McClatchy-Marist poll found that “by 72 percent to 24 percent, Republicans and Republican-leaning independents do not want Palin to run for president in 2012. Even among Tea Party supporters—a group that likes Palin—68 percent do not want her to run.”
The polarization has faded in favor of a general understanding that for all her talents, Palin was not ready for presidential prime time. (Personally I think allowing that she had any real "talents" is also an overestimation.)
This new consensus is a vindication for her critics, especially Republican skeptics like Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker, who described Palin as an “attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League.” In the hothouse atmosphere of 2008, Parker’s statement earned her some 20,000 emails, many of this vintage: “You’re not one of us, you’re one of THEM, the liberal lovers, the flag-burners, country haters, the ones who want to kill god and put Stalin in his place and see this nation destroyed by a sea of brown people and gays.”
Now even such inspired bile seems like a museum piece. Absent the chance that she could be a heartbeat away from the presidency (or a candidate herself), Palin no longer stirs the kind of passion that sold magazines and divided families.
And for that we have a lot of wonderful people to thank, such as Joe McGinniss, Geoffrey Dunn, Frank Bailey, Steve Schmidt, Levi Johnston, Nicolle Wallace, many hard working bloggers, and of course, the most helpful one of all, Sarah Palin herself. Because let's face it, if she had not been such a HUGELY untalented screw up she might very well have actually beaten the GOP field, and be over in Poland embarrassing our country right now instead of "Mitt the Twit."
Personally I have enjoyed the show. Once I realized she had no hope of ever posing a real threat of getting the nomination, I just sat back and watched the slow motion train wreck with a sense of fascination and accomplishment.
P.S. By the way the article also explains how Bill Clinton's reputation has only improved since he left the White House, and that is worth reading as well.
We also have you to thank Gryphen, along with all the fantastic commenters here who bring so much insight, outrage and damn great humor to this quest.
ReplyDeleteIt's a lucky thing she doesn't obsessively follow the postings on soon to be defunct blogs!
DeleteLike this one!
Too bad she and her spawn don't know what defunct means. Pretty much describes her political career.
Deletethe AIP'S been fistin' this fetid skank for so long $he doesn't know whether $he's punched or gouged ... all's $he'll ever be capable of is parroting their ( the AIP's ) talabanesque bullshit
*GinaM speaking in Piglets (from Winnie the Pooh) voice*
"Oh dear....oh dear...dear....dear"
"Stan the Man" was MAADDDDDD and super duper HIGH on "Greg's" show tonight! He talked so fast and so much that I'm gonna have to watch the video again just because it was so damn hilarious! I think at one point "Stan" was talking so much that I could have sworn I heard a man's voice (that wasn't "Greg's") off camera tell him to STFU or slow the fuck down! LOL! Even the patients at the Asylum weren't able to keep up with the diarrhea spilling out of "Stan's" mouth! And trust..."Stan" spewed a lot of diarrhea tonight!
Apparently..."Stan" has run out of fresh "cloths" to wear because the Gabby Gifford knockoff jacket is back in the rotation! And Wallow...you fucked up the wig tonight sweetie! The thing was sitting up high and looked like it was asleep and woken up abruptly and slapped on "Stan's" pumpkin size head! The top lip was MIA....the nose was HUGE and the NECK was a different color than the face! The neck and chest looked like Gov Brewer's burnt up face!
Don't know what was going on with the teleprompter tonight! I'm thinking "Stan" was so high or drunk...he wasn't able to read the words in the right order! "Stan" was jumping from one thing to another and when "Greg" mentioned what Dick Cheney said about him....Oh lordy...lordy...y'all have to see the tape to believe the reaction!
First..."Stan" had this...uh...not sure how to describe the expression on his face...I would call it IMPOTENT RAGE! As soon as "Greg" started the Cheney question...."Stan's" face went into this insane grin accompanied by a stare so fucking scary...SHIT...I ain't gonna lie y'all....I had to look away...cause I swear..."Stan" looked like a cobra snake trying to hypnotize somebody!
WHOOOOO WEEEE...all I can say is if Cheney and "Stan" were in the same room together....I'm thinking "Stan" would fuck Cheney to death and then spit on his corpse! No kidding...."Stan" looked truly INSANE tonight you guys!
And then...whatever response "Stan" had rehearsed about how he's suppose to answer Cheney's "mistake" remark went clean out the window! "Stan" started out saying "Dick"...then he changed it to "VP Cheney" with a sneer that almost caused his bottom lip to leap off his face! And then it was some kind of crazy word salad shooter of an answer that I swear "Stan" was speaking in tongues at one point! And when he finally shut up, "Greg" who looked completely TERRIFIED started stammering and babbling about some shit about "Stan's" poll numbers back in Alaska before "Stan" was picked as VP!
Second best part of the interview....when "Stan" had to answer "Greg's" question about the lack of an invite from the Convention...he had his lying voice on...on this one! He went on and quoted that stupid "inside baseball" shit he always says and then said..."We were approached a few days ago and we asked for more details and we haven't heard anything"...LIAR!! Nobody wants that washed up...crazy bag "man" at the Convention! "Stan" realized tonight that HE has NO INFLUENCE where it counts! "Stan" thought that giving that interview to the Daily Beast about not getting an invite was going to force Rmoney and the RNC to invite him! His delusions were so strong that it took his "good buddy" Cheney to tell him in no uncertain terms....BEAT IT!
You are the first wife that we HATE and we don't want anyone to know that we were ever married! Please take the alimony and GO the FUCK WAY! LOL!!!
Link to video of Cheney answer along with the transcript
OMG, Gina, you totally nailed the expression when Cheney's name was brought up! Shit, was she pissed! I loved it!
DeleteAnd thank you again for taking one for the team and watching this whole mess. You are truly a treasure.
Really funny, Gina.
Delete*Oh dear oh dear oh dear*
I may have to watch this visual fart.
Now, if she and her talentless family would get off and stay off of our tv sets....
ReplyDeleteAmen Aragon !! :)
Deleteshe is very entertaining. i don't know why but i really enjoy watching her make an ass outa herself!
ReplyDeletebill in belize
Me too Bill....me too! She's HILARIOUS and getting funnier the closer she gets to the Convention! I can't wait to see what kind of shenanigans she has in store for the RNC Convention...will she wear the aluminum foil coat and flash all the invitees....or will she go all out and wear the big boobies and F**K Me shoes with Toad the Pimp escorting her?
DeleteHeHe...I said "escort"....LOL!!!
GinaM, she's the happy hooker, dontcha know and the Toad is her pimp fer sure.
DeleteWhat morons!
O/T somewhat: Unfortunately, I cannot cut/paste, but if you google Stephen LaRoque, you will find an article from huffpo that says that he is being indicted For using federal monies to pay himself six figure salaries from a non profit organization, and for hiring his I laws, also, too.
ReplyDeleteThe indictments came after anonymous tipsters brought forth some interesting facts from his tax returns.
Maybe someone can FINALLY bring some of the fact about the different -gates that are going on with Paymes, and bring attention to the investigative reporters mentioned in the article?
Here are the links to the blog where Sarah Ovaska posted her research. huffpo just reposted what someone else researched and reported.
DeleteThis is the first post on the story
Here is another good one where Laroque sued a political opponent, and then failed to turn over evidence that incriminated himself! http://pulse.ncpolicywatch.org/2011/08/26/judge-holds-laroque’s-non-profit-in-contempt/
All of posts at the site on Laroque in this list of links
Have you noticed that Democratic Presidents leave office and go to work for Anerica and the world? Carter and Clinton are respected around the world for their humanitarian acts. Meanwhile, the entitled GOP ex-Presidents go off to their ranch mansions and rake in speaking fees, not for some human benefit bit for themselves and their 'legacy.'. Bush senior has done a little bit with Clinton, but Reagan and little Bush have done nothIng. Just shows which party is in it for personal gain, huh!
ReplyDeleteTo be fair, Reagan was showing signs of Alzheimer's and other dementia late in his 2nd term. Bush, Sr did some humanitarian work with Clinton after the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.
DeleteShrub hasn't done jack shit since leaving the White House but I think Cheney keeps him locked in the basement most of the time to keep him from saying shit that would get both their asses thrown in prison.
Reagan had Alzheimer's, and a serious case so you can't include him. And believe me, I am not a fan! But why doesn't Bush jr do these things I wonder?
Delete"But why doesn't Bush jr do these things I wonder?"
DeleteBecause he is drunk all the time.
Georgie is afraid to leave the country and the GOP sure as hell doesn't want him anywhere in the political arena. Let's face it, GW is a complete wimp - at least his old man was a war hero and unafraid to actually serve his country. Funny how both Senior and Mitt's old men were traditional conservatives and their children are entitled pricks
DeleteBush Jr. would likely get arrested for war crimes if he left the country.
DeleteAnonymous4:03 PM
DeleteReagan wouldn't have done shit either. He was just like the other GOP presidents. Self-centered.
just an observation, the president that the republicans are always bragging about was the one that was suffering from Alzheimer's while in office.
DeleteWhat does that say about their judgement?????
Nothing. Did anyone know about his condition when he was running? I doubt it.
DeleteWhat I remember about his presidency is Roslyn Carter's comment that he made us more comfortable with our prejudices. Spot on.
Yes, people close likely knew that SOMETHING was wrong. Too bad Steve Schmitt wasn;t around.
DeleteBut what about Ford?
hrh said...Nothing. Did anyone know about his condition when he was running? I doubt it.
DeleteI knew it from the beginning and I said it all the time, but did anyone listen? Noooooo!
I think others knew it too. He was a puppet from the beginning and the fact that he was trained as an actor made him appear to be presidential.
the first clue was when he turned on his Union. He was the rep FGS, and then he wasn't. He sucked as an actor too.
DeleteRemember John McCain saying to Sarah, at the end of "Game Change", "Sarah, you are now the face of the GOP".
He also warned her about going to the dark side - the Rush Limbaughs "who will ruin the party if we let them." Looks to me like Sarah DID go over to the dark side and then some.
DeleteNot sure if McCain really said that, in real life, as opposed to in the book/movie.
DeleteWhat I remember as a last act was that he (or Steve Schmidt) turned off the lights on her as she was trying to give her loser speech, anyway (in spite of direct orders not to), at the end of the convention. Left her in the dark.
Doggy Dawg U R goin Full H8ful Dead Every Blog is the $ame
ReplyDeleteAnonymous2:26 PM
DeleteTranslation please! We don't speak teabagger here! LOL!!
It's Piper again. Only a very young person or imbecile writes like this.
DeleteNot a kid, but probably a middle aged idiot thinking she's fooling someone.
Delete4:04 - so it could be any of the Palin women including a totally stoned Sara
DeleteShe's a Monet, she looks good from afar but gnarly up close.
ReplyDeleteShe's a morning after regret, with a leaping walk of shame.
She's an iconic representation of the gutteral Ugly Americans we have in this country.
Uh Oh...."IT'S" crawling out of the Dead Lake Lucille swamp! Baldy is scheduled to be on Greta VanManFace tonight babbling about the Texas race she stuck her big ole head in...she's also suppose to talk about her non invite to the Convention! This is going to be an hilarious interview! Got my popcorn at the ready!
ReplyDeleteOh shit...Beefy's trainwreck of a show is on tonight too! Good times Everybody!
I'll be watching real women: the lovely and strong ladies of the USA Gymnastics team winning GOLD!
DeleteI have my popcorn and wine ready! I'm off this week so I can indulge a little. You are right, this will be fun to watch. I have to wonder if something is up with Cheney talking smack about her? Or was that a warning for her to not show up in Tampa?
I think she has been put on alert that SHE will NOT interfere in the time-honored tradition of the RNC. I other words STFU.
DeleteJust remember Sarah, Cheney and his hit squad are on high alert. But then, never mind, forget I mentioned that.
DeleteShe reminds me of a girl who got dumped by her boyfriend and can't let go, so she stalks and follows them so they can see what they are missing. But how can they miss you if you won't go away?
DeleteAlicat: what wine goes with popcorn?
DeleteThis is the blouse Sarah wore a few weeks ago that allowed her new boobs to heal before they were ready for prime time in the tight brown dress. Todd, her purse-carrier in chief, forgot to pack the false upper teeth. She just is not that pretty anymore. Can't imagine what she'll look like in another four years!!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I'm guessing we will still be suffering through her poor me, I love Israel, aren't my daughters great, my handsome husband, my special boy, my military hero, my lovely grandkids, I love America, Obama is bad, liberals media bad, quit making thing up...only I am allowed to do that, where's my next check, Todd? crap while she ages into the hag she is inside.
DeleteI live west of CS. I know of this david kelly clown through my business. he used to be with the Pike Peak Library District as a purchasing agent, he has run for office & failed even in narrow minded El Paso County. I know by the company he keeps and his "political platform" when he ran for office that he's a hard-core, narrow-minded wing nut. He's turned away from palin, lol. She's done if that clown has kicked her to the curb. hahaha
ReplyDeleteFascinating. No snark. Thanks for sharing.
DeleteGood lord Gryph! From me! One of your oldest and most staunch supporters I have to say this. The witch bitch STILL has supporters. Look at what they talk about on C4P. Or any other site that has a Jim Jones for her. They call her Governor. They call her brilliant. They call her the answer and no amount of fact based refutes will change their mind. These people need to be locked up or have their noses rubbed into Palins narcissism. Personally, I hope she and her daughter are humiliated beyond recognition. What's going to happen at the RNC convention when Ms Pissy Pants tries to have her own convention whilst Mitt is speaking?
ReplyDeleteThis family would first have to be self-aware to be capable of shame and humiliation. They just don't have that chip. They are pompous and prideful and full of themselves. It's embarrassing to watch them prance around like they're relevant.
DeleteHey, she may sell lotsa pizza at her booth down at the mall.
Deleteyeah, she probably has fans.
DeleteLike we've said before: some men like being dressed in diapers and crapping in their pants.
*THey* probably love her.
Just b/c she has fans (*waves at Krusty and Nancy*), doesn't mean these are people you would EVER want near you.
HAHA! Remember Sarah at the C4P meetup in Iowa? She barely even LOOKED at those losers! (*waving at you, Lazarus*).
And those are the *actual* flesh and blood fans.
I firmly believe that the majority of her most "devoted" followers, are the same person/people; and they are paid to sing her praises-
just like she wrote fake Letters to the Editor while Governor (how PATHETIC!!!!);
just like they rigged DWTS for Bdull;
all of it: FAKE!!!!!
So does this mean no one is going to hold her toes to the fire re the Palin Baby Hoax? Or does respect for McCain mean it will remain covered up?
ReplyDeleteIsn't this the exact perfect moment to put all your info out there, G?
I do think the BabyHoax cover-up should be exposed -- as just one one indicator of how the GOP likes to run its campaigns. To help Obama win (although I hope he will not need much help).
Sarah better hope that McShame lives a LOOONG time because the minute he croaks, the leaks about just how bad she really WAS are going to become full blown exposes. ALL the nasty stuff will ooze out.
DeleteMcShame defends her for 2 reasons. The main one being that he can't admit she was a mistake because the immediate conclusion is that it was HIS mistake to make. He's got a legacy to build after all...
And 2 is because of what a nasty, vindictive bitch Palin is. He saw what a ticking time-bomb she was and he has NO desire to light her fuse.
But when he dies...believe me, everybody who saw what a disaster she was is gonna TALK. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll tell us all about Tri-G.
Your name should be on the list to thank. I have learned so much reading here that I would not have known otherwise.
It appears that Greta will be having the quitter on her show tonight. Sure hope that Cruz, who Palin endorsed, loses.
ReplyDeleteFrom Greta's website...
GOVERNOR SARAH PALIN goes ON THE RECORD at 10pm — is she going to the Republican National Convention? Find out …tune in!
Plus…..is Ted Cruz going to win in Texas tonight? Governor Palin has endorsed him and campaigned for him.
I'm in Texas, and Cruz will probably win, not that it matters (both he and Dewhurst stink).
DeleteHowever, I don't buy this "Palin Power" BS. The Tea Party has its stronghold areas, and I'm sure they communicate with Palin so she can "support" an easy-win candidate... provided they pay her fee, of course.
"OMG, a Tea Party Darlin' won in Texas! I'm so shocked! Ummm... yay, Palin Power!"
I think America will be watching real women, the USA Gymnastic team, at that time. You know, Sarah, kids who are educated, hard-working, and actually do something with their lives? When is the last time a Palin won a gold medal?
DeleteWhat is the point of Sara's endorsement these days? Is it she can then increase her per-visit fee? Is it she can act like she's still in the running for POTUS? Is it she's just giving the GOP one giant Eff U? I suspect part of the pushback against her is as much against the TP who the GOP is trying hard to neuter before November. The more Sara pulls her crazy Ivan act against the GOP the more they are going to slam her to the mat. If she keeps it up long enough the baby story may be the final act for the GOP - out that and she's destroyed. I can hardly wait for her to go to Tampa - there's no way she won't be trying to steal the show. She's out of her freaking mind - running on psychosis fueled by Red Bull and Speed. She's Hunter Thompson in a skirt.
DeleteIf Hunter Thompson were here to read your remark, he would say that skirts everywhere are insulted.
If the late Hunter Thompson ever met Sarah he'd have set her hair on fire
DeleteThe Republicans can try to distance themselves from Sarah, however, we can count on Sarah staying relevant. Romney's gaffs are so bad that they invited the comparison as to which one was worse- Palin or Romney? After Sarah's disastrous interview with Katie Couric, Sarah hid from the media, giving only a few carefully scripted appearances. Now, Romney is hiding form the media, too.
ReplyDeleteWe can also count on Sarah to insert herself into the conversation. She does not want to be ignored. Posing at the Chicken place only made their ratings sink. Sarah has rented a nearby spot at the mall, across from the convention in Tampa. Oh, we can count on seeing Sarah for a while. And, she will be out there promoting Todd and Bristol's appearances in reality shows. Nothing says serious political commentator like Sarah appearing on one of the entertainment shows promoting another reality show. She diminishes her own brand all by herself.
And McCain sat BESIDE her in subsequent interviews. She couldn't do it on her own without a "binky." I remember laughing SO HARD!
DeleteHer ID-10-T cult still thinks she wiped the floor with Biden at the VP debate!
The Palin Brand. It is to laugh. Worldwide.
"She diminishes her own brand all by herself."
Deletedoesn't she? I would be so freakin embarrassed if I shot myself in the foot that many times. it just totally screams 'incompetence!'
Sarah, your bra strap is showing... just saying.
Delete@4:27- That was the Best!
DeleteCouric asks a question, and McShame jumps in there, trying to take control of the interview, saying:
"Now, now before you go asking her about some 'Gotcha' questions from the media?"
and Couric's classic reply:
"She was talking to a voter".
old stupid fart.
Looks like Dumbo didn't wear a big enough Star of David to impress this Magenta Yenta.
ReplyDeleteNow it's time to become this decade's Anita Bryant. People who spread love and kindness are revered, those like Alaskadasian, go hide out in their bunkers.
I remember reading that on the campaign trail with McCain, she called her family around her to "pray" I think it was Willow who looked disgusted and said "Why are you pretending to be something you are not?" Well, she is STILL pretending to be someone she clearly is not, she is a fake. Her family is a train wreck, illegitimate babies galore, foul language, looking for freebies instead of working. Had she tried to run as a Democratic candidate, she would have been laughed off the stage much earlier. I guess repubs. are easily fooled, look who their candidate is now - Mitt the Twit. Aren't there ANY intelligent, country loving republican politicians out there? Guess not.
ReplyDeleteWell, there she is, all tanned with those strange lips and all of those age spots from over tanning. Romney may not be wonderful but at least he is not vicious like she was in 2008. I wonder if McCain was being pranked by Rove etal when he was told to pick her.
ReplyDeleteOMG - this from the delusional at C4P...Hilarious!!
ReplyDeleteHelp Chuck Heath, Sr. and Chuck, Jr. Choose Book Tour Cities
Our Sarah: Made in Alaska is scheduled for release on September 25th. After their book about Governor Palin hits the shelves, Chuck Heath, Sr and Chuck, Jr. will hit the road–on a book signing tour. They want you to be a part of this exciting experience–not just by showing up on the tour, but by actually helping to decide where they should take the tour and working with them at the book signing table.
So, to what cities should the father-son team travel as they share their book that provides an up-close and personal look into who Governor Palin really is? Chuck, Sr and Chuck, Jr. will read your suggestions and actually visit the places that are most recommended. They’re planning to travel to Texas, Alabama, Washington State, and Idaho. Florida, Ohio, and Northern California are also possibilities. However, don’t limit your suggestions to cities within these states, as other places may also be considered. Let’s brainstorm locations where there is likely to be large conservative interest so we can pack the house. Here’s your opportunity to affect where they travel. Remember, the cities with the most recommendations win. In addition to suggesting cities, please suggest particular venues, such as specific bookstores, Costco, Sam’s Club, and anywhere else you think would be good.
We all recall Governor Palin’s own Going Rogue tour. Many of us were there at various stops to meet her, purchase the bestseller, receive her autograph, and meet some interesting people in the process. It’s about time to do something like that again. Our Sarah is going on the road, so let’s help decide where that will be.
The Heaths will be looking into making opportunities available for people to help work the book signing table with them, so stay tuned for more details about this. I worked with Governor Palin at her table, and I can tell you there was nothing like being there to interact with everyone and to help her get her story to the people. Perhaps you’ll get to help her father and brother do the same.
For your information: a Facebook page for the book should be up and running very soon, which will provide a way for everyone to remain in the loop.
Okay, I’ll start off the recommendations. I think the Heaths should take their tour to Rochester, NY, as the Governor took the Going Rogue tour. The crowd was huge, and people were in good spirits, even after spending hours in the cold and rain. I encountered a plethora of people who were supporters, one or two people who were not, and one person who wasn’t sure what to think. Whichever category people fell into, one thing was certain: each was interested in her story. Interest in Governor Palin has not waned in the years since. On the contrary, it has multiplied exponentially. Her father and brother are sharing more of her story in their own book, and I believe Rochester would be a great place to do so (even though it’s a few hours away from me).
Being the competitive person that I am, I want my suggestion to win! Therefore, I encourage my fellow New Yorkers to join in and recommend Rochester with me. Remember, the cities with the most recommendations win.
So what say the rest of you?
The Heaths look forward to reading your suggestions in this thread.
Wait. I thought Jr. was a teacher? Doesn't he have to work in September? And just a technicality, but wasn't Sarah born in Idaho? She wasn't actually 'made' in Alaska, and I don't think Alaska would mind a bit if these two stopped trying to sell any more lies about that great state.
DeleteAnonymous3:28 PM
DeleteOh Lord....that entire thing was written by the crazy school teacher Adrienne Ross! The way she's pimping Creepy and Creepy Jr is disturbing! Thank heavens she didn't bring up playing b-ball with Creepy Sr again! And didn't somebody throw an egg at her when she was with Baldy on that tour?
Why she is reduced to pimping for the Creepy's is strange! Barely anyone showed up for Beefy's book tour...so WhoTF will show up for these two nuts?
From the promo on Amazon: "Structured around themes of family, faith, independence, resilience, character, risk-taking and adventure--here is a full and loving portrait of where Sarah Palin came from and what made her the person she is today."
DeleteExcuse me while I go and puke.
Anyone have a C4P screen name to burn?
DeleteComplete suggested itinerary for the Chuckies.
Every city with a US Federal Prison Facility!
See how long it takes them to figure it out.
Probably a lot of crunchy nutty red cities here.
Arizona: Phoenix, Safford, Tucson
Arkansas: Forrest City
California: Atwater, Dublin, Herlong, Lompoc,
Los Angeles, Mendota, Terminal Island, Victorville, San Diego
Colorado: Florence, Englewood
Connecticut: Danbury
Florida: Coleman, Marianna, Miami,Pensacola,
Georgia: Atlanta, Jesup
Hawaii: Honolulu
Illinois: Chicago, Greenville, Pekin, Marion
Indiana: Terre Haute
Kansas: Leavenworth
Kentucky: Ashland, Big Sandy, Lexington, Manchester, McCreary
Louisiana: Oakdale, Pollock
Maryland: Cumberland
Massachusetts: Devens
Michigan: Milan
Minnesota: Duluth, Rochester, Sandstone, Waseca
Mississippi: Yazoo City
Missouri: Springfield
New Hampshire: Berlin
New Jersey: Fairton, Fort Dix
New York: Brooklyn, New York, Otisville, Ray Brook
North Carolina: Butner
Ohio: Elkton
Oklahoma: El Reno, Oklahoma City
Oregon: Sheridan
Pennsylvania: Allenwood, McKean, Canaan, Lewisburg, Loretto, Philadelphia, Schuylkill
South Carolina: Bennettsville, Edgefield, Estill, Williamsburg
South Dakota: Yankton
Tennessee: Memphis
Texas: Beaumont, La Tuna, Bastrop, Big Spring, Bryan, Fort Worth, Carswell, Houston, Seagoville, Texarkana, Three Rivers
Virginia: Lee, Petersburg
Washington: SeaTac
West Virginia: Alderson, Beckley, Gilmer, Hazelton, Morgantown, McDowell
Wisconsin: Oxford
Puerto Rico: Guaynabo
Reeks of desperation. Fools.
DeleteThey'll be asking for donations soon enough.
DeleteThere is a federal prison in Sandstone, MN. Maybe they figure Sarah and Todd will be there by that time and they will have to visit them.
DeleteJust so all of you know out there - the Palin/Heath clan is not liked or respected in Alaska. That book by father and son will go nowhere in our state and I seriously doubt nationally.
DeleteWhat friggin' bullshit!!!! People would be nuts to purchase the book - doubt they even wrote it themselves. Sarah's Dad is least regarded as to the way he raised his kids - especially sister Sarah. Look at the mess she is and what she has passed on to her kids.
Forget the book folks! Would be a total waste of money!
Is Hell being considered?
DeleteJust tell the Heath Boys to head South and listen for the banjo music.
DeleteAlso, is it a pop-up book, or does it at least come with free crayons? Otherwise, it's not going to sell.
They should put out a Sarah Palin Paperdoll book. It'll seem all nice and innocent, but it'll sell out when menfolk at C4P buy multiple copies just to see Sarah in her drawers.
Here's a list of must-stop communities for the Heaths' book signing:
Delete1. Africa, Mississippi - with video of $arah finding the "country" of Africa on a globe
2. Boring, Oregon
3. Burnt Cabins, Pennsylvania
4. Chin Chuk, Hawaii - special appearance by Bri$dull
5. Coward, South Carolina
6. Cuckoo, Virginia
7. Ding Dong, Texas
8. Faker, Texas - honourable tribute to Trigg's birth
9. Flippin, Tennessee
10. Gross, Nebraska
11. Hooker, Oklahoma
12. Lizard Lick, North Carolina
13. Looneyville, New York
14. Loveladies, New Jersey - Tawdry is guest speaker
15. Nimrod, Minnesota
16. Nowhere, Oklahoma
17. Screamer, Tennessee
18. Skunks Corner, New York
19. Smelley, Alabama
20. Stalker, Pennsylvania
21. Tightwad, Missouri
22. Turkey Scratch, Arkansas
And town names not yet found on any map:
23. Depends, USA - $arah's favourite undergarment ?
24. Tent City, USA - Bri$dull's special retreat ?
25. Washcloth, USA - Tawdry's secret cache ?
And we thought Billie Carter was a loser.
DeleteThat list is BRILLIANT!!!
{{{{{ APPLAUSE }}}}}
PalinsHoax, I can't stop laughing! LMAO...I have to get that printed on a shirt!
DeleteFabulous! Adoring your sense of humor also, too.
DeleteI suggest the top 10 most segregated cities for Black Americans:
Delete10. Los Angeles
9. Philadelphia
8. Cincinnati
7. St. Louis
6. Buffalo, N.Y.
5. Cleveland
4. Detroit
3. Chicago
2. New York
1. Milwaukee
Oh and don't forget those little pockets of rill Amerikkka in between.
Oh and don't forget those little pockets of rill Amerikkka in between.
Why - is that where Todd left some washcloths?
I think that once Dick Cheney said she was a mistake, it felt like a green light to everyone in media who was afraid of insulting her and now they have the go- ahead from the big boss now. They are free to tell readers what they REALLY feel about her behavior. And that goes with Bristol's behavior too.
ReplyDeletePeople have the freedom now to tell the awful truth.
I remember last summer when she was doing her "will I, won't I, run" whoring for money from her deaf, dumb, and blind followers, Lawrence O' Donnell kept saying, "trust me, she's NOT going to run." You did as well, Gryph.
ReplyDeleteI so appreciate the authors you mentioned, with the exception of Bailey who is complicit in this scam, and especially the bloggers who do the research and reporting for us that the media should be doing but won't.
A heads up to everyone: "Game Change" is showing again tonight on HBO at 7:00 PDT. Funny how what her camp billed as propaganda is now being backed up by the big players, now isn't it?
Are you noticing how often HBO is replayhing "Game Change"? Sarah is nothing more than a hasbeen and is one huge mental mess!!!
DeleteWas Palin invited to the Republican Confab. in Aspen this weekend?
ReplyDeleteNope, Palin not invited to the big republican event in Aspen. Thank God she quit being a governor because that would have brought her into the mix.
Was watching a "I Love Lucy" rerun, the one with Lucy wanting to to the vitamin commercial. In one of the first scenes, she takes the picture tube out of her tv, and sits in the tv cabinet, acting out a cigarette commercial, trying to convince Ricky how good she is.
ReplyDeleteI think if the television venue closes on Sarah, she'll try anything to get her morph-face on our screens, like hiding under Greta and Sean's desk and popping her head up flashing Palin 2016 signs.
Under Hannity's desk? Shit, she'd be giving him a blow job to keep being able to appear on his show!!!
DeleteShe's a retard from the word go and has only done business throughout the recent years through her physical apperance, boobs, tongue and spread legs!
I fully expect to see her in Tampa -- not at the convention, but in that mall space she rented -- holding sparklers and tap dancing in a red, white and blue cheerleader outfit.
DeleteJess, you need to add your name to that list. You have taken many migraines and hang overs for the team. For that I thank you. I don't have the stomach to put myself through all the Palin steaming shit they love to spread around. When this is all over we need to throw a party for you! We can have it at the best western hotel right beside the Palins compound! Balloons, banners, massive liquor and sone one in a gorilla suit jumping around!
ReplyDeleteStick a fork in this PIG, she is done.
ReplyDeleteDone in politics maybe but not in porn. The Happy Hooker and the Toad are soon to be pimping porn. The ho and the pimp will be re-making the porn classic, "The Green Door".
DeleteNow we know why McCain picked Palin for the VP slot - Romney hadn't paid taxes for ten years (remember the McCain campaign group got to see many years of his tax returns) - Lieberman had a different stand on abortion - so, he picked the idiot and Wasilla hillbilly Palin!!!! And, McCain will go to his deathbed saying Palin was the 'best' choice he could have made!!! What friggin' bullshit!
ReplyDeleteHe'll never, ever admit his mistake. He'll cling to it like she clings to her 15 minutes.
DeleteAnonymous4:41 PM
DeleteHe'll never, ever admit his mistake. He'll cling to it like she clings to her 15 minutes.
A little toilet paper usually gets rid of cling ons!
Yup. Now these comments from people like Cheney, along with pieces in prominent publications, are just so matter-of-fact as they come right out and point to how unqualified she was, how much she damaged McCain's campaign, and how she set the new standard for how NOT to choose a VP.
ReplyDeleteHer fame is as much for her notoriety as a HUGE MISTAKE as anything else now.
She's in our rear-view mirror now, so let's all just wave. Well, it would be OK if some of us gave her the finger, because we we know SHE knows what that gesture signifies even if she can't hear us laughing as we keeping driving in the other direction, hah!
The only problem with Cheney's comments is that the ole Dickster should look in the mirror when he talks about bad VPs. Hey, Dick! Go fuck yourself!
DeleteI agree 100%. By taking the easy way out; quitting, "writing" two books, staring in a trashy reality show, pimping out her family; she has completely demeaned any credibility she may have had by going home and educating herself on issues. Grifting her idiot fans for quick and easy money will, in the long run, be her downfall.
DeleteCouldn't happen to a more deserving bitch.
Awww, you mean the garish jewelry doesn’t blind everyone? Shucks, that was White Trash 101. I know, I saw it up close and personal (not a relative, thank God).
ReplyDeleteI don't even think two dollar hookers would be caught dead in her get ups.
DeletePalin will never run for president. She is finished in that arena.
ReplyDeleteBut she may try to pull her scam again "Send SarahPAC your best donations to convince Sarah to run in 2016"?
Sarah Palin is so self centered thinking the world revolves around her that I bet the month she washes her butt she leaves her ass hairs on the bar of soap.
ReplyDeleteWhat ass? What bar of soap? To me, she always looks in desperate need of a long, hot shower.
DeleteI just used some of my "stripper" money to donate to President Obama's campaign and ActBlue before tonight's deadline!
ReplyDeleteObama/Biden 2012 y'all!!
WTF? Palin's neck is cosmetically stretched so tight that you can see those things in her neck?
ReplyDeleteMittens is going to have to show his tax returns in order to verify he DID or did NOT pay income taxes during the past ten years! Thank you, Mr. Reid (who is the least ever likely person to put this information out there!)for disclosing this information to Americans.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder McCain didn't select him as his VP candidate. Hopefulling, this asshole (Romney) is going down, down, down fast!!!!
Isn't Reid awesome! I have to thank Sarah for endorsing that freak show Sharron Angle. Reid was pretty much a long shot until Angle became the nominee and then, Reid kicked ass!
DeleteWe libs love him here in Vegas. Reid the ex-boxer just TKO'd Romney in one punch.
DeleteThat was pretty amazing of him! I couldn't believe what I was reading. Are the Dems finally going to fight back like like our lives depend on it? I hope so.
I have always thought Harry Reid was underestimated. Push, Harry, push. Save us from this robot who is doing a poor impersonation of a human being. He would destroy America as we know it!
DeleteBlurgh, what??
Deletethis sounds Awesome!
Good comments from Craig Medred at the Alaska Dispatch -to not take her so seriously as all she ever really wanted was attention.
I'm tentative however as this hemorrhoid of a woman may flare up to cause an occasionl itch in america's ass.
Sarah craves attention the way a junkie craves a fix. So it was no big surprise when she showed up at that Hollywood party featuring a monkey. -Alaska Dispatch
Delete"What Palin wanted from politics was the same thing she wanted from beauty pageants and television, the two places where her career began. She wanted attention. She got a little as Wasilla mayor. She got more as a candidate for lieutenant governor. She hit the jackpot when she was elected governor. And she shot the moon when Sen. John McCain went off the ranch and into the wilds to pick her as his running mate in a bid for the presidency."
Deletegood article. thanks for the link. comments were interesting too and mostly unfavorable.
Delete"Now Team Romney doesn’t even want her to be seen at the same podium in Tampa."
ReplyDeleteThe list is growing longer every day of people who do not want to be seen with Sarah Palin.
When was the last time John McCain was seen with Palin?
The sad part is that even her son Track doesn't want his baby to be seen with or spoken about by Photo Op Sarah.
Me thinks Track doesn't want his new family tainted with the Sarah Palin Curse.
Has anybody ever seen Todd Palin's parents with Sarah Palin? You would of thought they would of at least showed up at the 2008 convention?
DeleteWhat about Todd's siblings?
I guess you can add them to the long growing list of people who hate and distance themselves from Sarah Palin?
Oh, you mean her son Track Menard? I wonder why he doesn't look like Todd?
DeleteWe never have seen Sarah w/Todd's parents. I know people who know his mother and she doesn't even talk publically about either one of them. Obvisouly embarrassed by them!!! They would be the ones to know what a liar and fraud Sarah is and the fact that Todd has covered her ass all along the way.
DeleteAlaskans do not support the Palin/Heath group.
Track's baby is Bristol's DWTS pregnancy baby, that's why they keep in on the downlow.
DeleteBecause he's the fruit of Curtis Menard, Jr's, loins, mebbe? -:)
Delete7:44 PM That makes Track and Brita complicit. If they cover for one fake they cover for the other fraud. No one knows for sure where he is? Only what lies Sarah spews and what the military does to keep up the Palin family myth? What a shame we can't trust our military. FU McCain also, too.
DeleteI swear that wonder woman bracelet cracks me up... she's blunder woman, if in fact a woman... I mean really, what kind of ego does one have to wear something like this if you're over 12 years old?
ReplyDeleteGood one emrysa!!
DeleteYIKES! The Daily Beast is IN BALDY'S ASS today! Love this last paragraph about Baldy...
ReplyDelete"Palin still wields influence within the party, her endorsements seem to affect some election outcomes and she is not yet regarded by everyone as a complete embarrassment (she was the keynote speaker at the most recent CPAC) but on the whole, even her die-hard fans concede that she should not be given actual power."
RNC to Baldy: "Er...you can stand there and look...uh....pretty(??) but you may NOT hold the gavel"!!
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...poor stupid...dumbass...bald headed...racist Baldy! And the hits just keep coming! LOL!!!
Thanks for the link. The comments are great on this latest take down. It's Pig Pile on Palin this week. Too bad, so sad.
YIKES! The Daily Beast is IN BALDY'S ASS today!
and then,
"not ****YET**** regarded
by ****everyone****
omg. this is Mittlicious!!
Wanna see a close up of a Bristol's ventriloquist dummy mouth and chin? See the vertical lines next to her mouth? While you're there read the viewers comments below, they're brutal.
Wow... that pic is not flattering. You can see clearly where the "appendage" is attached to her cheeks and jaw. Her cheeks are so rotund that they make a sizable shadow and the lines along her lower jaw are just weird. She will have to be very careful in her photo shoots.... Her face is starting to look like a patch work quilt.
DeleteDang her Jay Leno chin is bumpy.
DeleteIt looks like the trial wedding to Mercede's sloppy seconds is off!
DeleteBristol is not wearing Gino's engagement ring?
Could be that Sugar Mama Bristol hasn't bought herself one yet?
I wonder if Bristol needs the DWTS money to get her cosmetic chin lines fixed?
DeleteMaybe she'll have the implant removed?
We'll see after the DWTS season is over and Bristol disappears and goes into hiding for a while like last time.
Something is wrong with her lips? I can't tell if it is her lipstick or her lips that looks weird?
DeleteLOL is Bristol trying to make her lips look smaller against her fat face?
It may be cheaper if Bristol goes to the auto store and buys some auto body bondo dent filler and then go to a auto body shop and get her mouth and chin color matched and spray painted and clear coated for $99.
DeleteThis person is hilarious:
DeleteBill O'Reilly, American television host, author, syndicated columnist and political commentator. Host of the political commentary program The O'Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel, which is the most watched cable news television program on American television.
I have great respect for the Palin family. And even more respect for Bristol's skills in the bedroom. Yes her and I were intimate in exchange for a Fox News interview.
Read more: http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/bristol-palin-why-i-signed-onto-dancing-with-the-stars-all-stars-2012277#ixzz22JwXQamg
Folks, let's review:
ReplyDeleteWe have in this corner, six American girls making this country very, very proud over there in Jolly Old England: Jordyn Wieber, Aly Raisman, Gabby Douglas, Kyla Ross, McKayla Maroney and Missy Franklin. All hard-working, dedicated teenagers obviously raised well.
And in this corner, we have the Palin girls, Bristol and Willow.
Oh, screw it. You can figure it out. 'Nuff said.
I.hate.the.summer.olympics. I don't care who's in it or who is playing what. I can't get any television time when these stupid games are on and I'm counting the days until they are over!!
DeleteUnless your life revolves around tv, chill the hell out. These people are accomplishing amazing things.
cruise the internet or watch reruns online.
Team USA!
If ABC DWTS had any long and curly hairs on the huevos they would have Todd Palin's former prostitute and love interest Shailey Tripp sitting in the front row of DWTS while Bristol is dragged around the floor to the song You Light Up My Life which Todd dedicated to Shailey.
ReplyDeleteWhy not have Boys Will Be Boys author Shailey Tripp sitting in the front row of DWTS? That is what ABC is after... controversy and ratings with that idiotic pick of Bristol Palin. Then the cameras could keep panning to Todd looking at Shailey since all Bristol does is roll on the floor.
DeleteHope someone has written DWTS directors and suggested this. All the 'stars' should be sent a copy of Shailey's book "Boys Will be Boys". For that matter, the producers of the show should also receive her book!!!
DeleteAnother kick in the gut for Lou Sarah. America thinks she should sit down and shut up
ReplyDeleteNot just sit down and shut up but SIT DOWN AND STFU!
DeleteCenterfold of Sarah? Oh no she didn't!
You know Bristol and Willow, they too like their pictures taken frolicking in the Palin family swimming hole.
Eeeek! I won't be able to sleep a wink tonight!
DeleteOkay, as much as I have dogged Sarah over the years and been merciless about calling her out on her idiocy, her scary religious ideology, and her shameless "How many millions will you pay me -- I'll do or say anything, or get my daughters to do or say anything" career philosophy....I have to admit that what I'm seeing these days with her is really very, very sad.
ReplyDeleteShe's like the dumb high school cheerleader who marries the local mayor and is forced to pretend she's something that she's not to save face, for years upon years. Here she has all these impotent Repubnicans who haven't had an authentic erection in years due to their enlarged prostates investing IMMENSE money in her as a kind of Hugh Hefnerized "political bunny," and of course, this was never going to turn out well.
In some ways, she's as much been USED as she's been a USER. Some of these guys she's been financed by (Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, Karl Rove, and so on) are really creepy entities bent on controlling and manipulating the world --- and when we criticize Sarah, we need to always keep in mind that she's just a puppet or a Barbie Doll (moose version) "chosen" by these fucks to represent certain ideologies to a specific segment of the population who, it was believed at the time, would fall for her Alaskan schtick.
As she declines into her well-deserved and totally expected obscurity, let's keep shining a light on the man behind the curtain, or the men behind the curtain, who are the ones with billions who control the outcomes of elections, who control what the masses believe through control of the media, and so on.
I'm all for bashing Sarah and Bristol (and in the future near to come, Willow) for all they're worth when it's appropriate; but at this point, being a Media Insider for about 14 years at this point, I can't help feel sad that it seems like the REAL powers behind Sarah's rise to "power" (really just media attention) and the agendas they serve are still getting buried; even with the recent collapse of Murdoch's media empire, I feel like we're not seeing enough about the culture of corruption in the media and how when famed reporters at the New York Times and elsewhere are exposed for receiving, say, $50,000 fees for favorable coverage of Baby Bush and his policies in Iraq are STILL not scrutinized....then Houston, we still have a major problem.
Gryphen does a great job highlighting so much of this stuff. But as a group of readers, thinkers, and watchers, let's keep our eyes on some of these OTHER controlling forces, too....the ones intent upon dumbing down political discourse and always throwing out these "shiny object" distractions (the Paylins) to prevent us from REALLY looking at the darker underbelly of politics and the media in the Western world.
Rant over. Thanks for letting me vent!
Media Insider
Media Insider ~ i love you and wouldn't it be blah-comedic-irony if $arah went rogue on the puppet masters :)
DeleteGreat post MI. I loved this line of yours...
Delete"...she's as much been USED as she's been a USER."
Yes she has, and boy does she lose it when she finds out just how used she is!
I agree that we have to always remember WHO is pulling Sarah's strings.
I wish you would vent more!
I agree, Media Insider. I have little interest in SP herself or her personal characteristics. But I do want the BabyHoax exposed because I think it is the first step to shining the light on the puppetmasters behind SP. Exposing the cover-up would first mean that Schmidt and McCain would have to make up some fancy-footwork lies to keep themselves out of it. And just exposing the GOP's complicity in this hoax, and why, would go part of the way toward discussing the puppetmasters. If there was anyone brave enough, strong enough, to make that effort. So far, no dice.
DeleteI agree and that's one of the reasons I don't want her to just slip into obscurity. The powers that raised her up and the people who did nothing to stop it )including those in the media who refused to question her or her obvious lies) need to be exposed.
Deleteexactly MI and TY for putting it into perspective.
DeleteI have said before, if PAlin DID come clean and outed the puppet masters, I would be just a teensy weeny bit happy with her. Out herself, tell how they enabled her with baby hoax, how they promised to cover for everyone/everything.
DeleteLive up to your brand Sarah. Go Rogue once and for all for real!!!
Well, I'd never go so far as saying I felt sorry for the nasty bitch.
DeleteShe has actively pursued this life for years;
she and her family, have ruined people's lives - and they don't stop;
they have friends in "militias" that will do anything that they feel in the best interest of their brotherhood or philosophy;
people have Died under certain strange circumstances.
And this was well prior to Sarah's appearance on the national stage.
Which is not to say that there isn't something insidious between Sarah, McCain, the GOP and who knows who the hell else.
But, I'm gonna take a bit of an issue with poor sarah being "used".
Um, yeah, she KNEW it, she KNOWS it, she Doesn't care - why should we?
Sarah's endorsement, Tea Party Cruz, won his election-- giving Democrats the best shot in Texas for years! Thanks, Sarah Even Rachel (and Obama) think that Texas is turning purple form red.
ReplyDeleteSarah loses. America has spoken. She's simply not good enough.
ReplyDeleteShe was one angry MAD MAN!
Looking for the link!
Somebody didn't take their meds or meth!
DeleteGinaM, if you go to YouTube and search for "sometimes you're the Louisville slugger" you'll get the YouTube version without having to expose yourself to the toxins of pro-Palin sites (can't paste with my IPad on this blog for some reason, probably demonic possession).
DeleteAnyway I watched about 3 seconds to see what Mrs. Palin looked like and her head was so big all I could think of was she looked like a mad volcano, about to erupt! She was so frightening I decided I'd watch tomorrow when it wasn't so near bedtime . . . .
I cannot understand why this woman has not physically collapsed.
Jesus wept. As did Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed . . . And Eric Clapton. (I just added him because I think he's God.)
"...if you go to YouTube and search for "sometimes you're the Louisville slugger" you'll get the YouTube version..."
I cannot understand why this woman has not physically collapsed.
meth is like that...superwoman, ya know?
The BALD ONE was Spewing WORD SALAD again on the Greta Van Crooked Face Show. She blamed Dick Cheney's
ReplyDeleteopinion that she was a MISTAKE on what he read in the Main Stream Media. And then the Baseball analogy again where she is the BALL. Her WIG was HUGE and engulfed her. I wonder what scars she is hiding from SURGERY.
Oh, she was really whipped up about the smack down by Cheney! That was funny! I can't wait to see Gryphen's post on this one.
All I want to know is why, after I post on any PRO Palin blogs (bristol blog, c of p, her FB page etc.)I only get BANNED after I mention that my cousin was a neonatal nurse in Anchorage during the years of 2006-2011. Hmm....I post "whatever" over and over again, mostly benign stuff, then POOF! Once I mention THAT. :) And if I use my regular screen name HERE, I get hate-responses that don't even pertain to what I post. (someone bot actually accused me of lying about the WEATHER on here once recently) I hit a HOT button, to be sure! Remember, Sarah & family.....there are a few people out here who really do know you and what you do! Could she truly be going DOWN DOWN DOWN? Finally!?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that someone dissed you here, sometimes it's a Palin supporter trying to stir up trouble. I would love to hear more from you and about what your cousin knows! I am curious about the time when Sarah as Governor, before being tapped for VP, was in the Anchorage neonatal unit touching a baby with her bare hands. There are pictures of this, but I can't find them now. Do you know anything about this visit?
DeleteThanks in advance!
Does your cousin the neonatal nurse have an opinion on the death of Dar Miller? Was it arson intended to murder her? Was she connected to the BabyHoax in any way, perhaps about to talk?
DeleteDoes she know anything about SDC (step-down care) that was provided for someone in the Palin family per insurance records in early 2008?
Anything else your cousin could tell us??
Anyone in the medical field, especially a neonatal nurse knows that the story that Sarah told about the arrival of Trig was fake. Sarah had already had 4 pregnancies and 2 miscarriages. She was over 40 years old. She claims that she knew she would give birth to a special needs child. The baby was supposed to be a month or 6 weeks premature.
DeleteSara traveled for 12 hours, taking two planes plus a layover, to arrive in Anchorage. She passed up a hospital in Anchorage that had good neonatal facilities to drive an extra hour to MatSu which was not equipped to for that kind of delivery. Sarah's doctor had delivered all of three babies in the past year. Nothing in that story makes sense. To add to the drama, Sarah claimed to be in labor and leaking amniotic fluid during that time.
The photos of Sarah taken in March and early April 2008 show a woman with a flat stomach. Photos of Sarah taken during previous pregnancies showed that she carried "as big as a house." A neonatral nurse might even recognize the premature child with Down Syndrome who was born in Anchorage, and maybe had a tough couple of weeks before they realized that the baby would make it. (The baby was born with a hole in his heart, too). Oh, no, anyone who knows too much is not welcome at a Palin blog or facebook. Those places are for fan worship only.
By the way, any comments offering advice to Bristol about how to handle Tripp are met with the same response. She might have asked for advice in disciplining Tripp, but she only wants to be told what a good mother she is. If your cousin has some interesting information, I'm sure that Gryphen would appreciate reading it.
Your cousin who was a neonatal nurse should spill ehat she knows. All she needs to say is that she has proof that Sarah did NOTt birth TRi-G at MatSu on 4/18/08. That's all. She doesn't need to out who DID birth Tri-G, judt that Sarah did not. No HIPAA violation there!
DeleteBut, again, I've been told that no one in Alaska CARES that Sarah hoaxed the nation.
Uh oh, I've been in the mountains all day and away from the computer but am I wrong in thinking that even before reading the comments that there is someone here telling us how strong and resilient the Palin family is and how they are bound together with bailing twine and resist all of the h8 that comes their way and they thrive and well, you can see from their facebook photos how happy and strong they are? I just wanted to post this before I actually read the comments. I think that it might make me look like a gypsy fortune teller with a crystal ball :-)
ReplyDeleteWelllllll....it was a nice try...but it looks like the bot is busy watching Beefy's show...so peace...for right now!
DeleteMaybe that bot is just an INXS fan:
Try not to h8
Love your m8
Don't suffocate on your own h8
Designate your love as f8
A one world st8
As human fr8
The number 8
A white black st8
A gentle tr8
The broken crate
A heavy weight
Or just too late
Like pretty Kate has sex ornate
Now devastate
The truth dilate
(yeah, you get the idea...)
When Mitt Romney picks his VP, that person will be compared to the choice of Sarah Palin made four years ago. Listening to Dick Cheney, there seems to be plenty of regret over McCain's choice. (After all, he saw Romney's tax returns and picked Sarah).
ReplyDeleteAs for Sarah and politics-- every time that we see Bristol or Todd in a TV reality show, it is a reminder that the Palin family's interests are in celebrity and money, fame and fortune. Nothing says serious political analyst like a family of reality stars.
"... every time that we see Bristol or Todd in a TV reality show, it is a reminder that the Palin family's interests are in celebrity and money, fame and fortune..."
DeleteCertainly the Palin interest is not in education, helping their fellow man, raising contributing members of society or Alaska's best interest.
Chuck Heath, Sr. and Chuck, Jr. are going on book tour? LOL
ReplyDeleteLet's see if Bristol with her Jay Leno chin will tag a long to try to sell her books.
How about Todd posing at the book signing with his jazz hands and his face cloths?
Make sure Willow is there with her rat's nest roots showing moose dump on her head.
Can't forget Tripp calling everybody faggots and sticking his tongue out at everybody.
Last but not least, Sarah with her new chest implants and knobby knees.
A regular one ring retard circus.
DeleteBristol why do people hate you and your mother? How come you two do not have friends? Why do you guys throw your friends under the bus? Why are you two terrible mothers? How come you both were pregnant before getting married? Why do you two love to be on reality tv? What's with you two always invoking God but you treat people like shit? Is it a coincidence that both of you have mean girl reputations? Why do both of you live on Lake Lucille and hate Levi? Why do you two lie a lot? Is it true that both of you have implants? Are you both borderline retards? Why do you both don't trust people and are paranoid? How come you two can't seem to get birth dates correct? Why do you both hide your children's birth certificates? Who really birthed Trig? Did Sarah offer to adopt Tripp too like Levi said? How many cosmetic surgeries or lipo sessions have you two had? Enquiring minds wants to know?
ReplyDeleteanon @ 9:29 ..
Deleteyou left out how come the skank white trash fraud grifters are scared to come out in public here in AK ?
chicken shit pieces of shit
Is it a coincidence that they both have a foul mouth homophobic child?
DeleteWho fathered their kids and are they sure? What percentage are they sure?
DeleteThe most telling moment in Bristol's show tonight was when she wanted Gino to adopt Tripp and be Tripp's father. Tripp has a father, and unless Levi has relinquished his parental rights, Bristol can't just hand Tripp over to another person-- regardless of what might have happened in her life.
ReplyDeleteIt reminds me of the story that Levi told to Vanity Fair. He claimed that Sarah kept pestering him and Bristol to let her adopt their baby. People think that Levi was referring to Tripp, but that wouldn't make sense. Sarah would have just had a special needs child, and was running for VP. Taking on a second baby would have been crazy.
No, she was referring to Trig. Sarah needed a special needs child to cement her right o life credentials with the religious right that was promoting her for VP. (Take that, Dick Cheney!)Even if Bristol and Levi didn't say anything, the day after McCain became the GOP nominee, Sarah announced that she was pregnant-- seven months pregnant-- even though she didn't show at all.
If Sarah was capable of "adopting," I mean taking possession of Bristol's baby that easily, Bristol must think that it's that easy for her to take possession of Levi's baby-- after all, Tripp is also hers, so she can just do it, just like Sarah.
We will have to see how Gino does with his puppy before Bristol lets me have a go at Tripp. Judging from the amount of swearing when Gino was dumped at the side of the road, maybe Tripp learned his four letter words from Gino-- or maybe both of them.
The most telling moment in Bristol's show tonight was when she wanted Gino to adopt Tripp and be Tripp's father.
DeleteYou're shitting me? Those two ass wipes can't even keep track of a dog!
Well that girl must be desperate to find that boy a pappy that will marry her. Now Bristol is settling for Mercede Johnston's left overs.
DeleteWhy should Gino marry that gum smackin cow when he gets the milk for free. Wasn't it about this time in her relationship with Levi when Bristol got pregnant from Levi. She wanted to marry him too and she just miraculously got pregnant so that Levi would marry her.
DeleteOH SHIT!
The most telling moment in Bristol's show tonight was when she wanted Gino to adopt Tripp and be Tripp's father.
DeleteWhy would Bristol want a cry baby like Gino to be Tripp's father?
Gino has to be whipped like Todd to marry Bristol.
DeleteOH SHIT!
Gino I hope you do what Todd does? If you use a condom, wrap it in a face cloth and take it with you so that Beefalo doesn't impregnate herself with a turkey baster and trap you into marrying her.
DeleteBristol to Tripp: Gino is your new daddy.
Bristol to Tripp: Gino's is gone, he's terrible. I'm going to find you a new daddy.
Bristol to Tripp: Well, Gino is the best I could do, so yeah, he's gonna be your new daddy. I just need to get to the alter this time...
Have you seen my scarves?
The most telling moment in Bristol's show tonight was when she wanted Gino to adopt Tripp and be Tripp's father.
ReplyDeleteSo what happened? Basically that was Bristol's slimy way of asking Gino to marry her. Did Gino hmmm and hawww his butt out of there? Did he turn her down and say all I wanted was a piece of ass and beer money? I hope he remembers that she did kick him out of the vehicle for the whole world to see him cry like a little bitch.
Bristol must be a slow retard. Bristol's mother and Grandmother Sally would of just went ahead and got pregnant and told Gino let's elope tonight before my baby bump shows and when the baby comes in 8 months we can say what my family has been saying for generations, our baby was premature!
DeleteYes, another cycle, but Cruz won in Texas and Sarah will take the credit. She is out to destroy the whole
ReplyDeleteRepublican Party and replace them with TPers. I hope this only helps Obama.
Speaking of lists -
ReplyDeleteGryphen, could you put up a thread or sidebar of Palin Aliases.
You know Klondike Kardashian, Cariboo Barbie, Palin the Punditz, etc. I feel the need for a bit of creativity this a.m.
Looks like you know most of them, why don't you do a guest post?
DeleteThe One Trick Pony
ReplyDelete...bump and grind
SCREECH invective
...bump and grind
scared of little Katie Couric
...bump and grind
Queen of the Roller Derby, All Star Wrestling, NASCAR crowd
...bump and grind
She is a washed up has been, who got rich being STUPID. Enjoy your loot dingbat, but you will never be able to buy class or acceptance with it. You will forever be a laughable Joke.