Monday, August 06, 2012

A final word from the President on yesterday's tragic shooting.

Personally I would hope that the "additional ways that we can reduce violence" included some serious new restrictions on access to handguns and assault weapons, but I am too cognizant of the forces that stand on the side of easy access to deadly weapons in this country to hold out much hope of that happening any time soon.

One has to wonder just how many dead Americans it will take before the politicians stand up to the gun lobby and declare that "enough is enough?"

P.S. The quote above is actually combined from two different sources found here and here. They are indeed the President's own words.


  1. By "those forces" you must mean the U.S. Constitution. Sucks when it gets in the way.

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      The Constitution does not guarantee every citizen be armed like Rambo. In fact, it doesn't gaurantee every citizen should even own on hunting rifle. But then, the right hasn't actually read the document...they let the NRA interpret it for them....the gun lobby that will be the end of America.

    2. wakeUpAmerica8:50 PM

      I'm sure you think you have given a clever, pithy remark. However, you are truly showing your ignorance of the Constitution. I can hear the screaming from here. "HE'S GONNA TAKE OUR GUNS!! HE'S GONNA TAKE OUR GUNS!!! So sad that people like you have such low self-esteem that you have to over-compensate by owning an arsenal and blowing ignorance out of your ass like the rock head that you are.

    3. Anonymous10:17 PM

      You're an idiot. There is nothing in the constitution that says nut cases should be able to buy assault rifles.

    4. Anonymous5:01 AM

      While the Constitution does not guarantee anyone's right to be armed to the teeth, it certainly does guarantee every person's right to practice their religion. That's in print - in the First Amendment.

  2. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I'm angry how this story is being ignored. It's not even anywhere near HuffPo's front page. What, because it's a crazed white supremacist it matters way less than if the perp were a wacked out medical student? What the eff is wrong with our values in this country?

    1. It's to do with who are the victims - not who is the shooter

  3. Anonymous6:44 PM

    "One has to wonder just how many dead Americans it will take before the politicians stand up to the gun lobby and declare that "enough is enough?"

    One is one too many.

  4. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Has he given a statement on Nasa's feat? Or any statements on whether he'll reconsider diminishing Nasa's funding?

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Yawn. I've seen the same comment on HuffPo like eight times already. guess this is today's Koch Brothers' talking points, huh? I'm assuming you're a paid troll. Hope you enjoy that nickel you earned for this positing. I suggest you take and get yourself an education -- OBAMA WANTS TO CUT FUNDING FOR MOON EXPLORATION, BUT HE IS IN FAVOR OF EXPANDING MARS EXPLORATION. Actually, Obama is quite the little Trekie nerd and he, of course, supports NASA.

      Your little buddy, however, is promising to spend more money on NASA and more money on the Defense Department, while cutting taxes on the richest 0.01 percent, like him, and will not cut too much government spending because, according to him, that would be bad for the economy. And yet someone he swears that he'll be better for the deficit than Obama, and though he denies it, all indications are that he will close this gap by doing away with tax deductions commonly used by the Middle Class -- i.e., you and your nickel-per-post cohorts. I hope he has a giant set of magic underwear because he's going to need some MAJOR getting this plan off the ground.

      But, go ahead, keep posting your lies about Obama. Hey, maybe one day, you'll actually believe them!

    2. You already said this in the other thread and you were given an answer dumbass!

      Google is your friend fool!

    3. Anonymous7:54 PM

      I think NASA should be cut,a s well as defense. Two agencies with lots of pork. When we are letting states wither to the point where they are cutting teachers and reniging on their contracts to make them pay a hefty portion of their retirements and health benefits, huge government agencies must cut as well. Then we need revenue from the people not paying anywhere near a fair share, and we can get country working again. Frankly, I am so sick of the right and their "eww, businesses are too scared to hire" lie. What was their excuse when Bush was cutting regulations and taxes? We were shedding 500,000 jobs a month when he left office. It doesn't work...taxes make us a better society, a freer society, and a profitable society.

  5. Anonymous7:50 PM

    One has to wonder just how many dead Americans it will take before the politicians stand up to the gun lobby and declare that "enough is enough?"

    As long as the NRA fills politicians' coffers with their blood money, the politicians (including Obama) will keep looking the other way.

    Not to mention which, the cynical, obscene second amendment brainwashing that positions the right to own a high-powered arsenal as more sacred than the right to life, with the dead innocent victims of gun massacres considered to be nothing more than collateral damage at best and responsible for their own murders for getting in the way of a sacred gun at worst.

  6. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Instead of doing anything meaningful about cracking down on gun violence and guns, Obama has given the gungoons more rights. From now on anything he says on the issue is just hollow rhetoric.
    Sometimes the truth has to be told.

    1. wakeUpAmerica8:54 PM

      Geez Louise!! There is an abundance of ignorance on this thread. Google is your friend, people! Find the truth about Obama, gun control, and NASA funding.

  7. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Similar to the question that asks why good Christians don't stand up against the lunacy of the evangelicals, one has to ask why responsible gun owners don't pressure the NRA to stop their bullshit. Guns would be much more protected in our country if there were simply some basic regulation.

  8. Sharon10:47 PM

    Its time for the real journalists to do their jobs....expose the gun manufacturers and their pimp daddy NRA for what they truly are....domestic terrorists. They are making tons of money stoking the fires of fear and hate and using that money to buy politicians. It is a sheer disgrace to let them continue with this reign of terror. Between health care and guns....we are so far behind, and yet we just landed on Mars, again...jeez.

  9. Anonymous11:10 PM

    To address the gun issue before the election would risk the NRA highjacking the election dialogue, so I'm okay with delaying it until after the election. But after Obama wins and has majorities in both houses, I hope he will do something draconian to get rid of guns.

    My father had one, plus ammo. He insisted it was well hidden. My 4-yr-olds found it and later found the ammo. Geez that was close.

  10. Anonymous4:11 AM

    what wing nuts like palin would have you believe is that if only we ALL carried guns, we wouldn't have violence. Imagine if the children the shooter came in contact with were armed? They would have taken him out right? Let's pass laws that will allow 2, 3 and 4 years olds to carry.


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