Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bill Maher makes an interesting point.

"So somehow he's the smartest guy in the party, and she's the stupidest woman on earth, But they agree on everything."

Yeah how DOES that work out?

P.S. I like to post something about Bill Maher on here once in a while, simply because I KNOW it drives the Righties out of their fucking minds!  Of course I'm a fan as well.

(H/t to the Huffington Post)


  1. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Wow. That was some dressing down of Ryand.

  2. Mudshark5:15 AM

    Real Time is back again tomorrow night. Not to be missed.

  3. Sally in MI5:18 AM

    Did you see Chuck Todd this AM? The Iowa Governor was whining about how Obama took the work requirement away from food stamps...he let states have a waiver..OMG NO! Chuck said, "the work requirtement is still there." NO, there's a waiver. "No, that's for you guys, the governors..and if you take away the work requirement, you lose the program." No, Obama did this. "No, you know that isn't true." As Crooks and Liars said,
    " a random act of journalism' was committed this morning. Maybe Soledad started something! Something great!

    1. Anonymous6:19 AM

      Good for Chuck Todd! I've watched him in the past and didn't really favor him. Was watching when Soledad stood up to her Republican though and was impressed!

      It is amazing to watch these Republicans lie, lie and lie. They can be called out and still lie! Friggin' amazing! They've been watching Mittens too long!

      We will be in such big trouble if they gain the White House. It looks like they are already running into trouble in Congress and I sincerely hope that keeps up!!

      Encourage all to get out and vote in November!! (They might need some help - transporation, etc.)

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    2. Anonymous6:43 AM

      I love the comment "a random act of journalism." Maybe it was Soledad or maybe HBO's "Newsroom."

    3. Anonymous1:45 PM

      OT: must see and tweet out Devo's new song: Don't roof rack me bro for the Late Seamus....

  4. Anonymous5:40 AM

    I love Bill Maher and can hadly wait to see him back on his show Friday.

    As to Ryan - think the man isn't who he built himself to be in Congress and suspect he and Romney will lose the election!

    I don't believe either one of them as far as I can throw them!!!!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  5. kraftysue5:58 AM

    You all have to watch Jon Stewart's segment on the Grifter last night. She'll flip her wig! He just threw her nasty comments back in her face.

    1. Anonymous6:21 AM

      Can someone tell me how to access Jon Stewart's show and the time he is on in Anchorage? I have cable - GCI. Thank you!

  6. Not What You Want to Hear6:10 AM

    Ha! Speaking of which, the Republicans' ace numbers guy "forgot" to include in his congressional financial disclosures a multi-million dollar trust as one of he and his wife's income assets.

    But then suddenly remembered it when it came to submitting his info to the Romney campaign.

    What a man of the people.

  7. Anonymous7:18 AM

    I can only take Bill Maher in small doses. Don't get me wrong, he comes up with some gems often, and I usually agree with him politically. However, I've always found him to be a bit chauvinistic (or is misogynist the new "buzz word"?)... and I'm not talking about what he called Palin... I'm talking about his pre-Politically Incorrect days.

    Also, for someone who is an atheist or anti-religion, he sure does preach about it a lot.

    However, he's very astute, very witty and I can't deny he's a talented individual... but on a personal level, I find him rather annoying. I try to catch his HBO show, but I don't like the pace of it... maybe it's the format... some shows seem to drag on forever, never really making a point.

    Anyway, this clip (above) -- well done!

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      He can call Palin what he wants to because SHE IS THAT AND MORE. Eff her!

  8. Anonymous7:41 AM

    The difference between Ryan and Palin is that Ryan is a better speaker. However, he is equally clueless. He adopted Ayn Rand as his symbol without realizing that she was an atheist, that she did not believe that the family forms the basic group of society, and that she was a strong advocate of women's rights.

    1. Don't forget the Social Security and Medicare she got in her later years.

  9. Anonymous7:57 AM

    We have proof that she is stupid: the Repubs only claim that Ryan is the smartest guy in the world.

    Anytime the Repubs start ranting and raving about something like how smart Ryan is it means they are selling a lie.

  10. Anonymous10:38 AM

    In 2009, as Rep. Paul D. Ryan was railing against President Obama’s $787 billion stimulus package as a “wasteful spending spree,” he wrote at least four letters to Obama’s secretary of energy asking that millions of dollars from the program be granted to a pair of Wisconsin conservation groups, according to documents obtained by the Globe.

    The advocacy appeared to pay off; both groups were awarded the economic recovery funds -- one receiving a $20 million grant to help thousands of local businesses and homes improve their energy efficiency, agency documents show.

    Ryan’s letters to the energy secretary praising the energy initiatives as he sought a portion of the funding are in sharp contrast to the House Budget Committee chairman’s image as a Tea Party favorite adamantly opposed to federal spending on such programs.

    In Ohio TV Interview, Ryan Denies Requesting Stimulus Funds

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      The way Ryan gets out of admitting that he requested and got stimulus money is by saying the money came from the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" not "stimulus money".

      The low information voter (FOX News viewer) don't know or believe that it is the same thing

      It's just like when the insurance companies sent out the refund checks, the letters referred to the "Patient protection and affordable care act" and not Obamacare, the average FOX viewer will not know that they are the same.

  11. Anonymous4:52 PM

    OOoooooohhhh Smackdown!!!!! yeah!

  12. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

    I love how Maher's mind works, but what I love the most is how he makes the righties heads explode! His re-play of Christine O'Donnel's appearances on "Politically Correct" led to her famously funny "I am not a witch" campaign ads. And I'm sure he's on Sarah's long list (way below this blog's Gold Medal worthy 1st place, of course).

    Can't wait for his new season.


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