Thursday, August 16, 2012

Jon Stewart's must see demolition of the current Republican talking point about the Obma campaign's "divisiveness," followed up with an editon of "Sarah Palin's fright wigs on parade."

Now I have long been a huge Jon Stewart fan but THIS might just be one of his finest shows EVER!

His ability to make us laugh at the endless examples of Right Wing hatred on display in this segment is a testament to his comic abilities, but the fact that he can do so while educating us as to the depths of their hypocrisy, in a way that no other television program seems quite capable of pulling off, makes him a national treasure.

However the truly brilliant portion has GOT to be his examination of Sarah Palin's deceitfulness, in which he not only illustrates her numerous episodes of venomous vitriol, but also her bizarre collection of crazy ass hair pieces.

"Let me ask you a question. Does the lake behind you have reflective properties?"

SO damn good!


  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    That was outstanding! Loved the 'reflective' lake part. Took her down properly and I suspect we are going to see more and more of it!Boy, does she deserve every bit of it!!!

  2. Waiting for Palin to complain that her remarks were taken "out of context" - although she'll probably get confused and say they were "photoshopped"

    1. You made me spew coffee on my keyboard!

      And, it's funny to think of $arah's fake pregnancy as 'out of context' hahaha!

  3. Anonymous6:43 AM

    I'm with you...Stewart at his Best. Loved the name of his book at the end! Priceless!!!

  4. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Re flec tive
    Piper-diaper, we're gonna learn another big word together today. Can you look it up for Mummy in the dictionary? I think it begins with R E, just like reload, except it must mean something bad, because one of those E-leet Libruls said it on a TV show that wasn't on Fox News Channel.

  5. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Superb clip! Not too sure her reflection would show up~isn't she a vampire?


  6. There isn’t much about her that’s real; her nose? I always thought she had a nice nose. Try leaving that one alone, Sarah.

    Jon was great.

    1. It's got a hump on it.

      Hmmm. Bristol must have inherited that part of her mother's looks.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:34 PM

      "hump on it" is the key phrase. The trait all Palins share.

  7. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Hell, don't forget " POP and RELOAD! " Thank You Jon Steward. * OBAMA/BIDEN * 4 MORE YEARS.2012...

  8. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Jon Stewart IS spot on. You know that she watches everything about her because she is a narcissist and I just imagine her seeing this and doing some target practice on the old frididare.
    But what a great line.."does that lake behind you have reflective properties?" Well, we all know the answer...
    Sarah Palin is the Lochness of Lake Lucille...

  9. Olivia7:01 AM

    What used to be known as "truth", Republicans have redefined it to be "hate". What I find interesting is that I used to be able to distinguish between teabaggers and Republicans but they are all the same now.

  10. Anonymous7:03 AM

    When I saw sarah's interview the other night, I thought... if Jon Stewart doesn't grab that and run with it, then he needs to hire a new staff.

    Jon's segment exceeded my expectations. Great show!

  11. Anonymous7:05 AM

    It appears that your list of Sarah Palin's least favorite blogs should include just about every political blog in the country!

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Except for Scientology Princess, Greta Van Sustern's blog.

      You know, it occurs to me that L Ron would have LOVED Sarah Palin. He would appreciate a grifter who lied and cheated and pulled the wool over people's eyes for money and fame.

    2. Perfectly delightful to hear how much $P despises Alan Grayson--his name was one of the first she disgorged!

      I bet she's never gotten over the time she went to Florida, dragging her human shields, and Grayson said pointedly, "MY children are in school." He is unquestionably the father of five, and could produce their birth certificates... ooooh! How dare he!

    3. WakeUpAmerica11:19 AM

      Grayson is the one who named her the Alaskan Dingbat. I'm sure she will trying to get revenge for that.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:38 PM

      Grayson did a fine job of knocking her off kilter, she's been in a downspin ever since his smackdown.

  12. laprofesora7:07 AM

    Stewart was on fire last night!!! It was so good I'm going to watch it again. The montage of Paylin was so great because it showed all her different faces over the last four years; well worth it just for that. I can't wait to see how she responds. This plus the convention snub is going to send her over the edge! Good times.

  13. angela7:15 AM

    Sarah has NO insight. The poor moron was a parody the minute she opened her mouth. But she doesn't have to worry--we know what comes out of her mouth has and will always be crap.

    Someone should report her ass to PETA. I'm pretty sure she's killed oxen, possums, beavers and an assortment of other animals to put on that empty gourde she calls her head.

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      "Sarah has NO insight."

      It's not nice to talk about Sarah Palin's wonkie crossed eyes. She can't help being born a reeetawwwd.

  14. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Leave Sarahrella alone!

    She bought a new wig, dress, shoes, face and tits; and now she is not invited to the ball.

    Why are you hating on poor Sarahrella?

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Sarah also had her turkey neck tightened up so she could give the GOP convention keynote.... so sad she has to listen to everybody who is somebody speak from her booth OUTSIDE!

    2. Anonymous8:21 AM

      She will find a way to make that an advantage, a Victim Pulpit. Just watch.

    3. I can't wait to see how she uses the venue of her rented storefront in the mall near the Convention. Think she'll get a permit to have a soapbox speech? Or just hold a booksigning, ensuring her autograph become less valuable because so many morons have it?

  15. I love Jon Steward and Stephen Colbert. Jon was at the top of his game last night and it was great the way he took down $arah and her crazy talk. I expect to see her on Faux again today complaining about it!!!

  16. Anonymous7:36 AM

    That was indeed brilliant! As Stewart stated, the fact that the GOP so-called "leaders" don't care to see the divisiveness they themselves have created even before Ronald Reagan, then they surely know what they are doing and saying. It's their strategy to "divide and conquer" the country through "negative" rhetoric. For the sake of this country, we it's citizens, cannot allow these "sheetless" haters of humanity to have their way. We cannot afford another "Civil War". Have we not learned from the past? There in lies the situation -- the need for these "sheetless" haters of humanity to try to keep the populace ignorant and uneducated. Why do you think it was illegal to teach "slaves" to read? Because it awoke our minds to the thought process we have come to call, "critical thinking." Without the thought to think for self, you fall victim to whatever "massa" tells you to think. So, I'm just saying...those of you that go along with what the "sheetless" dividers tell you to think...are the new "slaves" of the 21st century. In reality, you might be "white" of skin, but you are indeed the new "NI--ER". (Use you brain and figure out the missing letters) :-)

  17. Anonymous7:37 AM

    The Republicans are complaining about the "tone" of the election. All that Jon Stewart had to do was to play clips of Sarah's mean-girl, attack-dog remarks to show who is setting the mean tone. It started four years ago when Palin fired up crowds with her rhetoric. She was so inspirational that the Secret Service reported more death threats to Obama after Sarah delivered one of her speeches.

  18. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I betcha that fridge on that 'reflective lake' just got a few more dents in it!!!

  19. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I was laughing so hard I burnt my applesauce and ruined the pan...all worth it though,
    ugh must go pick more apples now

  20. I was surprised that this clip was not highlighted on Morning Joe this morning (unless I missed it) as a large part of their discussion was focused on negative campaigning.

  21. I watched it....then backed it up watched it to be Palin could fake outrage and get the media overly excited...remember when 3 or 4 old bats showed up to protest Letterman?

    There were soooo many from the media that they got in each others shots...

    The real story was the hundreds of reporters there to cover this "huge" protest that never was....... after-all Palin never really did have the influence she thought she did.

    Now what will she do? will she go after Stewart for exposing her like this....By Jove I think I've got it....she'll just HAVE to go on Katie Couric's new

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Let's see how Sarah's outrage works when she plays the victim. Bill Maher donated a million dollars to President Obama's SuperPAC. Then Bill Maher made some jokes about Sarah. Sarah demanded that President Obama apologize and give back the million dollars. It made sense to Sarah, even though it doesn't make sense.

      So, President Obama will have to apologize for Jon Stewart's remarks. Why? Because....well, just because. That's how Sarah's mind works.

  22. Sally in MI8:27 AM

    That was the best Stewart EVAH! OMG...did he nail her. And wasn't it fascinating to watch the metamorphosis from decent looking woman to vampiress? In four short years.
    Now, he can do a whole show with mean and hateful clips from Coulter, O'reilly, the Fox morning schlepps, Preibus, and Rove. Well, it might take several shows...but gee, it's the left that is being divisive? How about we become dismissive and send all these evil people packing with their forked tails between their bandy legs in November? Divisive? Mean and angry? Why, yes, we are angry and we are tired of being the doormats for the GOP. This is our country too, Sarah.

  23. jcinco9:00 AM

    God, I love Jon Stewart...I so hope winky sees this..hahaha a fantasy of mine is her being on Jon's show with no scripted questions...

  24. Irishgirl9:10 AM

    I took screenshots of all the different looks and wigs from over the years from Jon's show last night. The pic of her calling Nancy Pelosi "a dingbat" is quite stunning compared to the rest.It is one of the most recent that he used (apart from the tie-dye get up). Talk about a deterioration!

  25. The last bit there was simply marvelous.

    When I hear Palin say she can't think of "ONE prominent republican" who is hateful and divisive- I think Ailes, Greta, etc are punking Palin big time.

    Which, of course, is fine by me!

  26. Who was that mean old man lady that Jon was ripping to shreds?

    Oh Damn...that was BALDY! Good Lord who knew how bad she would look less than 4 years later! Wonder what the alkie is thinking of saying to ole Jon in retalitation...she's pretty much used up all her man hating words...oh I know...she'll ask her good buddy RAM to come up with some....right RAM? LOL!!!

  27. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Paul Ryan may have to retract his endorsement of Jon Stewart........

  28. MissSunshine9:30 AM

    Jon went EASY on SP; he didn't include her "death panels" or the bulls eye targets she put on Gabby...

    Whenever I see personalities like hers mouthing off, accusing others, I think "she is talking about herself".

    So I was very pleased to see Romney accuse the Obama campaign of being "angry and desperate". Yeah, big boy, that would describe YOU.

    He knows his only prayer is to hope voter suppression is successful in keeping "you people" from exercising their rights as citizens of this country to keep from having to look at his smug, entitled face for the next four years and hear the harsh, barking sound he makes when he "laughs".

    Obama/Biden 2012 Clinton/Warren 2016

  29. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Outstanding! I love it when Jon shows them up with their own words! Especially dipshit quitter queen, herself.

    I've been wondering if the big guns didn't bribe her to keep her mouth shut through the convention by telling her they will use her later for tea party rallies. You know those quickly thrown together, crowds bussed in, put her up, put her on, fire up the townsfolk, hand her a check and send her home, kinda deals. They did it in Wisconsin and other places. I'm sure there was Koch and Xroads gps money behind them. That kind of money is pocket change to those guys but she lives for it, literally. Not to mention the adoring (gag) fans.

  30. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Open Letter to Ann Romney

    Dear Ann Romney,

    I don’t like your attitude very much. It seems very entitled and imperious. You say you have done everything legally required, and there will be no more tax returns. Not only do you say it, you say it with a snarl, as if those you’re asking to vote for your husband are simply too stupid to understand what a tax return filed by a Very Wealthy Couple looks like. As if you’re saying “we’ve given all you people need to know.”

    Oh wait. You actually said that.

    Ma’am, you’ve released *one* return. ONE. If we’re really lucky, we’ll get to see the second one 15 days before the election, when it’s too late to really understand how you and your husband run your finances.

    Here’s the thing. I’m not looking for a fight with a woman who is fighting for her husband’s election, but you’re simply wrong about your pronouncement that what is in those returns isn’t relevant, doesn’t matter, and won’t matter if you do release it. You assume the reason we’re asking for these returns has to do with some sort of attack on you.

    Don’t you understand the attacks are happening because you refuse to disclose this information to people who you’re asking to trust for four years? Or are you just above it?

    Here is a list of legitimate, real reasons why voters are entitled to access to your tax returns, whether you like it or not:

    •The next President of the United States must lead an effort to reform our current tax code. It’s long overdue and must be done. We’re entitled to understand how you approach your own taxation, and what interests your husband will serve if he were leading that effort. Simply put: Will a Romney Administration consider the needs of the working poor over the needs of corporations and the wealthy?

    •Ordinary people don’t have offshore tax shelters. Why do you? Why do you consider it American to shelter income from taxes offshore? Why would your investments take precedence over patriotism?

    •Americans deserve to fully understand how Bain benefited your family. It’s well established at this point that Bain Capital was in the business of mergers and acquisitions. People lost many jobs to offshoring, mergers, and just plain asset-stripping. It’s fair for them to understand what kind of profit you took from those lost jobs, particularly when you claim you know how to create them.

    •Ordinary people endure far more invasive inquiries for minimum wage jobs. You can get all high and mighty with us, but to get an $8.50 per hour job, many ordinary people have to endure (and authorize) a credit check, and in the case of government jobs, a background check. In many cases, they have to submit to a drug test, too. That drug test requirement isn’t because their potential employer believes every applicant is a drug addict. It’s because they want to make sure this applicant isn’t one.
    Similarly, we’re entitled to know whether any possible future President is a tax dodger. From the one single return released, it certainly appears that there are some dodgy tax items that deserve closer scrutiny. The problem is, we don’t have enough information to say one way or the other, and you think we shouldn’t see it.

    You say to us: “Trust me.” I say to you: “Why?” What have you done to earn my trust? You treat me like I’m some kind of scum for asking reasonable questions about issues that truly do matter. We’re entitled to know how you manage these things, how you approach taxes, how we can expect to be treated in a Romney administration. Telling me “you people don’t need to know” does not foster trust. It fosters resentment.

    You haven’t given us one single reason to trust you.

    Read more

    1. Irishgirl10:08 AM

      Clap, clap, clap.

    2. AKinPA11:02 AM

      Wow! This is wonderful. Thanks.

    3. Bravo! One thing to was Mitt's own father that said "one year" can be an exception. I suspect in this case it is. The man has been running for President for 8 freakin' years. If he didn't expect this interest in his taxes (when it is routine for presidential candidates to disclose multiple years) how can we expect someone a clueless as he is to run our National Security???

    4. Anita Winecooler7:03 PM

      Thanks for sharing that, This interview was very telling, Ann displays all the facial tics and mannerisms of deception. She holds her chin up, as if looking down her nose at Natalie. Her face flushes red, eyes widen and pupils dialate as her breath becomes labored. When she puts both feet on the floor and leans in it like saying "Snap!, Oh No You Didn't!"

      Not at all becoming of a woman who hopes to become the first lady. Wonder what her "platform" would be? A car elevator in every mansion, Just say no, and keep saying it over and over. I don't feel your pain.

      This letter should go viral, it's how every woman I know has reacted.

  31. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Paul Ryan Chosen Because of Romney's High Unfavorability Ratings, Which Keep Climbing

  32. Anonymous9:55 AM


  33. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Why Romney's Budget Might Be Even Worse Than Ryan's

    Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan for Veep this weekend was supposed to make this a real debate about budget specifics. By Tuesday, both members of the ticket had distanced themselves from most specific details of Ryan's famous Roadmap.

    It couldn't be any other way. Ryan's plan would level Medicaid spending by the end of the decade and cut deeply into projected income security payments and basic government duties. And that's before the controversial Medicare plan would start in the 2020s. Who wants to defend controversial line-items to seniors in Florida, or lower-middle-class rural voters in Iowa, when you could simply say: "Obama isn't working. And we have a plan."

    Romney claims he'd rather talk about his own proposals -- "It's Romney/Ryan, not Ryan/Romney" his spokesmen remind news anchors -- but his budget might be even harder to defend, in any specific way, Suzy Khimm explained. The GOP presidential hopeful says he wants to cut between $400 and $500 billion from projected spending each year of his term to bring the budget into balance. But there's a catch. Romney doesn't want to cut defense, one-fifth of the budget. He won't enact Obama's cuts to Medicare, nearly another fifth. And he won't cut Social Security, another fifth. That leaves a little over two-fifths of the government -- or $1.4 trillion today -- to accept about $400 billion of cuts. The math is easy. It says that everything else that government wants to do -- welfare, bridges, food and drug safety, and so on -- it will just have to do with about 30% less.

    You know how that's going to work out? It's not. We're not going to build a third fewer roads, or dump another third of low-income families from welfare, or cut science research by a quarter.

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      As of an interview today, Romney is now claiming that his and Ryans plans are virtually identical.
      I'm not kidding.
      HuffPo has the article, I can't link from my phone.

  34. Anonymous10:24 AM

    And speaking of a horse’s ass, Romney picked a Vice-Presidential nominee. They say Romney needed to pick a conservative like Paul Ryan to distinguish himself from Obama. I’m not sure why. Romney and Obama look nothing alike. I mean they look nothing alike on paper. Obama campaigned on universal healthcare and then delivered universal healthcare. Romney hates government controlled healthcare. Obama was pro-choice and then he became President and was still pro-choice. Romney is pro-running for President. That Obama even ran as a black man and wouldn’t you know it – he’s still a black man. Romney is a white guy. Which is probably why so many people in the Tea Party are so excited about the Romney/Ryan ticket – neither are black.

    I’m sorry, Margaret. That was low… even for me. Obama’s color has nothing to do with it. He’s black. So what. In contrast to Obama, Romney is a man of many colors.

    Nope. He’s just a white guy.

    What I meant to say is that Romney is white but he has a coat of many colors. No, that’s not right either. That was Donny Osmond. Margaret, what is that expression about a horse of many colors? You know. The one that means you can’t trust Romney any farther than you can throw him?

    I can’t think of the expression right now, but

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Romney hates government controlled healthcare, except when it was his idea in Massachusetts

  35. Anonymous10:26 AM

    The deluded over at C4P are really up because they think that Palin's remark about President Obama replacing Biden with Hillary has been ruined because she mentioned it. I mean really how crazy can these people get. Hillary's name has been brought up time and again as VP, usually by other Republicans. They think that just because their "saint Sarah" said it that she has put the hex on it. Crazier and crazier over there, but then they really have nothing left now that Palin has screwed them all out of money as she makes no run for office. Pathetic, but really hysterical!!!

    1. Olivia11:44 AM

      Interesting that how they once thought if she said something, it would magically happen, as if from God. You can see how low Palin has sunk if her own rabid bots now think if she says something it won't happen.

  36. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Got it? Good. Mitt Romney and John Sununu and Donald Trump and every Republican in the known universe can spend close to four years calling the president of the United States a Kenyan anti-colonial Marxist Socialist who doesn’t understand America because he is an alien and a “boy” who’s in over his head and didn’t even really kill Bin Laden, but my fucking stars how dare Joe Biden say “chains.” THERE WERE BLACK PEOPLE IN THE ROOM!

    Also, Joe Biden said “y’all” so you know he is the real racist.

  37. Anonymous10:30 AM

    ...Now a group of Republican activists concerned nonpartisan citizens want us to know how dangerous President Obama is to our national security because of that time he had our military hunt down and kill our greatest enemy. Wait, what?

    To help them make the case against President Obama, the Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund, a nonpartisan organization, hired a former spokesman for President Bush’s director of national intelligence, where he spent his days explaining why the Bush administration had no idea where Osama bin Laden was or what he was doing.

    With all this nonpartisan, issue-based advocacy, the Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund is coincidentally helping the election efforts of one Mitt Romney, who said in 2007 that he would not go into Pakistan to get bin Laden as then-candidate Obama said he would (and eventually did), making him the top choice of nonpartisan organizations who apparently wish Osama bin Laden were still alive.

  38. Anonymous10:32 AM

    There was a spot of bother and a hullabaloo yesterday when Old Handsome Joe Biden said “chains,” His Lord High Hairgel Mittens of Romney called Barack Obama full of “hate,” the Obama campaign called Mittens “unhinged,” and Mittens said nuh uh you are. (For the record, we didn’t buy Bamz’s people’s “unhinged” slur; Mittens, to our eye, was clearly more “miffed,” as he seems to think it quite unfair when he isn’t surrounded by fawning yes men, sort of like a Donald Trump.) Well, we are on Day Two of this fucker now, with everyone from Buzzfeed to Ol’ Lizard-Lips tossing forth their ha-penny of thought. But what about the issssues? What about, say, Medicare? Would you believe Barack Obama is being divisive and “not uplifting” and “mean to Mitt Romney” on that particular issue too?

    Of course you would believe it. Because the way Barack Obama portrays Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan (above) makes it sound bad. And we are all supposed to be grateful that Mitt Romney has deigned to run, according to Ann Romney, because “he is the only one who can save America,” and because “it is his time.” So, Barack Obama, kindly cease and desist from this inelegant “running for president” thing you’ve been doing. Mittens Romney needs our full support.

  39. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Jay Carney Mocks McCain For Calling On Obama To Drop Biden: Wouldn’t Go To McCain For Advice On Veeps

    “Let’s just settle it, once and for all. All this speculation. This is the ticket: Obama/Biden,” asked Fox News Channel’s White House correspondent Ed Henry.

    Carney paused before answering through muted laugher, “I think…”

    “That’s a yes or no,” interjected Henry.

    “Yes,” replied Carney. “And that was settled a long, long time ago.”

    Carney finished by taking a veiled swipe at Sen. McCain’s choice of adding Palin to the GOP ticket in 2008.

    'While I appreciate – I have great admiration for and great respect for and a long relationship with Sen. John McCain, but one place I would not go to for advice for vice presidential running mates is to Sen. McCain.'

  40. Anonymous10:51 AM

    O/T Romney, just this morning, said his tax rate is around 13% for the tax returns he will NEVER let the voters see.

    The stupidity of the man boggles the mind. He will look at his own tax returns and tell us what's in them! Try telling that to your bank when you're getting a mortgage. Romney's new error is that he is telling us about returns back 10 years. So now, he himself, has re-introduced the topic of the previous 10 years tax returns. Having stated a "fact" about all 10 years, he has entitled us to VERIFY that fact.

    The stupidity of the man EXCEEDS Nixon.

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      He knows he is in for a whoppin' huge loss; and why should he get his ass in a sling with his church for not tything the whole 10%
      "oh was it 10% on ALL income, I thought it was just what I actually worked for.
      or just money I have in banks In AMERICA"
      ..........dip shit
      ya know that is his problem

  41. Anonymous10:55 AM

    You can lead a horticulture,
    but you can't make her think.

    ~~~Dorothy Parker

    nails it on the lake lucille lunatic

    1. jcinco12:29 PM

      I love Dorothy Parker. I also love "if you don't have anything nice to say about someone come sit next to me." haha, of course the horticulture one could have been written for sarah..

    2. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Your quote is indeed nice, but it was Alice Roosevelt, not Dorothy who said that.

  42. Anonymous11:26 AM

    A 3,000-pound granite marker sits at the corner of Dorchester and 53rd Streets where President Barack Obama first kissed first lady Michele Obama, Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012, in Chicago. The Obamas will celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary this October...

    1. Anita Winecooler7:25 PM

      20 years? They're still newlyweds! I just love the diary, it's so uplifting.
      We share the same anniversary month, though I doubt they got married on Halloween.

  43. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Donald Trump is preparing a "big surprise" for the republican convention.

    You think the surprise might be Sarah Palin?

    1. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Nope. He hired an Obama impersonater, and he's going to "fire" him. Mark my words.
      Trump. You never go full retard.

    2. Anonymous12:45 PM

      I read that the surprise is a double of Obama who he "fires." Lame-0.

    3. Anita Winecooler7:32 PM

      trump is a buffoon. The closest to buffoon Sarah can get is having a crush on his ex wife and copying his present wife's felled plastic surgery and boob job.

  44. Anonymous12:33 PM

    "One place I would not go for advice on vice presidential running mates is Sen. McCain," (White House Press Secretary Jay) Carney said to laughs and groans. He noted, though, that he has "great admiration for and respect for" the Republican senator.

  45. Caroll P. Thompson, CPA1:40 PM

    Super Sarah is not going to like this one bit. What Super Sarah really cannot be liking is all the articles I have read recently stating that Paul Ryan is no Sarah Palin in that he actually is educated and knows something. He actually does read the news and I bet Paul Ryan knows that Africa is not a country. I certainly do not agree with Ryan, but I do like the fact that a dumbass was not choosen this year.

  46. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Joe Biden won the Palin-Biden debate. Obama/Biden walloped McCain/Palin. WTF is her point about Biden bringing down the 2012 ticket? Color me confused.

  47. LisaB25953:04 PM

    That. Was. Priceless.

  48. This little segment tied in beautifully the the one following with BRian Williams. (Which I would have enjoyed more if I had been treated to pictures of said dogs.)

    But I think his last lines were just the cherry on top.

    So is Sarah Palin saying she's no longer a prominent Republican or she just can no longer hear herself speak?

    What? She can't be both?

    You know, I really do like Brian Williams but he is a hypocrite as well. He talks about bringing the discourse back to a civilized focus but what are he and his colleagues doing about it? Is he calling out both the Repubicans and the Democrats out on their hypocrisy? No. It takes Jon Stewart to put Palin in her place by presenting exactly what he did. Brian Williams will never do it. No one else will do it. Because they are wishy washy cowards. And they're owned by the right wing media and right wing sponsors.

    If Brian Williams doesn't want them to "keep doing what they're doing" and get back to "decent discourse" then he and his media colleagues have the power to change that by exposing the hypocrites for ever lie and every mudslinging attack they spew. Do it over and over and maybe they'll shut up and start talking like adults. It's the media that needs to hold them accountable, not stand back and goad them on just for the sake of ratings. They need to distance themselves from Fox, not emulate it.

  49. Anita Winecooler6:28 PM

    Name one prominent republican who tocks like they tock! LMAO He just about got every wonkeyed spew, moth ball and body odored outfit and skank nasty wig she has in one segment.

    That line had me rolling "does that lake behind you have reflective properties?"

    He MUST read this blog, I'm convinced!

  50. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Where does that last clip come from - the "cocaine" one? That is some serious crazy.

  51. Anonymous11:36 PM

    OMG! Best Jon Stewart, ever!

  52. Anonymous9:08 PM

    You all know that one should step back and reflect on the local and national republican hate machine for what it is. Locally we have a guy that gets paid to read the ADN for his audience at 650 KENI everymorning, then he brings in an savant weather forcaster from the midwest to announce Alaska weather, then then we get to hear him stutter though a couple of HIS topics. It is mind numbing and that is my point so just ignore these types they are not important and ignore their sponsers.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.