Friday, August 17, 2012

Good news seniors! The Romney/Ryan plan now comes in a can!

The Romney/Ryan plan, a colorfully packaged can of shit that no self respecting feline would let anywhere NEAR their food bowl.

But of course it's good enough for seniors because, well hell they're almost dead anyhow.

I think if they were to be honest with the American people that THIS would be their new slogan: "The Romney/Ryan ticket. Sure it sucks for most of you, but if you really cared about that you wouldn't be voting Republican anyhow."


  1. Super Fan In Atlanta3:55 AM


    Republican U.S. House Staffers Indicted for Felony Election Fraud as GOP Fraud Epidemic Continues

  2. Sharon3:58 AM

    Sheer genius....who ever thought of the R/R is dead on, I hope this gets national press. I have already seen the catfood can a few times. The fact is Obama/Biden earned their money, it wasn't handed down unearned and they care about us little people.

  3. Anonymous4:15 AM

    New slogan too: "R You Ready?

  4. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Gyphen a picture of children in third world countries searching for food in garbage dumps.

    and label it, "Mitt's plan for food stamps"

  5. Anonymous4:39 AM

    The RR logo just needs a slight tweak.... anybody got a dancing horse?

    The "Senior Food" can is a scary thought though - especially for me, because I am just below the magic age of 55 & we're the ones who are really gonna get screwed by this " plan.". Not only is the system being taken away, but the economy is being driven over the cliff so that only the uber-rich can survive the fall and nothing practical is being offered for the rest of "us people" as our presumptive Queen calls us. Oh, and I'm allergic to fish....

  6. Anonymous5:01 AM

    O/T Last week, Mitt Romney picked Paul Ryan, the Republican architect of Congress's radical right-wing budget plan, as his running mate. Ryan has previously cited Rage Against the Machine as one of his favorite bands. Rage guitarist Tom Morello responds in this exclusive op-ed.

  7. Anonymous5:04 AM

    I wish we could seal Romney/Ryan in a can and run over it, over and over, in a Rolls Royce.

    But even that wouldn't come close to describing what they would do to the 99% (most especially the female, gay, and/or minority members of the 99%) in order to serve their foul quadruple masters the Koch brothers, Ayn Rand, Pope Benedict, and the Mormon hierarchy.

  8. Anonymous5:11 AM

    That last sentence says it ALL!

  9. emrysa7:43 AM

    hahahaaa I love that rolls royce logo, it is perfect!

  10. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I want to know about the vouchers. Would we use vouchers to purchase our own health care insurance from private insurance companies? The same insurance companies who deny people for preexisting conditions? That is frightening to me that
    most of us will have no health care access even for acute illnesses that are easily treated. I forsee "grandma got pneumonia with the flu, grandma is dead.

    I forsee more jobs: selling pharmeceuticals, antibiotics and pain killers on the streets! Non taxable income!

    I led a fiscally conservative life to be financially independent including contributions for social security and eventual medicare planning to pay for supplements. My spouse did but died young.

  11. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I feel so angry right now. Romney bought real estate and profited. When? My son and his wife made an enormous profit on one condo. Rules, regulations and ethics were thrown out the window!
    Bad paper was sold wreaking economic disaster world wide.

    Even with assist from a parent purchasing real

    estate my offspring recently sold at an average of 42k loss post 5 years. I am angry when the GOPrails it is the other side who seeks to "burden"our children! Wake up, pay attention to people besides your self Romney!

    When those at the top screw people to make fast cash only for self at the expense to demise of others they also lie blaming unnocent people for the consequences.

    Nothing wrong with being rich or having extreme wealth. There is much wrong making your wealth by fostering collapse if the economy to demise of people. Right now I am angry for we played by the book even cash for college educations (f u Romney) and unethical people at the top screwed the masses then dare to insist the same will bring us prosperity. Bull shit!
    kids! It is lies we need no rules, no regulations for "prosperity".

  12. Anonymous9:06 AM

    PS. I am angry at the lies and abuses of power. My family is not suffering as others are. I recognize Mittens does not care nor seek better for all the people.

  13. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I am really,REALLY going to have to stop getting into arguments with conservatards.Which is almost impossible since I'm from the deep south,but trying to reason with these fucking SICK BASTARDS is detrimental to my health and I can't afford to get sick.I happened to mention something about Social Security possibly not existing when I'm 60+(I'm in my late 30s)and following the usual passive-aggressive-smug-I've-got-mine-the-hell-with-you-tee-hee-hee smirk,I was told,"Well,you're probably wishing now you'd had children,aren't you?"


  14. Anita Winecooler4:32 PM

    The logo on the land yacht in the second photo is genius! The "Grey Poupon" ticket!


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