Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Can you feel the love tonight?

If you click this photo you can feel the love too.
Photos from the Obama's appearance at the Alliant Energy Amphitheater in Dubuque, Iowa


  1. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I have never seen a photo of Sarah Palin and Todd Palin embracing each other. There is no Love in the Palin Family. Money comes first. Sarah, doesn't the fact that President Obama and First Lady Obama are so loved by the public just eat you up inside. When was the last time that you KISSED Todd in a passionate way? Maybe Shailey did a better job.

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Hell you can't pay Todd enough money to passionately kiss Sarah in public.

      Todd would rather screw his prostitutes and keep his used condoms wrapped in facecloths than to show affection to Sarah.

      Todd gets more affection from peeping at women's nipples through his holes in the wall.

    2. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Shailey got paid to kiss him maybe if Todd pays Sarah she too will kiss him passionately depending on the dollar amount.

    3. Anonymous8:42 PM

      I cannot even imagine Sarah Palin being passionate and loving. She is a cold, evil woman!! No wonder Toad has gone elsewhere throughout the years!

  2. Anonymous6:41 PM

    You mean, the love between Barack and Michelle that really isn't there and was displayed in animosity on the part of Michelle? That is, before the campaign started and their handlers told them to cool it?

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Really? Doesn't surprise me that you wouldn't know love when you see. After all, you've never experienced it yourself.

    2. Anonymous7:29 PM

      You obviously don't know love. I feel sorry for you. Life's a bitch when no one cares, eh?

    3. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Really? Doesn't surprise me that you wouldn't know love when you see. After all, you've never experienced it yourself.

    4. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Did the McCain team tell Todd and Sarah to 'cool it' with the Prostitution Ring?

    5. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Does your mommy know that you`re using the computer under the covers

      You better get to sleep. You need to be ready to earn your dime from Palin in the morning with those early blog posts you have to post all your bullshit on.

    6. Cracklin Charlie7:41 PM

      Do what???

    7. linda7:58 PM

      LOL! pretty good actors, i guess. wonder why sarah and todd couldn't "act" that way. or how about mitt and ann? acting can only get you so far.

    8. Anonymous8:15 PM


    9. Anonymous8:46 PM

      6:41 PM The only love that Sarah experienced was one-sided with Glen Rice. Sarah loves her some HAWT-DOG not the 2 inch 2-toned kind. But one time was enough for Glen.

    10. Anonymous9:31 PM

      And your source? Possibly Bo, the dog, whispered in your ear.

      Your writing indicates troll.

    11. You are seriously sad - beware of the hatred - it can cause bad karma - not to mention horrid health issues.

      It is so nice to see genuine affection - which is what is ALWAYS on show in the Obama family. The GOP talk about family values but POTUS, FLOTUS and their children show it in every aspect of their lives.

    12. Anonymous10:24 PM

      Like Sarah, the troll is jealous of the first family. Great parents. great family raising their children well & making sure they are getting a good education, doing good things for the country, encouraging the best in others and setting a fine example. Something that the Palins will NEVER EVER do.....unless you pay them enough money that is so they can try to "act" on reality tee vee.

      Get lost jealous Sarah and her jealous troll. Nobody cares and if they do, it's because they feel sorry for you that you have zero life and are obsessed with coming to Gryph's blog. He owns you. Every time you click & type here you make him money. Thank you dumb ass for your donation.

    13. Anonymous1:00 AM

      I feel sorry for you, OP. You really don't know real love when you see it. I can only imagine the lonely life you have.

    14. You don't know what you are talking about. When the Obamas were first catapulted into national prominence and were interviewed by people who were pestering Michelle about what it was like to be married to someone like Barack (after building him up to be bigger than life), she reacted as any loving wife would. She doesn't worship a made-up media version of him. She loves him, the man she had been with through thick and thin, the real Barack. She loves him even though he has bad breath in the morning and leaves his smelly socks on the floor. She sounded like every woman I have ever known who loves her man.

      I don't feel sorry for you to have such a bitter, unloving soul that you would clutch those old interviews to your shriveled heart, parsing them with the help with hate-filled right-wing bigots to prove that this obviously loving couple really don't love each other.

      You see, all your hate can't change the truth. The First Couple's love for each other and their lovely daughters hasn't and won't fail because you want it to.

  3. Seeing President Obama and the First Lady hugging - or interacting with children - or empathizing with supporters is the political equivalent of ALL the puppy-kitten-bunny videos rolled into one, and I always go "Awww . . . (sniff). . . . LOVE LOVE LOVE!"

    1. Cracklin Charlie4:59 AM

      I love the fourth one down, with the young lady in the blue shirt, and the adorable older gentleman. Old folks can have a way of looking at someone like they're 'sizing them up' that only comes with years of experience and lots of practice.

      I'll bet the old guy likes what he is seeing.

  4. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Jon Stewart is a must watch tonight!

    I had to pick myself off the floor to type this!! Between Jon & Rachel -- Let`s just call it a `Twofer` on Palin!!!

    Jon`s last few lines of the first segment: KABOOM!!!

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      He nailed that bitch to the wall! Go Jon!

    2. Cracklin Charlie7:40 PM

      I saw that...Jon lowered the boom on the Palin! Missed the one from Rachel.

      And those photos above. Dayum. Those images make me feel so good.

    3. Anonymous7:49 PM

      I have a couple of hours to wait. Thanks for the heads up!

    4. Anonymous9:34 PM

      Best ever! On the other hand, it writes itself. He simply plays a clip, agrees with them, and then shows them doing the exact thing they are whining about!

  5. Anonymous7:18 PM

    "Damn you Gryphen!" -Sarah

    You know Sarah Palin reads your blog and is now throwing a hissy fit because that could of been her in those pictures and now look at her.

    A "never was" married to a pimp with uneducated kids and now the Palin family are the laughing stock of America.

    Thank you Gryphen from the bottom of our hearts.

  6. Anonymous7:25 PM

    OT Hey, Gryphen, be sure to catch the first segment of Jon Stewart's show tonight. He examines the level of nasty talk coming from the Democrats and the Republicans-- capped by Sarah Palin's appearance on Greta's show (in the tie dye shirt). Sarah can't think of a single Republican who speaks in such nasty tones. Then Jon plays a collection of Sarah's greatest hits (or digs, or insults, or just being Sarah). You're gonna love it!

    1. Cracklin Charlie4:51 AM

      That was a great take-down!

      I had even forgotten some of the things that Joe showed her saying.

  7. Anonymous7:31 PM

    @Anon 6:41PM please cite your source.

    1. Anonymous9:36 PM

      Take your pick...
      A. Bo
      B. The ghost of Breitbart
      C. Kochheads
      D. C of P
      E. All the above

    2. Anonymous1:01 AM

      You forgot,
      F. the voices in her head

  8. Anonymous7:31 PM

    True love :)

  9. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Todd can't hug old brittle Sarah anymore in the condition she is in. Her old brittle skinny fragile boyish body would crack.

    1. Anonymous9:56 PM

      Tawd hasn't touched Sarah in YEARS , that's why he uses prostitutes. And even then he has to pay someone because of his teeny tiny two-toned weenie.

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Can you blame him. Just imagine the hateful stench that comes off that evil Bitch.

  10. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Love the pictures & am so glad to have them as our First Family!

    O/T but just saw Youtube video of "Don't Roof Rack Me, Bro!" by Devo... the alternate title is "Seamus Unleashed". Enjoy!

    And finally, @ 6:41 WTF?

  11. ... kindasorta OT:

    We're NASA and we know it!!

    "We're NASA and We Know It"
    Performed by David Hudson []
    Executive Producer: Alexander JL Theoharis []
    Director: Forest Gibson []
    Editors: Cinesaurus [], Steven Hudson [] & David Hudson []
    Written by Rob Whitehead
    Prop Designer: Christopher Parker []
    Costumer: Jared Cheshier []
    Camera Operator: Forest Gibson, Steven Hudson, Jon Sim
    Cast: Steven Hudson, Tara Theoharis [], Zac Cohn [], Danielle Sparks [], Kevin Lane [], Monica Houston, Anne Ketola, Tim Uomoto [], Brendan Uomoto, Alexander JL Theoharis
    Promotional Support: Zac Cohn and Tara Theoharis

    Special Thanks to Anne Ketola for all the awesome NASA gear!

    When I EDL, time for seven minutes of flamin' hell
    Rover's touchin' down
    everybody passin' peanuts around, yeah
    We're at mission control, getting full use outta ev-er-y Sol (wa!)
    Just 25 feet left to go
    It's Curiosity, look out below (yo)

    Crane lower that rover (ah)
    Crane lower that rover (ah)
    Crane lower that rover (ah)

    N-N-N-Now bug out!

    Crane lower that rover
    Crane lower that rove
    Crane lower that rover

    Now bug out!

    Kickin' it at my con(sole), this is what I see (okay)
    Data streaming back from curiosity
    I got stars on my 'hawk
    and I ain't afraid to show it (show it, show it, show it)
    We're NASA and we know it

    We're NASA and we know it

    When I look for ice, gotta calibrate, gotta be precise
    And when I raise the mast, panoramic views are unsurpassed (wha?)
    This is how I rove, baking red rocks in my nuclear stove
    We headed to the peak, with my laser eye
    No one to bury me when it's time to die (ow!)

    Crane lower that rover
    Crane lower that rover
    Crane lower that rover

    Now bug out!

    Crane lower that rover
    Crane lower that rover
    Crane lower that rover

    Now bug out!

    Shoutout to Carl the Sage (and) Neil Degrasse T (B.A.!)
    Shoutout to JPL and the Rocker-Bogie
    We're better than SpaceX
    And we ain't afraid to show it (show it, show it, show it)
    We're NASA and we know it
    We're NASA and we know it
    Standard YouTube License

  12. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Love the Obamas!! Don't see where Mitt and Ann even begin to compare to them.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  13. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Off subject abit - Todd Palin's reality show is getting horrible reviews and comments. They are shredding him to ribbons as well as the show. Sure is obvious the Palins aren't liked much anymore!!

    IT'S ABOUT TIME! Sarah truly needs to be raked over the coals due to all the crap she has spewed during the past four years!!! It's being done more and more and she, Todd and Bristol deserve every bit of it!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  14. btw:

    The little girl in the faux pearls made water leak out of my eyes...

    I'm so happy to have a President who has that effect on me ~ and so lucky it happened in my lifetime.

    1. Cracklin Charlie5:13 AM

      That's called 'crying', Hammer.

      I share your sentiment. I can not believe that we were so lucky as to see this man elected President. I only wish my parents could have shared our good fortune; they were middle class white Southerners who were horrified by racism. I take comfort in the fact that Barack Obama is President during the time of my children's coming of age, so that they will know what kind of president they will need to elect, to effect progress for humankind.

      I would like to also give credit to the good people of Iowa, who were the first in the nation to recognize, and reward, the quality of President Obama's character. Winning the Iowa Caucus in 2008 put the wind in the President's sails, and helped pave his path to the White House. Let's do it, again!

      Fired Up, Ready to Go!

  15. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Best smack down of Palin ever on The Daily Show tonight!

    1. Anonymous10:01 PM

    2. Anonymous10:31 PM

      I'm searching the website. Anybody have a direct link? Thanks in advance.

    3. Anonymous3:10 AM

  16. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Sarah Palin: The Conservative Embarrassment

    Sarah Palin is the GOP's great white embarrassment from America's great white north. After she pretty much ruined John McCain's political career (while boosting her family's skeezy reality T.V. career), she isn't welcomed to campaign for the new candidates or speak at the upcoming convention. Nonetheless, Fox News still finds her useful enough to keep around for commentary when they don't have anyone else lined up to entertain their sheep-like viewers. Does she like that attention? You baaaa-aaa-aaatcha. . . . . . . . . more @

  17. Anita Winecooler11:01 PM

    Beautiful. They seem pretty tame for such hateful, divisive, angry people, don't they? Can't wait to see Mitt Moneybags and Ann Lois posed in similar moments of unscripted oneness. It's a damn shame Mitt has to be delicate with Ann Lois unless she's had her Ballet Horse Therapy Sessions- she rides one for therapy and she's married to Mr Ed. A match made in Utah!

    1. Anonymous6:05 AM

      nice comment, Anita, some days you crack me up and this is one of them!

      and sarah, the dimmest of wits..........
      instant karma's gonna get ya

  18. Anonymous8:40 AM

    See Ann Romney and Piglin, that is how true loving couples treat and revere each other. It's not all about money and fame. It is real love and affection, you low life Bitches.

  19. Anonymous9:24 AM

    This just makes it all right with the world.:)

  20. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Just endearing to me. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. President.

  21. Anonymous9:24 AM

    oh, of our great nation! Yes America and The Obamas!

  22. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Sarah Palin iiss aaaa ddiinnggbbbaaaattt. Sound familiar?

  23. *GinaM looking at the title of Gryphen's post*

    GRYPHEN! No you did not go all Elton John on me some Lion King...and this song always made me....*sniff*....cry!

    And for 6:41PM...sorry that nobody loves you in your life...if that's you Krusty...all you have to do is put aside that bedpan....climb out of that nasty filthy bed...put one foot in front of the other and soon you'll be walking out the dooooor! Try might find somebody who loves you Krust! We're all praying for you here! LOL!!

    Oh and if this is RAM....FUCK OFF PENGUIN!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.