Monday, August 27, 2012

Chris Matthews goes after RNC Chairman over racial attacks by Republicans.

PRIEBUS: But I think Obama’s policies have created a sense that for whatever reason, he’s looking to guidance [from Europe] as far as health care is concerned, as far as our spending is concerned … 

MATTHEWS: What? Where do you get this from? This is insane! You mean the Keynesian fiscal policy — you mean the fact that every president we’ve had has tried to offset the economic cycle with stimulus going the other direction is somehow European? … What’s this got to do with Europe and this foreignization of the guy? You’re doing it now! Saying he’s influenced by foreign influences? You’re playing that card again. What’s this European thing of yours? What are you up to with this constant that he’s not really domestic? 

PRIEBUS: You don’t think the take-over of our health care system called Obamacare is a problem for most Americans? 

MATTHEWS: Let me tell you some history, sir. Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt pushed for that, Truman pushed for that, were they all under the influence of Europe? Where do you get this from? 

PRIEBUS: I’m not going to get into a shouting match with Chris, so you guys can just move on. 

MATTHEWS: Because you’re losing, that’s why. 

PRIEBUS: No, I’m not losing. 

Yes you did!

You know I have often talked about my frustration with Matthews over the last few years, but THIS was EXACTLY how I have wanted the media to confront the GOP about their racist bullshit.

So at least for today Chris Matthews was speaking for me, and for all of us who are goddamn sick and tired of seeing the Republicans get a pass for their underhanded attacks against our President.

I just wish the other "journalists" sitting there would have backed him up.

(H/T to Think Progress.)


  1. Agreed, G, Matthews was doing a great job of calling Priebus out on his distortions and lies. It looked like Priebus was going to cry for a minute there :) Good for Matthews, I for one would like to see sooooo much more of that kind of behavior from our journalists.

    Btw, anyone else find it strange that Priebus was attacking Obama on the ACA even though RomneyCare is so similar? Was rMoney influenced by European countries?

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      And that Romney himelf, just days ago, told women to vote for him because of Romneycare?

    2. Irishgirl2:40 PM

      Yes...I did!

  2. If you remove all of the vowels, Reince Priebus' name is RNC PR BS. You just can't make up stuff like this.

  3. I agree with Chris 100% on this issue. I too, can't say I'm always in lockstep with Matthews' positions, but Chris is right on the money here and Priebus knows that he himself is full of shit and doesn't believe any of the crap that he's trying to convince the panel of.

    I'm definitely not saying that the Dems are without fault in playing partisan politics during this or any other campaign season, but the RNC has been in the gutter from the git-go in the GOP debates and all the way up to the present.

    Just like all of the other nonsense, all they can do is either deny or try to make it appear that "both sides do it". It's all just been a continuation they started the day Obama was inaugurated.

  4. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I don't watch Morning Joe when Joe is on. He likes the sound of his own voice too much. I saw the video posted somewhere and watched 3 times. It was brilliant! Wish more media folks would do this.

  5. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Alex Wagner followed up on her show NOW.

    Ding, Ding, Round 2

    Alex added in fear mongering. She went as far to say 'That it was a real shame that President Obama didn't participate in the Governor's laugh riot. Making a joke about Mormonism, polygamist compounds in Mexico or whether Romney was born in the United States'.


  6. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Excellent job Chris Matthews! More please!! We need facts not talking points, make them answer to their lies. Poor Pre-bus couldn't compete with Chris because he doesn't have the truth on his side. I loved that after the audience clapped, Pre-bus house of lies collapsed. I loved seeing him get mad! I can't stand that little weak-chinned weasel.

    Mitt wasn't joking nor was it a gaffe. Any thinking person can see that his expression after saying it was one of smugness plus. Some in the media giving him a pass are reprehensible and liars.


    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Mitt was so pleased with himself, it was like an out of body experience. He just kept think to himself, "Hey, I told a joke. They think I'm funny! Maybe this wedgie I have my Mormon underwear sneaking up on my ass is magic after all. A magic wedgie! Who knew?!"

  7. Maybe I'm terribly misinformed but I think Matthews missed the opportunity to put a stake in the heart of the GOP's fear-mongering over the ACA. Why can't we stop calling it a 'government take-over of health care' and call it what it is-- health insurance regulation and reform?

    1. Irishgirl3:01 PM

      I absolutely agree.

  8. Anonymous1:28 PM

    He's probably a fan of Sarah Palin, too.

  9. Yeah, Matthews blowed up Joe's Snoozefest real good! PrBs did get upset that Chris was calling him out on TV. Problem is that the 61% of white people that they're aiming for believe the NRC PR BS. (Of course of that 61%, half are women.) I sure hope their Caucasian Strategy fails.

  10. Here's my sign for the GOP Convention that no one will see on Network TV tonight:

    Lisa Ann: SHOW YOUR TITS

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      And only Lisa Ann would be willing to oblige from that group...

    2. Anonymous7:45 PM

      LisaAnn would be MY first choice among the three!

      And if I had to vote for Sarah for POTUS for her to keep her clothes on, I would keep vote repeatedly until they arrested me.

  11. jcinco1:33 PM

    Chris's smackdown of that smug little fucker was a thing to behold!

  12. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Reince Priebus. I don't mean to come off as a bully but his snotty little attitude, PLUS his silly name would have had him wearing his underwear on his head constantly in my High School (and it was a nice private school...)

    Perhaps Reince has such a poor attitude because he DID spend so much time with a wedgie?

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Wedgie no problem for Rinse and Repeat Pre-bust. He would be proud of his monogram on underwear. He is from Wisconsin, also, too and I think he was Eddie Munster's date to Senior Prom. And Scott Walker's date to Jr Prom, but they broke up. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just that those three were some little pricks back then as well. Nowadays neither Girls nor any Gay Guys want to have anything to do with any little pricks like those three from Wisconsin. Just saying.

  13. Anonymous1:49 PM

    This was great! Yes, G., I agree about Chris. I feel he spurts and sputters like an old car, and can't really get the words out, and talks so much he doesn't get to the point and doesn't let people finish. Good for him to finally get under Priebus' hood and wee-wee him up.
    I get so tired of hearing this "Obama being influenced by Europe" repetition by the GOP and Fox schnooze.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Re: European influence. What are the Rs talking about? European countries used extreme austerity to deal with economic problems and that is exactly the opposite of what we have done under PO. They are lying or don't understand what they are talking about.

  14. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Matthews is certainly abrasive at times, but in this clip he's on fire. The GOP has been playing this game since 2008, trying to portray President Obama as "the other" -- born in Kenya, schooled in a madrassa, is a secret Muslim, is not a "Rill American™." This is all by design, straight out of Karl Rove's playbook, and Rinse Priapus knows it. They all know it.

  15. Boscoe1:55 PM

    LOL now we're never going to see Priebus on tv anywhere other than Fox ever again.

    But it's fascinating to see the way this guy's tiny weasel brain operates. He never addresses the issues, he never posits any facts, he only makes direct attacks against Matthews in order to make himself seem like a victim.

    Now who does that remind us of?

  16. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Romney Asked if He Would Bring RomneyCare Nationally In 2008 in NH: "Absolutely"

  17. Anonymous2:00 PM

    For all the big talk of Mika, I find her a spineless. Her interest on the show -- when Donny brings her new shoes -- beyond that she's a waste of airspace as I have no respect for a woman who sits there as a doormat for the likes of Joe Scarborough as he is condescending, arrogant, etc, etc. and she allows. He talks over her constantly and she sits and shuts up and lets him.

    Why she's every invited to speak at anything to do with women's issues -- I have no idea as she's a disgrace to women.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:48 PM

      I agree in regard to her on the show. When Joe's not there, she does a mighty fine job, but I'm not waiting for him to go on vacation to watch it.

  18. fromthediagonal2:15 PM

    Apart from everything else, I think Priebus is so far inside his closet that he has a backdoor to fantasyland.

    I agree, Chris Matthews is highly volatile and often does not give his subjects enough uninterrupted space to voice their responses, but then, there is something to be said for being passionate about your subject.

    Damn, we need more journalists who are not only passionately invested in the progressive mindset, but also steeped in the subject matter and intimately knowledgeable in what they cover.

    I for one am tired of being steamrollered by christianist/corporatist talking points of regressives of all stripes.

  19. Anonymous2:18 PM

    OT but someone tells the truth

    "Bristol, who has slimmed down considerably since then, underwent chin liposuction and jaw surgery in December 2010 to get rid of her chubby cheeks and double chin."

    "I am absolutely thrilled with the results," Palin told Us in 2011. "I look older, more mature, and don't have as much of a chubby little baby face!"

    1. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Lipo, plastic surgery, jaw realignment surgery, more lipo. It's a pity because even at 21, a girl is still growing and maturing.

      During her reality show, Bristol really didn't seem to like Hollywood-- it's so shallow, it's all about appearance. Now, Welcome Back, Bristol! She back in Hollywood with her new, improved (surgical) look. She doesn't look like Bristol. She looks as if she is trying to look like a Kardashian.

    2. Anonymous3:13 PM


      Cue John Cleese's uncontrolled, unabated laughter.

      I'm thrilled that Bristol is thrilled about her investment in that mega-chin.

    3. Anita Winecooler10:07 PM

      I love how they said she got "harpooned" for being the FIRST CONTESTANT TO GAIN WEIGHT in the history of DWTS.


      The Examiner must read IM! The before photo looks like she's carrying low.

  20. Anonymous2:46 PM

    OT Hey Gryphen, Here is an article which show royally piss off the Palin Facebook authors: Tom Smith said that pregnancy from rape is similar to having a baby out of wedlock. (His unwed daughter had a baby from consensual sex, not rape, but I don't think that this guy knows the difference).

    1. Anita Winecooler10:10 PM

      He's from my state. He mortgaged his family farm to start his own coal business and employed "hundreds" of people. (Actually "tens" of people plus his family).

  21. Anonymous2:49 PM

    And Howard Fineman got into it with GOP's Michael Steele on Hardball!


  22. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Consensual sex is similar to rape?? HUH??? WTF??

    There has been another BaggerThug, this one from PA, crawl out from under a rock and talk about Todd Akin and then relate a personal story about his daughter.

    He first said he doesn't agree with Akin and should never have said it -- but then he steps in it!!

    "I lived something similar to that with my own family," Smith said. He then described his daughter's out-of-wedlock pregnancy -- from consensual sex.

    "She chose life, and I commend her for that. She knew my views but fortunately for me ... she chose the way I thought. Now don't get me wrong. It wasn't rape."

    Smith affirmed that he believed his daughter's pregnancy from consensual sex was similar to a rape. "Put yourself in a father's position, yes, I mean it is similar."

    "this isn't some fringe Republican activist. Tom Smith, a Tea Partier, won the statewide GOP primary; he introduced vice presidential hopeful Paul Ryan just last week at an event in Carnegie, Pennsylvania; and he was on hand for a fundraiser with Mitt Romney just last month."

    1. ...Smith affirmed that he believed his daughter's pregnancy from consensual sex was similar to a rape. "Put yourself in a father's position, yes, I mean it is similar."

      That's one of those revealing million-dollar quotes. As a father, if his daughter is gonna fuck someone and get pregnant, he's indifferent to whether it's consensual or against her will.

      Um, gee thanks, Dad.

  23. Anonymous3:01 PM

    GOP breeds this kind of slimy SOB like rabbits. Chris Matthews could play whack-a-mole all day.

  24. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I sure hope Matthews keeps that up.

    OT militia, soldier, plot

  25. Anonymous4:17 PM

    The Race card is being played even stronger today. All of the Republicans Re now repeating the lie that President Obama took away welfare work requirements. And today they insinuated that it was to appeal to the Presidents base (blacks).

    The GOP has sunk to the lowest level I have ever seen.

  26. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Whoa! Chris Matthews accused the republicans of being racist? I've never heard that charge before. Thanks MSNBC for making a Mexican- American like myself see the light..I never knew my republican Korean war veteran father was a racist until you and this website showed me the truth

    1. Anita Winecooler10:44 PM

      "Taking the work out of welfare", "No one ever asked me for my birth certificate", President Barack HUSSEIN Obama, he's a secret muslim, "Welfare Princess", Newtie's "Obama is the biggest Food Stamp President" comment. "European Ideology", Obamacare bad, Romney care wonderful. Michelle Bachman's accusations of Muslim infiltration into every arm of the Government because Hillary Clinton's Assistant is Muslim. "President Obama doesn't know what it means to be an American."

      You don't see or hear any racism, blatant or implied?

  27. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Well said...thank goodness for us white liberals to help point that stuff out to our African American brothers and sisters who are dealing with 14% unemployment

  28. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I'm not a Tweety fan, but he kicked GOP ass there!!!

  29. Chenagrrl10:34 AM

    Reince's body language and expression says it all. He realized he relied too heavily on the talking points and got his head handed to him.

  30. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Why doesn't it happen that every single fucking time someone on the right says Obamacare, the immediate comeback isn't Romneycare? How can the right continue with this argument?

  31. Priebus is a pig.


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