Monday, August 27, 2012

Did you watch last night?

Both "Newsroom" and "True Blood" had their season finales last night.

Thankfully "Hell on Wheels" just started back up or there would be no reason to turn the TV on Sunday nights.

What can I say, I have eclectic tastes.


  1. The Newsroom is the best show on television, ever, as in #1 of all time. The best parts are the discussions among Jane Fonda, Sam Waterston, and Jeff Daniels. The inside references to CNN and HLN are chilling. It's too bad it will not return until June 2013, and then for just another ten episodes.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      JUNE 2013?!

      No wonder they seemed to rush from the Gulf Oil spill to the Republican primaries so quickly.

      But geez... June of next year? I don't want to wait that long... that's just cruel. There should be a law that no show can leave the air for more than 3 months. Okay, maybe not a law, but something.

      All of my "stories" are going on hiatus... The Newsroom, Tru Blood, Breaking Bad... and there's nothing on network TV worth watching. I guess it'll be Netflix and Hulu for a while.

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      I will watch it tonight on project free
      only 10 episodes?
      Great, AWESOME show!
      Hope it will be back.

    3. Thanks for posting this. I haven't been able to watch The News Room since I don't have cable. Tonight, for the first time, I got to watch it.

      It was awesome!

  2. I'm still pissed at HBO for jacking us around a few years ago with Deadwood ending after only 3 seasons without coming to a logical ending for the series.

    Hell on Wheels is a great show I got into around week 3 last year.

    1. jcinco10:57 AM

      I'm not sure it's true but I heard the reason was that there was the writer's strike & by the time it was resolved most of the stars had gotten other jobs. I really loved that show too...

    2. I think you're probably right on that, jcinco. A friend got me the 3 seasons on DVD a couple of years after the series ended, and IIRC, in the director's cut of season 3, he makes reference to the fact that it might not be continuing but that they hoped a movie could be made because most of the major players at that point had already moved on to other projects. He didn't reference the problems specifically, so I assumed that HBO didn't want to pay an increasing scale for a hit that was expensive to cast and make authentic to the period to begin with.

      The writing on it was so good. The language was pretty strong but it was still poetic. A movie to close it out would've appeased me to a degree, but I guess it wasn't to be. Sigh.

  3. Virginia Voter10:29 AM

    Two of my faves are True Blood and The Newsroom. I'm also a huge Game of Thrones fan and I absolutely love Shameless. I don't know what I'm going to watch on network tee vee except for Grimm right now until a few shows come back from hiatus. Oh, wait, we get to watch Brisdull get dragged around a dance floor in a few weeks...good times.

  4. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Hands down Newsroom is an awesome show - and last night's episode was brilliant!!! Made me miss Keith Olbermann. Wish the show was going to be on during this election season - but mostly I wish there some real journalist that still existed to actually report the news and truth!!! How bizarre we live in a world where the truth has to be reported in a fictional series and comedy (i.e. Colbert and Stewart).

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      There is hope. Soledad, Mathews and Rachel are still pounding out the truth.

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Soledad, Mathews and Rachel -- all give me hope the sane folks can still run the country

    3. Anonymous1:12 PM

      I might toss Martin Bashir's name in there too.

    4. Anita Winecooler8:59 PM

      Bashir fan here!

      Current TV has some good programming as well.

    5. I'd like to hope that true journalists are becoming embarrassed by their lack of substance and are working to sharpen their game. It shouldn't be left to Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert to act as news journalists should.

      Personally, I want to see a debate handled like The Newsroom team prepped. A prosecutorial debate, no matter what party. If you can't hold your own in such a debate, you have no business holding public office.

      I want the hypocrisy of our public servants exposed, no matter what party. I want public servants that are both the smartest people in the room and the most tolerant and compassionate people in the room. I want diplomacy not party banner wavers. I know I won't get that, but I'd like to see us at least move in that direction, not away from it.

  5. Shestoast: ITA regarding Deadwood. Best western series ever. Watched Hatfields and McCoys and could see the Deadwood influence, but it was just not as good, even with Powers Booth.

    As to The Newsroom, I like it but I cannot stand how the women are portrayed as idiots. Mac is an incompetent fool and Maggie? Get her off my screen STAT! Tea party = American Taliban. Says it all.

    Another of my favorites is Suits which ended its Summer Season this week. Back in January. Must watch TV for me.

    1. Crystal, you have excellent taste in westerns. ;) I don't think I can ever get involved with a TV show again where I'm anxiously awaiting the following episode.

      Hell on Wheels has some potential, but I remember feeling jilted by HBO, so I am wary.

  6. Anonymous10:33 AM

    The critics strongly panned Newsroom early on, but it's totally my favorite new show this season.

    And the term "American Taliban" is absolutely correct! When religious beliefs become part of government policy, we are no longer a free people. At that point we are no different than Afghanistan, or Iran. Women become property, science becomes heresy, minorities become the enemy. We cannot let this happen to our country! VOTE in November and make sure your friends and family make it to the pools!

  7. Anonymous10:36 AM

    True Blood, Braking Bad, and the Newsroom all ended last night. Boo Hoo! All 3 are my favorites.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Actually, Breaking Bad's season finale is next Sunday.

  8. hedgewytch10:50 AM

    I thought last night's episode of Newsroom just rocked!

    I think its perfect that they have this show on now - 2 months before the election. A very good reminder of what the past year has been like.

    1. Except it's on hiatus for 6 months. It would have been better to have it continue to at least a few weeks before the election.

  9. The Newsroom finale was great! What a masterful stripping of the the tea party's conservative/patriot facade and defense of RINOS! And I loved the executive office face-off over the phone tapping. My complaints are that HBO seasons are too short and Mac is too screechy and needs to work on her personal boundaries. I'm managing the 'nothing to watch on 200+ channels' by catching up on 5 seasons of 'The Wire' on HBOGO.

    My newest daydream is for Aaron Sorkin and Jane Fonda to buy CNN.

  10. Anonymous11:41 AM

    SP's Alaska was the best show on TV ever.

    When clubbing halibut becomes an Olympic sport, Bristol will win a gold medal.

    On the medal stand, she will flip all the haters her middle finger.

    1. You make some strong points. I'm sure the show will get better with age and a little dust collecting on it. I can't wait to get the DVD (or whatever medium we use in the 2030's) set 20 years from now and finally watch that one season of SPA, which no doubt will be a classic by then.

      Is halibut fishing season in winter or summer? Bristol and her Mom can decide which Olympics they want to be in, probably based on ratings and Sarah's very busy schedule in Alaska. The GOP will now lose the election because they failed to properly plan the RNC to accommodate Sarah's very busy schedule in AK. s/

  11. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Ohhhhh it's getting good. Restock your popcorn!!

    We had Chris Matthews rip strips from Priebus & GOP on racism on Morning Joe this morning about 'welfare' and the birth cert 'joke' by Romney on Friday.

    Now we have Alex Wagner on her show go with Round #2 on 'race baiting, fear mongering' on her show in her words on her 'Postscript'. She even tossed in 'that it was a real shame that President Obama didn't participate in the Governor's laugh-riot making a joke about Mormonism, or polygamist compounds in Mexico or whether Romney was born in the United States'. KABOOM!!!

    If MSNBC tries to suspend anyone, they'll have no one on air soon. They both are speaking truth!

  12. Re what some see as annoying silliness on The Newsroom:

    "But it WAS funny - And that's the whole point! So much of this show IS comedy - Because if it wasn't all of the sane memebers among us would be inclined to slit our wrists at the thought of what the MSM lets the cons and tgaggers get away with under the false guise of "free speech"!" ~Left Hook, HP reader

  13. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Great show- too bad we have to wait until next year for more episodes. I taped them all. And I like all characters. They are all a little edgy and awkward- messy. But it works and the side pots make them vulnerable and human. I never would have watched had you not mentioned it here. Thanks.

  14. Anonymous1:42 PM


    I just want to thank you for talking about "The Newsroom"(HBO).

    On Friday, I chatted w/ a rep from my local cable company. My intent was to lower my bill.

    The end result included a promotion, which included 3 months of HBO for free.

    So, I spent this past weekend watching the entire first season. It was perfect timing.

    It is wonderful show for those of us who treasured "The West Wing" and missed having something similar available these days.

    I watched the episodes in order, and the show just seemed to get better and better with each episode.

    I may not have even been aware of this new series, if you had not mentioned it here.

    So, a huge thanks.... ;)

  15. Anonymous1:47 PM

    You people watch too much TV
    No wonder why you voted for Obama

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Ann is that you? Still bitter about Rafalca's defeat at the Olympics? Don't you have some reporters to poke your finger and lunge at? Why is your felon husband hiding his tax returns from the American people?

    2. Anonymous7:41 PM

      You sound like Angry Ann Romney the bitter lunger who never worked a day in her life. Same poor vocabulary and lack of grammar skills. I thought greedy rich people were supposed to be intelligent. I guess you don't have to be when you're a cold heartless gold digger.

    3. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Anonymous 1:47 PM "You people?" WTF?

      Ann Romney, are you still pissed off that Robin Roberts on ABC (yes, she's one of those blah persons) had THE nerve to ask you about your husband's tax returns? Uh oh, like Serra Paylin said, "Find me a tree, I'll bring the rope."

      Speaking of voting for Obummer...Nuh uhhh. I voted for Serra Paylin and John McCain, who Serra was gonna have knocked off if they won in 2008.

      I think McCain is still in the Senate, but I believe I heard Serra got farred as the guberner and is now working for her old man, Todd, stripping in a titty-bar somewhere in Florida. I think that place is called the Earthquake or something. I keep hearing other Paylin fans talking about supporting Serra and the Earthquake.

      But I'll bet them sum-bitches paying for Sarah to strip in that earthquake and for Sarah and her family vacations on that bus is about broke, cuz them titty-bars will take yer hard-earned money faster than you can say,

      "Oh shit, Todd, my water broke. I better go give a speech and then travel for 12 hours on two 4 hr flights and then drive home in the snow so we can have a baby in, say, about 25 hours from now and then I can sign a State of AK bill a couple of hours later since I'll be well-rested that way I don't lose our $60 a day per diem I git fer staying at home in Wasilla instead of living where the Governor works in Juneau, and then we can check out of the hospital later tomorrow since it was such a smooth labor with that pitocin inducing my labor that I wrote a letter to Trig from God tellin Trig that I'm psychic and that I know having him won't hurt me a bit and won't even stretch my abs out and I'll be at work on Monday morning, so why don't you, Todd and our new little month-and-a-half early preemie baby Trig come on up to my workplace the day after tomorrow and take some pictures, and then the next day I'll take new preemie baby Trig with me to sign a bill way off farther north on an 8-hr car drive each way?"

      WHEW!!! Lemme catch my breath! Hey, I said that fast, didn't I? Since I'm psychic, as she who I mentioned earlier as myself in the story was psychic about having that little baby-Trig so easy, I also think one day I'll quit being the gubernor and write me a book and be on the tv, also, too, and be rich and have about 7 grandkids before I even have son-in-laws for either of the knocked-up dotters or a dotter-in-law for my combat son who doesn't smoke oxycontin since he called his sister Beefy both a cunt and a slut, and then went to play hockey in Michigan with a sponsor family, I mean some friends, but Beefy being bot a cunt and a slut which requires talent like dancing and writin books and speechifying about not fuckin cuz you can still have a baby even if you don't fuck accordin to Bristol's version of the sto-ree.

      Seriously, Ann Rmoney, why are you pissed off still? Is it cuz you ain't as young and perty as me no more? Or is it cuz your husband Milt is a-skeered of me? Cuz I know he is skeered, you old biddy. And my dotter dances a HELLUVA lot better than yer damn horse does, Miss Queen Ann who's older than me. Much.

      ---Serra Paylin, 48-yr old stripper and ghost author celebrity and tv reality show star

  16. Anonymous1:55 PM

    We don't do any cable Movie channels but purchase shows thru Apple TV once they are available, so I'm on pins and needles about True Blood. If you watch Hell on Wheels are you also a fan of Breaking Bad? That show just blows my mind each episode and to know there is only this year left (two half seasons) kind of breaks my heart! Last night was just terrible!

  17. Anonymous2:41 PM

    If you get BBCAmerica, try "Copper" - 10pm ET Sunday nights with frequent repeats during the week. Very dark story re: NYC law enforcement, circa late 1800's.


  18. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I loved Sports Night...still in the top 5 of all time fav shows and West Wings was the best thing going during its run. How I wish I had HBO, but fortunately I travel enough that I can usually catch a rerun during the week at a hotel. Aaron Sorkin lives in my head. I just wish I could verbalize what he writes so well. I may have to buy the 2st season of this show for the vault!

  19. Anita Winecooler9:28 PM

    Thanks for blogging about Newsroom, we were hooked from the first episode.

  20. Yep. I caught up on the last four online last night since I don't get HBO.

    This show has really hit it's stride.

    Glad that it's renewed. Sad that it's on hiatus.

  21. The American Taliban is named.. We have ultimate Knowledge of who they are, their tactics and most of their money sources, and who pour money into their dark corners, and to give notice.... We are coming for you.... All of you... And we'll not stop until your gone.


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