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"Wait, how did you guys get that?" |
Mitt Romney's $250 million fortune is largely a black hole: Aside from the meager and vague disclosures he has filed under federal and Massachusetts laws, and the two years of partial tax returns (one filed and another provisional) he has released, there is almost no data on precisely what his vast holdings consist of, or what vehicles he has used to escape taxes on his income. Gawker has obtained a massive cache of confidential financial documents that shed a great deal of light on those finances, and on the tax-dodging tricks available to the hyper-rich that he has used to keep his effective tax rate at roughly 13% over the last decade.
Today, we are publishing more than 950 pages of internal audits, financial statements, and private investor letters for 21 cryptically named entities in which Romney had invested—at minimum—more than $10 million as of 2011 (that number is based on the low end of ranges he has disclosed—the true number is almost certainly significantly higher). Almost all of them are affiliated with Bain Capital, the secretive private equity firm Romney co-founded in 1984 and ran until his departure in 1999 (or 2002, depending on whom you ask). Many of them are offshore funds based in the Cayman Islands. Together, they reveal the mind-numbing, maze-like, and deeply opaque complexity with which Romney has handled his wealth, the exotic tax-avoidance schemes available only to the preposterously wealthy that benefit him, the unlikely (for a right-wing religious Mormon) places that his money has ended up, and the deeply hypocritical distance between his own criticisms of Obama's fiscal approach and his money managers' embrace of those same policies. They also show that some of the investments that Romney has always described as part of his retirement package at Bain weren't made until years after he left the company.
Holy shit! This is an amazing get, and it is going to be BIG trouble for Romney going forward in this campaign.
You can read through many of these documents yourself by going here.
Let's put it this way, and I am sure this will be to the surprise of nobody, Mitt Romney has not been at all honest with the American people. And possibly not with his own church either.
Update: That last part might be the crux of Romney's fear about releasing his tax returns. Here is his latest argument against doing so:
"Our church doesn’t publish how much people have given," Romney tells Parade magazine in an edition due out Sunday. "This is done entirely privately. One of the downsides of releasing one’s financial information is that this is now all public, but we had never intended our contributions to be known. It’s a very personal thing between ourselves and our commitment to our God and to our church."
You know I have mentioned before that I thought the tithing that Romney has done to support his church, and the fact that he might have been less than forthcoming with them, was at the heart of his refusal to release his tax records. And now I believe that more than ever!
It's too funny that all his 'charity' money goes to the Mormons, when they have no charitable arm...no hospitals, no nothing. The money goes right back in the building and the evangelizing. No charity. And yet, all those billions are tax exempt, as well as their vast land holdings. This group is about one thing: amassing wealth and power for white Morman men. That is all. And they think Mittens is their chacne to grab the entire US. Thank you Gawker! Kind of took the winds out of his big 'economic non plan, huh?"
ReplyDeleteGreat comment as always Sally.
DeleteAw thanks ManxMamna. Love to read yours as well!
DeleteI think the LDS church does have a charitable arm, but only Mormons in good standing can be eligible. No Jack Mormons or Gentiles need apply.
DeleteCome on, People. Google is your friend. There is enough to criticize about the LDS church without spreading misinformation. A quick Google search will show you that LDS is involved in charity work and a people DO NOT have to be church members to benefit. However, I think Mitt the Shit would have a hard time be helpful to an old lady knocked down in the street unless she signed over her assets first.
DeleteWillard is lying again. If tithes were the only reason to keep his taxes hidden, he could easily have said that years ago... in Massachusetts and during the current presidential campaign. He is so full of it...
DeleteHere's Mitt the Shit (nice ring to that!) being polite to a little old lady.
Excellent point. And all the Bishops certainly know who is and is not tithing. Although whether they had access to how big Mitt's income was is a question.
DeleteI guess when religion is not part of your upbringing it ALL just seems weird. People being forced to give their money to religion is just TOO strange and I really don't understand it and never will.
DeleteWell, they have their missionaries. I'm sure they consider that their charity. They probably provide some sort of stipend. And they have to pay for all those Mormon bibles to be printed and given away. And I'm sure they also have expenses due to their takeover of the Boy Scouts of America. So many of them are in the higher positions of that organization.
DeleteI also suspect they have a quiet way of providing for those Mormons that have lost their jobs or such. Can't have Mormons on welfare or sleeping in cars.
I believe along with the tithing it is incumbent upon those that are better off to help those within the fold that need a job. That's why there are so many Amway distributors that are Mormons.
Anyone know to what extent they have taken over Avon, Mary Kay, Tupperware and Fuller Brush?
He's an expert on creating jobs, as bishop he gave women "lady stuff" advice, what a swell fella! The only thing holding him back is his lack of transparency about his tax returns, something he should have gotten done on day one BEFORE the ruse of a blind trust in his wife's name.
DeleteIt's not that people are jealous of his wealth, we're just tired of his lies.
What else is he hiding and why?
Funny that the Mormon Church itself (Harry Reid) is interested in his tax returns also!
DeleteIs it possible the church thinks Meh has been stiffin' them?
mlaiuppa7:35 PM
DeleteThe LDS Church also engages in charity with several internationally known organizations such as the Red Cross. Mormons in need are helped, but they are expected to work for what they are given. Many work in the warehouses. They believe there is more dignity in working for what you are given instead of just receiving welfare. So, I really don't think we can knock that concept at all. I know there are exceptions, but mostly if non-Mormon neighbors experience a tragedy such as a house fire, the Mormon neighbors generally jump to help any way they can with food, clothes, and cleanup. Similar to what the Amish are known for.
I just don't think we should knock them for the good things they might do. On the other hand, lying for the Lord, methods of controlling their minions, especially females, and baptizing Jews killed in the Holocaust after their death is fairly reprehensible.
Oh boy! Christmas in August!
ReplyDeleteMaybe Mitt's problem is that he has not been honest with his wife. Maybe Mitt's problem is that he has rigged the blind trust. Maybe Mitt's problem is that his children ain't getting nearly as much as they expect.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe Mitt is just a secretive sociopath ala Richard Nixon.
I vote for sociopath.
DeleteHe is definitely a sociopath.
DeletePart of me thinks...maybe...he's not worth nearly as much as he says he is. After reading the WSJ report on Bain, I think it might be the case that he lost loads and loads of dough on stupid ventures that will put a chink in his claims that he's a great business man. Also, that he didn't pay taxes and uses tax shelters. Also, the IRA business seems fishy.
DeleteI think he's just selfish. He's cheap, greedy and sneaky about it.
DeleteIf Mitt had been on the Titanic, he'd be sitting in a lifeboat dressed in a woman's cloak, scarf and hat. And he wouldn't know where Anne and the boys were.
There's enough to go after him, but you're right, he reminds me of a psychopath. When he speaks, he sounds like he's trying to convince himself. He really gives me the creeps.
DeleteO/T - but did you happen to see this 'news' over at the 'pee-pond'?
by- Section 9 Today 07:56 AM
". . . As one wag rightly noted, Hurricane Isaac is bearing down on Tampa. In the Old Testament, it is recorded that Isaac was the Son of Sarah. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people. Methinks the Good Lord doesn't cotton seeing one of his Good and Faithful Servants treated like used cat litter by a room full of overpaid K-Street consultants whose common ambition is to fight for office space in the Old Executive Office Building. But that's my Biblical Interpretation of this storm and I'm sticking to it for now."
". . . Isaac, son of Sarah. It's in the Bible!"
(Edited by author 11 hours ago)
by- virginiagentleman1 Today 09:34 AM in reply to section 9
"Isaac son of Sarah. Divine intervention? Hurricane rather tan earthquake":
"Section9m, this has got to be one of your most intriguing comments, at least in your top ten! Thanks for sharing!"
So God is going to ravage the land and kill good people because the Quitter wasn't invited???
DeleteThese people are so nuts.
Plus Isaac hasn't even hit land yet! They are nuts!
DeleteFabulous new nickname for the storm!
DeleteBut Sarah always equated herself with Queen Esther, and not biblical Sarah.
DeleteMethinks they Mismethink too much, bless their hearts!
DeleteGryphen, I agree with you. It's all about tithing and cheating on his fair share.
ReplyDeleteMost news sources are saying there is nothing new in here. See Business Insider as an example.
ReplyDeleteSo I hope we are not all disappointed!
The really scary thing is how conservatives/GOP/nutjobs all blow this off and justify it. I can't believe some of their comments at HP. Things like " who cares, Obsma is giving entitlement money to those who don't work and who demand it!!" I wanted to write F U to this person. They are such hypocrites because they hate the President. These racists nuts will give Romey every benefit of the doubt even when he is cheating the country he wants to lead!!
Business Insider is a right-wing site so...yeah...THEY would say that...
DeleteThe issue isn't really if Mittens broke the law. The point, imo, is tax policy. He's saying he needs to pay LESS in taxes and he has actually picked a VEEP whose plan would give him a tax rate of less than one percent. So...yeah, it actually does matter. Barack Obama has tried to shut down overseas tax shelters like this...
Business Insider isn't a right wing site!!! LOL!!
DeleteThey are the ones who published babygate articles!
Find some articles where anyone is taking it seriously. Gawker isn't serious, they are a gossip site
Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell discussed Gawker's "get" tonight.
DeleteIt does not get much more serious than that.
Just which Romney troll is this by the way?
Andrew Sullivan had this to say:
I lived in Utah for over a year in the middle of a Mormon community. Christians? Never say that. There was always a strong differentiation made between us "Christians" and the "Mormons". Also a big effort was always there to get you to convert to their church. There was a large gap between the survival of "Christian" businesses and Mormon owned business.
ReplyDeleteLet's not forget the polygymists who have huge businesses and make money from many Christian entities. They are only able to declare 1 wife on a tax return, so the others are common law consorts. They file for charity/social/welfare services and benefits from local, state, and the federal government. It has been estimated that they make millions off the government.
Also, let's not forget tax deductions. 5 to 10 children give you great tax deductions. You may not have to pay any taxes. But I am sure they expect all the benefits.
I don't consider myself prejudiced as I still have Mormon friends and met many wonderful people. I don't like grifters, or hypocrits, and from my experiences, I am not sure that I would call the Mormon faith a true religion. Their belief in Jesus Christ begins several hundred years after his death and only includes parts of his life,I believe.
He needs to drag the Wasilla Wonder Woman into his fold. She could try to convert him and vice versa. Imagine the debate.
Dear @Mittens,
ReplyDeleteWhich is worse:
1) Having everybody know where overseas you stashed your money? oops -- un-American
2) Having everybody know you cheated on your tithing? hurts a bit more -- especially knowing you might get a wedgie on Sunday :-(
3) Having everybody know how much of your wealth come from tax avoidance rather than clever investing? buh-bye Randite mythology!
Good points dorkenergy - Don't forget making money, maybe continuing to make money from Stericycle's business disposing of medical wastes including aborted fetuses. Awkward!
DeleteWhy does this shiz have to be on a gossip site with bad credibility no one of rational mind takes seriously? Damn.
ReplyDeleteThat is pathetic.
Uh, excuse me...Gawker has plenty of credibility. I read it every day. It's basically an aggregate site, like HuffPo or Drudge Report or Wonkette. The difference with Drudge Report is that the headlines actually match the story inside and...it's FUNNY and written by SMART people...
DeleteI agree. Gawker is much more than a gossip site. Sure, it's snarky, but it's also very smart.
DeleteIt isn't a serious site really. I read it too. But if you are expecting something big to come from this, it won't.
DeleteBecause main stream sources are too pussy to dig for and expose the real dirt?
DeleteGawker used to be a wonderful community of like-minded commenters and some serious journalists. Last fall it fell into the bin of history, unfortunately, because many of us found a home there and enjoyed their reporting. There is not a single 'old timer' commenting there any longer, and very few of their original writing staff remain. It was hard for many of us to witness the demise, but all good things must come to an end, I guess.
DeleteHope there are various blogs, etc. downloading the info as you know Romney's camp will be in Court to order Gawker to remove the info -- just like has happened in the past
ReplyDeleteNo they won't. 500 pages of this big news was already published on the Romney site. There's nothing bug here we didn't know already
DeleteDidn't work for Pandora, won't work for Rmoney.
DeleteThat genie has left the bottle and there is no recorking it.
I'm beginning to really see why perhaps Jon Huntsman (sp?) does not like Romney much. Romney worships the hell out of money and the influence it gives him.
ReplyDeleteMyself, I can't think of any works anymore that I can utter in mixed company about Romney's ethics or lack thereof. I might get my angry mouth washed out with soap.
M from MD
words not works. oops. sorry.
DeleteM from MD
Abby Huntsman is doing an interview on Rock Center tonight about the Mormon Church.
DeleteAbby, of course being one of Huntsman's daughters -- married outside the Church. She didn't marry a Mormon.
Mittens has been running for office since 1994. His tax returns have been an issue in EVERY election he's run in? You'd think the guy would have figured it out by now. Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteHe's too arrogant to figure it out. He thinks it's his turn and he's going to buy the damn election if he can't win it honestly. I hope all of his wealthy backers spend all of their money and end up losing the election, not to mention all of their capital c cash. Oh, if there is a God this is what should happen!
DeleteRachel's talking about this at the end of her show. Maybe more tomorrow?
DeleteHey Mitt! I'll help ya' out. If your tax returns are too personal maybe you shouldn't be running for President. Go back to living your private life in one of your five houses, driving one of your six cadillacs/trucks and living off of your capital gains income. Go visit all of your bank accounts in the foreign countries so you can dodge taxes. You sir, are a douchebag extraordinaire!
DeleteNow, somebody needs to leak those tax records that Romney refuses to show, because something damning is in them.
ReplyDeleteHe is the biggest dam crook to run for president.
Do you mean the war hero who lost the last election, got ten years of taxes from Romney and picked the Quitter?
DeleteCome on, John, redeem yourself for once.
Spill, Baby,Spill!!
Happy birthday to me!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!!!!
DeleteThere's always the possibility that Romney took advantage of the IRS's amnesty for tax cheats in 2009. So if he's going to release any returns I'd love to see the one for 2009.
DeleteGryph, someone on LGF got the google ad for the Sarah Palin candle. $55.00. THEN they found this video. Please watch. We thought it was a parody, but consensus said it's the real deal. -SJP
Dying laughing.
Could be wrong, but isn't the 10% tithing from gross income, not the adjusted AGI less deductions (IOW taxable income)? Not that it really matters, except as a point of understanding what the math means.
ReplyDeleteAnd what does the math mean? Anyone with basic math skills knows how to go backwards to arrive at the income amount if the tax is $x, and that number is 10% of the income. Just multiply the tax by 10 to get the income amount.
Agreed - Mitt is scared for either of these 2 reasons:
...1) He didn't really give 10% of his originally reported gross income; he based it on taxable income.
...2) After accepting amnesty in 2009 (very likely based on what we know), he never went back and amended his earlier returns for MIA income, thus shorting the LDS for all the years his amnesty covered. (the way I understood the amnesty effort, the calculation for tax/interest was an "add on" to the regular tax return for tax year 2009; you didn't "add" the amnesty income to the 2009 income to get your tax). This is something that Mitt would definitely want to keep between him/his God/his church.
Don't forget too that any 'giving' Mittens does to this 'cult' that the total of it is also a tax deduction!!!
DeleteHe and Ann are so full of shit they make me sick to my stomach! I cannot imagine that Americans across the nation are going to fall for their bullshit!
Mormon men are brought up to lie and all Mormen men I've met (work and socially) have been liars (to not admitting they are married and screwing around on their wives!).
OT: Can't wait to see all the old scooter-riding, teabag-hanging-hat-wearing senior citizens at the Repube convention next week. I wonder if they will use spell-check for their posters? I do hope that Isaac will descend on that convention center, that was paid for with tax money, and blow the top off. (leaving the good people of Tampa alone, mind you) "I built this!" indeed. Hope no first responders, FEMA people, firefighters, or national guard come to the aid of these greedy, selfish, rat bastards!!
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to add to the straw hat wearing that they'll be parading around in their 'Hawaiian' shirts being it's Florida!!
DeleteAnd grossly obese.
DeleteIve been saying this for a long time.
ReplyDeleteBetween mittens and the LDS in SLC it is
nothing but a money laundering OP.
Bain did it all for them.
Prior to Bain they had to work at it
and they did Not have the kind of $$
Bain brought them ALL.
Could you talk more about this please. Do you mean they took LDS $$ and put it through Bain saying it was earned on these incredible deals so that way it could be spent?
DeleteSorry I need it spelled out. When you read "Leaving the Saints" by Martha Beck you see what a secretive and power hungry and evil hierarchy runs this cult. The Catholic church has much more transparency than they do. Mormon top brass are just as secretive and entitled as Church of Scientology.
the lds used Bain to make money.
Deletesince its a 'church' it has NO disclosure
and NO taxes. just like mittens.
who ran his personal shit thru the lds
as well the bain offshore accts.
one big circle jerk.
that is what mittens, purports, to do:
buy and sell. however i dont think HE does it; i think he is smoke for the lds/slc.
look up 'lying for the lord'.
I doubt that Romney shorted his church. If he did, he will not get his own planet when he dies.
ReplyDeletethe tithing is more of a membership dues than charity. you don't pay - you don't play in the big house. it is not "charity" if it is required to stay in good standing and gain entry to temple etc.
DeleteIt's just so sick that these people are deluded enough to give up their money to a church! So sick and twisted, all of this tithing to get into their respective heavens. I really feel for these deluded folks that give their money to churches.
DeleteYou're assuming that Romney actually believes that. I've become convinced that a lot of the higher ups in the LDS church don't believe the doctrine, and I know a lot of social Mormons... they don't believe, but they stay in because it's easier than being out. The last name Romney comes with a lot of privileges in the LDS church... so Mitt could have other reasons to stay in than true belief.
DeleteWell, I don't doubt it. Lying and cheating is part of his basic character.
ReplyDeleteWhy should we think he'd cheat on his taxes, his employees, etc. and yet be perfectly honest and truthful with the church?
I am more than certain that he hasn't tithed his 10%. I'll bet the tax returns he gave to the church aren't the same as the ones he gave to the IRS. If he releases more than the last two years, the discrepancy will show up.
Sure he won't be president but this isn't a surprise. The G NO P knows they can't beat Obama. That's why they nominated McCain in 2008 and Rmoney this year.
But he's what? A Bishop in his church? He's up there in the church hierarchy. If it comes out that he cheated the church they'll be quiet. But he'll lose his position. He'll be lucky if they let him stay a Mormon. I'm sure they have something like excommunication. I can see him being kicked out for cheating on his tithing and lying about it.
I have been waiting for this....you know there were way too many people digging into his shit. There is something that seems obvious to me that will never happen, but...if taxes were really fair, actual wages would be taxed at super low rates and capital gains would be really high. Actual work produces everything...their work produces nothing, just shuffles money on paper. This would have nothing to do with amounts...just how the money was made. I think Robme and Lady Ann are gonna rue to the day they tried to buy us.
ReplyDeleteNo, His church will let him slide, because from my observations of how the mormoms operate, anything is fair as long as the mormon program is advanced. Believe me, the treachery that is the left is a force that must become a forgotten part of history. Not in my lifetime, but for the future of my grandchildren Ex Cat
ReplyDeleteThis just gets better and better. rMoney's greed has painted him into a corner that he'll never get out of. I wish nothing but obscurity for this entitled MoronMon.
ReplyDelete"One of the downsides of releasing one’s financial information is that this is now all public, but we had never intended our contributions to be known. It’s a very personal thing between ourselves and our commitment to our God and to our church."
ReplyDeleteSo why have I recently heard Lady Ann Rmoney say not once, but twice, that they give 10% of their income to "charity"? That doesn't sound like they consider it personal information; she sounded a whole lot like she was bragging about it.
He didn't pay 10 percent based on the 2010 returns. He was a few hundred thousand dollars off.
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting that he continually drags his "tithing" out as "charitable giving." If I read the LDS website correctly, the tithe is designated for the support of the "ministry."
ReplyDeleteThis tallies with other denominations that require tithing--the money is designated for the advancement of the ministerial and spiritual goals of the denomination, NOT for providing help and support to the needy. Furthermore, the tithe is REQUIRED to be a member in good standing. For a devout Mormon, as Mitt Romney claims to be, the tithe is the very LEAST he can do. For him to brag about it is a bit like me bragging about paying my taxes.
It would be interesting to see what the Romneys give above and beyond the tithe (and since they're very unshy about mentioning THAT, their argument about the "personal" nature of offerings is disingenuous. It's seeking to gain credit for something that, within his belief system, isn't really credit-worthy. (I grew up in a tithing church, which is how I know about these things.)
It's gaining traction on television already, Rachel and Lawrence O'Donnald had segments on it with the possibility of more to come. While channel surfing, it was being discussed on Current. Where's the MSM?
ReplyDeleteI'm glad this came out, but I want to see his tax records published. I think he owes the public at least that much if he wants to become President.
Romney the 'Pro-Lifer' and $75 million Stericycle investor: making money from the corpses of aborted unborn babies.
ReplyDeleteThe lying, cheating mormon strikes again. Why do other Mormon elected officials give years of their tax returns? WHY MITT?
ReplyDeletemitt lies like a 5 year old. Straight out his ass.
Get thee fuck out of the kitchen, king of Thieves.
Tithing amounts aren't personal- it means 10%.
ReplyDeleteThat is what the definition is, it is in the bible, and it is what Ann Romney has said.
Tithing can not be considered as part of one's tax obligation either, as Romney has suggested (saying that when one adds in his "charitable contributions to his church, he is actually paying over 23% in taxes).
It is not charitable, as it is not voluntary if one belongs to the Mormon cult and it does not help the poor (in fact it extricates from poor Mormons with the threat of damnation and excommunication), and it is not equal to taxation, as it only goes for the enrichment of the Mormon church and not for the running of our country.
Don't forget the Mormons spent million$$$ defeating gay marriage in California - not even in Utah!!!
ReplyDeleteI asked a Mormon coworker about tithing. She was indignant about the question, saying, "the church doesn't forde anybody!" and I said, "Isn't it necessary to get a temple recommend?" (get-into-temple card- temple in Salt Lake, not local churches.) And she said yes, when you apply for a temple recommend they ask if you're tithing. And I thought: Mitt and Ann will have a temple recommend. They're very prominent and for them not to go to Temple occasionally would be noticed. So either they're tithing, or Mitt's lying. Hmmm....
So Willard gets a tax deduction for donating money to, essentially, himself, since he is/was a bishop in the Mormon Church. Then the money gets used to send his "Village of the Damned" children to Europe on a missionary mission.