Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Hey want to see some REALLY good news about the 2012 election?

You can click on the interactive scoreboard for more details here at TPM.

I am not by any means suggesting that Democrats should get complacent, I am just pointing out that things are really starting to look up for the President's reelection.

And apparently working in his favor is the fact that the more that people come to know the REAL Mitt Romney, the less they like him:  

After his personal popularity saw a resurgence almost immediately after he wrapped up the Republican presidential nomination, Mitt Romney’s favorability rating has plateaued at a historically low level, according to a new poll released Wednesday. 

According to the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, 40 percent of Americans hold a favorable view of Romney — virtually identical to the 41 percent high-water mark that his favorability rating reached in the ABC/WaPo survey from late May. Compounding matters for the presumptive Republican nominee: the percentage of the public who view him unfavorably has jumped from 45 percent to 49 percent. Romney’s standing is even lower among independents, with only 37 percent of the bellwether voting bloc viewing him favorably compared with 50 percent who view him unfavorably. 

So obviously the best thing for the President is that Romney get his message out far and wide, and have a chance to meet as many Americans up close and personal as he can before November 6th. And I support him in that effort.

Psst hey Mitt, you know what might help?

Put Sarah Palin on the ticket. No really! Just think of how much it helped John McCain avoid taking responsibility for his loss in 2008?

I mean sure you will still lose, but this way you can blame it on the batshit crazy lady from Wasilla. Besides the late night comics, and political pundits will LOVE you for it.

Just a thought.


  1. Anonymous11:51 AM

    OK checking my clock seeing how long it will take Lego Hair to respond:

    Pennsylvania GOP Official Compares Obama Supporter To A ‘Mentally Retarded’ Person

    1. vegaslib1:54 PM

      Not going to happen. She only objects to that word when a liberal uses it. Republicans can use it all they want, just like she does when she refers to her son that way.

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Remember when Limbaugh called liberals "f-ing retards"...Sarah said it was different when he did it because it was "satire".

      Yeah right!

  2. Anonymous12:02 PM

    You know, I thought I never wanted to see Sarah anywhere near a real political ticket again, but I think you're right. I mean, who's he going to choose? Boring Pawlenty, "let's dumb down education and make the taxpayers pay for it Jindahl (wait until that story hits the national news!,) "Dismantle unions Walker," ? The choices are just mind-boggling. But he needs someone as well practiced at lying as he is...voila, Cruella de Ville in person! And down will go the GOP in flames.
    O?T, I just got a robocall from LaPierre and the NRA assuring me that it is the US Government responsible for the recent mass murders and attempted ones, and not the law-abiding, keep me safe NRA at all. No, the media is just lying about the events and who is responsible. The NRA is blameless and needs my support! At that point, I hung up. Oh the only way to STOP these calls if theya re 'unwanted?' Call a number that the guy rattled off so fast I couldn't write it down. Morons. They must be really worried about losing funds if they are resorting to this!!!

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      A great solution is to get rid of the old landline and go totally cellular. Don't get unwanted calls on a cellphone.

  3. From your lips to Zeus' ear, Gryphen. Just remember that 3 months is both an eternity AND just a blip in political time. A lot can happen and we know the enemy fights dirty.

    The important thing to keep in mind is the new voting schedule imposed by the Voting Simplification Act of 2011 where all votes cast on Tuesday November 6 will be counted in support of President Barack Obama's re-election and all votes cast on Wednesday November 7 will count in support of electing Mittens Rmoney for president.

    Because I have officially endorsed Mittens for president, I want to invite all of his supporters to vote early on Wednesday and after voting I'm buying EVERYONE a beer as we await the vote counts on Wednesday night. It's gonna be awesome!

    No hard feelings, ok, Gryphen?

  4. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I think it's time for a new scapegoat. How about Romney/Bachmann 2012?

    1. Romney-Santorum

      Frothy Mixture. Ugh. I have a bad feeling he's going to be the Hail-Mary for Mittens.

      He was the most aggressive campaigner, he would be the most polarizing. Probably couldn't pull Mittens through to a win in the big contest, but they might have a higher turnout of the hard right and that would help in the red states.

      I hope I'm wrong, because it would be the ugliest scenario as ugly politics go.

  5. Super Fan In Atlanta12:52 PM

    Ummmm....if Romney's Bain tax returns are tied to families that order "death panels", I mean death squads abroad, then their is no way in hell he's going to release his tax returns. No wonder he always has that worried and pained look on his face. Some family mob member has got to be watching him at all times. He totally made a deal with the devil on that one.

  6. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Politifacts rates Romney 'pants on fire' false that Obama wants to send welfare checks and end work.

    Mitt's trying to play the race stereotype card. I forgot, the repubs support reality shows for white knocked up teens! How christian of them lol

    I am disliking Romney increasingly.

  7. Anonymous1:02 PM

    And that was before his latest "foot in mouth" escapade from last night (Tuesday).

    Yup, Mittster mistook Sikh in numerous references for SHEIK. As per ABC News:
    "Romney Slips, Refers to Shooting Site as ‘Sheik’ Temple

    snippet of article
    “We obviously have challenges around the country. I was in Chicago earlier today. We had a moment of silence in honor of the people who lost their lives at that sheik temple,” said Romney, speaking to a group of donors gathered at a fundraiser at a West Des Moines country club.

    “I noted that it was a tragedy for many, many reasons. Among them are the fact that people, the sheik people are among the most peaceable and loving individuals you can imagine, as is their faith. And of course, the person who carried out this heinous act was a person motivated by racial hatred and religious intolerance. It’s really, really a tragedy,” he said.

    Rick Gorka, a spokesman for Romney, later clarified that the candidate “misspoke” adding that it was the “end of the day.”

    Romney has been on the campaign trail since 7 a.m. this morning, holding one campaign event and three finance events as well as traveling from New Hampshire to Illinois to Iowa.

    “He mispronounced similar sounding words,” said Gorka. “He was clearly referring to the tragedy in Wisconsin, you heard him talk about it earlier today in Chicago.”

    * * * * *

    So, it's "late", now exactly how the hee-bee jee-bies will he handle the call in the middle of the night??



  8. Sharon1:05 PM know its about time the polls started showing some intelligence but...and theres a huge but, I have been reading more and more about our new problem. It seems the real powers at be in GOP are well aware Obama is gonna win big, so they are doubling down on the congress and senate now. They want to continue this no compromise bullshit and give him an even worse term with as many tea partier know nothings as possible. This is really scarey, to have another 4 years of these idiots running the show. I hope Chicago is aware of this new thinking and we pay more attention to our Dems being challenged. I hope we see Cantor gone, not to mention Bohner. I hope McCain just wallows in regret at what he did to this country....if you read about him, he was no hero either, he deserves what he got.

    1. Sharon, That's my gut feeling as well. I don't think their "throw the kitchen sink at Obama" helps as much in the Senate, but with local races determined by the whoever wins the "get out the vote" race, GOP might benefit by standing their ground at all costs as the Tea Party continues to increase its share. Bodes well for national Dems but it will be ugly every day having to deal with the obstruction of all of the President's policies as well as the hateful politics of bigotry and misogyny.

      I hope you and I are both completely wrong, but the Koch money is going to migrate to where it's most effective, and that's at the local and state races, as well as the House races.

      It's going to take a Still Spine, and if anyone can make headway into the wind, it's Obama. But he's got to play rough and maybe dirty on occasion to get things done, and I have mixed feelings on how these power struggles are resolved.

      For example, in 2010, we got stuck with the Bush tax cuts being extended for 2 more years, and all that did was screw the country, but it was a necessary evil at the time to break the stalemate.

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      I worry a LOT about what will happen in Congress. Look at all the damage that the right wingers in Congress and in governorships around the country have done in the last two years.

      Obama can't do much, no matter how big a margin of victory he might get, if there is a GOP majority in both houses and a lot of new GOP governors. The obstruction of the last four years might look like child's play to the President if the GOP takes more seats in Congress.

  9. Anonymous1:19 PM

    O is rockin' it!

  10. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Romney Chased By Jewish Wedding Party On Harrowing Drive Through New Jersey

  11. Anonymous1:33 PM

    There Was An 18th Century British Ship Called The HMS Romney

    It was used to enforce taxation of the American colonies. It sank.

    In 1768, the British government sent the ship the HMS Romney to Boston Harbor to enforce the Townshend Acts, a series of taxation laws against the American colonies that led to the Boston Tea Party and the American revolution. The ship impressed American sailors, seized a ship belong to John Hancock, and served as a refuge for tax officials from angry mobs.

  12. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I want Mitt to end up with about 15 electoral votes.

  13. You guys, I hate to write this, but here is a list of the people who have said "that GUY in the White House" to me just this week. They always accompany that quote with an eye roll if I am speaking to them face to face. 1-an old man in line behind me at my small town Wal-Mart.
    2-My Active Duty Soldier Pen Pal
    3-My Cashier at the grocery store
    Either I am an anti Obama magnet or there are a lot of people out there who blame the President for everything. When questioned, none of these people can explain why they dislike him. The old man I was chatting with in line did tell me it was "because Obama's heart was not right with God".
    The GOP is getting their lies out to the people and some seem to be sticking. I know I'm preaching to the choir here but just a reminder. They will say anything to win this election. Make sure you and everyone you know has their ID in order. Offer rides to those who need them, do what you can. This is not a sure thing.

    1. johnie2xs4:17 PM

      I hear you brother, I truly hear you.

    2. Anonymous6:29 PM

      The folks down here in GA who piss and moan about how much they despite the President can never give the reason why either.They won't come out and admit it might have something to do with his race,oh,no,they're too po-lite(read:two-faced southern hypocrites)to do that.I hear a lot of "liberals are out to persecute Christians,waah waah poor me","we can't have "our" God in our schools,waah waah poor me",a lot of passive-aggressive shit where they spew hatred toward Obama supporters then when someone tries to debate them and get them to explain their feelings,they tee-hee-hee their way out of the conversation(that is exactly how someone I know on Facebook weasels out of a discussion with anyone who calls them out,post "tee hee hee"),and I even heard one paranoid Repuke drama queen state that "if Obama and Pelosi had their way my precious grandbabies would have been aborted!"...That's the mindset of such people.

  14. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Obama Was Asked In 2007 If He Would Change Clinton Welfare Reform

    A new ad from the Romney campaign hits President Obama, alleging the President gutted the Clinton administration's welfare reform bill from 1996. As a State Senator in 1997, President Obama received praise from Republicans for his help in implementing the welfare-to-work requirements at the state level.

    " I would like to take a second to—to thank Senator Obama for the—the hours of time that he spent with us in trying to work out a plan that is acceptable and workable.”

    President Obama has taken heat from the Romney campaign in a new ad saying he gutted the Clinton welfare reform plan from 1996. At a 2007 town hall, then Senator Obama was asked how he would change Clinton's welfare reform plan. Obama said that Clinton's plan “didn't give people enough tools to get out of welfare.” Obama proposed ideas such as expanding the child tax credit, providing more help with transportation, expanding the earned income tax credit, providing health care entry level jobs if it is not provided, and increasing education and job training to help people get off welfare.

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Clinton has said, the Repubs are lying.

  15. vegaslib1:50 PM


    You should also check out Nate Silver's website (fivethirtyeight) I believe. Last I checked he gave Obama about a 72% chance of winning and if you remember him from 2008, he's right on target!

    Great news for America.

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Nate's predictions for Obama have steadily been improving. It was 60-something recently.

    2. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Obama's not going to lose CO. That's BS.

  16. Anonymous2:23 PM

    GOBAMA! He needs four more years to turn this ship around. GOP administrations always take a long time to overcome, but the s_ _ _ _ storm that Bush created has been a serious disaster to quell. I know Obama will get re-elected, I feel it in my bones. I think the poor fundraising outlook simply is a response by most to the Citizens United decision. I send in money to the Democratic committee and a couple senators, but I am offended when it looks like "whomever gets the most $$$ will win” narrative. This is just wrong. I pull back and remember it is our votes that will win the election. I just make sure to encourage everyone I know to vote.

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      "He needs four more years to turn this ship around."

      Great way to put it! The Titanic (the USA) hit the
      iceberg (Bush) and Obama is scooping water with very little help.

  17. johnie2xs2:31 PM

    The best thing Barack has going for him, is Mittens himself. He brushes his teeth with Kiwi Neutral*.
    Anything and every thing he says, is gold for Barack.
    (*That's shoe polish, for those of the
    sneaker set who don't get it.)

  18. Dinty2:36 PM

    Anyone who has had a shade of doubt since the GOP settled on Romney has worried too much. This thing was in the bag since May 2011 (when we bagged Bin Laden)

  19. johnie2xs2:46 PM

    What a lucky confluence!
    Boucoup right-wing-nut money available
    for Rethuglikan lying propaganda,...
    and an absolute SHIT candidate!!!!1

    Ya' gotta love Karma, doncha!!!

  20. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Let's do this guys. Let's make it happen. Make sure we have every Dem and Indi Pres Obama supporter registered and able to get to the polls, or vote by mail, if need be.

    Pres Obama FOUR MORE YEARS!

  21. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Polls: Voters Dividing Along Familiar Lines, With One Surprise

  22. As far as I'm concerned, the whole country is a 'battleground state' and I dare not let down my guard until we've officially kept Obama in office AND NOT ONLY THAT, but put more Democrats in Congress. Obama won't be able to do anything unless he has more Dems. in there to work with.

  23. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Love that TN is pink, not red. Obama didn't lose by THAT much in 2008 (IIRC it was about 250,000 votes, I could be
    wrong). Glad we have more northern transplants who'll
    skew the vote. Hope black people are still engaged this
    election, that is a voting block that no one really encourages.

    There was a rally in Spring Hill after the auto plant started
    up again, and the union workers were all out their with their
    "thank you President Obama" signs. More people need
    to step up & admit to being proud that we voted Obama
    in and that he has done so much good.


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