Monday, August 27, 2012

"Hey White Guys!" Oh you have GOT to watch this!

Didn't I tell you it was awesome?


  1. WakeUpAmerica4:51 AM

    Totally awesome!!! This guy deserves the Nobel Prize for having the courage to state the obvious.

  2. Really, really great.

  3. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Well, there it is. An excellent point made by a regular guy whick took a few minutes and a few cents to make, while PAC ads that need millions to make just one false political ad. Crazy how unfair life can be.

  4. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Are you aware that democrats are the only people make race an issue in elections? While I can't say there aren't racists in a party, most people do not vote because of race.

    They vote for the person who will support policies that ensure their business flourishes and policies that dont have a bad track record.

    1. That LITERALLY made me spit coffee out of my mouth. Good one!

      You were joking right? Right?

      Oh my.

    2. Anonymous6:03 AM

      You must be out of you flipping mind. Or you just love lying for the sake of lying.

      Truth is, the Repubs are the ones who use race as a weapon to try to gain leverage in business, and in politics. Everybody knows this.

    3. Leland6:06 AM

      Gryph, I think Anon 5:45 has been watching to much Fox! What does he think Donald Trump is a Whig! Or the sheriff in Arizona? Or....

      Or he has been smoking something that smells funny!

    4. @Aon 5:45

      If you really believe that is true, then can you please explain to me why Mitt Romney is running false 'welfare reform' ads?

      Mitt Romney's welfare reform ads are proven wrong over and over again. rates it "Pants on Fire". But Romney keeps sending them out.

      So, why does he keep running them? Because it is a dog whistle for bigoted white people. Unfortunately, most of them are too stupid to check it out for themselves. Or they just want to believe it.

    5. LOL.

      Oh, gawd.

      Are you the reason tin foil has gone up? Cornered the market, have you?

      Or do you really think "socialist" is a code word for "socialist". You never forwarded that e-mail with the photoshopped picture of the watermelons on the front lawn of the White House? Haven't used "uppity" or "thin-skinned".

      Get a grip. We *know* who the race card party is. And it ain't the Democrats.

      You need to watch that video again and this time take off the mute button and listen to the guy. (That is, if you even watched it in the first place.)

    6. 5:45

      Kristy? Are you serious or just trolling?

      Because if you really believe what you wrote, you likely spend most of your time communicating with and agreeing with like-minded people whose view of the world is just as narrow and polarized as your own. Hence, you will always think the way you do, see yourself as you do, and see the views of "others" as incorrect, inferior, or invalid, the same way you do currently.

      It follows that, in your opinion, anyone who agrees with you is right, all others are wrong. So, anyone who is inside the affinity group you belong to or aspire to identify with (which BTW,not all within that/those group(s) practice the same group-think that you subscribe to) is considered favorable, whereas any "other" is unfavorable, regardless of the criteria.

      In other words, if you don't realize every now and then that you were wrong about an issue or change your mind/opinion after hearing a different perspective from someone who thinks differently or knows more about a subject that yourself, you have ceased to learn or be able to process new or more complex information.

      And that's a hell of a way to go through the rest of your life being just as ignorant about the same things day in/day out as you always have been. Personally, I don't want to learn from someone who has consciously made a decision to stop learning themselves, because what can I learn anyway? Perhaps, a bit of information that was once thought to be true or genuine at some point of time in the past, but has not been subject to any scrutiny to the person who espouses this bit of information. Things change. The world changes. Constantly.

      I would challenge you to re-think your own biases and consider why you have the need to paint very large groups of people with such broad strokes as a substitute for expanding your own thinking. If I knew you personally and found that you were really as obtuse as your written words indicate, I would point out your intellectual laziness. Since I can't tell you that personally, you'll have to consider on your own whether or not that shoe fits and determine whether you have the capacity to grow your mind and learn more that you think you know today.

      To each his own.

    7. You lie. Your are stupid. You lie because you are stupid. Take your pick. Any or all of 'em.

    8. Anita Winecooler7:18 PM

      So we're now a nation comprised of non racist business owners with no one to work or buy goods from?

      Too funny!!!!

  5. My Internet Explorer doesn’t play well with Gryphen’s blog, but that was worth the wait.

    1. hedgewytch8:58 AM

      Go to and get yourself Mozilla Firefox (free). I did and am darn glad I did so!

    2. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Darlene--I upgraded to Google Chrome a few years back just so I could read this blog without IE slowing it down. It was free and I now use Chrome for all my surfing.

  6. Yes, it was awesome! Who is that white guy? I hope we hear more from him.

  7. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Absolutely spot on Bill! I wish every white man in this nation would hear your words and pay attention to them. Unfortunately, the high and mighty white guys who currently run our country or want to run our country would never hear what you say. Sigh!

  8. emrysa8:06 AM

    heh that was good gryphen!

  9. "Don't get caught in your zipper."

    What a class act.

    1. Anonymous10:01 AM

      "Don't get caught in your zipper."

      For those gals that probably don't hear that very often and might not know what the hell it means, it's just the 2nd half of a colloquialism that that means "good-bye", "see ya later", or "we'll be seein' ya", or similar.

      Among good ol boys, it goes something like "Keep it hanging" or "hang in there" or "we'll hang later" or "Hang loose". The accompanying phrase in response from your peer is the "Don't get caught in your zipper." line.

      Just boys being boys amongst themselves. If you speak like that in front of a lady (your wife included), they should be expected to roll their eyes and say "you guys are a bunch of idiots" or even deliver a punch in the arm.

  10. hedgewytch8:56 AM

    I think I love him.

  11. If you don't spend as much time around good ol' boys, you might think this is an unusual way of them thinking. But it's not at all. They might not be in the majority of those where they work or live, especially here in the South, but there's a hell of a lot more of them than most outsiders would ever think there could be. They are Republicans, Democrats, Independents and other minority parties as well. Unfortunately, they get lumped into the stereotypes that the more vocal, obnoxious racist, bigots and haters because of proximity to certain groups.

    The people that guy in the video represents are folks that aren't necessarily offended just because someone calls him a redneck, other than the fact that many times the word is used as a derisive description of a class a people the person saying it considers themselves to be superior to.

    Likewise, I'm not offended if somebody refers to me as redneck Southerner, nor if I'm said to "think I'm better than others" or an "elite" or "rich mother-fucker" or "college boy" or "Biff the Frat Boy" or "white bread" or any of a number of derogatory terms I've heard myself called over the years [usually 2nd hand for obvious reasons, as people that tend to speak off the cuff and insult someone they don't know other than their demographic status are usually too much of a coward to say the same thing to someone's face].

    Fortunately, most folks that know me also know where I'm from and how hard I busted my ass to pay for a premium education, and won't listen to someone mouth off about me just to be spiteful. And they know I have their back just as much, because right is right.

    Anyway, G, thanks for posting the video. Like I said, there are a lot of folks that don't really fit into any of the stereotypes that they get put into unfairly, and those people vote and live in and support their community just as we all do.

    I do tend to speak up a little more than most of those guys/gals will for themselves, but they do tend to be a little quieter unless someone is speaking against one of their family or close friends. I guess I'm just doing as others have done for me all my life.

    Not every person is driven by the same desire to meet conflict head-on, especially when the conflict is rooted in someone else's ignorance, prejudice, or bias. Sometimes it's easier to ignore an individual or group who might not listen to a counter-argument at that moment if they're called out. If there's an opportunity to change someone's paradigm, it is better to speak up, especially if the person doing the labeling isn't a complete douche-bag and just had their head up their ass for the moment.

    If you want to have someone be a real friend for life, treat them, their family, and friends with the same kindness and respect that you treat your own family, your "peers" or even "your betters". People always notice when you treat them differently --- better or worse --- than others might just because of their race, gender, socioeconomic status, or whatever labels that can be put on a person. They likely won't acknowledge it at that very moment, but people do notice, I've learned.

    There are a lot more "thinking people" out there, not all of whom think the same way you or I might on every single issue. But until you engage in conversation with them or offer them a hand/ask them for their help because it's the right thing to do, you'll never really recognize their inner character.

    I consider myself to be very lucky to have the diversity of friends that I'm blessed with. My mission is to be just a good a friend to them as well.

  12. LOL. They picked the perfect guy for that.

    And did you notice the basketball court in the background?

  13. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Has anyone sent this to those old white guys at cforp yet? he he

    1. Umm...the patients at the Asylum are a little busy this morning fighting in the comments of their latest post! Here...take a look for yourself....LOL!

    2. Anonymous12:16 PM

      OMG Gina, that is some classic delusion going on there, just wasted 1/2 hour of my life
      love it.

  14. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Wow GinaM, thanks for the link! Being an Alaskan person I do find it interesting that Sarah Palin isn't hanging out up here supporting John Cox in his run against old "Crony Capitalism" himself, Don Young, who's been serving Alaska in the US House since, well, almost since time began! Oh, wait, only since 1973...

    Don Young has grabbed more pork for our state than almost any Alaskan politician. I guess Sarah really isn't a "fiscal conservative" after all? You'd think she would want Don Young outta there and pave the way for a new beginning with John Cox?

    John Cox has a great website, complete with plenty of misspellings. As an Alaskan I have to wonder why she hightailed it down to Arizona to have cookout with Kirk Adams when she could have been up here fightin' for old John Cox?!?! She told us she quit her job to progress Alaskan causes, she could fight harder without a title, yet she runs to Arizona to cook hamburgers for some Mormon guy when John Cox is pretty much an AIP Second Amendment fighter type guy who has Alassskkaaaa in his heart ( he does look rather "minority" as you'll see in his photo from his website below...could this be it? She'd rather serve a lily white Mormon dude in Arizona than a "slightly tan" gun nut from AK?)

    I must admit, I have real trouble sometimes following her agenda and how it might pertain to this state where 51% of the voting populace was moronic enough to vote for her as Governor, but perhaps I don't have a "subtle" enough understanding to comprehend her actions. That must be it for sure.

  15. Anonymous2:46 PM

    That's it GinaM; C4P have finally branded the Earthquake people as Democratic plants attempting to smear "The Gov's" "good name". Lawd almighty this was exactly the sort of entertainment that I needed on this dreary Monday. Thank You Gina M for sending the link. Those people are ALL nuts; all of them, any of them that I've seen posting in front of me for all these years.....

  16. Wow, the kind of person I was used to being around until I moved to Alaska. I love this guy, thank you.

  17. Anita Winecooler7:34 PM

    The voice of reason, the content of this man's character shines through! Bill is "Good People".


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It just goes directly to their thighs.