Wednesday, August 01, 2012

I thought I would end the day on an upbeat note.

According to the Daily Kos, it looks like this supporter is far from alone:

As I've noted in weeks past, Obama is hovering near 50 percent in most of these states while Mitt Romney is having a hard time exceeding 44 percent in most of them. Add up the states that Obama gets more than 48 percent, and you get 300 Electoral Votes. Obama has opened up some daylight in Florida while Ohio is looking surprisingly good for him. (I wrote up Ohio yesterday.) Meanwhile, his best numbers are coming out of Pennsylvania (where he breaks 50 percent), despite the Romney camp's insistence that they can make the state competitive ("Keystone Pipeline!"). 

The fact that Romney can't even get to 45 percent in nine of the 14 states above (and that includes two states—Arizona and Missouri—that I should really exclude from his chart) is shocking and a testament to the fact that no one likes him.

It is still tight, but Obama seems to be moving ahead as more and more Americans finally learn who Mitt Romney really is. For SOME candidates their popularity grows, for others (Sarah Palin) it wanes as people see them for who, and what, they truly are.

Besides American have already learned who President Obama is, and they seem pretty okay with what they have learned. (Just so long as it was not learned on Fox News, of course.)

 Where is that lack of enthusiasm I keep hearing about?

(Photos courtesy of the Obama Diary.)


  1. Anonymous6:58 PM

    "Just so long as it was not learned on Fox News, of course."

    No one "learns" anything by watching Fox News: That is where one goes to have their mind erased.

    1. Anonymous1:26 AM

      Fox News: Where open minds go to die.

    2. Anonymous4:26 AM


  2. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Todd Purdum of Vanity Fair, has an excellent article coming out -- How history shows that successful private-sector businessmen have FLOPPED in public office.

    Todd appeared on Morning Joe in the segment linked below. Sounds like it's going to be an excellent article. His Morning Joe segment was very good. It was nice for a change not to hear Joe spewing over him, interrupting him -- Joe's normal BS.

  3. Anonymous7:29 PM

    WHOA! Obama drops the boomstick on Rmoney

    Here is the whole quote from President Obama . . .

    "And yet, the centerpiece of my opponent's entire economic plan is a new, $5 trillion tax cut. A lot of this tax cut would go to the wealthiest 1 percent of all households. Folks making more than $3 million a year -- the top one-tenth of one percent -- would get a tax cut worth almost a quarter of a million dollars. A quarter of a million dollars," Obama will say later in Mansfield, Ohio, according to remarks released by his campaign.

    "But it gets worse. Under my opponent's plan, guess who gets the bill for these $250,000 tax cuts? You do. And you don’t have to take my word for it," he will say. "Just today, an independent, non-partisan organization ran all the numbers. And they found that if Governor Romney wants to keep his word and pay for his plan, he'd have to cut tax breaks that middle-class families depend on to pay for your home, or your health care, or send your kids to college. That means the average middle-class family with children would be hit with a tax increase of more than $2,000."

    "But here's the thing –- he's not asking you to contribute more to pay down the deficit, or to invest in our kids' education. He's asking you to pay more so that people like him can get a tax cut."

  4. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Another Romney WTF move.

    "Romney Taps Former Paulson Aide, Fannie Mae Vet For Bain Rehab"

    "Davis is currently a partner at the Brunswick Group in Washington, D.C., a corporate public relations and strategy firm, where she was reportedly the firm's lead — alongside then-Brunswick executive Hilary Rosen — in managing the oil company BP's public relations effort in the wake of a giant Gulf of Mexico oil spill."

    Well ok then! Experience covering up toxic accidents and spills should come in handy as Mitt shambles around. Mitt and Ann Antoinette: "I want my life back!"

  5. Anonymous7:46 PM

    President Obama is my main man. He has done so much for so many, and not recognized enough for his good work. OBAMA 2012!

    1. Anonymous1:34 AM

      Agree, but it's sad to think where we could be today if he'd just had a Congress that was even halfway cooperative.

      We've also got to work as hard as possible to get the Senate and House back into reasonable hands come January. D's 2012!

  6. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Let's get a ballot in the hands of every Pres Obama supporter. Obama/Biden ...2012! We can make it happen!

  7. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Oh yeah, this guy is on a roll! Be SURE to read BOTH articles, they are fabulous! I wish more people were able to do this!


    On the heels of my personal conversation with a Right Wing woman

    I got a phone call this afternoon from Romney's Colorado Campaign

    Caller: Hi I am a volunteer for Mitt Romney for President, is this RWN, how are you today?

    Me: Yes it is and I am fine, but it is too bad.

    Caller: What is too bad sir?

    Me: It is too bad for you since you are volunteering for a bad candidate?

    Caller: Excuse me? Romney is a great candidate.

    Me: No is a very poor candidate.

    Interrupting me the obvious youthful male volunteer cuts in

    Caller: Sir, you can think whatever you want! (his voice and inflection being both sarcastic and attacking)

    Me: Of course I can think whatever I want, what the hell is that.

    Caller: I am just can think whatever you want.

    Me: I want to know what you are insinuating saying I can think whatever I want?

    Snickering he snidely replies

    Caller: I was just sayyyyiiiingggg that youuuuu can think whatEEEVVVEEERRR you waannt siiiiirrrrr.

    Me: I want to speak to your uplink supervisor.

    Phone is transferred by hand as the original caller tries explaining his side of the story to his coordinator.

    Coordinator: Hi this is Eric can I help you.

    Me: Eric what is your role?

    Coordinator: I am Mitt Romney for President Volunteer Coordinator.

    Heard in the background the now openly laughing original caller is explaining that all he said was I could think whatever I wanted.

    Me: Do you train your volunteers to bait and degrade voters they are calling to persuade?

    Coordinator: I guess all my volunteer said was you can think whatever you want.

    Me: Let me deconstruct this for you. I got a call from him where I said that it was too bad your candidate is not very good and his response was that I could think whatever I want in a sarcastic, condescending manner.

    Coordinator: I am confident he didn't mean anything but that you are free to think whatever you want.

    Me: Isn't that presumed, isn't it presumed that all citizens and voters in America are free to think whatever they want, so stating in response to a valid statement that Mitt Romney is not a good candidate, that he is flawed and ineffective is not something too far fetched isn't it? Aren't there Republican Party elected officials and leading party members who have made that statement, that Romney is not a good candidate, even recently?

    More laughter now from multiple persons, an OMG is in there, I suspect I am now on a speaker phone or secondary listening headphone.

    Coordinator: Sir, he was just saying you can think whatever you want and will be able to do so with Romney as president not like now.

    Me: What? Are you saying I am not able to think politically what I want with the current President---how, where, when?

    Coordinator: Sir you are able to think whatever you want, but not with this President.

    Me: Give me examples.

    Coordinator: There are many examples, but with Romney you would be able to think what you want.

    Me: Give me one example, right now how this current president has squashed my freedom to politically think.

    Coordinator: Let me give you to my supervisor.

    Regional Field Director: Hello sir may I help you.

    Me: What is your name?

    MUCH MORE at the links...

    1. Coordinator: There are many examples, but with Romney you would be able to think what you want.

      Man, are they brainwashed!! A cypher at the top of the food chain, and it filters all the way down.

      Part of the reason Democrats are/seem divisive at times, is that they think for themselves. It is easier to manipulate right-wingers who expect to be told what to think.

    2. Anonymous5:12 AM

      He's a baby. Of course, the very picture of a man who wants to 'take this country back' to where he and his 5%er's can eat at the trough on top of the backs of the Middle Class.

    3. Anonymous7:06 AM

      I got my call yesterday afternoon from a smarmy-voiced young man (sounded like the Mormon missionaries we see from time to time). As soon as he told me he was calling from the Romney campaign, I interrupted him and said that I would never vote for Mitt Romney and that I would never vote for a Republican. I then hung up.

  8. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Harry Reid is a very smart man and shrewd politician.

    The simple beauty of the Reid accusation

    ...As we all know, ANY perceived slight of a GOP candidate is met with breathless pearl clutching on FOX and Limbaugh. How COULD these people be so uncivil! Bring me my fainting couch.

    And here is the beauty. Okay, FOX, run with it. Tell the world what a despicable person Mr. Reid is to have made such an accusation!

    What was that accusation you ask? Well, it was mumblemumbletaxes.

    Excuse me, what did Mr. Reid accuse Mitt of? Mumblemumbletaxes.

    That's right, in a stroke of 11th Dimension chess, Mr. Reid issues a morally bankrupt accusation that even to me seems a little low. And here is the beauty. I can complain about his questionable tactics, but the right-whiners cannot, because you can't complain about the accusation WITHOUT REPEATING IT.

    Harry Reid dared FOX News to give his baseless accusation the same legs they gave the birthers. I smell FOX heads exploding.

    1. I smell FOX heads exploding.


    2. Anita Winecooler7:41 PM

      Harry's using the GOP tactics, the funny thing is Romney issued a statement that Reid should divulge his source, and that it's probably from the White House.

      No, Mitt, it won't work. Give up the goods and prove Harry wrong.

  9. Anonymous8:59 PM

    The Drip, Drip, Drip Of Romney Tax Rumors

    ...By refusing to release more returns, he’s created an incentive for senior Democrats to lob incendiary accusations into the public sphere. Even if they’re totally baseless, it ratchets up the pressure on him to prove they’re false. But he can’t do that without releasing the very information he’s consistently refused to release.

    How do you disprove that you didn’t pay any taxes for 10 years? You release 10 years of tax returns. By sheer coincidence I’m sure, that’s exactly what Democrats want Mitt to release anyhow.

  10. Anonymous9:18 PM


    Maddow did an excellent segment on Romney & his tax returns when he was running for Governor -- 10 years ago.

    The game he's playing about not releasing his taxes -- he's played that before. Same song -- different verse. "Trust me..."

    Appears Romney was running for MA Gov and asked why he listed himself as a Utah resident on his tax returns. Just like this week, he said he'd look into it -- submit your 'specific' questions in writing -- yadda, yadda, yadda - but in the end no response. "Values his privacy and his wife's privacy".

    Resident of Utah running for Mass Gov -- Really? Thought you had to be a resident of the State?? MA Constitution says 7 years. Romney said he always paid taxes in MA, yet they weren't. They were paid in Utah. He got caught and was trying to rewrite history -- just like he's been trying to rewrite when he left Bain. He 'retroactively' was filing tax returns in MA. In typical GOP fashion -- he blamed it all on someone else -- the media, the tax clerk -- it's always someone else's fault cause I don't read what I sign. My firm belief -- he should never have been allowed to run for Governor to start.

    It also reveals that he said he returned to MA from Utah for meetings -- Corporate Meetings -- Board Meetings -- to meet his MA residency. Hmmm -- this was the time he was 'saving the Olympics' -- that same time where he says now he didn't have time to attend business in MA -- he left Bain in 1999. These tax returns were up to & including 2002 -- the same timeframe of the meetings in MA at Staples -- Bain owned, etc.

    Maddow's guest, James Roosevelt, Jr. was the top lawyer for the Massachusetts Democratic Party when Romney was running for Gov and the tax returns were a problem. Mr. Roosevelt even said the words that 'they were trying to show what he (Romney) said UNDER OATH'.

    The beginning of the segment sets out POTUS speaking about what Romney's plan is -- the tax break for the rich paid for on the back of the taxpayers.

    I seriously hope what Rachel has uncovered goes viral. The hole keeps getting deeper.

    1. Anonymous10:14 PM

      Reading some of the back-up documents Maddow has on her blog. Very interesting. Very telling.

      Note Romney's character in his response at a Press Conference in 2002. Combative - dirty - arrogant - a liar - Just like he is today!!! A leopard doesn't change his spots!!!

      The chief counsel for the state Democratic party says the chances are “better-than-50-50” that the party will file a challenge to Romney’s residency today. The threats of a challenge brought scorn from Romney.

      “Go ahead and make my day,” he [Romney] said at the press conference. “It’s a high-stakes game for someone to challenge me on the basis of residency.”

      Comment from James Roosevelt, the gentleman who appeared in the link you posted from Maddow's show tonight:

      “He lied yesterday and he has different story today,” said James Roosevelt, the Democratic Party’s general counsel. “He signed the returns under pains and penalties of perjury. I think he made his intentions quite clear at the time he signed those returns."

      Here is the link to the list of various documents and articles on Maddow's blog:

  11. Support Obama by giving to his campaign. Every email I get from his campaign indicate he's lagging in donations. So give, give to re-elect this astounding man, this humanitarian, this historic figure. Give to keep the GOP from stealing another Presidential election.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:37 PM

      I agree, well said.

      There are people triple matching donations, so even a small donation makes a difference.

  12. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Eric Bolling asked Palin why the Romney campaign didn’t give her a high profile speaking spot at the Republican convention.

    Palin unleashed a classic bit of bizarro bitter,

    'Well, I know speaking personally there is no hatchet to bury, or olive branch that needs to be passed between Mitt Romney and myself. We have a great relationship, and I have great respect for Mitt, and I am so thankful that the GOP has a strong candidate who understands the private sector, and what it takes to get the economy roaring again. That he will be our candidate. So I can’t speak for their strategy and who it is that they will choose to be participants in the convention.

    I will tell you though. It’s crackin’ me up watching what the Democrats totally, this idiotic strategy of theirs to have Elizabeth Warren who has almost confessed to her Marxist views. These views that replicate failed European countries about redistribution of wealth and all these failed policies, and she is going to be the face of that message in the convention. I think it is very risky of the Democrats, because there are a lot of good working Democrats, a lot of blue collar, hardworking, working class Democrats, Blue Dogs, who don’t want to see that type of message being reflective of their entire platform, because it is a ridiculous and failed plank in a platform. These Marxists…'

    Jealousy is the reason behind Palin’s comments about Elizabeth Warren. Sarah Palin is jealous because Warren has been given a showcase slot at the Democratic convention. While Sarah Palin is being tossed out like the failure that she is, Elizabeth Warren is a rising star. By the way anytime that someone says they have a great relationship with someone in their own party, as Palin did with Romney, that means there is no relationship.

    The Romney campaign has made it abundantly clear that they think Sarah Palin was a disastrous mistake, and they don’t want her anywhere near their convention. The Romney people have not forgotten her trashing of their candidate during the primaries, and it will snow in hell before Sarah Palin gets a high profile speaking slot at the Republican convention.

  13. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Sarah Palin claimed that working class people wouldn’t like Elizabeth Warren’s policies which are specifically targeted toward protecting working class Americans. According to Palin, what working class people really want are policies that raise their taxes while giving tax cuts to the “job creators.”

    Fox News and the right are scared to death of Elizabeth Warren. They are afraid of her message. This is why Palin was enlisted to spread the fear with the blue haired Fox News crowd by chanting Marxist at them for two minutes. They have to do everything in their power to keep people from hearing Warren’s message that we can regulate these corporate interests and put power back into the hands of the people.

    In bizzaro Palinland, advocating for the 95% of America who will see their taxes increase under Mitt Romney is idiotic. Sarah Palin may have put on her smart girl glasses, but she is no Elizabeth Warren.

    Fox News trembles at the thought of what Elizabeth Warren could champion as a US Senator, but Sarah Palin isn’t even a credible speed bump on her path to the Senate.

    If Sarah Palin is their big gun, Fox News and Scott Brown are in a whole lot of trouble.

  14. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Everything Sarah Palin touches fails. She is the cultural kiss of death. Once Sarah Palin adopts your cause, you have already lost. I have got some bad news for those of you who are crucifying chicken sandwiches on a cross of homophobia.

    Sarah Palin is on your side. In other words, you’re doomed.

    1. Anonymous4:51 AM

      After all these years with all the resources at her fingertips (not the least of it Bristol and Track armed with the Google,) Sarah still doesn't know what the First Amendment means. Or just what exactly it is that the Vice President does. Getting Government back on 'her' side only means trampling on our rights and giving Wall Street the keys to drive our country into the ground again.

  15. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Don't you understand? Obama's felled policies makes him the worst president in the history of this extraordinary, unapologetic country founded by Judeo-Christian values that shores up our freedoms that we love, cornerstones of all civilization and all religions since the beginning of time.

    He's as defunct as this blog also too there. So sorry a state of this country unless I come out on top of a brokered convention there in Florida and I and Sheriff Arpaio and the Department of Law takes us back to that bright shiny city on a hill as Reagan and shatter that 18 million cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling in America once and for all god bless us.

  16. Anonymous6:37 AM

    I know most of us can't imagine not voting for the President but there are some crazy idiot lunatics out there who have been brainwashed by Fox"News" and hate radio to believe that Obama's "destroying the country" or whatever nonsense. I've come to accept that I won't be able to convince these people to vote FOR Obama so rather than frustrate myself, I just try to convince people NOT to vote for Romney. Maybe we can convince the crazies to stay home or vote for Ron Paul or something. Tell them ABR (Anyone But Romney).

  17. Anita Winecooler7:34 PM

    There are pockets in Pennsylvania that are Republican strongholds who are actually buying what Romney is selling, some are wealthy and I can almost see their point, but the middle class and poor areas are more willing to at least entertain voting for Obama.

    We had a program that Tom Corbett, our Republican governor, just cut. It helped victims of domestic violence, children not living in their family home, the disabled, homeless and the poorest of the poor. They got a whopping two hundred five dollars a month, and now have to fend for themselves. But it's fine to give millionaires tax breaks.

    I'm so glad to see President Obama so far ahead in Pennsylvania


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