Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Today is a BIG day for women and their access to healthcare!

Courtesy of RTT News:  

Eight new health care benefits under the Affordable Care Act, including no cost birth control and better preventative care coverage, go into effect for America's women on Wednesday. 

The new benefits include low or no cost contraceptives, breast-feeding supplies, screenings for sexually transmitted infections, counseling for domestic violence, breast and pelvic exam check-ups, pap smear tests and prenatal care. 

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius hailed the coming into force of the new provisions, saying they will benefit 47 million American women. 

"Too often, we put our own health last, and that's especially true when it come to preventive care. The regular checkups and screenings that are so important to staying healthy but can be too easy to put off," Sebelius said at a press conference with Democratic senators. 

Many of the new female health care provisions under ACA are not controversial. However, one new rule requiring employers to provide no cost contraception to their employees is already drawing legal challenges. (Legal challenges that will ultimately fail.)

And remember ladies, THESE are the benefits that the Republicans are determined to repeal. Including that gaffe machine extraordinaire Mitt Romney.

For women at least this election should be a no-brainer. Also for blacks, Hispanics, middle income Americans, younger Americans, military members, small business people, and anybody with a working cerebral cortex.

So I guess the only ones who should be against Obama in this next election are stupid rich people and Palin-bots.


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Yay, thanks Obama!! I haven't had my "girlie" exam for at least 9 years now, but free sounds too good to pass up!

  2. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Good news, ladies. We are all sluts today!

    For some Americans, today is indeed a very sad day.

    For the Catholic bishops who think vaginas make Jesus cry, and for their elected puppets in Congress who do their bidding by writing laws according to what their priests tells them. Oh, and for Hercules Industries, Inc., the air conditioning and heating company that, unless saved by an activist judge, will be forced to distribute ventilation systems that are not Bible-compliant.

    However. For the rest of us:

    Beginning today, up to 47 million women may be eligible to get free access to preventive health care services as that provision of President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act goes into effect.

    And you know what is included in those preventive health care services, right, ladies? Well-woman visits, gestational diabetes screening for pregnant women, HPV screening (to make sure we don't get cancer in our lady parts), testing for sexually transmitted diseases and, best of all:

    Women will have free access to all FDA-approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures and patient education and counseling without a co-pay.


  3. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Yes, we're all sluts today! A bit OT but this is what happened at Chick-Fil-A according to Randy Rainbow.

  4. Durham5:44 PM

    Why didn't they include mammograms? I would think mammograms are just as important as breast examinations. I'm a male, but I do see what a great benefit the new health care law is for women, and it's long over due. Hopefully this will help to cut down on the horrific number of women who die from breast cancer every year. Hopefully, it also helps keep in place organizations like Planned Parenthood the Republicans keep trying to kill off.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Already in effect are mammograms with no co-pay or deductibles.

  5. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Chick-Fil-A story is about so much more than just 'marriage' and 'speech'

    Dan Cathy can say whatever he likes about gays and marriage and Jesus and whatever. And people are free to eat at Chick-Fil-A. But they should do so understanding where Dan Cathy's profits go and what sorts of things they support.

  6. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Ok let's talk abt last night episode, Willow slams teen moms for they spend money on nails, WTF. and Gino,is back hands Bristol a ring on a tre top. WTF .

  7. Anonymous5:57 PM

    In the words of Joe Biden, this is a big fucking deal.

  8. That Girl6:24 PM

    I am so grateful for this! Thank you, President Obama!

  9. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Is there any doubt President Obama loves women, children, and this country, in general? This is a great start. I look forward to seeing our progress in his second term. I have news for republicans, I pay taxes and I want services, I don't want to pay taxes so Mitt Romney doesn't have to.

    1. Your last sentence should be a bumper sticker!

  10. Anonymous7:04 PM

    And Joe Biden got it right....women's health care is a BIG FUCKING DEAL! You rock, Joe. And so does your boss. Luv ya both! :)

  11. Anonymous7:16 PM

    my bumper sticker.

    Obama LOVES my BOOBIES

  12. Anonymous7:17 PM

    5:55, I couldn't bring myself to watch the show, but have been looking for coverage since and the only thing I found was a short piece on giving Bristol props for choosing Gino "because he's good to her son, and he's the only father figure the boy has in his life." Gag me.

    Where's GinaM when you need her to report on this stuff? She's half batshit crazy anyway--said with the utmost respect and affection--she should go in there and watch that shit for us!

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      DAYUM...why you got to talk shit like that! Hell yeah I watched that shit...I left the comment in the other Baldy post...but I'll repost here for your pleasure! HeHe

      Episode 14 "The Cheat"

      Oh God...I hate that theme glad that will be the last time I have to hear that shitty ass song! Anyway...the chipmunk friend from the Saddleback episode is back and brought her little girl with her! I'm assuming that single mother "Chip" needed to "provide for her child" like Beefy which is why she agreed to the excessive teeth whitening and appearing on Beefy's snooze fest of a show! Now we know that Beefy lied last week when she said she had "Zero friends"...oh...maybe "Chip" is a "paid" friend so I guess Beefy didn't lie after all! My apologies Beefy! LOL!!

      Another dig at Levi when "Chip" spoke her line to Beefy in the truck on the way from the airport..."Has he ever tried to call you?" and Beefy claims she tried to call Levi for his birthday so Tripp could talk to him...but all the numbers were not in service...then she says..."Can you believe his girlfriend is pregnant?" Then the 2nd worse mother in the world (Baldy winning that title of course) says to "Chip"..."I'm not going to tell Tripp...I'll let them tell him" is Levi suppose to let Tripp know about his new baby sister "Windy Gun"...oppps...I mean Breeze Beretta if you are playing hide n seek with the little guy! LIAR!!

      And where the fuck did Wallow's postpartum ass come from? What kind of "hair school" is she enrolled in that she can leave and go back to Wasillbilly whenever she wants? LIARS!

      And what kind of sister charges another sister RENT to live in her HOUSE! A fucked up one that's who! Me thinks that Beefy is getting back at every bad word...rolling of the eyes...dime dropping that Wallow must have done to Beefy since age 12!

      Did anybody else think when Wallow walked in she was carrying a CAT that she put on the counter...EWWWW! I had to rewind to see if my eyes were deceiving me...which they were and low and behold it was a small furry dog...double EWWWWWW! Nasty...letting a dog walk on the counters that you prepare food on....just NASTY! Beefy trying to get her gig back with Candies or is she trying to get some speaking engagements on the *cough* Abstinence circuit? Because that bullshit crap with "Faith Base Place/Heart Reach Pregnancy Center" was so pitiful and exploitative to those poor girls!

      Yeah...yeah...thanks for the gift baskets...but..uh...why didn't they show Beefy giving the gifts to the girls?? Maybe because they made up 4 baskets and there was oh...6 or 7 pregnant or baby holding girls there...see nothing about this stupid ass show makes any fucking SENSE!

      And the phone call to Baldy about the bible quote was actually vomit inducing! Baldy had nerve...I can hardly get this out...the crazy delusional quitter Gov says to Beefy about the pink bibles..."I thought you were going to ask me to sign them for you"

      *GinaM stops to sputter*


      End of Part 1

    2. Part 2

      And how RUDE was Beefy to those girls? In her drill sergeant sounding voice she says to the one of the girls..."What's your story?"

      *GinaM stops to sputter...AGAIN*


      Beefy's ass wrote a book about giving up the ass on numerous occasions because she didn't want to lose her Beefy WhatTF story do you think they have to share? Dumb ass nothing...ignorant fool!

      And they way she kept saying to Wallow..."You better listen" stop the bullshit okay...Wallow has ALREADY given that barn door has already closed and the key has been discarded! The place all those girls, Beefy, Wallow and "Chip" should have been was "Planned Parenthood" not some religious place that looks like they wanted to take those little girls babies and sell them to some rich white religious couple in the lower 48! Yeah I said it! Got my pressure all up and shit...moving on!

      The bullshit camping scene....stupid...contrived...worthless...which describes Gino to a "T"! The fact that crybaby Gino showed back up...(mumbling and sounding like Shaq doing one of those "IcyHot" commercials) is pathetic! Either Beefy is laying it down (pun intended) in the bedroom or Gino secretly wears diapers and is being blackmailed to stay with Beefy! What other explanation can you think of?

      And finally...Beefy is her mother's child...y'all know that Wallow won that bet...but Beefy using faulty ass Baldy logic somehow turned that shit around and basically told Wallow...."Naw...we wasn't fighting...who you gonna or your lying eyes, ears and your friends eyes and ears too!" LIAR!

      Quick thing...anyone else notice when triple chin...chopped off hair Wallow was talking to the camera and she says about Gino and Beefy fighting..."They fight CONSTANTLY...they've been going at it for 3 years and nothing has ever changed"'t Tripp suppose to be 3 years old?? LIARS!! LOL!!!

      Episode 15 "The Ring's Boring"

      Best thing about this episode...the cute ass Newfoundland dog! That is all.

  13. Anonymous7:31 PM

    I just had a mammogram with no co-pay.

    But it's the contraceptive coverage that made me decide to vote for Obama again. I never would vote for a Repug - I just didn't think I could bring myself to vote for as big of a disappointment as Obama turned out to be.

    Since I live in a blue state I had that luxury.

    But not only do I plan to vote for Obama again, I have made several donations to his campaign.

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Glad you changed your mind. Hope you help your women friends to see the same things you see :)

  14. Not What You Want to Hear3:46 AM

    Yes, this is huge and positive news for women - and a friend of mine noted that's probably why the rightwingers staged their "day of support" for Chick-Fil-A on the same day. To distract the media from covering this.

    It worked. Just like it always works. I hate to say this, but it's time for us to get real: these people have a lock on our national debates and conversations. I wonder how much time we have left to change this before the country permanently tips over the right.


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