Thursday, August 02, 2012

Probably NOT the person with whom you want to discuss religion.

Wait I can go to hell for drinking? What about that whole "water into wine" thing? Dammit, Jesus is SUCH a bad influence!
You know I think I may have found our Palin troll's car.

Usually people like this try to keep the crazy on the inside.

Only driven on Sunday's. Of course it was driven OVER any atheists or Muslims standing too close to the curb.

(That's all I've got. Your turn!)


  1. jkarov2:07 AM

    There is a belief among the hard core evangelicals that the founding fathers "assumed everyone would be a Christian of some sort".

    Some misguided folks came up with this doctrine so they can misinterpret
    the US Constitution and be able to counteract clauses like Article 6, paragraph 3 where it states the following:

    "but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States"

    Given that aforementioned prejudice, they then can twist this most important mandate in paragraph 3, , and say that since everyone was assumed to be Christian, this only applied to the various sects and movements within Christianity.

    This clearly perverts the true essence of the our secular Republic, and underlines how much these Dominionists want a theocracy, and to codify laws based on the bible, instead of the US Constitution.”

    1. Leland8:40 AM

      Yeah, and they turn a really pretty magenta when you read Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli to them! When they stop sputtering and hemming and hawing, they try to come up with lame excuses about how that wasn't what the writer's intent was and that when the ENTIRE Congress passed it UNANIMOUSLY they didn't really mean that. (Yeah. And Paul Revere was riding to warn the British!)

      I just ask them when the English language had changed so much between then and now that the meaning could be misunderstood today.

      It usually shuts them up. If it doesn't I just laugh and walk away mumbling about bigots, idiots and fanatics. For some reason they always get mad.

  2. Leland2:37 AM

    Five things.

    First, Fanaticism for ANY reason is dangerous.

    Second, whatever happened to the Love, Understanding, Compassion and Forgiveness that Jesus was supposed to teach?

    Third, this guy is the living personification of exactly why the rest of the world laughs at "all the crazies" here in the US.

    Fourth, I would really like to see the look on this guy's face when he wants to sell that car and can't because the paint (or whatever it is) he used to write that etched into the paint!

    Lastly, it figures the guy would be in the Bible Belt. How do I know? That's a water oak the car is parked under and their range is the Southeast!

  3. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Well, nobody will EVER take his parking space. Notice all the other cars are parked away from this one. He is the kind of person who will go beserk and hurt someone. Must be a republican politician, pandering for votes.

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      I can guarantee he's well armed. Yup, jeebus sure did support that Second Amendment!!!

  4. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Looks like you found a stray Phelps.

  5. I was afraid that was a Maryland license plate (I live in Baltimore). The Chick-Fil-A crowd was out in force yesterday. Scary.

  6. Be sure to crank up "Devil Gate Drive" when cruising behind it.

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Other suggestions:

      "Highway to Hell"

      "Plastic Jesus" ("I don't care if it rains or frezzes, long as I've got plastic Jesus, riding on the dashboard of my car....")

      Tom, FL

    2. Anita Winecooler7:48 PM

      Thanks, Tom! We used to sing "Plastic Jesus" in College, what a great song!

  7. Holly3:45 AM

    I love the mathematical equation.

    Sexual immorality / drinking = hell

    What do they call that? The RWNJ Theorem?

    1. hedgewytch7:36 AM

      HaHaaahahaaa! RWNJ Theoren! LOVE IT! Thanks for my first out loud laugh of the day.

  8. Anonymous4:34 AM

    They spew all this violent condemnation at you, and then remember to say how loving and merciful Jesus *and God are.

    Jesus is the only one that is supposed to be on the right hand of God to judge your worthiness in Heaven, but these guys take such liberties. Demigods, any of 'em, all of 'em put in front of us over the years.

    Such a huge disconnect.

  9. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Spell check needed.. just like TB signs.. Merciful, merciful!!! Pam

  10. At least this fool knows how to spell and print clearly. Gives new meaning to "Jesus Take the Wheel."

  11. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Not just a Maryland plate, but looks like it was photographed in my old neighborhood..... any idea as to where this was snapped? I have an awful feeling I know who it may be, and if I am right, then the cheese has finally slid off the cracker.

    Suddenly, I am glad to be living in VA surrounded by people who just think th President is a Kenyan Marxist Socialist Muslim

    1. "The cheese has finally slid off the cracker."


  12. Anonymous5:48 AM

    "Repent or perish"

    Maybe someone should report this guy to the police before it's too late.

  13. Nothing attracts lunatics like religion! It's one of the few institutions where you can manifest all the psychotic behavior that you want and either not be noticed or even be applauded for being really, truly, totally, faithfully crazy!

  14. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Speaking of crazy, has anyone recently reviewed Todd Palin's wiki page? It has been updated to a more factual account and includes his Monica Lewinsky. Someone better go check it out quick and save a copy.

  15. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Someone who lives in Maryland should call in an anonymous tip and tell the cops this person was driving erratically and you think they might be drunk.

  16. Anonymous6:31 AM

    It's really a shame actually. These fundamentalist evangelicals are not real Christians. Jesus didn't teach people to hate. They have perverted the religion.

  17. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Beware any person who says they are "pro-family", that's just code and means they are homophobic bigots.

  18. Is that Santorum's house? Betcha there's a pile of Chik-Fil-A wrappers in the back seat.

  19. hedgewytch7:34 AM

    Love the Irony. "Jesus Loves You - He's Merciful" right next to "Repent or Burn".

    Oh the Stupid!

  20. I am so tired of chuckle whacks like this guy (gal?) and Palin giving such a horrible name to those who truly love God and believe in Jesus' ideals of peace, tolerance, and love for ALL mankind.

    How did it get so twisted? WHEN did it go from embracing those of other faiths, cultures, habitats- to doing the exact OPPOSITE of what Jesus would and DID do?

    I swear, I should shoe-polish MY car-



    And so on and so forth.

    It truly makes me sad. This whole chick fil a-holes thing really has me down. Over half a million people showed up to brag about their intolerance?

    Where's the group you can join to say "I DID NOT line up for inequality & injustice at chik fil a!"? I bet there would be a lot more than 600k.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:59 PM

      So True! The one that gets my "fundie" Aunt in a tizzy is "Jesus was a Community Organizer"

  21. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I was having a discussion yesterday on FB with a woman who firmly believed that the only way to have a 'moral conscience' was to follow the Bible. I asked her if she meant that anyone who did not follow the Bible had no moral code. I also said that I believed that a moral code is an intrinsic part of human nature and does not need to be dictated by a particular book.

    Many other cultures and civilizations that have never had contact with the Christian Bible share most of the same basic values set out in the Bible. They are clearly values that must be adhered to if a society is to function. However, if laws were being based on the Koran or Torah, many Christians would be marching in the streets, screaming that the Jews and Muslims were taking over. And yet, they find no disconnect with their insistence that secular laws follow THEIR particular religious book. Laws are being passed in very Christian states that ban Sharia law, by the very same people who want everyone to follow biblical law.

    When she explained to me that, since God made all humans, HE was the one who gave us an innate sense of right and wrong, and that she sees more attacks on her faith than ever before, I knew there was no reason to continue. At that point I closed FB and went to bed!

  22. Anonymous8:21 AM

    "Jesus loves you!" "It is merciful!"

    Yes, and if I exercise my right not to believe, your god "loves" me so much as to have me "mercifully" condemned to hell.

    What a crackpot.

  23. Leland8:30 AM

    Anonymous 7:43, I have had a few "discussions" with people like that. You try to make a point and they just walk right around it as if you said nothing. They don't WANT to truly discuss, they want to proselytize. They can't HEAR you and they get angry if they can't get their point across to YOU!

    I have an idiot aunt who refuses to drink wine because it's a sin. Even quoting "take unto thyself" does no good. I finally figured out why (in her case). She is incapable of understanding that potable water was not that common in the Middle East so they drank milk (usually goat's), mead, some ale and wine. And if you tell her that If she is right then Jesus sinned by changing water into wine she gets bat-shit crazy (Who do we know like THAT?) agitated and starts to scream about blasphemy!

    Does that sound like the person you mentioned?

    I loved your point about the values that are required for societies to function. These idiots keep screaming that the Ten Commandments are sacred and were handed down to Moses from the mount. Horse Muffins! Those "laws" have been around since man was Man.

    You respected your mother and father and father because otherwise they didn't teach you how to survive.You didn't covet your neighbors wife (when they started HAVING wives) because he would bash your head in with a club. You didn't MURDER (NOT kill!) because it was usually someone in your own clan that was murdered and that meant there were fewer hunters to provide meat! (You had to KILL to defend you're clan's territory, so the translation CANNOT be kill.)

    Come on Fools! Any reasonable, open-minded anthropologist can tell you this!

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Yup, most of those magical Ten Commandments seem pretty common sense to me. You cannot have a successful society of any kind if everyone is going around stealing and killing. I suspect that even the earliest civilizations developed some variation of these rules, even before they had enough language to clearly communicate them. They were certainly not reading them off of a couple of heavenly inscribed stone tablets!

      And, no, the woman I was commenting with didn't seem quite as radical as your teetotaler aunt, but there definitely was a point at which I realized that I was being preached at and nothing I was saying was being considered beyond how to refute it.

  24. Anonymous9:58 AM

    In Januarary of 2011, Todd Palin became an item of interest with tabloid newspapers, as being caught up in an affair with a woman named Shailey Tripp[25]. This information was later verified by the Anchorage Police Department and Shailey Tripp's lawyer, Kristen Foster[26][27]. A year later investigator, Ed Opperman, also verified this interesting public information of their scandolous affair[28][29][30]. Miss Tripp has openly admitted to the relationship and has published a book March of 2012 titled, Boys Will be Boys: Media, Morality, and the Coverup of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Affair[31].


  25. hauksdottir12:52 PM

    The driver can't see clearly out of the back windows. In California, it is illegal to drive such a vehicle; other states undoubtedly have similar laws concerning visibility.

    Perhaps the police could ticket him BEFORE he backs over a pedestrian or swerves into another car?

  26. Everyone assumes the car belongs to the 'artist'. What if it's just really twitchy pro-Jeebus, thumper-centric graffiti vandalism?

    1. Anita Winecooler8:11 PM

      So True! But wouldn't an "artist" choose "HELLvetica" font for the "Repent or Perish" theme?

  27. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Datz my crib Doggy Dawg Common Out$ide & Check Out Alpha Doggz Whip$

  28. Anita Winecooler8:19 PM

    Isn't it ironic that the same article that defends freedom of speech also defends freedom of religion?

    Why do we never see fundamentalist Buddhists, Taoists, Rastafarian etc.. folks mark up their cars with warnings and platitudes?

    1. Leland12:17 PM

      You don't see it, Anita, because they are too concerned with being honest with themselves and others and true to their beliefs which DO NOT include denigration or any holier than thou attitudes.

      I am an atheist, yet I live by 5 words: Love, understanding, compassion, forgiveness and tolerance. These don't NEED to be plastered over everything. It becomes obvious to the people with whom I work and communicate as they get to know me.

      Lead by example.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.