Tuesday, August 28, 2012

In the least surprising news of the day "Stars Earn Stripes" continues to plummet in the ratings.

"Really? So if I stand next to a manly man I will look more manly? Are you sure?"
Courtesy of TV By the Numbers:

On NBC, Stars Earn Stripes dipped three tenths from last week's 1.2, earning a 0.9.

So less than three million people are watching this soft core "military porn?" For a prime time network program in a nation obsessed with guns and violence that's kind of interesting.

Or perhaps it's NOT so surprising considering that just about EVERYBODY connected to the military, or to the family of military members, or to the idea of NOT glorifying war, have attacked this program for pimping military sacrifice for ratings. Ratings by the way, which clearly never materialized

Perhaps the inclusion of THIS guy was simply the final straw that broke the back of the show's credibility.

"The GI Todd doll, NOW with Kung-fu grip for those dark lonely nights in Alaska."
Hmm, I wonder if Todd's NEW career as All American Speaker will fare any better?

"I'm sorry, Miss? Can you speak up please? Your voice is so soft and timid that we can barely hear you back here!"


  1. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Todd Palin is the William Hung of "Stars Earn Stripes". She Bangs.

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Todd (NOT) Hung's version is "She don't bang me"

    2. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Hung? Oh, that reminds me. How's that 4 1/2" two-toned peter workin' out for ya' Tawd? Is that why Juicy turned to politics?

    3. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Just who every American wants to listen to, soprano Todd. Pray tell, just what expertise does this pimp have to sell and who will be buying?

    4. Anonymous5:03 PM

      On Toddy's booking site, a couple of the "similar speakers" that popped up were Dawn Wells (Mary Ann on Gilligan's Island) and Danny Bonaduce, of Partridge Family fame, both of whose booking fees are $10k to $20k, so Todd's fee must be on that range, less 15% agent fees. But hey, maybe you get a discount on Todd's speaking fee because he can't speak loud enough to be heard nor pronounce 8th grade level vocabulary words.

      WTF wants this loser Todd as a MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER? lol

      To motivate me to do what? Marry better than he did by not knocking up a crazy woman like his wife? Shit, I'm motivated to not be as stupid as he was and still is just by watching the poor boy carry around his wife's purse. Heh, like I'm gonna pay him for his stupidity so I won't repeat his dumb-ass mistakes? Anybody that hires this fool deserves what they get.

      Good luck in your new career, Toddy. You might want to check to see if they're hiring in the slope if you're going to be expected to help out with groceries on occasion. Or the rest of you will be as scrawny and starved as your idiot wife. Just sayin'.

      A motivational speaker? lol That's like Beefy's dancing and The Quitter's political acumen. What a bunch of losers.

    5. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Worse, Todd didn't knock up Sarah. She was already pregnant with Track when he married her!!

    6. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Since Todd quit his job too. It looks better for Sarah to list him as a speaker than having an "unemployed purse carrying manny".

  2. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I was wondering when he was going to jump on that bandwagon. On the "Similar Speakers" list on that site, Dawn Wells and Danny Bonaduci!!!!!!!!!

    oh hahahahahah

  3. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Do those Palins have ANY self awareness of how truly BORING and UNTALENTED they are? ANY? Damn you, John McCain!

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Obviously they haven't a clue.

      Todd might as well put "Acting Coach" on the same business card that has "Professional Motivational Speaker" on it. and "Fence builder", also too.

      I can only shake my head after laughing my ass off at the Palins. Pitiful. lol

    2. Anonymous7:01 PM

      I can't stop laughing about "fence builder" and "acting coach"! How about "Wardrobe Consultant" or "Tutoring" "Office Bullying".

    3. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Don't forget "Pimp", he's self-employed, with many workers "under" him.

    4. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Todd, a man of many talents, is truly a Renaissance man.

      [Just don't ask him to spell the word "Renaissance" or to define it. Hell, I'd be amused just to hear him try to pronounce it.]

    5. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Todd is a " job creator"
      (for prostitutes).

  4. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Comedy central would be Todd Palin as a speaker with that girly voice! That is a hoot! Cannot imagine he'll be asked by many and he'll be fun to track. The Palin clan is a friggin' mess!

    1. I can't wait until I get word that Todd has a speaking gig. If it's in a building where the audience has access to alcohol, I'll be there, just for shits and giggles and to people watch!

    2. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Remember California a university paid her to speak. That was funny. Why doesn't that university ask her to speak again. hahaha

  5. After hearing Todd speak in a clip of this wreck of a show and seeing Sarah's manly countenance during her "SEE TAMPA, I don't even WANT to be invited to your stupid party!" segment on Hanniteabagger, I am thoroughly convinced-

    There must be SO much drug use and substance abuse going on at the dead lake house, Todd and Sarah must continually mix up each other's testosterone and estrogen. He sounds like tinkerbell on qualudes and she looks like a guy on Halloween who put forth a really half assed effort to dress up as a woman.

    All she's missing is the feather boa. All HE'S missing are the tiny glittery wings.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:51 PM

      Great Comment! Sarah's going through andropause and Todd's going through menopause. The hot flashes must cut down on fuel consumption in the compound, that must drive Sarah crazy!!!

    2. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Sounds all fake. She man him up. But you hear and see and think wtf. fake.

  6. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Conspicuously missing: Any mention of prior speaking gigs, books authored, published articles, not even high school valedictorian, or an area of expertise, that qualifies this dolt to earn a fee to give a speech.
    Vero Guy

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Welllll.... WTF do you expect them to say about Sarah's bitch? What? He knows how to bring down an airplane with contaminated gas? What?

    2. Anita Winecooler9:59 PM

      If relay purse carrying races were in the olympics, then he'd win the gold medal, the man's about as bland as a tomato without salt.

    3. Anonymous10:13 PM

      I was wondering what kind of qualifications he has to be a 'motivational speaker' - and here it is: HE GRADUATED (?) FROM HIGH SCHOOL!

    4. Anonymous11:39 AM

      a speaker for the nutjobs.

  7. Anonymous5:08 PM

    SES has been cancelled.

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Not yet.

      I don't know what NBC's options are right now with alternate programming, but they might have to bite the bullet and just enjoy 3rd place in that prime-time slot until the episodes run through.

    2. The finale is next week, a 2-hour episode.

      So, the sum total of the programming was an initial 2-hour show, then an hour, another hour, and the finale next Monday.

      Fini, thank gawd.

  8. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Could it be that you can't hear Todd because Sarah cut his nuts off or he left them on the healycopter?

  9. Anonymous5:16 PM

    OT, there is a storm in the south that is preventing governors from going to the RNC. Well Sarah Palin who was the 2008 GOP vp nominee is no longer a governor nor is there a hurricane threatening Alaska. So can anybody tell me why Sarah Palin the 2008 Republican vp Wonder Woman is not going to the RNC as a speaker?

    Is Sarah Palin's 15 minutes up?

    1. Anita Winecooler10:05 PM

      She rode a bus through a hurricane to steal some thunder during the "Who get's voted off the island?" primaries. If she were invited, which I seriously doubt, she'd be there with hooker heels, pencil skirt and action figure tee shirts reading the same speech off her palm.

      Her fifteen minutes are up!

  10. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Similar speakers had roles in longstanding popular tv series. I doubt the Palins will be around long in the speaking circuit post cancelled dime a dozen reality shows. On the plus side repeating the same word salad charging 100k for SP plus expenses was a goldmine.

    Setting up those fake organizations to con people she was a pursued star is what they worked at scamming people lol. How much are the baggers paying for the barbeques and tight tees for Sarah Hooter to howl?

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Sarah hasn't even smelled a $100K payday for a speaking gig in almost two years. That shit dropped in half quickly. Newt gets $50-$60K and stays a hell of a lot busier than the Grifter from AK. Sarah is now in that range and can't stay busy. AFT is not paying her on an individual appearance basis, not to speak to 95 people one week and 230 the next, and shit like that. She's on a retainer and goes where they tell her to go. And don't look for anyone to pay Todd to speak... maybe to ride shotgun with Sarah if it's a big TeaBag event, but you're probably not looking at something big there until mid-terms in 2014.

  11. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I wonder if Todd's NEW career as All American Speaker will fare any better?

    What advice does Todd have for other pimps and who would take Todd's advice since he is a failure at pimping? Instead of having Shailey Tripp out there making money for him, Todd was out there getting freebies from her and cutting into her business.

    First rule of business, don't eat the cake if you want to sell it!

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Second rule is always wash your hands with warm water and soap after using the restroom.

      That is why I would never let Sarah serve me any type of food. Anybody who has ever been in their house or around them in social settings has noticed that none of them practice good hygiene. It's like their social skills were stunted by being around one another. It makes me sick just thinking about Sarah handling food for all those people.

  12. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Stars Earn Stripes? What is Todd Palin star of? He is unemployed, uneducated and living off of his wife. The only stripes Todd deserve is a 3 x 3 cell with pin stripe pj's while he washes his cell mate's socks and underwear.

    1. Anonymous11:06 PM

      Tawd is employed as Sarah's little bitch of a purse carrier AND a pimp. See, Tawd is not unemployed at all and is in fact working two jobs.

  13. Anonymous5:28 PM

    First, I STILL think Todd looks like a 70's porn actor.

    Next, "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" had nearly 5 million viewers last week. (So if you want to watch trashy people in action, obviously, "Honey Boo Boo" is more entertaining to more people.)

    Just sayin'

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Ok, I saw an internet clip of that Honey Boo Boo show and those are some truly frightening people! I can't even believe that any of these people have the intelligence to earn enough money even to afford that shack (right on the railroad tracks, no less, how perfect is that?) that they live in. I mean seriously, this entire family seems very mentally disabled and I can't believe that anyone would give them a show. It's sad, and demeaning to them, even if they aren't smart enough to realize it. I guess there are people like this, is this the 5 million tuning into watch? Could there really be 5 million people in America that are this "compromised"? This show makes me feel like I grew up in a bubble because I've certainly never met any people that resemble these people...I kind of feel for them, but they seem happy?

    2. lol Honey Boo Boo's audience is almost TWICE the audience size of Stars Earn Stripes. And that's TLC vs the NBC network in prime-time!

      Todd better check on getting a job with BP on the slope if they would even entertain the idea of hiring him back. No one in their right mind would hire him to speak. Seriously. I wouldn't want him talking to my people if he spoke for free! Their time isn't free and if you waste someone's time on something like a Todd Palin speaking gig, they'll never forgive you, even if it cost them not a penny.

      People that make those kinds of decisions end up on the street with a severance check in hand and maybe a bus ticket back to Dumbassville.

    3. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Todd looks like a '70's Porn actor until he's naked. Then he looks like an unemployed straight porn actor without the proper endowment to call himself a "porn star".

      But as much as he enjoys the ride when Sarah mounts him with that 12-inch strap-on dildo she probes him with, he could maybe gets some good "speaking parts" in gay porn. Todd already talks like he has a big dick shoved up his ass, so he's got that part of the gig down pat. Maybe that's his idea of what an professional speaker does. In that case, he's qualified.

    4. Anonymous11:07 PM

      &70's male costars didn't have lil 4 inch two toned teenie weenies.

    5. Anonymous3:32 AM

      It's tragic that Honey Boo is considered entertainment. These people are borderline retarded for sure. Honey boo boo is a very abnormal child. The mother June is a grandmother at 32...and the younger daughter was caught dipping her sisters baby's pacifier in Code Red Mountain Dew. The baby is a fucking newborn..with 6 fingers on its right hand. Mutated.She got the idea from her mom who gives the boo boo red bull, mountain dew and other stuff is a mix before pageants. Her response to the contraversy was "she could give her alot worse.... what? Meth? coke? Booze?
      Yeah ,there is a part of me that believes we are now living in the Idiocracy. It's not funny when kids are abused for entertainment. We need CPS not ratings wars.

    6. GrannyMe6:48 AM

      I HAVE dealt with families like Honey Boo Boo's many times--ALWAYS through some facet of social services. They're actually pretty typical, and no, they really don't have any idea how they come across to the rest of America. The reason for the high numbers is that they appeal to a certain segment of the viewing audience who can IDENTIFY with them. Face it, you don't find many families on assistance who watch Masterpiece Theatre on PBS.

      I can promise you that being on a reality show far exceeds the summit of their ambition. They just don't know how to form higher goals. Even though they may have exposure to people with class, it doesn't necessarily sink in. Just like the Palins.

  14. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Todd looking mighty sweet in those mother jeans. I thought men wore Levi's in Alaska? What kind of man is Todd?

    What do you mean have I ever heard Todd's sweet soft voice? What are you implying?

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      I think you mean "Mom Jeans"?

  15. Maybe in the beginning of his marriage to Sarah he had stars in his eyes (she was attractive). But those stars were quickly snuffed out. Then he cynically went for the money he and Sarah could pull in together, using his jack-of-all-trades (including prostitution!) contacts and her prick tease skills.

    I don’t think he’s unusual in modern America.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      He married her when she was pregnant with another man's baby. Did he know it at the time or did he find out later?

    2. Anonymous11:09 PM

      I'm betting the Menards paid Tawd to marry Sarah to coer up Curtis' mistake by knocking up the Wasilla whore named Sarah Heath.

  16. Anonymous5:34 PM

    "I'm sorry, Miss? Can you speak up please?"

    I thaid cain I go pway on thee heellycopters agin? Sarah thaid I could.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Sure, Tripp, er Todd, sorry. Now as tempting as it might be, son, keep your pecker in your pants and away from the rotor. You can't afford to lose any length there, shorty.

  17. Anonymous5:41 PM

    So what is Todd Palin going to be paid to speak about?

    Working? NOPE!

    Raising your kids and preparing them for college? NOPE!

    Raising your daughters so they won't have their babies at their high school GED ceremony if they even finish high school? NOPE!

    So what the fuck is Sweet Todd going to advise America about?

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      How to play the skin flute without using any teeth perhaps?

    2. Anonymous6:26 PM

      "Camping 101 for Teenage Daughters"

    3. Anonymous7:28 PM

      "How to run a large interstate sex trafficking ring"

  18. Anonymous6:00 PM

    What does Sarah see in Todd? Is Todd proficient at sucking Sarah's weenie?

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      She says he's "not that great but he's a real hard worker" and he gets a lot of practice time in while Sarah is on the road speechifying.

    2. Anonymous10:43 PM

      Todd is not that great? Maybe Todd should take some lessons from Bristol and Willow?

    3. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Don't you mean sp father?

  19. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Hey Todd what does your parents say about your reality show? Bristol's reality show? Whatever it is that Sarah does?

    Todd, I can understand why your parents keeps their distance from the Wasilly Hill Billies.

  20. Anonymous6:16 PM

    OT Watching Santorum @convention: he should write fiction like Danielle Steele. He sounds like that young dark haired minister on tv. I felt offended by how he addressed single mothers. He came across as if all the mothers chose that as if two people are not involved in conception.

    I felt defensive of my mother and other women in her shoes where the spouses abandoned the marriage and the children. Many men expect society pay for what their sperm created or relatives provide.

    I can't respect him when he lies the opponent tells us things he never has. Character assassination for lack of policies.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      The most clueless usually lack compassion and tact, as well as the wisdom to recognize their own faults.

      But they are pretty handy at pointing fingers and making suppositions about the lives of strangers based on their own narrow, distorted view of the world.

      Bless their hearts.

    2. Anonymous9:51 PM


      Shadow Conventions 2012: Tampa, Florida has more homeless people per capita than any city in America. Yet you won't hear much -- if any -- talk from the podium on the Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired convention set about America's poverty crisis. http://tinyurl.com/8fj8nfh

    3. Anita Winecooler10:17 PM

      Yeah, the man who said Romney is the worst possible candidate to put up against President Obama clenched his teeth and buttcheeks while talking about people's hands he saw while campaigning (And his beautiful daughter, Bella, whom the doctors said wouldn't make it then miraculously survived, and they chose to keep and love and raise - in other words, pro life red meat).

      To be clear - I'm not dissing the child, I'm just pointing out that he and his wife made a choice, a difficult one, just like the women who choose abortion, yet he rails against "Pro Choice" people.

    4. Anonymous2:53 AM

      and the ability to make that choice rested in large part on his ability as a lobbyist shill to make the money to have good health insurance and a stay at home mommy.

  21. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Ole Retodd looks like he's squeezing off a loaf in that bottom pic.Think sarah helped him clean up?

  22. Anonymous6:32 PM

    GUNS<-------------------------------->Squirt guns
    MANLY DUDE<-------------------------->First dud, Toad

  23. Anonymous6:32 PM

    When does the book tour start for Chuckles and Chuckles Jr? They wrote a book about $carah. Unless it is telling the truth, I do not see it being too much in demand. We are sick of the entire family of grifters. They are beginning to give gypsies a bad name.

    1. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Creepy Chuckies 1 & 2 should sign up with a speaker's agency for professional best-selling authors who speak and then sell their book. Shit, if Todd is qualified, those two Heath goobers certainly are. I don't even need to hear their voices. If they can read at all, they can do better than Toddy, who has never been on the grounds of a college campus unless he took a wrong turn in an unfamiliar city and was trespassing.

      I wonder if Creepy Chucky, Senior is going to tell in their new book about seeing Trig "pop out" like he has mentioned in the past. But it's not like he hasn't seen Sarah's hoo hoo throughout her childhood and adult life. It's a "family affair" thingy with the Palins-Heaths having everybody else's babies and horse-trading kids and snow-machines and whatnot. These are facts.

    2. Anonymous7:47 PM

      No kidding. Where were all these Palins hiding their talent four years ago? Suddenly they are coming out of the woodwork.

  24. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Stay classy Republicans!

    RNC Attendee Allegedly Threw Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman, Said ‘This Is How We Feed Animals’


    1. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Where this little joke comes from. Republican Minnesota legislator explains how this works.

      Food stamps= Feeding wild animals: Rep. Mary Franson Legislative Update

      Money quote begins at 1:52. "Safety net not safety hammock".


      Last week, we worked on some welfare reform bills.

      And here, it's kind of ironic, I'll read you this little funny clipped that we got from a friend. It says, 'Is't it ironic that the food stamp program, part of the Department of Agriculture, is pleased to be distributing the greatest amount of food stamps ever.

      Meanwhile, the Park Service, also part of the Department of Agriculture, asks us to please not feed the animals, because the animals may grow dependent and not learn to take care of themselves.

      Our reform bills are meant to bring people up out of the clutches of poverty. We want to provide a safety net, no longer a safety hammock. In one of the bills Representative Kurt Daudt authored would reduce the amount of time that you could stay on welfare from five years to three years.

      In three years I believe that we can get Minnesota's poorest of the poor back up on their feet and moving more toward a prosperous future."

      Also,too,Mr. Dominican Republic stag party Viagra on this topic:

      "Limbaugh Compares Welfare Recipients To Wild Animals That Become Dependent On People For Food"

    2. Anita Winecooler10:21 PM

      I can't wait for Gryphen's post on the party in tampa. What a total fiasco. Instead of defining Romney, it was an Obama bashing fest for a sea of white folk. Boehner was dispicable, and possibly drunk. He related his days at the family bar and said they should kick out Obama.

      It can only go downhill from here.

  25. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Where's Tri-G??????

    1. Anonymous8:25 PM

      He's not Sarah's. Even if he was (snort) he didn't get her into the White House. WAAAA! Boot with monkey pump!

      Any true mother would have contributed bucks to programs/research. Her Heinous can't even contribute to candidates from her (ahem) PAC.

      It's all "postage," you know,,,,,and those open doors that God somehow just keeps slamming shut. At least she has the pee pond.

    2. Anonymous3:26 AM

      Hopefully in preschool and as far away from the horrible influence of Sarah Palin as possible.

  26. WakeUpAmerica7:32 PM

    Todd looks like a total wussy next to the other guy.
    What on God's green earth would Todd talk about as a speaker? How to be a pimp? How to cheat in the Iron Dog? How to be a bully? How to tote purses with pride?

  27. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Come on folks, give Toddly a break. It's going to take a lot of guts for him to come out as the first reality tv gay wannabe soldier.

  28. This just occurred to me...

    Do you know what everybody would call Honey Boo Boo if she was one of the Palin kids?

    "the smart one"

    Just sayin'.

    1. Anonymous8:58 PM

      for the win!

    2. Anonymous9:17 PM


    3. Anita Winecooler10:22 PM


    4. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Like. bigtime.

  29. Anonymous8:10 PM

    What's Todd going to speak on? How to carry your "wife in name only's" purse? How you live with a small two-toned and a gay voice? Bi? How you were a member of the AIP for years and KNEW you were and still are? Alaskan Mafia? International Pimp? Cheater on the Iron Dog? Bullying in airports? Wine coolers in tents? School bus brakes? House break-in/trashing? Sister druggie? Father-in law pedophilia support? Kool-aid stand? Johnston family destroying? Wild ride? Church arson? Dar? CBJ? Menard death? Wooten?

    1. Anonymous10:38 PM

      also that big fukin' ugly house on the dead lake, sponsored by spenard builders supply and the happy tax payers of wasilla

    2. Anonymous11:35 AM

      All those lawsuits while she was pretending to be governor were the man upstairs telling her she took money therefore she needs to give away millions herself. idiot.

  30. Anonymous9:15 PM

    The Palin curse continues. This show is a complete flop. Also too since Tebow joined the Jets they've become the first team since 1977 to lose their first three pre-season games. Tebow's QB rating is hovering around his shoe size.

  31. Anonymous9:24 PM

    WTF Lego hair was on fox to rate Ann and Christie speeches. She had a new wig and lousy cappy looking pink cheap top. Tooooo sprayed tan.

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Rate? How did that work out. What would be her boundaries? She does not know anything.

  32. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Networks have 'killed' series with far higher ratings than this show. The suits consider it far too expensive to keep shows with such low ratings and in prime time, even worse.

    Cable as we've seen keep duds but not networks.

    I posted on one of IM's earlier blogs when someone mentioned the ratings on Tuesday -- that it being Tuesday, there are discussions ongoing and I would not be surprised that by Friday we hear it's gone.

    The fact is, the show has already been filmed and they know the winner so they can pay the charity off and get out of it as the sponsors will not be happy.

    1. It's August. They probably don't have anything else to fill in and don't care.

  33. Anonymous10:08 PM

    'First dude' from 2006-2009, hm? Makes it sound like she was GINO for three full years, instead of just 2 1/2.

  34. Anonymous10:22 PM

    kirk adamas of Arizona LOST. LOl. Palin down.

    1. Anonymous10:36 PM

      Now if we can get Sarah to stump for Romney like she endorsed Trump, Cain, O'Donnell, Miller, Gingrich...

    2. Anonymous10:38 PM

      How did Palin's endorsement of Steelman do?

      I'm sorry did I touch one of Sarah's nerves?

    3. Anonymous10:40 PM

      OH HELL NO! Not the Sarah Palin Curse again?

    4. Anonymous10:46 PM

      It must suck to be Sarah or to be endorsed by her?

    5. Anonymous10:48 PM

      One thing about Sarah is that when she guesses right she wants everybody to know but when her endorsement falls flat on her flat chest Sarah says nothing about it.

    6. Anonymous2:58 AM


  35. Anonymous10:34 PM

    In the least surprising news of the day "Stars Earn Stripes" continues to plummet in the ratings.

    Gryphen are you sure that Stars Earn Stripes is plummeting or could it be Life's A Tripp or maybe Sarah Palin's popularity?

    Or maybe all of them?

  36. Anita Winecooler10:40 PM

    Poor Todd. He'll be doing fancy pageant walking and flute playing while waxing poetic about prostitutes, moist towellettes, and zip lock bags. Sarah says jump and he says how high?

    The Palin family is a "Fake it till you make it" kind of family. They just never got to the last two words.

  37. Anonymous10:52 PM

    I think Sarah looks manlier than ReTodd.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      That's because Sarah clipped ReTodd about the time we seen him carrying Sarah's purse. That's why ReTodd is an alto voice girly man.

  38. Anonymous8:30 AM

    MILITARY and faux T. Palin promotional related
    Air Force Recruiting


  39. He hasn't been booted from the show yet?

    Has anything been said about his lack of teamwork yet?


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