Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Top Romney aide: "We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers."

Courtesy of Buzzfeed:  

Mitt Romney's aides explained with unusual political bluntness today why they are spending heavily — and ignoring media criticism — to air an ad accusing President Barack Obama of "gutting" the work requirement for welfare, a marginal political issue since the mid-1990s that Romney pushed back to center stage. 

"Our most effective ad is our welfare ad," a top television advertising strategist for Romney, Ashley O'Connor, said at a forum Tuesday hosted by ABCNews and Yahoo! News. "It's new information." 

The welfare ad has been the center of intense dispute, with Democrats accusing Romney of unearthing old racial ghosts and Romney pointing out that the Obama Administration has offered states waivers that could, in fact, lighten work requirements in welfare, a central issue in Bill Clinton's 1996 revamping of public assistance. 

The Washington Post's "Fact Checker" awarded Romney's ad "four Pinocchios," a measure Romney pollster Neil Newhouse dismissed. 

"Fact checkers come to this with their own sets of thoughts and beliefs, and we’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers," he said. The fact-checkers — whose institutional rise has been a feature of the cycle — have "jumped the shark," he added after the panel.

So now finally we have seen the battle lines for this election drawn.  Those who rely on facts and information to make their choices, and those who actively ignore the facts and instead rely on the blind faith that their point of view is correct.

THOSE are now the two sides facing off against each other in 2012.

You know I have been beating the drum about the dangers of  accepting things on faith alone for years now.  It has often been an unpopular stance to take, and I have certainly taken my lumps over it, but THIS is what I have been predicting all along.

The ONLY way that a party can garner support when the facts simply do not support their positions, be it climate change, the necessity for war, or the idea that cutting taxes for the wealthy benefits the country as a whole, is to make "facts" the enemy and to pander to their supporter's fundamental desire to believe that the filter through which they view the world reveals to them the REAL "truth," regardless of what facts and information might indicate to the contrary.

The place where the Republicans found fertile ground to plant those seeds was in the Fundamentalist churches all across this country, from there the tendrils of ignorance have now spread to infect many other religions institutions as well.

So now we are faced with a party seemingly made up exclusively of evolution and global warming deniers, who believe that America is the last bastion of Christianity, and who are actively preparing for the coming of the End Times.

Well played GOP.

In the words of William Harwood

“The difference between faith and insanity is that faith is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatible with the evidence, whereas insanity is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatible with the evidence.”

Apparently the Republicans recognized this, and knew exactly how best to take advantage of it.


  1. Olivia2:12 PM

    Unfortunately, I have met way too many people who are believing the bullshit. It's like they are begging to be lied to, rejoicing in being lied to, even to where that they know they are being lied to and they are screaming for more. It is like a really bad space alien movie.

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      What is crazy is "Welfare" is something like $300+per/ Adult person a MONTH! And if they are "Working" for their welfare...
      That would be violating Labor law b/c that is aprox $10-11 a DAY!
      I would love to see a Congress fucker live on $300. a month?
      Hey Gop step up?
      Anyone who votes gop is a flippin idiot. Period.

    2. Anonymous5:51 PM

      The only thing that the gullible really know for sure is that the President is a blah, and thats enough for them.

  2. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Maddow speaks to former New York Times columnist and NBC reporter Bob Herbert, who tells Maddow: "All Romney Has Going For Him Is His Whiteness"

    HERBERT: You know, Mitt Romney has so many problems. He’s an unappealing candidate. He’s not a very good politician, and he’s running a campaign without a message. It’s a campaign that doesn’t have a theme. So what he’s essentially doing is going all over the place, saying, you know, white people, please vote for me. It’s the only route that he and his advisers see to an electoral victory this November.


  3. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Willow, Bristol, Tripp, Trig @ yesterday BBQ

    Breaking news: Arizona is out of Spray tan cans thanks to Lego hair!!!

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      I saw the pics. Who the fuck drags little children out in 108* weather. That is literally life threatening.Plus barstool had on a longsleeved red lace dress????? These people are unbelievably stupid.Plus sarah looked like she padded her ass.When she stood to the side it was all lumpy like she stuck a towel in her underwear. What a classy family.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:37 PM

      Eww. That woman is showing off her luvvvvv for the quitter, and those photos are so posed it's pathetic. Yeah, long sleeves and dragging kids out in oppressive heat just for free food served by "that woman" is pathetic.

      I scrolled down past the sarah photos, what a stupid blog theme! "Here is me, here is my husband, here are our progeny, aren't they adoreable? I love my life. Here we are at the beach. See the sand? Disneyworld! See Goofy! What Fun!

      Why do people do these boring "family albumn" type blogs?

      If you're so busy taking photos, you're not having fun. And putting your kids photos on a blog over and over again is stupid.

  4. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Well, the fact checkers blew the "can't get pregnant from rape" nonsense to smithereens. And whether the GOP likes it or not, the fact checkers are CONTROLLING their most outrageous claims. Because the GOP is too afraid of the fact checking to do their usual really, really big lies.

    And, as far as I am concerned, Mitt Romney's tax returns show him guilty of tax evasion... because without a fact check, I can assume he must be hiding something illegal in those returns.

  5. The editors of the National Review are telling their readers to ignore the "Pants on Fire" and "Four Pinocchios" ratings from PolitiFact and the Washington Post:

    "PolitiFiction: Our advice: Pay no attention to those ratings."


  6. Not What You Want To Hear2:43 PM

    As if we didn't have enough of a labor surplus. Now the Republicans want to force single moms struggling to get by on welfare to take low-wage jobs, crowding the labor pull and driving wages for everyone down even more, while shelling out half of what they earn to pay for child care.

    Those are some crack economic thinkers.

    1. Olivia3:49 PM

      They also think it is a great idea for people to to not be able to get Social Security and Medicare till their late 70s and keep working in jobs that younger people could fill.

  7. Earmark Ulu2:45 PM

    Well, FACTS do have an unmistakable liberal bias.

  8. OT: Gryphen, looks like we have another "wild ride" story. Seems Ann Romney had a miscarriage (at 4 1/2 months), woke about 3 or 4 in the a.m., but waited til 6 am to wake Romney and ask that he take her to the hospital. She "knew" she was losing the baby according to her. Check out this story (and story it is, I cannot believe a woman in her second trimester having pain or bleeding like she is about to miscarry would not instantly yell, get me to the hospital. You don't KNOW you are going to lose the baby; you think you might but you pray that something can be done; you don't wait - you go to hospital NOW! This is the most ludicrous baby delivery story I have ever well ... uh - second most ludicrous story? ..http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505263_162-57501470/ann-romney-speaks-out-on-her-miscarriage-trauma/...

    1. Anita Winecooler8:59 PM

      Is this a "republican" thing? We had GWBush's mom show him her misscarried fetus in a jar, Sarah's Wild Lie, and now Ann recounting details, for the first time in a television interview, that Mitt heard before?

      Maybe she's genuine, but it doesn't make sense, and she smiles widely while telling it.

      Why would she wait? Is Mitt's sleep time more important than a medical crisis?


  9. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I remember the great Saint Ronald of Reagan saying "Facts are stupid things".

    1. Anonymous7:17 PM

      They all worship Saint Ronnie Rayguns....he could read a script. :)

  10. imnofred3:52 PM

    The Romney camp doesn't care about fact-checkers because they don't care about facts.

  11. "Stay away from the road!" "Don't take candy from strangers!" and "Duck!" (when something has been thrown your way) seem to me good examples of statements one should take on faith alone.

    Beware of throwing the baby out with the bathwater when you dismiss the notion of faith outright.

    Indeed, a famous atheist and noted philosopher, David Hume, defined knowledge as justified, true belief, for, as he argued, there is no reason to assume that the laws of physics, for example, man has thus far described will hold in the future.

    Your crusade, which seems, if qualified to something resembling the following, to me justified, is against Eric Hoffer's "true believers" or Adorno's "authoritarian personality types"- those who, for whatever reason, hold views which are demonstrably false.

    It seems to me a childhood without faith would be grim indeed.

  12. Anonymous4:10 PM

    we’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers, or the truth. if it isn't the truth it is a lie!

  13. Oh, Gryphen.... you and your strange wild-eyed obsession with... um.. the truth. No wonder this is a defunct blog. Truth is passé, man. It's "yesterday's broccoli" as the young people say these days. It's a new era. Get with the program. Don't fight it. Once Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers stop pulling the strings in the Kenyan anti-colonialist White House everything is going to get better. You'll see.

    My only reservation about Mittens, speaking of the truth, is his long rumored stint as lead singer and maracas player with Detroit's notorious 60's radical white power band, The MC5. I mean, if he really killed those girls on stage during a nine hour angel dust and heroin-fueled performance and orgy, shouldn't he be providing the details to the American people? Isnt it always the cover-up that's worse than the crime? I mean, seriously, kick out the jams, mother fuckers.


    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Hey, dolt, in the end the TRUTH will prevail.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:10 PM

      You hit the nail on the head!

      I kicked out some jam just the other day. It was Paul Newman's Own sugar free, gluten free boysenberry - fig jam spiced with proletariat organic thyme hand picked on a farm across from Governor Christie's summer home.

      It felt good.

  14. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Who needs facts anyway? They just get in the way of lies.

    Lies are good. Truth is bad. Republicans are good. Democrats are bad. Oh, and the Tea Party is also bad. In fact, everybody who is not a Republican is just plain bad.

    The Republican Party has dissembled so badly that it is rather frightening and disturbing to behold.

    George Orwell's 1984 comes to mind. Great read, but not in real life thank you very much.

  15. At his convention speech, Rick Santorum just told The Big Lie about Obama "waiving the work for welfare" in welfare reform. Can't be giving stuff away to the Blah people, according to earlier Frothy comments. We also got the three handkerchief special about his grandfather's hands and his daughter Bella's struggles.

    Gag inducing.

  16. Anonymous7:36 PM

    After watching a bit of Ann Rmoney's speech tonight - this was a bit like watching Herself only Ann is actually articulate - it is very clear WHO dictates to Mitt.....no wonder the man usually looks like he is about to S*** his pants. Ahh, the power behind the throne....

    1. Anonymous6:29 AM

      Ann 'You People' Romney is a snobby snob.

  17. Tamara8:03 PM

    Following is the link to the actual document with which, according to the Republicans, Obama has "gutted" welfare reform:


    Any moron can read this Health and Human Services memorandum to the States and see for himself that it bears NO RESEMBLANCE WHATSOEVER to the accusations of the Romney campaign. This thing needs to be circulated far and wide.

    For those who are inclined to dig a little deeper and want an even better understanding of the way the waiver program works, you need to look at two federal statutes. The HHS memo permits the states to request a waiver from ANY of the federal requirements of welfare reform, requirements which are spelled out in two separate sections of the Act known as Temporary Assistance for Families in Need. These statutes are available at the following links:

    Section 402: http://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/ssact/title04/0402.htm

    Section 407: http://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/ssact/title04/0407.htm

    And finally, for those who don't believe that Republicans have been asking for precisely these kinds of waivers for many years, the following link contains a 2005 letter from the Republican Governors Association expressly asking for "increased waiver authority" in regards to welfare. The letter is signed by 29 Republican governors, including one Mitt Romney.


    I am an attorney and I approved this message . . . and Mitt Romney is a rat bastard.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:16 PM

      Yes, they rail against big govmint and tout state's rights. Here, the facts show that the reforms Clinton started and Obama adapted shifted the onus from the federal govmint to the states.

      I never saw that letter before, very damning!

  18. Anita Winecooler9:33 PM

    Ann did her June Cleaver impressionistic speech about love, family, and struggling to make ends meet while raising six boys, she connected to single mothers, working mothers, and married mothers. She tossed in high gas prices. She wore red, smiled a lot. She knows the struggles of the middle class (she saw "Les Miserable" and experienced it first hand by watching the house staff) She feels our pain.

    Then the strangest thing happened, Romney levitated a half inch off the ground and transported to her side, stiff, robotic, and blank eyed while she embraced him to wild applause. They broke loose and he sat

  19. Anonymous6:22 AM

    “The difference between faith and insanity is that faith is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatible with the evidence, whereas insanity is the ability to hold firmly to a conclusion that is incompatible with the evidence.”

    I have to address this. This statement is saying those of us who have faith in God and Jesus are insane. And that is very offensive.
    All the faith I have is in God. Every fiber of my being, trusts HIM.
    And yes, I am a liberal Democrat, have been all of my life.


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