Friday, August 24, 2012

Keep an eye out for the new Romney/Ryan campaign bus. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

I understand that they also hired Todd Akin as the driver.


  1. Anonymous2:38 AM

    And if the bus runs over you, it's your fault, because we needed to get where we were going to. You won't have any injuries, of course, because we had nothing to do with it.

  2. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Once again, religion falls flat on its face.

  3. Virginia Voter3:01 AM

    I think Mitt Romneys former surrogate, Dr. Willkie, aka Dr. Rapey McSpermblocler, and Todd Legitimate Rape Akin are the designated drivers .

    Good God, I would love for one woman to explain to me how they can justify voting Republican. When they are in the majority they do everything they can to legislate against us and our kids.

  4. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Has anyone bothered to check the petition to have Sarah speak at the convention? After two weeks, total is 1,576 signatures. As these people all hang around the same websites, I think it's starting to be safe to say just how many total lunatic Palinbots out there. And they think they are the "earthquake".

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Anyone signing the petition to have her speak at the convention is as delusional as the Palin family. I bet Sarah herself is "recruiting" her fans to sign the petition. Face the facts, Sarah, you aren't going to be speaking at the convention. More old GOP men will go to see your stripper double in Tampa than those who sign the petition.

  5. Anonymous4:37 AM

    You got it half right, G. The GOP threw Todd Akin under the bus this week, and after putting Sarah under the chassis many times since 2010, has finally convinced her to quit trying to get back out from under there. "Just shut up under there and keep your head low." Rience Priebus was overheard saying just a few days ago.

    The OTHER Palin that the GOP doesn't want hanging around the convention in Tampa - Todd PALIN - the former half-pimp of AK, will be sitting in the driver's seat. Since Sarah PAC contributions have dropped drastically, Toddy-boy has been looking for work since the reality star gig doesn't appear to be a good long-term prospect for him.

    While they're under there, Sarah can "consult" with Mr Akin about how she did the right thing by "taking one for the team" and quitting. That bit of expert advice on quitting ought to be worth $100K plus expenses and bendy straws. Those straws come in pretty handy for Sarah when she's trying to drink her Red Bull in challenging work environments.

  6. Anonymous4:57 AM

    i think it needs to be said over and over that the law of the land in Roe v Wade allows for abortion on demand without any qualifiers.

    the exception for rape, incest, and health of the mother completely detracts from the overall promise to women in america -- YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR OWN BODY.

    thank you.

    1. Anonymous7:10 AM


      ---another pissed-off Republican Woman

  7. Anita Winecooler7:44 PM

    I think they should have stuck with the weeniemobile, Ryan knows how to drive it! Free Prostate exams for gop voters! Romney Care AND campaign write off!


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