Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Welcome Back Mitt!

Gee I wonder when Romney's next "Look how Presidential I am" trip is planned? After all THIS one was such a success! (For the Obama campaign that is.)

Of course Romney does not have to go overseas to stick his foot in his mouth, according to a new report he can do the same thing right here in America:  

Mitt Romney’s tax plan would be a boon for the wealthy, but a tax hike for 95% of Americans, according to a new nonpartisan study. 

The report, by researchers from both the Brookings Institution and Tax Policy Center, examined Romney’s suggestion of an across-the-board 20% income tax cut financed by closing existing loopholes and concluded there was no way to make the numbers work without burdening the vast majority of Americans with higher taxes. 

Romney has not said which tax breaks he would end to finance his plan, but he has suggested that he would only look to breaks that benefit the wealthy. The report concluded that notion is a fantasy no matter how it’s constructed: There simply are too many middle class tax breaks on the table to avoid skewing the burden against the average American.

Raising taxes on 95% of Americans? Hmm, now which political party was it again that has such a  difficult time with the idea of raising taxes?

Gee multiple gaffes overseas, policies that raise taxes here in America, millions of dollars squirreled away in overseas accounts, a refusal to let anybody see his tax returns, kind of makes you wonder what will end up being the defining image of Romney in the long run.

Don't tell me, I am sure it will come to me in a minute.


  1. vegaslib2:16 PM

    Never underestimate the power of racism. There are still plenty of white, toothless, redneck racists in the good 'ol USofA, riding around on the government paid for hoverrounds. You know, those "real 'mericans"!.

    By the way, I'm white and ashamed of these pieces of shit. I'm assuming that Romney is thinking that the stupid people elected dipshit twice, so why not me?

  2. Rmoney's campaign is claiming his overseas trip was a success... OMG... Talk about having low standards... and they think this behavior is presidential??? REALLY???

    I claim they are delusional. His is so unfit for office, any of em all of em.

    Honestly if they are claiming that boondoggle a success they really ought to shut their mouths regarding President Obama.

  3. Caroll P. Thompson, CPA2:33 PM

    That was great. Thank you Gyphen. I recently moved and don't have any TV yet.

    Folks should be very concerned about Romney's tax plan. It will eliminate the refundable child tax credit and severly reduce the earned income credit, which as we all know, is critical for the financial well being of poor working families. I do want to mention that the earned income tax credit began under the Ford Administation. But President Ford would be run out the Republican party today and I find that very sad.

  4. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I just watched the evening news (CBS) and can not fathom HOW they can claim the race to the WH is VERY close. What is wrong with people, that they actually think Rmoney would make a good president. I was irritated that Scott Pelly calls President Obama "MR" Obama. How disrespectful. Then they interviewed this Cruz from Texas tea party. What a strange man. Something about him is "off" but I can not quite put my finger on it. Maybe once he is caught in the men's room tapping his feet, it will come to me. Just very "different" is all I can say.

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      He is being financed by a gay guy from Ca I think. Malia Litman has the details.

    2. Anonymous5:22 PM

      My opinion? They're making it seem like it's close for the same reason that NBC didn't show the Russian team's booboo on the floor exercise in the gymnastics competition -- suspense and ratings. Obama is winning most of the alleged swing states but the media is going to pretend that there are more close races than there are -- just like they did in 2008 when they pretended that PA was going to be a squeaker when Obama was never losing by less than ten points and ended up having called for him like eight seconds after polls closed! I keep saying this and I will keep saying it until all this nonsense ends.

  5. Anonymous2:53 PM

    When Barack Obama went abroad in July 2008, searching for some foreign policy cred, European leaders smothered him with love and respect.

    More than 200,000 Germans thronged to the Victory Column in Berlin, hailing him as “Redeemer” and “Savior.” In a joint press conference in Paris, a smitten Nicolas Sarkozy was so touchy-feely that even Obama looked a little embarrassed.

    “You must want a cigarette after that,” I teased Obama on the plane to London later.

    Poor Mitt Romney had no such magic carpet ride. He insulted the British and infuriated the Palestinians while pandering to the Israelis and American Jewish voters, including donors like the Las Vegas billionaire Sheldon Adelson who tagged along.

    Egged on by some of the same neocon advisers who brought us the Iraq pre-emptive invasion, Romney offered “Go ahead, make my day” diplomacy, signaling he would support Israeli action to pre-emptively strike Iran’s nuclear facilities.

    In an inadvertently hilarious grand finale in Warsaw, where Romney was pandering to American Catholics by dropping Pope John Paul II’s name every chance he got, his spokesman insulted the traveling press clamoring for a rare dollop of attention from the Republican contender.

    Obama gave four press conferences and plenty of individual interviews when he went abroad as a candidate. But when reporters traveling with Romney mutinied as Mitt left a wreath-laying at a war memorial in Pilsudski Square, pressing on the gaffes and on why they were being shut out, campaign spokesman Rick Gorka shot back crudely that the press should kiss a part of his anatomy, noting incongruously: “This is a holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect.”


    The true measure of how inglorious the trip was? Senior Romney strategist Stuart Stevens assured the press how glorious the trip was.

    He took the cascade of chuckleheaded moments and tried to plant the crazy idea in our brains that they were a mark of Romney’s steadfast character.

    “He has a tendency to speak his mind and to say what he believes,” Stevens said, “and whenever you do that, there will be those that disagree with you, and there will be those that agree with you.”

    Romney himself tried the same silly spin with ABC News, telling David Muir when asked about the damaging headlines: “You know, I tend to tell people what I actually believe, and referring to the comments that were made in the media is something which I felt was an honest reflection of what was being concerned, or what was concerning folks.”

    That quote is alarming on two levels: First, Romney never seems to say what he actually believes, and, second, he doesn’t seem to actually speak English.

    Mitt’s foray showed some new colors, as he intended, but they were not flattering ones. We now know how little he knows about the world, how really slow on his feet he is, what meager social and political agility he has.

    Wherever he went, whatever situation he was in, he remained frozen in himself. It was reminiscent of the stinging review of an Oscar Wilde lecture by Ambrose Bierce, who wrote that Wilde was a “gawky gowk” who “wanders about posing as a statue of himself.”

  6. vegaslib3:05 PM

    That's a great idea, I'll buy one. Hey why not make money off these asswipes.

  7. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Need a dose of 'cuteness', here's video of various adorable pups.

    Note that when one vid ends then another starts.
    Definitely 'kid' friendly!!! Ahhhhhhh!!

  8. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Mitt better watch out for the trickle down effect from the kennel, if you know what I mean. Hard to believe people would vote for this clueless buffoon totally based on their hatred for a black man in the white house. Make no mistake, no matter how they spin it, hatred for a black president drives most of what we are observing today.

  9. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Oh, I love it.

    Obama proposes:
    lower taxes on the 95% and raise them for the 5%

    Romney proposes:
    lower taxes on the 5% and raise them for the 95%

    Could it be any clearer????

  10. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Holy shit Batman! Mitt the Twitt just stepped in a big pile of shit.

    Time bring out the "Obama and the media caused his demise bullshit".

  11. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Hello, human diary. It is I, Mitt Romney, your better.
    Success! I have convinced my staff to schedule some vacation time with my bus. It will only be four days, From Virginia to Florida, but it will be a welcome change of pace from this European trip, which was astonishingly successful and which we will never speak of again. I do note that London has so far followed my suggestion as to not botching their Olympics. Not botching these Olympics was originally my idea, so I am happy to take a bit of credit for that.

    As for the new bus tour, it is still unclear whether I will be obligated to bring a vice presidential unit along. It will be the week before the convention, and thus the last possible week to make the decision, but I do not want any of these prospective candidates hanging around either me or the bus any longer than necessary. Most of them are as dull-eyed as a dead varmint, and all of them are alarmingly poor. I once hunted varmints, you know. During our recent meeting Dick Cheney and I regaled each other with uproarious tales of our hunting adventures, although I will confess his anecdote was far superior.

    I am tired now, so that will be all. I am looking forward to another bus adventure, Mr. Diary! I will have to remember what foodstuffs are popular in Florida, so that I may compliment their local culture for having those things.

    1. Anonymous4:31 AM

      Really on point BUT you were a little too nice.

  12. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Follow the bouncing Mitt

  13. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Mitt Romney Didn’t Want To Profit From R-Rated Movies (But He Did Anyway)

    If his handling of the R-rated movie deal is any indication, however, it wouldn’t have made much of a difference if he had objected, even from a deep, moral place. Here’s how Romney handled the quandary:

    Rehnert calmed Romney’s image concerns by enlisting a Chicago firm to join the deal, sharing the risk and deflecting attention from Bain.

    Romney, balancing his duty to make money for his investors with his religious beliefs, let the deal go through, but declined to co-invest his own money, which partners usually did.

    ”I didn’t want to profit from a studio that made R-rated movies,” Romney said recently.

    By the time Bain Capital sold its interest in Artisan in 1999, it had more than tripled its investment.

    So, while Romney wouldn’t watch Reservoir Dogs, he still made money off of it, he just wouldn’t invest his own money. It has all the nobility of Judas only using his thirty pieces of silver to buy free-range poultry.

    If Mitt Romney is able to navigate a loophole around his own religion, what hope do you think the IRS, or the American people, have of nailing him down?

  14. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Another Mitt wtf.

    "Romney Taps Former Paulson Aide, Fannie Mae Vet For Bain Rehab"

    "Davis is currently a partner at the Brunswick Group in Washington, D.C., a corporate public relations and strategy firm, where she was reportedly the firm's lead — alongside then-Brunswick executive Hilary Rosen — in managing the oil company BP's public relations effort in the wake of a giant Gulf of Mexico oil spill."

    Well ok then. This will work out well. Experience cleaning up toxic spills and accidents, that will be handy as Mitt gets ready for his bus trip.

    Her Fannie Mae experience is also described. Both Willard Bain rMONEY and Ann Rafalca Antoinette rMONEY just want their lives back, and they know how much it sucked to be Tony Hayward when the press was being mean to him. Matter of fact, they are real good friends with Tony, and share some of the same tax writeoff hobbies!

    This is a big step forward for the badly butthurt rMONEY campaign.

  15. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I LOVE horses (and have owned quite a few.
    I hope Rafalca dumps Jan fuckhead, kiss-Ann's ass pro-rider not really an Olympic amatuer Ebeling on his ASS. HARD.

  16. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Hey Gryphen,
    Can you post a side by side of Cruz, Mourdock and Palin (and any others that fit) What's with the crossed or wonky eyes of all these Teabaggers/ - something a bit stepfordish? Add Ginny Foxx in their too.

  17. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Brings to mind a line from the Bob Dylan song:

    "There's no success like failure,
    and failure's no success at all."

  18. Anonymous11:58 PM

    You forgot to mention that he didn'tt pay taxes for TEN YEARS according to a Bain official..

  19. Anonymous4:29 AM

    HE'S BAAAAAACK! Yippy! Romney not only embarrassed himself abroad- he made our country seem very small-minded to be presenting this man as a candidate for president just because he's OWED it and has unlimited funding. He is unworthy of the job. He should stick to money and Mormonism and leave the rest of us alone. He offers us nothing we want or need. But, alas, he won't go away and we must endore this loathsome flip-flopper until November.

  20. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Romney would tear down the USA in a heartbeat! There is something wrong with this man - all his lies, distortions and being out there totally for the very wealthiest. Can't people in America see this? He doesn't connect one bit with the middle class, and he sure doesn't have any answers to how to move our country forward. He's just all about being the petty puppet directed by the wealthiest who finance him through their huge donations, because they know he will totally look out for them. They know they can manipulate him to totally work for them. He can't even have the decency to put a few years of tax returns out there, and that shows a blatant disrespect for the American people. He definitely seems to be hiding things that if they got out there, would reveal how he is NOT this financial whiz who would care about the American people. He truly has no real answers or solutions - HE would become the problem if ever (God forbid!) he was elected POTUS.

    Pressure on this phony to get out and be transparent and level with the American people to PROVE he will truly understand them and will look out for them needs to be continued nonstop. He tries to get away with everything by hurling his hared, lies and distortions against our President Obama, but now we better start taking a good, intelligent look at what ROMNEY is all about! We need to start by looking at least 10 years of his tax returns!


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